End Times Scenario 3 ❖ Chuck Missler

  • Опубліковано 1 лют 2025


  • @papajohndavid
    @papajohndavid Рік тому +44

    All of Chucks teachings are absolutely fascinating 😃God bless him, even though he gone to the Lord, we'll meet him someday soon 🙏

  • @christophercoughlin9493
    @christophercoughlin9493 Рік тому +17

    The scenario Chuck describes seems closer than ever with the recent happenings in Israel! May Jesus return soon!

  • @joanneel9708
    @joanneel9708 Рік тому +23

    Love Chuck Missler’s Teachings …Wonderfully Simple ❤

  • @Flaquito5586
    @Flaquito5586 Рік тому +99

    See you guys in the clouds

  • @virginialypps9036
    @virginialypps9036 Рік тому +21

    Thank you Chuck for your knowledge !! ❤ Through our Messiah Jesus !! Hallelujah 🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌴🌴🌿

  • @SalvationinCHRISTalone888
    @SalvationinCHRISTalone888 Рік тому +22

    10/6/2023: Amen, shalom & maranatha from Hawaii🌺🌴. Miss you so much Brother Chuck. I am so glad your teaching videos are still being posted on social media bcz they are a BLESSING. Waiting, Watching while Working til I hear that holy blow 🎺🎺🎺🎺and heavenly shout 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️. Titus 2:11-13. Looking for that “BLESSED HOPE”. JESUS is our BLESSED HOPE👍🏾🤙👍🏾🤙🎚️

    • @sammcrae8892
      @sammcrae8892 9 місяців тому +1

      And this was told in the times of the psalm, the time of king David! Three thousand years ago. (Give or take, I'm bad at math, and too lazy to look it up)
      I used to think that the Bible was a collection of self serving tribal mythology that had no relevance or applicable use in modern times; just like most people believe today. Thank God that he shook me awake and showed me the Truth of the Lord Jesus Christ and His salvation in the Gospel.
      I'm literally STUNNED by my former ignorance, and that the deeper you look at the scriptures, the deeper and more profound you find them to be! If you are an unbeliever, READ and STUDY the Bible with an unbiased mind, and you will plainly see that there is NO WAY that the Bible was written by dozens of different people living over centuries of time and have it not only make sense, but have a consistent, profound, integrated narrative without the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. The Bible is true, and it is truly the HOLY WORD of GOD!
      If you are a rock solid atheist (like I was), then I CHALLENGE YOU to study it and try to show it is false. Treat it like a court case, and examine the evidence in the scriptures and use the evidence to convince yourself that it is not true.
      If you can be honest with yourself and do this; YOU WILL become a Christian, and join the many thousands of people who have done this over the past two thousand years. I DARE you to try it! All it will cost you is giving up some TV and videot gaming time. You don't even have to buy anything. You can download the King James Bible for free at www.gutenberg.org, and it's the best overall version IF you are an English language reader and speaker. There's also several websites that have free study tools. Trust me, it won't take very long, but I will warn you, that the time you spend becoming convicted and convinced will be miniscule compared to the time you will spend studying the Bible once you are. READ!
      Jesus Christ says: Come with me, if you want to live! (I know, it's a paraphrase.)

  • @Amy7892.
    @Amy7892. Рік тому +12

    That was great. Thank you for putting this on UA-cam.

    • @HalsPals
      @HalsPals  Рік тому +3

      You're welcome, Amy. I am very pleased that you enjoyed it and many thanks to K-House for allowing Chuck's videos to be posted on youtube.

  • @joeanndavis3509
    @joeanndavis3509 Рік тому +17

    Loves all his teaching

    • @GraftBranch
      @GraftBranch Рік тому +3

      Me too. He was one of the best

  • @jarrodkruger4886
    @jarrodkruger4886 Рік тому +6

    Should give us chills listening to this and seeing what is going on in Israel today.

    • @tomzhere1369
      @tomzhere1369 Рік тому

      It DID give me chills lol. And I've been studying bible prophecy for over 40 years! So exciting to see all of this unfold right before my eyes! All praise to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

    • @ayubnjuguna1800
      @ayubnjuguna1800 9 місяців тому

      Thank you Chuck. Interesting that today in 2024, eagerness to help Israel from the west is waning. Islam taking over and the woke population is anti Israel. The scenario today is Psalms 83

  • @sameatmon
    @sameatmon Рік тому +16

    Chuck I am blessed from your teaching, I will see you later as we rejoice in presence of Our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. Maranatha.

