So do I. In some way fascinating to see, that even he as for sure one of the brightest lights of our time has to think about things, coming to his mind, his brain is struggling with to express directly. This hole dream thing is not as easy for him to deal with as most the other things he talks about, which are of course heavy stuff, too. Just interesting.
I love to interpret my dreams. It's often so difficult to take your own advice but so easy to give it. If you interpret your dreams it's almost like you're giving yourself advice in third person. And surely it's got to be the best advice because nobody knows you like you do. Ahh, the subconscious mind, it leaves me in awe all the time.
I just experience dreams and I have had the most exciting, Inter-dimensional, clandestine, otherworldly dreams anyone I've met. By and far, hands down. ...except the "7th Sign/Armageddon" one, teleported to too many worlds, never heard of it from Bible...and I've had dreams without senses and a "presence", only one gave me lasting pause.
Check out "lucid dreaming", that's one of the most amazing things I have every discovered. It basically means that you are aware of the fact that you are dreaming during the dream, and this is something that can be practised. The lucid dreaming scientists Keith Hearne and Stephen LaBerge even managed to prove their existence in the mid-1900s by recording very specific eye movements from people who were in the REM state and had been asked to make those eye movements during their dreams.
When he says it’s obvious, he pulls from previously in the lecture and from Freud’s book, saying that if you follow that line of logic (which has shaped much of psychology as an objective science today) then it would be axiomatic.
Thank you for these videos. It's really difficult for someone with a short attention span to go through 1-2 hour lectures and actually learn. Your edits on Dr. Petersons lectures are great. I've subscribed to Dr. Petersons own channel but I've only managed to watch 3 lectures completely and I had to watch those with breaks once in a while. Great work and please keep it up. I'm sure there are others who watch your videos for the same reasons as I. Some of us do have problems with attention span and I can't thank you enough.
Thanks, that's really kind to reach out and say that. Many people describe the same problem as you here, but there are also some who watched every single lecture of Dr. Peterson but still come here, because the short clips call some key points to your memory that you forgot about, which is also my main problem. This was just a result of my obsession of taking notes for every lecture so I decided to share them in video form. I would say some of my clips are bad though, sometimes I miss the mark, but I am getting better over time. There is always the full lecture for the full context, I get many complaints that I cut too early, which is absolutely true for every video. Nothing can replace the real deal (which you can find in the description), but it is great that this is still providing value for many people for different reasons. Thanks!
"The dream is the birthplace of thought the same way artists are the birthplace of culture." -Jordan Peterson Just brilliant. Insightful, and deep. I would never have thought about it like that.
Valuable quote - Three books trying to solve the same thing: Maps of Meaning (1999) by Jordan B Peterson, Symbols of Transforms, Origins (1956) by Carl Jung and History of Consciousness (1954) by Erich Neumann
baby onion what is it about, and how difficult is it? I’m curious because I’m not sure if they’d be the best choice for me, and not sure which one I should read
Kevin C I read the whole thing multiple times, and took extremely extensive notes while reading, and would not recommend it unless you are extremely interested and have lots of free time. It’s about the structures that we use to organize the unknowable complex world into a comprehensible and pragmatically reconceptualized model that facilitates tool use and octascle avoidance or riddance in relationship to a complex set of nested goals that are rapidly shifting and changing.
The way he uses his hands to help create an image in the listeners mind shouldn’t be understated. It’s what effective communicators do and I’m super thankful for Dr. Peterson
You can usually piece together why you were dreaming of what you were. You can understand and pinpoint (usually) precisely what is going on in your life and what is occupying your mind to cause you to dream that. Other times dreams are incredible adventures that are better than any other experience you've ever had. I sometimes fall in love with a beauty in my dreams and wish I could find that person in real life. Other times they are so fucked up and nightmarish only the deepest most repressed violence a man can imagine brings them to fruition.
I'm a computer science student and don't give a rats ass about what my other classes have to teach other than my math/programming classes. But if I took one of Jordan Peterson's classes I would pay attention like it was data structures and algorithms (one of the most fundamental courses for comp sci students).
i thought to myself a while back, "i cannot construct a decent enough narrative to create a worthwhile story" and then shortly after i dreamt a story so engaging that it enthralled everyone i told it to, they forgot it was even a dream. I cut my hair very short for practical reasons and i dreamt of long hair incessantly for a while. I felt i was stuck in a terrible place and I dreamt of going down River Styx, damnation. my dreams are nightly, extreme, memorable and vivid. they leave me feeling exhausted and yet they are SHOUTING at me truths about myself every which way, so I try to take them seriously. Oh, something is in us, listening to and watching everything we do...
I think dreams are a way to process thoughts and memories while we are sleeping. When we are sleeping our brains don't have to work as much as while we are awake as an result it uses the free capacity and processes the experiences of the day. As I startet to analyse my dreams I found a lot of similar thing and structures to what I experienced the day(s) before
I have lucid dreams. In my dreams, I fly over buildings and land on roof tops. I can change my hair color, explore beautiful mansions, and if I’m being chased or attacked by someone I can shoot them, fly away or wake myself up. I’ve always had crazy dreams, but I learned that I could control them and it works.
ive had an odd experience with dreams once and it completely changed my outlook on them. i got dumped by a chick and only a couple days after i had a dream that we were together again and just hanging out doing what we did. i was sad about that relationship ending for many months afterwards so i think it was my mind letting me experience something that i enjoyed one last time. when i was a kid i also had dreams i could fly around places. so here i agree that dreams are our mind showing a fulfillment of what we want. my simple minded 6 year old brain wanted to fly, while my older 15 year old self just wanted to be with that girl again. the human mind really is amazing man
I had a dream a few weeks ago where, it was lucid, I still remember little details. It got me thinking what if the mechanism in the brain that separates dreams from reality did not work in someone so they thought thier dreams really did happen... also in that dream someone was talking to me at the moment I woke up and I heard the sentance finish from outside my head like somwone was in my room with me. So also, I thought what if the mind of someone with schizophrenia hears thier inner voice from outside thier head like the son of Sam who said his dog was talking to him, maybe his brain interperated the inner voice as if it came from the ear. Things to ponder.
I think dreams are mere reflections of the images which dominate your subconscious. Usually if something affects someone at that deepest level they'll dream about, and usually I dream about ideas which I thought about during the previous day - why? Because once I think about them, they're mapped onto my subconscious. And the subconscious gives rise to thought. You don't just "think" for no reason - there's a gigantic connection of memories and images that rest in the subconscious, which thought derives from, and it's the same with dream thought, only the frontal lobe "filter" isn't activated, so the most prominent memories/images may come gushing out in strange forms. Sometimes they can teach you about what's going on in your subconscious, and sometimes they're just useless projections of images that just so happened to be dominant at the time.
"The birthplace of mythology and literature, for that matter, was the dream. That they share structural/mode of information presentation." I'm currently reading the Interpretation of Dreams and good lord dreams are much more complex than I first thought.
