The phrase "not from our universe" is a self-contradiction. Why can't physicists ( and other scientists ) simply admit they have no idea what the universe is like?
Because it doesn,t fit the narrative and would,t justify their salaries. Their " knowledge" is mostly based on supposition and conjecture which they would have everyone believe to be factual. Smoke and mirrors and utter bunkem.
have no idea how big our universe is yet you can see it's outer edge and somehow have ability to enter into outer edge of a daughter universe ---------- next a planet with perfect enviorrnment and inhabited by young babes lookn for a little breeding session but it is in an adjacent universe to one seen here damn I NEED SOME REAL POTENT MARIJUANA FOR A DREAM CARPET RIDE ACROSS SPACE !
Ph.D's are funded to find the answers for what they are told. Do not follow the data, find the data to fit their version of reality. When they do go off script their funds are pulled, Some lose their tenure. and pushed out of acadamia.
I’ll never understand why we’ve been operating on the theory that creation started with us or that space has ends at some point. That doesn’t make sense.
The concept aligns with the principle of energy conservation, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. Given that equilibrium is a fundamental tendency in nature, it follows that a “dying” universe must transition into another state or condition. This transformation likely involves parameters or phenomena that remain beyond our current understanding, potentially linked to dark matter and dark energy. These enigmatic components, which make up the majority of the universe’s content, could play a key role in the processes governing such cosmic transitions.
And full of BS. I'm sorry, none of this is science. It can't be tested. Invent another theory to patch the hole in the last theory. Keep doing that where you end up. Deeper and deeper into your mistakes. You have the James Webb telescope proving this. What happened before The Big bang theory can never be known. It can never be tested. It is a religion. Not science. There are other theories than the big bang, but you won't hear about them, you have to come to the conclusion that the BBT, that the universe came into existence a single point in time all at once and for no reason is not satisfying.
I'm just a regular working stiff guy, and my theory is that space is infinite, with no beginning and no end, it just is. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it, until I'm proved wrong.
Yes I think you are correct. So called scientists have no clue at all what it is. Our human brain is not capable of knowing what is truly happening out there in the universe..Or is it multiverse.It could be it is one huge black hole .
The problem is scientist can't explain where the universe came from. What was before the Big Bang? Where did the singularity come from? How and why did it 'explode.' How did it overcome the near infinite gravity it would have had? They will say God does not exist but can't answer any of the same questions they ask people of faith. Occam's Razor cuts both ways, sometimes the simplest answer is wrong, and things are much more complex than you think.
@@Folker46590 Well the opposite side of the question would be, If god does exist, where did he come from, who/what made him, what came before him. Both sides are stuck on the same unanswerable questions. Though I have heard explanations for where the big bang actually came from, Im not really satisfied with them. "Something From Nothing - a conversation w/ Richard Dawkins & Lawrence Krauss - ASU Feb 4, 2012" IMO no one has the correct answer yet.
Are you making a statement? is this a "I know the answer" sounds to me like religion "God is real, I know that, nothing else to say" Or maybe you had a poor choice of words?
@@animacuso100 The Big Bang theory needs a miracle to happen (everything just came into existence from something as small, or smaller, than an atom). God is the only answer.
It seems to me that the idea of space having a start and finish point is completely insane. We will never ever know how big the universe/space simply because it is infinite. We as supposed rational thinking beings need to compartmentalise everything so that in our minds rational and understood. Space, is space and it is unrelentingly forever, no beginning, no end! It's absolutely amazing and beautiful, just accept it for what it is and enjoy it instead of wasting time endlessly analysing it.
If black holes are created when a dense star implodes on itself, couldn't the incredible amount of mass in the big bang therefore create the same conditions? Furthermore, just by probability alone, the fact that so much mass exploded all at once, makes it so that black holes MUST have been created.
You are spot on my friend. The arrogant bastards think the universe should act the way they expect it to and abide by our laws of physics. But the universe bitchslapps them every time
Maybe the Big Bang is what happens after a black hole becomes so large that it engulfs entire galaxies up to a point where it pulls all the matter in the entire universe into itself and then boom…new big bang. Over and over.
It is logical, I don't know what they still can't get about it. As you need certain mass for stuff to become a star, to became a black hole, to become a planet, you need certain mass to became a big bang, that is all there is to it. I watch those people while shaking my head, this is the heliocentric problem all over again. Not that it matters much as we are yet to explore beyond our system.
No, a big bang is what happens when you divide by 0, then pretend there’s an actual real world object represented by your equation. In reality there are no magical explosions that create something from nothing. This model is broken, non predictive and bares no resemblance to what we actually see when we look into space. It’s plasmoids at the center of galaxies, not black holes.
The way we’re going as humans, war, pollution, gain of function research playing around with deadly viruses, AI robots, etc., well wipe ourselves out before we figure out the universe
2:02 If the "observable universe" is 93 billion light years across, then the furthest reaches from Earth is half that (radius vs diameter), or 46.5 billion light years away. But how is that possible in a universe that is allegedly less than 14 billion years old? How can we "see" something 46.5 billion light years away when the universe literally isn't old enough for light from there to reach us yet, thus making it impossible to observe? Either that's a typo, or the universe is at least 46.5 billion years old, not 13.8 billion as commonly referenced. Astronomers and Physicists need to update or explain this inconsistency.
Well your forgetting that the universe is "expanding". Not just things are getting farther apart but the actual fabric of space itself is stretching. So if you had an object who had a velocity moving away from you at 1mph but the space between was also stretching at a speed of 1mph, it would actually be moving at 2mph away from you. Thats the argument. Inflation Theory My question when it comes to that this is: If energy and matter cant be created, then what is creating all the excess energy that is stretching the fabric of the universe everywhere at all times. That would be an insane amount of energy.
That light that's arriving here now left its origin 13 billion years ago. Since then the thing that the light came from has had 13 billion years to move further away from us in an ever expanding space and is now calculated to be 46.5 billion light years away from us.