    • @allysonstuhlmiller6295
      @allysonstuhlmiller6295 Рік тому +6

      I just started to listen to him recently. What a wonderful mind he had. I really enjoy listening to all these archived messages.

    • @SalvationinCHRISTalone888
      @SalvationinCHRISTalone888 Рік тому +2

      10/6/23 see & meet you there too🌺🌴🎚️🎺🎺🎺

  • @kentjones6813
    @kentjones6813 Рік тому +7

    I really respect and cherish Chuck. A great insightful blessing to all humans for salvation in the name of Jesus Christ.

  • @doortjealkema6107
    @doortjealkema6107 Рік тому +10

    Chuck Missler i miss your teachings for those years.
    Often think wat should Chuck said.....❤Maranatha greetings from Fryslân

  • @pedenmk
    @pedenmk Рік тому +21

    Could the hidden ones be the remnant in Israel? I can't get enough of chucks teachings. Thanks for sharing. God bless.......

    • @fearofaflatearth
      @fearofaflatearth Рік тому +3

      Chuck discussed this a few times, I think the general consensus is that the "hidden treasured ones" refers to the remnant of the church in the end times or the remnant of Jews in the Great Tribulation. The debate mainly centers around when the war of Psalm 83 takes place (if it's after the antichrist is revealed, the Bible exclusively addresses Jews, therefore the "hidden treasured ones" logically must refer to the remnant of Jews).

    • @jerrycummins557
      @jerrycummins557 Рік тому +3

      We are the hidden ones. If you live in the secret place of the most high God of heaven. I'm pondering the thought that we're invisible to the demons. It's like they just can't even see us. I see them but they don't see me. I'm abiding in the secret place of the most High God of Isreal!!!

  • @warrenrodgers7544
    @warrenrodgers7544 Рік тому +3

    Let not your hearts be troubled for all these things must come to pass..... Weep not... For The Lion of the tribe of Judah hath prevailed !!! ....Thank You Jesus

  • @teresaarms-yr9bv
    @teresaarms-yr9bv Рік тому +11

    If he was alive now he would really think that we’re close to the return of Jesus

    • @MrWackywilson
      @MrWackywilson Рік тому +1

      He definitely would

    • @gabuli8310
      @gabuli8310 Рік тому +1

      I guess he's watching from Heaven, rejoicing about the soon return with His king

  • @solagratia8573
    @solagratia8573 Рік тому +8

    Here we are in early November 2023 and Israel has been at war nearly a month! She is in the Psalm 83 war! Jesus is coming back soon, very soon! Maranatha

    • @524kirkd
      @524kirkd Рік тому +1

      Interesting to see how it’s unfolding, isn’t it?! Chuck taught this during the Obama era so that had to be 7+ years ago but it’s like he’s watching the headlines from today’s news! Prophecy is written so that we might believe. So amazing!!

  • @mjsmith-jones7607
    @mjsmith-jones7607 Рік тому +10

    Wonderful message thank you

  • @JesusChristisKingandLord
    @JesusChristisKingandLord Рік тому +1

    Learning a lot🇵🇭❤️from the Philippines. Maranatha!

  • @beaupierrebondurant5651
    @beaupierrebondurant5651 Рік тому +3

    Maranatha, Jesus is coming again.

  • @nannynooshka8454
    @nannynooshka8454 9 місяців тому +2

    Cambridge University and scientists whom at present are causing publuc agression against Israel.
    Dr missler discusses many times the battle of the mind. In education in evolution athiests vs intelligent design. As a similitude of a sort.

  • @karenlusby3354
    @karenlusby3354 Рік тому +5

    Thank you!

  • @TheElizabethashby
    @TheElizabethashby Рік тому +6


  • @paulbortolazzo2831
    @paulbortolazzo2831 Рік тому +1

    Events of the beginning of sorrows, followed by the great tribulation, will precede the rapture of the church! Mat 24:4-8, 9-29)

  • @12pearls16
    @12pearls16 Рік тому +4

    Chuck was spot on!

