AOC Exposes the Group Behind Super Bowl "Jesus" Ads

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 12 тис.

  • @KevinHell
    @KevinHell Рік тому +88

    Jesus said it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter his father's kingdom of heaven. Awkward for all the millionaires and billionaires.

    • @CloudsGirl7
      @CloudsGirl7 Рік тому +10

      Goes to show just how many of them actually believe in this stuff, huh?

    • @clintwalker6389
      @clintwalker6389 Рік тому

      Yea,and you think that’s disgusting,did you see the one where Joe Biden wife kisses Kamala’s husband on the lips?!?!?

    • @joebeal4212
      @joebeal4212 Рік тому +4

      Bernie Sanders would his guts squeezed out trying to fit through that door

    • @dystopiadaze
      @dystopiadaze Рік тому +5

      Church says "that's nonsense if you pay enough"

    • @he96765
      @he96765 Рік тому +8

      @@dystopiadaze nope, not even close, prosperity preachers yes, but they are pretenders

  • @champsammy13
    @champsammy13 Рік тому +81

    People would lose their minds if it were ads about Islam.

    • @garyandpattyworley6832
      @garyandpattyworley6832 Рік тому

      Exactly They never ever call out anybody but Jesus. That should tell everyone everything they need to know, but they’ve conditioned Everyone, breaks my heart. This is just the beginning. There was some crazy Super Bowl commercials about destruction, zombies people eating each other, so much more and they want to focus on this one little commercial? Of course. Just know that this organization doesn’t represent the body of Christ it’s a Psychological operation.

    • @stevemcelmy9354
      @stevemcelmy9354 Рік тому +10

      Don't think the Taliban would be placing supercool ads. This group are the equivalent of the Taliban.

    • @israelgarcia4476
      @israelgarcia4476 Рік тому +1

      Satan and his demons are behind Islam and every other false religion. Satan would never attack himself. But all religions and non religions attack the Bible and the teachings of Jesus.

    • @jaysonoweh2227
      @jaysonoweh2227 Рік тому +11

      @@stevemcelmy9354 bot.

    • @G2497i
      @G2497i Рік тому +7

      Muslims believe in Jesus too.

  • @sonnekent-holmes8730
    @sonnekent-holmes8730 Рік тому +10

    They *are* fascist if they believe their religious beliefs should hold dominion, and limit or remove other people’s basic human rights.

    • @CloudsGirl7
      @CloudsGirl7 Рік тому

      THANK YOU. 👏

    • @pooldead4521
      @pooldead4521 Рік тому

      I still don't understand how anyone has the audacity to tell a women what they can or can't do. My religious co-workers scream at me that abortion is murder and in the next sentence inform me their all for capital punishment.

    • @pooldead4521
      @pooldead4521 Рік тому

      @joshuahloyd How does any of this affect you? Women's healthcare(abortion services) hasn't been murder for 50 years. Your conspiracy theories don't stand up to facts. Drugging and mutilating children? Purge people that don't think like you? Got it!. Why bother arguing? You can go purge yourself moron!!

    • @pooldead4521
      @pooldead4521 Рік тому

      @joshuahloyd Delusional, Grooming, mutilating, drugging? Multiple sources before you peddle conspiracy theories. Fantasy thinkers like you are the real problem. Sounds like you think your better than me cuz you believe this shit. Just like Jesus," sigh"

  • @jmack129
    @jmack129 Рік тому +20

    If you have money for a Super Bowl commercial, some of the most expensive advertising in the WORLD, you should be PAYING TAXES

    • @davidhunt7249
      @davidhunt7249 Рік тому

      Damn straight! And, if a church uses their platform to inform the congregation to promote voting on legislation that negatively mines our basic rights in a malignant, oppressive manner, mixing politics and religion under one house, they should pay taxes.

    • @davidhunt7249
      @davidhunt7249 Рік тому +2

      @@Calciu_83 Ask that question to the body of the Christian right. They violate that concept entirely. Tax 'em!

    • @8arrows
      @8arrows Рік тому +1

      100%, and all Native American tribes should pay also. That’s coming from a Pawnee who doesn’t live on a reservation. (They’re not prisons. We can leave anytime we want). Ceos, and billionaires certainly must be paying too.

    • @user-hx8fn2he9q
      @user-hx8fn2he9q Рік тому

      So says all the godless, moral-less people that would step on others just to have their own situation improved. You focus on the very small minority of bad things that have gone on with some churches highlighted by the liberal, godless media, and ignore the amazing help that good churches provide to millions, even billions of people every day. I see the great works that our local churches do so often, and godless people like you could care less. But yes sure, let’s give our government more tax money, because they do so wonderful with it and spend it so efficiently. GREAT IDEA.

  • @brianmccollaum5489
    @brianmccollaum5489 Рік тому +13

    “Christian nationalism, they see that as a positive because they really do believe that this should be a country ruled by white, straight, ostensibly straight at least, Christian men, to the exclusion of women, people of other faiths, traditions, any kind of queer people, immigrants, except maybe immigrants from white Northern European countries who look like them.” ~ Rev. Dr. Carter Hayward

    • @williamchildress5869
      @williamchildress5869 Рік тому

      That settles it. If you disagree with the left then you are a racist or a fascist.
      As for me, I feel terrible about the lies and deception from those that support the party of slavery, the party of the KKK, and the party of Jim Crowe. The same party that wants to mutilate the genitalia of young children and deny basic biology when it comes to the sexes.

    • @jessoliver2955
      @jessoliver2955 Рік тому

      I’m a straight white male christian born in the U.S. the quickest way to get me into a fight is to put me in the same place as a white suprematist. You’re entitled to whatever religion you want to. ( if you don’t like my God it’s your loss.) Feminism is fine until it becomes toxic. Equal is fine. Just don’t look down on us. That’s foolish arrogance. Homosexuality is a birth defect, not their fault. It’s how they carry themselves in public that matters. Do whatever you want at home. Public flamboyance is a problem. It’s a hormonal imbalance, you don’t have to get silly with it. America was based on the “melting pot theory” l still believe in that. Also 1st. And 2nd. Amendments. My wife is black. So you’re full of self important sh-t. P.S. so was doctor Hayward

    • @maryc8552
      @maryc8552 Рік тому

      That is not even close.

    • @jessoliver2955
      @jessoliver2955 Рік тому

      @@maryc8552 WHAT is not even close? Was that even meant for me? If it was, you’re going to have to throw in a few more details. Or was it doc Hayward’s statements that you were referring to?

  • @CrystalFox25
    @CrystalFox25 Рік тому +7

    King Herod attempted to kill baby Jesus. His family had to flee to Egypt until the king died… Therefore Jesus was an immigrant. Pretty hard to see Him as hating immigrants when He was one…

    • @8arrows
      @8arrows Рік тому

      He was allegedly born in Bethlehem. Which is in Palestine.

  • @YoloRepentApologetics
    @YoloRepentApologetics Рік тому +16

    John 15:18
    If the people of this world hate you, just remember that they hated me first. If you belonged to the world, its people would love you. But you don't belong to the world. I have chosen you to leave the world behind, and this is why its people hate you.

    • @mai66713
      @mai66713 Рік тому +3

      I don’t remember the quote in your bible but doesn’t it also say to pray in your own home?

    • @ceegee3471
      @ceegee3471 Рік тому +1

      That's John 15:18 and 19.

  • @patrickrussell1888
    @patrickrussell1888 Рік тому +10

    You're splitting hairs...AOC was correct...and, yah, why they doing these ads in the first place? Religion is getting too political.

    • @MyChannel-ct6gr
      @MyChannel-ct6gr Рік тому

      Wearing a mask prevents the spread of monkeypox. Would you like a box? I can send you one for only $5.99 + shipping & handling.

    • @gordoncrawley5826
      @gordoncrawley5826 Рік тому +2

      You cannot separate religion from politics. Religions are world views just like secular humanists have their world views, and make their own laws that dictate to people what they should believe and how to behave. Secular Humanism is really just a godless religion itself. So today, Christian world views must now bow down to the teachings of the world views of Secular Humanism. Christian points of view are bigoted, yet those of Secular Humanism are not, right? People need to be reading the book Animal Farm as it points out this hypocrisy very well.

  • @nicolesapphire3696
    @nicolesapphire3696 Рік тому +9

    20 million to make an add instead of helping people who are struggling, like maybe feeding children and babies that so many Christians claim are their main priority seems hypocritical, how about they help pay for health care for babies of families that are struggling, how many homes could you buy for homeless people with 20 million, is this not what people claim Jesus would do.

    • @SST938
      @SST938 Рік тому +2

      A lot of churches do charity actually, even in my place Kerala, a bishop helped a muslim girl to get education and the church in my small town build a house for a hindu girl named Parvathy and this is just a little portion of charity which the churchs did i. e a lot of churches do charities which is of course under the monitoring of government, so please don't go bashing all christians as hypocrites just because of one ad.

