Cooldown reduction - 30% Damage modifiers - only crit, 100% Attack Speed - 100% Block chance - 80% Evasion and Accuracy - 30% Cheat death - 80% Resistance cap - 80% Healing increase - 80% Lifesteal - 100% Reduced energy cost - 50% Beneficial effect duration - TBD NOTE: General guideline, there are some various variables such as PvE vs PvP. Auroth the goat as usual. I’m just writing these as notes to look at easier as a summary of what I learned from you today sir!
You gotta specify on crit, since there's Chance and Damage. Chance, yeah, 100%, but damage, the game actually tells you once a 'crit chance' procs, you already deal 'double' of normal damage, baseline, plus the ones from other sources, like saphires, up to 54% extra on these, at least.
crit hit chance and crit dmg increase both cap @100%. this does not apply to 'increase crit damage the target receive by x%' +% damage mod commonly has two categories, SUM(a%, b%, c%...) and MAX(a%, b%, c%...)+x%. The latter has a cap of 100%(only wiz with wildfire set and blood of the wind can achieve that).
I just clarified in the comments what the cap on crit damage is and off we go) Thank you very much. Finally, I will stop arguing with my friends about caps without any reason
@@Auroth_DII'd like to second the motion. For example, after more than a year of playing, I only just now was told that "%damage reduction from players" is *not* strifed. That suddenly would make that stat move from useless to being useful. But then again, I have no way to confirm that this is really the case.
Nice to have a overview. What I did not hear you mentioning is magic find. I am not sure if I should care about magic find at all? Maybe you could say what you think about it.
Thanks for the video Auroth. Great stuff as usual! The biggest take away for me here as someone who is focused on pvp is it is possible to make use of and possibly very useful to over cap certain stats to allow for Strife. Something ive tested and long suspected myself but wasnt 100% sure on. Thank you for clarifying!
what things do you have in mind here? e.g. you can't overcap accuracy. even if you theoretically have more than 30% in PvE, you'll always be strifed from 30% -> 9% in PvP
One more info for the block is that you can't block crits so even if you have capped it you won't benefit from the full bonus against players with 30-35% crit chance (which isn't too hard to reach even for f2p players with gloom set).
Thank you! I do not want to take credit for calculating these myself though. Through the diablo partner program I requested a list of caps so that I could share them with the community and many of the caps in this video were on that list 🙏 Have an awesome evening!
I think it's worth noting that the 30% attack speed from Vithus isn't affected by strife debuff so you would want to keep that attack speed buff over another if you are worried about hitting the cap. Though in pvp hitting the cap isn't that easy anyhow.
Hello Auroth What is the difference between critical damage and basic damage, and why choose one over the other (in reforges)? because i have a teory. Suppose your attacks deal 1,000 damage (critical hits would be 2,000, assuming a 2x multiplier). With +20% basic damage, your normal attacks would increase to 1,200, and critical hits would become 2,400 (since the base damage increase also affects critical damage). With +20% critical damage, your critical hits would increase to 2,200 (calculated as 1,000 base damage + (1,000 × 2.2)). Normal attacks would remain 1,000. --- Conclusion: Increasing basic damage is generally better because it boosts both normal and critical hits, while critical damage only affects critical hits.
@Auroth_DI I've seen it, I watch all your videos, it actually helps me a lot and I try to understand it as best as possible with subtitles because I don't speak English very well, but the thing is that I'm not sure about my reforges. I have a video with my tempest and in it I use the reforges of: main attack damage, beneficial effects, attack speed, damage to enemies that suffer loss of control and damage to demons. The problem is that I'm not sure if the main attack or the critical damage is better.
Great. As per beneficial effect (BE) and my testing with my crusader, I do not see limits in duration for at least common skills. For example, condem can be extended as much as you have BE. It goes the same for Draw and Quarter duration. The formulas I deducted and that works well is : Total duration = Base duration * (1+(vithu 2P+ magic attributes)/100) * (1+(family bonus + Gem bonus)/100 * (1+awakening bonus/100) * (1+rune bonus/100) Bonuses are in % and do not stack. It works like "brackets" such as DPS you already mentioned in previous videos (MAO did a video on that topic by the way, but was not accurate) Note that Conjuration of light duration in its shield form is caped at 7 seconds, not more:) Depending on the skill, duration mechanics could not be the same (you said it on the video)
Thanks for your nice msg! 😃 Why do you divide by 100? Should it not be Base Duration * (1 + 2p vithu + magical attributes) * etc etc etc? Do you mean reforges when u write ”famill bonus”? This is new info to me so thanks for sharing. I have never tried to investigate bed brackets before but will def test your findings myself :) Edit: I guess that you divide by 100 because instead of calculating 1 + 30% u calculated 1 + (30/100) 😉
Thanks for another great video! 👍 Would be also useful a video on stat stacking - what stacks with what and what doesn't. Also, I do not know how others, but I am a bit lost with runes - I keep upgrading but do not see the point, how to get legendary ones [I got 3 but didn't even notice from where!]. Many thanks!
