I never was here for the Warhammer content, and I shall remain here for anything you do. You're an art channel more than a hobby channel to me, and honestly I use your content as inspiration as to how approach painting. I'm not good at all, I even started hating on my painting recently, and struggle to come back to it, but your videos are very comforting. Keep playing games, painting new ones, and strive in new games!
I loved what you said about a malevolent root spreading throughout the world, desolating a once-fertile landscape, ceasing all innovation, and mutating everyone into vegetable-brained worshippers. And the stuff about Turnip 28 was good too.
I find it’s more like the Jerryboree. It’s fun, here in our daycare. You can throw the little temper tantrum and storm off and say “I’m leaving, I’m an adult”. That’s fine, that was always allowed.
Freedom can you offer a huge variety, these are my ttmwg: - The Drowned Earth - Moonstone - Guild Ball - Infinity - Blood and Plunder - Idols of Torment - Eldfall Chronicles - Malifaux - Confrontation - Warmachine/ Hordes 1-3rd Ed. - Freebooters Fate - Fallen Frontiers - Frostgrave - Gaslands - Batman Miniatures Game - Urban War/ Void - Marvel Crisis Protocol - SW Shatterpoint - Takkure - Bangarang in the Gutterlands (kitbash) - Rumbleslam - Trench Crusade - Zone Wars - Summoners - Demon Ship - Pulpometer (agnostisch) … I sold my 40k stuff with the 6th Ed. and never looked back. Thank you for this video.
This video hit me on a deeper level. I’ve been contemplating dialing down the warhammer in my life and exploring different games. It’s so easy to get caught up in the maelstrom that is the warhammer algorythm. And I often wander towards more niche game than getting excited for the newest GW release. I feel it’s like growing up in a sense, becoming mature in the hobby and finding my own taste and way I want to experience it. Eventhough I’ve been in the hobby for over 20 years, these last years I’ve been getting more and more active and it has changed my perspective. Thank you Alex!
Hey Sam! I hope you are well. I’m a fan you know. Long live the Sacrosanct. I should probably just stick turnips and tufts on them and be done with it.
Another great video Alex! Reminds me of when we got rid of our television when the kids were young. We had the only kids that didn't know what they wanted for Christmas. It was quite lovely.
A couple other points in favour of Corvus Belli - Infinity has a very proxy-friendly game culture. They know you may not have exactly the right mini for everything in your list, and that's fine, even at official events. Also, with the launch of N5, they have archived the online N4 army builder. So if your play group wants to keep playing N4, that's totally supported. This is in stark contrast to GW's scorched earth policy towards previous editions of their own games.
Space Weirdos really helped me reconnect with why I got into the hobby in the first place. Feel like my making and playing hobby hours are better spent these days.
I really appreciate you putting out this video, as a tabletop gamer who doesn't and never has played Warhammer (I got into the hobby first through RPGs then skirmish games like frostgrave) the constant barrage of Warhammer is exhausting! It's great to see creators like yourself try this kind of thing
Can't wait to see the finished board. One of my favorite projects I've seen you make. With the price increases of MESBG with this new edition I've been looking into other games and considering old fascinations. It has been kind of freeing to explode or think about other things.
Getting off the hamster wheel is really refreshing, so many rabbit holes to go down. Still working on my turnip trial units. Moonstone is just so much fun and the minis are a joy. Also I find you get to see so much amazing inspiration when you cast that wider net
Totally get where your coming from. I’ve done this and now I actually enjoy gaming and painting. I think you summed up the entire video with one phrase ‘I got my opinion back.’ Loved the vid!
They killed half my stormcast army, my entire beastman army (not retired but lore exterminated them), and still no love for disposed. The rules are nice but they are killing the soul to just bring in more people or make the tournament scene happier. I needed this video
Have you considred converting them to other games. Beastmen make great herd in Kings of War and the Stormcasts can be ogres or even an All Angel List for basilea.
@ I have not looked at either of those yet I have been looking at trench crusade, and I will admit I have not felt this level of excitement in a long while. It’s basically the new Mordheim. It has some old GW brains from the 90’s-early 2000’s. But I will look up those two games.
Great to hear your perspective! I often find smaller published games and indy games to be more fun to play as well. They can take risks and be creative in their rules in a way that GW never will.
Props to you detoxing something that you noticed you weren't enjoying anymore. I've been noticing "shiny object" syndrome in myself, and part of that is them dropping things very recently that I have been interested in for a while, but I have a lot of painting and other hobby things to get done. The other games and systems and models are always interesting to me, so recently finding you as you're starting to expand beyond Warhammer is a treat. I look forward to seeing more variety from you!
I watch many hobby channels, and as a person who unfortunately loves the aesthetic of GW's "horde factions", I've focussed so much of my painting recently on painting what is relative to my pointed army in both of their games. Your channel has genuinely forced me to look in the mirror and become aware of the "fun" in my hobby, I packed in the laborious line-painting and just chose to start having fun again. Thank you for this, you've recently given me (and probably many others) a desperately needed hobby lifeline.
I have abos at many popular miniature ralated YT chanels and every time they talk about something not warhamer related I really enjoy it! so hearing this from you gets me really excited!!
I did my own detox starting in summer of 2023 and have indeed found my hobby headspace a more peaceful place. I went to dead/old editions of Warhammer 40k & Fantasy Battles alongside a couple indies like Forbidden Psalm. I am fortunate enough to have a hobby friend who is as happy to look to past editions as I am. I know the big argument for staying current with editions or systems is finding people to play.
Some delightful WW2 skirmish Bolt Action is my current jam. No giant space lasers that need nerfing after a month etc. Pretty cheap, can use other model ranges or 3D print if you like, feels good man.
To be honest, I don't care what company's minis you paint. I just like what you do and how you present yourself. I literally would watch you painting a bathroom. 😉 Having said that, I would agree that the hobby is over-saturated with Warhammer. Small companies, creators and game systems should be more widely covered but some people just cannot see over the Wallhammer...exactly your point. 👍👍
My detox has been Kingdom Death. Beautiful miniatures, interesting rules, intriguing setting and its co-op. It’s been very refreshing to work on different things, and not just another Clanrat.
What I love about your content is that you aren't afraid of doing what you like. Many people are chasing views, ad revenue etc. and that's fine, but it's feels a bit stagnant. The disruption of 3d printing is liberating people from the perceived GW monopoly, to the delight of independent, free thinking hobbyists, and gamers. It has to be said that GW is an awesome company, they have done so much for miniature gaming, as you pointed out, the gateway for many people, but how they treat their customers with the constant FOMO assault, and ridiculous prices, has kept me well away from their clutches, to the extent that when I won the Horus Heresy box set from Sergio Calvo, I got rid of it asap, treating it like crack that I daren't indulge in! With the proceeds, I invested in my first Napoleonic box set from Perry Miniatures to start my adventure into Turnip28. Keep making the stuff you enjoy brother, don't ever sell yourself out, this is your hobby, enjoy it, and we'll know it's you we're watching, not some GW clone. Love n stuff from Texas! ❤️🙏🏻
Alex!! I love you for this man. HobbyTube is no doubt in a state of flux but there is very little that would ever keep me from truly enjoying your miniature work regardless of the materials. I hope more people come around.