The part about dreams that weirds me out how they incorporate things from the day into them. Usually people, music, and places. It just weirds me the hell out that it would do that. And it seems to mix the day with your whole past.
My understanding - a dream is a language, and it has to use something to communicate. Your life experiences, interactions, observations and emotions are the dictionary where it can pull the words together to form a message.
When I’m stuck at programming something during the day, I typically get the solution while I’m asleep in bed at night. My brain still programs while sleeping and wakes me up when the solution is found (I’ve had to run a few times to find somewhere to write to not forget what I dreamt). I wonder what would be the explanation to that. It’s quite weird.
ok so there is an experiment on mice, basically, they got thrown in a labyrinth and the scientists were monitoring their brain activity. so during the sleep afterwards their brains exhibited the same exact patterns sped up tenfold, implying their brains were running through the labyrinth again and again during the sleep.
Neurogenesis takes place when your asleep. Since our mind literally creates new brain cells when we.’we asleep it’s not all that far fetched to come up with solutions after we go to sleep
6:50 what if dreams are controlled by one part of your brain that you have no control of during the day. We gotta remember that we don’t have full control of our brain only god knows what would we be like if we do. So what if we can combine the control of our brain in the state of dreaming and in a state of being awake and combine those thoughts together. What would happen if we manage to control those parts of ourselves? If jung’s theory is correct and the dream is trying to tell you something wouldn’t having full control of our brain give our dreams a clearer message?
سلام نمیدانم آن کسی که از او حرف زدید چه گفته است اما این درست است که همه دنیای ما از قبل برنامه ریزی شده و مغز انسان قادر است پیامهای آنرا دریافت کند اما نیاز به ترجمه دارد زیرا زبان آن با زبان ما فرق دارد
Last night I went to bed while listening to one of JBP’s two hours video. During the dream, I could not find my phone and it was necessary for me to find it to help solve a problem. The thing is, I was hearing everything he was saying and only the audio on the phone led me to find it. It’s like it went different places in my dream but I could always find it back cas he was still talking. I was surprised when I found it and woke to hear him still talking.
سلام تعبیر خواب شما اینست شما خوابی دیده اید که خیلی به دنبال تعبیر آن میگردید اما پیدا نکردید فقط از طریق گوشی میتونید بفهمید خوابتان را تعریف کنید تا تعبیرش را بفهمید
If something is thinking in me while I dream it would suggest that there is a part of me outside of this experience I am having and I should remove any blockages between the two for greater understanding in my current perspective.
Wow, this video completely blew my mind! I've always been fascinated by the mysteries of the dream world, and this explained so much about our subconscious minds. Thanks for sharing
OK so this is going to sound weird...but for 10 years now I've been dreaming in the same dream landscape. So every night I wake up either walking up to my house (same house everytime). As soon as this happens I know I'm dreaming and I can start controlling what i do. IVE EVEN DONE HOUSE WORK THAT APPEARS IN MY NEXT DREAMS AS WELL!! DOOR CHANGES, PAINT CHANGE, ETC!!) My house is in the same neighborhood and same spot everytime. I live in a whole city that looks almost like mine that I live in.. it's very very detailed and ALMOST the same everytime. The majority of the layout is the same but sometimes stores will be switched around. And yes I've been inside almost all the stores...but I can sometimes escape out of the city and stuff starts getting VERY I go off to fight monsters and people trying to attack my city. I'm not always off fighting though. Some nights me and my family just drive around the city, running errands . Grocery shopping, going to the park, taking care of the house etc. is happening to me? Haha...
سلام شما دارای دو شخصیت هستید اما یکی از دیگری در خلوت خودت کارهای زیادی انجام دادید تقریبا همه کاری کردید و گاهی از این کار دست میکشید بعضی اشخاص به حریم زندگی شما قصد بد میکنند اما تو میفهمی و با آنها مقابله میکنی
i can wake myself up from nightmares and it is so weird it feels like this huge wrench against..something and then you come to the surface and youre awake
I wonder what his opinions would be for lucid dreaming, they've been very common throughout my life and you can't really analyze them in the same fashion as a regular dream. Mine all start in a regular, randomly constructed dream and I choose from there if I want to explore it or change environments entirely. They're cool in many ways for their limited possibilities, but sometimes it's creepy to be aware you're in this strange, endless void where nothing is real.
The most interesting thing about dreams is the way in which they construct things that you don't understand until you wake up - jokes, puns, detective stories, etc. I had a dire back-to-school dream during which I dimly started to recall university and work - and realized that I was dreaming. At this point I slowly woke up. Another dream was a Sherlock Holmes-like story in which the mystery was solved only after I had thought about it after waking up. Who or what came up with these, in a way that my dreaming consciousness did not understand it? After drinking too much tea late at night, I also dream about desperately looking for a toilet - and when I find one there is always something wrong with it: it is closed, there is a glass wall in front of it, there is a long queue, etc. This is how my subconscious stops me from soiling the bed. Why not just wake me up to go to the bathroom? Too easy? Perhaps this is the "burden" Dr Peterson wants people to carry.
Before watching this video. Sometimes dreams are random or maybe so they seem. I like to see them as: if there is a problem or an answer to a problem, my subconscious will try to bring it to my attention. When I refuse to believe or face something it will keep bringing it to my attention until I accept it. Our subconscious just communicates in a different way
سلام خوابها خبر از آینده میدهد اگر کسی آگاه شد میتواند آنرا تغیر دهد تعبیر خواب هر کسی فرق میکند خواب یک شهروند تعبیرش کوچک است خواب یه مقام بزرگ مربوط سطح بزرگ از مردم میشود و خواب پادشاه مربوط به همه مردم میشود
JP’s theory/hypothesis that dreams consist of involuntarily cognition is plausible as dreams occurs during REM sleep. However, it could also be that dreams are a subconscious way of consolidating our worries, fears and problems that for whatever reason remain unresolved in the waking hours. So in that sense, the interpretation of dreams is personal to the individual and therefore the meaning can’t simply be dictated by someone else.
Had a dream last night that I was in a battle with a Count Olaf figure. It seemed he was looking for my demise and I was using my intellect to stump him at every corner. He caused a massive train crash that hurt a lot of bystanders. One of them I work with. He noticed an injury to his pinky was extreme and decided to perform an amputation on the spot. I woke up after I turned away to avoid the rawness of him cutting his pinky off with a pocket knife.
سلام کسی با تو دشمنی میکند که در یک جایی کار میکند با ماشین آلات همراه است تو تلاش میکنی تا موقعیت خودت را حفظ کنی ناگهان او دچار صدماتی میشود که دیگه از شخصیت و مقامش کاسته میشود
I've had this idea that dreams are strange on purpose. The dream wants you to notice that something weird is happening and that you are infact dreaming. The goal of the dream (the strangeness of it) is to get you to lucid dream. The dream presents odd situations that wouldn't occur in the waking world to get you to notice and tell yourself "hey, that's not supposed to happen, I must be dreaming" For what purpose, I have no idea... yet
You don’t think involuntary at night. You are thinking constantly and when you are Falling asleep your thought will eventually be expanded. During the night your mind is more open so you can think more abstract but during the day it’s more focused so then you can act out these abstraction from the metaphysical to the physical.