    • @nicolesapphire3696
      @nicolesapphire3696 Рік тому

      @@SST938 I am criticizing this one group.

    • @chandlerczyzyk7021
      @chandlerczyzyk7021 Рік тому

      @@nicolesapphire3696 why dont you????????????

    • @nicolesapphire3696
      @nicolesapphire3696 Рік тому

      @@chandlerczyzyk7021 do you think I’d be on here if I had 20 million 😂

  • @davesflix
    @davesflix Рік тому +44

    Time for churches to pay taxes.

    • @jackied962
      @jackied962 Рік тому +1

      Whats the point? They probably won't even exist in 20 years.

    • @garystarr9176
      @garystarr9176 Рік тому +1

      Well if they have to pay taxes maybe they won't exist in 10 years. I've watched Christian shows like CBN. They Don't preach about God or Jesus, they preach about politics.

    • @steamintrumpstains
      @steamintrumpstains Рік тому


    • @KittyGrizGriz
      @KittyGrizGriz Рік тому +1

      Prosperity Gospel-Mega Churches

    • @AmericaFuckYeah1776
      @AmericaFuckYeah1776 Рік тому

      No 😂

  • @pixeloid
    @pixeloid Рік тому +15

    The ads aren't fascist, but the people behind them are.

    • @jamesswain2465
      @jamesswain2465 Рік тому +3

      Why? Because AOC said so?

    • @netowl3922
      @netowl3922 Рік тому +2

      @@jamesswain2465 you didn't watch and listen to the vid.

  • @brianpowell6058
    @brianpowell6058 Рік тому +6

    The Jesus of the Bible was a rebel who stood and preached against the ruling authority's.

    • @turnage_michael
      @turnage_michael Рік тому

      He didn't preach against the Torah, he preached against those who were trying to do away with the Torah. Not a rebel, a traditionalist restorationist. Also, mind you, Yeshua Ben Yosef was the rightful heir to the Davidic throne, a direct descendant of Israel's line of Kings, unlike Herod who was a foreign puppet ruler and not a legitimate king. The Pharisees on the other hand were usurpers who drove out the divinely ordained Zadokite priesthood and had manipulated Queen Helena into executing all the leaders of opposing sects and forcing the sons of Zadok into hiding, who later became the Essenes. Meanwhile the Herodian dynasty tried to eradicate the Davidic bloodline by executing all the princes of the Royal House of David, even tried to have Jesus killed when he was but an infant. So in this scenario, if anyone was the real authority here it was Jesus as he was AND is rightful heir to the throne of David King of Judah, a descendant of the exiled prince Zerubabel who led his people back to the promised land, and the promised long-awaited Messiah.

    • @turnage_michael
      @turnage_michael Рік тому

      He didn't preach against the ruling authority, he preached that the ruling authority is God's Kingdom, which was given to him as the Messiah, and not to the corrupt scribes and Pharisees who had broken the mitzvot and polluted the Temple and filled it with corruption and wickedness, but that God would destroy them if they did not repent and give his kingdom over to the faithful remnant. He also taught that he would be killed but that he would be vindicated on the 3rd day by being raised as a sign. This was fulfilled. He was both raised and the Temple and city of Jerusalem were razed to the ground. He is still alive now and is building his remnant in preparation for the new and restored Jerusalem and House of David.

    • @bleaubleau7927
      @bleaubleau7927 Рік тому

      JESUS Anointed at Bethany
      6 vNow when Jesus was at wBethany in the house of Simon the leper,1 7 a woman came up to him with an alabaster flask of very expensive ointment, and she poured it on his head as he reclined at table. 8 And when the disciples saw it, they were indignant, saying, “Why this waste? 9 For this could have been sold for a large sum and xgiven to the poor.” 10 But yJesus, aware of this, said to them, “Why do you trouble the woman? For she has done a beautiful thing to me. 11 For zyou always have the poor with you, but ayou will not always have me. 12 In pouring this ointment on my body, she has done it bto prepare me for burial. 13 Truly, I say to you, wherever cthis gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will also be told din memory of her

  • @duratoke
    @duratoke Рік тому +10

    Those are some wealthy "non-profits!"

  • @NextNate03
    @NextNate03 Рік тому +38

    I don't think any of the non-profit organizations should spend 20 million on a Superbowl ad.

    • @railguy2
      @railguy2 Рік тому +9


    • @waitz001
      @waitz001 Рік тому

      smells like fraud

    • @Billbobaker
      @Billbobaker Рік тому

      Key words here. You don't think...

    • @chrisblack8985
      @chrisblack8985 Рік тому +2

      Take an hour or two, and research the salaries of those who run so-called “nonprofit”

    • @congeee
      @congeee Рік тому


  • @Thewolverine0865
    @Thewolverine0865 Рік тому +23

    When they show a non-white Jesus, then I will believe that they are sincere.

  • @Marta-zm8oe
    @Marta-zm8oe Рік тому +6

    Coming from an evangelical family I can say religion has destroyed us: it is the reason why my parents married, why we cut contact from our extended family, why we lost wealth becasue of bad economic decision based on faith or giving money to priests, why we were brainwashed from an early age with anti-feminist, anti-LGBT and right wing ideals, the root of my parents divorce, why my parents had so much conflcit with me, why my father didn't accept by boyfriend, and why my sister only follows what her religious leader says and pushed me away (also at the verge of divorce). Western European countries are some of the most secular in the world and are much better off than the US so I don't think that there is any con valid enough for the secularisation of society

    • @nightstar11801
      @nightstar11801 Рік тому +2

      I am sorry about this 😔

    • @karenabrams8986
      @karenabrams8986 Рік тому +1

      Same. It was a very destructive influence on my family. It’s taken me years of therapy to unpack it. Thank goodness and all the therapists who do cognitive behavioral therapy. I vent my anger in bibles I illustrate with cartoon 🍆lords. I loathe Paul. When I finish turning a Bible into my personal comic book I release it in the Oakland airport. 😂
      I hope you have found healing from the religious bullshit through brain science. 🌸🧠💜

    • @jesalcasid1601
      @jesalcasid1601 Рік тому +1

      If you look at people it really sucks but if you look for Jesus that's a different story.

    • @Marta-zm8oe
      @Marta-zm8oe Рік тому

      @@jesalcasid1601 I read the Bible many times and it is not. I am happy that some people find relief in religious beliefs if it makes them happier and better person overall, but by my experience it rarely is. What you just said is the same that all my family members have ever said so, how different are these statement?

    • @Marta-zm8oe
      @Marta-zm8oe Рік тому +1

      @@karenabrams8986 Love your coping mechanism! and I agree with you that therapy, deconstruction and listening to secular Bible scholars, which helped me a lot to understand why so many things weirded me out about the Bible and how delusional is Christian Doctrine about their own "holy" book

  • @karenshull8706
    @karenshull8706 Рік тому +7

    Mmm fact that you don’t understand why Jesus told the man to give away his riches means you’ve not understood the preaching of Jesus! He also turned over the tables off the people in the temple was because they were using his fathers house as a store and not a place of worship. Jesus is not a leftist. He only wanted us to love one another, and if you had other Gods before his father, in heaven, you weren’t worshiping the one true God. You have twisted what you see in the Bible to fit your world view! And that’s not what any of that means. And of course he isn’t going to support abortion, or the LGBTQ, for their life style, but he still loves us all, because he died for us while we were still sinners!

    • @kimmcdonagh6756
      @kimmcdonagh6756 Рік тому

      Lol! 🤣🤣😅😅🤣
      You have it 100% wrong!!!
      Try reading the Bible & going to a REAL church (not a right-wing propoganda outlet).
      You are headed straight to hell. Repent. The kingdom of God is near.

    • @glendadrake6103
      @glendadrake6103 Рік тому

      Thank you!

    • @janejohnson6912
      @janejohnson6912 Рік тому

      Such hypocrites

    • @jaysonoweh2227
      @jaysonoweh2227 Рік тому

      Karen is a bot

  • @Halberstramshaberdashery
    @Halberstramshaberdashery Рік тому +15

    I think Cenk and Ana are misreading why AOC said “…Super Bowl ads to make fascism look benign”. She was talking about the pictures of the US Capital riots shown on the commercial and how they appear to be trying to normalize it to make a point.

    • @JessicaGail
      @JessicaGail Рік тому +5

      I agree 100%

    • @jevo7747
      @jevo7747 Рік тому

      I get a lot out of TYT as a whole and the individual hosts are all awesome but sometimes the "everybody else is a corrupt liar" must be put away.