About 4 billion years ago the universe started to expand at a faster rate, this is thought to be because it began to feed from another universe nearby. It could also be reasonable to assume that one day our universe may become absorbed by a much, much larger one.
2:40, thats assuming the alien civilization exists, and is bound by the limit of observing light 46 billion light years in any given direction from its location.
There is not "no way" these black holes could not exist or form. We have plenty of ideas about how this happens. Less sensationalizing would really help UA-cam science coverage, here and on other channels.
3:40 The largest clumps of gas always forms a black hole first. Black holes are always 1 third the size of the galaxy its in. After the first black hole, the smaller clumps form stars and/or gas giants, then comes planets etc. To say big bang suggests a rapid expansion, but I say it was a slow expansion getting faster as the years pass.
What about the time dilation that happens with mass and gravity? The early universe would have been so dense and heavy that a billion years today may have only been an hour then. The old massive galaxys formed when the laws of physics were being created. Different rules from a different time? Just a thought...
Time dilation would only a localized issue. It Can only occur when you have one region that is considerably denser than the normal. If the entire universe was around the same density it wouldnt be dilated as the entire universe would be generally running on the same clock. Time isnt actually a set thing. It is just a way to describe Causality. Simply meaning things happen, and the measure of things happing is time. We also can not be sure that all the fundamental constants were the same back in the early universe as they are now. It is probably highly unlikely they were. Considering how different things were back in the early universe.
It makes sense that massive black holes would form immediately after the Big Bang. Truly massive amounts of matter could have been crunched from all different directions when the initial explosion happened, crushing that matter into several very massive concentrations of matter/gravity, massive black holes which would attract more massive amounts of matter to coalesce into stars/galaxies around them.
When you are quoting these numbers, may I ask what you use as a base number to come up with these billions of years. ? As I understand it, the universe has no beginning and no end, it’s a revolving sphere, so how do you translate this into time???
Whoaaa I was just reading the Bhagavad Gita and it mentioned that the Universe is billions of years old and goes through and infinite cycle of birth and death. Fascinating
Any model that relies on a contradiction is not a fact and in fact it is a bad model and thus a bad construct, facts are free from all contradiction, only fiction is associated with contradiction. In short this means Everything has always existed no if's and no but's. The Universe AKA Everything is ageless, ageless because everything which is something can only ever begot from something or something else and thus at any point it could never have been begot from nothing no matter how far back or forward to the sequences of events we scrutinise "The presence of an existence" AKA "Everything" or "The Universe"..
From a purely religious perspective, the information is that our universe is finite, and that it'll slowly die out, dissipate like smoke, & the earth eventually shall 'die.' It is also given that before our universe, which is a 'temporary' one, another eternal universe exists outside our ability to interact with or perhaps sense directly.
If the age of the universe is known and the rate of expansion can be calculated from the beginning until now , then would that not mean that the universe is not infinite and it's size can be determined ?
But - if matter was more dense 13 billion years ago - why would it be impossible for supermassive black holes to form? Seems more likely then than now. (or not - but please explain if You know)
Because super condensed matter is unproven pseudoscience. CERN’s first experiment was to try to produce it. It failed. We have no coherent theory for how it can exist, we cannot make it or directly observe it, yet the entire standard model of gravity-centric space cannot function without it occurring naturally everywhere we look. You can claim an imploding star could do it, but you certainly came prove it, and infact you’d have to explain why we have now found at least a half dozen super nova stars that are still there and burning perfectly normally as if they’d never gone nova. The answer to all this is that the solar wind is electric current and Dr. Don Scott has proven it. Because that’s true, there is no need for super condensed matter or any of the other mathematical fictions that have been piled onto this rolling tenement of a model. The PLASMOID that is actually at the center of galaxies is more than strong enough to do everything we see in space, and we know this because we can produce them in a laboratory and study how they work, and like all electric effects, they are infinitely scalable from the galactic to the subatomic. Space is electric. Anyone who tells you different is lying or wrong.
It's a good question. After all, with all that matter around, wouldn't we actually expect black holes to form? The simple answer is that our current model suggests that matter would have far too much energy to be bound into 'clumps'. In order to for the clumps to begin, the Universe needs to cool down. At a certain point of cooling down, or expanding, tiny variations in the density of the Universe allow small clumps to form. These gradually grow by attracting more matter from the less dense areas. Eventually, we get to the point where stars form and, well, the rest, as they say, is history. The key here is that our current model works pretty well and there is a lot of evidence to support it. That model will change, of course, as new information comes in, and we understand the picture better.
@@SolveEtCoagula93 That is a good explanation overall. Sadly that model doesnt take into effect the probability that the fundamental constants were different at the time. There are also models that show that back then it was possible to directly create supermassive blackholes. They were able to grow so quickly they could bypass the star stage entirely. It is still a very unclear area of science.
@@dralord1307 My aim was to show that, currently, we do have a good and fairly simple explanation that begins to address the question. Of course there are many more factors to consider and, as the evidence grows, we will change our models. Even so, as a first approximation, the current model works.
@@SolveEtCoagula93 Except that it doesnt actually work with what is/has been observed. It is a model designed to come to a specific answer. We simple dont have enough actual data to feed a model to be able to consider it working.
Of Course the Big Band wasn't the beginning of the Universe. It was "just" a local event, like supernovas are at the stellar level. So what was it? We don't have a clue.... yet.
Our OBSERVABLE galaxy is 13 billion years old. Like the host said, our perspective of the universe is different than others in other places in the universe. Isn’t it possible the universe is so much older and so much bigger than we currently theorize.
Reminds me of Dr. Hubble discovery 100 years ago that the 'Milky Way' was not the entire universe, but just one of 100 billion galaxies. Now we learn our universe in one of countless universes. History repeats itself...😊
In 1915 with general relativity the universe was thought to be only The Milky Way. Scientists were off by a factor of at least 200 billion galaxies. We’ve learned a lot in 100 years. The universe is so big, it killed God. Let’s keep going.
