Make Your Own Space Marine SUCCESSOR CHAPTER

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @talscorner3696
    @talscorner3696 Рік тому +280

    Bonus tip!
    If you're feeling overwhelmed about making *a whole Chapter* from scratch, try starting with the lore for a Kill Team or a Boarding Patrol ^^

  • @sundownerstudios8563
    @sundownerstudios8563 Рік тому +113

    I’ve always been a fan of Carcharadons.
    I’ve been making different divisions based on shark names, Assault Intercessors are Makos, Dreadnoughts are Threshers, infiltration units are cookie-cutters, and my flamer Marines are tigers.

    • @lukehendriech3812
      @lukehendriech3812 Рік тому +4

      that is really cool dude love the Idea

    • @ongboklichan
      @ongboklichan Рік тому +2

      I love that idea!

    • @tronmaster5704
      @tronmaster5704 2 місяці тому

      That's incredibly cool, but why is it that whenever I see/think of the word "Mako," I IMMEDIATELY think of that godawful pseudo-tank from the first Mass Effect?

  • @alexandersakellarakis9803
    @alexandersakellarakis9803 11 місяців тому +15

    I’m working on one currently - Sons of the Phoenix, Salamander Successor. Dismembered or otherwise physically compromised salamanders are sent to specialist forgers taken from the most elite blacksmiths on Nocturn who provide bionic limb and organ replacements. Astartes who were “reborn” in this way eventually found a common ground with each other and would go on to form the Chapter taking a well known symbol of rebirth as their sigil, the Phoenix. As the chapter grew in both size and recognition from their parent legion, Vulkan He’stan himself put to work personally chosen machine workers and smiths to create a host of dreadnoughts for the Sons of the Phoenix, as the chapter was already deeply connected to rebirth The Forgefather saw the potential of a heavily armored dreadnaught centric deployment force. As every Son of the Phoenix was once a Salamander, the chapter continues many of the Salamanders traditions whilst adding a number of their own. They employ tactics much alike their Salamander brothers with many flame weapons on the battlefield however it is also common to see multiple dreadnoughts when the Sons engage a battlefield due to the nature of their “recruitment”. In a word the chapter symbolizes “Rebirth”. Their chapter words (commonly heard at induction ceremonies involving ceremonial ashes of fallen brothers), “Baptized in flame, reborn in ash”.

    • @christophersalinas2722
      @christophersalinas2722 9 місяців тому +2

      isn’t there an imperial fists chapter already named that?

    • @alexandersakellarakis9803
      @alexandersakellarakis9803 9 місяців тому +2

      @@christophersalinas2722 lol yeh I did some more research, guess I'm going to need a new name.

    • @christophersalinas2722
      @christophersalinas2722 9 місяців тому +2

      @@alexandersakellarakis9803 something like the Flaming Phoenixes? lol idk

  • @darthkillhoon
    @darthkillhoon Рік тому +31

    I made the Chapter called the Gray Hussars, an Imperial Fist Successor Chapter but the Officers were drawn from the Black Templars, with the First Chapter Master being a former Castellan of the Black Templars. My Chapter are essentially Space German Knights like if you took the Teutonic Order and made them Space Marines. They were made in the 26th Founding to Garrison and Secure the Saras Sector, close to Ultramar and rarely leave the borders of that sector of Space. They have no home world but the First planet, Totenburg, they made a recruitment world was a lost world with a Germanic Culture that was technologically stuck in the 1910s. It was a world in competition between Liberal Democracies, Socialist Nations and the more Traditional Absolute Monarchies. They were in the middle of a world war the mirrored our First World War when the Gray Hussars arrived and negotiated with the Monarchs of the world to join the Imperium as a united world under the rule of the most powerful King of the World (Planetary Governor) King Wilhelm XII of Prussland. The Chapter crushed the Democracies and Socialist Nations and appointed hereditary aristocratic families to rule over them while setting up a Chapter Fortress. From the Planet came the bulk of the early recruits of the Chapters and the Chapter adopted the naming conventions of the world as well their history dating back to the Ancient Terran Germanic Kingdoms. They worship the Emperor as the God of Humanity and don't have a librarious like the Black Templars. They also always claim to be on Crusade so they don't have to abide by the Codex Astartes.
    For more google Gray Hussars and the wiki should come up.

    • @ryan.1990
      @ryan.1990 Рік тому +4

      Actually sounds cool af, will Google

    • @gruby_0924
      @gruby_0924 Рік тому +3

      Color scheme looks dope AF!

  • @Dutch40KGuy
    @Dutch40KGuy  Рік тому +66

    I hope you guys enjoy, this was a lot of fun to make! More chonky vids coming soon!

    • @continuumsanctum869
      @continuumsanctum869 Рік тому +1

      een klus die zeer goed is uitgevoerd 👍🏾😃
      _(I hope google didn't failed me)_ 😅

    • @AverageIrishDude
      @AverageIrishDude Рік тому

      You should do a video about making horus heresy black shields. I'm doing a chapter that started out as loyalist iorn hands black shield.

    • @ScottAT
      @ScottAT Рік тому

      “We’re the Flying Elveses, Utah Chapter!” 😂

  • @RSBurgener
    @RSBurgener Рік тому +152

    I just started my own chapter a few months ago, after nearly 30 years of being into 40k. They're called The Emerald Knights and they began as Dark Angels Successors. But their Chapter Master was one of Luther's pupils, and the lead Interrogator did not trust any of them. They were deployed on the edge of the galaxy to watch for traitors, then essentially abandoned. They had no help from the DA whatsoever. Later, their geneseed degraded and they could barely make new space marines. Then a Warsmith of the Iron Warriors besieged them for several years and tried to turn them, exploiting how the Knights were betrayed by their Legion. But eventually the Knights defeated their attackers. And when only one in four neophytes survived implantation, they had a choice to make. They cut open the chest of the dead Warsmith and found that his geneseed was pristine. So over several decades, they implanted neophytes, replenished their ranks, deleted the ruined portions of the Lion's geneseed and spliced in the corresponding portion of Perturabo's. By this time, THREE escaped warbands of traitors took up residence in their territory. Not having the numbers to purge them, the Knights sent out an astropathic call to the Dark Angels. They did not answer. The Knights used their very last astropath, pleading for anyone to come and help them destroy these enemy forces. And they were answered by a Black Templars crusade fleet, who brought the remains of their chapter on a mission lasting several decades.
    Today, The Emerald Knights possess a Deathwing, a Templar Wing, and are about 65/35 percentage Lion to Perturabo genetically. Their returned Primarch knows this and has no problem with it. Because the Lion fondly remembers Barabas Dantioch and how the Warsmith saved his life and died for The Imperium. Now The Emerald Knights travel towards Sotha, fighting for the Imperium and hoping to recover whatever relics remain of Warsmith Dantioch, a forbear they can now finally be proud of.

    • @Leavemealoneplz-wu2ms
      @Leavemealoneplz-wu2ms 5 місяців тому +7

      That is one of the greatest fan made 40k lore I have ever seen

    • @RSBurgener
      @RSBurgener 5 місяців тому +5

      @@Leavemealoneplz-wu2ms thank you very much! I'm glad you like it. I have nearly finished painting the army, just trying to find the time to photograph them and post them.

  • @saigitsjevstignejevs8
    @saigitsjevstignejevs8 Рік тому +14

    I'm currently working on a chapter called "Keepers Of The Garden" ultramarine/salamanders successor chapter formed to deal with tyranids, who have a lot of dreadnaughts and are closely tied with my custom knight house "house Ironwood", the short story is they guard ironwood oasis forests on their home world and have grey knight inspired recruitment processes without the psychic stuff, they have dirtied white armor with blue accents and silver trims.

  • @Lancelot-v4z
    @Lancelot-v4z Рік тому +21

    I've been working on an imperial fists successor that specifies on breachers squads and close combat but also un heavy artillery and dreadnought due to a genetic flaw that takes their mobility over time and only the veterans who don't die in battle due to becoming slower and heavier physically get the honour of being the dreadnought as a second chance , due to them being short lived they are seeing as a stubborn and never wanting to retreat but they are all loyal to their chapter master that is inside a relic leviathan dreadnought and has served the imperium for 1500 years , they don't use librarians because burn the witch but they have an unusual number of apothecaries and techmarines, even though they take their liberties they mostly follow the codex Astartes to not bring any unnecessary attention to them.

    • @KillerOrca
      @KillerOrca Рік тому +1

      Thicc bois.

    • @Lancelot-v4z
      @Lancelot-v4z Рік тому +2

      @@KillerOrca yeah I was thinking on running it with very heavy units like dreadnoughts and terminators , but I'm waiting for the new terminators and a rework of the assault terminators to be sold separately

  • @rebel1717
    @rebel1717 Рік тому +5

    I’ve pretty much created my custom chapter. All I need to do is write some books about them.
    The Uniters are an Iron Warriors successor chapter that rebelled against Perturabo during the Horus Heresy, and were rewarded by Guilliman with the ability to rebrand themselves and create their own chapter.
    They are still stern and unrelenting like their Iron Warrior kin, but they are different from their traitor kin because they have a heart under their hard exterior.
    Where the 4th Legion are Iron Within and Iron Without, the Uniters have a bronze exterior, and a burning heart underneath.
    They lead their own civilization in a giant rock made of the largest piece of their blown up homeworld. And in this station, the marines lead their human population with hard, yet fair work. And unlike most Imperial worlds, the work is bearable, and the workers are allowed rest and meals after a limited amount of work hours.
    The Uniters’ training is the most painful training regiment in the Imperium, even more so than the Imperial Fists, but thanks to it, their bodies are naturally tougher, and they can shrug off pain that would even make an Ultramarine scream.
    The Uniters also have human soldiers fighting alongside them. Guardsmen who’s commanders were inept or overzealous, and deserved to be left to the enemy. Or people who want to help defend the home that freed them from the slavery of Imperial religion.
    The Uniters HATE the Imperial Creed, and are actively hunted by the Inquisition and Imperial church for it.
    They have partnerships with other chapters such as the Salamanders, Blood Angels, Lamenters, Crimson Fists, and a few Ultramarines. But are known foes against the Flesh Tearers, Marines Malevolent, Black Templars, Minotaurs, Iron Hands, Dark Angels, and more.
    They excel at fighting most xenos, and certain Chaos forces, but struggle against Harlequins, Craftworld Eldar, major Tyranid hive fleets, and Necrons. For Chaos, they have trouble against the Iron Warriors, Thousand Sons, Word Bearers, and many daemons.
    They survived this long without Imperial wargear or Mechanicus assistance because they have a stable trading relationship with the Tau. For civilians, soldiers, and Imperial intelligence, the Tau provided the Uniters with food, weapons, and advanced technology to keep their station up and running, and their soldiers/marines well armed.

