After Dark but Slowed at the right times

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @C.H872
    @C.H872 2 роки тому +1381

    This song is the vibe, love, sadness,hate, devastation and heartbreak all in one,

  • @_Michal_Michal_
    @_Michal_Michal_ 2 роки тому +762

    I could literally listen to this millions of times and not get bored

  • @katherine8938
    @katherine8938 2 роки тому +89

    This song never gets old, it has something different going on. love it

  • @itsattyy
    @itsattyy 2 роки тому +212

    This version scratches my brain in the perfect way. Thank you.

  • @Ftbl.4hmed
    @Ftbl.4hmed 2 роки тому +255

    This song is amazing of emotions and the way you listen to it will
    always Make you motivated and boost your mentality, Making you and everyone think you have the potential to be who you want to be , But Also knowing very few will reach that potential.

    • @silverbear5548
      @silverbear5548 2 роки тому +7

      The point is not the perfection of being who we could live up to be. The point is the progress toward our ideal goal and away from who we once were yesterday.

    • @Ftbl.4hmed
      @Ftbl.4hmed Рік тому +1

      @@silverbear5548 On point.

  • @erenzu
    @erenzu 2 роки тому +126

    This song and every one of the versions it has will always be my favorite. I like to interpret as a love so strong that almost feels heavenly and the only thing you'd think to do with that person is kissing their lips, no more. I've only felt that way towards one girl in my whole life and every part of the lyrics describe how I feel towards her, I anxiously wish to be able to establish a romantic relationship with her but I'm scared as fuck because she's my best friend and the only person who I am myself truly. The other problem is that, in two years I have to migrate to another country and if I ever get in a relationship with her we'd probably break up because long distance relationships... well I personally don't believe they work. If we ever change the relationship status from best friends to lovers i'd like it to be forever.

    • @luismarroquin7205
      @luismarroquin7205 2 роки тому +16

      Bro, happiness is too rare and we so often miss out. Give it a shot and hope for the best. Don’t anguish over two years ahead. Love today and tomorrow if you still can. Life’s too short for what ifs and could’ves

    • @diamzyo
      @diamzyo 2 роки тому +8

      Always take the shot no matter what, If she is leaving or you are, a relationship if it feels destined will occur. Perhaps even the long distance relationship might work, I myself have been in some and both of us don't regret it

    • @man....IDK....1
      @man....IDK....1 2 роки тому +4

      go at it before its too late. u got this ;)

    • @khajaarjaniahamed8805
      @khajaarjaniahamed8805 2 роки тому +4

      There's no point in continuing to live in that state of constant fear. I had a girl best friend too whom i fell in love with.. at the end of it all it didn't work out but to be brutally honest, unless you have a plan not making a move at all is super cowardly.
      Let's say you don't do anything anyway and you two remain best friends while you still strongly love her. Firstly, reality is you will continue to suffer deep inside due to unrequited love. Secondly, considering a long enough time frame, the bond you two share will not last. Times change, hearts change, people change.
      I wish you all the best brother. Whatever you choose to do, make sure it is you who makes the choice and not your emotions.

    • @rayhankhadari
      @rayhankhadari 10 місяців тому +1

      hope op made it work out 1 year later!

  • @R-SENPAI894
    @R-SENPAI894 2 роки тому +98

    I failed my chemistry test and I was so heart broken and crying but heard this song and it made me feel a bit better 🙂

    • @krattle
      @krattle 2 роки тому +14

      sad, good luck with life

    • @TYDRAX_Gaming
      @TYDRAX_Gaming 2 роки тому +10

      Don’t worry if school isn’t your thing, then life is.

    • @Birdman._.
      @Birdman._. 2 роки тому +11

      @@TYDRAX_Gaming as a semi nerd who scores good and kind of overstudy but hate school
      I guess school isnt anyone's thing

    • @eshical4189
      @eshical4189 2 роки тому +3

      @Pro bg gamer well I like being in school because it challenges my brain and gives me a purpose in life but still

    • @neurotoxinc
      @neurotoxinc Рік тому +1

      I got 0 on math coz i studied the wrong subject

  • @PwnThunder
    @PwnThunder 2 роки тому +41

    This song makes me motivated to improve my life

  • @s--nm4qj
    @s--nm4qj 2 роки тому +25

    1:05 perfect timing

  • @HariHaran-sl1pg
    @HariHaran-sl1pg 2 роки тому +98

    Now I am a main character in my life..