I spent countless hours investigating this topic but there are so many inconsistencies 🙏 I could release a general video on the topic though that can at least give som thumb rules 😊
Caveat to attack speed / primary attack speed cap is for your summons like zephyrs don’t stop at 100% - I run over cap on purpose with my 3 zephyr build specifically to keep improving my zephyr dmg through faster attacks
Great video, Auroth! Can you explain exactly how Stun Resistance, etc, work and how they relate to the resistance one gets from topazes, if at all? If I have 50% Stun Resistance (ignoring Strife for now), does that mean that 50% of the time I will not be stunned at all? Or, does it mean that the length of the stun is reduced by 50% - kind of how topazes work?
The secondary stat ”resistance” will shorten the duration of any type of harmfull effect that lands on you (dots, slow, stun, armor breaks etc) Stun resistance works exactly as u described. If something tries to stun you and you have 50% stun resistance it will fail 50% of the time.
I saw you made this video with mobilux about barb max dps a xouple months ago and jt was very detailed , but for the affixes you only mentioned the wrath of berserker one .... Which magic attributes should a barbarian look for ? Thanks in advance !
Very much appreciated for the stats, it really helps understand min, maxing & balance of synergy, I wanted to ask ur advice on mechanics, for example Shield Procs, Having a Frozen Heart L Gem, MountB set, essence's i.e dash creates a shield like Tempest Breaker & Paragon Tree with Shield skills & Legendary shield skill, on paper the synergy seems very Defensive but been having a hard time testing as some of the Shields seem to proc at once & dont stack, can u advise me on how the mechanics work is there a cap % on Shield procs Anyway apologies if my question is baffling, its baffling to me also 😅 Keep up the Great work, Your Legendary work & understanding has revolutionised the way we play & has made us so much Stronger, once again really appreciate ur content 🙏
This would be a great topic as well! I am afraid I do not have any knowledge about shield stacking and how it procs. Maybe I can find out in the future 🙏
I've got one! Is there a cap to damage reduction? How do modifiers causing damage reduction stack on each other? Is it additive, multiplicative, or does the algorithm only use the highest reduction amount? For example, if I had 8% damage reduction from players and (after strife) 10% damage reduction while suffering loss of control (when are we not cc'd in PvP?), what would my total damage reduction be? Additive: 18% Multiplicative: 17% or Highest: 10% As a necro, if I'm inside my golem that gives 50% damage reduction, split 20% of the damage received with my skeletons, and really stack up on reforges and enchantments that give damage reduction, could I make myself invincible?
Thanks. What about things like reduced damage taken, or reduced damage taken when effected by loss of control, or reduced damage taken by nearby enemies, and reduced damage taken when moving… do these have caps, are they shared with anything else like the 70% damage reduction cap, and are they different for PVP and PVE?
I think they are shared so if u combine them u can get up to the cap (in pvp the cap should be the same but since u are strifed it is harder to reach it) I am not 100% sure about it this is my educated guess 🙏
thanks for the video, mate regarding beneficial effect duration and cooldown reduction ... what's 'better'? for example the runes: we have the yellow TYR rune with 4.5% beneficial effect duration and the orange OTH rune with 4% skill cooldown reduction ... is the yellow one better? :) I'm lost :D
Each percentage in cooldown reduction is more effective (since the cooldown is longer than the duration) but the cap at 30% is quite easy to reach. CDR also affects all skills
I have some questions about the fervent fang gem how does it work? Some people say it mark the stacks by primary atk and other dmg cant incease the stacks so if we stop primary atk it the stack will reset. Another question is crit dmg cap. For example i have 80 crit damge and 5k ap which give me 50 crit damage increase does that mean that i got 130 crit damge or only 100?
@ I know what the game says it does and what the tower says it does. My personal experience is that I get more greens. Everyone says this isn’t possible and yet I get less greens when the clan doesn’t have that tower and more when it does….*shrug*
@ I might be wrong 🤷 It is quite hard to measure it (or well might be doable with a very large sample size) I will ask around a bit and see what answers I get 🙏
I tested this back when I was playing a Painsower DH build and CDR had no effect on how long I could channel Strafe. The skill has a momentary cooldown between when you stop channeling and when you can start again. That's what gets shortened by CDR...not very useful.
Great content. How would you rank the following for PVP damage reduce nearby, damage taken, damage against the player, damage increase to lost of control, etc. I never know which reforge’s are best when it comes to PVP.
idk maybe is just me but how come I don't see many set pieces with crit chance and crit damage not as often as when we were lvl 1000 + in this meta is really weird man my damage is not like it was before
What do you think the best class is for low resonance in PVP? I play necro as f2p rn but I want to know what class can give the most value with low reso.