  • @zarthes
    @zarthes Рік тому +14

    Creating your own chapter is a fun experiance, had an idea since I got into the setting around 2007, as I went got into the lore it helped me wedge them in the setting. Got me one of them "Ultramarines" successors with a name of what they are about SO on the nose, no one would actually guess it. (And yes, I did forget who the bad guys in Harry potter were) The Death Eaters, a mix of surviving loyalist Death Guard and World Eaters who use their combined specialities for a classical Hammer and Anvil style tactics, who pick from the nearby hive world gangers and shape them into something more. These guys got started simply from coming up with special characters like the Chapter Champion and Chapter Master and whatnot.

    • @GrimViridian
      @GrimViridian Місяць тому +1

      Wait are combined successors a thing? If so that's cool, otherwise cool idea anyway lol

    • @zarthes
      @zarthes Місяць тому

      @@GrimViridian Closest thing to that in canon I believe are Chimeric Geneseeds which are as you’d imagine are geneseeds made through a mix of two or more. Like the Carcharadons. So I guess that’d make more sense for how my chapter functions as a mix of those two.

    • @GrimViridian
      @GrimViridian Місяць тому +1

      @@zarthes that's really cool thanks for the info!

  • @Shrimperion
    @Shrimperion Рік тому +17

    I ended up founding a loyalist subsect of Thousand Sons who remained loyal to the Imperium during/after the heresy. They firmly believe that the Space Wolves attacked Prospero due to the influence of Chaos and Horus, and that they are traitors who have fooled the Imperium into believing they're loyal. The Lions of Prospero know better, and have vowed that someday, they will have vengeance for their actions on Prospero. They also believe that Magnus was entirely unfit to lead them any longer, having let his legion be slaughtered on the planet's surface, and believe that no singular man should have full control over them. They have taken residence upon a small knight homeworld and formed a symbiotic relationship with them. The chapter has little in the way of armored support of any kind, so the knights fill in for them where they can. Each sergeant and above is the ruler of a plot of land on their new homeworld, and they are organized in a medieval heirarchy, ruled over by 3 high ranking officers that form a council. Each councilor leads a specific sect of the chapter, and they make up for each others shortcomings. The chapter is thus split into 3 distinct sections, each autonomous but part of a greater whole: the psychic branch of the chapter, focused on training all battle brothers in the use of their powers, no matter how small, and the support of the other 2 sects. There is the combat branch of the chapter, focused on all things war and battle, taking the front while supported by their more powerful psyker brothers. Then there is the loremaster sect, where the chaplains (loremasters) and techmarines reside, recording data and sagas from battle brothers during and after combat to fill their chapter libraries with the deeds of their greatest heroes, and where they entomb those deemed worthy within a dreadnought chassis to forever lead their brothers in the field. roughly 600 strong, VERY MUCH codex noncompliant.

    • @ГригорийГ-ч4н
      @ГригорийГ-ч4н 11 місяців тому +1

      In canon [three thousands] of Sons under leadership of Sul Kontep escaped Prospero straight under nose of Leman, made a deal with Malcador, fought during Heresy in seige of Chtnoia. Some survived this brutal fighting. So you can theoretically link your chapter with that canon event.

  • @frogwithhumanteeth7808
    @frogwithhumanteeth7808 Рік тому +7

    I’ve been working on an Imperial Fists Ultima Founding successor called the Storm Chorus. Their chapter master, Grand Conductor Melodius Trenth, got inspiration from the Sisters of the Sacred Rose during a battle where they fought alongside one another. So, basically, Space Marines who sing

    • @dpinoy5642
      @dpinoy5642 11 місяців тому

      "Grand Conductor" that's honestly SUCH a wicked title, it has such a Victorian/Fantastical feel to it

    • @frogwithhumanteeth7808
      @frogwithhumanteeth7808 11 місяців тому +1

      @@dpinoy5642 thanks! I was toying with Composer, Conductor, and other titles, but I landed on Grand Conductor because, come on, once you know it’s there, your can’t not use it

    • @dpinoy5642
      @dpinoy5642 11 місяців тому +1

      @@frogwithhumanteeth7808 im honestly glad you chose Grand Conductor, because it definitely is the best out of the two you mentioned.
      Like i'm visualizing the Grand Conductor using a conducting baton (the sticks you see composters/conductors use in orchestras) but it's super ornate/40k-ized so it has golden trim, skulls, etc, and he's using it to make battle formations, rate of fire, and even singing. So when the baton is low/center, it's precise and relatively low rates of fire, but at the (no pun intended) crescendo of the battle, he raises the baton up the sky: and it just becomes a hail of roaring bolter fire, thunderous artillery, and booming singing, kind of like a 40k version of 1812 Overture.
      (sorry if this is alot, it was just really cool thinking about it)

    • @frogwithhumanteeth7808
      @frogwithhumanteeth7808 10 місяців тому +1

      @@dpinoy5642 it’s all good dude, that’s actually sick as hell. I’m really glad that just a name has invoked such vivid images and ideas

    • @dpinoy5642
      @dpinoy5642 10 місяців тому +1

      @@frogwithhumanteeth7808 thanks. well, it mixes theatre and combat, which is awesome

  • @astartesanonymous
    @astartesanonymous Рік тому +21

    Excellent job, brother!

  • @DragonxFlutter
    @DragonxFlutter Рік тому +3

    I’ll for sure be using this method. One thing I’d like to see as a followup to this is: How to make your own Imperial Guard Regiment.

  • @chaconut6431
    @chaconut6431 Рік тому +4

    I'm working on a salamanders successor chapter called the Phoenix Talons. Like the salamanders, they are very fire based and have a close relationship to civilians. They are specialized in retaking lost ground and lost planets, as well as extracting and evacuating civilians in the middle of war zones

  • @Jack5mi7hy
    @Jack5mi7hy Рік тому +3

    I've been working on a small army I named The Bastards of Ultramar, not exactly a successor chapter or army but rather a gaggle of Ultramarine chapters that I thought would consolidate their forces together due to being separated from Gulliman during the indomitus Crusade after the Primarch's resurrection. Iron Hounds, Praetors of Orpheus, and a few others that lost many of their brothers that dot the army. Tactics are vast between them and the commanders often argue with the right approach to the many situations before them. Damocles, captain of Iron hounds, believes in taking the board and knocking the enemy down fast and hard. Marius, captain of the Praetors of Orpheus, believes in a more tactical approach and defending key points of interest. Dalton, the Recently promoted captain of the Patriarchs of Ulixis, is one to use strong points and holdouts to draw the enemies in to eat a hail of bolter fire. All round there is room for hilarity, and for me is a fun way to play a table top army.

    • @thedyingmeme6
      @thedyingmeme6 Рік тому

      Demons, listening in to the characters argue: "Do-do we jump in?"
      Bigger demon: "no no, im enjoying the free entertainment"

  • @zaneriva5903
    @zaneriva5903 Рік тому +19

    I'm currently writing up the backstory on my Chapter Master, Sariel, as he is lost in the warp following the destruction of caliban. He lands on an unknown world in the Eye and slowly finds more and more of his lost brothers and vowing to protect a population of humans on that world. They face mainly demons and orks. It's my headcannon that Zahariel survived and was lost in the warp. He and Sariel found the Blades of Caliban, I'm mostly going off the armies my friends are building since we eventually will play a narrative campaign that would be perfect.

      @DABOSSEMPRAH Рік тому +3

      looks about the same as the fallen...

    • @zaneriva5903
      @zaneriva5903 Рік тому +4

      @DABOSSEMPRAH pretty similar not gonna lie. Main difference is they end up getting back to the Imperium proper by amassing a small fleet and ping ponging between planets, searching for human life. Kinda going for a "continuation of the great crusade" since my 2 friends that recently started 40k along with me are playing orks and either Tyranids, Chaos Demons or Plauge Marines and we wanna start a crusade campaign and I thought being in the Eye would lend to that pretty well

  • @Removal450
    @Removal450 Рік тому +6

    I started working on my chapter a few weeks ago. They are called the Black Fyrd (Based it off the Old Kingdom of Wessex, basically an English inspired Chapter) They were founded after many of the Imperial Worlds had been consumed by the Tyranid scourge. They are made up of recruits that have miraculously survived the Tyranids, so they have a particular dislike for the spidey boys. For this reason they were mostly sent to combat the Tyranids on worlds that can or cannot be salvaged. So their fighting style is more on defense and speed at the exact same time. So I would think they used heavily modified Javelin Attack Speeders or something. I'm still working out some details but that's what I have for the moment.

  • @monty6851
    @monty6851 Рік тому +2

    I have an Ultima founding successor of Russ, the Blood Howlers. They specialize in assault tactics, and love the use of Wulfen, making them focus a lot on having more Wolf Priests in the chain of command.
    They see the Wulfen Curse as a test from the Emperor and Leman Russ to utilize their flaw to best serve the Imperium, and coincidentally, a good chunk of the chapter happens to struggle with it, with one of the companies being made almost entirely out of Wulfen.
    Due to their liking of Wulfen, they're usually sent out to battles expected to be slaughters for both sides, practically used like attack dogs.
    This usually leads to the chapter having a lower number of men, and regularly being looked over in regards to being supplied with wargear like vehicles.
    Chapter Master Balgruuf Dragonbane is an older marine, and has been giving into the Wulfen pretty often during battles. His Captains/Jarls aren't exactly fond of it, and are trying to convince him to pass the mantle to someone with a more sound mind.