I can never remember my dreams, and also apparently i sleep walk...never knew that till my friend twice witnessed it don't know how long that's been going on...
That idea, dream is the birthplace of thought, is pretty fucking amazing. It seemingly explains why anything has happened in human history of significant value. A great example that roughly puts the idea in that skeletal structure is of when Rome officially accepted Christianity as its belief. How that thing happened was pretty profound.
I could simply blow people's minds with the complexity of my dreams I wish I had an amazing computer animator to work with to try do bring it to life. But it would still fall short missing smell feel and taste. Plus it's nearly impossible to describe your inner most thoughts. A phsycadelic trip times a 1000 so intense.
Not an argument, he's saying there are so many arguments that are clearly saying it isn't random. For example, people consisntely report dreams about things they've thought about fleetingly the previous day, or recouring dreams, so clearly dreams aren't random.
Joseph the dream interpreter is a son born to Jacob in his latter, more mature years. In like manner, these capacities are born in us as we spiritually mature. No one gets to marry the beautiful Rachel (or enjoy the son born through her) without first marrying the worn out and weary Leah who's eyes are weak.
I was dreaming I can't really remember the situation I was in, it almost felt like an orphanage I've always been with my parents so I don't know what that feels like there were weird tapestries with symbols on them everywhere and it scared me, I asked a random girl in my dream wondering where my parents were she then said "up on the hill" I asked for directions and I followed her into a dark corridor where I saw more symbols then a strange figure with a mask surprised me and yelled blink twice I did and instantly woke up. I have goosebumps still
سلام پدر و مادرت جایگاه خوبی دارند اما تو از آنها بهره نمیبری و توجه نمیکنی از کسی که عقلش ناقص است میپرسی و مشورت میکنی که چگونه میتوانی به آن جایگاه پدر و مادرت برسی اما راه را اشتباه بتو نشان میدهد و بیشتر از هدفت دور میشوی اگر از خود پدرت کمک و مشورت بخواهی موفق خواهی شد
Jung's dream did NOT incude Sigmund Freud and was not about excavating a basement. It was a drea abuta desent down through the floors ofa house, each lower floor was from an earlier period. the basement was Roman with a stone slab giving access to a cave with kulls. Source 'Memories Dreams, Reflections (Jung's autobioraphy). The best place to start reading about Freud is Studies On Hysteria (joseh Breuer and Sigmund Freud). This was the seminal psychoanalytical work and without it 'The Interpretation of Dreams' volume will be harder to undertand. Profesor Peterson was probably anxious to lin reud and Jung as in the diferences between their dream theories and theories of personality so conflated this wish with an inacurate recall of the facts of Jung's recorded dream (as quoted).
I just finished that book. I think you are thinking of a different dream entirely than the one Peterson is talking about here. But I agree that book is fascinating and I just ordered the ones he mentioned here.
No one remembers that much about a dream .... you have one little thread left when you wake and you make the rest up .... unless he made a dream recorder out of a Weetabix box and a Fairy liquid bottle . and i'll be calling bullshit on the too
Sometimes I’d have dreams I would be flying my just flapping my arms. At first it would be easy. As soon it becomes lucid dreaming where I can control it, it becomes crappy flying where I’d only glide a dozen feet before I hit the ground again and I’d have to wave my arms even harder. Difference between an eagle and a duck
Kind of reminds me a scene from “Westworld.” Dolores: “Dreams don’t mean anything.” Dr. Robert Ford: “No, Dolores. Dreams mean everything! Dreams tell us everything about who were are and who we can become.”
Dreams are me thinking, I really don't know why anyone would suggest otherwise. Dreams are separated from me it is just me thinking and you can change want Happens in yourself. There is studies that quite clearly you can be consciously dreaming and change things yourself. The only reason thus idea is confused by people is that you do a good job at making you believe the dreams us really.
A dead girl stuffed behind the wall has been haunting me in my dreams. In one of my dreams, I faced her and got some closure and so I thought. I don't know who she is and what's my involvement in her death. It's terrifying!!! How do I know who or what she symbolizes? How do I get rid of her?!
How about the fact that you can change your dreams if you are doing something with the message when you are awake? Like for instance if you dream the same dream over and over, you find out what it means and you adjust the blockage in your life that is the message of your dream
Usually I understand if the dream has some sort of meaning behind it or if it is just a random train of short visual content that is unrelated to anything.
jungs interpretation that the dream is doing the best it can to communicate with the witness supports the thesis that s3x is the main drive of life, for the dream to continue building there must be new interpretations of itself, which is shared through symbols unique the witness, created a third thing that can be built off. the idea that the dream is trying to tell the witness something that it doesn’t want to hear suggests that anything is possible but the dream cannot crack into the conscious mind of the witness which is where that expansion happens that jung explains. both are driven by the same force to expand.
I'm just trying to figure out what my dream meant I had in my childhood.. I woke up at night terrified, the wall next to my bed had words written in fire " I am your one and only God and you shall only serve me" and it ended with an eye opening and looking around my room and closing taking the words with it ..I screamed for my dad and told him everything... I had a religious upbringing so I assume it has something to do with that..but what really bothered me Is that it wasn't in my native language, and I couldn't formulate my own sentences in English back then...but I knew what the words on the wall meant Anyway as I got older getting involved in online debates I ironically identified myself as atheist.. no watching Dr Peterson videos I can't say I'm atheist but don't believe in an all knowing being as the Christians portray him to be... Would actually be interesting if someone can give their opinion on it? Is it because of my religious upbringing?
I can interpret your dream as the following: I am your one... your penis. / God... your father./ fire...sexual agitation. This dream depicts your sexual feelings related to the penis in your early childhood and your narcissism. Read my book to know more.
when jordan mentioned freuds dream and the many chambers that jung discovered I instantly thought of jungs archetypes, because jung descri es them as being empty forms (chambers) at birth.
A few nights ago I dreamt that I was watching a deminer trying to defuse a bomb on TV (I think the bomb was in a sports stadium, maybe even an Olympian one). He was touching and prodding at bits of what looked like plastic tubes coming out of the ground in a circle around the "bomb area", some blue and some red. He started looking increasingly panicked, and eventually the bomb exploded with parts of that man flying off in all direction in a chillingly realistic manner. Anyone's got ideas how it could be interpreted?
WildCard I was told that the best way to interpret a dream is not by analyzing the events, but by analyzing how you felt as the dream happened. By isolating the emotional response you had to the events in your dream, you can reflect on your emotions in the real world. How did you feel when you saw the explosion?
I was horrified and I woke up. I don't remember what I was feeling before that happened though so I'm not sure what this tells. That's a standard reaction to seeing someone blow up
True, but in dreams nothing is certain. That being said, i'm not surprised by your reaction. From now on I would make sure to keep note of your dreams in a dream journal. Analyzing your dreams can say a lot about the struggles you face in the real world.