Hello. To this day I don't understand how critical damage works, in my tests it didn't seem to work as it should, can you explain it to me? And if it has a cap
As mentioned in this video the cap is 100% (200% including base chd) Each time you deal a critical hit you will deal 1+your chd times more dmg compared to a normal hit.
There a question i've wanted to ask. On the dot gems like everlasting torment/vipers bite/seeping bile it says that the same effect cannot occur on the same target more often than every 20 sec. Does that mean that in a pve set up if my team mate procs the dot effect of one of those gems i wouldnt be able to proc the dot effect of my own gems on the same target for the next 20 seconds?
Do you have a video explaining how the caps actually work? IE the math behind them, or at least some deeper insight? The reason being is, for example, I was testing builds with my tempest, and there is an off-hand item giving you 28.5% Attack Speed for 3 sec, and pants giving you 13.3% AS for every zephyr you control, up to 3, meaning up to 39.9% AS So I said why not use both? This works, RIGHT? WRONG 🤡not only they don't add up, but my buffs don't work as expected AT ALL and I don't even know where to begin... I have a base 19.5% increase in AS coming from items and runes: 3 vengeance fam bonus attributes, 1 of 1.5% and 2 of 2% total 5.5% 2 Imm runes 2% each total 4% Offensive Stance (Passive 10%) That adds up, nothing wrong here... But then... For combat I have: Offensive Stance (Active 20% for 3 sec) Vithu's 4/6 (30% for 3 sec) Grim Rhythm 2** LV5 (14% AS for 3 sec) Windswept Promise (13.3% per zephyr, max 3, 39.9% AS total, 8 sec) So, for at least 3 sec, I SHOULD BE REACHING A.S. CAP (theoretical +120% AS)... 🤡🤡🤡but I am barely reaching 63.5 attack speed 🤡🤡🤡 I have no f****n clue of WTH is going on
I dont know the exact system behind it but in general there are a few different groups You have legendary gems that all do stack with each other. You have attack speed attributes that stack with each other (there might bea cap on this group as well but I am not sure) Then you have a buff group where in general the highest buff counts (but there are exceptions to this) I have not been avle to crack it entirely but it is quite ez to see what stacks or not by removing all layers of atk speed and then reequip it after
so, pvp effectively has roughly 3x the caps right? if i have 300% attack speed in pve (not that we can get this), then I'll have 100% attack speed in pvp? did the dev actually confirm this is the case?
Not sure about other stats, but I think for accuracy, crit chance crit damage, skill CD only 1/3 stats effective in pvp but block chance only 1/2 from full amount. The only one not strifed in pvp is mov speed.
Also most set and essence effects are not strifed. Awakening effects are also not strifed. I will try to figure out as much as I can about strife and release a video on the topic 🙏
@@Mobiledash52 The attribute screen does unfortunately not include all sources so you have to count manually. For example with critical hit damage I think everything shows up on the attribute screen except for bonus from armor penetration. So if your critical hit damage on attribute screen is 60% u only need 40% bonus from armor pen to cap. I might be missing some more sources that doesn’t show up so the best way is to manually add all sources together 😊
@ I have 1 more question: I play as monk and have 35% dmg reduction from Shield of Zen, If I have a BattleGuard gem 2* rank10, I ll have (35+24)=59% dmg reduction (with melee dmg)? Do it stack w together bro?
At least include a screenshot as evidence of your statement in this video. This is not valid because it is only discussed without providing an explanation or evidence. So, in my opinion, this video is merely personal validation and not valid. At the very least, you need to prove what you are talking about in this video. I understand what you are talking about; this is an additional effect from magic attributes and also legendary gems. I also understand where the sources of magic attributes you mentioned come from: 1. Hellquarry remains 2. Equipment (Green, Orange) 3. Reforge Stone 4. Legendary Gems 5. Bonus Socket Legendary Gems At a minimum, provide the evidence, because if it’s just making personal statements, anyone can do that! You also need to know that Dawning Echo provides a CDR effect on some skill essences. Hopefully, you can provide proof of the content in your video in the next upload. Thank you.
If you don’t want to trust me that is fine. 🤷🏼 These caps were given to us diablo partners by blizzard after I asked them to provide it but things are also complicated and there are instances where there might be inconsistencies as mentioned in the disclaimer section. Have a nice day ☺️ Edit: To be clear this video is not personal statements and if I ever do personal statements there is always rigorous testing behind it. It takes a long time to produce content and I can not provide evidence for every claim in every video but I do believe that my track record is great even if I might sometimes make a mistake. Also you are correct that some awakening effects gives cdr and I have talked about it in many videos. Thanks for clarifying it ☺️
@Auroth_DI then prove me wrong. let's take reforge stones. as a F2P we get so little then you can't forget to aim for beneficial effect duration on every piece. as a P2W you can at least buy some extra. and that's one example.