    • @jessoliver2955
      @jessoliver2955 Рік тому

      Except what they were trying to do is show bad behavior. The kind we humans find “unforgivable” that Jesus can see past. These people are trying to find ANYTHING they can condemn. My grandfather would have said “ they’re picking the fly poop out of the pepper

    • @curtiswebber1220
      @curtiswebber1220 Рік тому

      democrats normalize burning down people's businesses how many fires were set at the capital and tell me how many cops were killed. Looking back in time at any insurrections around the world and or here. In your so-called insurrection, only two people died of violence by the cops. I hope you enjoy inflation and high gas cost. I raise my cost to make up for gas prices and inflation you pay for my increase. Enjoy I know I am.

    • @curtishawkins8052
      @curtishawkins8052 Рік тому

      The ad did not try to normalize it, That can only be interpreted if one has a knee-jerk reaction without actually seeing the ad as a whole. If you look at the ad with reason and no prejudgement, which id the only true way to look at anything, then you do not see that, unless you are already inclined to see that. I think she was using a prejudice she already had to then nitpick the details. That id a false way of looking at anything. Always give your opposition credit for being correct or doing something good, if they do. Always.

  • @sarahhillary7698
    @sarahhillary7698 Рік тому +58

    It’s ironic that the people who love to throw around Jesus name the most, are the very people Jesus would be against.

    • @Andrew-pv8oz
      @Andrew-pv8oz Рік тому +6

      The real irony is that humanity is kind of a cancer to the planet as a whole

    • @railguy2
      @railguy2 Рік тому

      Amen Sarah! Trump and Putin are the candidates to be the anti christ and republicon politicians and their brainwashed enablers support these 2 evil, corrupt men with open arms and wallets. Republicon politicians and their enablers should fear the path they are going down, y’all should fear the wrath of God for all the evil y’all are producing. #PAYBACKSAREAMF

    • @jamesbeardslee3903
      @jamesbeardslee3903 Рік тому +4

      I am praying 🙏 for you

    • @timelord7340
      @timelord7340 Рік тому +3

      @@jamesbeardslee3903 bless your little heart !!

    • @railguy2
      @railguy2 Рік тому +1

      @@jamesbeardslee3903 I am praying that yall suffer the wrath of God for all the evil, satanistic crap yall are trying to shove down our throats. Matthew 24:24 For false Christs and false prophets will arise and will show great signs and wonders, so as to mislead, if possible, even the elect.
      2 Timothy 4:3-4 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.
      Mathew 24 People who would come in His name. These would be people who falsely represented Christ presenting themselves as pastors, prophets, teachers, evangelists and so-called Christian leaders, but were really wolves in sheep’s clothing.
      I take great, great comfort in knowing yall will burn in hell for eternity, burn baby burn! #PAYBACKSAREAMF

  • @ladyspirit2493
    @ladyspirit2493 Рік тому +10

    “Only with Christianity’s forbearance and frequent cooperation could fascistic movements gain majority support in Christian nations. European fascism was the fruit of a Christian culture. Millions of Christians actively supported these notorious regimes. Thousands participated in their atrocities.“

    • @gdiaz8827
      @gdiaz8827 Рік тому +2

      How does that work un cuba, North Korea, china, and the USSR which are anti religion

  • @cryptochat313
    @cryptochat313 Рік тому +6

    It will pay for free medical and education!

  • @dhighflyguy3213
    @dhighflyguy3213 Рік тому +22

    I doubt that he would be happy with the way the world is today.

    • @buckiesmalls
      @buckiesmalls Рік тому


    • @timelord7340
      @timelord7340 Рік тому +2

      @Buckie Smalls there imaginary hero that's white now !!

    • @timothybarrett9005
      @timothybarrett9005 Рік тому +2

      Jesus?...he wasn't happy with the way the world was back in THE day...and if he was APPALLED at anything, it might be that it was bishops from the same Rome that nailed him to a cross that edited the first edition of the Bible.

    • @danielmelo2875
      @danielmelo2875 Рік тому +1

      Of course not this is Babylon…

    • @he96765
      @he96765 Рік тому

      @@timothybarrett9005 the Romans didn't kill Jesus, Jews wanted him dead

  • @peterbutlien1335
    @peterbutlien1335 Рік тому +6

    Indoctrination. Grooming.

    • @jamesswain2465
      @jamesswain2465 Рік тому

      Informing, getting people to think. Jesus does get us, so I'd say the ads are true.

  • @marshamercer876
    @marshamercer876 Рік тому +10

    All religions hate something. If you want a good sermon of hate just go to church on sunday.

    • @gordoncrawley5826
      @gordoncrawley5826 Рік тому +2

      The bible was right again when it says that people will call good, evil and evil, good. The so-called haters are the ones trying to save your eternal soul from the pit.

    • @davidgallegos5507
      @davidgallegos5507 Рік тому

      Also the easiest way to catch a cold ,flu, and good ole brainwashing

    • @richardharris8538
      @richardharris8538 Рік тому +1

      @@gordoncrawley5826 The concept of a soul is primitive superstition.

    • @gdiaz8827
      @gdiaz8827 Рік тому +1

      Nah for real hatred goto a leftist rally if you get lucky u can watch them riot

    • @jamesswain2465
      @jamesswain2465 Рік тому

      We're to hate sin.

  • @Thewolverine0865
    @Thewolverine0865 Рік тому +7

    Jesus promoted compassion and love, but he also talked against injustice. He also called out people who were being deceitful, and those who oppressed others. So, Jesus wouldn't want us to ignore, or marginalize social injustice.

    • @jeannedarc3890
      @jeannedarc3890 Рік тому

      He would want us to ignore fake* oppression

    • @eudofia
      @eudofia Рік тому +2

      Exactly. So by today's right wing standards, Jesus is WOKE. Interesting.

    • @OrpheusObjectMRH
      @OrpheusObjectMRH Рік тому

      Yes, ONE Jesus talk about that. The others were promoting Armageddon and intolerance. Read your Bible.

    • @niagarafaithful5377
      @niagarafaithful5377 Рік тому

      Jesus also got Angry at those scamming money out of people trying to following God (ex. the "money changers" who were selling the church's/temple's brand of salvation)
      I think Jesus would have plenty to say about the role that $$$$ has in many churches today. I'm quite imperfect and I have plenty to say about the hypocrisy of Christian nationalism...imagine what Jesus would say.

  • @colico14
    @colico14 Рік тому +11

    “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
    ― Mahatma Gandhi

  • @MeNatalieMarie
    @MeNatalieMarie Рік тому +9

    I think what AOC meant to call it was "christofascism" not plain fascism. 🤔

    • @davidlafleche1142
      @davidlafleche1142 Рік тому

      Christians are not Fascists. "Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God" (Matthew 5:9, KJV). Even so, come, Lord Jesus! Establish the Kingdom in Jerusalem and save the world from the tyranny of Democracy (Daniel 7:7, KJV)!

    • @CloudsGirl7
      @CloudsGirl7 Рік тому

      Well, that's still under the category of general fascism, so it's still true.

    • @ridetillidie8090
      @ridetillidie8090 Рік тому

      Religion is the REAL 3rd rail...
      ...that's why nobody goes after them or insidious, treasonous, Hitler-loving Christian organizations, like The Fellowship.
      Well, that and they own the entire right side of Congress and all the right-wing billionaires.

  • @jeniv8525
    @jeniv8525 Рік тому +5

    501(c)3 aka Non-Profit Organizations are NOT supposed to participate in politics. Has to do with separation of Church and State.

  • @FamousActor_AlPacenis
    @FamousActor_AlPacenis Рік тому +7

    Do you understand how stupid it sounds to call America a fascist nation while simultaneously being an elected official in the federal government? This is absolutely nonsense.

  • @ChildfreeCatGentleman
    @ChildfreeCatGentleman Рік тому +12

    I hope that the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF) or American Atheists buy adds for next year's Super Bowl.

    • @jamesswain2465
      @jamesswain2465 Рік тому

      Freedom OF Religion.

    • @donovanfoto3263
      @donovanfoto3263 Рік тому +2

      I think they may be more intelligent than that. If, instead, they fed, clothed and housed people with the same $20,000,000, how much better would the money be spent?

    • @johneverimanne3986
      @johneverimanne3986 Рік тому +1

      I'm an atheist but at this point I'm ready to start my own Satanist chapter lol. The irony is that Satan isn't even in the bible. He was made up at some point to copy another religion and the Catholic church decide to claim that a few nameless characters in the bible, was actual him. And it makes Christians super upset. They literally don't have a basic understanding of there own religion

    • @williamchildress5869
      @williamchildress5869 Рік тому +1

      @@johneverimanne3986 It’s amazing how atheists always know more about the Bible than Bible scholars.