I wonder if Penrose ever read “Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 8, Verse 18” - about the repeating creation & dissolution of universes… Hindu philosophy had terms for vast timescales that Western science only began recognising very recently.
Modern science is based on the principle “give us one free miracle and we’ll explain the rest.” The one free miracle is the appearance of all the mass and energy in the universe and all the laws that govern it in a single instant from nothing. Terrence McKenna
The 'Big Bang' has never jelled with me. I've always felt that there was something in existence beforehand. If you can picture a firework fired into the air which bursts randomly, other parts of that firework are also bursting & spreading the sparkles among each other, that's the picture in mind I get as to why, according to this latest thought, parts of another universe have intruded into our universe. Therefore, there may have been several 'bangs' each created in their turn after the recession & compression of previously ancient universes in a cyclical manner on an incomprehensible time scale. 🤷♂
I think you are correct with the idea of successive big bang universes being created, spread out to near nothingness and then re-contracting into an infinitely small space before Big Banging again.
I’m right, I knew it was no big-bang but all time we know is a small sheet in expanding size and the static-bang was when our sheet of time gained too much static and grew to close to the last sheet of time so we touched and mixed things up a bit until calm, again we will gain grow and touch with spark again.
Just a thought experiment. What if the thing that exploded creating the BB was an infinitely dense object that spun infinitely fast and had a spectacularly large Accretion disk? Some areas of that accretion disk would be far enough away from the object that parts of it could cool and create denser regions. These denser regions would be proto stars, BH's and galaxies. Then when the BB happened those denser regions would be the first to start drawing material to them creating what the James Webb is seeing today.
These discoveries are sort of confirming my recent thinking about the grand scale of things: 1. If there really is no beginning, then time itself is an illusion. It's helpful for us to think of the past and the future and to measure it because we are finite beings, but these measurements are arbitrary and not relevant on the scale of the broad and infinite cosmos. 2. Fundamentally, all that ever happens to matter is it constantly changes its state and its position. That's it. It's always in flux.
Amazing how the mindless universe came up with information and then proceeded to meticulously arrange it into a s code and then provided that code with repair mechanisms in case it started to malfunction. Gee! If I didn't knows better, I would be strongly tempted to think that the universe is actually a conscious and super intelligent being.
Yea it does seem that way but seems highly unlikley given the amount of time that would create the exact specific set of circumstances that caused all of the universe up to how it is now. Shouldn't the universe be much older than 14 billion years for it to be possible?
Some think the idea of Morphic Resonance may be at play, much along the lines you are proposing. Creator and Creation could be one and the same (let's not entangle that statement with human history and our notions of religion). I wonder (of course I can't know or prove it) if the Universe has always looked like it is 13.8 billion years old, and will look the same age in another 10 billion years time.
From one theoretical physicist to another:-" Well, if this is crap what else is crap". Or to quote Oliver Hardy:- "That's another fine mess you've gotten me into".
Personally i think it is a massive black hole .If it is a vachum dose it not need some sort of wall to contain a balloon needs one to hold the air inside of it.
Uhm nope. Technically at least. Since before the big bang time didnt exist. So TECHNICALLY nothing could happen before it. That doesnt mean effects from a previous universe wouldnt influence it. Its a bit mind bending lol
The funniest thing is reading the comments from people who have literally no education in physics, yet believe they hold a valid opinion. It’s both amusing and sad in equal measure.
Gods word says in the end times he shall show us wonderful things in the stars and other things and our knowledge will increase , these things are just as his word declares , what you have found is his word is truth and the sooner science gets on board the more our knowledge will increase👍🏼
“Dark energy… matters! So does consciousness! (from The Bad Luck Tree, Chapter 12). Our universe (our Big Bang) resulted from an ‘overload’ of a super-super massive black hole in an already existing universe… We are seeing our universe ‘next to’ the previous universe(s).
A mirror universe running running backward in time? Does that mean that what has happened and is happening in our universe is in reverse in our mirror universe? That would be like watching a movie from finish to start. That can't be.
Not a mirror universe running "back" in time, but an anti-matter universe running forward in the opposite direction. . Perhaps, eventually the energies from both universes would peter out, and the energy pushing everything outward would eventually be replaced by the then weak attractive forces of the widely distributed mass. After much darkness, the attracted mass would coalesce at ever increasing speeds to eventually crush into a single point and explode outward, AGAIN, creating a new universe, antimatter streaming outward in one "direction/universe", and positive matter streaming in the "opposite" direction/universe. Just some thoughts with zero evidence behind them.
./. no, they have better to understand "time" and not the galaxies, or they will never understand. Black holes are a-temporal density that makes it possible, that "in the beginning", things developed much faster, almost contemporarily, that's why we see them
scientists came up with different theories before James Webb telescope was deployed. We are going to expect something even more interesting such as parallel universe or many versions of universe.
hmm so if those giant black holes existed pretty much at the beginning ........ Where are they now ? did they stop existing ? are they outside of our observable Universe ? What happen to them ?
They seem to still be there which is why this whole subject of black hole galaxies existing 250 million years after the big bang got the scientists wound up in the first place.
What I don't get is the relentless need to know a vast amount of places in our observable universe that I all reality of everything they say is possible is just a speculation that they can never prove yet the need to find this is just to what need is this such a purpose they can say a million different theory's but
Don't know why BUT, the notion of the universe having a weight limit i.e a Black hole & hence busting through the fabric of space-time seems... comical if not completely absurd to me. Y'all know the way we "measure" the mass of a black hole is akin to lining up two fat people & guessing the larger one's weigh based on an approximation of the smaller one's weigh. Thus if the smaller one could run a 40 in 35 seconds, betting for the larger one will start at a minute plus. Either way, the science of guessing is still considered a science because the scientist said so.
