Although it is a painful experience for a person, the incident of 227 helped Xiao Zhan a lot to be a person with more depth and calmness. Surely it hurts him so much but it also turned him to be a better and stronger person. It also gives depth to his acting and makes him relate better when it comes to heart-breaking scenes or even about being misunderstood. He has undergone that experience and therefore makes it a point of reference. He is an intelligent person with a strong EQ therefore he will surely become not only a good actor but a brilliant example of how to survive personal tragedy with sense of determination.
我心目中最值得赞扬的正能量优质演员及歌手… 帅哥千千万,我只爱肖战!❤️🌟
Although it is a painful experience for a person, the incident of 227 helped Xiao Zhan a lot to be a person with more depth and calmness. Surely it hurts him so much but it also turned him to be a better and stronger person. It also gives depth to his acting and makes him relate better when it comes to heart-breaking scenes or even about being misunderstood. He has undergone that experience and therefore makes it a point of reference. He is an intelligent person with a strong EQ therefore he will surely become not only a good actor but a brilliant example of how to survive personal tragedy with sense of determination.