    • @CloudsGirl7
      @CloudsGirl7 Рік тому +2


  • @whimpypatrol5503
    @whimpypatrol5503 Рік тому +10

    The delusion of the new age is that Jesus loves not just all sinners but also their sin. If God approved of sin so much, what was the purpose of the cross?

  • @GibbyPiggy
    @GibbyPiggy Рік тому +7

    Any satanists crowdfunding an ad for next year's super bowl?

    • @jamesswain2465
      @jamesswain2465 Рік тому

      I hope not, I'll take Jesus again in next years Super Bowl ads.

  • @GallowsBound1
    @GallowsBound1 Рік тому +7

    Just because a large portion of people hold those beliefs, and you don't want to call that many people fascists, doesn't mean those aren't fascist beliefs. I understand it's not good optics, and you want them more willing to listen to you, but don't delude people into believing that's not fascist ideology.

    • @papazjose1274
      @papazjose1274 Рік тому +2

      These talking heads are paid to push an agenda, and doing as ordered by their masters.

    • @he96765
      @he96765 Рік тому +1

      Genuine christian beliefs are not fascist, period

    • @GallowsBound1
      @GallowsBound1 Рік тому

      @@he96765 fighting against anti-discrimination laws and advocating that businesses be able to discriminate against LGBT customers are not "genuine christian beliefs" ya doofus

    • @he96765
      @he96765 Рік тому

      @@GallowsBound1 that's exactly my point, a small percentage of American Christianity doesn't represent all of Christianity

  • @BruceKSanderson
    @BruceKSanderson Рік тому +7

    I wonder what will happen when the Muslims or Buddhist run their own ads?

    • @forexed8948
      @forexed8948 Рік тому +3

      People will freak out and panic like "they're trying to radicalize our kids!"

    • @ThatOpalGuy
      @ThatOpalGuy Рік тому +1

      I hope they do. oh, and the satanists, dont leave them out.

    • @rosejames5172
      @rosejames5172 Рік тому

      Nothing will happen. They only have smoke for christians.

  • @nawkea6478
    @nawkea6478 Рік тому +8

    Please JESUS, get rid of POST MASTER GENERAL LOUIS DEJOY before he gets rid of US!

  • @Lonnie.Stoudt
    @Lonnie.Stoudt Рік тому +7

    NO, given the background of all this, we definitely cannot and SHOULD NOT stop using the term "Fascist"... it applies here, as in "Christo-Fascist".

    • @williamchildress5869
      @williamchildress5869 Рік тому

      Let’s give all the violent leftists a free pass. They are sweet and cuddly and always willing to help a little old lady across the street.

    • @geo3433
      @geo3433 Рік тому

      there is no such thing as a Christo-fascist. If you claim otherwise then I suggest reading(in the bible) what constitutes a true christian.

    • @williamchildress5869
      @williamchildress5869 Рік тому

      @@geo3433 Didn’t you know that we are fascists because we object to infanticide while the other side believes that it’s a woman’s right to murder her offspring anytime she feels like it.
      Or, if you reject the a delusional idea that individuals can be any sex or gender they dream up.

  • @danoman5217
    @danoman5217 Рік тому +14

    What wrong with promoting Jesus.

  • @laurabeckman82
    @laurabeckman82 Рік тому +10

    Jesus loves the sinner. He does not love the sin.

  • @Victorino26
    @Victorino26 Рік тому +29

    But it’s ok to have a Satanic performance at the Grammys?

  • @ernstbtmn
    @ernstbtmn Рік тому +6

    Here is the analogy for the "slow" folks.
    *Imagine this same ad, funded by ISIS.*
    Are we getting the point?

    • @MyChannel-ct6gr
      @MyChannel-ct6gr Рік тому +1

      Wearing a mask prevents the spread of monkeypox. Would you like a box? I can send you one for only $5.99 + shipping & handling.

    • @ernstbtmn
      @ernstbtmn Рік тому +1

      @@MyChannel-ct6gr And some a "slower" than others...

  • @secretsquirrel6718
    @secretsquirrel6718 Рік тому +21

    I think the ad worked.
    It got people talking about religion.

    • @jimmyshakes420
      @jimmyshakes420 Рік тому

      So long as the talking is mocking

    • @secretsquirrel6718
      @secretsquirrel6718 Рік тому

      @JimmyShakes420 well.
      Everyone is entitled to their own opinions.
      Why I wonder would you want to go out of your way to mock somebody else's religion?
      I wonder if you also mock Muslims, Jewish and Buddhists in the same manner?
      Just a thought.

    • @jimmyshakes420
      @jimmyshakes420 Рік тому

      @@secretsquirrel6718 typically I tend to just center on "Christianity".... Mostly due to the fact that for some reason, it's the only one that isn't held to the same constitutional standards as the rest, which is frankly insane. The freedom of religion clause includes freedom from it, tho I dare anyone to show me one American court house with the word Allah (same "god" btw), or Krishna emblazoned above the doors. When people begin making prejudiced laws in the name of Buddha, I'll mock those morons too.
      Clear enough?

    • @jimmyshakes420
      @jimmyshakes420 Рік тому

      Yeah, cuz that's never a topic in this bass ackwards country

    • @jimmyshakes420
      @jimmyshakes420 Рік тому

      @@secretsquirrel6718 also, just a thought.... You should really revisit the basics of syntax and punctuation next time you think you have an intellectual point to make. My 9th grade English teacher's pen woulda been out of red ink correcting the glaring errors in your short rebuttal.
      Word of advice, pick a lane. If you wanna play the "basic literate Christian" then at least bother to proof read. If you wanna play the "tent revival Pentecostal" maybe just type in tongues so the rest of us can just skip the hollow nonsense.
      Or don't... It's kinda fun knowing a self-righteous smugness gets destroyed in the moment.
      It's called effort. Come correct, or stfu

  • @camrontoney577
    @camrontoney577 Рік тому +10

    Satanists everywhere are mad, that makes me happy

    • @janejohnson6912
      @janejohnson6912 Рік тому

      Fake "Chritianity" that approved slavery, oppression of dark skin and the brutality of Native and European Childrens rape and murder are at it again. We don't have a King and therefore the King does not need a political Pope i.e.. a political Christian leader running the country along side the King. Permission to sit down somewhere.

    • @jaysonoweh2227
      @jaysonoweh2227 Рік тому

      Cam'ron is a bot

    • @camrontoney577
      @camrontoney577 Рік тому

      @@jaysonoweh2227 is a douche

  • @joshuasawyer1760
    @joshuasawyer1760 Рік тому +13

    when the end comes. every knee will bow.💯

  • @vyoufinder
    @vyoufinder Рік тому +10

    Just imagine a god so powerful he needs a Super Bowl ad.

    • @georgesheffield1580
      @georgesheffield1580 Рік тому

      Are you talking about DJT .

    • @niagarafaithful5377
      @niagarafaithful5377 Рік тому

      Amen! You made me laugh out loud.

    • @pooldead4521
      @pooldead4521 Рік тому

      And he always needs money! A cult that was grandfathered in. Embarrassing

    • @curtiswebber1220
      @curtiswebber1220 Рік тому

      that was a stupid comment. low IQ

    • @curtishawkins8052
      @curtishawkins8052 Рік тому

      So because the ad exists, you think that God needed it? Your logic and reason are astoundingly poor. No one needs any of it. With your logic there doesn't need to be a game, any ads, even any broadcast of any entertainment ever. No one needs any of it.
      If you think just for a moment, I mean actually think, it was probably people trying to get a message out and thought the superbowl would reach a lot of people. It has nothing to do with need. You need to employ a little bit of reason before you get "suspicious" of something that it totally benign. Don't be jaded, that just hurts you, it doesn't do anything to anyone else.

  • @HappyValleyDreamin
    @HappyValleyDreamin Рік тому +15

    If those monsters in that church that were laughing and cheering at boabert saying she prays for President Biden's death are Christian, then where do I sign up for atheism?

    • @avenue8822
      @avenue8822 Рік тому +4

      Were you equally outraged when celebrity's and public figures glorified and promoted the death of Trump?
      I am outraged by both. How about you?
      It's a little bit simpleminded to think that a select minority of any group represents the wishes of an entire group.

    • @rebeccamcphink4625
      @rebeccamcphink4625 Рік тому

      @@avenue8822 Cry more snowflake.

    • @adampike3834
      @adampike3834 Рік тому

      @@rebeccamcphink4625 Translation: you're a complete hypocrite and you know it.

    • @avenue8822
      @avenue8822 Рік тому

      @@rebeccamcphink4625 Not crying at all Skippy. Thanks for asking.

    • @stevemcelmy9354
      @stevemcelmy9354 Рік тому +1

      @@avenue8822; 'death of Trump' = one comedian appearing with his severed head, for which she was condemned.