    • @rapamtappohl1719
      @rapamtappohl1719 2 роки тому +14

      You always have been, anything you need to fine, look in yourself

    • @fishyfish6510
      @fishyfish6510 2 роки тому +1

      I am the main character who doesn't matter

    • @yoboi1190
      @yoboi1190 Рік тому

      @@fishyfish6510 and I am the one that does
      Why not strive to be better? Why not try to be important in your own eyes? Do what you think is important and you’ll be important

  • @englishwithseries.9049
    @englishwithseries.9049 2 роки тому +6

    I could be anywhere. But I'm here again.

  • @rupambhairailfan
    @rupambhairailfan Рік тому +16

    1:03 what a feeling!!!❤❤❤

  • @Mazinotto581
    @Mazinotto581 2 роки тому +96

    You listen to this song, you want to be powerful, the most powerful in the universe you imagine it, because it's not just you who have potential, but everyone around you. You hear this song, you fall into a deep sea during a storm, lightning can be seen on the water, but, you fly straight to the sky after you wake up... without wings.

    • @thomasfoltin3832
      @thomasfoltin3832 2 роки тому +5

      Calm tf down

    • @Ark00
      @Ark00 2 роки тому +6

      @@thomasfoltin3832 nah. let him express that epic feeling 😎

    • @thomasfoltin3832
      @thomasfoltin3832 2 роки тому +1

      @@Ark00 maybe you’re right tbh

    • @amv062184
      @amv062184 2 роки тому +2

      Very poetic.

    • @wolfmannn2008
      @wolfmannn2008 2 роки тому

      Enchanted phone:
      Poetry +14
      Chill -8
      Imagination +7

  • @aaaXD263
    @aaaXD263 2 роки тому +19

    omfg i remember first finding this song 3 years ago, and it’s became so popular since then

  • @lancemadrazo
    @lancemadrazo 2 роки тому +28

    The background is so good. It kinda feels like I had a past life and this is what it looked like.

  • @x_9005
    @x_9005 2 роки тому +14

    Always put this on my midnight runs

    • @adwikachoudhary6865
      @adwikachoudhary6865 2 роки тому

      if i would do that i would just strart dancing
      not go on runs AT midnight and dance at my home

    • @the_mse
      @the_mse 2 роки тому

      You’re a brave dude lmao
      I get uncomfortable just getting out the house at night

  • @thehammer223
    @thehammer223 10 місяців тому +2

    Title did not disappoint.

  • @ellaphantomhiv9006
    @ellaphantomhiv9006 2 роки тому +48

    Fine , I'll do it myself.
    I see you
    You see me
    How pleasant
    This feeling
    The moment
    You hold me
    I missed you
    I'm sorry
    I've given
    What I have
    I showed you
    I'm growing
    The ashes
    Fall slowly
    As your voice
    Consoles me
    As the hours pass
    I will let you know
    That I need to ask
    Before I'm alone
    How it feels to rest
    On your patient lips
    To eternal bliss
    I'm so glad to know
    As the hours pass
    I will let you know
    That I need to ask
    Before I'm alone
    How it feels to rest
    On your patient lips
    To eternal bliss
    I'm so glad to know
    We're swaying
    To drum beats
    In motion
    I'm feeling
    My patience
    The question
    I won't speak
    We're telling
    The stories
    Our laughter
    He knows me
    We're leaving
    We're talking
    You're closer
    It's calming
    As the hours pass
    I will let you know
    That I need to ask
    Before I'm alone
    How it feels to rest
    On your patient lips
    To eternal bliss
    I'm so glad to know
    As the hours pass
    I will let you know
    That I need to ask
    Before I'm alone
    How it feels to rest
    On your patient lips
    To eternal bliss
    I'm so glad to know
    The night will hold us close
    And the stars will guide us home
    I've been waiting for this moment
    We're finally alone
    I turn to ask the question
    So anxious, my thoughts
    Your lips were soft like winter
    In your passion, I was lost
    As the hours pass
    I will let you know
    That I need to ask
    Before I'm alone
    How it feels to rest
    On your patient lips
    To eternal bliss
    I'm so glad to know
    As the hours pass
    I will let you know
    That I need to ask
    Before I'm alone
    How it feels to rest
    On your patient lips
    To eternal bliss
    I'm so glad to know
    As the hours pass
    I will let you know
    That I need to ask
    Before I'm alone
    How it feels to rest
    On your patient lips
    To eternal bliss
    I'm so glad to know
    As the hours pass
    I will let you know
    That I need to ask
    Before I'm alone
    How it feels to rest
    On your patient lips
    To eternal bliss
    I'm so glad to know

