Bp. Richard Williamson SSPX

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • Confirmation Sermon
    April 16, 2008
    St. Thomas Becket Catholic Church
    Veneta, Oregon - USA


  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  15 років тому +10

    Yes, Bp. Williamson is a wonderful Bishop.

  • @jlandles
    @jlandles 15 років тому +24

    Why are SSPX sermons so much more meaningful, relevant and "meaty" than the supposedly "relevant" N.O. sermons which are almost always on the topic of social engineering?

  • @myndhelp
    @myndhelp 16 років тому +6

    God bless this man of God, he is a great bishop, I should know, I was a seminarian at the St. Thomas Aquinas Seminary when he was rector back in 1990, we should all be so lucky as to have had him as a teacher as I did.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  16 років тому +7

    Saint Paul also said: "For there it will come a time when they will not endure sound doctrine: but, according to their own desires, they will heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears." "Preach the word: be instant in season, out of season: reprove, entreat, 'rebuke in all patience and doctrine." Truth is eternal and cannot compromise with evil.

  • @mexicanendric
    @mexicanendric 16 років тому +3

    Long Live Christ the King
    God Bless to our Bishops of the SSPX

  • @dymphna17
    @dymphna17 16 років тому

    Thank you God for faithful Bishops such as Bishop Williamson. What a true Shepard he is. He and the other SSPX Bishops and priests continue to build our ark. Will we be smart enough to get and stay on board? With almighty God's help, I hope and pray so.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  15 років тому +5

    Acts 8:27-40, the eunuch was trying to read Isaiah when Philip asked him, "Do you understand what you are reading?" But he said, "Why, how can I, unless someone shows me?"
    Since Philip had been filled by the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:4, he was able to explain the truth of Isaiah to the eunuch.
    Make sure those teaching you are filled with the Holy Ghost.

  • @Cheesy-t1h
    @Cheesy-t1h 11 років тому +8

    The mad things is if there was another huge Noah-esk flood, the Ark would be full of evil bankers, as they are the only ones who could afford an ark.
    This guy is awesome btw thx

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  12 років тому +3

    The gym brings in young people from our local community to play basketball and other sports. The gym is used for many community and Church activities. These people would otherwise never set foot on Catholic property. Yes, even poor people. These people don’t necessarily join the Catholic Church but it helps lessen any prejudice that they may have against us by seeing our good sportsmanship and seeing that we are good people and neighbors.
    I would have a biscuit any day with Bp. Williamson…

  • @ghebalouhacene7422
    @ghebalouhacene7422 8 років тому +1

    With my loyal support valorous Bishop Richard Williamson...

  • @grad1990
    @grad1990 15 років тому +2

    He's the best Bishop ever! Can you imagine him as Pope he would be the best ever.

  • @Eskadron22
    @Eskadron22 15 років тому +2

    This man is a true hero of the Church.

  • @abjectio
    @abjectio 16 років тому +5

    Bravo! Wonderful! Thank God for Archbishop Lefebvre & the SSPX!

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  16 років тому +1

    The Society of St. Pius X is an international priestly society of common life without vows, whose purpose is the priesthood and that which pertains to it. Its founder, Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre, patterned the SSPX after the religious societies of foreign missions.
    It was founded to save the Traditional Catholic priesthood and Sacraments because of the modernist Second Vatican Council II of 1962-1965.

  • @FolkMusicFanatic
    @FolkMusicFanatic 14 років тому

    Bishop Williamson is very insightful. Thanks for this good sermon.

  • @GottmitunsAlex
    @GottmitunsAlex 14 років тому +1

    Awesome. We need more bishops like him. God bless him.
    He is armed with the truth.
    Dominus vobiscum

  • @morrink
    @morrink 15 років тому +1

    I was confirmed by Bishop Williamson this summer, and that makes me proud. He is like a political incorrect Ivanhoe or Lionheart.
    God bless the Bishop a noble knight.

  • @Achimenchtung
    @Achimenchtung 15 років тому +1

    Wunderbar!!! Dieser Bischof ist unglaublich wahr. Was er sagt, ist die entgültige Wahrheit.....
    Pfirt eich Gôtt!!!

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  12 років тому +6

    We are not anti-Semitic, we are pro-Christ...

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  13 років тому

    I don’t TELL God anything, however I do pray and beg Him a lot. God speaks through His Sacraments through His Church. He also gave authority to His Church. And that’s a fact.

  • @055697
    @055697 14 років тому

    God bless Bishop Williamson, and long live traditionalism. We have many enemies now.