I suppose that can't hurt, but I seldom remember my dreams so I'm not certain it's worth it. I did think about what that dream could mean though, and it's possible that the message was simply "focus on the right thing" since the deminer was trying to take care of the bomb by working on what seemed like peripheral elements instead of its core, and that might be why he wasn't able to defuse it in time. I've had a small bomb of myself for a few months now in the form of a friendship that turned wrong, and so I've been wanting to have a talk with that friend so that we can clear the air but it's possible that the core of the issue is something that's part of me rather than an unfortunate series of miscommunication
Good analysis! Another interpretation could be that you need to confront your friend before time runs out. Though you know yourself better than anyone.
in my view dreams occur day and night at the same rate. They're just noise, the noise of neural networks in your brain. You can't hear it when you're awake and trying to do a task but as soon as you relax you start having this involuntary "random images". My theory is, when your focused on a task you purposefully excite the relevant networks in your brain, the noise is still there but the excited neurons are much louder. When your learning a task you're building the networks you need for that task. As soon as you let go the noise comes up again. If you practice something long enough even when you relax the noisiest noise will be coming from those pre established networks that's why you have dreams related to the sport you practice or the instrument you rehearsed.
I ve had dreams flying on roof tops , and usually I start flying because someone is chasing me and I 'm trying to get away from them. Then I feel like I am falling to the ground and then I wake up.or I am flying long distances over the ocean and I feel like I am running out of whatever it is I need to stay up ...Now I never remember my dreams or I feel like I don't dream anymore.
سلام تو دو شخصیت داری فکرهایی در سر داری اما نزدیکان تو را منع میکنند گاهی در خلوت به راه ادامه میدی اما میبینی آخرش خیلی بد است و رها میکنی با این حال رویایی داری که همیشه به آنها فکر میکنی و در اینترنت آنها را جستجو میکنی
I often have recurring themes in dreams that feel significant, but I am unsure as to what their precise meaning/importance is. And the standard fare dream interpretation stuff seems pretty bogus to me...
I had a dream where I cheated and although I would never cheat in reality, I can't help but think it meant something else more than what was at the surface. Also as my relationship has progressed I have become more secure in the relationship I haven't had such dreams.
Jung writes that the unconscious counterbalances your waking life. Someone that is very timid in real life may have dreams of grandeur for instance. Maybe your dream was telling you that you are acting as a pushover or following the will of your partner too much.
I now realise that Freud was more correct when it came to dreams, but I think Jung had some good points as well. They both contributed but I feel Freud was on the better track.
Thoughts happen to you even when you're awake and believe that you're in control. You might have an idea pop into your head from seemingly nowhere. I think dreams are a sequential flow of thought very similar to a daydream only you are usually unaware that you're dreaming. I think dreams can obviously mean something because they're thoughts from you're brain, but I don't think they necessarily have to. I don't think dreams have anything to do with what we desire, because sometimes we have nightmares.
I love when he pauses himself to formulate precisely what he wants to say looking for the perfect words.
Me too
The exact comment I was looking for, really inspiring in some sense.
So do I. In some way fascinating to see, that even he as for sure one of the brightest lights of our time has to think about things, coming to his mind, his brain is struggling with to express directly. This hole dream thing is not as easy for him to deal with as most the other things he talks about, which are of course heavy stuff, too. Just interesting.
It is much better than saying "um, uh, like, etc..."
"Dreams are the birthplace of thought, just like artists are the birthplace of culture"
This man is in another level...
not his idea at all, but yeah
I had to replay that a couple of times. Because I was like “wowwww”.
Miguel Cunha - Who does that belong to? Freud, Jung or someone entirely different?
@@leslielani1980 multiple psychoanalists, mainly Jung, Kohut...Freud maybe but not with those exact words
I thought I was the only one who rewind that part to listen that phrase again
indeed quotable.
This is free college. Thank you JP
It’s free psych. It won’t help you with accounting haha
I mean. You actually learn useful things from JP. You don't at College.
@@VenomousCompany what shitty college did you go too? I learned a ton in college
I love to interpret my dreams. It's often so difficult to take your own advice but so easy to give it. If you interpret your dreams it's almost like you're giving yourself advice in third person. And surely it's got to be the best advice because nobody knows you like you do. Ahh, the subconscious mind, it leaves me in awe all the time.
I just experience dreams and I have had the most exciting, Inter-dimensional, clandestine, otherworldly dreams anyone I've met. By and far, hands down.
...except the "7th Sign/Armageddon" one, teleported to too many worlds, never heard of it from Bible...and I've had dreams without senses and a "presence", only one gave me lasting pause.
I look at it like soul and super soul collaboration :D
Check out "lucid dreaming", that's one of the most amazing things I have every discovered.
It basically means that you are aware of the fact that you are dreaming during the dream, and this is something that can be practised.
The lucid dreaming scientists Keith Hearne and Stephen LaBerge even managed to prove their existence in the mid-1900s by recording very specific eye movements from people who were in the REM state and had been asked to make those eye movements during their dreams.
meh if you interpret your own dream your could be manipulating yourself, the ego is an unreliable ally when it comes to subjective topics on self.
@@Peter_1986 hmm interesting
Me: *thinks dreams are random*
JP: “Dreams are obviously not random.”
Me: “yeah... obviously” 🧐
Flappy Dunker that’s an absurd proposition... obviously!! 👀
Well, he is very convincing... isn't he?
When he says it’s obvious, he pulls from previously in the lecture and from Freud’s book, saying that if you follow that line of logic (which has shaped much of psychology as an objective science today) then it would be axiomatic.
I think they serve some sort of evolutionary purpose otherwise they wouldn't exist.
They aren't random
Thank you for these videos. It's really difficult for someone with a short attention span to go through 1-2 hour lectures and actually learn. Your edits on Dr. Petersons lectures are great. I've subscribed to Dr. Petersons own channel but I've only managed to watch 3 lectures completely and I had to watch those with breaks once in a while. Great work and please keep it up. I'm sure there are others who watch your videos for the same reasons as I. Some of us do have problems with attention span and I can't thank you enough.
Thanks, that's really kind to reach out and say that. Many people describe the same problem as you here, but there are also some who watched every single lecture of Dr. Peterson but still come here, because the short clips call some key points to your memory that you forgot about, which is also my main problem. This was just a result of my obsession of taking notes for every lecture so I decided to share them in video form.
I would say some of my clips are bad though, sometimes I miss the mark, but I am getting better over time. There is always the full lecture for the full context, I get many complaints that I cut too early, which is absolutely true for every video. Nothing can replace the real deal (which you can find in the description), but it is great that this is still providing value for many people for different reasons. Thanks!
Do you take classes at Peterson lectures physically ?
mclarenf45 No, I am just a random guy. No affiliation or anything.
Bite-sized Philosophy you're doing an amazing job! If I can help with the workload, pleaseeeee let me know
I have an awful attention span and I found that I could listen to them while performing some menial task and still be able to pay attention
"The dream is the birthplace of thought the same way artists are the birthplace of culture."