  • @rev7710
    @rev7710 Рік тому +2

    Got into 40K around a year ago after rewatching the Astartes animation, this video honestly covers a lot of the stuff I needed to know about, hope this video helps other people getting into Warhammer

  • @cpt.s.seiden
    @cpt.s.seiden Рік тому +3

    Alright this will be quite a tad scattershot.
    The Shattered Ravens are a 2nd Founding chapter that hail from the 19th. They’re initial marines are those who worked within the Shattered Legions and thus picked up traits from their cousin legions. They maintain the Raven Guards typical guerrilla warfare tactics, but with many specialized units. These units are lead by sergeants that have served tours with other chapters such as the Raven Guard, Salamanders, and Iron Hands. This is to honor those that fought at Istvan. Such examples of traits they take from their cousin chapters are that they tend to prioritize civilian life highly though not quite to the same extent as the Salamanders. They also tend to have most if not all their tech Marines serve extended tours with the Iron Hands to ensure their skills are trained to their highest standards.
    A notable relationships they have in the wider Imperium include a friendship with the Adeptas Sororitas of the Shrine World Fury 16, the Order of the Iron Eagle. The Captain of the 2nd Company, Captain Delgore in fact even knew their Patron Saint and fought alongside them against invading Orks of the Bad Moons. Ever since they’d always have an agreement to come to the Sisters aid if ever they needed.
    Even though they were a 2nd founding chapter there are still rumors that they’re gene seed may not be 100% Raven Guard as the mechanicist who monitor the Shattered Ravens’ gene seed from time to time find discrepancies. Their outward appearances do indeed match with typical Raven Guard traits such as pale skin and pitch black eyes, but an odd occurrence pops up occasionally where some marines retain an ability to spit acid. Though this may not be too irregular for other chapters the Raven Guard and their successors typically lack this ability, and with the arrival of their Primaris reinforcements this suspicion has grown even more so as the inquisition has now started to notice that in particular the 8th company of the Shattered Ravens, which is comprised of only Primaris acted more like that of the Night Lords of old. Preferring to terrorize and maim their opponents with chain weapons. There is even a higher percentage of Reiver squads and Assault Intercessors among the 8th Company to the point they have been dubbed the Night Raptors.
    The 2nd Company on the other hand is much more typical of an Astartes force comprising of usual Tactical, Assault, and Devastators. Captain Delgore himself tends to lead with his Tactical squads luring the enemy in and his Devastator and Assault squads wiping out the foe.

  • @Fayheurblode
    @Fayheurblode Рік тому +3

    I've been working, since my beginning during 4th edition, on a chapter from an unknown founding, from an unknown geneseed, called the Doom Knights. Initially posted to protect an ancient relic, they are now a ship based chapter, having had to exterminatus their own homeworld, and in the urgency about it, lost not only most of their archives, but also of their librarius as a whole, and nearly all their veterans. The nearly twenty years of play had them paying a heavy tribute to the protection of the imperial citizens, earning them the respect of some well known chapters, such as the Salamanders and the Blood Angels, but they still harbour a deep resentment against the Dark Angels, whose interference looking for some fallen that weren't even there pushed their home defense from possible to needing an exterminatus.
    For a time, they had so much heavy wounded marines that they put dreadnought sarcophagus into every kind of vehicle present in their armory, as they simply had no more Dreadnought chassis
    When the primaris reinforcements came along, the chapter was at around half a complete strength, with a mere three experienced captains, and a specialisation again Marines and equivalents...

  • @dantecote6763
    @dantecote6763 Рік тому +2

    this will help alot of people out I know it but the Guard will always be my poster boys as they got me into the Hobby

    @EVER_PRINCE Рік тому +2

    I currently have a loyalist Sons of Horus Successor Chapter. The idea was during the GC a company of SoH went out on compliance only to, on the way to the muster as Istvann-3, they get lost in the Warp. The reason they’re lost is because of the Ruinstorm which causes them to lose the Astronomicon and get lost in the Warp. Only for, after a year later, to finally find the Light of the Astronomicon again. Emerging in the 42 millennium.

  • @libraveggie4451
    @libraveggie4451 Рік тому +2

    Only just started the hobby last year but immedietly decided to go with my own style paintjob. And from there kinda came up with stuff on the fly for my newly dubbed Renegade Chapter.
    The Cockatrices! General gist was head librarian and discovered (and thusly got corrupted by) a chaos artifact. Lost his legs, earned the title "The Legless" after my cat shattered his bottom half. He now has ghostly looking forgefiend tentacles as limbs! From there he murdered the chapter master, took his place at the head yadda yadda.
    Their shtick is petrifcatiion. All members have stone skin and they turn all their cultists into living statues to use as cannon fodder. And their weapons of course, petrify. Had all kinds of stories formed from my local store thanks to just playing, my favorite being the single cultist who destroyed an Eldar Titan.

  • @black_templarastaty9575
    @black_templarastaty9575 Рік тому +2

    I have been working on my custom chapter for a year now and this video just refreshes what I had to do I am glad to see channels who do this stuff

  • @demolitionnicholas689
    @demolitionnicholas689 Рік тому +4

    I’m working on my homebrew chapter over the past 3 years: the Knights of Reoentance. Their chapter culture i based off pre Colonial Philippines. There’s many more lore but there’s still much more I want to smooth out after watching this video

  • @julianpower2052
    @julianpower2052 10 місяців тому +1

    You know, out of all the videos I've seen for making successor chapters, this one has helped the most. Thanks!

    • @Dutch40KGuy
      @Dutch40KGuy  10 місяців тому

      Glad it helped good sir!

  • @carcionpetto
    @carcionpetto Рік тому +2

    I'm a sucker for the spartan aesthetic so I obviously swerved into minotaurs for my space marine KT. The fact you have so many different options for 3rd party bits you can buy probably helped. As for their lore, at first it kinda got me by surprise as I didn't expect them to be so hated by the community, but now I love their position as that one chapter that just executes the worst and most unpleasant orders without questioning it for a second, it fits what they paint the imperium to be, I feel like too many morally good chapters around would make the imperium feel too righteous.

  • @matteoferrarizanolini6724
    @matteoferrarizanolini6724 Рік тому +1

    Did the same with Steel Legion at the time of the GW 3rd war for Armageddon Campaign. Instead of being raised on Armageddon my regiment was from Voss, a forgeworld nearby te Armageddon subsector. After almost 20 years I'm still adding vehicles and miniatures with second hand metal miniatures bought on ebay, vinted etc. some russian recast for kit bashing since GW never made therms, flamers or autocannon as heavy guns, it was heavily insipired by the Wehrmacht and sepcifically the 21st panzer division stationed in Normandy in '44, the "Rommel Circus" made up of converted looted vehicles and with a lot of field modifications. Mine was made of rhinos converted to be used as Chimera, leman russ with 1/32 tank turrets, used the whole imperial armour line of vehicles (salamander scout&command, trojans, tank hunter, conqueror turrets for Leman Russ even a Hyena wheeled vehicle from white dwarf of the late '80s as command vehicle" . I wrote pages of background charged on a myspace page along with pictures, changed a couple of times the color scheme of both vehicles and uniforms. Used a NATO style joint military symbols to create the regimental structure.
    More hobbist than gamer I loved the "pure" lore of early and mid WH40K. Right now I feel no shame in switching to recast, proxy STL and so on since GW doesn't give a shit about coherent lore and came out with primaris and forgetting armies that where pillars of the game and universe.
    Cadians and Krieg are great, Catachans really need to be hauled because are really '90s, but you can't just cut out regiment from Valhalla, Tallarn, Steel Legion even Elysian and the weird/strange looking Mordians. I understand the difficulties and costs of producing lines of miniatures that are a niche. But at least update rules and let older players to use decade old armies that give flavor to the game.

  • @dalekdozer8209
    @dalekdozer8209 Рік тому +2

    I'm thinking of making a white scars successor chapter who's geneseed has given them higher than average (for astartes even) resistance to G forces, which they use to fly their combat aircraft as fiercely as they can. their flaw is that they do not take well to downtime, growing dangerously restless, leading them to pursue prolonged tours of action, without taking the time to take care of themselves or their wargear.

  • @TheStarWarsStoryteller
    @TheStarWarsStoryteller Рік тому +8

    Congrats on the 10k brother!

  • @GeneralBradley101VA
    @GeneralBradley101VA Рік тому +6

    Bout Bloody Time!

  • @GrimDarkHalfOff
    @GrimDarkHalfOff Рік тому +1

    Bro I've been rewatching your videos lately and you are incredibly underrated

    • @Dutch40KGuy
      @Dutch40KGuy  Рік тому

      You have no clue how much I appreciate that, thank you brother!

  • @Victriona
    @Victriona Рік тому +1

    i'm quite a newcomer to the hobby proper, but i've been engaged with the setting for a long while
    i've got a whole star system in the imperium nihilus with a bunch of homebrewed armies (a cohort of the farsight enclaves searching for a piece of archeotech, an ork warband hurled at the system through a warp portal that are obsessed with 'da big one' which is a planet sized orbital railgun dreamed up by their insane warboss, et cetera), but the centerpiece is my chapter
    the covenant (the name parallel to that organization on colchis is intentional), white scars successors who have diverged from their other brother chapters, inheriting a fierce loyalty to their own homeworld rather than chogoris, fracturing their relationship with their primogenitors
    skipping a lot of details that are irrelevant here, the main story beat is that almost all of the chapter's firstborn were lost in the warp, and the chapter was only saved by the reinforcements from the indomitus crusade. their new and current chapter master was a captain of the greyshields, and when he and his ~400 greyshield brothers were sent to the covenant's homeworld, they found the chapter was missing its entire command cadre and barely had any forces left, so he was thrust into the role of chapter master and tasked with rebuilding the chapter
    the firstborn that were lost, which included basically the entire command structure, would become my renegade warband, cursed by warp entities to be remade in the warp each time they die, slowly losing their minds as they kill and die over and over, most of their soldiers utterly broken psychologically
    and so the renewed covenant search for their lost, not knowing the fate of those who were lost
    there's a lot of narrative juiciness i love in this chapter

  • @kaleoarnold3709
    @kaleoarnold3709 Рік тому +2

    So more recently I’ve just basically been making loyalist traitor marines, with almost the same color scheme and slightly different emblem, but one idea I’ve been working on for a while now is the idea of a Black Templar crusader fleet that has been doing its own thing for so long that they have significant differences with the main chapter.
    For one this Crusader fleet still identify as Black Templars, but they also accept the name the citizens of the sector they inhabit call them, the “Teutonic Templars”. They are also more lenient on psykers and mutants, but to be clear, this is in part because due to some warp shenanigans they have a higher chance of awakening psyker powers then other sons of Dorn. Obviously they still don’t believe in using psychic powers, so they instead focus on meditation and prayer to keep them in check, and after that worked they began to teach budding psykers they found this as well, so that they can better keep their powers in check.
    The only ones allowed to use psychic powers are the Lord Marshal (chapter master in effect but technically Helbrecht is still their chapter master) and the High Chaplain, and even then only in very specific situations. Speaking of Chaplains, normally a Judicar is a Chaplain in training, but the Teutonic Templars have a path where one can be a Judicar as a full time role. These Judicar are allowed to speak but only in the language of the “His People” which generally only the crusading fleet speak. The language is actually Hebrew, and that gets into probably the most heretical part of them.
    They still worship the Emperor, but not as a god, but as a prophet, who would bring about a new age where humanity could rejoice in the light of the one true god, The Holy Trinity. That’s right, they found a book that could harm daemons just from touching it, so they saw it as holy. Lo and behold, it was a Bible, and they adopted it as their own faith. Now they don’t have any specific denomination they follow, but I’d say they are closest to being Protestant, as they don’t really like the bombastity of the eclesiarchy and believe them to be nothing but cowards and hypocrites.
    There’s a bit more but I think I typed enough for today lol, sorry about all that, but if you are anyone else is reading this, thank you for reading!