I got sucked into ttrpgs for a year or two and didnt buy any GW stuff and then i ran into an old gaming club buddy and he promised me a 10th ed teaching game and seeing all the unit boxes having gone up with 10-20 euros (i still had some wrapped in plastic with pricetag still on them) was sobering for me and i decided to finish painting what i had from last time and not buy anything new for this time around. I think i still have enough on sprue to last me until i expire so so far so good. i used to get easily distracted by new shiny projects so now i am working me way through the hobby graveyard of past fancies
Yeah I haven't bought any new 40k stuff since before 8th edition. I have enough Space Orks on sprues to kitbash any new KT rules for a while... I think? I was surprised to learn this year that they'd updated the base size for regular ork boys so if I ever want to play 40k again I need to swap out dozens of bases? I doubt that will ever happen...
Alex This video was kind of an Eye opener for me. After 3 years and collecting 4 40K armies i needed a break, i stopped listening to warhammer lore, switched for some fantasy (just justred way of kings by Sandreson) and ordered my Iron sultanate warband for trench crusade. The feeling is Very similar to that feeling i had when i started my first warhammer army. Keep it up. This is a great direction. Im really looking forward to see some Indie games on your channel. Good work ! 😊
Hi mate, I got to say that I have been feeling the same way about Games Workshop for quite some time now. I have found that I could not keep up with all the models and the price creeping up and the fear of missing out grew to a crazy levels. I now have done the same as you I have thought about what I want and have began BattleTech. I have always wanted to play the game and collect the models but fell into Warhammer when I was young. Over thirty years I have loved the Warhammer models and played many games both fantasy and 40k and had good times. I have been disappointed several times with them destroying armies that I built but wish games workshop all the best for the future. It has been a blast of fresh air and a new way forward for me. I will continue to watch you as I gain knowledge and insight into the hobby and enjoy what you do. I look forward to watching more of your videos and thank you for your time. All the best mate.
All great points. Breadth of experience gives the all important variety of experience. I look forward to whatever you do. That said I would love to see more Infinity painting. Also Trench Crusade kitbashing would be a super interesting creative aspect that I would love to see your take on!
Long time 40k fan here and I have loved your videos not for the Warhammer stuff. Really looking forward to your future videos about other tabletop games! There are so many great games/worlds/stories to explore!
I hugely sympathise and I've pretty much done the same recently - I had 7000 points of Slaanesh, Beasts of Chaos and Slaves to Darkness and more than half of them got wiped off the game slate, and I took it as a complete removal of pressure. I didn't have to finish painting my stuff, I could just try other things. I started doing Forbidden Psalm and Trench Crusade warbands and having a complete blast just painting things I wanted to. It actually made my hobby life way better.
Great video. While there are plenty of people perfectly happy with Warhammer (and that’s fine), there are others who I think needed to hear this. Folk who would be happier with other games, but just don’t know anything else. I also think it’s important to occasionally re-find your inspirational and creative core. Keep up the good work.
As always, a great video. There really is so much stuff out there right now in miniature wargaming. Creativity to come up with the ideas and the tools that allow for that are at an all time high. It's a great time to look beyond the high street.
My detox was quite short and violent. GW gutted my Deathwatch army from 8th to 9th. so i made a harlequin army and that got wrecked in 10th. But before that they gutted my kill teams i made following the 2018 rules, which i loved, with the new release. Good that i always loved Infinity. So i went back to that.
Great video Alex as usual, as a budding wargame developer (working on our first release of our miniature agnostic game) this mindset you are currently in is so refreshing to me, great to see so many people looking elsewhere than GW all the time. Its your hobby and your time, spend it doing what YOU want not what the masses tell you to want.
Fantastic video mate! Recently gotten into Infinity myself, and looks like their new Essentials line for N5 may be exactly what you're looking for as far as a streamlined, less complicated experience...
I love the way you tend to think about things. It seems to always be the less viewed angles on things, and I would love chat with you in real time to pick your brain on a few things!!
Another great video, Alex. I have pretty much given up on GW games, but I still like their miniatures (the cost is brutal though). I try to find alternate miniatures first, but I prefer hard plastic, so options can be limited. I have bought a few different games lately: I bought fairly heavily into Miniwargaming's Ravaged Star campaign (who doesn't love Viking Space Dwarves with mech?), I also bought Space Station Zero from Snarling Badger Studios, and their zine with a game called "The Great Goblin Argle-Bargle (I anxiously await some miniatures from Greece). Before that, I got into A Song of Ice and Fire and Marvel: Crisis Protocol. Basically, I got tired of GW's constant updates (planned obsolescence), price increases, and complexity. I am a slow painter, so I cannot keep up with the constant changes. I also only game occasionally, I have a small social circle, and I don't like going out to game with new people. I prefer simpler rulesets. For what it's worth, I will continue to watch and enjoy your videos, no matter what you paint. You are my "Bob Ross".
@@52Miniatures Yes, I was surprised how annoying three Alex could be. I guess there CAN be too much of a good thing! In the same vein; maybe we don't need more than 52 miniatures to have fun?
Corporate gaming is going to be limited by nature, as you say. Stepping away as you have done can open you up to the many great games out there. "If I don't play GW I can't play" becomes a self fulfilling prophesy. I appreciate this video very much. T28 is wonderful. Forbidden Psalm, and the many titles from Osprey are right there for you too. Many of these play in a 3x3 or 2x2 area and have solo ruels so, it really does not have to ba a "Warhams or nothing" reality as a gamer.
Couple of things: 1. I never stopped watching your stream, like your viewpoints and techniques regardless of what you paint. 2. I actually loved seeing the paint a rat videos.. love the skaven lore and models although I dont play any GW games. I hope Trench Crusade becomes a big hit, the models look interesting, and I like the lore behind it. Maybe something to get into down the road when I am not so d***ed busy. Keep up the good work, like the videos.
Well, I am a total noob and not much of a gamer at all so I just pick up whatever minis I like! So your channel is just what I like - diversity and some fabulous company and ponderings.
Really enjoyed this video Alex. When I returned to wargaming over COVID (as so many of us did) I was surprised by how turned off I was by the state of Warhammer. I felt all the fun had gone out of it, that sometimes silly, punkish edge had gone corporate (a bit like John Lydon these days - such a disappointment) and I really felt I didn't want much to do with it. Instead I went with Infinity: Code One, a great, stripped down version of Infinity N4 which has absolutely excellent miniatures and some brilliant, great value boxed sets. Since then, I've been getting together armies for Turnip28, the excellent Forbidden Psalm games (another great starter box is available from Wargames Atlantic for the weird WWI version the Last War), the brilliant Zona Alfa from Osprey and the Space/Sword Weirdos rules lite games from Garske. All of these are immense fun, I love the opportunities that a lot of them have for kitbashing, and some even have coop and solo versions so it's possible to get a game in when there's nobody else free. I still love old Warhammer, both Fantasy and 40K, but I find their spirit lives on in a much more satisfying manner in non-GW games. Of course, that's just me. Y'all keep doing what makes you happy.
Alex, another awesome video and thank you for sharing your point of view! I'm working with my first combat patrol and I'm afraid that when I finish GW change the rules and I have to restart again with new painted miniatures, like what happened to you. I feel like we are going to be in an eternal spiral that we don't see an exit. I'm with you, sometimes we need to make changes and walk away from things that will not make us enjoy the relaxation of the hobby. Instead we will be under the pressure of "they are going to change the rules again". I enjoy your videos and work. That's why I'm painting my miniatures as display pieces rather than being pulled by the eternal spiral of rules changing constantly like a global Monopoly to obligate us to buy new miniatures every time they decide.. If I play a board game, I will play Chess, the rules are almost the same for centuries 😊. Thanks again!!!!