With time you can cap your reforges. My summoner reforge setup is maxed with normal reforge stones. I have released many guides on this topic that you can check. Magical atrributes is totally f2p (if optimized this gives you 24% criticall hit chance) Familiars (with the new familiar system it is a lot more f2p friendly and easier to acquire 4x maim trait that gives you 8% critical hit chance) Runes (I have dropped both for free that gives me 8% critical hit chance) Mother’s Lament (This will give you a lot of critical hit chance even at low ranks) Roiling Consequence (This will give you a lot of critical hit chance even at low ranks) Warband remnants (there are some remnants that gives critical hit chance) Enchantment (this is a f2p endgame mechanic that allows u to reroll one magical attribute on each item) Base crit chance is always 3% As f2p you might need some more time to optimize some stats but almost all modifiers you can think of can be min/maxed as f2p Feel free to watch my f2p series and especially part one. I have also released several low reso setup guides lately where you can see amazing output as f2p thanks to optimizing these stats. Have an awesome day! Edit: I used critical hit chance as an example here but most stats are very f2p/low spender friendly to work on 🙏
Apollyon Gaming talked about his video, gave a summary of his video and asked us to watch his original video in full.Apollyon Gaming talked about his video, gave a summary of his video and asked us to watch his original video in full.
I forgot to mention the 70% movement speed cap 🙏
I could have waited three minutes to type this useless comment 😂😂😂 you answered later in the video for strife and caps
@@Erian_26 зараз всі персонажі мають уміння прискорення
Зелені речі мають прискорення проте кап сумки 20% і ще 50% від уміння
try using wb room block chance @@Erian_26
Cooldown reduction - 30%
Damage modifiers - only crit, 100%
Attack Speed - 100%
Block chance - 80%
Evasion and Accuracy - 30%
Cheat death - 80%
Resistance cap - 80%
Healing increase - 80%
Lifesteal - 100%
Reduced energy cost - 50%
Beneficial effect duration - TBD
NOTE: General guideline, there are some various variables such as PvE vs PvP. Auroth the goat as usual. I’m just writing these as notes to look at easier as a summary of what I learned from you today sir!
I put a summary in the end of the video as well 😊
You gotta specify on crit, since there's Chance and Damage. Chance, yeah, 100%, but damage, the game actually tells you once a 'crit chance' procs, you already deal 'double' of normal damage, baseline, plus the ones from other sources, like saphires, up to 54% extra on these, at least.
Critical hit chance?
crit hit chance and crit dmg increase both cap @100%. this does not apply to 'increase crit damage the target receive by x%'
+% damage mod commonly has two categories, SUM(a%, b%, c%...) and MAX(a%, b%, c%...)+x%. The latter has a cap of 100%(only wiz with wildfire set and blood of the wind can achieve that).
any cap on harmful effect duration also? :0
Топ 1 відео з інформацією діабло)
I just clarified in the comments what the cap on crit damage is and off we go) Thank you very much. Finally, I will stop arguing with my friends about caps without any reason
We need a guide for whats strifed in BG. Thats what we need.
I might make a guide of what I know 🙏
Edit: It seems to be a quite complicated issue because there are inconsistencies
@@Auroth_DII'd like to second the motion. For example, after more than a year of playing, I only just now was told that "%damage reduction from players" is *not* strifed. That suddenly would make that stat move from useless to being useful. But then again, I have no way to confirm that this is really the case.
@@gerardmonsen1267 I will try to get more clear info on this topic and release a video if I manage to do so 🙏
THE best video on that topic!!! congrats auroth!
Thank you! 😍
Nice to have a overview. What I did not hear you mentioning is magic find. I am not sure if I should care about magic find at all? Maybe you could say what you think about it.
Thanks for the video Auroth. Great stuff as usual! The biggest take away for me here as someone who is focused on pvp is it is possible to make use of and possibly very useful to over cap certain stats to allow for Strife. Something ive tested and long suspected myself but wasnt 100% sure on. Thank you for clarifying!
I’m happy it was useful for you 🙏
what things do you have in mind here? e.g. you can't overcap accuracy. even if you theoretically have more than 30% in PvE, you'll always be strifed from 30% -> 9% in PvP
Over capping cdr, attack speed and movespeed
I'm referring to what the video describes at 5:14
ive been wanting to know these info/stats. Thank you
You’re welcome!
Glad to help!
Came for Diablo, stayed for the music
Great to see u here! 😍
Thank u. Was looking for this. 🙏🏼🔥🔥
You're welcome 😊
One more info for the block is that you can't block crits so even if you have capped it you won't benefit from the full bonus against players with 30-35% crit chance (which isn't too hard to reach even for f2p players with gloom set).