-Jordan Peterson
Just brilliant. Insightful, and deep. I would never have thought about it like that.
One major thing that I love about JBP his JBP's body language. It really helps
I love your moms body language
@@EdwardGFunk Roughly speaking
@@EdwardGFunk by no stretch of the imagination
Roughly speaking.
emilwestin R O U G H L Y S P E A K I N G
*s o f t l y s p e a k i n g*
its like NO
I suppose
*Coarsely speaking*
people need to know about this guy, seriously underrated
Look at that, your wish became true.
we know about him. But you not so much
@@EdwardGFunk shup th up
Is it because he is a man which men find it easier to listen to? If it was a woman, it would be all condescending and drama.
@@johnbell3621 oprah? Well gender doesn't matter so much unless your thoughts segregate them in society
Valuable quote - Three books trying to solve the same thing: Maps of Meaning (1999) by Jordan B Peterson, Symbols of Transforms, Origins (1956) by Carl Jung and History of Consciousness (1954) by Erich Neumann
I just finished Maps of Meaning and it's been one hell of a ride. Now to the other two.
Also "The hero with a thousend faces"
baby onion what is it about, and how difficult is it? I’m curious because I’m not sure if they’d be the best choice for me, and not sure which one I should read
Kevin C I read the whole thing multiple times, and took extremely extensive notes while reading, and would not recommend it unless you are extremely interested and have lots of free time. It’s about the structures that we use to organize the unknowable complex world into a comprehensible and pragmatically reconceptualized model that facilitates tool use and octascle avoidance or riddance in relationship to a complex set of nested goals that are rapidly shifting and changing.
Finnegan McBride ...... Jesus Christ lol, yeah that might be a bit past my level right now, but thank you so much for the advice.
What a brilliant lecturer. Those lucky students!
The way he uses his hands to help create an image in the listeners mind shouldn’t be understated. It’s what effective communicators do and I’m super thankful for Dr. Peterson
You can usually piece together why you were dreaming of what you were. You can understand and pinpoint (usually) precisely what is going on in your life and what is occupying your mind to cause you to dream that. Other times dreams are incredible adventures that are better than any other experience you've ever had. I sometimes fall in love with a beauty in my dreams and wish I could find that person in real life. Other times they are so fucked up and nightmarish only the deepest most repressed violence a man can imagine brings them to fruition.
Dreams are wonderful. I enjoy my dreams very much.
I love that...thinking IN you!
I'm a computer science student and don't give a rats ass about what my other classes have to teach other than my math/programming classes. But if I took one of Jordan Peterson's classes I would pay attention like it was data structures and algorithms (one of the most fundamental courses for comp sci students).
Better for you would be brain mechanics. The brain is the hardware. Jordan is dealing in software.
'Something is thinking in you' that hit hard
i thought to myself a while back, "i cannot construct a decent enough narrative to create a worthwhile story" and then shortly after i dreamt a story so engaging that it enthralled everyone i told it to, they forgot it was even a dream.
I cut my hair very short for practical reasons and i dreamt of long hair incessantly for a while.
I felt i was stuck in a terrible place and I dreamt of going down River Styx, damnation.
my dreams are nightly, extreme, memorable and vivid. they leave me feeling exhausted and yet they are SHOUTING at me truths about myself every which way, so I try to take them seriously.
Oh, something is in us, listening to and watching everything we do...
Everytime I open one of his video I learn more than what I learned in a year of school.
I think dreams are a way to process thoughts and memories while we are sleeping. When we are sleeping our brains don't have to work as much as while we are awake as an result it uses the free capacity and processes the experiences of the day. As I startet to analyse my dreams I found a lot of similar thing and structures to what I experienced the day(s) before
November 2019 I had a dream about my close friend get into hospital and nobody takecare of him. After a week of my dream he was gone😥
I have lucid dreams. In my dreams, I fly over buildings and land on roof tops. I can change my hair color, explore beautiful mansions, and if I’m being chased or attacked by someone I can shoot them, fly away or wake myself up. I’ve always had crazy dreams, but I learned that I could control them and it works.
That's very cool. I had that kind of a dream only once and it was amazing. I got too excited and woke up unfortunately.
That is called a lucid dream/ something i personally seek
How do you do that successfully? it took me like 40 mins just to get in the pre lucid dream state
Learn to control this one.. And ill be impressed.
dream believer bruh.. 😨
In these moments of silence I always check if video is still playing (I have it in background). It's deep silence mann
You can tell the class is either paying real close attention, or deeply asleep
ive had an odd experience with dreams once and it completely changed my outlook on them. i got dumped by a chick and only a couple days after i had a dream that we were together again and just hanging out doing what we did. i was sad about that relationship ending for many months afterwards so i think it was my mind letting me experience something that i enjoyed one last time. when i was a kid i also had dreams i could fly around places. so here i agree that dreams are our mind showing a fulfillment of what we want. my simple minded 6 year old brain wanted to fly, while my older 15 year old self just wanted to be with that girl again. the human mind really is amazing man
If she dump you I'm not sure your unconscious is telling you that she is the right person xd
I had a dream a few weeks ago where, it was lucid, I still remember little details. It got me thinking what if the mechanism in the brain that separates dreams from reality did not work in someone so they thought thier dreams really did happen... also in that dream someone was talking to me at the moment I woke up and I heard the sentance finish from outside my head like somwone was in my room with me. So also, I thought what if the mind of someone with schizophrenia hears thier inner voice from outside thier head like the son of Sam who said his dog was talking to him, maybe his brain interperated the inner voice as if it came from the ear. Things to ponder.
My dreams are so surreal that if they are trying to tell me something, they are really not doing a great job!
they are, you just don"t try to understand them. Dream are not A + B = response
I think dreams are mere reflections of the images which dominate your subconscious. Usually if something affects someone at that deepest level they'll dream about, and usually I dream about ideas which I thought about during the previous day - why? Because once I think about them, they're mapped onto my subconscious. And the subconscious gives rise to thought. You don't just "think" for no reason - there's a gigantic connection of memories and images that rest in the subconscious, which thought derives from, and it's the same with dream thought, only the frontal lobe "filter" isn't activated, so the most prominent memories/images may come gushing out in strange forms. Sometimes they can teach you about what's going on in your subconscious, and sometimes they're just useless projections of images that just so happened to be dominant at the time.
Nah dreams are just thought processes without your conscious there to interpret them
"The birthplace of mythology and literature, for that matter, was the dream. That they share structural/mode of information presentation."
I'm currently reading the Interpretation of Dreams and good lord dreams are much more complex than I first thought.
The part about dreams that weirds me out how they incorporate things from the day into them. Usually people, music, and places. It just weirds me the hell out that it would do that. And it seems to mix the day with your whole past.
My understanding - a dream is a language, and it has to use something to communicate. Your life experiences, interactions, observations and emotions are the dictionary where it can pull the words together to form a message.
