The description, unfortunately, carries the common false beliefs about Ueshiba and Aikido, that were perpetrated for many years, until people investigated the true history. "Aikido is rooted in several styles of jujitsu, in particular daitoryu-(aiki)jujitsu" -- No, its origins are ONLY Daito Ryu. Its Ueshiba's sword and jo alone that have other origins. "However most of Aikido's techniques are the result of Master Ueshiba's own innovation." -- No, all the techniques are from early Daito Ryu, and either assembled or created by Takeda Sokaku, who got them from other arts, such as Sumo. The scroll of Daito Ryu techniques that Ueshiba received can be viewed online as well as scrolls of techniques he gave out to students. They are mostly identical. The idea of "unification of all humanity" meant all countries being ruled under the Emperor of Japan, even if that reality had to be brought about by force. Ueshiba was an ultra-nationalist who supported the Japanese invasion of China, and taught the military and secret police how to kill people. He was a Class G war criminal.
I would watch all of these O Sensei Videos back in the 90's. I love watching him do his Aikido.
I Love O Sensei With All Of My Heart! (December 14th, 1883- April 26th, 1969) RIP, O-Sensei! The Last Classic Warrior!
Poetry in motion
The description, unfortunately, carries the common false beliefs about Ueshiba and Aikido, that were perpetrated for many years, until people investigated the true history.
"Aikido is rooted in several styles of jujitsu, in particular daitoryu-(aiki)jujitsu" -- No, its origins are ONLY Daito Ryu. Its Ueshiba's sword and jo alone that have other origins.
"However most of Aikido's techniques are the result of Master Ueshiba's own innovation." -- No, all the techniques are from early Daito Ryu, and either assembled or created by Takeda Sokaku, who got them from other arts, such as Sumo. The scroll of Daito Ryu techniques that Ueshiba received can be viewed online as well as scrolls of techniques he gave out to students. They are mostly identical.
The idea of "unification of all humanity" meant all countries being ruled under the Emperor of Japan, even if that reality had to be brought about by force. Ueshiba was an ultra-nationalist who supported the Japanese invasion of China, and taught the military and secret police how to kill people. He was a Class G war criminal.
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