I believe blocks can mitigate some of the crit dmg but I am not 100% sure 🙏
I believe crit damage is unblockabke because it's like True damage...I think to mitigate this is to have a higher crit damage resistance...
👋👋👋Bro, you're a genius, I couldn't find this data anywhere, thanks a lot!
Thank you!
I do not want to take credit for calculating these myself though.
Through the diablo partner program I requested a list of caps so that I could share them with the community and many of the caps in this video were on that list 🙏
Have an awesome evening!
@@Auroth_DI Thank you for your hard work, you've done well!
I think it's worth noting that the 30% attack speed from Vithus isn't affected by strife debuff so you would want to keep that attack speed buff over another if you are worried about hitting the cap. Though in pvp hitting the cap isn't that easy anyhow.
Hello Auroth
What is the difference between critical damage and basic damage, and why choose one over the other (in reforges)?
because i have a teory.
Suppose your attacks deal 1,000 damage (critical hits would be 2,000, assuming a 2x multiplier).
With +20% basic damage, your normal attacks would increase to 1,200, and critical hits would become 2,400 (since the base damage increase also affects critical damage).
With +20% critical damage, your critical hits would increase to 2,200 (calculated as 1,000 base damage + (1,000 × 2.2)). Normal attacks would remain 1,000.
Conclusion: Increasing basic damage is generally better because it boosts both normal and critical hits, while critical damage only affects critical hits.
Check part 1 of my f2p series for the entire dmg formula 🙏
@Auroth_DI I've seen it, I watch all your videos, it actually helps me a lot and I try to understand it as best as possible with subtitles because I don't speak English very well, but the thing is that I'm not sure about my reforges. I have a video with my tempest and in it I use the reforges of: main attack damage, beneficial effects, attack speed, damage to enemies that suffer loss of control and damage to demons.
The problem is that I'm not sure if the main attack or the critical damage is better.
Great. As per beneficial effect (BE) and my testing with my crusader, I do not see limits in duration for at least common skills. For example, condem can be extended as much as you have BE. It goes the same for Draw and Quarter duration. The formulas I deducted and that works well is :
Total duration = Base duration * (1+(vithu 2P+ magic attributes)/100) * (1+(family bonus + Gem bonus)/100 * (1+awakening bonus/100) * (1+rune bonus/100)
Bonuses are in % and do not stack. It works like "brackets" such as DPS you already mentioned in previous videos (MAO did a video on that topic by the way, but was not accurate)
Note that Conjuration of light duration in its shield form is caped at 7 seconds, not more:)
Depending on the skill, duration mechanics could not be the same (you said it on the video)
Thanks for your nice msg! 😃
Why do you divide by 100?
Should it not be Base Duration * (1 + 2p vithu + magical attributes) * etc etc etc?
Do you mean reforges when u write ”famill bonus”?
This is new info to me so thanks for sharing. I have never tried to investigate bed brackets before but will def test your findings myself :)
Edit: I guess that you divide by 100 because instead of calculating 1 + 30% u calculated 1 + (30/100) 😉
@@Auroth_DI Yes, Family bonus = bonus attributes that you can reforge
Thanks for another great video! 👍
Would be also useful a video on stat stacking - what stacks with what and what doesn't.
Also, I do not know how others, but I am a bit lost with runes - I keep upgrading but do not see the point, how to get legendary ones [I got 3 but didn't even notice from where!].
Many thanks!
I spent countless hours investigating this topic but there are so many inconsistencies 🙏
I could release a general video on the topic though that can at least give som thumb rules 😊
@@Auroth_DI Would be great! :)
Caveat to attack speed / primary attack speed cap is for your summons like zephyrs don’t stop at 100% - I run over cap on purpose with my 3 zephyr build specifically to keep improving my zephyr dmg through faster attacks
I forgot to mention this 🙏
Great video, Auroth!
Can you explain exactly how Stun Resistance, etc, work and how they relate to the resistance one gets from topazes, if at all?
If I have 50% Stun Resistance (ignoring Strife for now), does that mean that 50% of the time I will not be stunned at all? Or, does it mean that the length of the stun is reduced by 50% - kind of how topazes work?
The secondary stat ”resistance” will shorten the duration of any type of harmfull effect that lands on you (dots, slow, stun, armor breaks etc)
Stun resistance works exactly as u described. If something tries to stun you and you have 50% stun resistance it will fail 50% of the time.
I saw you made this video with mobilux about barb max dps a xouple months ago and jt was very detailed , but for the affixes you only mentioned the wrath of berserker one .... Which magic attributes should a barbarian look for ? Thanks in advance !
I am not sure if any other affix is important for PvE. Maybe the hota affix.