Great video, Alex! I've never been in to Warhammer, never really been in to wargaming, tbh. I just love painting 1/10th, 1/12th scale figures and busts. Games Workshop's total dominance is a distraction from the huge range of painting opportunities out there. Your decision to actively reduce your income streams by not creating GW content is a brave step, and should be applauded - well done!
Its good to see lots of my fav creators breaking out of the GW / space marine painting guide mould, between you all you've directed me to so many different model makers and now i feel like i can paint for the fun of it, and not paint a tank because my army just needs a tank for rules reasons
Hi Alex. I'm still here, and as you know I don't even play war games or really even paint miniatures. I watch because of you, your insights on hobbies, your multi discipline skills and creativity. I think the perspective that you presented can be applied to a lot of different hobbies and even other aspects of life. Thanks again, and Merry Christmas. 🎄 👍🏼
I am just starting out on this hobby. I was given a bunch of Space Marines from the Leviathan set but there's so much I want to do that just wouldn't work for GW's stuff. I've been watching your videos for a while, and this was pretty much the encouragement I needed to disregard GW and keep checking out other games. So far, Tonks, Scabz, Turnip28, Black Powder, Stargrave and OPR have all grabbed my attention in their own ways. I'm going to check out the other games you mentioned here-- and I'm gonna stick around and keep watching to see what I can learn from you!
I really love and appreciate the direction you've taken. There are so many great tabletop games out there that don't get the love they should. Excited to see more Turnip28 content as well. Hopefully some more weird rootlings in the future?
Glad to see you try new games and hopefully help grow the communities around them. On a side note, looks like your trench board will be ready just in time for trench crusade.
I really enjoyed this talk. I got into 40k wanting to paint without knowing if I'd enjoy the rules, and it didn't take many play sessions to realise that I didn't. I have since introduced One Page Rules instead to my friend group (which I host, because I'm the only one willing to make terrain), and it's a lot of fun! I tried getting Stargrave going, but no one else felt like finding other miniatures to build their crews with, so I eventually got turned on to Rangers of Shadow Deep by the same author, which put all the painting and terrain-making on me by virtue of being a solo/co-op game, but that's been great, because I've wanted to try crafting fantasy terrain and painting different miniatures than space marines and genestealer cult dudes. I've got to try the Frostgrave kits that are really fun to mix together. I've even tried metal miniatures for the first time, and Danish sculpts, no less (Dunkeldorf Miniatures, highly recommended). Tomorrow me and the 40k group are playing Grimdark Future 2v2, which would probably never happen if we used the official 40k rules, and later this month I'm playing the first scenario of Rangers of Shadow Deep with two of those guys. I just bought 35 spruce trees in a model train shop as a last minute addition to the terrain, and I'm really excited to base them and see how it's all going to come together. Hobbying with your personal goals first and foremost is a lot of fun 🤙
I know I’m late to this video, but I just wanted to throw my support behind what you’re doing. Giving up Age of Sigmar during the endless lead-up to 4th edition is the best decision I’ve ever made regarding this hobby. I feel so much less stress, angst, anger, and sadness about my hobby as a result. My new mantra is “life is too short to play bad games”, and AoS is a pretty terrible game, rules-wise. I still play other GW games (Blood Bowl mostly), so it’s not an anti-GW sentiment. But I’m through with their flagship games. And I’m so much happier.
My detox from Warhammer was orchestrated by all the bone-headed decisions the GW rules writing teams had been making around the end of 5th edition and onward. Sometimes the body just has enough of something that's bad for you and you just can't take anymore.
@chrisj9628 Not really. They've been making what I feel to be bone-headed moves ever since. Warhammer is popular, sure, but I don't feel the rules ever got better and that popularity came through licensed materials, and despite the rules.
@@Kattbirb I've been playing since 4th and I can tell you right now that the rules these days are much easier to learn and make for a much tighter game than in the old days. 10th is very snappy and straightforward compared to 6th or 7th. A lot of the popularity absolutely happened because of the great rules rework in 8th edition when they wiped the slate clean and started over, and they've been improving ever since.
@chrisj9628 I disagree. The gameplay isn't all that "snappier" because GW hasn't moved past IGOUGO. Andy Chambers wanted to scrap that way back in 3rd edition iirc, but it continues on, making one player sit around, doing little else but wait to roll saves. Perhaps a restroom break, maybe get a snack, or even take a nap. To combat this, they hamfistedly implemented stratagems and all the special rules with purple prose titles that new players have to memorize or fall into "gotchas." Then you add detachments, which I believe have had sorely required reworks in every edition since they were implemented. I feel that's an evolution of the old chapter traits and doctrines. I honestly don't know which is better, I'll admit. But if you want an easy, snappy version of 40k, that's One Page Rules. I just read up the rules on that this weekend, and while I don't like the game overall, I'd rather teach a new player that than 40k. Even my beloved 3rd edition with Cityfight.
@@Kattbirb "all the special rules with purple prose titles that new players have to memorize or fall into "gotchas."" Tell me you haven't played a real game of 40k in the past few years with a normal person in a game store without telling me...
Once i tryed Asoiaf Minis I realice than the moment you step out of the GW bubble you find out than there is so much fun and possibilities than we are missing because of the incredible work of GW Marketing machine!
This, I brought this up recently, and someone replied that they are a collector. We're all collectors, we just need to have some willpower to not join the hype train now and again. Great video Alex.
Your warhammer clense process is how I became inadvertisable to on UA-cam, at least on my phone. I get nearly no ads these days, and they're bog standard. "You eat and need health insurance, right?". Its great.
Thank you for this! Creating miniature painting/crafting content on UA-cam is already pretty hard, and it becomes even more difficult if you don't do the Warhammer stuff.
I look forward to more Infinity Alex!. I have seriously wound down my Warhammer stuff for other reasons and ramped up Infinity mainly to use for 5 Parsecs (although I am going to try N5 Ikeep telling myself) and older minis that have languished in my bin of shame for Frostgrave and Rangers of Shadowdeep. Painting the new JSA from Corvus Belli really got my hobby vibe going again. Anyway, another great video, thanks!
Corvus belli recently retired some profiles, but I will say for their credit, you can proxy at official tournaments as long as the mini is the right size.
I don't even play war games, I just like to paint miniatures. And fortunately for me, nowadays there's a huge range of options thanks to 3D printing, and the prices are competitive or better than with GW even when not doing the printing yourself. What a time to be painting!
Enjoy your painting whatever you decide to paint. Frostgrave, Stargrave, Turnip 28 and historical Dark Age and Medieval stuff have been my escape for the last few years. For my fantasy buzz Highlands Miniature 3D prints are lovely and a joy to paint. Miniature agnostic games are the way to go
Here for the painting and ideas not the Warhammer. Started collecting mini's and playing tabletop prior to the first Warhammer Box. Stopped collecting and playing GW games 20 years ago. Still use the mini''s, but use them for indi games or old rule sets. All my kids play and paint too but they are miniature agnostic also. Love the video content, you make very good points in a very resonable way. Thankyou for sharing.
I've been diving back into Dropfleet Commander. Making and painting little plastic spaceships has been a refreshing change from making and paint little plastic army dudes. Not much opportunity for scenery or terrain though.