  • @rose103988
    @rose103988 14 років тому

    I just wanna say... He says the true... Everything that he says makes me remember all my life and all the moments that I have had many mistakes... and how the world in moving and moving to the wrong way... the only thing that we have nowadays is the "faith".... we just have to keep going with our faith to God and our Mother Mary .... Mexico Siempre Fiel!!! FSSPX

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  15 років тому +1

    I don't know, but I do know that many traditional Catholics do not have any televisions at all...

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  11 років тому +6

    Anti-Catholic bigots have called Bp. Williamson every vile name in their book: "incorrigible holocaust-denier," "staunch anti-Semite," etc. These epithets, which are in fact false in his case, were mouthed by President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany, where free speech is abridged today, just as it was under the Nazis. It is clear that these radical activists will accept nothing but 100% submission to their viewpoint, just like the radical activists who advocate abortion and sodomy.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  15 років тому +3

    Your remarks imply that the SSPX left the Church? The SSPX has gone nowhere; they have always been in the Church and are in perfect communion with the Catholic Faith. It is the Novus Ordo that is not in perfect union with the Church and Faith that Jesus founded.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  15 років тому +1

    Yes, we have added a very nice gym to our K-12 school. It's about fifty yards from the Church.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  14 років тому

    In our belief system (our Church) we believe in the truth, which is Jesus Christ who is the truth, the way and the life.

  • @BroMikeey
    @BroMikeey 16 років тому

    just to let you know, Cof E is Church of England, but as St Paul says, "We are all one in Christ Jesus".

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  15 років тому +1

    The Church herself also approves Archbishop Mahoney.
    Im afraid that the modern Church does not explain its position in a clear way. Rather, attempts to make a kind of Hegelian synthesis to please both creationists and evolutionists. I am afraid that the Church does not please anyone. However, you are correct, the Church is not against science.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  12 років тому +1

    Hey! Thanks for the tip, we never thought of that. We’ll tear down the gym right away…

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  14 років тому +1

    Bp. Williamson has not denied the Holocaust he has questions about it.
    If someone had questions about the number of people murdered on 9/11/07 should negative comments be made about him or her?

  • @ixtoc999
    @ixtoc999 16 років тому +1

    May the Holy Spirit guides you in your life!

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  13 років тому

    Fact or truth is that which corresponds between the mind and reality, and a truth or fact that has any real value is self-learned. It is a fact that Jesus the Christ was a historical figure that walked around on the earth, and I have faith in the things that He said.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  12 років тому +3

    The Traditional Catholic Latin Mass after the priest reads the Epistle, the Altar Boy takes Book from the Epistle Side of the Altar and moves it to the Gospel side of the Altar. This signifies the end of the Old Covenant, i.e., Jews are no longer the chosen people, and the beginning of the New and Everlasting Covenant of Jesus Christ with Catholics as the new Chosen people. That is why Jews, Protestants and Roman Novus Ordos hate the Traditional Mass; It’s not politically correct.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  16 років тому +1

    I'm not sure of what you mean by, get and stay on board. The ark today is, Catholic Tradition. The good bishop is On-board and I don't see him going anywhere. Where
    could he possible go if he left Tradition?

  • @clamanus
    @clamanus 15 років тому

    I think evolution as more beatiful and elegant as example of God's action then simply theory of creation in six days. Don't you see it? DOn't you see that evolution shows us God's waise and beauty?

  • @axenrot
    @axenrot 15 років тому

    Long Live BP.Williamson

  • @pcampbell17
    @pcampbell17 13 років тому

    I love this man

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  13 років тому +1

    I agree with you, and the Bishop speaking in this video would agree with you. However remember that the problem of pedophilla is 1.7 percent in the Catholic Church, and 10.0 percent in the Protestant church.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  12 років тому +2

    With the coming of Jesus the Christ the Jews are no longer the chosen people. Jews should have been the first to recognize Christ as the Promised Messiah; instead the Jews hated Christ, plotted against Him, and finally killed Him. No, the Jews are not any longer the Chosen people. “May His blood be upon us and our descendants.” Those Jews who have accepted Christ are not guilty of deicide.