  • @mattbagel6783
    @mattbagel6783 Рік тому +1

    Im working on a Night Lords successor chapter that flaw is that they can feel fear, unlike other space marine chapters. They were created to deal with a space rat infestation on some planet and dress up for the most part like Ultramarines (working closely with them and claiming they are a successor to them instead of the Night Lords) with the exception of their shoulder pads which are a darker Night Lords blue.

  • @alfadasfire
    @alfadasfire Рік тому +1

    At first my custom chapter was ultramarines colour, with purple shoulderpads and lower right leg. They were really dark and nothing stood out. So i made the shoulderpads a very light grey. Much better.
    Making some testmodels really helps!

  • @Nobodywithabeard
    @Nobodywithabeard Рік тому +1

    My own personal chapter is some loyalist World Eaters/ Luna wolves that managed to escape the istvan 3 massacre. They have been keeping an extremely low profile since the end of the scouring. They are a fleet based chapter thats semi flexible, but perfers ambush tactics. They have 3 strike cruisers and some smaller escorts. They use the old world eater paint scheme but with a cresent moon. They are currently in imperium secundus. And that's what I got.

  • @-TheMachineGod-
    @-TheMachineGod- Рік тому +1

    I’m working on a Night Lord successor called the Oblivion Heralds, founded in M38 by defectors from multiple chaos legions who through the bloated bureaucracy of the imperium managed to get recognized as Dark Angels successors and submitted their founder’s geneseed to be replicated by the Adeptus Mechanicus. All the living battle brothers are therefore from diluted Night Lord stock, but they have 2 dreadnoughts, one was once a World Eater, the other was a Thousand Son. They are entirely fleet based, they never deploy in surface wars and have no vehicles other than their dreadnoughts

  • @kylerichard2877
    @kylerichard2877 Місяць тому

    I'm working on a successor chapter for the Salamanders called the Grim Drakes. The growing Tyranid infestation caught the attention of the Salamanders and after realizing how well fire works against organic beings, the formed the Grim Drakes who primarily focus on stemming the growing swarm of bugs.

  • @andrewjkipp2837
    @andrewjkipp2837 7 місяців тому

    I've been struggling with naming my chapter for years, but listening to your vid I think I finally thought of one. Thanks

  • @alasiadarthe001actual9
    @alasiadarthe001actual9 Рік тому +1

    Another tip is what is there home world like? You can tell a lot about a chapter based on where they get their recruits
    Example: my chapter the Night cobras control the world of Doisagg a former planet wide junkyard now overgrown into a dense jungle of monsters. The planet has an effect that hampers technology from working. This means that the planet has lots of technology buried under deep jungles. The marines often use local monsters for mounts to hunt for tech. Outriders riding dinosaurs and most of the chapter preferring lighter armor. However the tech when it does work allows them to build superior dreadnoughts from scrap.Thus the planet combines both their dual natures of recon forces and melee dreadnoughts.

  • @dxundownload8635
    @dxundownload8635 4 дні тому

    I'm working on an Imperial Fist successor unit that primarily pushes the line back as they can to keep the eye of terror, and now the great rift from expanding. "A line made, a line held!" They also served in the Abyssal Crusade and get pride fighting what they deem the true enemy over any xenos, chaos itself.

  • @Mecha_phant0m
    @Mecha_phant0m Рік тому +1

    I’m currently working on a white scars successor chapter called the thunder giants who were originally created as a general purpose strike force, but after there chapter master began to receive prophetic visions of the khan alongside the places and times a drukari raid was going to strike, they pivoted into an anti drukari specialization. They take the fight directly to them intercepting there raids in the hope that not only will they find evidence to jagatais location, but that they will be the ones to rescue him and bring there primarch home. There flaw is they will often ignore or refuse calls to help or reinforce other people’s fights in favor of seeking out more dark eldar unless it’s a BIG emergency. Despite the fact they aren’t a outright cruel or malicious legion, This fact has done very little in making them friends or garnering support from other legions. Also they have a rouge jokaero that occasionally lets itself into there main ship and just makes them new weapons and terminator armor. No one knows why it does this but they aren’t complaining.

  • @stuartlittledrowning4965
    @stuartlittledrowning4965 Рік тому +1

    Ive been workinng on a Space shark variation called the "iron tide" They garrison the ocean forge world of Abyssius (my main army is Admech). In exchange for protecting the forgeworld and deepsea mines from frequent tyranid and chaos attacks. the mechanicus and Cawl reinforce the Iron tide with primaris marines and new ships and vehicles from the orbital dockyards. The will specialize in ariel assault, stealth and close combat.

  • @alfrancisbuada2591
    @alfrancisbuada2591 Рік тому +1

    Your brothers must be pure and your brotherhood strong

  • @twotales1645
    @twotales1645 Рік тому

    My favorite chapters have shifted over time, but I think I've found the favorite.
    I like telling stories and considered a short fan fiction of a Battle Brother sent on an odd death oath quest.
    However, this video has inspired the idea of maybe going a step further and taking the Space Marine and growing it into a succesor chapter.
    Good stuff, and thank you!

  • @lorddodge2867
    @lorddodge2867 Рік тому +1

    I've got to admit. It's way easier for me to make up a Guardsmen regiment than a Space Marine chapter.
    With the Guard you can start from the scratch, but with the Space Marines I'm already struggling with the legion of origin (and I don't want it stemming from an unknown legion)

  • @darko-man8549
    @darko-man8549 Рік тому +1

    I’ve been putting together a Cursed Founding chapter: Astrogatorinae or Space Crocs.
    They are a hybrid of Night Lords and Sallies.
    Some crazy tech priest thought he could make the perfect balance

  • @sethkeister3833
    @sethkeister3833 11 місяців тому

    The successor chapters has always been my favorite side of the lore. 1,000 man fleets spread out just fighting off everything they come across.
    I’ve created my own.
    The Absolvers.
    They are MASTERS of Ambush and they’re practically unknown in origin as they barely speak. They’re founding is considered a toss up between Rogal Dorn and Corvus Corax in geneseed. A Primaris exclusively chapter that just showed up one day. Gulliman himself doesn’t seem to know where they come as chaos machinations caused Cawl to lose a few reinforcement ships. Very stoic and Calm. The Absolvers have a seige and stealth style of combat. Heavy ordinance coupled with ambush and stealth tactics using long and medium ranges to cut down the foe when they’re least expecting it.
    They are fleet based and are constantly setting up ambushes when the imperium is losing. Known for having a whole company of veteran pistol gunslingers that ambush enemy leadership and kill them on the spot with precision. Always jumping in at the last moment to turn things around. Never being seen or heard until they appear.
    Using lots of tanks and missiles to cause mass damage as they assassinate key targets to completely wipe out the enemy.
    They have a HUGE affinity for the human race. Guard, sisters, doesn’t matter the Absolvers will jump through hell to save people. Making them akin to Salamanders as well. They are known for using the people they save as replenishment for their ranks. Sisters becoming naval officers and ranked among their chapter. The Absolvers have NO ego nor do they care for listening to the high lords of Terra or the inquisition. Getting into conflicts with them. Given The Absolvers don’t say much.
    So the Absolvers were infamous for battling the Minotaurs to a stand still as they’ve been sent out to cause damage to the Absolvers per the high lords of Terra not liking the fact that nobody can ever seemingly find the Absolvers each time they do something the high lords don’t like.

  • @BahamutXER
    @BahamutXER Місяць тому +1

    Currently tinkering with an Ultima Founding group from the homebrewed world of KaTet[War World, in the tongue of the native Xenos]
    They were actually commissioned by the human ruler of KaTet in preparation of joining the Imperium, specifically to cut off any accusations of Heresy since the native Xenos consider humans to be allies/friends and no one wants to be Exterminatused because of inquisitirs with itchy trigger fingers.
    They are derived from a mixed group of Ultramarines, White Scars, Space Wolves, and Salamanders, one group fir each of the 4 Hive Cities. Each tying to the four elements [salamanders at Fireburg, Ultramarine at Foresta, White Scars at Windia, and Space Wolves at Aquaria]
    A major flaw for them is their dedication to protecting civilians takes priority even over loyalty to the Imperium, something that does get them in hit water.
    Main combat style is a mix of stealth and overwhelming force, with some elements of pacific islander and US Military in themes.
    Weapons-wise, each group tends towards weapons used by local xenos from each region.
    The Ultramarine-based group uses Grappling Claws, power claws designed to lash out like grappling hooks. The Salamander-based team woelds Crystal Warpicks that generate explosive force at a fine point. The White Scar-group uses Sailblades, massive lightweight greatswords that can let them surf on strong winds, and the Space Wolves-group uses icebrands, cryptic power swords that can launch piercingg ice darts.
    Still planning color scheme and deeper lore for them, but there's 250 of each and the group as a whole is codex-compliant.