    • @iKyoishi
      @iKyoishi 2 роки тому +3


    • @SAQ.T
      @SAQ.T 2 роки тому +6

      Thanks for google effort

    • @Blurr1d0.
      @Blurr1d0. 2 роки тому +4

      Thanks for copy and pasting it so we didnt have to look it up 🗿

    • @Skokes-
      @Skokes- Рік тому +2

      @@SAQ.T 💀

  • @SocksFCGameArchives
    @SocksFCGameArchives 2 роки тому +13

    This songs makes me imagine a scenario where in a futuristic yet grimy cyberpunk city, the main character is bleeding out in alleyway with gunshot wounds all over his worn yet stylish trenchcoat, lying in filthy puddles and his own blood, reflecting the tacky neon lights that are above him. His cheap laser pistol’s battery was not enough to protect him during this back alley deal. Despite these odds, he finds peace.

    • @floki2964
      @floki2964 2 роки тому

      You have the talent of a story writer, try it.

  • @Teodor_Nikolov
    @Teodor_Nikolov Рік тому +17

    Physical Strenght 100%
    Strength 100%
    Speed 100%
    Durability 100%
    Battle IQ 100%
    IQ 100%
    Experience 100%
    Combat 100%
    Stamina 100%
    Sigma 100%
    Chad 100%
    Powers 100%
    Attack Speed 100%
    Ultra Instinct 100%
    Hax 100%
    Drip 100%
    Potential 100%
    Training 100%
    Dodge 100%
    Dodge Speed 100%
    Agility 100%
    Feats 100%
    Endurance 100%
    Cosmology 100%
    Ap and Dc 100%
    GigaChad 100%
    Brute force 100%
    Flexibility 100%
    Reaction 100%
    Knowledge 100%
    Statements 100%
    Scaling 100%
    Offence 100%
    Regeneration 100%
    Magic 100%
    Technology 100%
    Hax 100%
    God Powers 100%
    Motivation 100%

  • @altchannel5095
    @altchannel5095 2 роки тому +6

    Yeah! This is what I needed!

  • @justomnithings6124
    @justomnithings6124 2 роки тому +6

    it always hit the right spot

  • @ct.boi14
    @ct.boi14 2 роки тому +27

    Sheesh 🥵 This hits hard 🔥This is underrated ngl it deserves the recognition

  • @IgorSant0ss
    @IgorSant0ss 2 роки тому +49

    Embrace Masculinity

  • @sabrinamortiez2696
    @sabrinamortiez2696 2 роки тому +43

    Cette chanson est vraiment magnifique. Ça fait ressentir une énorme tristesse et un profond bien être à la fois on se sent comme transporté. Elle est tout simplement incroyable,!

    • @wiltonlopez8032
      @wiltonlopez8032 2 роки тому

      la tuya por si acaso :'v

    • @sabrinamortiez2696
      @sabrinamortiez2696 2 роки тому

      @@wiltonlopez8032 j ai essayé de regarder avec un traducteur mais je ne suis pas sur d avoir bien compris.🤷😌☺️

    • @rob_loxxO_o
      @rob_loxxO_o 2 роки тому +1

      @@sabrinamortiez2696 même avis , j’adore fort

    • @sabrinamortiez2696
      @sabrinamortiez2696 2 роки тому +1

      @@rob_loxxO_o oui elle nous transporte. Et de plus même remixée, ralentie etc... Elle est toujours aussi bien.