Something I cant fathom is if the Big Bang happened everywhere at once how can it be that it all came from a singularity? That singularity would have had to be enormous. Is there an explanation or conjecture?
Well the answer is in the word: Singularity. A Single point in space. Dont try to think of it so much as all the matter crammed into 1 place. Instead think of more like a firecracker. It is a single point. Infinitely small, but yet when it explodes the boom is big. Matter has a limit to how much it can compress, but energy doesnt, "in theory" and a Singularity is more of a math idea, than an actual physical thing. That is why it can be very hard to understand when you first come across this concept.
You know, the bible says God created the earth in six days and a lot of people believe that, but I’m not really religious and I tend to take a more scientific approach. There’s only one problem, science wants me to believe there was nothing and that “nothing” went bang and created the universe. I think the religious belief makes more sense.
Mathematicians that can't explain what is happening in the observable universe are scrambling to explain EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE with a couple of minor assumptions.
So if observers in one of the red monsters looked in the direction our galaxy was 13 billion years ago they wouldn't see anything, even with a JWST of their own, or at least they would see the Milky Way in its infancy? Or would they see us as a red monster?
Everywhere, and no where. Depends where you are looking from. "Serious Answer" It doesnt. Things within the universe have their Gravitational Center, but there would be nothing at origin point of the big bang "if it actually had one, which it probably didnt" that you would be able to point to and call a center. Think of it like popping a balloon in the air. Sure the balloon exploded, but it doesnt have a center you can ever find.
If the universe is infinite, then every single point within it is the center from the point of view of the perceiver. Or: center, beginning, end, are all ultimately nonsensical concepts within infinity. All of these are linear concepts. They simply don't apply to infinity. Linearity is an illusion the human mind imposes on its own perceptions, because it is incapable of encompassing, let alone comprehending, infinity.
Time is not linear, and, if time runs more slowly in a gravitational well, then it stands to reason that the so-called 700 million years it took to create that ancient galaxy is way more than that in its own reference frame. Space-time cannot be separated, so if the Universe was dense at the beginning, then surely time was running much more slowly as a result.
@@chriswatts6629 Wikipedia: "..according to Einstein's theory of general relativity, time does slow down in a gravitational well, meaning that the stronger the gravitational pull, the slower time passes; this phenomenon is called "gravitational time dilation" where time is perceived to flow slower in regions with stronger gravity." I rest my case.
Uhm actually you are wrong. Time is Linear! It can only travel in 1 direction. BUT it is not constant. Time is simply a way to describe Causality. It can have different rates at different locations. That is well know. But it can never happen in reverse. "I think you just got the word Linear messed up there"
@@chriswatts6629 Time dilation occurs when you have high amounts of matter creating large amounts of gravity. Or traveling at near light speed. So in those cases yes time would be slower. It is well proven. BUT We can not prove that the fundamental constants were the same then as now. So it could have been possible for Causality to be either Faster or Slower back then.
The phrase "not from our universe" is a self-contradiction. Why can't physicists ( and other scientists ) simply admit they have no idea what the universe is like?
Because it doesn,t fit the narrative and would,t justify their salaries. Their " knowledge" is mostly based on supposition and conjecture which they would have everyone believe to be factual. Smoke and mirrors and utter bunkem.
have no idea how big our universe is yet you can see it's outer edge and somehow have ability to enter into outer edge of a daughter universe ---------- next a planet with perfect enviorrnment and inhabited by young babes lookn for a little breeding session but it is in an adjacent universe to one seen here damn I NEED SOME REAL POTENT MARIJUANA FOR A DREAM CARPET RIDE ACROSS SPACE !
Finally someone else who realizes what Universe means!
Egos as big as the galaxy.
Ph.D's are funded to find the answers for what they are told. Do not follow the data, find the data to fit their version of reality. When they do go off script their funds are pulled, Some lose their tenure. and pushed out of acadamia.
I’ll never understand why we’ve been operating on the theory that creation started with us or that space has ends at some point. That doesn’t make sense.
That awareness of any of this is is a miracle that is not explained. That anything exists at all is really the mystery.
No beginning, no end. Something vs nothing.
Infinity = in progress
From the necessity raise the adaptation.
@@3mountains307I'm wondering if you can't have nothing, because you need something to make nothing exist 🤯🥴
The concept aligns with the principle of energy conservation, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another. Given that equilibrium is a fundamental tendency in nature, it follows that a “dying” universe must transition into another state or condition. This transformation likely involves parameters or phenomena that remain beyond our current understanding, potentially linked to dark matter and dark energy. These enigmatic components, which make up the majority of the universe’s content, could play a key role in the processes governing such cosmic transitions.
Not only is the universe stranger than we conceive it is stranger than we can perceive.
Excellent content, no silly ai infill graphics, no hyperbole, not one zee, sensible human narrative and a pause for thought at the end!
And full of BS. I'm sorry, none of this is science. It can't be tested. Invent another theory to patch the hole in the last theory. Keep doing that where you end up. Deeper and deeper into your mistakes. You have the James Webb telescope proving this.
What happened before The Big bang theory can never be known. It can never be tested. It is a religion. Not science.
There are other theories than the big bang, but you won't hear about them, you have to come to the conclusion that the BBT, that the universe came into existence a single point in time all at once and for no reason is not satisfying.
We are so insignificant yet we think we are the centre of everything.
Every living being IS the awareness center of everything. And, individually, we ARE insignificant.
If universe is infinite, technically every point in its space is the center of the whole universe.
Thats because God loves us so much. Every flea bitten dirtbag one of us.
We know nothing! Now let’s begin
I'm just a regular working stiff guy, and my theory is that space is infinite, with no beginning and no end, it just is. That's my theory and I'm sticking to it, until I'm proved wrong.
Yes I think you are correct. So called scientists have no clue at all what it is. Our human brain is not capable of knowing what is truly happening out there in the universe..Or is it multiverse.It could be it is one huge black hole .
I second that emotion.