  • @chrisw7542
    @chrisw7542 Рік тому +7

    Jesus wasn't pro choice

  • @taurus_guy
    @taurus_guy Рік тому +25

    She wasn't calling the ads fascist. She was saying the ads were telling us to love fascists. (The people depicted in the ad. Not the ad itself.)

    • @OnYouGlenn
      @OnYouGlenn Рік тому +3

      Fascists need love too.

    • @KydraExhale
      @KydraExhale Рік тому +11

      The Bible says to love our enemies

    • @mr.d.572
      @mr.d.572 Рік тому +1

      Are you sure? She's pretty insane so I wouldn't put it past her to call Christians fascist.

    • @mileswhittington373
      @mileswhittington373 Рік тому +2

      How is that not fascist?

    • @mileswhittington373
      @mileswhittington373 Рік тому +10

      @@KydraExhale It also says women should marry rapists.

  • @Anthony-rk8cz
    @Anthony-rk8cz Рік тому +5

    The people behind them are Christo- Nationalists. So informing people what they are is what people should be doing.

  • @jackied962
    @jackied962 Рік тому +16

    Young people stopped being religious not because, Jesus is too right wing or left wing. It's because none of it is true.

  • @lisaquindel9952
    @lisaquindel9952 Рік тому +7

    Didn't Jesus love everyone.

  • @dan_hitchman007
    @dan_hitchman007 Рік тому +22

    Like what passes for the Evangelical movement and the GOP, this ad campaign was a smokescreen to obscure a very troubling con job.

    • @mr.d.572
      @mr.d.572 Рік тому

      Con job... Like the one Biden has pulled on the nation? Not to mention the governmental organizations in tech companies that unduly influence the last election? Yeah sure.

    • @denniscarsner
      @denniscarsner Рік тому +2

      Like the BLM movement?

    • @railguy2
      @railguy2 Рік тому +1

      @@denniscarsner NO, LIKE THE TRUMP MOVEMENT.

  • @paulydavis1685
    @paulydavis1685 Рік тому +4

    She was talking about the ad showing fascist and they where fascist in the ad not that the ad is fascist. She is pointing out normalizing and accepting fascist in the ad. You missed the boat here.

    • @crabbypattie
      @crabbypattie Рік тому

      She was talking about the ad showing fascist and they where fascist in the ad not that the ad is fascist???????????????? AOC could not have said it better.

    • @paulydavis1685
      @paulydavis1685 Рік тому +1

      @@crabbypattie wtf are you saying?

    • @crabbypattie
      @crabbypattie Рік тому

      @@paulydavis1685 I am saying that you make no sense just like AOC makes no sense.

  • @EmpireRules
    @EmpireRules Рік тому +8

    Totally agreed that AOC completely used a blanket statement against all things perceived as fascist.
    What would have been more interesting if she challenged the audience who loved this ad by asking the following question.
    “I know Jesus loves us all. However, if the ad said instead, Mohammed loves us and Allah loves us all including our enemies, would Americans remain quiet? Would we not think for a second of possible group(s) behind such an ad with a nefarious religious agenda to reshape our political landscape?”

    • @obi-ron
      @obi-ron Рік тому +1

      Peace be with you, salaam alaikoum, shalom, namaste - we all say it one way or another. Wouldn't it be truly great if everyone believed it? Imashallah, Go with God, Vaya con Dias.

    • @jessoliver2955
      @jessoliver2955 Рік тому

      1st. Of all, the only people who say “fascist” are homosexuals whining about being oppressed. But “freaks” NEED to be oppressed, to keep them from turning the earth into one big circus freak show.

  • @christopherstone6962
    @christopherstone6962 Рік тому +25

    They support her, yet they chose THAT thumbnail.

    • @ReplaceYourFate
      @ReplaceYourFate Рік тому

      It's what made me click on the video LOL

    • @stevemcelmy9354
      @stevemcelmy9354 Рік тому +3

      Scary AOC still looks hot.

    • @railguy2
      @railguy2 Рік тому

      @@stevemcelmy9354 Why does AOC scare you? You are scared of common sense government that works for EVERYBODY not just the rich and corporations? You freaks are obviously too stupid to realize that cenk and Ana have a huge financial stake in keeping you stupid. Stop watching these opportunists and report them to UA-cam for missinformation NOW!

    • @tonylee7549
      @tonylee7549 Рік тому +1

      Cause the video was critical of her

    • @vitocorleone8323
      @vitocorleone8323 Рік тому +1

      @@ReplaceYourFate The wild eyed liberal wanting the money shot look?

  • @nicholasdsilva5273
    @nicholasdsilva5273 Рік тому +6

    I wonder how many homeless children they could’ve fed or given homes to with all those Super Bowl ads I guess it shows what they think is really important and it’s not helping people it’s more followers

    • @anomaly_echelon7994
      @anomaly_echelon7994 Рік тому +2

      Feeding them is only gonna breed more of them dumbass. (Figuratively)

    • @snorkey2462
      @snorkey2462 Рік тому

      It’s not about helping people it’s about gathering more followers to donate for a bigger church

    • @snorkey2462
      @snorkey2462 Рік тому

      @@anomaly_echelon7994where as buying a bigger church will allow more idiots to be seated so they can donate to not feeding anyone in need.🤡 💩

    • @Mendyshahan
      @Mendyshahan Рік тому +1

      @@anomaly_echelon7994 OMGosh, Ur so right. I never thought of that. Can’t nobody work anymore but, everybody know how to F🤣😂K!!

    • @anomaly_echelon7994
      @anomaly_echelon7994 Рік тому

      @@Mendyshahan Exactly

  • @extraart1
    @extraart1 Рік тому +4

    When I first moved to Colorado 25 years ago, I'd see "Hate is not a family value" bumperstickers everywhere. It didn't take me long to experience Christian hatred and intolerance as part of Colorado's historical culture. At that time, the governments were absolutely white, xenophobic, racist, hardcore christian fundamentalist fascist. Immigrants from the east and west coast, along with Mexico, have changed the government in the population centers of the states, but the western and eastern thirds of the state might as well be Germany in the 1930's. Religion is, and has always been, the way to get good people to do evil things.

    • @jamesswain2465
      @jamesswain2465 Рік тому

      What evil things?

    • @gordoncrawley5826
      @gordoncrawley5826 Рік тому

      Christianity tells people not to do evil things, and warns them of the consequences. That is why people do not like it, and they try to frame it as being hateful. It spoils their wicked fun, and that makes them mad, so they retaliate by falsely calling Christians defamatory words, like haters, bigots, fascists, racists, etc. Jesus is the light of the world, believe in him and he will enlighten you to the real truth and save your soul from God's judgment.

  • @TownandCountryPC
    @TownandCountryPC Рік тому +14

    The fact that this video exists is sad and disturbing………..

    • @michaelduguay7698
      @michaelduguay7698 Рік тому

      What would you say about the fact that you then felt the need to comment

    • @TownandCountryPC
      @TownandCountryPC Рік тому +1

      @@michaelduguay7698 I would say that I was in FACT saddened and disturbed that this video exist………..🤣

    • @warmbeergamingdude
      @warmbeergamingdude Рік тому

      But movie trailers of homosexuality is cool huh

    • @TownandCountryPC
      @TownandCountryPC Рік тому +1

      @@warmbeergamingdude huh?!? 🤔

    • @michaelduguay7698
      @michaelduguay7698 Рік тому

      @@warmbeergamingdude what would be uncool about that

  • @jasonscreationsunlimited4161
    @jasonscreationsunlimited4161 Рік тому +9

    As an atheist, I thought the ads did a great job calling out the GOP Christian hypocrisy that overwhelmingly has the church by the balls.

    • @danielmelo2875
      @danielmelo2875 Рік тому

      Atheism is the religion that is in power no Christianity , lol another antifa playing to be rebels lol update you … dems are in the government not GOP ,

    • @Italy.com33
      @Italy.com33 Рік тому

      Atheist atheist atheist, hahhahaha
      The end of atheism will finish when we died…
      I don’t believe in atheist… I think they are just full of anger.. and judgment against God…
      Poor people, I imagine the devil waiting for you when you died and telling you wow… my biggest gol was to make u believe that God do no exist, good job 👍 now welcome to hell. 👏👏👏 no because you don’t believe means god don’t exist. God is God. Period.

    • @jasonscreationsunlimited4161
      @jasonscreationsunlimited4161 Рік тому

      @@Italy.com33 when I get to hell, I'll look you up you judgemental POS!

  • @jasoncoomer1226
    @jasoncoomer1226 Рік тому +14

    Cenk: Giving your stuff away is Communism
    Me: No giving your stuff away is CHARITY....
    *Having it forcefully taken by the state is Communism*

  • @marvelouslife1309
    @marvelouslife1309 Рік тому +4

    Jesus isn't real. He's a theological figure and not a real person. If you want to be more like Jesus, stop judging others. Really is that simple.