  • @InquisitorKryptman
    @InquisitorKryptman Рік тому +3

    My successor chapter are going to combine both the black templars and Imperial Fists, heavily leaning into the Holy Roman Empire and tuetonic knights theme, while making use of librarians. I think I want them to be based on a fortress world guarding the eye of terror, now cicatrix maledictum, with a homeworld but also fleet based, the main chapter staying homebound whereas the rest are crusading.

  • @guilherme5094
    @guilherme5094 Рік тому +4

    Congrats and thanks man👍!

  • @leonardofaridone3998
    @leonardofaridone3998 Рік тому +2

    Beautiful video! I have been working on the history of my chapter for at least 5 years. Born with the 4TH foundation to guard the northeastern part of the galactic center, the Adamantine Shields are successors of the Imperial Fists, via the geneseed of both the Excoriators and the Executioners. Ship-based, they specialize in boarding actions, zone mortalis combat and drop pod assaults (and they use the breachers squad from 30k). They have a strangely large number of apothecary.

  • @jacobjohnson8906
    @jacobjohnson8906 Рік тому +1

    I started working on the grozny devils a few days ago. I based them on the chechen separatist due to the fact that I like reading about stuff that happened in the 90s

  • @sixftsquirrelentertainment1189
    @sixftsquirrelentertainment1189 8 місяців тому

    I may be brand new to 40K, but I have a successor chapter I came up with for Space Wolves called the Hell Hounds. They’re actually a portion of the forces from the Burning of Prospero that vanished as the Thousand Sons did, only the Wolves inadvertently got pulled with them, got spat out of the Warp onto a fiery, volcanic planet similar in extremes to Fenris and adapted to their new home. Even the wolves adapted, forming teeth strong enough to crush most known metals in the Imperium. They primarily use cavalry tactics with flamers and meltas to assault and ambush their enemies. Also, they became impeccable trackers with almost 100% success rate in hunting down the Thousand Sons in order to finish what they started so long ago.

  • @thetatterman9927
    @thetatterman9927 Рік тому +1

    My Homemade Chapter is actually a fan made Legion known as the 20th Legion, the Inheritors Of Thunder. Cancer ridden Giants, even amongst Their own Astartes brethren, dying in mass droves they were on the brink of being deatroyed until the Thunder Warriors stepped in. The 20 Thunder Warrior Primarchs Bestowing them with their great idealsz forces and culture. With this aid they were attached to the 2nd Legion and became powerhouses of raw unbridled Front Line shock tactics, with an additional high support value. Having immense respect and honor for their older, and venerate their Entomed brother's. The Venerable Elders, Dreadnoughts.

  • @unclesamlore
    @unclesamlore Рік тому +1

    I will definitely have to apply some of these techniques to my own writing, thanks so much!

  • @TheLegionOfTheDamned.
    @TheLegionOfTheDamned. Рік тому +7

    I always liked the idea of making my own chapter but I always fail at most of the major parts.
    Picking a chapter to be founded from.
    picking and sticking to a name that I like.
    picking and sticking to a colour scheme for them.
    Thankfully for me GW have plenty of awesome chapters to choose from to collect and paint.
    I have the following fully painted space Marine armies.
    10k Blood Angels
    3k Howling Griffons
    2k Crimson Fists.

  • @AlyxofBirbs
    @AlyxofBirbs Рік тому +2

    I've only just within the past few days gotten interested in 40k from seeing all the crazy things in total Warhammer, gotta say, really interested, but absolutely overwhelmed. It's like learning a whole new Star wars depth level story from scratch. As I always do I made a little concept for a chapter, as absurd as it is I really wanted a space marine chapter based around their flesh memory ability, so I made the Tyrannical Typhoons. An entire chapter based around using tyranid memories to use their own bioweapons and armor against them. Stupid, I know, but I like dreaming big. I'm really excited to keep exploring this whole thing and seeing what kind of wacky and horrific things I can figure out! I'd love some advice on the Tyrannical Typhoons as well, always accepting criticism!

    • @Dutch40KGuy
      @Dutch40KGuy  Рік тому +2

      I mean if the Deathwatch can use Xenos weaponry to fight Xenos, a couple plates of chitin and bio weaponry could definetely be.. hidden in plain sight🤔

    • @AlyxofBirbs
      @AlyxofBirbs Рік тому

      @@Dutch40KGuy what do you mean by hidden in plain sight? I still don't know a lot about Warhammer details so would they hide it from the chapter Inquisitor? Also who IS the chapter Inquisitor?

  • @the_guitarcade
    @the_guitarcade Рік тому +1

    I'm working on a Blood Angels successor chapter named the Sanguinariae Sancti that blends Carthagenian culture and early Jewish mythologies. The Chapter Master is Azrael Hannibal, the Chief Librarian is Hasdrubal Refaeli, and the Chief Apothecary is Maharbal Tsoriel. They tend to use high-speed, high intensity hit and run guerilla warfare with Assault Intercessors supported by psykers to position their prey for the Terminators of First Company to teleport in and smash them. They're based out of New Carthage in Imperium Nihilus right near the edge of the Eye of Terror.

  • @kristopherstrait4672
    @kristopherstrait4672 Рік тому +1

    Black watch. Dark angels second founding who were originally stationed as a defensive force near caliban to ward the eye of terror. They racked up a reputation for being unbreakable and became known as the lions demon hunters. When the Horus heresy started they attempted to rejoin the dark angels fleet and respond to Tera but were interrupted en route, getting trapped in a space hulk. After several thousand years trapped and constantly fighting against xenos and chaos demons. They were freed. A blood angels chapter freed them in 37500 days at that time they had dropped to only 4 companies, although those four companies are veterans all and incredibly adept at close combat and boarding action, graduating to veteran companies and deathwing as the chapters core, they continue to serve under the command of watch master xandriel lorn, slowly rebuiling their numbers through the addition of the new primaris. They suffer at longer ranges and vehicle warfare having been off the larger scale fields for so long. But they continue to be devoted followers of the lion and the god emperor.

  • @keithsimonh
    @keithsimonh Рік тому

    I've got a couple
    Resplendent Scorpions: a mixed stock DA successor cobbled together during the Cursed Founding iirc, nicknamed "Mariachi Marines" by a friend thanks to their dress colors; high mobility tactics, typically secretive about their history
    Cremators: originally called the Solar Castellans and descended from the Imperial Fists, they're now on a penitent crusade as an exterminatus support element
    Sand Dragons: another rebranded chapter, originally the Star Dragons, their primary battle barge crashed on a sandy death world and was converted into a fortress monastery as the chapter adopted local customs into their iconography (Persian/Egyptian themes), stealth/recon ranged specialists, they color their left arm and cheekplate black in remembrance of an ancient failure

  • @excellentmanoftaste2626
    @excellentmanoftaste2626 Рік тому +1

    been working on a chimeric 3rd founding chapter descended from a large warband of blackshields from the heresy called The Forgotten Sons, with around 60-65% of the initial geneseed population and much of the root culture traceable to Horus and his legion within their own histories but the story given to the majority of the imperium is them being yet another Ultramarine successor. could write for an age and a half on the lore and whatnot but sharing basic ideas is fun too

  • @Blazegraze12
    @Blazegraze12 Рік тому

    My successor chapter are called the Shadow Dragons and their gene seed are derived from both the Salamander and Raven Guard gene stock. They specialize in covet missions, particularly rescue missions usually of people of great importance.

  • @Orieni
    @Orieni Рік тому +7

    I have toyed with the idea of exploring an alternate time in which Horus has broken the Imperium, but is having to deal with so many crises that he hasn’t been able to conquer the loyalist remnants. A Forge World has gained refugees from the army and fleet, specifically including more Mechanicum, and is facing issues with loyalist Solar Guard vs skitarii, so they use the few Astartes they have and the resources pulled from Mars to create Mechanicum Astartes to gain dominance over the more conventional faction of their defenses.

  • @theswarmsquad3606
    @theswarmsquad3606 Рік тому +2

    Aztec marines would go SO FUCKING HARD THO

  • @herowesley1804
    @herowesley1804 Рік тому +1

    My Chapter I have been working on is B. ANGEL successor chapter Created shortly after the Devestation.
    Consuls Encarmine, or Crimson Consuls.(haven't really finalized the name.)
    One of the many new chapters organized by Dante and Guilliman after the Devestation of Baal. The Consuls Encarmine are a fleet based chapter that have been ordered by Dante to aid in recovering the disparate and isolated systems of Nihilus.
    Currently the chapter is separated by a warp storm, the larger part embattled with Traitors from the Word Bearer legion. The war is being led by 2nd Company Captain Carolus, and Guard Colonel Kaspian Leonid of the 44th Jouran Dragoons.

  • @crimsonkight546
    @crimsonkight546 Рік тому +1

    I'm working on dark angel successors, the crimson lions. Because all the memes that mad the lion look like tyrian lannister made me want a da chapter that had red and black with gold highlights theme.

  • @chazcurlee1163
    @chazcurlee1163 Рік тому +1

    I have an idea of making a Salamander Successor Chapter called the Golden Dragons. I want them to prioritize plasma weapons as refined holy fire. They are strictly hierarchical, putting emphasis on refining themselves and their skills and these skills through ritual endurance tests and battle. They have very similar coloration to base salamander but LOTS more gold infused. Still baking the idea but I like it so far

  • @michellepuzon8282
    @michellepuzon8282 6 днів тому

    I’m not sure if this has been done already but I’m making a Chapter called the “Ghosts Of Istvaan”.
    Basically they’re the guys who survived the Drop Site Massacre and Istvaan lll. Basically a Luna Wolf Sergeant took command of the 30 or so Astartes left after Saul Tarvitz’s last stand and had found the remnants of whatever was left of the Salamanders, Raven Guard and Iron hands from the Drop Site Massacre and took over a traitor Void Station drifting in the Istvaan System and began a Guerrilla war, striking at Chaos forces and traitor legions and became a nomadic warband, relying on salvaged technology and wargear. (No they don’t know about Iacton Qruze, Nathaniel Garro or Garviel Loken)

  • @lordofkadyk
    @lordofkadyk 7 місяців тому

    I've been working for 3 years on an Ultima founding chapter named "Lords of Spades", based on card suits (yeah, just like in "Alice in Wonderland"), "Belle Epoque" (1900-1910s before WW1) and 1930's Art Deco style. It's made on the planet Favora Major in Segmentum Tempestus to withstand against the drukhari, orks and other xenos threat in the south-west of the Galaxy.
    Officialy they are known as Blood Angels Successors, but their Black Rage turns itself in a specific way: an insane marine start mocking and challenging his enemies to a duel, ignoring danger on the battlefield. Such marine becomes a "Joker" (an analogue of a Death Company Marine). Many inquisitors and some of Blood Angels brethren suspect that LoS don't act like true sons of Sanguinius, but Lords' relentless and outstanding service don't give a chance to dispute their loyalty.
    At the beginning of their history, while taking back the closest planet to their "home" - Favora Minor from Iron Warriors' grip, Lords of Spades found abandoned hangar with 3 Imperial Knights dated up to Great Crusade. 2 of them were given back to House Raven, so Lords earned Mechanicus' favor. Mars Adepts granted the remaining knight to Favora Major, so the ancient Machine can help PDF in their duty.
    For now, the chapter is known for its free comprehension of Codex Astartes - the chapter companies are more like "monasteries" with its tactics and traditions (2nd company is "melee" and belongs to "Diamonds" clan, 3rd company is the "siege" company - there are lots of tanks and gravis suites, 5th is known for xenos hunting - they took candidates for Deathwatch service) so each captain, while making an army before every war, combines different companies' squads for higher efficiency in battles.

