Another great video sir. I got one of these from my buddy a couple of months ago for a milestone birthday (I'm not older than dirt, but my picture is in its yearbook....) and it is truly great. I love your combo of shredding, metal, and blues brothers references. Always a good time. Many thanks.
@@agent_of_cthulhu for sure! A lot of that has to do w Mustaine and his influence on the dudes. I'd say it was mainly because they were just a group of super passionate kids, writing their first stuff. Kill'em All is as pure as it would ever get, impossible to make that album more than once.
@@Jeffmetal42 I completely agree with you. Mustaine definitely helped write some of those songs. I think he is credited for 1 or 2 but I don't think any of his guitar playing made it onto the album. Much more speed metal oriented songs, though. Love it. Jump in the Fire and Whiplash are two of my favorite Metallica songs out of their whole discography.
Ben, I knew you could shred, but this is way better than I expected, technical but interesting and engaging, got me headbanging the whole time, amazing!!!
Uncle Ben, maybe gathering gang back and rerecording those tunes could be an idea, hmmm? Those tunes gives an awesome early and nice Soilwork vibes. I like vibes that are nice.
Always have to have a little delay and reverb dry amp tones blow for lead for sure! 4 cable method is the best and only way to get a Boss noise suppressor to do a thorough job! I always use it! One of my guitars has a Dimarzio Super Distortion in the bridge position and a Dimarzio PAF Pro ! Super bubbly scale runs !!
The pedal sounds great and all, but speaking of Human Fuse, I remember my buddy Jordan and I got into the Downtown in Morristown and saw you guys play with Luke who we went to high school with. Had to be around 2006/2007 around the tail end of high school. Good times!
Yeah, I remember hearing the Arc stuff, but I don't think I saw it live. I haven't talked to or seen Luke in quite awhile, but last I heard he was still into guitar and teaching, if I'm not mistaken. Always a stand up gent he was!
SWEETBABYJEBUS! What kind of sorcery did Satan put into that pedal?!! But seriously man, that thing is INSANE....especially the clean tone. Nice "Blues Brothers" reference, too.
Dude, that intro song totally reminds me of early Soilwork, back when Peter Wichers and his uncle Ola Frenning would just play all of these cool melodies and ripping leads on top of some heavy ass riffs.
I’ve had mine for a few months Been it’s literally replaced everything on my paddleboard as a metal player as a six string player and a seven string player as a baritone player you can get the clarity you want add a seven string that you would normally have by using that second little knob there on that drive section definitely the best tool I’ve gotten in my arsenal yet
That seems quite nice. I'd be interested in one where you explain how you use compression, if you use it. I just got a compressor and I get what it does, but not what it's good for, other than hiding sloppiness in my right hand.
one thing I would like you to cover if you haven't already is a looper pedal... if you use one, which ways you use it, and any tips you have for using.
Dude, I am not even joking, I have a Dual Rec sitting right here a friend is letting me check out and you may have tipped the box so to speak on whether I get this thing or not. That pedal sounds kick ass in front and is basically what I was looking for!
Ben I might've missed it but did your start with a clean amp setting or a dirty amp setting then dial it in with the pedal? Been messing around with the pedal some today and not sure which way is the best way. Killer pedal for sure
Wowo .. way to rip it up with killer tones Ben . My Xmas wish is to see you do a cover or collab with Anthony Vincent of Unholy in the style of Ghost . I've watched several versions and that one (he just upped it this morning), is epic . Best wishes to you and fam for 2023 .
Dude love the intro song your amazing 🤘🤘 I might have to get one of these pedals. This year alone I have bought an EVH Iconic, EVH III and a Randall RG and I'm still not happy with the tone I have don't get me wrong they're all killer ants but I I have used a Roland micro cube through a PA system for 12 years and I love the tone I get out of that go figure lol.
@@BenEller yeah it’d be hard to find a better rock/metal amp for the money. I just don’t think of PRS when I think of amps. Just like I don’t think of guitars when I think of Friedman but they make some pretty sweet fiddles too !
i know you probably won’t see this but can we please see a little video of you explaining the finish on that amazing guitar along with the ibanez with that finish
I wish they would make another version of that pedal that included a noise gate and a tuner and i'd sell every pedal i own and just have this one unit.
Hey Ben. I was watching a video from a few years ago called " Ditch The CAGED system " very interesting video. Do you still recommend that system you taught or have you found something you prefer more? Also I was wondering how your friend is doing with the rare blood cancer?