  • @BroMikeey
    @BroMikeey 15 років тому

    Why on earth people will not leave him alone, i've no idea. As long os our loving father forgives him- the scriptures teach forgiveness.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  14 років тому +2

    Actually he said, I believe One can find the video on youtube.
    If the numbers of those murdered by the Nazis can be backed-up by FACTS, why is it a crime in Germany and some other European countries to even ask the question? If I were a Jew or a German I would want that Holocaust crime investigated very extensively. To make it a crime to even ask questions makes it look as though there is something to hide and casts doubt eh? There must be big money involved

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  12 років тому +3

    It’s a matter of public record that Rome with Vatican II Council broke away from the Catholic Faith. It is also a matter of public record that Traditionalists and the SSPX has fought and is fighting for Eternal Rome, the faith of our fathers. Traditionalists have invented nothing new. Traditionalists honor the First Commandment. Does the Novus Ordo honor the First Commandment?

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  15 років тому +1

    No need to worry about Bp. Williamson, however I think he could use your prayers...

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  13 років тому

    First cause and faith.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  11 років тому +3

    I think you are living proof that if one tells a lie often enough people will believe it. Therefore, gather some proof or keep your mouth shut before you post again. If you think it is well documented, prove the Bishop to be wrong. Do your own research...

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  13 років тому +2

    However, we are not against the Jews because they are Jews. We are against those Jews that are against Christ, and have been since the very beginning.
    Remember - may His blood be upon us and our descendants…

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  12 років тому +2

    Your words sound as though a Moslem is trying to tell a Traditional Catholic how to think about his own religion, or a Novus Ordo Sect trying to tell a Catholic that has worshiped as his forefathers did that he is all wrong. You forget to mention that Archbishop Lefebvre also said that Fr. Ratzinger was not Catholic. The Novus Ordo sect has lost the four marks of the Church. The Church continues-on with the Traditionalists.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  12 років тому +1

    To all the Catholic faithful; please don’t follow either one of these bishops. If you must follow a bishop, follow the good Archbishop Lefebvre who left us a wonderful example of Catholic life. Follow the Traditional Catholic Faith of Eternal Rome of over 2,000 years. If you do that, you’ll know which bishop to listen to. However, if you want to join with modern Rome, please do so immediately and leave us in peace. Just go, goodbye, peace be with you…

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  12 років тому +1

    We didn’t go anywhere; we believe and practice our faith as always. It is ‘you’ who have changed. It is the post VII popes that want to take away power from the Papacy.
    They want to establish a reign of the prostitute of Babylon upon the faithful, letting the clergy march under that banner in the belief always that they march under the banner of the Apostolic Keys. If you want proof, simply read…

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  13 років тому

    Really makes one think?
    If you really think about it, more lives and more souls would be saved if the world would follow the Doctrine of the Church.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  15 років тому +1

    However, we need to pray for the Pope.

  • @fatima01917
    @fatima01917 12 років тому

    To Rocky: Bishop Fellay caused great concern throughout the SSPX and faithful when he gave the impresssion he was ready to make a deal with modernist Rome. Although he didn't do so (yet), trust was lost, and the 3 bishops and priests who rightly spoke up against any deal were made to look like black sheep and that was also wrong!

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  15 років тому

    Archbishop Lefebvre really believed that he was acting out of necessity. If he was indeed correct in his belief that it was really necessary to consecrate the bishops, then he would not be subject to any penalty whatever (can. 1324.4). If he was in error and even if he was culpably in error in believing that it was necessary to consecrate bishops without a mandate from the Pope, then he still would not incur any automatic (latae sententice) penalty (can. 1324.3).

  • @lxnvcts
    @lxnvcts 14 років тому

    My words were adressed to acoustiMatt.

  • @BroMikeey
    @BroMikeey 16 років тому

    hi, excuse me for asking, but could you get some more masses with Mons. Williamson, Tissier, Galleretta or Fellay? Although im Cof E, i find their sermons interesting. Bendicite

  • @dymphna17
    @dymphna17 16 років тому

    If you read my comment again you might notice that I said, "Will WE (meaning Catholic faithful, not His Excellency) be smart enough to get and stay on board. Sorry for any confusion.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  13 років тому +1

    You know that history better than I do, however we still don't hate the Jews and Islamics because of who they are. We fight against those who are against Christ. Most, but not all of them are against Christ. I expect to be doing battle one way or another all our lives. Like Christ said, there will be wars and rumors of war until the end of time...

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  15 років тому

    Yes he is.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  16 років тому

    Yes, whenever I get a chance I'll do it. However, we live on opposite sides of the planet.
    What is C of E?

