June, 2023 Listening to them here is absolutely fabulous! Wonderful voices that have continued for years. Huey Lewis and the News will never grow old. 🎉Maybe in the future there will be hope for more music to continue!🙏❤😊
Excellent interview!!!! I had the greatest pleasure of seeing Huey Lewis And The News in concert in 2017(one year before Huey Lewis lost his hearing). And Just recently I saw the Broadway Musical Play The Heart Of Rock And Roll which is based on the music of Huey Lewis And The News and The music brought me back so much memories. We will not hear music like this great and special band anymore.
Good to see these interviews from when HLN was just getting giant. Amazing how they can just go into an accapella at the snap of their fingers. Thanks for posting
June, 2023
Listening to them here is absolutely fabulous! Wonderful voices that have continued for years. Huey Lewis and the News will never grow old. 🎉Maybe in the future there will be hope for more music to continue!🙏❤😊
Not many bands can just bust out an accapella like that, serious talent.
Excellent interview!!!! I had the greatest pleasure of seeing Huey Lewis And The News in concert in 2017(one year before Huey Lewis lost his hearing). And Just recently I saw the Broadway Musical Play The Heart Of Rock And Roll which is based on the music of Huey Lewis And The News and The music brought me back so much memories. We will not hear music like this great and special band anymore.
Good to see these interviews from when HLN was just getting giant. Amazing how they can just go into an accapella at the snap of their fingers. Thanks for posting
Wow. They got them right off the stage after the show. This is awesome.
More talent with that singing at the end than all of today’s corporate pop star hacks who sound the same put together
Amazing upload. Love seeing all these old interviews.
なんでこんなに心にしみるんだ 寒椿に始まり梅桃そして菜の花 さくら あやめ かきつばた ショウブ & アジサイ この曲は四季に生きる力を後押し してくれるんだ
Sing Bily Joel for the longest time