    • @portrait1001
      @portrait1001 Рік тому

      All the powerful religious leaders all these years claiming a second coming of Christ. There all so full of it. Seeking attention and robbing the gullible of there money

  • @kaymaxwell9783
    @kaymaxwell9783 Рік тому +21

    Ok, I'm 70 and as soon as that ad came on I knew it was BS. $50,000, how many people could have been helped with that money?

    • @majorlazor5058
      @majorlazor5058 Рік тому +6

      Definitely more than $50k for a Super Bowl ad.

    • @kenkenobi1610
      @kenkenobi1610 Рік тому

      They said it was 22 million. Why is it bad to be kind of Summer why is it. Most of these people that are wanting abortion and the LGBT aeiou whatever crowd better hope there isn't award cuz they're going to be awfully sorry

    • @AmericaFuckYeah1776
      @AmericaFuckYeah1776 Рік тому +1

      Why do you people obsess so much about how others spend their money?

    • @mr.d.572
      @mr.d.572 Рік тому

      You implied that I was stupid for pointing out the hypocrisy of chastising Christians for spending money on these ads while the finger pointers have no problem with wasting billions on ads for beer and donuts and other stuff. I don't know where you're coming from honestly.

    • @mr.d.572
      @mr.d.572 Рік тому

      Looks like I probably did mix you up with someone else, I'm not sure what happened. I deleted some of my original comments. Just so used to dealing with nasty people here in YT, not to mention getting censored a lot. Anyway sorry bout that and have a good day.

  • @marymclaughlin2559
    @marymclaughlin2559 Рік тому +11

    I’m not super religious but I thought the ads were in very good taste.

    @OGBIGREYRAY Рік тому +8

    Leave politics out of religion and leave religion out of politics... That's very disrespectful to ALL RELIGIONS.

    • @fletch9702
      @fletch9702 Рік тому +3

      Leave religion out of life.

  • @acm4147
    @acm4147 Рік тому +6

    I haven't "talked to God" in almost 45 years. Seems it's ok with "Him" as well.

    • @Alan-tjj
      @Alan-tjj Рік тому

      That's not true.. Jesus loves you ❤️ He misses us when we're far away .. actually, thank you for reminding me of that fact

    • @alejandropreciado1814
      @alejandropreciado1814 Рік тому

      Talking to God looks different for different people, saying words in your head or out loud isn't necessary... you're living in the reality created by God, in the vessel given to you, in the way you see fit. That is your conversation with the infinite; how you think, what you do, who you do it with. You haven't articulated your talking with God in 45 years, but your conversation has been ongoing.

  • @TheRealChefStevenHodge
    @TheRealChefStevenHodge Рік тому +6

    Dude,… You may have read the Bible, you however, completely missed the message.

  • @donaldniman3002
    @donaldniman3002 Рік тому +21

    "Be childlike." OFFS!! We need to be more adultlike, for fuff's sakes.

    • @CityBoiATX
      @CityBoiATX Рік тому +3

      King James Version
      1 Corinthians 13:11 When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
      Another example of religious people not following their own bible

    • @stevekombolis3542
      @stevekombolis3542 Рік тому +7

      There is a difference between childish and childlike
      Matthew 18:1-5
      And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

    • @toroverde9329
      @toroverde9329 Рік тому +2

      Be childlike and learn what to do in school shootings? Kids have it rough these days.

    • @catherineromero1862
      @catherineromero1862 Рік тому

      The point of the “be thou as little children” is that we should see one another in the way little children see one another, without the cultural and societal and adult, cynical, selfish ego view one develops.

    • @catherineromero1862
      @catherineromero1862 Рік тому

      @@CityBoiATX what is more child-ish than believing ones efforts to attain material gain and material pleasures isn’t temporary? What is more childish than acting as if His property is one’s own to do what we one likes with it, simply for these temporal pleasures that always end up in disappointment eventually? When one becomes child-like as stated in scriptures, one becomes humble as a blade of grass and open to pure Knowledge. Only then can one be considered a wise and mature person.

  • @FeedingFrenzy91
    @FeedingFrenzy91 Рік тому +8

    Jesus was definitely not a Communist.

    • @TheScotsalan
      @TheScotsalan Рік тому

      For sure. Cos communism was not invented till the 1850s or so. But in modern terms, his philosophy was defo far left. 👍. If he existed of course.

    • @FeedingFrenzy91
      @FeedingFrenzy91 Рік тому

      @@TheScotsalan I don't think so. Jesus loved everyone while the far left says to hate like fascists and stuff like that I believe. Jesus pointed out that to truly live you have to die to yourself while the far left pushes that do what makes you feel good. Sorry not far left.

    • @TheScotsalan
      @TheScotsalan Рік тому +1

      @@FeedingFrenzy91 The far left teaches to hate fasists ? Cool. I dont know about hate, but certainly disliking fasists is a good thing. There was a world war over that about 80 years ago. Anyhow, re jesus, sermon on the mount if defo left wing, in todays terms.

    • @FeedingFrenzy91
      @FeedingFrenzy91 Рік тому

      @@TheScotsalan "but certainly disliking fasists is a good thing." See exactly Jesus said love your enemies so I don't think he is for that.
      The sermon on the mount "but certainly disliking fasists is a good thing.
      "3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
      4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
      5 Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.
      6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.
      7 Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy.
      8 Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.
      9 Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
      10 Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
      11 “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. 12 Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you."
      How is that far left?

    • @TheScotsalan
      @TheScotsalan Рік тому

      @@FeedingFrenzy91 Acts 5 confuses me. The married couple who are struck dead in front of the apostles for holding back money. Cos these are the dudes that supposedly heard jesus tell them to forgive. Yet here they are, not batting an eylid when 2 ppl are struck dead for lying. Now jesus also said not one iota of the law will change. Mosaic law of course, all 530 odd laws that involved a lot of stoning. There is the wipe the dust from your feet and curse them. So hey, maybe you are right. Jesus was far right. 👍

  • @xonicx7
    @xonicx7 Рік тому +4

    I'm pretty sure she didn't mean the ads were fascist, but the fascism going on in the pictures

    • @williamtilden8211
      @williamtilden8211 Рік тому

      xonicx7- really? that's your take-home?
      TYT is way over your head, man.

  • @klauznewsnow9436
    @klauznewsnow9436 Рік тому +15

    I was expecting it to cut to “taken on iPhone 14pro” when it went to black.

  • @donovanfoto3263
    @donovanfoto3263 Рік тому +7

    I believe in GOD. I have no faith in RELIGION. Religion is a group of PEOPLE, telling you what God wants you to think and do. Mostly, that is hate, discriminate and give your money to them.

    • @sammyk702
      @sammyk702 Рік тому +1

      I feel the same

    • @jamesswain2465
      @jamesswain2465 Рік тому +1

      Both wrong.

    • @donovanfoto3263
      @donovanfoto3263 Рік тому

      @@jamesswain2465 : And why is that?

    • @jamesswain2465
      @jamesswain2465 Рік тому +1

      Jesus said do unto others as you would have done unto you. Does that sound hateful or discriminatory or money hungry? That's Luke chapter 6

    • @donovanfoto3263
      @donovanfoto3263 Рік тому

      @@jamesswain2465 : And it is RELIGION spreading HATE, FEAR, GREED and DISRESPECT in the name of Jesus, for their benefit and gain.

  • @louissimmonds5509
    @louissimmonds5509 Рік тому +6

    Imagine the uproar if muslims decided to run ads

  • @horacioherrera6333
    @horacioherrera6333 Рік тому +5

    Jesus wouldn't spend 20 million on advertisement.

    • @ThatOpalGuy
      @ThatOpalGuy Рік тому +1

      he would have his dad send floods and plagues.

    • @magiccheeseball
      @magiccheeseball Рік тому

      They never said they were Jesus what you said makes no sense

    • @horacioherrera6333
      @horacioherrera6333 Рік тому

      @@magiccheeseball The issue is that Republicans are Christians in name only...The GOP panhandles corporations and the only thing they worship is the dollar.

    • @magiccheeseball
      @magiccheeseball Рік тому

      @@horacioherrera6333 that's amazing you know every rebulican and what they believe and what's really in their mind

  • @CHixon
    @CHixon Рік тому +15

    Here in Texas, where you'll find a church on every corner (almost), they are used as tax havens for the wealthy. Church members are not part of the inner circle, but important to justify the church and tax-exempt status in the eyes of the state. The concept is so successful, it is being expanded to private K-12 education with state subsidies, under the guise of segregating schools and education to attract the "qualified" peasantry.