    • @HalsPals
      @HalsPals  Рік тому

      Almost always. I'm not such a fan of Bob Cornuke like he is thinking the man is more of a sensationalist than a realist. The Dead Sea crossing , Noah's Ark and Temple Mount theories are very doubtful according to my studies. He's right on about Mt Sinai, however.

  • @allysonstuhlmiller6295
    @allysonstuhlmiller6295 Рік тому +7

    It's interesting that the two swords of Islam makes an X and now X is showing up all over the place. I wonder if this is connected.

  • @BornagainKev
    @BornagainKev 11 місяців тому +2

    An Assyrian from the bottomless pit? He might be Nimrod.

  • @elainel.1285
    @elainel.1285 Рік тому +6

    I believe the word used in Islam for deceit also know as deliberate deception is 'Taqiya'. Lying and being able to get away with it without impunity. In Islam, Taqiya or Taqiyya is a precautionary dissimulation or denial of religious belief and practice. Generally, taqiya is the action of committing a sinful act for a pious goal.

  • @TargttdGma
    @TargttdGma Рік тому +2

    I DO think ol' chuck does more than "suspect" what will occur, considering his employment history. Get ready, folks. PRAY HARD, and OFTEN.

  • @glennmurphy4820
    @glennmurphy4820 Рік тому +3

    Each half is 1260 days except Daniels rendition. He gets a little more in detail. The second half has an additional 30 days tacked on to it 1290 days and something happens to the world at that time. Probably the fixing of the breakage. The reduction of entropy in the world/creation.

  • @dennishagans6339
    @dennishagans6339 Рік тому +4

    2Th 2:1 Now we beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him,
    2Th 2:2 That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand.
    2Th 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
    2Th 2:4 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
    Our gathering together is the rapture, Paul specifically says that this will not happen until two things take place, the falling away and that man of sin be revealed, how on earth can you speak of immanency when there are things that must happen before our gathering together?
    Because immanency is a tenet of the pre-trib rapture it is part of the doctrine of the pre-trib rapture, and unfortunately doctrines of men sit in judgment of Gods word rather than God's word sitting in judgment of mans doctrines.
    doctrines are used to interpret God's word, we hold x dogma to be true and therefore x dogma interprets the scriptures in such a way that agrees with the dogma.

  • @dhaninel7902
    @dhaninel7902 Рік тому +3

    The current war in Gaza is the Psalm 83 war.

  • @paulbortolazzo2831
    @paulbortolazzo2831 Рік тому +2

    The pre-tribulation timing of the rapture is taking away from the Revelation of Jesus Christ! The rapture of the church out of the great tribulation wil take place after the 6th Seal, Rev. 7:9-17!

  • @whatsupdoc2dayutrickyrabbi896
    @whatsupdoc2dayutrickyrabbi896 Рік тому +1

    King James Bible
    For I say unto you, Ye shall not see me henceforth, till ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord.

  • @StaceyDawn70
    @StaceyDawn70 Рік тому +3

    November 10, 2023
    It could be happening now 🤨
    Psalm 83 is here.

    • @the-blt
      @the-blt Рік тому +1

      You could say this message aged well.

    • @StaceyDawn70
      @StaceyDawn70 Рік тому +1

      @@the-blt I agree, it’s timeless. This is how you know it’s truth.
      Much love and see you in the sky ☁️

    @JASONCTRIPP Рік тому +3


  • @Katya-zj7ni
    @Katya-zj7ni Рік тому +1

    Here in 2024 and the world is protesting against Israel under cover of sympathy for Palestine. God bless us all.

    • @DrinkYourNailPolish
      @DrinkYourNailPolish 8 місяців тому

      I tried making that point crystal clear to those who support the philistines but they would not listen to reason. They are hopelessly lost.
      I pity them b/c they will have to endure the great Tribulation for their willful ignorance.

  • @amandawolfe235
    @amandawolfe235 4 місяці тому

    wow 19:27+ is so spot on with what is happening in the world right now ….