I think this is a very natural part of this hobby. These games change often, models get discontinued, rules evolve for better or worse, things you enjoyed go away. I had my own "Warhammer detox" of sorts during the 7th edition of 40k when the game just wasn't fun with all the random distribution of formations that were so haphazardly balanced and distributed across armies. In that time I picked up and played so many more games - Infinity, Warmachine, Malifaux etc, and found things I loved about each. But I also found plenty to dislike about them, as well. Warmachine wrecked their game with latter half of 3rd edition theme lists and the absolutely nuts price hikes. We all dislike when models get more expensive (inflation does its thing), but oh man, when you are asked to pay 65 EUR (this was in 2017!) for a box of 10 pewter miniatures made in 2009 with awful quality control and a giant mold slip line over the face of the models... or even worse, the flaky weird plastiresin that bends and is extremely annoying to clean up? Not fun! Infinity I loved - but Infinity is a VERY demanding and exhausting game. You don't have the capacity for that kind of relaxed gameplay feel that 40k has. It's constantly your turn, you're constantly playing and making decisions - and it is very fun! But man oh man do you feel drained after just three 45 min games in a standard small tourney. The miniatures - top notch, but even there, I was not on board with the re-imagining of my favorite subfaction, the Morats. I loved the N3 design of lean, strong space oni, I very much do NOT love the weird Gears of War like re-imagining of them as rough Hulk monsters. 8th edition of 40k also just drew me back into that universe and I simply didn't have enough time to devote to keeping up to Infinity's incredibly complex ruleset. It's a great game (was in N3 anyway, dunno now!) but it's very, very demanding. Oh, and Infinity's hidden cost is terrain. Yes, you don't "need" anything fancy - but you'll want it. You'll be buying soooo many different MDF houses and model cars and planes and crates and scatter terrain because you will want to make more varied battlefields to play on. And it'll all add up to a very pretty sum, because Infinity demands a LOT of terrain to play really well. 40k you can make do with a few walls and scatter terrain, in Infinity that's nothing. Of course I also tried Malifaux and yes, their models were simply incredible, extremely finely detailed hard plastic that's cheaper than GW stuff... yet it's too fine, too detailed! When I have to break out pincers to glue on a half a milimeter thin moustache on a model, it's really a bit much. And then, transporting those extremely fine plastic models, sheesh... And aesthetically, I just never could find a faction that I was fully 100% onboard with - it was always "I kind of like these guys, but wtf are these units that I need for gameplay reasons?" All this to say, it's completely okay to go and look around and try other games. Just understand that no game is perfect, no model manufacturer is perfect, each and every one of them has something you will dislike. Prices, model availability, rules - they all can be fine now and turn for the worse tomorrow. That's why it's best to just play what you like and enjoy it as it goes - and don't feel too crazy about following edition changes if you don't like them. Play the older editions, get the older models on ebay, do your own thing! Don't feel pressured to follow the trends or try to pressgang people to follow your rebel path of the One True Gaming System you just found - just have fun with all of it. Personally to me, I found this time away from GW actually made me appreciate their offering for what it was, warts and all. And to anyone that goes all "oh my god, GW has ruined everything with XYZ decision", I have just one thing to say - first time? ;)
Alex, one thing you can do to get non-warhammer recs (or at least that worked for me) was just subbing to anything with the Blanshitsu tag - a lot of very creative painters use this and don't paint warhammer, or at worst use a piece or two for a kitbash, but most everything is just amazing blobby weirdness that I think you would quite enjoy.
I just sold all my Warhammer models, two full armies and a few KillTeams, in the last month. I am done. No more. I DID just find Turnip28, and I’m having a great time building minis from scratch from their excellent art. I’m in love. I’ll always remember my time with Warhammer, but the time is over for me.
Turnip28 is great! simple rules but lots of flavour to the cults and of course can just make your own out of whatever :-) Also the Forbidden Psalm seires of games are amazing! they are all solo/co-op but damn good :-)
I dropped 40k when it was still Rogue Trader, and you got 100 Space Marines and 2 Rhino's for £20! I have fond memories of Games Workshop when it was a small shop in Hammersmith, and White Dwarf covered all RPGs. But then I'm really that old!
The whole push of "the next edition" has just pushed me into 3d printing and kit bashing and just picking my favourite version up and just going from there. I love 40k, I love old world, but now I just pick up 3rd ed 40k and build cool new armies with that in mind and rule of kool fantasy armies. Warcrow is great and I cant wait to see more. Peachy is balancing his channel really well, blending warhammer, silver beyonet and other wargames. Any paint focused hobiest doesn't mind, I find myself watching scale model channels more and more, good tips are good tips!
Great video! As an Infinity player, one thing that really stuck out to me in your video about first playing that game was how it's so much about navigating terrain. I think I've changed the way I "pitch" the game because how true that is, and in my mind distinct compared to other games. But I haven't played *that* many games. Could you speak to how terrain plays a role in Turnip28, Moonstone, or Silver Bayonet? Love seeing the progress on that trench table.
I can't say much about those games. They are games I'm working on but have not played enough to comment on. I agree about Infinity, navigating terrain seems like a big thing.
If you like the Blood Beret game, and are continuing the GW detox, you could check out Warzone Eternal from Res Nova games. The model rules are up on the page under downloads, and, if word of mouth from the designer holds up, the base rules should be up by the end of the month. I've been a fan of Mutant Chronicles for a while now and this looks like a return to form, though on a skirmish scale, of which I'm a fan.
I want you to know that this mirrors a lot of the thoughts I have had a few years myself. My breaking point were the codexes and the release of the second Space Marines codex right before the changing of editions. I just hope a few of my friends reach the same conclusion soon so i can get a game in with something else :)
This was a great, evocative video Alex. I have been detoxing from GW ever since you (and a few others) showed all the "erased" models and factions. GW made this Really easy. Why invest in something that the company shows you will be arbitrarily swapped or even eliminated?
I never was here for the Warhammer content, and I shall remain here for anything you do. You're an art channel more than a hobby channel to me, and honestly I use your content as inspiration as to how approach painting. I'm not good at all, I even started hating on my painting recently, and struggle to come back to it, but your videos are very comforting.
Keep playing games, painting new ones, and strive in new games!
I loved what you said about a malevolent root spreading throughout the world, desolating a once-fertile landscape, ceasing all innovation, and mutating everyone into vegetable-brained worshippers. And the stuff about Turnip 28 was good too.
sounds like a metaphor for the majority of the GW fanbase... lol.
The Warhammer Wall really is the Platos Cave of wargaming/minipainting.
I find it’s more like the Jerryboree. It’s fun, here in our daycare. You can throw the little temper tantrum and storm off and say “I’m leaving, I’m an adult”. That’s fine, that was always allowed.
Freedom can you offer a huge variety, these are my ttmwg:
- The Drowned Earth
- Moonstone
- Guild Ball
- Infinity
- Blood and Plunder
- Idols of Torment
- Eldfall Chronicles
- Malifaux
- Confrontation
- Warmachine/ Hordes 1-3rd Ed.
- Freebooters Fate
- Fallen Frontiers
- Frostgrave
- Gaslands
- Batman Miniatures Game
- Urban War/ Void
- Marvel Crisis Protocol
- SW Shatterpoint
- Takkure
- Bangarang in the Gutterlands (kitbash)
- Rumbleslam
- Trench Crusade
- Zone Wars
- Summoners
- Demon Ship
- Pulpometer (agnostisch)
I sold my 40k stuff with the 6th Ed. and never looked back.
Thank you for this video.
Or just warmachine, mk4 is dope too!
Great List!
One of your best videos.