I am not a barb expert 🙏
Very much appreciated for the stats, it really helps understand min, maxing & balance of synergy,
I wanted to ask ur advice on mechanics, for example Shield Procs, Having a Frozen Heart L Gem, MountB set, essence's i.e dash creates a shield like Tempest Breaker & Paragon Tree with Shield skills & Legendary shield skill, on paper the synergy seems very Defensive but been having a hard time testing as some of the Shields seem to proc at once & dont stack, can u advise me on how the mechanics work is there a cap % on Shield procs
Anyway apologies if my question is baffling, its baffling to me also 😅
Keep up the Great work, Your Legendary work & understanding has revolutionised the way we play & has made us so much Stronger, once again really appreciate ur content 🙏
This would be a great topic as well! I am afraid I do not have any knowledge about shield stacking and how it procs. Maybe I can find out in the future 🙏
what about player damage increase/reduction. I heard it was 10% but never seen it confirmed.
I dont know 🤷
wow, very important video, thanks
Glad you think so!
I've got one! Is there a cap to damage reduction? How do modifiers causing damage reduction stack on each other? Is it additive, multiplicative, or does the algorithm only use the highest reduction amount?
For example, if I had 8% damage reduction from players and (after strife) 10% damage reduction while suffering loss of control (when are we not cc'd in PvP?), what would my total damage reduction be? Additive: 18% Multiplicative: 17% or Highest: 10%
As a necro, if I'm inside my golem that gives 50% damage reduction, split 20% of the damage received with my skeletons, and really stack up on reforges and enchantments that give damage reduction, could I make myself invincible?
I am not 100% sure how they stack but I believe max is 70%
Thanks. What about things like reduced damage taken, or reduced damage taken when effected by loss of control, or reduced damage taken by nearby enemies, and reduced damage taken when moving… do these have caps, are they shared with anything else like the 70% damage reduction cap, and are they different for PVP and PVE?
I think they are shared so if u combine them u can get up to the cap (in pvp the cap should be the same but since u are strifed it is harder to reach it)
I am not 100% sure about it this is my educated guess 🙏
Now if we can get a sub menu for these some of these stats instead of counting each one on every gear. Like D4 has
Would be neat!
thanks for the video, mate
regarding beneficial effect duration and cooldown reduction ... what's 'better'?
for example the runes: we have the yellow TYR rune with 4.5% beneficial effect duration and the orange OTH rune with 4% skill cooldown reduction ... is the yellow one better? :) I'm lost :D
Each percentage in cooldown reduction is more effective (since the cooldown is longer than the duration) but the cap at 30% is quite easy to reach. CDR also affects all skills
I use bed rune since my cdr is capped 🙏
Aside from theory crafting, this is my next best topic in DI or any other game, stats. Thanks auroth for deep dive on it 🙌🏻
We are of the same breed then 😎
Waiting for your tempest build🤗
Coming soon!
How do you have that lightning surrounding you when you're channeling cyclone?
Higher graphic setting I think 😊
@Auroth_DI oooohhh....thankss
Cap on Damage Reduction seems to be 70% - a Dev answered that question in one of Craines videos
I have some questions about the fervent fang gem how does it work? Some people say it mark the stacks by primary atk and other dmg cant incease the stacks so if we stop primary atk it the stack will reset. Another question is crit dmg cap. For example i have 80 crit damge and 5k ap which give me 50 crit damage increase does that mean that i got 130 crit damge or only 100?
Oh yeah u answer the crit damage question alr sorry 😅
I believe fervent fang works with all dmg except for summons 🙏
Thanks for the answer
What’s the Damage reduction cap?
I believe it is 70%
Thank you!
You’re welcome! 😊
How does magic find work with towers? If you have a tower with + to magic find on dungeon boss, will you get more green drops?
I dont think it will affect number of greens or leggps but I am not sure 🙏
@Auroth why would they even have the tower then if it does nothing at all as you just indicated.
@@Grandstorm-mn6tn It increases rarity of normal items so more blues and yellows.
I am not 100% sure about this though so I might be wrong 🤷
@ I know what the game says it does and what the tower says it does. My personal experience is that I get more greens. Everyone says this isn’t possible and yet I get less greens when the clan doesn’t have that tower and more when it does….*shrug*
@ I might be wrong 🤷
It is quite hard to measure it (or well might be doable with a very large sample size)
I will ask around a bit and see what answers I get 🙏
Life regeneration is capped at 10% when outside of combat as well. Not sure if this can be increased with inc healing % need testing 😂
Can you make a new video with mobilux for a max dps barbarian build ? And does the build he used 4 months ago still works well ?
We might make more videos in the future for sure.
It is probably still decent 😊
@Auroth_DI thanks bud , you're cool
How does cooldown interact with channel skills?