  • @SuperSafetychick
    @SuperSafetychick Рік тому +3

    Lifestyle related diseases need for us to repent

  • @MrWackywilson
    @MrWackywilson Рік тому +1


  • @justfloat1
    @justfloat1 Рік тому +16

    Islam is the heads up Jesus was giving us,

    • @fearofaflatearth
      @fearofaflatearth Рік тому +3

      LoL no, Islam is the attempt by man to overcome the judgments of God.

    • @fearofaflatearth
      @fearofaflatearth Рік тому

      Islam is the church of Satan and the lost. Jesus came to save and bring people into the folds. Islam is only a warning in the sense that it is the first fruits of God's condemnation.

    • @fearofaflatearth
      @fearofaflatearth Рік тому

      Islam is just the antichrist. Goodnight Islam!

  • @physetermacrocephalus2209
    @physetermacrocephalus2209 Рік тому +4

    Given what recently happened its almost unthinkable the Jews would ever take down those walls; though they may if Gaza no longer existed which may actually end up being how this plays out. I just dont see how you succesfully and peacefully deport millions of people. Perhaps Gaza will be evacuated over time by ship and the people relocated to other Arab nations but honestly that also sounds unthinkable given the last 70 years. I guess something has to happen tho. Its in the prophecies

  • @paulbortolazzo2831
    @paulbortolazzo2831 Рік тому

    Jesus will come back for His bride at any moment after the sun, moon, and stars lose their light, the opening of the sixth seal in Rev. 7:9-17!

  • @jerrycummins557
    @jerrycummins557 Рік тому +2

    Is anyone still in doubt whose running things in the Whitehouse basement 🤔?

  • @joseph4916
    @joseph4916 Рік тому +3

    After 2000 years, we're just going to pick up with where we left off with the Temple? I think we have to answer questions like "why a Temple, why an alter, why animal sacrifice to begin with?"

    • @joe.s.wheelerjr.1721
      @joe.s.wheelerjr.1721 Рік тому +3

      It Is Prophecy! GOD'S WORD TO MAN.

    • @flwrangler
      @flwrangler Рік тому +2

      Rabbi's have been training for the new for the past 70 years. The Sanhedrin has been reinstated. Locating a Red Hiefer took years. A pure herd was found in the US. Now, after over many years, Israel has a thriving herd of Red Angus cattle, 3 or 4 perfect specimens, of the ideal age. Its ashes are necessary for the consecration of the new temple. All of the temple utensils have been duplicated. The alter is portable !
      Rabbi's in Yeshiva have been teaching temple laws to a select group of DNA confirmed Levites.
      The ideology that a temple is to be built, and it's going to catch Rabbi's by surprise, couldn't be further from reality!

  • @jaygirl5288
    @jaygirl5288 7 місяців тому

    What year was this recorded?

  • @GregoryBirulkin
    @GregoryBirulkin Рік тому

    Was this uploaded on the date of 911 for a reason? ✝️

    • @HalsPals
      @HalsPals  Рік тому +2

      No. Just a coincidence.

  • @jorgesanjines2302
    @jorgesanjines2302 Рік тому

    Please do not lie saying that this was done about a month ago brother Chuck Mistler went to be with the Lord about three years ago

    • @HalsPals
      @HalsPals  Рік тому +2

      You're so silly. This series was recorded in 2012 and Chuck died May 1, 2018. Please don't lie about when Chuck actually passed.

  • @shawnallenvicker7729
    @shawnallenvicker7729 Рік тому


  • @danksta7103
    @danksta7103 11 місяців тому +1

    Wow you posted this on 9/11 a month later israel is calling october 7 thier 911 and it's exactly what Chuck was talking about.

  • @joepickles1995
    @joepickles1995 Рік тому

    what date was this recorded?

  • @zer0tzer0
    @zer0tzer0 Рік тому +2

    Obama? That was two presidents ago. How old is this?

    • @HalsPals
      @HalsPals  Рік тому +4


    • @michaelstetzer3144
      @michaelstetzer3144 Рік тому +9

      The Word is relevant yesterday, today and tomorrow.

    • @ClassicRoyal
      @ClassicRoyal Рік тому

      Chuck died in 2018. So it has to be when the evil Obama was in office. So it’s just speculation of the time. However the rapture hasn’t happened yet, but this points all around what’s happening today!