When I’m stuck at programming something during the day, I typically get the solution while I’m asleep in bed at night. My brain still programs while sleeping and wakes me up when the solution is found (I’ve had to run a few times to find somewhere to write to not forget what I dreamt). I wonder what would be the explanation to that. It’s quite weird.
ok so there is an experiment on mice, basically, they got thrown in a labyrinth and the scientists were monitoring their brain activity. so during the sleep afterwards their brains exhibited the same exact patterns sped up tenfold, implying their brains were running through the labyrinth again and again during the sleep.
Neurogenesis takes place when your asleep. Since our mind literally creates new brain cells when we.’we asleep it’s not all that far fetched to come up with solutions after we go to sleep
@@jeremiahnoar7504 interesting. :-)
خواب شما صادق است
تمرکز دارید در نتیجه در خواب راه حل را میابید
درست است
حیوانات میتوانند خوابشان را بفهمند و راه حل را پیدا کنند
I have read this book (Interpretation of Dreams)!! Best book you could ever read.
You should read my book along with Freud's one to have a good idea about dreams.
6:50 what if dreams are controlled by one part of your brain that you have no control of during the day. We gotta remember that we don’t have full control of our brain only god knows what would we be like if we do. So what if we can combine the control of our brain in the state of dreaming and in a state of being awake and combine those thoughts together. What would happen if we manage to control those parts of ourselves? If jung’s theory is correct and the dream is trying to tell you something wouldn’t having full control of our brain give our dreams a clearer message?
نمیدانم آن کسی که از او حرف زدید چه گفته است
اما این درست است که همه دنیای ما از قبل برنامه ریزی شده و مغز انسان قادر است پیامهای آنرا دریافت کند اما نیاز به ترجمه دارد زیرا زبان آن با زبان ما فرق دارد
Last night I went to bed while listening to one of JBP’s two hours video. During the dream, I could not find my phone and it was necessary for me to find it to help solve a problem. The thing is, I was hearing everything he was saying and only the audio on the phone led me to find it. It’s like it went different places in my dream but I could always find it back cas he was still talking. I was surprised when I found it and woke to hear him still talking.
تعبیر خواب شما اینست
شما خوابی دیده اید که خیلی به دنبال تعبیر آن میگردید اما پیدا نکردید
فقط از طریق گوشی میتونید بفهمید
خوابتان را تعریف کنید تا تعبیرش را بفهمید
Very nice mini-lecture snippet! Covers an aspect of the "Mind-Body" problem, of the res anima as it were.
One of the most incredible videos I've ever seen.
@@blue797 you should really get out more... Or read something if youre that out of touch with life
@Nickhead87 no why?
When I was a little girl , I always dreamed I fly and every time I tried to fly a little bit higher and further
Meaning is your confidence is stong
One of the oldest Hindu mantras is following:
„I am not the body, I am not even the mind“
Our minds produce the dreams it is not ourselves
There is no 2, only 1.
If something is thinking in me while I dream it would suggest that there is a part of me outside of this experience I am having and I should remove any blockages between the two for greater understanding in my current perspective.
Wow, this video completely blew my mind! I've always been fascinated by the mysteries of the dream world, and this explained so much about our subconscious minds. Thanks for sharing
OK so this is going to sound weird...but for 10 years now I've been dreaming in the same dream landscape. So every night I wake up either walking up to my house (same house everytime). As soon as this happens I know I'm dreaming and I can start controlling what i do. IVE EVEN DONE HOUSE WORK THAT APPEARS IN MY NEXT DREAMS AS WELL!! DOOR CHANGES, PAINT CHANGE, ETC!!) My house is in the same neighborhood and same spot everytime. I live in a whole city that looks almost like mine that I live in.. it's very very detailed and ALMOST the same everytime. The majority of the layout is the same but sometimes stores will be switched around. And yes I've been inside almost all the stores...but I can sometimes escape out of the city and stuff starts getting VERY I go off to fight monsters and people trying to attack my city. I'm not always off fighting though. Some nights me and my family just drive around the city, running errands . Grocery shopping, going to the park, taking care of the house etc. is happening to me? Haha...
شما دارای دو شخصیت هستید
اما یکی از دیگری
در خلوت خودت کارهای زیادی انجام دادید
تقریبا همه کاری کردید و گاهی از این کار دست میکشید
بعضی اشخاص به حریم زندگی شما قصد بد میکنند اما تو میفهمی و با آنها مقابله میکنی
i can wake myself up from nightmares and it is so weird it feels like this huge wrench against..something and then you come to the surface and youre awake
Same.. I scream at myself, in the dream to "wake up, im dreaming its not real". Its so crazy
Book: The Interpretations of Dreams
2:50 3 different books
Great analysis, Peterson
Being aware of something does not give me the right to say I know. The more I know the less I know!
I wonder what his opinions would be for lucid dreaming, they've been very common throughout my life and you can't really analyze them in the same fashion as a regular dream. Mine all start in a regular, randomly constructed dream and I choose from there if I want to explore it or change environments entirely.
They're cool in many ways for their limited possibilities, but sometimes it's creepy to be aware you're in this strange, endless void where nothing is real.
I mostly have dreams of driving around on old familiar roads, but never really going anywhere specific or finding what I'm looking for...oh, shit.
زندگی شما تکراری هست و شما همیشه تلاش میکنید مثل گذشته باشید
اگرچه برای خود رویایی دارید اما به آن نمیرسید
The most interesting thing about dreams is the way in which they construct things that you don't understand until you wake up - jokes, puns, detective stories, etc. I had a dire back-to-school dream during which I dimly started to recall university and work - and realized that I was dreaming. At this point I slowly woke up. Another dream was a Sherlock Holmes-like story in which the mystery was solved only after I had thought about it after waking up. Who or what came up with these, in a way that my dreaming consciousness did not understand it? After drinking too much tea late at night, I also dream about desperately looking for a toilet - and when I find one there is always something wrong with it: it is closed, there is a glass wall in front of it, there is a long queue, etc. This is how my subconscious stops me from soiling the bed. Why not just wake me up to go to the bathroom? Too easy? Perhaps this is the "burden" Dr Peterson wants people to carry.
deep insights. this guy is way tooooo smart!
Outstanding explanation!!
Before watching this video. Sometimes dreams are random or maybe so they seem. I like to see them as: if there is a problem or an answer to a problem, my subconscious will try to bring it to my attention. When I refuse to believe or face something it will keep bringing it to my attention until I accept it. Our subconscious just communicates in a different way
2:04, 5:24, 6:45 The dream is the birthplace of thought, the same way that artists are the birthplace of culture.
خوابها خبر از آینده میدهد
اگر کسی آگاه شد میتواند آنرا تغیر دهد
تعبیر خواب هر کسی فرق میکند
خواب یک شهروند تعبیرش کوچک است
خواب یه مقام بزرگ مربوط سطح بزرگ از مردم میشود
و خواب پادشاه مربوط به همه مردم میشود
JP’s theory/hypothesis that dreams consist of involuntarily cognition is plausible as dreams occurs during REM sleep.
