I actually really love how rhis tank behaves, it has, average, mobility, the furk tanks on the side really absorb shots, the round is amazing, that turret srmour combined with the gun depression, it just fits perfectly at this br. I don't think it's overpowered, it's just an average tank but it just fits perfectly, i hope they don't change it and instead, add more tanks at 9.7
I actually really love how rhis tank behaves, it has, average, mobility, the furk tanks on the side really absorb shots, the round is amazing, that turret srmour combined with the gun depression, it just fits perfectly at this br.
I don't think it's overpowered, it's just an average tank but it just fits perfectly, i hope they don't change it and instead, add more tanks at 9.7
This is incredibly busted at 9.7!