    • @ts2thankful1
      @ts2thankful1 Рік тому +1

      Chuck Missler died May 1, 2018

    • @HalsPals
      @HalsPals  Рік тому +2

      @@ts2thankful1 I seem to always forget the exact date. Thanks for the reminder.

  • @Daffy_Ladie
    @Daffy_Ladie 3 місяці тому +1

    Nov 1 2024...actually happening

  • @CoreyTaylor-iu1yf
    @CoreyTaylor-iu1yf Рік тому

    Properly understand Daniel 9:27 you have to read Isaiah 10:22 on

  • @alexischeong4730
    @alexischeong4730 10 місяців тому +1

    18:49 The Malay Bible in my country refer to Jehovah as Allah. I searched the history on the origin of Allah i.e. the pantheon of gods. Later was used by the Muslims to refer to their god. I just pray and hope that these Christians in my country will stop calling our Father God as Allah. He is JEHOVAH!!

    • @HalsPals
      @HalsPals  10 місяців тому +2

      Allah was actually a pagan moon god from what I understand.

  • @katherinefields3665
    @katherinefields3665 Рік тому

    It’s beginning to look like a mid trib catching away

  • @seanvogel8067
    @seanvogel8067 Рік тому +1

    Webster 1828
    HOLP, HOLPEN, the antiquated pret. and pp. of help.

  • @robertbrown7470
    @robertbrown7470 Рік тому +4

    I wish Missler stayed clear of buying into a pre-trib rapture theory. At best, it's a theory and not a good one, but the movies and books were entertaining.

    • @SalvationinCHRISTalone888
      @SalvationinCHRISTalone888 Рік тому +7

      10/6/2023: Brother Missler was a scholar and did his homework BEFORE teaching anything about the Bible. Just bcz you do not believe it will happen does not mean it won’t. Take care. See & meet you in the air………PRE TRIBULATION✝️🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺🎚️Even so, come quickly, LORD JESUS.

    • @robertbrown7470
      @robertbrown7470 Рік тому

      @@SalvationinCHRISTalone888 What most people do not think about is this: the rapture is a situation where there are Christians that are alive and remain when Christ returns. The dead in Christ rise first.
      Paul made it very clear that when Jesus returns the dead in Christ will rise first and those that are alive and remain will be caught up.
      Nearly all Christians who ever lived will be dead by that time. The best estimate, on the low side, is that 49 Billion people have lived on this Earth at this time, 8 Billion remain. No one knows what percentage of people are true Christians, but let's say for argument it is two thirds. That may be high. No one knows. But if the percentage is similar to the angels that rebelled, that number is 1/3. 1/3 bad angels, 2/3 good angels.
      Say half for the heck of it. Half of 41 Billion that have alread died is 20.5 billion people. Then you have another 4 billion, half of the 8 billion on the planet now, roughly. That is 24.5 billion. If Jesus returned now, which he said he will not until certain things happen, 4.5 billion would be "raptured" or caught up after the 20 billion that are dead in Christ rise first.
      What I am simply pointing out is that there is no advantage or privelege to those in the rapture. All are Christians.
      As to the bigger draw for pre-trib rapture believers is the idea that they will not go through the tribulation, even though Christ promises that they will go through tribulation.
      The best video I have seen that explains why the pre-trib rapture theory is incorrect, if not down right false is this UA-cam video:
      4 Reasons We Don't Believe in a Pretribulation Rapture-Dalton Thomas
      Just cut and paste into UA-cam.
      The most important thing above all, above the Rapture, is the coming of Christ. Christ is human beings hope. There is no other and no other thing. The rapture is a thing or more specifically an event.

      @SP4RAPTURE Рік тому +2


    • @SalvationinCHRISTalone888
      @SalvationinCHRISTalone888 Рік тому +1

      @@SP4RAPTURE Yes, by all means. 🎺🎺🎺🎺🎺❤️💙✝️

    • @ClassicRoyal
      @ClassicRoyal Рік тому +2

      He reflects here sometimes pre trib possibly during mid trib. He says for us to study whatever he says. It is very complicated. That’s why I’m listening to these teachings.

  • @justfloat1
    @justfloat1 Рік тому +3

    God don’t count years, man does.
    666 ad the Islamic Shahada was created, worn on the right wrist, or forearm…….