  • @XanderKarr
    @XanderKarr 11 місяців тому +1

    “Don’t torture yourself with half and half or even quartered colour schemes”
    *looks over at my 4000pt of howling griffons I started as my first army 3 years ago*

    • @Dutch40KGuy
      @Dutch40KGuy  11 місяців тому +1

      I respect you so much, thats incredible!

    • @XanderKarr
      @XanderKarr 11 місяців тому +1

      @@Dutch40KGuy all I can say is that I agree with your advice and wish I had gone with the Castellans of the rift (my runner up choice)

  • @CMTechnica
    @CMTechnica 11 місяців тому +1

    My Successor is named after my favorite boss from Dark Souls 3: the Abyss Watchers, and the best fight (at the time) from Dark Souls.
    Actually, most of their lore is 40k meets Dark Souls. Their chapter masters are literally all named Artorias.
    Every Chapter of the Unforgiven (the order each and every Dark Angel successor belongs to) has a defined role; mine are the executioners. Specifically in regards to heretics and demons.
    In Dark Souls, the appearance of the Abyss Watchers signaled the demise of a kingdom, for it was deemed corrupted by the Abyss.
    If the fleet of the Abyss Watchers convenes, your planet will become the next Cadia. Their astropaths have heard the psychic cries from the warp and led the Chapter to your world to proceed with its immediate destruction, for it has been corrupted and tainted by Chaos. If the strategic value is absolute, and the planet can’t be destroyed, 6 way oversized companies (*cough* wings *cough*) of highly specialized Astartes are going to personally oversee the delivery of a swift execution. Much like the Minotaurs, the entire chapter deploys to war.
    Fashioned in the culture of their (former) homeworld, a dreadful medieval world, the Chapter is *heavily* non compliant with regards to the Codex Astartes: a major break compared to the Dark Angels and the Unforgiven, who are divergent. Their vaults are filled with scavenged relics from the time of the original Dark Angels legion, not to mention the relics and wargear from a watch fortress of the Deathwatch.
    Oh yeah. Their fortress monastery is a former watch fortress.
    So many hours of scouring the wiki, reading the books, building, painting, and playing this wargame have led me to 20,000 points of these absolute chads in narrative games, at least as of 9th edition. All the captains and the chapter master have nameplates, all their veterans have earned their way to names over years of narrative gaming, and the models I’ve used for games of kill team have, you guessed it, have names.
    And I’m still expanding it. One day, I’ll have a complete *physical* space marine chapter: tanks, dreadnoughts, aircraft, and of course marines.
    My father in law got me into this hobby, and he’s been collecting since the Dark Angels were introduced.

  • @Ottersanity
    @Ottersanity Рік тому

    The Solar Lions, a Chapter of the 15th founding. I decided to go for a Greek Orthodox based chapter.
    They have a ritual where they eat a hard bread, drink wine, and then go to meditate and pray for seven days and seven nights.
    They don’t know which Primarch they are from and it has caused them to view the Primarchs as saints, this in turn causes a deep spiritual longing in the chapter giving them a melancholy outlook.

  • @concernedsoul3266
    @concernedsoul3266 Рік тому +1

    Working on a successor chapter to the Salamanders. They are called Acid Rain, due to their heavy use of chemical and biological warfare. Preferred unit are the Eradicators, which wield melta guns but have a specialist unit which is called a "Liquidator". They use a strongly modified heavy meltas which uses special fuel. Their paint scheme is a venomous green with bronze/ copper metal parts. The right shoulder pad and kneepad is in a rather dark yellow. They think their gene-seed is made of Salamanders and Imperial Fists, tho their chapter master found out that they are composed of Salamanders and Death Guard gene-seed. He destroyed the evidence and vanished after that. I have a lot more but that would take a while 😂

  • @ryneagheilim9782
    @ryneagheilim9782 Рік тому +1

    I want to dedicate a chapter to the kids in the Residential Schools in Kamloops here in Canada. Their predecessors will be the White Scars and they will be called "Reconciliators". The Chapter Master will be distinguished by the headdress
    Today (Sept 30, 2023) is National Reconciliation Day.

  • @crockett31
    @crockett31 Рік тому +1

    Storm paladins, a celtic fleet based chapter that has a few worlds near the ghoul stars for recruitment, created for indomitus era by cawl rumour has it they're a mix of two gene seeds, one being a lost primarch! Lol

  • @prophetisaiah08
    @prophetisaiah08 Рік тому +2

    My custom chapter is a small, obscure chapter called the Black Sappers from the 26th founding. Their chapter homeworld is Terranova Borealis, and they are a Dark Angels successor. The culture of Terranova Borealis is based on my homeland, Newfoundland and Labrador, and the Black Sappers are loosely based on the miners and blue-collar industrial folk of my hometown in western Labrador. Their chapter master was in the Deathwing company, so they primarily use terminator armor. While not training for combat, the Black Sappers are known to aid in the massive open-pit mines in the subarctic mountains of Terranova Borealis. Their name comes from the thick layers of black ore dust that cakes their armor. They are painted in the white, blue and green of the Labrador flag, but they are covered in the dirt and grime of outdoor industrial equipment. Their chapter symbol is an evergreen branch growing out of a skull, representing the neverending cycle of life and death.
    They have two prominent gene seed mutations. The firs is inherrited from their parent legion, as they are extremely secretive like the Dark Angels. The second one is strange. For some reason, the captains of this chapter grow to a massive size, 25% larger than the average space marine. (Note: This comes from a goof on my part that I've decided to incorporate into the chapter lore. I'm new to 40K, and I 3d printed my army. When I found out that the terminator captain was on a larger base than other terminators, I scaled up the model to fit. Now I have one *absolute unit* of a captain in my army, but I think that's kinda cool.)
    As for how the larger Imperium sees them, the Black Sappers would rather that they don't. The chapter has taken great pains to make themselves and the planet of Terranova Borealis seem as unremarkable and forgetable as possible within the Imperial beureaucracy. This chapter and the people of their homeworld hold many secrets that would make them pariahs to the Imperium, bringing down the wrath of the Inquisition, the Mechanicus, and nearly every other faction of the Imperium on them if these things were known. Terranova Borealis only has a population of less than 50 million, and the Black Sappers are far from standard codex chapter strength. If the Imperium knew what they were hiding, Terranova Borealis wouldn't stand a chance, and the Black Sappers know it. For them, "Secrecy is Survival."

  • @matthewholehouse2718
    @matthewholehouse2718 Рік тому +1

    A little different but I had an idea for an Iron Warriors Warband who plundered a number of vaults during the Siege of Terra and stole hordes of musical recordings dating back to before the Golden Age of technology. Whilst worshipping Chaos Undivided they tip more towards Slaanesh and have essentially become Noise Marine fanboys, their warpsmiths have created their own sonic weapons which the warband uses to blast the ancient music they plundered whilst ravaging imperial worlds.

  • @pedrolobo8583
    @pedrolobo8583 Рік тому

    Idk if this was already made or not, but I wrote a White Scars sucessor chapter, called Golden Knights, that is very inspired on the Adeptus Custodes in matters of physical prowess, their objective is actually match their physical perfection.
    They have a preference for close combat, modifying their armor to better serve this purpose, their chapter master went as far as installing 4 extra mechanical arms in his armor to try to surpass a Custodes in speed.
    Their numbers are around 400, due to this insistence on close quarters combat, but those that survive to become veterans are said to be great swordsman and unnarmed fighters.

  • @sandorjenei6554
    @sandorjenei6554 Рік тому +1

    Took me a while to make up something cohesive but I finally managed to came up with my own Chapter named Cult's Bane (might change it later), an Inquisition "owned" chapter made up mostly from Primaris Marines and freshly recruited SMs, with the exception of the Chapter Master (rumored to have been once a Crimson Fist captain), and an old Contemptor Dreadnought, belonging to the [redacted] who was found during a scouting mission on an abandoned [redacted] base planet.
    While they believe their geneseed to come from the Imperial Fist's, and think of them as their ancestors, their tactics and behaviour are wildly different: the Bane's either use dizzying, complicated manouvers to flush out the potential Chaos/Genestealer cult on the planet (placing the Inquisition's agents into the right political ranks, ect), or when it comes to direct confrontation, hit-and-run urban warfare, relying on speed and adaptation to their surroundings (and using it against their opposition). They often work togather with the Imperial Guard and the Adeptus Arbites, and tend to have a civil relationship with them, so much so that one of their "relics" is actually the lasgun of a particular guardsman whose squad worked alongside the Chapter in their first major battle (trying to halt a planet's conversion by the Genestealers), and bravely gave her life for the Imperium.
    They are a rather small chapter, with only around 200 members, but since they don't wage full scale wars, their casualities are surprisingly low. They are indifferent towards religion since, in the Chapter Master's words, "We fight for the Imperium and Humanity, not for rosarius beads and purity seals.", which is heavily frowned upon by the purist Inquisitors who had worked with them before, but thanks to their efficency, they let it slide (usually).
    Sorry for the wall of text, I do hope that its not too "all over the place" 😅

    • @Dutch40KGuy
      @Dutch40KGuy  Рік тому +1

      I love it!