I paint miniatures for just the variety of miniatures.
"Stargrave! I like you" is peak 52 Miniatures content. I'll be looking forward to the none GW videos.
This video hit me on a deeper level. I’ve been contemplating dialing down the warhammer in my life and exploring different games. It’s so easy to get caught up in the maelstrom that is the warhammer algorythm. And I often wander towards more niche game than getting excited for the newest GW release. I feel it’s like growing up in a sense, becoming mature in the hobby and finding my own taste and way I want to experience it. Eventhough I’ve been in the hobby for over 20 years, these last years I’ve been getting more and more active and it has changed my perspective. Thank you Alex!
Thanks Cronos I appreciate it.
Alternative title - Alex 52 or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Hobby (non-Warhammer edition)
This made me burst out laughing. Well played.
laughing emoji with tears!
Thanks, Alex! My Sacrosanct army says hello. "Do we know what we are after?" is a great takeaway from this video.
Hey Sam! I hope you are well. I’m a fan you know. Long live the Sacrosanct. I should probably just stick turnips and tufts on them and be done with it.
This is such a great episode Alex. We definitely live in a world where we need to cultivate our joy and creativity with intentionality.
Psst... wanna buy some turnips? 🥸
Got some Sweeds if you want something harder?
Another great video Alex! Reminds me of when we got rid of our television when the kids were young. We had the only kids that didn't know what they wanted for Christmas. It was quite lovely.
I started Infinity this month and I love every minute. Cant wait to hear your journey!
"and I can really recommend... the other books"...
Such a subtlety to your knifework...
treading lightly here or Eisenhorn will come knocking talking about heresy and such
A couple other points in favour of Corvus Belli - Infinity has a very proxy-friendly game culture. They know you may not have exactly the right mini for everything in your list, and that's fine, even at official events.
Also, with the launch of N5, they have archived the online N4 army builder. So if your play group wants to keep playing N4, that's totally supported. This is in stark contrast to GW's scorched earth policy towards previous editions of their own games.
Space Weirdos really helped me reconnect with why I got into the hobby in the first place. Feel like my making and playing hobby hours are better spent these days.
I love your fireside chat videos. Needs more fireside ❤
Thanks Adrian!
Thank you for the vid Alex. Not sure if someone has said this before, but the tone of your voice is very therapeutic and soothing 😅
I really appreciate you putting out this video, as a tabletop gamer who doesn't and never has played Warhammer (I got into the hobby first through RPGs then skirmish games like frostgrave) the constant barrage of Warhammer is exhausting! It's great to see creators like yourself try this kind of thing
Can't wait to see the finished board. One of my favorite projects I've seen you make.
With the price increases of MESBG with this new edition I've been looking into other games and considering old fascinations. It has been kind of freeing to explode or think about other things.
Getting off the hamster wheel is really refreshing, so many rabbit holes to go down. Still working on my turnip trial units. Moonstone is just so much fun and the minis are a joy. Also I find you get to see so much amazing inspiration when you cast that wider net
Totally get where your coming from. I’ve done this and now I actually enjoy gaming and painting. I think you summed up the entire video with one phrase ‘I got my opinion back.’ Loved the vid!
They killed half my stormcast army, my entire beastman army (not retired but lore exterminated them), and still no love for disposed. The rules are nice but they are killing the soul to just bring in more people or make the tournament scene happier.
I needed this video
Have you considred converting them to other games. Beastmen make great herd in Kings of War and the Stormcasts can be ogres or even an All Angel List for basilea.
@ I have not looked at either of those yet I have been looking at trench crusade, and I will admit I have not felt this level of excitement in a long while. It’s basically the new Mordheim. It has some old GW brains from the 90’s-early 2000’s.
But I will look up those two games.
Great to hear your perspective! I often find smaller published games and indy games to be more fun to play as well. They can take risks and be creative in their rules in a way that GW never will.
Such a refreshing video and message. Your authenticity is what makes your channel unique. Keep at it, we are with you!
Thank you! Will do!
Props to you detoxing something that you noticed you weren't enjoying anymore. I've been noticing "shiny object" syndrome in myself, and part of that is them dropping things very recently that I have been interested in for a while, but I have a lot of painting and other hobby things to get done. The other games and systems and models are always interesting to me, so recently finding you as you're starting to expand beyond Warhammer is a treat. I look forward to seeing more variety from you!
I also moved from Warhammer and ended up in Infinity. I cannot wait to see your upcoming videos!
Your infinity content has been so sick.. i loved this era.
Great to hear, thank you
This is probably THE best miniature wargaming video/message I’ve consumed in a long time. Thanks for your perspective!
I'm glad to hear it, thank you
I watch many hobby channels, and as a person who unfortunately loves the aesthetic of GW's "horde factions", I've focussed so much of my painting recently on painting what is relative to my pointed army in both of their games.
Your channel has genuinely forced me to look in the mirror and become aware of the "fun" in my hobby, I packed in the laborious line-painting and just chose to start having fun again.
Thank you for this, you've recently given me (and probably many others) a desperately needed hobby lifeline.
This is one of the best and healthiest video I´ve seen in quite a lot.
You´re fantastic Alex.
Thank you humbly
I have abos at many popular miniature ralated YT chanels and every time they talk about something not warhamer related I really enjoy it! so hearing this from you gets me really excited!!
I did my own detox starting in summer of 2023 and have indeed found my hobby headspace a more peaceful place. I went to dead/old editions of Warhammer 40k & Fantasy Battles alongside a couple indies like Forbidden Psalm.
I am fortunate enough to have a hobby friend who is as happy to look to past editions as I am. I know the big argument for staying current with editions or systems is finding people to play.
Some delightful WW2 skirmish Bolt Action is my current jam. No giant space lasers that need nerfing after a month etc. Pretty cheap, can use other model ranges or 3D print if you like, feels good man.
To be honest, I don't care what company's minis you paint. I just like what you do and how you present yourself. I literally would watch you painting a bathroom. 😉
Having said that, I would agree that the hobby is over-saturated with Warhammer. Small companies, creators and game systems should be more widely covered but some people just cannot see over the Wallhammer...exactly your point. 👍👍
52 bathrooms.
It's so refreshing when someone chooses authenticity over an easier path
My detox has been Kingdom Death. Beautiful miniatures, interesting rules, intriguing setting and its co-op.
It’s been very refreshing to work on different things, and not just another Clanrat.
The monsters are so good, I've been basing my OSR DND campaign around them because I enjoy the sculpts so much.
@ that’s awesome!
What I love about your content is that you aren't afraid of doing what you like. Many people are chasing views, ad revenue etc. and that's fine, but it's feels a bit stagnant.
The disruption of 3d printing is liberating people from the perceived GW monopoly, to the delight of independent, free thinking hobbyists, and gamers.
It has to be said that GW is an awesome company, they have done so much for miniature gaming, as you pointed out, the gateway for many people, but how they treat their customers with the constant FOMO assault, and ridiculous prices, has kept me well away from their clutches, to the extent that when I won the Horus Heresy box set from Sergio Calvo, I got rid of it asap, treating it like crack that I daren't indulge in! With the proceeds, I invested in my first Napoleonic box set from Perry Miniatures to start my adventure into Turnip28.
Keep making the stuff you enjoy brother, don't ever sell yourself out, this is your hobby, enjoy it, and we'll know it's you we're watching, not some GW clone. Love n stuff from Texas! ❤️🙏🏻
Alex!! I love you for this man. HobbyTube is no doubt in a state of flux but there is very little that would ever keep me from truly enjoying your miniature work regardless of the materials. I hope more people come around.