  • @fearofaflatearth
    @fearofaflatearth Рік тому

    Is anybody still convinced I'm a military and commercial genius?

    • @tamaradeeks2707
      @tamaradeeks2707 Рік тому +3

      If it Was a flat Earth…Cats would have knocked everything off by now 😊, Thankyou Chuck for your wonderful explanations of our Bible, our Lord Jesus has taken you home & I pray I will be worthy to see you there one day, 🙏

  • @joanneel9708
    @joanneel9708 Рік тому

    King Charles has that code ….

  • @lumoore
    @lumoore Рік тому

    Tyre Hesbollah

  • @peggygarcia4316
    @peggygarcia4316 Рік тому

    Where China and Russia in this

  • @damianwhite504
    @damianwhite504 Рік тому

    mister Chuck, I have a quick observation, sir, I believe you are completely and utterly bonkers

  • @lisawdb1
    @lisawdb1 Рік тому

    Watching Nov 3 2023 psalm 83 in play and with Russia declaring Israel an enemy we have makings of ez 3839

  • @robertbrown7470
    @robertbrown7470 Рік тому +1

    Anyone ever read the communion passages? Jesus won't partake of the fruit of the vine until he drinks it new in the Kingdom of God. Matt 26:29, Mark 14:25, Luke 22:18. He won't return at just any time. The rapture will not take place until after the Anti-Christ appears in the new temple in Jerusalem claiming to be God. That has not been built and the Anti-Christ will do that in the middle of the final seven years which begins with a seven year covenant with Israel. Paul could not have been clearer but Scripture can be turned to say or not say whatever anyone wants it to say or not say.

  • @beaupierrebondurant5651
    @beaupierrebondurant5651 Рік тому

    Reverse Pentecost cometh.

  • @lumoore
    @lumoore Рік тому

    IshmaelitesFrom Hagar nNebajoth

  • @asawood4726
    @asawood4726 Рік тому

    A wondrous doctrine with a faults foundation. These things have already happened when Yeshua returned in the first-century, just as He said He would.

  • @swedishmanguy
    @swedishmanguy Рік тому

    Chuck was wrong about the "HIDDEN ONES" as being those in heaven after the rapture BECAUSE... the text said these men are scheming against Israel AND his hidden ones. Taken in context, human beings cannot scheme to destroy anyone who is in heaven.
    How could the great Chuck Missler have misunderstood that? Unless he wanted his audience to question him and not just take his word for it just because he was Chuck Missler. Don't you think?

    • @solagratia8573
      @solagratia8573 Рік тому

      Your contempt and sarcasm towards Chuck Missler is disgusting. Shame on you!

    • @swedishmanguy
      @swedishmanguy Рік тому

      @solagratia8573 no sarcasm and no contempt. He was wrong. He did say he did not know what it meant and that is correct. You obviously have a low iq for not understanding something so simple.

    • @Ddrake995
      @Ddrake995 Рік тому

      I give it interesting that you are so confident that you know more than Dr. Missler on this topic. You must have tons of confidence.

    • @swedishmanguy
      @swedishmanguy Рік тому

      @Ddrake995 I know the English language and context. It cannot be post rapture if the "HIDDEN AND TREASURED ONES", are rapture and in heaven... then how can those Muslim leaders plan to destroy Israel AND the raptured ones who would be in heaven??? That would be impossible. Therefore, the context confirms it cannot mean raptured Christians. Chuck Missler says in the same breath that HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT IT MEANS. So, Chuck said it himself; he doesn't know what HIDDEN and TREASURED ONES meant. He was just opining that he thought it MIGHT be post rapture....but that he DID NOT KNOW. It's obvious in context that it cannot possibly mean Christians in heaven. So, what does it mean? I don't know, but it's obvious it does not mean post rapture Christians in heaven. Chuck Missler was wrong about that.... but he said definitely he didn't know what that meant.

  • @maralfniqle5092
    @maralfniqle5092 Рік тому

    Yes Byzantiym was the capital of the"world" for 1100 years .. A little while😅 How on earth would one take the Greek lettersbto mean that? The triple six number? That is nonsense. They don't mean that at all it's all conjecture.