    • @sandorjenei6554
      @sandorjenei6554 Рік тому

      @@Dutch40KGuy Thanks, Im glad to hear it 😁 I was worried it might go overboard.
      Now I just need to fill in the historical gaps, name a few people, specify their base of operation, ect
      And paint those fcking minis 🤣 at least got the colors figured out (Purple body with the left shoulder painted blue for everyone, and the color of the right shoulder depending on the rank of the Marine)

  • @jonathandoherty9082
    @jonathandoherty9082 Рік тому +1

    So im building Necrons as my army (im still pretty new to the hobby and their my favoirte faction in lore), so i had a few marines from one of the starter boxes, i had used the lieutenant in a diorama base with my royal warden, painted it with a black and red color scheme, different then anything else ive seen, amd so i painted the rest of the squad in thr same scheme and have worked their lore into my Necrons as well. I call them the Void Wyverns, officially blood angel descendants, unofficially they are majority a mix of world eaters and night lords gene seed, they act very similar to the space sharks and minotaurs doing their own thing hunting down my necron dynasty for killing their chapter master, so if they are helping another chapter or something, the moment they hear about the dynasty somewhere they would pretty quickly leave to hunt the necrons down with intense anger and malice. But they will never turn down the request to aid the blood angels, even if the dynasty is near.
    Now i haven't really thought to much about what culture of the chapter, but id definitely want to think they are similar and a mix of spartans and vietnam style marines

  • @beauregardwhitney7830
    @beauregardwhitney7830 Рік тому +1

    A chapter I am currently working on is heavily inspired by Italy and Renaissance,
    At the moment I'm calling them lords of the tower because Their home world is A High world which only has one livable place, a Giant tower
    Something I've been having a bit of difficulty with is trying to convey *without being too edgey or too obvious* Is that they are night Lord successors Made by cawl During the Primaries Founding, Or whatever it's called, I forget its actual name

  • @moonnightbricks3948
    @moonnightbricks3948 Рік тому +1

    I have 3 companies of an ultramarine 2nd founding successor chapter. The Scalphunters. Black armour with Dragon teeth insignia on their shoulder pads and banners. Known as the black death. The chapter master is Obidiha Pitt, they only use missile launchers and whirlwinds.....etc...etc..

  • @matiasyannuzzi9655
    @matiasyannuzzi9655 Рік тому +1

    I'm working on a 2nd Founding Blood Angels successor chapter (or at least they claim to be 2nd Founding, their librarius and all the records contained within were lost when their Battle Barge was swallowed by the Warp in M33, never to return) called the Angels Furious. Until after the Devastation of Baal they were a fleet based chapter but Dante put them in charge of a planet to help secure a strip of territory between Baal and the Great Rift. Because they were fleet based, they would recruit from whatever world they could, which is why their marines have very varied names, from Chapter Master Malatesta to Sergeants Tokugashi and Hakub.
    The Sanguinary Priesthood of the chapter has the theory that the memories contained in the vitae (blood) of each brother can help stave off the Black Rage, so individual marines carry with them vials with their own blood to drink when they feel the Death Visions creeping in. They've had very mixed results with this, but on occasion they've been able to voluntarily surrender to the Black Rage by depriving themselves of their own blood while the Chaplains recant the final days of the Siege of Terra, as a last resource to break an enemy that has them against the ropes.
    They're void warfare specialists, with fighter pilots that are remarkable even among the standards of the Blood Angels, and ruthless shock assault tactics for boarding and clearing enemy ships, but they lack in quantity and variety of armoured vehicles (they have no Vindicator siege tanks, few Land Raiders and Primaris vehicles, with most of their armour being Rhinos, Razorbacks and Predator tanks, though they possess a Fellblade superheavy tank). They have quite a lot of dreadnoughts, particularly of ancient patterns like Contemptors and Leviathans, due to a recently found treasure trove from the days of the Heresy.
    One of their most renowned heroes is their Chief Librarian Faustinian the Restless. Despite being confined to a dreadnought sarcophagus, Faustinian has never been placed in stasis and has remained awake for centuries. While the chapter benefits from his active presence and the fruits of his nearly uninterrupted labors, they fear the venerable Chief Librarian may be a ticking time bomb, and they dread to think what would happen if his seemingly limitless will were to fail him.

    • @matiasyannuzzi9655
      @matiasyannuzzi9655 Рік тому +1

      I'm also working on a custom Imperial Guard regiment (the PDF force of the Angels Furious' chapter homeworld), a custom League of Votann (the Vaerengjir Consortium), and a custom Knight House (more like an order of Freeblades called the Inhospitaller Knights, short for the Most Faithful Order of the Inhospitable Stars)

    @DABOSSEMPRAH Рік тому +2

    I've been working on an Iron Hand successor with a centurion as chapter master who's basically just a brain in a tube inside a bulking armor, no fleet only single battle barge operated by 100 battle brothers and 500 human servants, and 1 magos mechanicus tech priest with around 700-1000 skitarii in his disposal.
    the twist is they also a rouge trader.
    how a space marine become a rouge trader? long story... 😅
    they'd be working under the authority of the forge world ryza so there might be a lot of plasma shooting going on and lots of accidental suicide explosion, which is why most of their human crews are also highly augmented but not necessarily a servitor and it cause a huge problem sometimes in the compliance department but nevertheless they could work it out under the chapter master guidance.
    their speciality is in void war, rarely make planet fall and never engaged when the odds are too slim.
    I'm still working on the battle barge specification, trying to not overkill... 😅

  • @iilaunch
    @iilaunch Рік тому +1

    I liked your video a lot, I run my own custom chapter, and I'm glad I didn't made too many mistakes in making it😅 :
    Chapter : Iron Scythes
    Geneseed : Iron Hands
    Founding : Indomitus crusade (they actually existed prior, but as a smaller scaled loyalist warband, they were then acknowledged and reorganized as a chapter)
    Chapter Master : Dreadarch Arcturus
    History of the Chapter : Arcturus, the current chapter master, is the only member of the legion to be a first-born, being an Iron Hand techmarine from the great crusade. By the time of the dropsite massacre, he was away from his brothers, this caused him to avoid being killed during his legion's demise during the start of the Heresy. He would regroup with some of his battle brothers, and despite being heavily under armed, they attacked a death guard frigate and actually managed to blow it up after they stole the death guard weaponry. Arcturus' mechanical axe was damaged, and he changed the axe head for the blade of a power scythe he stole. The small group would be known as the "Iron Scythes", ambushing the backlines of the traitors during the whole length of the heresy. By the time of the siege of Terra, they would unfortunately fall in an ambush from a terminator division while trying to board a ship of the sons of Horus. Most of them would be killed, and Arcturus would be badly injured.
    After the heresy, the few remaining Iron Scythes would rejoin the Iron Hands and try to reform their legion, while Arcturus was placed in a dreadnought. He was fairly infamous within the mechanicus, as he was among the ones advocating for technological furthering instead of owe and stagnation. Even though he never met with Belisarius Cawl, he hold deep respect with the Archmagos and his view of what technology should be.
    Leaving his legion, he would study Xeno technology and heavily modify his own dreadnought, creating a techmatine-dreadnought, a heavy artillery platform with a devastating dreadnought-sized powerscythe, and capable of repairing other vehicles. During his expedition, he would eventually stumble upon a world within the Rim of the Ghoul stars. This world's population, though heavily mutated, was still human and (partially) sane. Their two main physical traits were their long, thin, sharp teeth, as well as their eyes bearing only pupil, and thus being fully black. But Arcturus would soon realize that those "Ghouls" as he calls them, have an extremely high rate of Pariah and Blanks. Seeing that as a potent weapon, Arcturus would slowly start to place infrastructures on the planet in order to form his own space marines.
    Almost a millennia later, as soon as Arcturus learned about the Indomitus Crusade and the return of Primarch Robute Guilliman, Arcturus would lead his small force (roughly a hundred "ghoul marines") to join the fighting. Their most notable battle was alongside a Salamanders's successor chapter, where they fought against Word bearers and Death Guards. The Ghoul Marines would show the efficiency of their Blank gene as their mere presence was enough to banish the demons of the word bearers, and cause terrible pain and terror within the death guard warband.
    After being reorganized as a chapter, their numbers grew to roughly a small thousand, and they had access to better infrastructures. The chapter started to produce more of their Techmarine dreadnought, and take on the name of "Iron Scythes" to honor the fallen battle brothers of their Chapter master.
    War doctrine : The chapter is solely focused on fighting Chaos, dealing very little with Xeno threats. They are using a large amount of dreadnoughts, and their chapter holds a lot of techmarines and techmarine dreadnoughts, making them extremely tough. The ghouls also proved to be very resilient, and would be able to survive otherwise deadly wounds. Arcturus formed quite a number of Apothecary and Techmarines to take care of his soldiers' flesh and bionics. Forming Ghoul marines is excessively complicated, and they need to travel all the way to the rim of the ghoul stars to do so, the chapter therefor centered it's tactics on reducing to the strict minimum any casualties, performing calculated strike assault, using and overwhelming long-ranged fire power, and only using melee combat once the enemy is weakened enough. They also rely a lot on their Blank gene to weaken or even kill any Chaos-tainted threat.
    The chapter (although having their own world near the ghoul stars) is fleet based, only coming back to reform Ghoul marines. They have to their disposition a small fleet with two Dauntless class light cruisers, an Endurance class light cruiser, an Endeavour class light cruiser, and their flagship being a Lunar class cruiser.
    In therms of relations, the chapter is extremely secretive, and often fights alone. They make sure of not letting any intel about the nature of their marines or weaponry (which is a mix of imperial and Xeno tech) to the inquisition. Although it already happened that an inquisitor learned a little too much about the chapter for Arcturus' taste, those people are usually...removed. The chapter being immune to chaos corruption from their blank gene, they spend most of their time fighting in the most tainted areas. Although they almost always fight alone, they were recently joined by an Imperial Knight Freeblade which started to travel with the chapter, providing her martial deeds in exchange for the chapter's help to maintain and repair her knight.
    As an Iron Hand successors, they are often replacing limbs by bionic enhancements.
    The chapter's main strength is also it's main weakness. As they are all Blanks, they are heavily specialized to fight against any chaos threat, but this prevent the chapter from using any psyker.
    The Chapter's Ghoul marines are naturally prone to violence and being hyper-aggressive. But such behaviors would cause the chapter too many losses, thus, Arcturus made sure to form his soldiers to temper their violence into a cold and calculated onslaught. Surprisingly, during their free time, they enjoy to play music, even though it is weird as their gene father wasn't found of arts, but music allows them to more easily temper their rage once in battle, and remain calm and deadly. It is said that once they are unleashing their thundering firepower over their targets, they often use gigantic vox-casters to play operatic music. Said music is so loud that it can actually be heard better than the thundering boltershots !
    The chapter is always wearing helmets to council their mutated nature.
    Their armors are mainly painted in black, with bionic limbs, silver on the right shoulder, the chest piece, and the helmet. Sergeants have a red stripe on the helmet, and the right arm is painted red. Lieutenant have a fully red helm, and also paint red their right shoulder in addition to the arm. Veterans have both shoulders painted in silver. Techmarines have no specific color, but all bear heavy backpacks with servoarms. Apothecary have a white helm and a white stripe on the right arm. They are often wearing different variations of camo-cloak, depending on the battlefield. Because of their blank nature, normal humans would feel deafened and horribly cold while near them, if they look towards them, they would see a strange dark and horrifying aura around them. Psykers and other entities chaos-related would feel extreme pain and dread while near them.
    Characters :
    Chapter Master : Arcturus
    He is a massive and terrifying customized dreadnought, using his gigantic dreadnought-sized powerscythe and his large array of cannons to rip through enemies. Though originally not a blank, he studied the ghouls enough to give himself a similar resilience to chaos and aura, while not being affected by the presence of the other blanks. His massive dreadnought is often hiding it's true size by arching itself and being covered by a long camo-claok. He is a cold minded leader, not speaking a lot, but commanding a lot of respect and admiration from his battle brothers. His cold temper though actually hides an extreme ruthlessness, he absolutely hates anything chaos-related, having captured a bunch of possessed word bearers just to look at them intensely and letting his blank aura torture them to death. He also despise the Ecclesiastes and the inquisition, knowing that the Emperor was devoutly against the idea of being seeing as a God. As such, he also see the black Templars as hypocrites. In the same way, he has mixed feeling about groups like the sisters of battle, seeing their faith as foolish, but acknowledging their strength and courage. Arcturus's latent anger issues would come out when he flayed the skin of an inquisitor because he dared to called the Emperor a God while on his ship. This accident pushed the chapter to avoid any contact with the wider Imperium beside the strict minimum.

