Fun facts about the D side characters: 1. I gave D side Bob the name "Jorj" because Bob looks like a Minecraft speedrun cheater (Dream) and Jorj having a similarly pronounced name to George (The name of a friend of Dream) is supposed to be a parallel to that. If there was an actual Vs Bob D sides mod with Jorj as Bob, the withered cutscene would go like D side BF breaking the 4th wall and realizing that Bob looks like Dream and Jorj is D side Bob and Georgenotfound exists, so he pretends to be a Georgenotfound stan and start calling Jorj "Gogy", but then Jorj just beats the shit out of D side BF. And I thought of Jorj rhyming in a D side version of the Onslaught song since Bob is a parody of Fnf mods using the same calm to mad formula and Jorj is meant to be a parody of D side mods, and since rhyming is a common thing D side mods use, I thought Jorj should parody that as well. 2. I named D side Ron "Dan" because it's supposed to be a reference to Ron from the Cooking with Ron series by Muganimate introducing himself as "Dan". Ron's catchphrase is something like "I hate wemen (In a cool way)", I would have Dan's catchphrase being "I hate balck peeple (In a rad style)" instead (And yes, Dan is racist instead of sexist, he still is homophobic like Ron though.). Dan would also be a zip folder of old school memes instead of Gen Z memes like Ron and a D side Ron song with Dan in it would have the "This is a certified hood classic" sound effect replaced with something like "I have crippling depression". Dan is 17 like Ron. 3. I named D side Little Man "Mad Lad" because he normally looks mad, and lad is basically another word for Man. If there was a D side Little Man song with Mad Lad in it, gen z meme sound effects would be replaced with older meme sound effects. I thought of the tf2 pan hit noise replacing the glass breaking noise and Calebcity in the song being replaced with Marlon Webb with the watermelon vines. Mad Lad is 27 and tiny like Little Man. 4. I named D side Sketchy "Arty" because I couldn't think of anymore good names, and he is supposed to be a painting on a canvas instead of a sketch on a piece of paper, and I gave him a stereotypical french painter look to fit with his theme. 5. D side Opheebop was basically just created to be Jorj's GF and a parallel to Opheebop, and I don't mean in a canonical sense, though she may evolve into an actual character at some point. I also made her look like an alien with antennas instead of a demon cuz idk. Her grabbing stuff with her antennas was inspired both by Opheebop grabbing stuff with her tail and Feels the rabbit (An early version of Sonic) being planned to grab stuff with his ears.
good job!
Fun facts about the D side characters:
1. I gave D side Bob the name "Jorj" because Bob looks like a Minecraft speedrun cheater (Dream) and Jorj having a similarly pronounced name to George (The name of a friend of Dream) is supposed to be a parallel to that. If there was an actual Vs Bob D sides mod with Jorj as Bob, the withered cutscene would go like D side BF breaking the 4th wall and realizing that Bob looks like Dream and Jorj is D side Bob and Georgenotfound exists, so he pretends to be a Georgenotfound stan and start calling Jorj "Gogy", but then Jorj just beats the shit out of D side BF. And I thought of Jorj rhyming in a D side version of the Onslaught song since Bob is a parody of Fnf mods using the same calm to mad formula and Jorj is meant to be a parody of D side mods, and since rhyming is a common thing D side mods use, I thought Jorj should parody that as well.
2. I named D side Ron "Dan" because it's supposed to be a reference to Ron from the Cooking with Ron series by Muganimate introducing himself as "Dan". Ron's catchphrase is something like "I hate wemen (In a cool way)", I would have Dan's catchphrase being "I hate balck peeple (In a rad style)" instead (And yes, Dan is racist instead of sexist, he still is homophobic like Ron though.). Dan would also be a zip folder of old school memes instead of Gen Z memes like Ron and a D side Ron song with Dan in it would have the "This is a certified hood classic" sound effect replaced with something like "I have crippling depression". Dan is 17 like Ron.
3. I named D side Little Man "Mad Lad" because he normally looks mad, and lad is basically another word for Man. If there was a D side Little Man song with Mad Lad in it, gen z meme sound effects would be replaced with older meme sound effects. I thought of the tf2 pan hit noise replacing the glass breaking noise and Calebcity in the song being replaced with Marlon Webb with the watermelon vines. Mad Lad is 27 and tiny like Little Man.
4. I named D side Sketchy "Arty" because I couldn't think of anymore good names, and he is supposed to be a painting on a canvas instead of a sketch on a piece of paper, and I gave him a stereotypical french painter look to fit with his theme.
5. D side Opheebop was basically just created to be Jorj's GF and a parallel to Opheebop, and I don't mean in a canonical sense, though she may evolve into an actual character at some point. I also made her look like an alien with antennas instead of a demon cuz idk. Her grabbing stuff with her antennas was inspired both by Opheebop grabbing stuff with her tail and Feels the rabbit (An early version of Sonic) being planned to grab stuff with his ears.
Dan racist
When bob meets bob
Check the description
Gameplay of God Feast from Communitygame