Acceptance _is_ the 1st Step, after all.
✌🏼🤍💫 from 🍑, 🇺🇸, 🌎
The problem is scientist can't explain where the universe came from. What was before the Big Bang? Where did the singularity come from? How and why did it 'explode.' How did it overcome the near infinite gravity it would have had? They will say God does not exist but can't answer any of the same questions they ask people of faith. Occam's Razor cuts both ways, sometimes the simplest answer is wrong, and things are much more complex than you think.
Just a regular
working guy with a stiffy?
We don't need to know.
@@Folker46590 Well the opposite side of the question would be, If god does exist, where did he come from, who/what made him, what came before him.
Both sides are stuck on the same unanswerable questions.
Though I have heard explanations for where the big bang actually came from, Im not really satisfied with them. "Something From Nothing - a conversation w/ Richard Dawkins & Lawrence Krauss - ASU Feb 4, 2012"
IMO no one has the correct answer yet.
The physical universe doesn't start and stop, it cycles and repeats itself.
Are you making a statement? is this a "I know the answer" sounds to me like religion "God is real, I know that, nothing else to say"
Or maybe you had a poor choice of words?
@@animacuso100 The Big Bang theory needs a miracle to happen (everything just came into existence from something as small, or smaller, than an atom). God is the only answer.
When did the cycle start?
I agree
And its 84th one
We can't explain what we can see and can't understand what is beyond that. That's scary.
It seems to me that the idea of space having a start and finish point is completely insane.
We will never ever know how big the universe/space simply because it is infinite.
We as supposed rational thinking beings need to compartmentalise everything so that in our minds rational and understood. Space, is space and it is unrelentingly forever, no beginning, no end!
It's absolutely amazing and beautiful, just accept it for what it is and enjoy it instead of wasting time endlessly analysing it.
Good way to live also.
Nice. My theory is GOD is the universe and space.
If black holes are created when a dense star implodes on itself, couldn't the incredible amount of mass in the big bang therefore create the same conditions?
Furthermore, just by probability alone, the fact that so much mass exploded all at once, makes it so that black holes MUST have been created.
The only thing more vast than the universe is the depth of human arrogance.
And, Ignorance 😂🎉❤❤
Definitely. Couldn’t agree more.
You are spot on my friend. The arrogant bastards think the universe should act the way they expect it to and abide by our laws of physics. But the universe bitchslapps them every time
Oh. Relax.
So well said I had to acknowledge your sentiment.
Maybe the Big Bang is what happens after a black hole becomes so large that it engulfs entire galaxies up to a point where it pulls all the matter in the entire universe into itself and then boom…new big bang. Over and over.
It is logical, I don't know what they still can't get about it. As you need certain mass for stuff to become a star, to became a black hole, to become a planet, you need certain mass to became a big bang, that is all there is to it. I watch those people while shaking my head, this is the heliocentric problem all over again. Not that it matters much as we are yet to explore beyond our system.
The big bang is a "white hole".
Black holes get smaller not larger. They infact dissipate over time.
No, a big bang is what happens when you divide by 0, then pretend there’s an actual real world object represented by your equation. In reality there are no magical explosions that create something from nothing. This model is broken, non predictive and bares no resemblance to what we actually see when we look into space. It’s plasmoids at the center of galaxies, not black holes.
@@FlamingOasis Dissipate over time when there's nothing to feast on.
Nobody knows what happened and how long ago that will be a mystery forever
The way we’re going as humans, war, pollution, gain of function research playing around with deadly viruses, AI robots, etc., well wipe ourselves out before we figure out the universe
2:02 If the "observable universe" is 93 billion light years across, then the furthest reaches from Earth is half that (radius vs diameter), or 46.5 billion light years away.
But how is that possible in a universe that is allegedly less than 14 billion years old? How can we "see" something 46.5 billion light years away when the universe literally isn't old enough for light from there to reach us yet, thus making it impossible to observe?
Either that's a typo, or the universe is at least 46.5 billion years old, not 13.8 billion as commonly referenced. Astronomers and Physicists need to update or explain this inconsistency.
Well your forgetting that the universe is "expanding". Not just things are getting farther apart but the actual fabric of space itself is stretching.
So if you had an object who had a velocity moving away from you at 1mph but the space between was also stretching at a speed of 1mph, it would actually be moving at 2mph away from you.
Thats the argument. Inflation Theory
My question when it comes to that this is: If energy and matter cant be created, then what is creating all the excess energy that is stretching the fabric of the universe everywhere at all times. That would be an insane amount of energy.
It's the size of the "observable" universe. They admitted there is more beyond that it's just they can only see that far.
That light that's arriving here now left its origin 13 billion years ago. Since then the thing that the light came from has had 13 billion years to move further away from us in an ever expanding space and is now calculated to be 46.5 billion light years away from us.
How the Hell do you know what's from our Universe and what isn't?
They have no clue.
The big bang was just disproven beyond the shadow of any doubt. But they are still sticking to it. They are clueless and doubling down on it.
"...suggests that the universe is much more mysterious and complex than we presently comprehend..."
Now, there's a thought...
About 4 billion years ago the universe started to expand at a faster rate, this is thought to be because it began to feed from another universe nearby. It could also be reasonable to assume that one day our universe may become absorbed by a much, much larger one.
2:40, thats assuming the alien civilization exists, and is bound by the limit of observing light 46 billion light years in any given direction from its location.
Why is it worrying if it’s always been there? As if our opinion matters.
There is not "no way" these black holes could not exist or form. We have plenty of ideas about how this happens. Less sensationalizing would really help UA-cam science coverage, here and on other channels.
Everything is one thing and that's why it's called the universe. Nothing can't exist. There are as many dimensions as there need to be.
ChatGPT is calling Penrose's CCC theories interesting but speculative since light from beyond our observable universe cannot reach us.
Since when does ChatGPT knows something about science? It is only a stastical tool guessing what the next words could be.