  • @jacobtravis4482
    @jacobtravis4482 12 років тому

    all that could be done at a lesser cost? The church its self (physically) could surely bring everyone together as a church family, remembering that we are all here for Christ and his presence. You could lessen prejudice by getting out there and helping the people who need your help, giving them support and guidance and spreading the word of the gospel as Jesus commanded us to do. Catholic grounds is for the work of GOD and his holy Church.
    Or two? haha

  • @clamanus
    @clamanus 15 років тому

    There is a lot of quote from Church Fathers (Justinian, AUgustin and his commentar to Genesis and Thomas de Aquin) who didn't see anything unmoral in interpreting Genesis as a alegory of God's allmatighy and power and love. God is the creator of world, universe not necessary as direct reason of all things (principium directum) but first reason (principium categoriale) and all is only consequences this first created act on the beginnig.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  11 років тому +2

    Using the Bishop’s own words, prove to and all of us why you call the Bishop a holocaust denier? The Bishop does not agree with the method or the number of Jews murdered; even the Jews themselves don’t agree. Where is your evidence? Don’t you own the Bishop an apology? Again, use the Bishop's own words...

  • @bniagara
    @bniagara 12 років тому

    If a jew believes Jesus is the Messiah, then he is not a jew.

  • @IgnacioAgramonte
    @IgnacioAgramonte 12 років тому


  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  12 років тому +2

    Yes, the Zionist Jews are responsible for Rome’s new orientation away from Christ, however the SSPX is not anti-Semitic they are pro-Christ. They don’t hate Jews just because they are Jews. Moreover along with your thinking, the Zionist Jews probably have more influence over the Church than the Pope or the Curia. I'm agreeing with you, but the SSPX is not anti-Semitic.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  15 років тому

    Not true. Give the man a chance he is a good man. He said that he was not lying, and was giving the facts as he studied them in the 80's. However, he would study them again and if he were wrong in his first statements, he would apologize. Would you have him apologize before hand just to give-in to pressure groups regardless of the truth? He is a man of honor and would not do so. I caution you and others to pay close attention to what he has to say about this subject in the weeks or months ahead.

  • @RockNow91
    @RockNow91 16 років тому

    What is SSPX?

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  11 років тому +3

    Here is the deal. Bp. Williamson defends Catholicism, and you don’t. You make nonsense statements or quotes that mean little or nothing trying to demean Bp. Williamson or myself. Go play on the Novus Ordo sites where you will be more in-line with modernist progressive thinking. Scat madman…

  • @danboland5305
    @danboland5305 11 років тому


  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  13 років тому

    A picture is worth a thousand words. Perhaps ‘you’ should get some video to prove what you say is true, and put it on youtube for all to see…

  • @sue200012
    @sue200012 13 років тому

    @ASKaPHYSICIST They're fine with me. There was faith in God and fear of God during the dark ages after the decadence of the Roman Empire.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  12 років тому

    Yeah, right.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  15 років тому

    He wouldn't say that.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  12 років тому

    Yes, Cardinal Richard Cushing had distaste for anything theological and even boasted before his death that he had never made a convert in his life. He resented the controversy about Fr. Feeney and the doctrine of Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus (Outside of the Catholic Church there is no salvation).

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  12 років тому +2

    PS: We can afford a gym as we don't have to pay off for pedophile priests and bishops that hid them.

  • @Glennishking
    @Glennishking 13 років тому

    Did he actually rail against boys wearing jeans and T-shirts or am I imagining things? I think he actually did. He didn't explain what he thinks is wrong with boys wearing jeans and T-shirts, though. How could he, though? What on earth could possibly be wrong with boys wearing jeans and T-shirts??? At home, no less; not even in church!
    What is he talking about? After listening to this entire sermon, I have no idea what this bishop's point is. Bizarre.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  13 років тому +1

    Okay, but we still don’t hate Jews just because they are Jews, to do so would be anti-Semitic and a sin. We are pro-Christ, and yes we Christians and Americans need to man-up about the reality of the Jews and the Islamics. As a race, the Jews did not accept Christ. With the coming of Christ the Jews are no longer the chosen people.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  15 років тому

    But not just Catholicsim. Look into true Catholicism, Traditional Catholicism with the True Mass and theology.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  13 років тому +1

    If I were trying to sell you a car, I’d tell you to check with CARFAX on the DMV web site. If I were telling you about Jesus Christ and His Church, I’d tell you to check with His Church and its Bible. The Catholic Church cannot preach anything else but the True Faith. How could it preach that it is okay to believe anything else but the truth? Religious freedom is for modernists and liberals that want to do their own thing. Jesus called many people hypocrites several times.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  15 років тому

    He is an Englishman.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  12 років тому

    Humm… How about the Irish?

