MIHOYOVERSE GIVE ME MORE FIGHTING CUTSCENES I BEG YOU I LOVE THEM SO MUCH 😭 thank you guys so much for watching! i appreciate it from the bottom of my heart
You absolutely nailed conveying the term “soldier” through this entire fighting masterpiece. Your transitions followed a distinct pattern while also keeping the story going on, no matter how many characters we saw. 1:32 this was absolutely stunning. 2:12 this Raiden Family shot is so clean I want to cry. 2:32 LOVE these parallels, I didn’t even notice they were similar until now! 3:13 this truly looks like we ascended to God knows where, definitely the edge of space! Ooh forgot to mention this one 0:04 I love me some Harbinger quality introductions. Overall beautiful work, this is an AMV I’ll be sure to check out again!💜✨ I just realized you made the “House Of Memories” AMV!! AAAA no wonder you immediately captured my attention, your editing skills are through the roof!
@@everyedits and your videos put a smile on my face too:) I was feeling burnt out from genshin lately but seeing this edit made me want to play again ❤️✨
Yep another masterpiece! I've got a music video challenge for you: Pick One of the 7 elements and only use those characters. I've found pyro is pretty easy and cryo is one of the hardest.
All of your AMVs are lovely but this is one of your best. If you ever find yourself looking for song suggestions may I suggest considering Renegades by X Ambassadors? If you do not want suggestions, please feel free to ignore.
Why do you not post anymore i am not forcing but i am dieing without your videos because they are just amazing and beautiful pleaseeeeeeeeee post moree ♥︎♥︎
thanks so much for liking my videos! i promise i have been working on edits, unfortunately i have a lot of things happening in my personal life that have kept me extremely busy, so i haven’t been able to focus as much on editing for genshin. i promise im trying to get back in the swing of it! im glad that people still like my edits :)
Amazing video! As a fellow AMV UA-camr, I can see the time you took in both the selection and implementation of the clips, especially from 1:00- 1:24, the timing is incredible! Would you be interested in a AMV collaboration?
wow I think this is one of my new faves that you've ever done! The transitions go HARD! Amazing editing work, I really love how action packed and fast paced it is! And YES PLEASE more fighting cutscenes HoYo!! xD hmmm as far as suggestions go, maaybe a video with a little more Dr. Baizhu present heehee? Then again I am a little biased, I love him and his sassy snek quite a bit so you do whatever you want. :D I was/am a Xiao/anemo main for the most part but for some reason Baizhu's whole character really grabbed me, and I just fell in love with his whole sweet and slightly-sus-at-first self. xD Plus I super loved his story quest. Ok I'll stop going on about him, thanks for the reminder about the parametric thingamabob lmaoo, I always forget its an actual thing! XD I hope you have a wonderful day too every! PS I am always down for a good Genshin rant, who's your current main? :)
alrighty i’ll try and add more baizhu! i haven’t done his story quest yet tbh so i’ve been avoiding using him in edits, but i will get to playing that soon! as for who i main… my favorite is jean, believe it or not, but i am also big on yelan, yoimiya, nahida, nilou, heizou, and kaveh (even though i don’t have kaveh yet… grr) thank you so much for commenting and i’m so glad you like it!
hi! i don't actually make any money from making these edits due to the songs being copyrighted, which is fine with me since i mostly just enjoy the editing part
thank you guys so much for watching! i appreciate it from the bottom of my heart
It’s okay Fontaine is almost here! There’s bound to be more fighting cutscenes!
That transition from Hu Tao to Ayaka at 1:31 was so smooth, amazing!
thank you so much!!! glad you enjoyed :) i was so excited with that one when i made it lol
That sword transition at 3:25 is just… *mwah*
Absolute banger like every (pun intended) time
thank you so much!! glad you enjoyed :) thanks for your continued support!
@@everyedits Ehe ^^
And yes I am Cyno irl
You’re welcome! Please continue making more of these! :D
Also do you have discord or something?
@@AwesomeDomi1 thank you so so much!!!
incredible as always. i LOVE the sequence at 2:42 with the scara punch to nahida to ei, it's fantastic
thank you so much!!!
You absolutely nailed conveying the term “soldier” through this entire fighting masterpiece. Your transitions followed a distinct pattern while also keeping the story going on, no matter how many characters we saw.
1:32 this was absolutely stunning.
2:12 this Raiden Family shot is so clean I want to cry.
2:32 LOVE these parallels, I didn’t even notice they were similar until now!
3:13 this truly looks like we ascended to God knows where, definitely the edge of space!
Ooh forgot to mention this one 0:04 I love me some Harbinger quality introductions.
Overall beautiful work, this is an AMV I’ll be sure to check out again!💜✨
I just realized you made the “House Of Memories” AMV!! AAAA no wonder you immediately captured my attention, your editing skills are through the roof!
oh my goodness thank you so much!!! this comment is amazing haha ❤️ i really appreciate it!