Does cooldown decrease the energy consumption of channel skills?
Cd reduction decreses the recharge time and I believe it also allows u to channel longer (I am not sure but can be tested easily)
I tested this back when I was playing a Painsower DH build and CDR had no effect on how long I could channel Strafe. The skill has a momentary cooldown between when you stop channeling and when you can start again. That's what gets shortened by CDR...not very useful.
Great content. How would you rank the following for PVP damage reduce nearby, damage taken, damage against the player, damage increase to lost of control, etc. I never know which reforge’s are best when it comes to PVP.
It is very situational and depends on your class and build 🙏
Strife debuff actually brings you down to 30%. Not the 33.3% that you’d get by diving by 3.
Can you do a in depth build for tempest please!
I’m on it 🙏
@Auroth_DI there are other builds, but then there's "your builds" 🤌
idk maybe is just me but how come I don't see many set pieces with crit chance and crit damage not as often as when we were lvl 1000 +
in this meta is really weird man
my damage is not like it was before
Set items could never have those affixes
What do you think the best class is for low resonance in PVP? I play necro as f2p rn but I want to know what class can give the most value with low reso.
Probably barb but all classes can be somewhat viable if played correctly
Necro raid build please🙏
Hello. To this day I don't understand how critical damage works, in my tests it didn't seem to work as it should, can you explain it to me? And if it has a cap
As mentioned in this video the cap is 100% (200% including base chd)
Each time you deal a critical hit you will deal 1+your chd times more dmg compared to a normal hit.
There a question i've wanted to ask. On the dot gems like everlasting torment/vipers bite/seeping bile it says that the same effect cannot occur on the same target more often than every 20 sec. Does that mean that in a pve set up if my team mate procs the dot effect of one of those gems i wouldnt be able to proc the dot effect of my own gems on the same target for the next 20 seconds?
Correct. So keep this in mind when playing with friends 🙏
@@Auroth_DI Tyvm! Does this rule also apply for pvp?
Do you have a video explaining how the caps actually work? IE the math behind them, or at least some deeper insight?
The reason being is, for example, I was testing builds with my tempest, and there is an off-hand item giving you 28.5% Attack Speed for 3 sec, and pants giving you 13.3% AS for every zephyr you control, up to 3, meaning up to 39.9% AS
So I said why not use both? This works, RIGHT?
WRONG 🤡not only they don't add up, but my buffs don't work as expected AT ALL and I don't even know where to begin...
I have a base 19.5% increase in AS coming from items and runes:
3 vengeance fam bonus attributes, 1 of 1.5% and 2 of 2% total 5.5%
2 Imm runes 2% each total 4%
Offensive Stance (Passive 10%)
That adds up, nothing wrong here... But then...
For combat I have:
Offensive Stance (Active 20% for 3 sec)
Vithu's 4/6 (30% for 3 sec)
Grim Rhythm 2** LV5 (14% AS for 3 sec)
Windswept Promise (13.3% per zephyr, max 3, 39.9% AS total, 8 sec)
So, for at least 3 sec, I SHOULD BE REACHING A.S. CAP (theoretical +120% AS)...
🤡🤡🤡but I am barely reaching 63.5 attack speed 🤡🤡🤡
I have no f****n clue of WTH is going on
I dont know the exact system behind it but in general there are a few different groups
You have legendary gems that all do stack with each other.
You have attack speed attributes that stack with each other (there might bea cap on this group as well but I am not sure)
Then you have a buff group where in general the highest buff counts (but there are exceptions to this)
I have not been avle to crack it entirely but it is quite ez to see what stacks or not by removing all layers of atk speed and then reequip it after
Is there an internal cooldown on cheat death? I didn’t know it’s like savoir with the delay
I am quite sure but I don’t know how long it is 🙏
best place to farm gold coins?
Probably just hammer it in open world and do all events
@@Auroth_DI I'm out of coins enchanting items is expensive. I've rolled the last item 48 times and I still don't have what I wanted.
Ye it is quite resource intensive 🤷
so, pvp effectively has roughly 3x the caps right? if i have 300% attack speed in pve (not that we can get this), then I'll have 100% attack speed in pvp? did the dev actually confirm this is the case?
Yes but there might be instances where inconsistencies occur so use these caps as figures that will point you in the right direction 🙏
Not sure about other stats, but I think for accuracy, crit chance crit damage, skill CD only 1/3 stats effective in pvp but block chance only 1/2 from full amount. The only one not strifed in pvp is mov speed.
Also most set and essence effects are not strifed. Awakening effects are also not strifed.
I will try to figure out as much as I can about strife and release a video on the topic 🙏
Where is new necromancer builds??
I uploaded one last week 😊
Next video "How to check those buffs or caps" please 🥺
What do you mean?