Hey dude. My friend unfortunately passed away, but the support my viewers shared with him meant more than you’ll ever know. I think the more I play, the more I start to understand that the best system is no system. Very Bruce Lee haha… even what I described in that video isn’t a “system”, exactly, it’s just a way of seeing the potential any position holds.
@Ben Eller Ben, I am sincerely sorry for rehashing that memory. I am sorry to hear he has passed. I guess the greatest thing to become of it was you get to carry a part of him with you and no one can take that from you. Thank you again for your videos.
Think I'd like it better if instead of an overdrive it had a full on distortion so I could make any clean amp c h u g. I've played venues where backline is either sketchy or non-existant so would be good to be more of a plug and play kind of pedal. Also cram a noise gate in there like the Wampler gearbox does and it'll be way cooler than my real dad.
Thanks for watching my demo of the AllPedal Jeff Loomis Devil’s Triad! What piece of gear do you want me to cover next?
A review of the Grunge pedal would be interesting.
I am always a sucker for some good delay based licks.
Empress effects para EQ mk2 deluxe
Ever use a TC Electronic Nova System? My current favorite.
Got no clue here, but the music in the intro (first 2,5 min) - What was that? So excellent!!
Thanks so much for checking it out Ben! We appreciate it!
The next version needs stereo in and out, headphones, and cab sim/ir loader!
That's uncle Ben to you pal..... Nice pedal BTW :)
Does it come with a power supply? If not what power supply would I need?
All pedals ,,,, It's only getting worse 👹👑🎤🙏👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣👣🌏
That intro is some of the best shred I have heard you play
Alright Uncle Ben, we need an instrumental album. That intro was fantastic
The intro reminds me of In flames! Lovely!
8:11 HOLY SHIT! That was an insane upgrade!
That intro blew my face onto the back of my head like Daffy Duck. Killer!
Thowin' in a little Icarus Lives riffage was sweet @ 10:51
Another great video sir. I got one of these from my buddy a couple of months ago for a milestone birthday (I'm not older than dirt, but my picture is in its yearbook....) and it is truly great. I love your combo of shredding, metal, and blues brothers references. Always a good time. Many thanks.
the song you played at the beginning is so badass! pedal sounds great man!
And at 19:31 answered my question. So basically you can use either or just depends on the tone your after at the time
I was amazed at how much better that amp sang when that pedal was kicked on! I loved that tone control, contrasting definition is stellar!
The intro was unexpected and beautiful. More!
I’ve been eyeing this for the same reasons you mentioned Uncle Ben. Thank you for the great review.
19:57 Motorbreath was one of the first songs I learned on guitar. Still a favorite of mine to play. Pedal sounds killer! Happy holidays to all. 🤘
Kill em all is such a great album. Way different then their later stuff.
@@agent_of_cthulhu for sure! A lot of that has to do w Mustaine and his influence on the dudes. I'd say it was mainly because they were just a group of super passionate kids, writing their first stuff. Kill'em All is as pure as it would ever get, impossible to make that album more than once.
@@Jeffmetal42 I completely agree with you. Mustaine definitely helped write some of those songs. I think he is credited for 1 or 2 but I don't think any of his guitar playing made it onto the album. Much more speed metal oriented songs, though. Love it. Jump in the Fire and Whiplash are two of my favorite Metallica songs out of their whole discography.
Uncle Ben, you totally shredded that intro - well done!
Killer tones! Awesome video dude!
Mr. Eller, thanks for the review, and great humble attitude.
My Dude! Hearing that shred from days of yore brought joy to my black heart. That solo section.. 🥵
Ben, I knew you could shred, but this is way better than I expected, technical but interesting and engaging, got me headbanging the whole time, amazing!!!
This guy is an EXTREMELY versatile guitarist. One of my favorite guitar personalities on UA-cam.... He makes good rice too. 🤣
10:52 I love how you snuck that Periphery riff in there.
Holy shit your playing is amazing! Thanks for posting this!
Merry x-mas
Damn, great playing and great video Ben!
Damn Ben!!! This sounds amazing!!! Maybe my favorite tune I've heard you on. Leads and the Chug riffs we're amazing!!!!
That pedal is pretty great! Love the way you can split it from front end to the effects loop!
Happy new year!
👆👆Great fan❤️, thanks for watching You have been selected among my shortlist winner's,Dm the name above to acknowledge your prize 🎁🎁
An album of this, please! 🤘🤘
Nice playing!!
Was pleasantly surprised to discover that All Pedal is based right in my own backyard in unassuming little Paducah, KY!
I caught that Vito Bratta nod, pretty cool!
Haha I was really going for ripping Steve Lynch from Autograph, if we’re being honest!