OMG THIS WAS OUT OF THIS WORLD!!! I REALLY ENJOYED IT!!! Keep up the good work! ❤❤❤
thank you so much for your continued support!!! ❤️❤️❤️
WOW this was amazing! Love your edits :))
thank you so much for your continued support on my channel! it means the world to me ❤️
This is another one if my favorite AMV's youv'e made! Every scene fits perfectly with the lyrics. Very epic! 🙌
thank you so much for the continued love & support! it means so much to me ❤️
2:11 I like this scene so much!❤❤❤Wanderer(🤩), Ei, Albedo 🎉
thank you so so much!!! (sorry for the late reply)
I cannot wait to see what magic would you do when new cinematic trailer comes out. Gonna be epic.
thank you so much!!!! i’m just waiting for 4.0 trailer to drop now 😳
This was truly impressive! Thank you ❤
thank you so much! glad you enjoyed
another beautiful gmv
thank you!!!
You know it's gonna be good when you see it was uploaded by every. Never lets me down😁
hahaha thank you so much!!!
This is beautiful and amazing. You never disappoint! :)
thank you so much!!!!
I think this is one of my favourite AMVs ever, cleanest transitions as always. Good job!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
thank you so so much!!! i always love reading your comments, they put a big smile on my face ❤️ i’m so glad you liked the video!
@@everyedits and your videos put a smile on my face too:) I was feeling burnt out from genshin lately but seeing this edit made me want to play again ❤️✨
babe wake up every posted 🫢 i love this song
thank you so much!!! this song is super good 🔥
This was amazing I loved it, cant wait for more ❤️
thank you so so much!!!
this is so gOOD
thank you so much!!! glad you enjoyed :)
Clean af!
thank you so much!!!!
Imma tell ya, this will be stuck in my head for months oh god this is so good!
your brain: *we’ve just completed the 168th loop*
hahah tysm!!! i’m glad you enjoy :)
@@everyedits going to 169th loop lezgo
I live for your masterpieces😩✨
thank you so much!!! really glad you enjoyed :)
Yep another masterpiece!
I've got a music video challenge for you:
Pick One of the 7 elements and only use those characters. I've found pyro is pretty easy and cryo is one of the hardest.
thank you so so much for the continued love and support!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Every video good as always you asked for a song right I think Radioactive will bw good too
tysm, glad you enjoyed!!! Radioactive is a good song, i'll consider it for a future edit!
This music is in the same takt like the video❤❤This awsome ❤❤
thanks so much!
tysm!!! glad you enjoyed :)
@@LelzHuh haha, hopefully those blessings will help you in days to come! your support is very appreciated :)
All of your AMVs are lovely but this is one of your best.
If you ever find yourself looking for song suggestions may I suggest considering Renegades by X Ambassadors? If you do not want suggestions, please feel free to ignore.
i believe ive heard the song before! i can’t make any promises as to if it will be an edit or not, but i’ll take another listen :)
Amazing I love genshin and this song good job 👏
thank you so much! i love genshin and this song too
thank you!!
Why do you not post anymore i am not forcing but i am dieing without your videos because they are just amazing and beautiful pleaseeeeeeeeee post moree ♥︎♥︎
thanks so much for liking my videos! i promise i have been working on edits, unfortunately i have a lot of things happening in my personal life that have kept me extremely busy, so i haven’t been able to focus as much on editing for genshin. i promise im trying to get back in the swing of it! im glad that people still like my edits :)
@@everyedits 😊😊😊
Amazing video! As a fellow AMV UA-camr, I can see the time you took in both the selection and implementation of the clips, especially from 1:00- 1:24, the timing is incredible! Would you be interested in a AMV collaboration?
thank you so much! unfortunately, i’m not able to do any collabs, but i appreciate the offer!
wow I think this is one of my new faves that you've ever done! The transitions go HARD! Amazing editing work, I really love how action packed and fast paced it is!
And YES PLEASE more fighting cutscenes HoYo!! xD hmmm as far as suggestions go, maaybe a video with a little more Dr. Baizhu present heehee? Then again I am a little biased, I love him and his sassy snek quite a bit so you do whatever you want. :D I was/am a Xiao/anemo main for the most part but for some reason Baizhu's whole character really grabbed me, and I just fell in love with his whole sweet and slightly-sus-at-first self. xD Plus I super loved his story quest. Ok I'll stop going on about him, thanks for the reminder about the parametric thingamabob lmaoo, I always forget its an actual thing! XD I hope you have a wonderful day too every! PS I am always down for a good Genshin rant, who's your current main? :)
alrighty i’ll try and add more baizhu! i haven’t done his story quest yet tbh so i’ve been avoiding using him in edits, but i will get to playing that soon!
as for who i main… my favorite is jean, believe it or not, but i am also big on yelan, yoimiya, nahida, nilou, heizou, and kaveh (even though i don’t have kaveh yet… grr)
thank you so much for commenting and i’m so glad you like it!
have u ever done legands never die
it’s on my list of potential songs to do in the future, but probably not for awhile because i’d want to wait until there’s more nations released
Do you actually make money with the videos or not because I would also like to do something like that
hi! i don't actually make any money from making these edits due to the songs being copyrighted, which is fine with me since i mostly just enjoy the editing part
@@everyedits Ah oke thank you keep it up
thank you so much for your continued support!! it means a lot to me :)
i’m guffawing