  • @lumoore
    @lumoore Рік тому


  • @hanonomiri
    @hanonomiri Рік тому


  • @robertbrown7470
    @robertbrown7470 Рік тому +2

    Since the rapture could happen at any time, maybe it happened when there were no cars, airplanes, etc. We missed it as did hundreds of millions or billions of other Christians. What would Paul say about that? Would he point us to 2nd Thessalonians Chapter 2? Hmmm?

  • @joanneel9708
    @joanneel9708 Рік тому

    King Charles is accepted by Israel, and he fits the bill …

  • @somefrigginguy2844
    @somefrigginguy2844 Рік тому


  • @michaelstetzer3144
    @michaelstetzer3144 Рік тому +2

    AC Won’t be a Jew.

    • @HalsPals
      @HalsPals  Рік тому +2

      He's an Assyrian which was also where the tribe of Dan moved into.

  • @Trialbyfire9
    @Trialbyfire9 Рік тому

    Yea that’s crazy how allahs name is 666 and the head band and wrist band revelation correlation

  • @Brwneydgrl69
    @Brwneydgrl69 Рік тому +4

    All of this has already happened.

  • @peggygarcia4316
    @peggygarcia4316 Рік тому

    China has a. Army 200,000

  • @lumoore
    @lumoore Рік тому


  • @wcophd
    @wcophd Рік тому

    Sounds like trump, god forbid.

  • @oldmanjoe6808
    @oldmanjoe6808 Рік тому +1

    An agent on a stage redefining Holy Scripture is certainly an agent of Satan. The true time line of End Time events is clearly given to us in Mt.24, particularly vs.29-31 when speaking on the "when" of the Rapture. When Christ returns in the clouds it is also Judgment Day on the self same day as the Rapture, and that Day He returns is also the destruction of this world, 2Tim.4:1. Every line of Holy Scripture must be factored in to Mt.24 and not alter this time line there as these confused false prophets so attempt for money and notoriety. Their goal is to deceive the elect, vs.24 and is countered by The Lord Jesus when He says to His elect in all seasons of time... " Behold, I have told you in advance." vs.25.

  • @donmilland7606
    @donmilland7606 Рік тому +1

    The other evening I was at the dog park minding my business. This guy comes up to me and introduces himself. I wondered to myself how long before he'd utter something crazy and stupid. As soon as I thought this. He said Biden imported over 200,000 migrants here by airplane so they wouldn't have to cross the border. I looked at him and gee Wayne, that's a lot of flights. At least 2000 if they were all packed on airplanes. What airlines were involved? What airports? I commented that's a lot of people wandering around an airport everyday but totally unnoticed. Who picked them up? As he mumbled something about it was conducted over a period time. I look at him dismissively and told him you got bad information. Poor Wayne, he wanted to believe that lie so badly - like many of you willing to believe anything coming out of ole racist Chuck's mouth. First he suggests his lies are possibilities. But a few minutes later, he comes out and declare the same lies as facts. What a lying hypocrite. SMDH

    • @fathersdaughter9139
      @fathersdaughter9139 Рік тому +1

      The Lord REBUKE you! I wouldn't go around falsely accusing others of sin when it's obvious you have zero Biblical knowledge and have no evidence to prove your empty lies. You know absolutely nothing about Chuck Missler's LOVE for Israel. Shame on you. You who attack others is because YOU feel unlearned and lost in your false beliefs.
      Your only hope is to repent and cry out to Jesus to save you from your ignorance and sin! Repent for God's kingdom is at hand.

    • @kmm21201
      @kmm21201 Рік тому +1

      Why are you here? Do you think we need you?

  • @ClintonBrownell
    @ClintonBrownell Рік тому +1

    He's taken the MARK. He's a shill.
    No Priest from GOD uses the word "rapture" to describe the 1st Resurrection. GOD's word is 1st Resurrection (Rev 20) not RAPTURE.
    Enoch (Priest & Prophet)

    • @marleneholloway7775
      @marleneholloway7775 Рік тому +2

      You can name it any thing else if you like..but it just means taken up. Choose your own words then.

    • @ClintonBrownell
      @ClintonBrownell Рік тому

      @@marleneholloway7775 I use SCRIPTURE to name it.

    • @physetermacrocephalus2209
      @physetermacrocephalus2209 Рік тому

      Isnt its true name the Harpatzo or whatever anyway