@@BenEller that tracks!
I just ordered the Earth Quaker dispatch master, because I needed a reverb/delay for my Archon that should be here soon. I really like this one too!
Thank the lords for blessing this earth with Jeff Loomis’s existence
Totally awesome great pedal mega tones amazing shred and riffs
That's it, I'm gonna buy one.
AAA @11:30 sounds awesome with that setup
What an awesome riff
Best into shred ever. The Recto takes that drive reeeeeally well.
Happy holidays brother Ben . Killer jammin man.
thanks for your videos! u got good taste
very nice riff in the beginning
Nice work man! Sounds great!
Uncle Ben, maybe gathering gang back and rerecording those tunes could be an idea, hmmm? Those tunes gives an awesome early and nice Soilwork vibes. I like vibes that are nice.
Can you do a video on that tapping sweep thing you did?
Always have to have a little delay and reverb dry amp tones blow for lead for sure! 4 cable method is the best and only way to get a Boss noise suppressor to do a thorough job! I always use it! One of my guitars has a Dimarzio Super Distortion in the bridge position and a Dimarzio PAF Pro ! Super bubbly scale runs !!
Looks like this video sold some pedals! They are all out! Gonna get on the wait list. This sold me. I have a dual rec as well.
Finally got this! Epic pedal.
If the delay/reverb section had a pure volume boost knob similar to the Dunable Eidolon, it would be the total package, imho. Sounds great!
The pedal sounds great and all, but speaking of Human Fuse, I remember my buddy Jordan and I got into the Downtown in Morristown and saw you guys play with Luke who we went to high school with. Had to be around 2006/2007 around the tail end of high school. Good times!
Oh yes!!! And then Luke and I later went on to play together in Arc, and make my favorite music I’ve ever been a part of. Luke rules, what a PLAYER!
Yeah, I remember hearing the Arc stuff, but I don't think I saw it live. I haven't talked to or seen Luke in quite awhile, but last I heard he was still into guitar and teaching, if I'm not mistaken. Always a stand up gent he was!
SWEETBABYJEBUS! What kind of sorcery did Satan put into that pedal?!! But seriously man, that thing is INSANE....especially the clean tone. Nice "Blues Brothers" reference, too.
Just watched a bunch of reviews on this pedal, after watching this demo out came the card , hope it sounds like it does on here 🤟🏿🤟✌🏼✌🏿🤜🤛🏿
Dude, that intro song totally reminds me of early Soilwork, back when Peter Wichers and his uncle Ola Frenning would just play all of these cool melodies and ripping leads on top of some heavy ass riffs.
That stuff was VERY influential on us back when we wrote this tune!!!
Uncle Ben is so gangster he writes metal core tracks in his sleep. Party On!
This pedal sounds incredible and interesting!
Damn, now I gotta buy one
Bad ass intro!! Pedal looks great but seems to be sold out everywhere.
👆👆Great fan❤️, thanks for watching You have been selected among my shortlist winner's,Dm the name above to acknowledge your prize 🎁🎁
I’ve had mine for a few months Been it’s literally replaced everything on my paddleboard as a metal player as a six string player and a seven string player as a baritone player you can get the clarity you want add a seven string that you would normally have by using that second little knob there on that drive section definitely the best tool I’ve gotten in my arsenal yet
It’s seriously awesome.
absolutely Gold playing !
That pedal sounds really good
have you ever listened to Acid Bath? The album When the kite string pops is a masterpiece.
I also like things that are nice... Uncle Ben's content is nice.
hey uncle Ben! I have a video suggestion. can you make a video on blues for dust? Steve Vai. much respect.
Love the syl riff
Eyyyyy I’m glad you caught it!
Eventide H90 has 4 inputs and 4 outputs 2 for expression/control jacks! Direct usb output for the computer! Simplified and powerful!!
That seems quite nice.
I'd be interested in one where you explain how you use compression, if you use it. I just got a compressor and I get what it does, but not what it's good for, other than hiding sloppiness in my right hand.
I know this was a year ago, but this is the best video on this pedal and you always have killer tone. Is this all right from a cab into the interface?
Loved those Human Fuse songs :) How is the fit and finish on that Balaguer?
Dude it’s so great!!! I love that guitar! Played amazing right out of the box.
agreed on those old HumanFuse songs
It sounds great! That seven-string is gorgeous, by the way.
That riff at 13 mins was sick
one thing I would like you to cover if you haven't already is a looper pedal... if you use one, which ways you use it, and any tips you have for using.