I got sucked into ttrpgs for a year or two and didnt buy any GW stuff and then i ran into an old gaming club buddy and he promised me a 10th ed teaching game and seeing all the unit boxes having gone up with 10-20 euros (i still had some wrapped in plastic with pricetag still on them) was sobering for me and i decided to finish painting what i had from last time and not buy anything new for this time around. I think i still have enough on sprue to last me until i expire so so far so good. i used to get easily distracted by new shiny projects so now i am working me way through the hobby graveyard of past fancies
Yeah I haven't bought any new 40k stuff since before 8th edition. I have enough Space Orks on sprues to kitbash any new KT rules for a while... I think? I was surprised to learn this year that they'd updated the base size for regular ork boys so if I ever want to play 40k again I need to swap out dozens of bases? I doubt that will ever happen...
Keep going on! The way you paint, I don’t care what you paint. It’s really cool sometimes to see new models out of Warhammer world.
A very refreshing video, thank you Alex
Alex This video was kind of an Eye opener for me. After 3 years and collecting 4 40K armies i needed a break, i stopped listening to warhammer lore, switched for some fantasy (just justred way of kings by Sandreson) and ordered my Iron sultanate warband for trench crusade. The feeling is Very similar to that feeling i had when i started my first warhammer army. Keep it up. This is a great direction. Im really looking forward to see some Indie games on your channel. Good work ! 😊
Hi mate, I got to say that I have been feeling the same way about Games Workshop for quite some time now. I have found that I could not keep up with all the models and the price creeping up and the fear of missing out grew to a crazy levels. I now have done the same as you I have thought about what I want and have began BattleTech. I have always wanted to play the game and collect the models but fell into Warhammer when I was young. Over thirty years I have loved the Warhammer models and played many games both fantasy and 40k and had good times. I have been disappointed several times with them destroying armies that I built but wish games workshop all the best for the future. It has been a blast of fresh air and a new way forward for me. I will continue to watch you as I gain knowledge and insight into the hobby and enjoy what you do. I look forward to watching more of your videos and thank you for your time. All the best mate.
All great points. Breadth of experience gives the all important variety of experience. I look forward to whatever you do.
That said I would love to see more Infinity painting. Also Trench Crusade kitbashing would be a super interesting creative aspect that I would love to see your take on!
Long time 40k fan here and I have loved your videos not for the Warhammer stuff. Really looking forward to your future videos about other tabletop games! There are so many great games/worlds/stories to explore!
I hugely sympathise and I've pretty much done the same recently - I had 7000 points of Slaanesh, Beasts of Chaos and Slaves to Darkness and more than half of them got wiped off the game slate, and I took it as a complete removal of pressure. I didn't have to finish painting my stuff, I could just try other things. I started doing Forbidden Psalm and Trench Crusade warbands and having a complete blast just painting things I wanted to. It actually made my hobby life way better.
Brilliant video, a huge yes from me for other games and miniatures! More moonstone pleeeeasssee 🙏
Great video. While there are plenty of people perfectly happy with Warhammer (and that’s fine), there are others who I think needed to hear this. Folk who would be happier with other games, but just don’t know anything else. I also think it’s important to occasionally re-find your inspirational and creative core. Keep up the good work.
Well said!
As always, a great video. There really is so much stuff out there right now in miniature wargaming. Creativity to come up with the ideas and the tools that allow for that are at an all time high. It's a great time to look beyond the high street.
Very excited to see future videos featuring Infinity from you!
My detox was quite short and violent. GW gutted my Deathwatch army from 8th to 9th. so i made a harlequin army and that got wrecked in 10th. But before that they gutted my kill teams i made following the 2018 rules, which i loved, with the new release.
Good that i always loved Infinity. So i went back to that.
Great video Alex as usual, as a budding wargame developer (working on our first release of our miniature agnostic game) this mindset you are currently in is so refreshing to me, great to see so many people looking elsewhere than GW all the time. Its your hobby and your time, spend it doing what YOU want not what the masses tell you to want.
Fantastic video mate! Recently gotten into Infinity myself, and looks like their new Essentials line for N5 may be exactly what you're looking for as far as a streamlined, less complicated experience...
I love the way you tend to think about things. It seems to always be the less viewed angles on things, and I would love chat with you in real time to pick your brain on a few things!!
Another great video, Alex. I have pretty much given up on GW games, but I still like their miniatures (the cost is brutal though). I try to find alternate miniatures first, but I prefer hard plastic, so options can be limited.
I have bought a few different games lately: I bought fairly heavily into Miniwargaming's Ravaged Star campaign (who doesn't love Viking Space Dwarves with mech?), I also bought Space Station Zero from Snarling Badger Studios, and their zine with a game called "The Great Goblin Argle-Bargle (I anxiously await some miniatures from Greece). Before that, I got into A Song of Ice and Fire and Marvel: Crisis Protocol.
Basically, I got tired of GW's constant updates (planned obsolescence), price increases, and complexity. I am a slow painter, so I cannot keep up with the constant changes. I also only game occasionally, I have a small social circle, and I don't like going out to game with new people. I prefer simpler rulesets.
For what it's worth, I will continue to watch and enjoy your videos, no matter what you paint. You are my "Bob Ross".
Great perspective, I always love your videos.
Whats better than one alex?! THREE of em!!
😂 Thanks Theo! I think one is enough… they don’t really get along
@@52Miniatures Yes, I was surprised how annoying three Alex could be. I guess there CAN be too much of a good thing! In the same vein; maybe we don't need more than 52 miniatures to have fun?
Corporate gaming is going to be limited by nature, as you say. Stepping away as you have done can open you up to the many great games out there. "If I don't play GW I can't play" becomes a self fulfilling prophesy. I appreciate this video very much. T28 is wonderful. Forbidden Psalm, and the many titles from Osprey are right there for you too. Many of these play in a 3x3 or 2x2 area and have solo ruels so, it really does not have to ba a "Warhams or nothing" reality as a gamer.
Couple of things: 1. I never stopped watching your stream, like your viewpoints and techniques regardless of what you paint. 2. I actually loved seeing the paint a rat videos.. love the skaven lore and models although I dont play any GW games. I hope Trench Crusade becomes a big hit, the models look interesting, and I like the lore behind it. Maybe something to get into down the road when I am not so d***ed busy. Keep up the good work, like the videos.
Well, I am a total noob and not much of a gamer at all so I just pick up whatever minis I like! So your channel is just what I like - diversity and some fabulous company and ponderings.
Really enjoyed this video Alex. When I returned to wargaming over COVID (as so many of us did) I was surprised by how turned off I was by the state of Warhammer. I felt all the fun had gone out of it, that sometimes silly, punkish edge had gone corporate (a bit like John Lydon these days - such a disappointment) and I really felt I didn't want much to do with it. Instead I went with Infinity: Code One, a great, stripped down version of Infinity N4 which has absolutely excellent miniatures and some brilliant, great value boxed sets. Since then, I've been getting together armies for Turnip28, the excellent Forbidden Psalm games (another great starter box is available from Wargames Atlantic for the weird WWI version the Last War), the brilliant Zona Alfa from Osprey and the Space/Sword Weirdos rules lite games from Garske. All of these are immense fun, I love the opportunities that a lot of them have for kitbashing, and some even have coop and solo versions so it's possible to get a game in when there's nobody else free. I still love old Warhammer, both Fantasy and 40K, but I find their spirit lives on in a much more satisfying manner in non-GW games. Of course, that's just me. Y'all keep doing what makes you happy.