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  15 років тому

    Yes, he is an absolutely wonderful bishop and not at all like the anti-Catholic liberal press is making him out to be.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  13 років тому

    There is still a remnant left.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  13 років тому

    I'd say that: maybe you’re just bored or want to prove how smart you are. Maybe you’re on a quest for God and are trying to get me to prove to you that God exists; else why would you be on this web site? I would tell you that some work is required on your part, to have the faith of a little child. Keep your money; it won’t cost you a dime…

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  16 років тому

    St. Paul did not belong to the church of England; he belonged to the Universal Church, the Catholic Church. Since Vatican II the Catholic Church has been demoted to a distorted social-justice church working for brotherhood beyond and bigger than the Catholic Church which will lead us to Communism. You will end-up working for mankind rather than for God and His Church, the Universal Church, the Catholic Church. Better read the First Commandment again, and find a good Traditional Catholic Church.

  • @jacobtravis4482
    @jacobtravis4482 12 років тому

    Gym! I'm a Traditional Catholic and money that you spent on a gym could be helped to maybe get the church more members by advertising the church, or even better the poor of the communities! i thinks its terrible that you spend the churches money on things for your own use, very selfish! I think Bishop Williamson has some sense worthy points but that just takes the biscuit!

  • @pookerville
    @pookerville 12 років тому

    Ladies and gentlemen, many Jews believe that Jesus is the Messiah and accept him; they are still the Chosen Race! Many Gentiles don't believe in him. I certainly do! No wonder the SSPX is very Anti-Semitic!

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  14 років тому

    Ah, the thought police. How about if someone has a guilty look on his/her face?

    @ASKaPHYSICIST 13 років тому

    @traditiobill So you're saying that Jesus did indeed want the church to be able to control what people are allowed to believe and to punish those who think differently, actively restricting their freedom. Well, I guess someone who appears to be as certain as you in his opinion must have done his research ... and little me, thinking that "the truth will set you free" - John 8:32
    (btw, I was being sarcastic, I think you have no idea what you are talking about)

    @ASKaPHYSICIST 13 років тому

    @Oblationem i see ... would you mind giving me your definition of the words 'fact' and 'faith'?
    Also, the first cause argument is an argument for a God, not necessarily the God you believe in.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  16 років тому

    Okay, sorry.

  • @HerBos
    @HerBos 12 років тому

    Choosen people? :D There are no choosen people, only victorious people.

    @ASKaPHYSICIST 13 років тому

    @Oblationem I can't recall Jesus trying to ban people's religious freedom.
    Anyways, you said earlier that your 'faith' made one of your statements 'fact'. Now you're saying that valuable facts have to be self learned. This all seems a little hazy.
    Imagine I was trying to sell you a car and I simply said "This is the best car and that's a fact and I know that through faith." you wouldn't buy it would you. So why would anyone listen to you?

    @ASKaPHYSICIST 13 років тому

    @Oblationem how do you know that's a fact?

    @ASKaPHYSICIST 13 років тому

    "If a man has a fundamental right to act on his personal religious beliefs, indifferentism soon takes root and the missionary spirit is killed" - excerpt from an SSPX pamphlet
    In other words, your religious views stand in direct conflict with the human rights act. That's right, you reject a document that protects the lives and freedom of people everywhere because it is in conflict with your dogma.
    Really makes one think.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  13 років тому

    Okay, but we still don’t hate Jews just because they are Jews, to do so would be anti-Semitic and a sin. We are pro-Christ, and yes we Christians and Americans need to man-up about the reality of the Jews and the Islamics. As a race, the Jews did not accept Christ. With the coming of Christ the Jews are no longer the chosen people.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  13 років тому

    Okay, but we still don’t hate Jews just because they are Jews, to do so would be anti-Semitic and a sin. We are pro-Christ, and yes we Christians and Americans need to man-up about the reality of the Jews and the Islamics. As a race, the Jews did not accept Christ. With the coming of Christ the Jews are no longer the chosen people.

  • @Oblationem
    @Oblationem  13 років тому

    Okay, but we still don’t hate Jews just because they are Jews, to do so would be anti-Semitic and a sin. We are pro-Christ, and yes we Christians and Americans need to man-up about the reality of the Jews and the Islamics. As a race, the Jews did not accept Christ. With the coming of Christ the Jews are no longer the chosen people.