You should’ve been in the shred collab
Killer tone and glad to hear that Archon again. Great amp indeed! 👍
Dude, I am not even joking, I have a Dual Rec sitting right here a friend is letting me check out and you may have tipped the box so to speak on whether I get this thing or not. That pedal sounds kick ass in front and is basically what I was looking for!
yes! The drive rules, but then you also get all the other goodies attached to it!
Thanks UB, kickarse as usual!
Ben I might've missed it but did your start with a clean amp setting or a dirty amp setting then dial it in with the pedal? Been messing around with the pedal some today and not sure which way is the best way. Killer pedal for sure
Wowo .. way to rip it up with killer tones Ben . My Xmas wish is to see you do a cover or collab with Anthony Vincent of Unholy in the style of Ghost . I've watched several versions and that one (he just upped it this morning), is epic . Best wishes to you and fam for 2023 .
Damn, of course I'm getting that pedal. Also that track is sic as fuck - you are an excellent guitarist & composer.
Ohhh. Was that drop A part an omage to strapping young lad? Beginning sounded like AAA from the city album.
Dang right!!
@@BenEller my favorite of the strapping albums
Dude love the intro song your amazing
I might have to get one of these pedals. This year alone I have bought an EVH Iconic, EVH III and a Randall RG and I'm still not happy with the tone I have don't get me wrong they're all killer ants but I I have used a Roland micro cube through a PA system for 12 years and I love the tone I get out of that go figure lol.
I'm 23 seconds in and hear BLACK by HumanFuse!!!!!!! YES PLEASE SIR!!!!!!!!
I knew, I knew the song before that but was questioning..... wait I KNOW THIS DAMNIT! lol
Could have sworn I heard a Strapping Young Lad riff in there, but I can't remember which one.
👆👆Great fan❤️, thanks for watching You have been selected among my shortlist winner's,Dm the name above to acknowledge your prize 🎁🎁
The Baleguer is sweet man ! The Archon sounded pretty incredible boosted very “brownish” dare I say ?
Seriously, that Archon 50 blows away amps that cost 3 times as much.
@@BenEller yeah it’d be hard to find a better rock/metal amp for the money. I just don’t think of PRS when I think of amps. Just like I don’t think of guitars when I think of Friedman but they make some pretty sweet fiddles too !
uncle ben out here leaking songs from the new In Flames album haha
i know you probably won’t see this but can we please see a little video of you explaining the finish on that amazing guitar along with the ibanez with that finish
Ben! Did you play bass for unearth?
Yeah! On tour like 7-8 years back.
I was wondering. Came across a video of them playing Guards of Contagion and you're front and center!
@@chaddarcheezze haha yup that was me!
Im eyeballing one these.
The intro made Petrucci's beard grow a beard
Jeff Loomis do be loomin' tho
that's a nice thing
I wish they would make another version of that pedal that included a noise gate and a tuner and i'd sell every pedal i own and just have this one unit.
I'm searching for the magic frequency, I've stared at this video for 5 minutes...
Why is Jeff Loomis Greg Ovens of "Greg Ovens Rocky Mountain Bushcraft"?
Is this some Spamdela Effect?
Him playing the guitar: 🗿
Me playing guitar : 🥴
Looooooooomis 🤘🏽😊
Hey Ben. I was watching a video from a few years ago called " Ditch The CAGED system " very interesting video. Do you still recommend that system you taught or have you found something you prefer more? Also I was wondering how your friend is doing with the rare blood cancer?
Hey dude. My friend unfortunately passed away, but the support my viewers shared with him meant more than you’ll ever know.
I think the more I play, the more I start to understand that the best system is no system. Very Bruce Lee haha… even what I described in that video isn’t a “system”, exactly, it’s just a way of seeing the potential any position holds.
@Ben Eller Ben, I am sincerely sorry for rehashing that memory. I am sorry to hear he has passed. I guess the greatest thing to become of it was you get to carry a part of him with you and no one can take that from you. Thank you again for your videos.
Closed captions describe the music as "foreign" lol
Oh mommy this pedal seems like the cream of the crop.
You gotta watch the intro with captions on [Music][Applause] Foreign... 🤣🤣🤣
Experimental Fishman Fluence pickups, huh? I too like things that are nice!
What's the song at the beginning? It's woah
Did those experimental fishmans ever get released?
Think I'd like it better if instead of an overdrive it had a full on distortion so I could make any clean amp c h u g. I've played venues where backline is either sketchy or non-existant so would be good to be more of a plug and play kind of pedal. Also cram a noise gate in there like the Wampler gearbox does and it'll be way cooler than my real dad.
im also a fan of nice things