    • @iilaunch
      @iilaunch Рік тому +1

      1st Captain Crates Alvos
      Captain Alvos is a renown warrior and tehcmarine, leading the first company alongside his blood-brother the Techmarine-dreadnought Argetrius. Alvos is a charismatic figure and one of the least mutated ghouls, having an almost normal face. He is the one acting as the chapter's voice, being more "presentable" than most of his brothers. On the battlefield, he is a fearsome warrior, but far more importantly, and excellent tactician. He and Arcturus are close friends, and they are often playing any types of strategy-based game during their free time, as a way to think about and perfect new strategies and tactics. In the past, During a devastating encounter, the chapter would come to help an eldar team trapped against Empreror children. Even though the Eldars were horrified by the presence of so many blanks, they would be thankful to the marines for saving them, and would give to Alvos one of their scythe-riffle (having noticed the fascination of the marines for scythes in melee combat) as a gift (Alvos having dueled and defeated the Emperor children warband leader). The weapon would then be modified to fit his terminator armor, and he is still using it to this day.
      Lucienne Palael in the Striker Orca
      Lucienne Palael is the young and bold pilot of the Imperial knight known as "striker Orca". She is a freeblade, having left her house after she killed her bother for having turned to Chaos. During the duel, her knight would be badly damaged, losing her right arm that was caring her themal cannon. She would then rebuild her knight and change it from an Errant to a Gallant. She was herself a pariah, and so doesn't feel any discomfort while near the ghouls. She is now a close and trusted friend of the chapter, travelling within their Lunar class cruiser. Outside of battle, she is a stubborn and decided young woman, but enjoying a lot the presence of the marines, having learned to get used to their terrifying appearances, and creating strong friendship with Argetrius Alvos (the brother of the first captain Crates Alvos). On the battlefield, she is a fierce fighter, acting as a strong melee fighter for the chapter when close combat is inevitable. The many techmarines made sure to make her knight as resilient as possible, using their expertise with all human and Xeno technology to strengthen her void-shield and armor, as Lucienne is often driving her knight straight in the enemy line, but she causes such a toll among the enemy that her actions were often the key to decisive victories. Her daring (and often dangerous) attacks is so well-known within the chapter that she is jokingly refereed to as Angaron by the marines. Although he does appreciate her very much, Arcturus often argues with her about her recklessness, as he remembers that this is what led to the demise of his Primarch and most of his legion.

  • @dfly27485
    @dfly27485 Рік тому +1

    The Marlboro Marines hailing from planet Marlboro with their Chapter Master the High Marshal Philip Morris.

  • @StudentofNerds
    @StudentofNerds 10 місяців тому

    I just started working on a chapter that was founded by a Death Guard member who was not killed on Isstvan III and wasn’t corrupted by Nurgle. The goal of the chapter is to try and redeem their corrupted brothers and eventually redeem their father Mortarion. They are called The Unbroken because Mortarion called his legion his unbroken blades when he first met them.

  • @albigucko9518
    @albigucko9518 Рік тому +2

    Idea for chapter:
    1. Unknown founding, unknkown origin, unknown number
    2. They avoid contacting anyone officially
    3. They seem to avoid combat at all costs
    4. They care little about other chapters or Imperial institutions and offices.
    5. They mostly appear without proper armor or with no armor at all, investigating artifacts or history of certain worlds or events.
    6. When asked about this strange chapter, witnesses describe them as polite, caring, very secretive and intelligent. "Master of the word, blessed by the Emperor" one said. They also mention chapter members to wear oddly ordinary outfits with hoods and their skin being vey soft and beautiful.
    7. Once they engaged in dialogue with Ordo Xenos agent, convincing her to share info on Necron artifact she was looking for. She was executed for heresy, but her body was gone a day after execution. Her colleagues described her as "brainwashed" and "extremely heretical" while interrogating.
    8. There is one solid proof of their battle engagement witnessed by Raven Guard recon squad. They investigated minor chaos incursion on "distant world" where they saw this chapter trying to assault warp portal, losing half of their men due to lack of equipment and "tactical inefficiency". Some Raven marines were shocked to see their supposed brothers struggling to execute basic fighting maneuvers. That assault squad was reported to flee the engagement recovering some kind of a weapon and a banner from dead chaos marine of Emperor's Children. Raven Guard finished the job after, never seeing that chapter again.
    9. Even though no one knows their name, Raven Guard referres to them as "Pathfinders" for they intercepted their vox and heard this name a lot (probably, the name of their ship, base or squad).
    10. Once Imperial Navy discovered an established illegal trade route that involved many traders. They shipped materials and goods of fine quality to Hives, and also money and strategic intelligence carried via servitor scribes. Officials of those Hives told Inquisitors about a strange organisation of very wealthy and supremely educated people, who can establish and organize vey efficient trade routes in days and ask for nothing in exchange. That route was elliminated and vessel commanders interrogated, but with no results.
    As you see it's a lore chapter not meant to be played as in tabletop.

      @DABOSSEMPRAH Рік тому

      sounds like an emperor's eye.

    • @albigucko9518
      @albigucko9518 Рік тому

      @@DABOSSEMPRAH didn't know about them, will read

      @DABOSSEMPRAH Рік тому

      nahh.... probably not... they are not unknown...

    @KIRRALORE Рік тому +1

    Exelent working battlebrother. :3 You give me thant what I need. I'm now working on my little Iron hands company and my own succesor chapter of them. Thank you and remember take care of your geanseed

  • @Tampenismall
    @Tampenismall Рік тому +1

    I don’t play the board game but I do love the lore

  • @bziebzie
    @bziebzie Рік тому +1

    So I want to make a chapter that would be an experiment at mixing gene-seeds together. I am speaking about Gene-seeds of Alpharius, Vulkan and Sanguinius. Mechanicus was trying to get rid of the Black Rage by merging those gene-seeds together while also trying to make more of a chapter to protect people on the Hive Worlds during the after 1k years from Horus Heresy. Their colours would be light teal with a light green acents. Also, like Salamanders, on the right shoulder pad they will have flames, BUT a light blue ones. The Logo would the the angels wings being in blue flames and the name would The Burning Angels.

  • @dakotaanderson254
    @dakotaanderson254 Рік тому +1

    Turns out Ive started with my knights story first, lol, let me finish my freeblade lance, and then I'll get onto my marines

  • @ExplainedGoodly
    @ExplainedGoodly Рік тому +2

    oh this will be fun!

  • @l4dym3r3k
    @l4dym3r3k 4 місяці тому

    I've been working on the lore for both a planet and a SM successor, Thousand Sons specifically. Basically, they fled to another psyker-rich planet during the Burning of Prospero, whose culture was based on 15-18th century Poland--the Sarmatists specifically. They are split down the middle between psychic units and mundane units, but overall the chapter usually specialises in Heavy Cavalry. Since they want to hide the fact that they descended from a Traitor Primarch, they have falsely claimed that they are a White Scars successor.

  • @brandonbrown6148
    @brandonbrown6148 Рік тому

    I got an idea for an off-shoot of the SW called the Varangian Guard, who are hired mercs for various Imperial factions. Still working on the kinks behind schoolwork, painting minis, and playing the game, so it'll be a long while until I even start test-painting a color scheme for them.

  • @michaelblevins1651
    @michaelblevins1651 Рік тому +1

    I have a Chapter in the works called the Scarlet eyes they are a blood angel successor that is lost in the warp while going to a farm world overran by tyranids their base is their flag ship the Scarlet Terror their colors are a Darker purple decorated with scarlet eyes all over
    Their gene seed is of course blood angel of course but what makes them different is that they do suffer from the red thirst in a Very different way If the scarlet eyes don’t consume enough blood 🩸 they will go blind and also suffer from severe head pains and become physically weakened (they draw power from the scarlet eyes they have)