So does that add credibility to the theories? ChatGPT will hallucinate and gaslight you. It is programmed to stay away from anything controversial.
It's mostly all speculation.
@@Badgerstatebut at least its educated speculation.
How do you know if you're looking back or into the future?
More simple answer. God.
They have no idea
3:40 The largest clumps of gas always forms a black hole first. Black holes are always 1 third the size of the galaxy its in. After the first black hole, the smaller clumps form stars and/or gas giants, then comes planets etc.
To say big bang suggests a rapid expansion, but I say it was a slow expansion getting faster as the years pass.
Only God knows for He made it with His Power...Get with the truth people, Jesus is coming soon...
not black holes but bubbles/foam in spacetime
Seems reasonable. I've always thought the universe is infinite
If time and space began with the 'Big Bang' then how did it happen if it had no time to happen in?
What about the time dilation that happens with mass and gravity? The early universe would have been so dense and heavy that a billion years today may have only been an hour then. The old massive galaxys formed when the laws of physics were being created. Different rules from a different time? Just a thought...
Time dilation would only a localized issue. It Can only occur when you have one region that is considerably denser than the normal. If the entire universe was around the same density it wouldnt be dilated as the entire universe would be generally running on the same clock.
Time isnt actually a set thing. It is just a way to describe Causality. Simply meaning things happen, and the measure of things happing is time.
We also can not be sure that all the fundamental constants were the same back in the early universe as they are now. It is probably highly unlikely they were. Considering how different things were back in the early universe.
I feel that the universe has a strong relationship with human consciousness.
Indeed. Realities upon realities
Crazy thing is we can only see what existed the further away the older it is. We actually have no clue what the universe looks like.
It makes sense that massive black holes would form immediately after the Big Bang. Truly massive amounts of matter could have been crunched from all different directions when the initial explosion happened, crushing that matter into several very massive concentrations of matter/gravity, massive black holes which would attract more massive amounts of matter to coalesce into stars/galaxies around them.
When you are quoting these numbers, may I ask what you use as a base number to come up with these billions of years. ? As I understand it, the universe has no beginning and no end, it’s a revolving sphere, so how do you translate this into time???
Whoaaa I was just reading the Bhagavad Gita and it mentioned that the Universe is billions of years old and goes through and infinite cycle of birth and death.
whitey is clueless.I am Indian btw
Except that the 'calculations' of Brahma's lifespan works out to 311 trillion 40 billion years...way way off.
Of course.
Any model that relies on a contradiction is not a fact and in fact it is a bad model and
thus a bad construct, facts are free from all contradiction, only fiction is associated
with contradiction.
In short this means Everything has always existed no if's and no but's.
The Universe AKA Everything is ageless, ageless because everything which is something
can only ever begot from something or something else and thus at any point it could
never have been begot from nothing no matter how far back or forward to the sequences
of events we scrutinise "The presence of an existence" AKA "Everything" or "The Universe"..
@@JACKnJESUSno, maybe that’s the point, time so long that for humans that timespan loses meaning
Yes in India they had a good grasp of numbers related to the size of the universe Etc and some pretty cool flying cars
From a purely religious perspective, the information is that our universe is finite, and that it'll slowly die out, dissipate like smoke, & the earth eventually shall 'die.' It is also given that before our universe, which is a 'temporary' one, another eternal universe exists outside our ability to interact with or perhaps sense directly.
Science in action, well done JWT ❤
If the age of the universe is known and the rate of expansion can be calculated from the beginning until now , then would that not mean that the universe is not infinite and it's size can be determined ?
But - if matter was more dense 13 billion years ago - why would it be impossible for supermassive black holes to form? Seems more likely then than now. (or not - but please explain if You know)
Because super condensed matter is unproven pseudoscience. CERN’s first experiment was to try to produce it. It failed. We have no coherent theory for how it can exist, we cannot make it or directly observe it, yet the entire standard model of gravity-centric space cannot function without it occurring naturally everywhere we look. You can claim an imploding star could do it, but you certainly came prove it, and infact you’d have to explain why we have now found at least a half dozen super nova stars that are still there and burning perfectly normally as if they’d never gone nova.
The answer to all this is that the solar wind is electric current and Dr. Don Scott has proven it. Because that’s true, there is no need for super condensed matter or any of the other mathematical fictions that have been piled onto this rolling tenement of a model. The PLASMOID that is actually at the center of galaxies is more than strong enough to do everything we see in space, and we know this because we can produce them in a laboratory and study how they work, and like all electric effects, they are infinitely scalable from the galactic to the subatomic. Space is electric. Anyone who tells you different is lying or wrong.
It's a good question. After all, with all that matter around, wouldn't we actually expect black holes to form? The simple answer is that our current model suggests that matter would have far too much energy to be bound into 'clumps'. In order to for the clumps to begin, the Universe needs to cool down.
At a certain point of cooling down, or expanding, tiny variations in the density of the Universe allow small clumps to form. These gradually grow by attracting more matter from the less dense areas. Eventually, we get to the point where stars form and, well, the rest, as they say, is history.
The key here is that our current model works pretty well and there is a lot of evidence to support it. That model will change, of course, as new information comes in, and we understand the picture better.
@@SolveEtCoagula93 That is a good explanation overall. Sadly that model doesnt take into effect the probability that the fundamental constants were different at the time.
There are also models that show that back then it was possible to directly create supermassive blackholes. They were able to grow so quickly they could bypass the star stage entirely.
It is still a very unclear area of science.
@@dralord1307 My aim was to show that, currently, we do have a good and fairly simple explanation that begins to address the question. Of course there are many more factors to consider and, as the evidence grows, we will change our models. Even so, as a first approximation, the current model works.
@@SolveEtCoagula93 Except that it doesnt actually work with what is/has been observed. It is a model designed to come to a specific answer. We simple dont have enough actual data to feed a model to be able to consider it working.