  • @itsjustlevicode377
    @itsjustlevicode377 Рік тому +4

    Vibe: 100000%
    Got a chillin feeling on your spin: 1000900000%
    feeling powerful:10002%
    Feeling good:1000%
    Sometime depression hits:50%
    I see you
    You see me
    How pleasant
    This feeling
    The moment
    You hold me
    I missed you
    I'm sorry
    I've given
    What I have
    I showed you
    I'm growing
    The ashes
    Fall slowly
    As your voice
    Consoles me
    As the hours pass
    I will let you know
    That I need to ask
    Before I'm alone
    How it feels to rest
    On your patient lips
    To eternal bliss
    I'm so glad to know
    As the hours pass
    I will let you know
    That I need to ask
    Before I'm alone
    How it feels to rest
    On your patient lips
    To eternal bliss
    I'm so glad to know
    We're swaying
    To drum beats
    In motion
    I'm feeling
    My patience
    The question
    I won't speak
    We're telling
    The stories
    Our laughter
    He knows me
    We're leaving
    We're talking
    You're closer
    It's calming
    As the hours pass
    I will let you know
    That I need to ask
    Before I'm alone
    How it feels to rest
    On your patient lips
    To eternal bliss
    I'm so glad to know
    As the hours pass
    I will let you know
    That I need to ask
    Before I'm alone
    How it feels to rest
    On your patient lips
    To eternal bliss
    I'm so glad to know
    The night will hold us close
    And the stars will guide us home
    I've been waiting for this moment
    We're finally alone
    I turn to ask the question
    So anxious, my thoughts
    Your lips were soft like winter
    In your passion, I was lost
    As the hours pass
    I will let you know
    That I need to ask
    Before I'm alone
    How it feels to rest
    On your patient lips
    To eternal bliss
    I'm so glad to know
    As the hours pass
    I will let you know
    That I need to ask
    Before I'm alone
    How it feels to rest
    On your patient lips
    To eternal bliss
    I'm so glad to know
    As the hours pass
    I will let you know
    That I need to ask
    Before I'm alone
    How it feels to rest
    On your patient lips
    To eternal bliss
    I'm so glad to know
    As the hours pass
    I will let you know
    That I need to ask
    Before I'm alone
    How it feels to rest
    On your patient lips
    To eternal bliss
    I'm so glad to know:1000000000000000000000000000000%

  • @jannyfc
    @jannyfc 2 роки тому +8

    Slowed to perfection 😊

  • @average_youtube_enjoyer-xr4el
    @average_youtube_enjoyer-xr4el 7 місяців тому +4

    Does this remind anyone else of the “villains that are broken or pure evil” vids?

  • @karenramosmartinez1485
    @karenramosmartinez1485 2 місяці тому

    Thank you very much for this version ❤

  • @d3vraj1407
    @d3vraj1407 Рік тому +1

    One word: Perfect.

  • @xlr4724
    @xlr4724 2 роки тому +3

    Bro keep it up ( your content is so great)

  • @celmahenriquehenrique556
    @celmahenriquehenrique556 2 роки тому +64

    Ok, i'm crying. WHY IS THIS SO PERFECT????? 🥺💖

    • @HeartlessMadness
      @HeartlessMadness 2 роки тому +10

      Since when can people cry for any reason?

    • @cosmicgarou8558
      @cosmicgarou8558 2 роки тому +17

      Masculinity is little these days

    • @HeartlessMadness
      @HeartlessMadness 2 роки тому +12

      @@cosmicgarou8558 Sad

    • @lancemadrazo
      @lancemadrazo 2 роки тому

      @@cosmicgarou8558 both of you and the other guy in this reply are 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡

    • @okami8449
      @okami8449 2 роки тому

      @@cosmicgarou8558 Unfortunately you are right. In this society you are taught to think there is something wrong with being masculine.