If you wonder how to check what the caps are there are unfortunately no tooltips in game 🤷
@@Auroth_DIoh dang, oh well, thank you!
@ how to manually check them then?
@@Mobiledash52 The attribute screen does unfortunately not include all sources so you have to count manually.
For example with critical hit damage I think everything shows up on the attribute screen except for bonus from armor penetration.
So if your critical hit damage on attribute screen is 60% u only need 40% bonus from armor pen to cap.
I might be missing some more sources that doesn’t show up so the best way is to manually add all sources together 😊
Is critical hit chance also 100%?
How bout dmg reduce bro?
I believe it is 70%
@ I have 1 more question: I play as monk and have 35% dmg reduction from Shield of Zen, If I have a BattleGuard gem 2* rank10, I ll have (35+24)=59% dmg reduction (with melee dmg)? Do it stack w together bro?
@ battleguard reduces all dmaage taken and it stacks (remember that battleguard is strifed in PvP while shield of zen reduction is not)
@ ty bro
How are these effected in PvP? Since they’re reduced right?
Nvm as I typed this, you literally answered the question divide by 3 😅
Most stats are strifed but not most set and essence effects 🙏
how to even get life steal?
Some classes can but there are not many ways in game right now 🤷
35% on my barbarian
@@stiversonklock5580 That is something you get by way to get is 6 pc vithu and got curious about others methods to obtain life steal.
u have a discord server to play with other i'm new player
I can recommend this server:
didn't see crit chance
cap is 100% which is also logical 😃
@@Auroth_DI oh I actually didn't realize you could get 100% crit chance. thanks for the reply!
What about it? 😃
Congratulations! 🔥😎
At least include a screenshot as evidence of your statement in this video.
This is not valid because it is only discussed without providing an explanation or evidence.
So, in my opinion, this video is merely personal validation and not valid.
At the very least, you need to prove what you are talking about in this video.
I understand what you are talking about; this is an additional effect from magic attributes and also legendary gems.
I also understand where the sources of magic attributes you mentioned come from:
1. Hellquarry remains
2. Equipment (Green, Orange)
3. Reforge Stone
4. Legendary Gems
5. Bonus Socket Legendary Gems
At a minimum, provide the evidence, because if it’s just making personal statements, anyone can do that!
You also need to know that Dawning Echo provides a CDR effect on some skill essences.
Hopefully, you can provide proof of the content in your video in the next upload. Thank you.
If you don’t want to trust me that is fine. 🤷🏼
These caps were given to us diablo partners by blizzard after I asked them to provide it but things are also complicated and there are instances where there might be inconsistencies as mentioned in the disclaimer section.
Have a nice day ☺️
Edit: To be clear this video is not personal statements and if I ever do personal statements there is always rigorous testing behind it. It takes a long time to produce content and I can not provide evidence for every claim in every video but I do believe that my track record is great even if I might sometimes make a mistake. Also you are correct that some awakening effects gives cdr and I have talked about it in many videos. Thanks for clarifying it ☺️
atak speed cap in pvp 30%
P2w guide 😅
Let's be honest. As f2p players, there is no way we will ever max out all the stats in this lifetime 🤣
You couldnt be more wrong 🤷
@Auroth_DI then prove me wrong. let's take reforge stones. as a F2P we get so little then you can't forget to aim for beneficial effect duration on every piece. as a P2W you can at least buy some extra. and that's one example.
With time you can cap your reforges. My summoner reforge setup is maxed with normal reforge stones.
I have released many guides on this topic that you can check.
Magical atrributes is totally f2p (if optimized this gives you 24% criticall hit chance)
Familiars (with the new familiar system it is a lot more f2p friendly and easier to acquire 4x maim trait that gives you 8% critical hit chance)
Runes (I have dropped both for free that gives me 8% critical hit chance)
Mother’s Lament (This will give you a lot of critical hit chance even at low ranks)
Roiling Consequence (This will give you a lot of critical hit chance even at low ranks)
Warband remnants (there are some remnants that gives critical hit chance)
Enchantment (this is a f2p endgame mechanic that allows u to reroll one magical attribute on each item)
Base crit chance is always 3%
As f2p you might need some more time to optimize some stats but almost all modifiers you can think of can be min/maxed as f2p
Feel free to watch my f2p series and especially part one. I have also released several low reso setup guides lately where you can see amazing output as f2p thanks to optimizing these stats.
Have an awesome day!
Edit: I used critical hit chance as an example here but most stats are very f2p/low spender friendly to work on 🙏
Apollyon Gaming talked about his video, gave a summary of his video and asked us to watch his original video in full.Apollyon Gaming talked about his video, gave a summary of his video and asked us to watch his original video in full.
You're vidéos are so usefull for us man , Thank you Auroth for doing all this 🫵👌
Thank you for your support buddy! 😍