Amazing how people got ALLLLLLLLLLL these answers - BUT THEY DONT WANT TO INCLUDE GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fiction doesn't provide answers
@@wizekid666 "666" provides plenty answers for random GOD hate reply
@@wizekid666 devil worshipers provide less
Of Course the Big Band wasn't the beginning of the Universe. It was "just" a local event, like supernovas are at the stellar level. So what was it? We don't have a clue.... yet.
Our OBSERVABLE galaxy is 13 billion years old. Like the host said, our perspective of the universe is different than others in other places in the universe. Isn’t it possible the universe is so much older and so much bigger than we currently theorize.
Reminds me of Dr. Hubble discovery 100 years ago that the 'Milky Way' was not the entire universe, but just one of 100 billion galaxies. Now we learn our universe in one of countless universes. History repeats itself...😊
In 1915 with general relativity the universe was thought to be only The Milky Way. Scientists were off by a factor of at least 200 billion galaxies. We’ve learned a lot in 100 years. The universe is so big, it killed God. Let’s keep going.
That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard
Long story short, astrophysicists have been guessing all along and actually know next to nothing about the origins of the universe
And that means there was no big bang in first place
We probably will never know
I wonder if Penrose ever read “Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 8, Verse 18” - about the repeating creation & dissolution of universes… Hindu philosophy had terms for vast timescales that Western science only began recognising very recently.
The more we learn the less we seem to know. How human understanding is humbled with new information.
Ever heard of Sakharov and Petits Janus bimetric model?
Modern science is based on the principle “give us one free miracle and we’ll explain the rest.” The one free miracle is the appearance of all the mass and energy in the universe and all the laws that govern it in a single instant from nothing. Terrence McKenna
I am not saying it’s aliens…but it’s aliens! 👽 😂
The 'Big Bang' has never jelled with me. I've always felt that there was something in existence beforehand. If you can picture a firework fired into the air which bursts randomly, other parts of that firework are also bursting & spreading the sparkles among each other, that's the picture in mind I get as to why, according to this latest thought, parts of another universe have intruded into our universe. Therefore, there may have been several 'bangs' each created in their turn after the recession & compression of previously ancient universes in a cyclical manner on an incomprehensible time scale. 🤷♂
I think you are correct with the idea of successive big bang universes being created, spread out to near nothingness and then re-contracting into an infinitely small space before Big Banging again.
I’m right, I knew it was no big-bang but all time we know is a small sheet in expanding size and the static-bang was when our sheet of time gained too much static and grew to close to the last sheet of time so we touched and mixed things up a bit until calm, again we will gain grow and touch with spark again.
Just a thought experiment. What if the thing that exploded creating the BB was an infinitely dense object that spun infinitely fast and had a spectacularly large Accretion disk? Some areas of that accretion disk would be far enough away from the object that parts of it could cool and create denser regions. These denser regions would be proto stars, BH's and galaxies. Then when the BB happened those denser regions would be the first to start drawing material to them creating what the James Webb is seeing today.
These discoveries are sort of confirming my recent thinking about the grand scale of things:
1. If there really is no beginning, then time itself is an illusion. It's helpful for us to think of the past and the future and to measure it because we are finite beings, but these measurements are arbitrary and not relevant on the scale of the broad and infinite cosmos.
2. Fundamentally, all that ever happens to matter is it constantly changes its state and its position. That's it. It's always in flux.
Amazing how the mindless universe came up with information and then proceeded to meticulously arrange it into a s code and then provided that code with repair mechanisms in case it started to malfunction. Gee! If I didn't knows better, I would be strongly tempted to think that the universe is actually a conscious and super intelligent being.
Yea it does seem that way but seems highly unlikley given the amount of time that would create the exact specific set of circumstances that caused all of the universe up to how it is now. Shouldn't the universe be much older than 14 billion years for it to be possible?
Show me a “code” that ISN’T designed.
Some think the idea of Morphic Resonance may be at play, much along the lines you are proposing.
Creator and Creation could be one and the same (let's not entangle that statement with human history and our notions of religion).
I wonder (of course I can't know or prove it) if the Universe has always looked like it is 13.8 billion years old, and will look the same age in another 10 billion years time.
From one theoretical physicist to another:-" Well, if this is crap what else is crap".
Or to quote Oliver Hardy:- "That's another fine mess you've gotten me into".
How long was the Big Bang, seconds, minuts, hours...?
Its stil happening
Spining in a roynd circle seems to be a constant in the Universe....
Personally i think it is a massive black hole .If it is a vachum dose it not need some sort of wall to contain a balloon needs one to hold the air inside of it.
It’s a load of rocks on fire and spinning around with no purpose- a bit like us. It’s no mystery at all.
One of the pictures in this video looks like a bunch of cells.
The big bang idea is not actually complete something more beyond our understanding might Have happened before the Big Bang and can't understand it
Uhm nope. Technically at least. Since before the big bang time didnt exist. So TECHNICALLY nothing could happen before it. That doesnt mean effects from a previous universe wouldnt influence it.
Its a bit mind bending lol
Thank you for confirming the truth!!
100 years time we be saying something completely different coz we don’t have a clue ..the fact we Still don’t know everything about planet earth …
The funniest thing is reading the comments from people who have literally no education in physics, yet believe they hold a valid opinion. It’s both amusing and sad in equal measure.
Primordial black hole is my new name for our prog rock band.
Gods word says in the end times he shall show us wonderful things in the stars and other things and our knowledge will increase , these things are just as his word declares , what you have found is his word is truth and the sooner science gets on board the more our knowledge will increase👍🏼
“Dark energy… matters! So does consciousness! (from The Bad Luck Tree, Chapter 12). Our universe (our Big Bang) resulted from an ‘overload’ of a super-super massive black hole in an already existing universe… We are seeing our universe ‘next to’ the previous universe(s).
04:20 “Low mass super massive black hole”. Isn’t that a nonsense?