    • @carsi7282
      @carsi7282 Рік тому

      SSSSHHHH!!!! We aren't supposed to figure that out! It's hard to pretend not to see the obvious.
      Jesus was not about capitalism. In fact, he was a socialist. He wanted the spirit of goodness and compassion in us. He wanted no religious buildings. He wanted no tithing whatsoever. NO tax breaks or merchandizing because that is not what his spirit was about. Jesus didn't come to make you rich or a profit. Jesus was NOT about power, control and blind adoration. Jesus was all for free will. Jesus wanted no hierarchy. Jesus actually named Mary of Magda the head of the church, a woman. Not Peter, MARY. He wanted both women, men, LGBTQ+, children to be part of the movement. He wanted disciples, NOT soldiers. Jesus wanted love.

  • @saywhatKavs
    @saywhatKavs Рік тому +7

    I was baptized Christian in high school. I have sadly met and experienced hate through words and action and always coming from the most religious Christians. Their behaviors have chased me away from all religion! Jesus does not hate, but those who claim love for Jesus preach hate and separation of those who don't look like them!

    • @writtenhousesecurity6499
      @writtenhousesecurity6499 Рік тому

      🤔🤔If you believe , no one can separate you from God. It is between You and God . No Group, No Church, No Pope. Just You and God.

  • @Regenmacher175
    @Regenmacher175 Рік тому +36

    If a lot of people are ignorant about the group behind the ad that's their problem and frankly this is a good opportunity to tell them what it represents. AOC luckily knows more about the organisation in question so at least she does not fall for its PR tactics.

  • @danlove12k
    @danlove12k Рік тому +4

    So next year we are going to see Muslims, Satan, and Jewish religious ads at the Super Bowl too. Right? 🥴😵‍💫

    • @1999RAF
      @1999RAF Рік тому

      Y'all hate Jesus so much it's crazy...

  • @billsteeves2974
    @billsteeves2974 Рік тому +10

    AAwwwwww, someone mentioned Jesus and the libs get butthurt. He loves you too even though you hate Him and His people

    • @kimmcdonagh6756
      @kimmcdonagh6756 Рік тому

      Most Democrats are Christians. But they are REAL Christians
      They hate fake you....who want to spread hate. You are like the Pharisees of the Bible. And Democrats are like the Disciples .

    • @BenDover-kb2th
      @BenDover-kb2th Рік тому

      @@kimmcdonagh6756 you contradict your own statement. Real Christians do not hate anybody. Real Christians certainly wouls not support ripping an 8 month old fetus out of the womb or supporting the lbgqlmnop community

    • @kimmcdonagh6756
      @kimmcdonagh6756 Рік тому

      @@BenDover-kb2th there can be no tolerance for people who are intolerant .
      Think about it. Seems like a contradiction; but it's not.
      Likewise, there is one act that cannot be loved: hatred.
      Also show me exactly where in the Bible , Jesus condemns abortion.
      And where in the Bible Jesus advocates for the enslavement of women . I'll wait.

    • @janejohnson6912
      @janejohnson6912 Рік тому

      Jesus is not a shirt that you can put on and take off when convient. Just as MLK was being misquoted so is Jesus. Such as it is and while MLK was human Jesus is not to be underestimated and used to hate on others and pretend its love. Theres a price he will exact.

    • @janejohnson6912
      @janejohnson6912 Рік тому +1

      @@kimmcdonagh6756 diffenately the pharisees of their time.

  • @ayricaLC
    @ayricaLC Рік тому +9

    Love people hate sin.

    • @JP-JustSayin
      @JP-JustSayin Рік тому

      There are only 2 sins:
      Treating people like objects
      Wasting food

    • @timelord7340
      @timelord7340 Рік тому

      @@JP-JustSayin and believing in fairy tales also !!

  • @scottryals3191
    @scottryals3191 Рік тому +5

    Fascist - a poor choice of words. A better choice might have been zealots. BFD

  • @jboforjustice
    @jboforjustice Рік тому +9

    You here crickets when it comes to praising satan at the Grammies, that’s a form of religion, but people loved that because they depicted satan (their god) but the name of Jesus oh my!

    • @slappy227
      @slappy227 Рік тому +6

      What?! Who praised Satan at the grammys please cite your source and exact quotes??

    • @jboforjustice
      @jboforjustice Рік тому

      @@slappy227 Watch "CBS Just Confirmed It Was A Ritual." on youtube about Sams Smiths performance at the grammies, We are going to Worship!! CBS said, Ya by looking at that performance anyone could tell who they were worshiping.

    • @slappy227
      @slappy227 Рік тому

      @@jboforjustice Aww.... poor James, how's your therapy going? Don't worry they have NEW and improved straight jackets with more padding.

    • @jboforjustice
      @jboforjustice Рік тому

      @@slappy227 There it is, the usual stupid, nonsenicle, response that the ungodly give these days🤦‍♂, Oh Im sorry did that offend you? do you need to go to your quite place?😭

  • @melwelker6077
    @melwelker6077 Рік тому +12


  • @keithroy9217
    @keithroy9217 Рік тому +4

    The biblical Jesus (God made human) said “Suffer the children to come unto me”. Unless they’re the firstborn of Egypt. They’re toast.

  • @bessycorrales2259
    @bessycorrales2259 Рік тому +8

    I left organized religion during the Trump era. Trump exposed the hypocrisy within the church. I was literaly flabbergasted. Good riddence to organized religion.

    • @yurei8
      @yurei8 Рік тому

      The thing is, there are literally thousand of denominations out there, to choose from. I consider myself a christian, but our movement, called Religious Science accepts other world religions as paths to the same goal of achieving a higher mental state. Some call that heaven. Recently I have been listening to NDE (near death experiences) here on UA-cam. Some have basically, proved that they existed outside of their bodies after being pronounce dead by medical personnel. i suggest you view some vids to better understand.

    • @ridetillidie8090
      @ridetillidie8090 Рік тому

      Welcome to the peaceful side! What took you so long?
      Haven't you had the internet before now? :D
      You can now practice Atheism!
      (but you can't be an atheist, sorry)

    • @pooldead4521
      @pooldead4521 Рік тому +1

      Chemical reactions in the brain caused by lack of oxygen. Dead is dead. Worms crawl in, worms crawl out ,just like every other living thing on earth . Religion makes people dumb. "God's will, God works in mysterious ways." Why investigate anything then? Lazy thinking!!!

    • @yurei8
      @yurei8 Рік тому

      @@pooldead4521 Religion is a tool, each with a designed purpose. mostly it is for giving our lives, are larger purposeful direction. Any 'tool' can be used for other purposes, than what it intended. Every year, a few people are murdered by hammers, and other tools.

    • @yurei8
      @yurei8 Рік тому

      @@pooldead4521 The purpose of religion is to get people to see thier lives, in terms of larger concepts such as Love, compassion, mercy, forgiveness. It's purpose is to get people to look beyond the appearances of our everyday lives, and look instead to the Creative Flow which sustains all life.

  • @brianmccollaum5489
    @brianmccollaum5489 Рік тому +28

    “The current moment is no different: a rush of galloping fascism is attacking all aspects of our lives. It is no longer a remote threat, but one that affects health care, freedom of speech, and education. And this means that we can no longer pretend defeating it is as simple as voting out a president; it is a movement all around us, rising floodwaters that can’t be ignored.” ~ Thomas Lecaque

  • @deadname...
    @deadname... Рік тому +15

    Atheist here..... I don't see anything wrong with the ad.

    • @russell2910
      @russell2910 Рік тому +2

      They explain that the ad in itself isn't bad, but the organization that put it out is far to the right and supports discrimination, making the message of the commercial dishonest and manipulative.

  • @jamesswain2465
    @jamesswain2465 Рік тому +5

    These people are lying. No hatred is preached at my church.

    • @bahamutskingdom
      @bahamutskingdom Рік тому +1

      I would concur with you 120%......if I was only speaking of my childhood experience within the church.
      1995. Brand new Lion King jacket was bought with one of my first paychecks (Moved to Tulsa from Phoenix by this time) and was refused to go into the church, because Disney was being boycotted. In order to come in, I had to remove my jacket and leave it in my vehicle. I had a my entry was not allowed.
      1997. Again in Tulsa. I was not allowed to come into the church, because I was not properly dressed. New pair of levis, and a new polo shirt was not dressed enough. I do not and will not wear ties around my neck, for the same reason I do not wear necklaces. I do not like things around my neck.
      2019. Back in Arizona now.
      Part 1 - It was said to me that my mother and sisters were not proper women. They were not properly dressed in female attire (dresses), and did not adhear to what I, my father, grandfather, and uncles told them to do.
      Part 2 - The former pastor of the church (when I was in school in the 90's there) who was convicted of 34 counts of molestation of girls from 5 - 15 in the congregation is going to heaven, because he sought forgiveness with Jesus and God if his sins. But somehow my brother, who happens to be gay, despite his work, charity, success both in personal and business life is phenomenal, and his family is one of the best functioning in town......he is going to hell no matter what.
      Part 3 - Our pets have no soul. My cat, my brothers dogs, etc no soul. Why....? Because they do not put clothes on. No seriously that was the reason given. They do not see themselves as being naked, where as we do, because not one other animal took a bite out of the apple the viper presented Eve. They are not aware.
      And then literally not 5 minutes later it was stated "All of Gods creations (he was referencing humans) have a soul. God created the plants and animals. You do not see the concern in my cats eyes when I am sick. When I get an Asthma attack, or if I am upset.
      Let's just say.....if we went to childhood experience all onboard with agreeing. The last 25 years however......At this point in time, especially after my last visit there, I have absolutely no desire to return. I do not need a building in order to speak with God or Jesus......I can do that anywhere on this wonderful world that was his creation.