  • @Superseniorgojo69
    @Superseniorgojo69 2 роки тому +6

    I feel like im floating in space

  • @nainisnoob
    @nainisnoob 2 роки тому +16

    I would like a 1 hour version

    • @NotRuyaki
      @NotRuyaki 2 роки тому +1

      Go loop the video

  • @b4nkai_edit
    @b4nkai_edit 2 роки тому +12

    I don't know why but whenever I listen this masterpiece someone appears in my imagination and its The Punisher

    • @johnstalin3885
      @johnstalin3885 Рік тому

      Yes I imagine my cahracter that is the alpha of universe

  • @embreybuffalo
    @embreybuffalo 2 роки тому +5

    This song will always be the song for true men

  • @Kazaki3089
    @Kazaki3089 2 роки тому +4

    The only thing love brings is pain and suffering 🥺

  • @ANI_Editz612
    @ANI_Editz612 Рік тому +1

    "There is nothing more dangerous than a man who has nothing to lose" 🗿

  • @Divine_OG
    @Divine_OG 2 роки тому +3

    This so well done!

  • @iamtheanimeartist
    @iamtheanimeartist Рік тому

    i love you for giving me my fav song!!!!

  • @jellybam4043
    @jellybam4043 2 роки тому


  • @wheresmygrasses1549
    @wheresmygrasses1549 6 місяців тому

    I always find myself coming back to After Dark

  • @JSTCastan
    @JSTCastan 6 місяців тому

    1:04 when you take the leap of faith in Assassin's Creed

  • @chicken4699
    @chicken4699 2 роки тому +3

    This dude is like switching 0.5 x speed to normal speed every seconds

  • @irish-italianintrovert.8600
    @irish-italianintrovert.8600 2 роки тому +2

    This is literally Anime outro music. This is very good 👍🏻.

  • @theguyfromthatprisoncell
    @theguyfromthatprisoncell 2 роки тому +4

    0:54 where the edit starts

  • @kucingsedihjojofan1428
    @kucingsedihjojofan1428 2 роки тому +1

    Finally a perfection

  • @WARCRY_06
    @WARCRY_06 Рік тому

    Finally i found this version

  • @IbrahimNaghity-gy3kq
    @IbrahimNaghity-gy3kq Рік тому +1

    i was ill perfectly ill but when when i heard this song it told me in my keep going just keep then i slept i woke up FINE AS HELL

  • @alfredomunozalducin7411
    @alfredomunozalducin7411 6 місяців тому

    Gracias a Dios cada dia mas fuerte me estoy volviendo 💪🏻🔱🗿🍷 y gracias por tremenda obra maestra de musica y edición 🔥❤

  • @CalmZ
    @CalmZ 7 місяців тому

    deserves a sub😶

  • @stereo1112
    @stereo1112 2 роки тому +3


  • @Kurma_5000
    @Kurma_5000 2 роки тому +2

    😃 this is what I wanteddd

  • @TylerDurden116
    @TylerDurden116 Рік тому

    The slowed right time matches perfectly on kratos

  • @BossBenjamin10
    @BossBenjamin10 Рік тому

    This is cool and this man does not do neko stuff

  • @ronniebeumkes4099
    @ronniebeumkes4099 2 роки тому +12

    AWESOME!!! Y LOVE IT ❤👍 💯% Respect

  • @Blurr1d0.
    @Blurr1d0. 2 роки тому +1


  • @narendravarma4666
    @narendravarma4666 2 роки тому +1

    And so does the title 💛

  • @Rollsop
    @Rollsop Рік тому

    😈The attitude comes froms song 😈😈🥶🥶🥶

  • @B4thB0mb
    @B4thB0mb 2 роки тому +1

    This was 2nd place in my Spotify "most listened"

  • @spagh3ttitoast
    @spagh3ttitoast Рік тому

    This song gives me flashbacks❤‍🩹💔

  • @kkjohmn043
    @kkjohmn043 Рік тому

    i feel this picture.

  • @alexpotiodi7024
    @alexpotiodi7024 Рік тому

    the perfect song

  • @BosstyGaming_YT
    @BosstyGaming_YT 2 роки тому +1

    Wen it hit……I love it

  • @dhritinijhawan
    @dhritinijhawan 2 роки тому

    oh beautiful.