However, it could also be that dreams are a subconscious way of consolidating our worries, fears and problems that for whatever reason remain unresolved in the waking hours. So in that sense, the interpretation of dreams is personal to the individual and therefore the meaning can’t simply be dictated by someone else.
dreams are childish sexual fantasies. read my book to know more.
Had a dream last night that I was in a battle with a Count Olaf figure. It seemed he was looking for my demise and I was using my intellect to stump him at every corner. He caused a massive train crash that hurt a lot of bystanders. One of them I work with. He noticed an injury to his pinky was extreme and decided to perform an amputation on the spot. I woke up after I turned away to avoid the rawness of him cutting his pinky off with a pocket knife.
کسی با تو دشمنی میکند که در یک جایی کار میکند با ماشین آلات همراه است
تو تلاش میکنی تا موقعیت خودت را حفظ کنی ناگهان او دچار صدماتی میشود که دیگه از شخصیت و مقامش کاسته میشود
I may not agree with JPs political or philosophical ideologies but he's a really good lecturer.
I've had this idea that dreams are strange on purpose. The dream wants you to notice that something weird is happening and that you are infact dreaming. The goal of the dream (the strangeness of it) is to get you to lucid dream. The dream presents odd situations that wouldn't occur in the waking world to get you to notice and tell yourself "hey, that's not supposed to happen, I must be dreaming"
For what purpose, I have no idea... yet
dreams are childish sexual fantasies. Pls. read my book to know more.
You don’t think involuntary at night. You are thinking constantly and when you are Falling asleep your thought will eventually be expanded. During the night your mind is more open so you can think more abstract but during the day it’s more focused so then you can act out these abstraction from the metaphysical to the physical.
I can never remember my dreams, and also apparently i sleep walk...never knew that till my friend twice witnessed it don't know how long that's been going on...
Thank you
Artist and Creative people know this, If you can use you minds eye and Imagination ... you got it!
Interesting subject and I have much to say on it!
That idea, dream is the birthplace of thought, is pretty fucking amazing. It seemingly explains why anything has happened in human history of significant value. A great example that roughly puts the idea in that skeletal structure is of when Rome officially accepted Christianity as its belief. How that thing happened was pretty profound.
I could simply blow people's minds with the complexity of my dreams I wish I had an amazing computer animator to work with to try do bring it to life. But it would still fall short missing smell feel and taste. Plus it's nearly impossible to describe your inner most thoughts. A phsycadelic trip times a 1000 so intense.
If you read my book on dreams, things will become clear.
This one was GREAT!, so enlightening.
nice explanation!
Love this man
Dreams are the mind trying to comprehend the unknowns. The birth place of thought
"well it's random because its' obviously not random" great argument, real convincing
Not an argument, he's saying there are so many arguments that are clearly saying it isn't random. For example, people consisntely report dreams about things they've thought about fleetingly the previous day, or recouring dreams, so clearly dreams aren't random.
@@dLzzzgaming but they are in the sense of how they are presented to you. I think that's what he meant by the they are random part
Joseph the dream interpreter is a son born to Jacob in his latter, more mature years. In like manner, these capacities are born in us as we spiritually mature. No one gets to marry the beautiful Rachel (or enjoy the son born through her) without first marrying the worn out and weary Leah who's eyes are weak.
"Nunca te vi, sempre te amei"
I was dreaming I can't really remember the situation I was in, it almost felt like an orphanage I've always been with my parents so I don't know what that feels like there were weird tapestries with symbols on them everywhere and it scared me, I asked a random girl in my dream wondering where my parents were she then said "up on the hill" I asked for directions and I followed her into a dark corridor where I saw more symbols then a strange figure with a mask surprised me and yelled blink twice I did and instantly woke up. I have goosebumps still
پدر و مادرت جایگاه خوبی دارند اما تو از آنها بهره نمیبری و توجه نمیکنی
از کسی که عقلش ناقص است میپرسی و مشورت میکنی که چگونه میتوانی به آن جایگاه پدر و مادرت برسی
اما راه را اشتباه بتو نشان میدهد
و بیشتر از هدفت دور میشوی
اگر از خود پدرت کمک و مشورت بخواهی موفق خواهی شد
What if the ego or the conscious mind the navigator of this world simply is not equipped to understand the complexity of dreams?
Jung's dream did NOT incude Sigmund Freud and was not about excavating a basement. It was a drea abuta desent down through the floors ofa house, each lower floor was from an earlier period. the basement was Roman with a stone slab giving access to a cave with kulls. Source 'Memories Dreams, Reflections (Jung's autobioraphy). The best place to start reading about Freud is Studies On Hysteria (joseh Breuer and Sigmund Freud). This was the seminal psychoanalytical work and without it 'The Interpretation of Dreams' volume will be harder to undertand. Profesor Peterson was probably anxious to lin reud and Jung as in the diferences between their dream theories and theories of personality so conflated this wish with an inacurate recall of the facts of Jung's recorded dream (as quoted).
Could of been a different dream. But your right about the one you mention
I just finished that book. I think you are thinking of a different dream entirely than the one Peterson is talking about here. But I agree that book is fascinating and I just ordered the ones he mentioned here.
No one remembers that much about a dream .... you have one little thread left when you wake and you make the rest up .... unless he made a dream recorder out of a Weetabix box and a Fairy liquid bottle . and i'll be calling bullshit on the too
1:00 which book of Freud exactly is he talking about?
Interpretation of dreams I suppose
Sometimes I’d have dreams I would be flying my just flapping my arms. At first it would be easy. As soon it becomes lucid dreaming where I can control it, it becomes crappy flying where I’d only glide a dozen feet before I hit the ground again and I’d have to wave my arms even harder. Difference between an eagle and a duck
Kind of reminds me a scene from “Westworld.”
Dolores: “Dreams don’t mean anything.”
Dr. Robert Ford: “No, Dolores. Dreams mean everything! Dreams tell us everything about who were are and who we can become.”
دکتر رابرت فورد درست گفته است
“There are things THINKING IN YOU” whoa....
Dreams are me thinking, I really don't know why anyone would suggest otherwise.
Dreams are separated from me it is just me thinking and you can change want Happens in yourself. There is studies that quite clearly you can be consciously dreaming and change things yourself.
The only reason thus idea is confused by people is that you do a good job at making you believe the dreams us really.
dreams are childish sexual fantasies. Read my book. I have an approach to interpret dreams.
Which lecture is this from? I’ve listened to all of these so many times but I wanna revisit specific things
A dead girl stuffed behind the wall has been haunting me in my dreams. In one of my dreams, I faced her and got some closure and so I thought. I don't know who she is and what's my involvement in her death. It's terrifying!!! How do I know who or what she symbolizes? How do I get rid of her?!
