My first encounter of the jaw snap (and probably first follow of any consequence) came several decades ago fishing a swim whizz that I had reeled in and just left on the surface while I took a break. A musky came up right beside the boat and looked it over, then rolled a bit sideways and curled it's mouth open to "nip" at it - I was so surprised and shocked that I pulled it away. I literally was looking eye to eye (above water) and it was no more than a couple feet away. Super Cool. Speed is not always the answer, sometimes dead stop can work too.
Follows from big fish are highly motivational!
My first encounter of the jaw snap (and probably first follow of any consequence) came several decades ago fishing a swim whizz that I had reeled in and just left on the surface while I took a break. A musky came up right beside the boat and looked it over, then rolled a bit sideways and curled it's mouth open to "nip" at it - I was so surprised and shocked that I pulled it away. I literally was looking eye to eye (above water) and it was no more than a couple feet away. Super Cool. Speed is not always the answer, sometimes dead stop can work too.
Я только осваиваю данную приманку в 110 размере и она мне уже нравится побольше бы таких видео
Не турбуйтеся про те, щоб вибрати 160, він ловить велику і маленьку рибу. Я б хотів, щоб вони зробили це ще більше
That reminds me of Eagle Lake
Get,rid of the treble hooks,large single hooks are better for the fish,hookups,and yourself!Please!