  • @athenabrown8
    @athenabrown8 2 роки тому


  • @coldmind764
    @coldmind764 2 роки тому +1


  • @Fearful_Shadow
    @Fearful_Shadow 2 роки тому +5

    why does bro not have even 100 subs? 🤔 🧐 🤨 we needa fix dat

  • @redfantasy101
    @redfantasy101 2 роки тому +1

    Great job!

  • @Aliciaepicdragonpuppets
    @Aliciaepicdragonpuppets Місяць тому

    I leave this comment here because I like this

  • @UchihaSuhel2795
    @UchihaSuhel2795 Рік тому

    It's darkness itself

  • @AuraL3gend
    @AuraL3gend 2 роки тому +1

    from which game or video is the background?

  • @squeakmain9706
    @squeakmain9706 2 роки тому +2

    Plano asenstral de AFTER DARK me gusta

  • @hammaad3319
    @hammaad3319 2 роки тому

    your eternal bliss

  • @the_schulte
    @the_schulte 2 роки тому +1

    By the slow parts it need just more boost but good work

  • @MaXGAMING-lf4yb
    @MaXGAMING-lf4yb 2 роки тому

    Listening To This Fourth Time , But This Time I'm Subscribing 😀

  • @ryanfrench1147
    @ryanfrench1147 Рік тому +2

    Slowed to perfection

  • @SeroshGamer
    @SeroshGamer 2 роки тому


  • @Basics787
    @Basics787 Рік тому +1

    Cool song

  • @ghoadora6496
    @ghoadora6496 2 роки тому +4

    pls make a 1 hour version

    • @Farrofff
      @Farrofff 2 роки тому +2

      There's a loop video option

    • @Alt0110
      @Alt0110  2 роки тому

      1 hour version has been uploaded

  • @MRshraaf
    @MRshraaf 2 роки тому +9

    I thought i was having a seizure for a moment!

    • @demonwolf4773
      @demonwolf4773 2 роки тому +3

      As someone who has them i can agree with this

  • @atharvabhardwaj6080
    @atharvabhardwaj6080 Рік тому

    The self improvement song

  • @theSonOfFyneTune
    @theSonOfFyneTune Рік тому

    God feels no pain

  • @zaijangueruela6509
    @zaijangueruela6509 Рік тому

    I feel God is with me

  • @sironianmapping
    @sironianmapping 2 роки тому +2

    In 2 weeks, this song will be an emo song, We will be the only ones who likes the song for how it is.

  • @Pro-Spurs
    @Pro-Spurs Рік тому

    Love it

  • @Universodepossibilades
    @Universodepossibilades 6 місяців тому

    After Dark 😎

  • @riyu_cc
    @riyu_cc 2 роки тому

    Im looking at the universe

  • @Le_ptit_Lushi
    @Le_ptit_Lushi 2 роки тому +2


  • @SH-ok3my
    @SH-ok3my 2 роки тому

    This song speaks the victim turns into the Hero.

  • @aneothatisvivid
    @aneothatisvivid 2 роки тому

    1:43 that transition can be smoother but great job overall

  • @Bobcat173rd
    @Bobcat173rd 7 місяців тому

    I just changed the batteries in my Walkman, why is it slowing down?!

  • @xmix9057
    @xmix9057 2 роки тому

    i've listned to this song a lot and still can't say the lyrics perfectly

  • @AydrickAmber-l3u
    @AydrickAmber-l3u 11 місяців тому

    103: my fav part

  • @tannercasterton10
    @tannercasterton10 2 роки тому +2

    Everyone saying this song makes them sad/depressed/angry
    Makes me feel like I'm fucking spiderman. Feel powerful people. Manifest what you can accomplish 🔥🤙

  • @najmeenajmee885
    @najmeenajmee885 2 роки тому


  • @itousatha5359
    @itousatha5359 Рік тому

    Can you make it that it slowly blends into the slowed version

  • @garciajustinianovictorleon3777
    @garciajustinianovictorleon3777 2 роки тому


  • @thedevilluis
    @thedevilluis 2 роки тому


  • @kcireghernandez2939
    @kcireghernandez2939 Рік тому

    This music for Cosmic Garou vs Saitama Fight Scence