Sounds like someone is trying to bother you - I would focus on trying to say the name of Jesus and it’ll leave you
او کسی هست که فکر میکرد دوستش داری اما تو مدتهاست او را فراموش کردی و او به یاد توست
How about the fact that you can change your dreams if you are doing something with the message when you are awake? Like for instance if you dream the same dream over and over, you find out what it means and you adjust the blockage in your life that is the message of your dream
Usually I understand if the dream has some sort of meaning behind it or if it is just a random train of short visual content that is unrelated to anything.
A professor that actually gives a pause to think about his words shows wisdom
افرین حق با شماست
"whatever they are, they're obviously not random..."
jungs interpretation that the dream is doing the best it can to communicate with the witness supports the thesis that s3x is the main drive of life, for the dream to continue building there must be new interpretations of itself, which is shared through symbols unique the witness, created a third thing that can be built off. the idea that the dream is trying to tell the witness something that it doesn’t want to hear suggests that anything is possible but the dream cannot crack into the conscious mind of the witness which is where that expansion happens that jung explains. both are driven by the same force to expand.
dreams are childish sexual fantasies. I have an approach to interpret dreams. see my book.
I'm just trying to figure out what my dream meant I had in my childhood..
I woke up at night terrified, the wall next to my bed had words written in fire " I am your one and only God and you shall only serve me" and it ended with an eye opening and looking around my room and closing taking the words with it ..I screamed for my dad and told him everything... I had a religious upbringing so I assume it has something to do with that..but what really bothered me Is that it wasn't in my native language, and I couldn't formulate my own sentences in English back then...but I knew what the words on the wall meant
Anyway as I got older getting involved in online debates I ironically identified myself as atheist.. no watching Dr Peterson videos I can't say I'm atheist but don't believe in an all knowing being as the Christians portray him to be...
Would actually be interesting if someone can give their opinion on it? Is it because of my religious upbringing?
تو یهودی واقعی خواهی شد
I can interpret your dream as the following: I am your one... your penis. / God... your father./ fire...sexual agitation. This dream depicts your sexual feelings related to the penis in your early childhood and your narcissism. Read my book to know more.
when jordan mentioned freuds dream and the many chambers that jung discovered I instantly thought of jungs archetypes, because jung descri es them as being empty forms (chambers) at birth.
A few nights ago I dreamt that I was watching a deminer trying to defuse a bomb on TV (I think the bomb was in a sports stadium, maybe even an Olympian one). He was touching and prodding at bits of what looked like plastic tubes coming out of the ground in a circle around the "bomb area", some blue and some red. He started looking increasingly panicked, and eventually the bomb exploded with parts of that man flying off in all direction in a chillingly realistic manner.
Anyone's got ideas how it could be interpreted?
WildCard I was told that the best way to interpret a dream is not by analyzing the events, but by analyzing how you felt as the dream happened. By isolating the emotional response you had to the events in your dream, you can reflect on your emotions in the real world. How did you feel when you saw the explosion?
I was horrified and I woke up. I don't remember what I was feeling before that happened though so I'm not sure what this tells. That's a standard reaction to seeing someone blow up
True, but in dreams nothing is certain. That being said, i'm not surprised by your reaction. From now on I would make sure to keep note of your dreams in a dream journal. Analyzing your dreams can say a lot about the struggles you face in the real world.
I suppose that can't hurt, but I seldom remember my dreams so I'm not certain it's worth it. I did think about what that dream could mean though, and it's possible that the message was simply "focus on the right thing" since the deminer was trying to take care of the bomb by working on what seemed like peripheral elements instead of its core, and that might be why he wasn't able to defuse it in time.
I've had a small bomb of myself for a few months now in the form of a friendship that turned wrong, and so I've been wanting to have a talk with that friend so that we can clear the air but it's possible that the core of the issue is something that's part of me rather than an unfortunate series of miscommunication
Good analysis! Another interpretation could be that you need to confront your friend before time runs out. Though you know yourself better than anyone.
in my view dreams occur day and night at the same rate. They're just noise, the noise of neural networks in your brain. You can't hear it when you're awake and trying to do a task but as soon as you relax you start having this involuntary "random images". My theory is, when your focused on a task you purposefully excite the relevant networks in your brain, the noise is still there but the excited neurons are much louder. When your learning a task you're building the networks you need for that task. As soon as you let go the noise comes up again. If you practice something long enough even when you relax the noisiest noise will be coming from those pre established networks that's why you have dreams related to the sport you practice or the instrument you rehearsed.
Extremely interesting video!
I had a dream last night and all I could hear was some nice house music , I woke up happy I am hoping this dream is positive ❤
جملاتی که در موزیک شنیدی به زندگی تو ربط دارد و خوب است
اگر دختر هستی کمی فرق میکند
خیلی دلم میخواد از علم بودا و نیروانا بهرمند باشم
اما فرصتش را نیافتم
حتما تلاش خواهم کرد
با تشکر از لایک شما
My dreams, in general, are about my fears or worries.😢
اگر از کاری که میخوای انجام بدی میترسی خواب تو آینده آن راه به تو نشان میدهد
I ve had dreams flying on roof tops , and usually I start flying because someone is chasing me and I 'm trying to get away from them. Then I feel like I am falling to the ground and then I wake up.or I am flying long distances over the ocean and I feel like I am running out of whatever it is I need to stay up ...Now I never remember my dreams or I feel like I don't dream anymore.
سلام تو دو شخصیت داری
فکرهایی در سر داری اما نزدیکان تو را منع میکنند گاهی در خلوت به راه ادامه میدی اما میبینی آخرش خیلی بد است و رها میکنی
با این حال رویایی داری که همیشه به آنها فکر میکنی و در اینترنت آنها را جستجو میکنی
I often have recurring themes in dreams that feel significant, but I am unsure as to what their precise meaning/importance is. And the standard fare dream interpretation stuff seems pretty bogus to me...
dreams are childish sexual fantasies. see my book.
I had a dream where I cheated and although I would never cheat in reality, I can't help but think it meant something else more than what was at the surface. Also as my relationship has progressed I have become more secure in the relationship I haven't had such dreams.
Jung writes that the unconscious counterbalances your waking life. Someone that is very timid in real life may have dreams of grandeur for instance. Maybe your dream was telling you that you are acting as a pushover or following the will of your partner too much.
I am no expert but maybe it just means you are sabotaging a part of your life that you may not realise in your waking reality
با کسی خصومت داشتی که به آشتی تبدیل شده است
I dreamed of jp one morning,woke up open the youtube this vide popsup on top😲
Thats so damn good.
I now realise that Freud was more correct when it came to dreams, but I think Jung had some good points as well. They both contributed but I feel Freud was on the better track.
Freud did half the job, and I did the rest. See my book.
Jordan is great.
Thoughts happen to you even when you're awake and believe that you're in control. You might have an idea pop into your head from seemingly nowhere. I think dreams are a sequential flow of thought very similar to a daydream only you are usually unaware that you're dreaming. I think dreams can obviously mean something because they're thoughts from you're brain, but I don't think they necessarily have to. I don't think dreams have anything to do with what we desire, because sometimes we have nightmares.
wow that was incredibly insightful. Thank you for sharing that.
Saludos desde argentina