Alex, another awesome video and thank you for sharing your point of view! I'm working with my first combat patrol and I'm afraid that when I finish GW change the rules and I have to restart again with new painted miniatures, like what happened to you. I feel like we are going to be in an eternal spiral that we don't see an exit. I'm with you, sometimes we need to make changes and walk away from things that will not make us enjoy the relaxation of the hobby. Instead we will be under the pressure of "they are going to change the rules again". I enjoy your videos and work. That's why I'm painting my miniatures as display pieces rather than being pulled by the eternal spiral of rules changing constantly like a global Monopoly to obligate us to buy new miniatures every time they decide.. If I play a board game, I will play Chess, the rules are almost the same for centuries 😊. Thanks again!!!!
Great video, Alex! I've never been in to Warhammer, never really been in to wargaming, tbh. I just love painting 1/10th, 1/12th scale figures and busts. Games Workshop's total dominance is a distraction from the huge range of painting opportunities out there. Your decision to actively reduce your income streams by not creating GW content is a brave step, and should be applauded - well done!
Its good to see lots of my fav creators breaking out of the GW / space marine painting guide mould, between you all you've directed me to so many different model makers and now i feel like i can paint for the fun of it, and not paint a tank because my army just needs a tank for rules reasons
As always, amazing video and you made a very good point.
Thank you kindly!
Love your talks/points of view that you bring to the hobby.
Thanks for showing me these new games Alex!
Hi Alex.
I'm still here, and as you know I don't even play war games or really even paint miniatures. I watch because of you, your insights on hobbies, your multi discipline skills and creativity. I think the perspective that you presented can be applied to a lot of different hobbies and even other aspects of life.
Thanks again, and Merry Christmas. 🎄 👍🏼
Merry Christmas!
I am just starting out on this hobby. I was given a bunch of Space Marines from the Leviathan set but there's so much I want to do that just wouldn't work for GW's stuff. I've been watching your videos for a while, and this was pretty much the encouragement I needed to disregard GW and keep checking out other games. So far, Tonks, Scabz, Turnip28, Black Powder, Stargrave and OPR have all grabbed my attention in their own ways. I'm going to check out the other games you mentioned here-- and I'm gonna stick around and keep watching to see what I can learn from you!
I really love and appreciate the direction you've taken. There are so many great tabletop games out there that don't get the love they should.
Excited to see more Turnip28 content as well. Hopefully some more weird rootlings in the future?
Glad to see you try new games and hopefully help grow the communities around them. On a side note, looks like your trench board will be ready just in time for trench crusade.
A really carm and feelgood video in the hobby realm again. With a hidden task for the brave. ❤
I really enjoyed this talk. I got into 40k wanting to paint without knowing if I'd enjoy the rules, and it didn't take many play sessions to realise that I didn't. I have since introduced One Page Rules instead to my friend group (which I host, because I'm the only one willing to make terrain), and it's a lot of fun! I tried getting Stargrave going, but no one else felt like finding other miniatures to build their crews with, so I eventually got turned on to Rangers of Shadow Deep by the same author, which put all the painting and terrain-making on me by virtue of being a solo/co-op game, but that's been great, because I've wanted to try crafting fantasy terrain and painting different miniatures than space marines and genestealer cult dudes. I've got to try the Frostgrave kits that are really fun to mix together. I've even tried metal miniatures for the first time, and Danish sculpts, no less (Dunkeldorf Miniatures, highly recommended).
Tomorrow me and the 40k group are playing Grimdark Future 2v2, which would probably never happen if we used the official 40k rules, and later this month I'm playing the first scenario of Rangers of Shadow Deep with two of those guys. I just bought 35 spruce trees in a model train shop as a last minute addition to the terrain, and I'm really excited to base them and see how it's all going to come together.
Hobbying with your personal goals first and foremost is a lot of fun 🤙
The “Wall of Warhammer”. You have a great turn of phrase.
I know I’m late to this video, but I just wanted to throw my support behind what you’re doing. Giving up Age of Sigmar during the endless lead-up to 4th edition is the best decision I’ve ever made regarding this hobby. I feel so much less stress, angst, anger, and sadness about my hobby as a result. My new mantra is “life is too short to play bad games”, and AoS is a pretty terrible game, rules-wise. I still play other GW games (Blood Bowl mostly), so it’s not an anti-GW sentiment. But I’m through with their flagship games. And I’m so much happier.
My detox from Warhammer was orchestrated by all the bone-headed decisions the GW rules writing teams had been making around the end of 5th edition and onward.
Sometimes the body just has enough of something that's bad for you and you just can't take anymore.
That was 14 years ago, friend. Things are a bit different these days.
@chrisj9628 Not really. They've been making what I feel to be bone-headed moves ever since. Warhammer is popular, sure, but I don't feel the rules ever got better and that popularity came through licensed materials, and despite the rules.
@@Kattbirb I've been playing since 4th and I can tell you right now that the rules these days are much easier to learn and make for a much tighter game than in the old days. 10th is very snappy and straightforward compared to 6th or 7th. A lot of the popularity absolutely happened because of the great rules rework in 8th edition when they wiped the slate clean and started over, and they've been improving ever since.
@chrisj9628 I disagree. The gameplay isn't all that "snappier" because GW hasn't moved past IGOUGO. Andy Chambers wanted to scrap that way back in 3rd edition iirc, but it continues on, making one player sit around, doing little else but wait to roll saves. Perhaps a restroom break, maybe get a snack, or even take a nap.
To combat this, they hamfistedly implemented stratagems and all the special rules with purple prose titles that new players have to memorize or fall into "gotchas."
Then you add detachments, which I believe have had sorely required reworks in every edition since they were implemented. I feel that's an evolution of the old chapter traits and doctrines. I honestly don't know which is better, I'll admit.
But if you want an easy, snappy version of 40k, that's One Page Rules. I just read up the rules on that this weekend, and while I don't like the game overall, I'd rather teach a new player that than 40k. Even my beloved 3rd edition with Cityfight.
@@Kattbirb "all the special rules with purple prose titles that new players have to memorize or fall into "gotchas.""
Tell me you haven't played a real game of 40k in the past few years with a normal person in a game store without telling me...
Once i tryed Asoiaf Minis I realice than the moment you step out of the GW bubble you find out than there is so much fun and possibilities than we are missing because of the incredible work of GW Marketing machine!
The FOMO churn pushed by 40k is exhausting, and I'm glad you addressed it.
This, I brought this up recently, and someone replied that they are a collector. We're all collectors, we just need to have some willpower to not join the hype train now and again.
Great video Alex.
Your warhammer clense process is how I became inadvertisable to on UA-cam, at least on my phone. I get nearly no ads these days, and they're bog standard. "You eat and need health insurance, right?". Its great.
Thank you for this! Creating miniature painting/crafting content on UA-cam is already pretty hard, and it becomes even more difficult if you don't do the Warhammer stuff.
I look forward to more Infinity Alex!. I have seriously wound down my Warhammer stuff for other reasons and ramped up Infinity mainly to use for 5 Parsecs (although I am going to try N5 Ikeep telling myself) and older minis that have languished in my bin of shame for Frostgrave and Rangers of Shadowdeep. Painting the new JSA from Corvus Belli really got my hobby vibe going again. Anyway, another great video, thanks!