    • @francispowell1811
      @francispowell1811 Рік тому

      Is your church attached to this group? If not, YOUR church was not referenced.

    • @jamesswain2465
      @jamesswain2465 Рік тому

      Sorry you had a bad experience at church, I wouldn't give up though, Jesus still waits for you with open arms.

    • @MarkoVukovic0
      @MarkoVukovic0 Рік тому +1

      @@jamesswain2465 where, up in the sky?

    • @katherinejones8022
      @katherinejones8022 Рік тому

      Are you sure?

  • @mr.d1287
    @mr.d1287 Рік тому +13

    The less religion, the better. There is no nuance.

  • @thesuperioraffection4502
    @thesuperioraffection4502 Рік тому +8

    These two have no clue who the real Jesus is.

  • @chrislind1664
    @chrislind1664 Рік тому +9

    i love jesus im sick everyone tring to take jesus out of the world

  • @justinharmon6593
    @justinharmon6593 Рік тому +3

    I think AOC was referencing "LoveYourEnemies" as trying to normalize fascists - "trying to make fascists look benign". I think TYT misunderstood her Tweet.

    • @PaulBroekemeier
      @PaulBroekemeier Рік тому +1

      Yeah, but she definitely should have specified

  • @8d0w
    @8d0w Рік тому +7

    Can we finally take away the tax exempt status of churches?

    • @dalemurray1318
      @dalemurray1318 Рік тому

      I don't think there is anything that expressly exempts the Church, especially from Income Taxes. since they didn't exist at the time.

  • @daviawyliefinch3017
    @daviawyliefinch3017 Рік тому +9

    "Jesus loved the people we hate." -- Jesus loved gay and trans people, and also drag artists.

    • @kennethgray2510
      @kennethgray2510 Рік тому

      very true, along with liars, thieves, murderers, drug addicts, alcoholics and religious hypocrites. He loved them so much to forgive their sins and tell them to repent from their wicked ways. Just ask the woman caught in adultery in John 8:1-11. Jesus didn't condone sin, but drew sinners out of it.

    • @daviawyliefinch3017
      @daviawyliefinch3017 Рік тому

      @@kennethgray2510 If you really loved gay and trans people, you wouldn't compare them to liars, thieves, and murderers.

    • @daviawyliefinch3017
      @daviawyliefinch3017 Рік тому

      @Catania Momma Italia 2022 Texas Pastor Dillon Awes of Stedfast Baptist Church: “They should be convicted in a lawful trial. They should be sentenced with death. They should be lined up against the wall, and shot in the back of the head. That’s what God teaches.”
      2022 Texas Pastor Jonathan Shelley of Stedfast Baptist Church: “God has already ruled that murder, adultery, witchcraft, rape, bestiality and homosexuality are crimes worth of capital punishment.”
      2022 Idaho Pastor Joe Jones of Shield of Faith Baptist Church: “God told the nation that he ruled: Put them to death. Put all queers to death.”
      2019 Tennessee Pastor Grayson Fritts of All Scripture Baptist Church: “God has instilled the power of civil government to send the police in 2019 out to the LGBT freaks and arrest them and have a trial for them, and if they are convicted, then they are to be put to death … the Bible says that sentence should be carried out speedily.”
      2018 Arizona Pastor Steven Anderson of the Faithful Word Baptist Church: “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them. That, my friends, is the cure for AIDS. It was right there in the Bible all along.”
      TIL advocating for the murder of gay and trans people is "disagreement."

    • @kennethgray2510
      @kennethgray2510 Рік тому

      @@daviawyliefinch3017 I'm not the one doing it. It's the word of God. Sin is sin, and the bible defines it not me.

    • @kennethgray2510
      @kennethgray2510 Рік тому

      @@daviawyliefinch3017 my father in law was gay and so is my brother in-law. I love them plenty and they love me back. I guess you don't really know me.

  • @CJLinOHIO
    @CJLinOHIO Рік тому +10

    What the hell happened to the separation of church and State?

    • @Joe-bh4vz
      @Joe-bh4vz Рік тому +2

      No such thing

    • @jamesswain2465
      @jamesswain2465 Рік тому

      Ask AOC she just violated it.

    • @amercanmade2685
      @amercanmade2685 Рік тому

      Well if you knew anything about the US Constitution you would know that those words are not part of it. The whole basis of both the establishment and the Free expression clauses in the 1st Amendment was to keep Religion free from Political interference not to prevent Religion from having an impact on our politics. And as we are seeing now. The scope of the establishment Clause is being narrowed back to where it means just what it says. The Government can not Pass legislation calling one faith the faith of America. Praying in schools in court at Football games or having a Manger on a Court House lawn do not Violate the Establishment Clause. Preventing it does Violate the free expression clause

  • @warmbeergamingdude
    @warmbeergamingdude Рік тому +6

    *HERE. Please tell me how Jesus was woke/communist? He told one person to give up their riches because he knew how much that person idolized it!

    • @mailman5043
      @mailman5043 Рік тому

      Ted Kaczynski is an anarchist terrorist, he don't like the woke leftist and they called him a fascist 🤦‍♂️

  • @craigmoorhouse8241
    @craigmoorhouse8241 Рік тому +16

    "Tax the f#$k out of the churches" -Frank Zappa

    • @024pMzA
      @024pMzA Рік тому +3

      All religious organizations with tax exemptions should be taxed the eff out.... which are all of them

    • @SunflowerLover63
      @SunflowerLover63 Рік тому

      Absolutely 100% Agree!

    • @FaaaaaaaQ2
      @FaaaaaaaQ2 Рік тому

      As a militant atheist, I disagree. As it stands now even though many religious organizations have disregarded or worked through loopholes there are still restrictions regarding politics from the pulpit. I picture it like a damn with some leakage over a spillway. If you take away tax exemption religions will want far more influence over politics than what they currently manage. You would be essentially opening the floodgates. It would be akin to citizens united all over again.

    • @024pMzA
      @024pMzA Рік тому

      You state some very valid points I do agree with you the political influence that religion has predominantly Christianity is definitely overpowering. Obviously it's all hypothetical however with religion being at an all-time low right now who's to say the possibilities in the near future. It's all bureaucracy and diplomacy I suppose. One can only dream.

    • @Eddie-ud4bb
      @Eddie-ud4bb Рік тому

      How do I start a church? Seriously.. the money rock$

  • @charlottehayward5943
    @charlottehayward5943 Рік тому +8

    Satan always hates the name of Jesus. His name is power over evil.

    • @jaredfullmer5104
      @jaredfullmer5104 Рік тому +1

      Have you not paid attention to the confederate south/right wing /trump supporters?? They are closer to Satan than Jesus. All they do is use Jesus name to do evil and push their Own will and agenda.. not Gods

  • @jackiemack8653
    @jackiemack8653 Рік тому +8

    Excuuuse me AOC? Grammys glorifying Satan? That's ok?

  • @chocomojo9552
    @chocomojo9552 Рік тому +5

    A commercial for Jesus???
    Something is so wrong here.
    Jésus would Never spend million of dollars on a superbowl commercial.

    • @lifeofjeffrey2447
      @lifeofjeffrey2447 Рік тому +4

      Instead he’d spend it helping homeless and the hungry. Fuck the evangelical American Christians

    • @digbycrankshaft7572
      @digbycrankshaft7572 Рік тому +1

      @@lifeofjeffrey2447 evilgelicals aren't Christians

    • @night7695
      @night7695 Рік тому

      It's a commercial for their website to recruit more people into their hate group.

    • @jesalcasid1601
      @jesalcasid1601 Рік тому

      Hmmm you have a point i just hope it was sponsored so some of the teachings will spread thru people.

  • @HocusPocus6969
    @HocusPocus6969 Рік тому +14

    Apparently Jesus likes marketing….at 6M per half minute.

  • @richardsagrit7153
    @richardsagrit7153 Рік тому +10

    If it was a Muslim ad they’d be talking about how stunning and brave it was