A mirror universe running running backward in time? Does that mean that what has happened and is happening in our universe is in reverse in our mirror universe? That would be like watching a movie from finish to start. That can't be.
Exactly it cant be, thats why it is bs. Causality can only happen in 1 direction. Otherwise time travel would be possible but it isnt.
What is, shall be. What has been done, will be done. There is nothing new under the sun.
Not a mirror universe running "back" in time, but an anti-matter universe running forward in the opposite direction. . Perhaps, eventually the energies from both universes would peter out, and the energy pushing everything outward would eventually be replaced by the then weak attractive forces of the widely distributed mass. After much darkness, the attracted mass would coalesce at ever increasing speeds to eventually crush into a single point and explode outward, AGAIN, creating a new universe, antimatter streaming outward in one "direction/universe", and positive matter streaming in the "opposite" direction/universe. Just some thoughts with zero evidence behind them.
I used to have an Escher picture book. He's AMAZING 🤩
The “observable universe” is not the ENTIRE universe……
./. no, they have better to understand "time" and not the galaxies, or they will never understand. Black holes are a-temporal density that makes it possible, that "in the beginning", things developed much faster, almost contemporarily, that's why we see them
scientists came up with different theories before James Webb telescope was deployed. We are going to expect something even more interesting such as parallel universe or many versions of universe.
If thats the case, what tells you we ain't living inside of one already, and we haven't notixe....?
hmm so if those giant black holes existed pretty much at the beginning ........ Where are they now ? did they stop existing ? are they outside of our observable Universe ? What happen to them ?
They seem to still be there which is why this whole subject of black hole galaxies existing 250 million years after the big bang got the scientists wound up in the first place.
The universe breath is infinite 😊
What I don't get is the relentless need to know a vast amount of places in our observable universe that I all reality of everything they say is possible is just a speculation that they can never prove yet the need to find this is just to what need is this such a purpose they can say a million different theory's but
Eventually we'll see the back of our heads and then we'll know we are not a client.
could the "big bang" have been linear? Or in all directions, not just in our visible direction?
Don't know why BUT, the notion of the universe having a weight limit i.e a Black hole & hence busting through the fabric of space-time seems... comical if not completely absurd to me.
Y'all know the way we "measure" the mass of a black hole is akin to lining up two fat people & guessing the larger one's weigh based on an approximation of the smaller one's weigh. Thus if the smaller one could run a 40 in 35 seconds, betting for the larger one will start at a minute plus.
Either way, the science of guessing is still considered a science because the scientist said so.
Wow! Exactly, as predicted
Something I cant fathom is if the Big Bang happened everywhere at once how can it be that it all came from a singularity? That singularity would have had to be enormous. Is there an explanation or conjecture?
Well the answer is in the word: Singularity. A Single point in space.
Dont try to think of it so much as all the matter crammed into 1 place. Instead think of more like a firecracker. It is a single point. Infinitely small, but yet when it explodes the boom is big.
Matter has a limit to how much it can compress, but energy doesnt, "in theory" and a Singularity is more of a math idea, than an actual physical thing. That is why it can be very hard to understand when you first come across this concept.
You know, the bible says God created the earth in six days and a lot of people believe that, but I’m not really religious and I tend to take a more scientific approach. There’s only one problem, science wants me to believe there was nothing and that “nothing” went bang and created the universe. I think the religious belief makes more sense.
Mathematicians that can't explain what is happening in the observable universe are scrambling to explain EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE with a couple of minor assumptions.
IF Universe is infinite we all get to do this again.🕛
So if observers in one of the red monsters looked in the direction our galaxy was 13 billion years ago they wouldn't see anything, even with a JWST of their own, or at least they would see the Milky Way in its infancy? Or would they see us as a red monster?
We are insignificant against the POWER OF THE FORCE .. 💥
And we'll never know.
Fred Hoyle laughing in the background.
If the Universe is infinite, where is the center? Any answers?
Everywhere, and no where. Depends where you are looking from.
"Serious Answer" It doesnt. Things within the universe have their Gravitational Center, but there would be nothing at origin point of the big bang "if it actually had one, which it probably didnt" that you would be able to point to and call a center.
Think of it like popping a balloon in the air. Sure the balloon exploded, but it doesnt have a center you can ever find.
If the universe is infinite, then every single point within it is the center from the point of view of the perceiver.
Or: center, beginning, end, are all ultimately nonsensical concepts within infinity. All of these are linear concepts. They simply don't apply to infinity. Linearity is an illusion the human mind imposes on its own perceptions, because it is incapable of encompassing, let alone comprehending, infinity.
Humans are too in love with beginnings and ends
Using first principle's, we can assume we know nothing.
The Universe and the Big Bang are like the chicken and the egg. Who came first ???.
Time is not linear, and, if time runs more slowly in a gravitational well, then it stands to reason that the so-called 700 million years it took to create that ancient galaxy is way more than that in its own reference frame. Space-time cannot be separated, so if the Universe was dense at the beginning, then surely time was running much more slowly as a result.
I disagree. Time would run much faster.
@@chriswatts6629 Wikipedia: "..according to Einstein's theory of general relativity, time does slow down in a gravitational well, meaning that the stronger the gravitational pull, the slower time passes; this phenomenon is called "gravitational time dilation" where time is perceived to flow slower in regions with stronger gravity."
I rest my case.
Uhm actually you are wrong. Time is Linear! It can only travel in 1 direction. BUT it is not constant. Time is simply a way to describe Causality. It can have different rates at different locations. That is well know. But it can never happen in reverse.
"I think you just got the word Linear messed up there"
@@chriswatts6629 Time dilation occurs when you have high amounts of matter creating large amounts of gravity. Or traveling at near light speed.
So in those cases yes time would be slower. It is well proven. BUT We can not prove that the fundamental constants were the same then as now. So it could have been possible for Causality to be either Faster or Slower back then.
Or perhaps we know less about cosmology than we think...plasma physics explains much that cosmology has not considered yet.