Thanks as always!
I really enjoy your personality. Just had to say it. :-D Good content, mate!
I appreciate that!
Corvus belli recently retired some profiles, but I will say for their credit, you can proxy at official tournaments as long as the mini is the right size.
Great video with a great message!
I don't even play war games, I just like to paint miniatures. And fortunately for me, nowadays there's a huge range of options thanks to 3D printing, and the prices are competitive or better than with GW even when not doing the printing yourself. What a time to be painting!
Enjoy your painting whatever you decide to paint. Frostgrave, Stargrave, Turnip 28 and historical Dark Age and Medieval stuff have been my escape for the last few years. For my fantasy buzz Highlands Miniature 3D prints are lovely and a joy to paint. Miniature agnostic games are the way to go
Here for the painting and ideas not the Warhammer. Started collecting mini's and playing tabletop prior to the first Warhammer Box. Stopped collecting and playing GW games 20 years ago. Still use the mini''s, but use them for indi games or old rule sets. All my kids play and paint too but they are miniature agnostic also. Love the video content, you make very good points in a very resonable way. Thankyou for sharing.
I've been diving back into Dropfleet Commander. Making and painting little plastic spaceships has been a refreshing change from making and paint little plastic army dudes. Not much opportunity for scenery or terrain though.
Lookong forward to more Corvus Belli content 🎉
I think this is a very natural part of this hobby. These games change often, models get discontinued, rules evolve for better or worse, things you enjoyed go away. I had my own "Warhammer detox" of sorts during the 7th edition of 40k when the game just wasn't fun with all the random distribution of formations that were so haphazardly balanced and distributed across armies. In that time I picked up and played so many more games - Infinity, Warmachine, Malifaux etc, and found things I loved about each.
But I also found plenty to dislike about them, as well. Warmachine wrecked their game with latter half of 3rd edition theme lists and the absolutely nuts price hikes. We all dislike when models get more expensive (inflation does its thing), but oh man, when you are asked to pay 65 EUR (this was in 2017!) for a box of 10 pewter miniatures made in 2009 with awful quality control and a giant mold slip line over the face of the models... or even worse, the flaky weird plastiresin that bends and is extremely annoying to clean up? Not fun!
Infinity I loved - but Infinity is a VERY demanding and exhausting game. You don't have the capacity for that kind of relaxed gameplay feel that 40k has. It's constantly your turn, you're constantly playing and making decisions - and it is very fun! But man oh man do you feel drained after just three 45 min games in a standard small tourney. The miniatures - top notch, but even there, I was not on board with the re-imagining of my favorite subfaction, the Morats. I loved the N3 design of lean, strong space oni, I very much do NOT love the weird Gears of War like re-imagining of them as rough Hulk monsters. 8th edition of 40k also just drew me back into that universe and I simply didn't have enough time to devote to keeping up to Infinity's incredibly complex ruleset. It's a great game (was in N3 anyway, dunno now!) but it's very, very demanding.
Oh, and Infinity's hidden cost is terrain. Yes, you don't "need" anything fancy - but you'll want it. You'll be buying soooo many different MDF houses and model cars and planes and crates and scatter terrain because you will want to make more varied battlefields to play on. And it'll all add up to a very pretty sum, because Infinity demands a LOT of terrain to play really well. 40k you can make do with a few walls and scatter terrain, in Infinity that's nothing.
Of course I also tried Malifaux and yes, their models were simply incredible, extremely finely detailed hard plastic that's cheaper than GW stuff... yet it's too fine, too detailed! When I have to break out pincers to glue on a half a milimeter thin moustache on a model, it's really a bit much. And then, transporting those extremely fine plastic models, sheesh... And aesthetically, I just never could find a faction that I was fully 100% onboard with - it was always "I kind of like these guys, but wtf are these units that I need for gameplay reasons?"
All this to say, it's completely okay to go and look around and try other games. Just understand that no game is perfect, no model manufacturer is perfect, each and every one of them has something you will dislike. Prices, model availability, rules - they all can be fine now and turn for the worse tomorrow. That's why it's best to just play what you like and enjoy it as it goes - and don't feel too crazy about following edition changes if you don't like them. Play the older editions, get the older models on ebay, do your own thing! Don't feel pressured to follow the trends or try to pressgang people to follow your rebel path of the One True Gaming System you just found - just have fun with all of it.
Personally to me, I found this time away from GW actually made me appreciate their offering for what it was, warts and all. And to anyone that goes all "oh my god, GW has ruined everything with XYZ decision", I have just one thing to say - first time? ;)
Alex, one thing you can do to get non-warhammer recs (or at least that worked for me) was just subbing to anything with the Blanshitsu tag - a lot of very creative painters use this and don't paint warhammer, or at worst use a piece or two for a kitbash, but most everything is just amazing blobby weirdness that I think you would quite enjoy.
Good idea!
I just sold all my Warhammer models, two full armies and a few KillTeams, in the last month. I am done. No more.
I DID just find Turnip28, and I’m having a great time building minis from scratch from their excellent art. I’m in love.
I’ll always remember my time with Warhammer, but the time is over for me.
"Gaslands" is good for making things and you can get none war-games to play it
Turnip28 is great! simple rules but lots of flavour to the cults and of course can just make your own out of whatever :-) Also the Forbidden Psalm seires of games are amazing! they are all solo/co-op but damn good :-)
I dropped 40k when it was still Rogue Trader, and you got 100 Space Marines and 2 Rhino's for £20! I have fond memories of Games Workshop when it was a small shop in Hammersmith, and White Dwarf covered all RPGs. But then I'm really that old!
Nice video with some good points!
The whole push of "the next edition" has just pushed me into 3d printing and kit bashing and just picking my favourite version up and just going from there. I love 40k, I love old world, but now I just pick up 3rd ed 40k and build cool new armies with that in mind and rule of kool fantasy armies. Warcrow is great and I cant wait to see more. Peachy is balancing his channel really well, blending warhammer, silver beyonet and other wargames. Any paint focused hobiest doesn't mind, I find myself watching scale model channels more and more, good tips are good tips!
Great video! As an Infinity player, one thing that really stuck out to me in your video about first playing that game was how it's so much about navigating terrain. I think I've changed the way I "pitch" the game because how true that is, and in my mind distinct compared to other games. But I haven't played *that* many games. Could you speak to how terrain plays a role in Turnip28, Moonstone, or Silver Bayonet? Love seeing the progress on that trench table.
I can't say much about those games. They are games I'm working on but have not played enough to comment on. I agree about Infinity, navigating terrain seems like a big thing.
I picked up a copy of Blood Beret for £8 in a charity shop, currently painting them up, not a bad game to play, enjoyed it
If you like the Blood Beret game, and are continuing the GW detox, you could check out Warzone Eternal from Res Nova games. The model rules are up on the page under downloads, and, if word of mouth from the designer holds up, the base rules should be up by the end of the month. I've been a fan of Mutant Chronicles for a while now and this looks like a return to form, though on a skirmish scale, of which I'm a fan.
I want you to know that this mirrors a lot of the thoughts I have had a few years myself.
My breaking point were the codexes and the release of the second Space Marines codex right before the changing of editions.
I just hope a few of my friends reach the same conclusion soon so i can get a game in with something else :)
This was a great, evocative video Alex.
I have been detoxing from GW ever since you (and a few others) showed all the "erased" models and factions.
GW made this Really easy. Why invest in something that the company shows you will be arbitrarily swapped or even eliminated?