【セットリスト Setlist】1/3 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 1:08:32 ~ 1:13:04 (01🤧)ロマンスの神様/広瀬香美 (Romance no Kamisama/Kohmi Hirose) 1:17:12 ~ 1:21:39 (02🤧)大阪LOVER/DREAMS COME TRUE (Osaka Lover/DREAMS COME TRUE) 1:25:15 ~ 1:29:15 (03🤧)RPG/School Food Punishment 1:31:31 ~ 1:35:32 (04🤧)純潔パラドックス/水樹奈々 (Jyunketsu paradox/Nana Mizuki) 1:56:13 ~ 2:00:19 (05🤧)unravel/TK from 凛として時雨 (unravel/TK from Rintoshiteshigure) 2:02:26 ~ 2:06:41 (06🤧)嵐の中で輝いて/米倉千尋 (Arashi no Nakade Kagayaite/Chihiro Yonekura) 2:07:53 ~ 2:11:53 (07🤧)Butterfly Kiss/米倉千尋 (Butterfly kiss/Chihiro Yonekura) 2:17:35 ~ 2:21:54 (08🤧)Give a reason/林原めぐみ (Give a reason/Megumi Hayashibara) 2:25:19 ~ 2:29:48 (09🤧)Silly/家入レオ (Silly/Leo Ieiri) 2:32:54 ~ 2:35:50 (10🤧)フライデー・ナイト/なとり (Friday Night/Natori) 3:35:09 ~ 3:40:38 (11🤧)rain stops.good‐bye/No title 3:42:09 ~ 3:45:56 (12🤧)ソワレ/星街すいせい (Soiree/Hoshimachi Suisei) 3:47:17 ~ 3:50:02 (13🤧)ビビデバ/星街すいせい (Vivideva/Hoshimachi Suisei) 4:05:57 ~ 4:11:20 (14🤧)THE OVER/UVERworld ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 【タイムスタンプ Timestamp】 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー 0:02 配信START 2:07 声入り&OPとーく(With voice&Opening Talk) 5:34 ~ 15:21 イカゲームのお話 (Squid Game Story) 16:47 ~ 19:00 1/2の配信アーカイブ (The archive for January 2nd was AI blocked) 20:54 ~ 30:09 「MUZU洋服を久しぶりに買う」 (MUZU is a story about buying clothes for the first time in a while) 33:18 指スケボー (Finger board) 34:41 ~ 52:04 ウィンタースポーツ (MUZU Sports Experience) 58:28 ~ 1:04:26 商談をする場所 (MUZU once held a business meeting at a coin laundry) 1:04:35 連続配信記録更新中 (C Continuous stream record is being updated) 1:40:09 ~ 1:54:19 お水問題 (MUZU considers multi-purpose water servers) 2:11:58 歌終わりの唐突な報告 (Spilling coffee during streamLIVE) 2:39:50 ~ 2:47:25 「部活無くなるんだって」 (In Japan, there are club activities during school life, but some areas are abolished) 2:47:32 部活動の部費と指定ユニフォーム (In Japan, there is a club fee system for club activities. There are also designated uniforms for each club.) 2:57:32 「あえてのみんなにツッコませる高等テクニックだから」 → 2:55:55 道着 (Misreading the kanji for MUZU) 2:59:13 ~ 3:04:20 柔道の授業トーク (In Japan, some schools offer judo classes and require students to purchase judo uniforms.) 3:08:27 ポップガードとは? (MUZU explains the effectiveness of pop filters) 3:15:43 宝くじの話 (MUZU bought a lottery ticket and thought he won, but it was last year's lottery ticket.) 3:18:07 MUZUの計算 (MUZU is a calculator) 3:20:47 ↑「あえてのね。テクニック」 (MUZU is not good at decimal calculations) 3:22:35 「MUZUの主観:距離を定規で測る女」 (MUZU's calculation method seems to be like a line and a width.) 3:25:28 「MUZUが建築士になったら,,,あえてね」 (A joke about what would happen if MUZU became an architect) 3:28:30 むずあーと絵のプレゼント(絵師さん依頼) (A little explanation on how to request MuzuArt from an artist) 3:41:40 MUZUの立ち絵Xより (For MUZU's character portrait, check out the September post on X (old Twitter)) 3:50:41 「喉と喉の奥が張り付く現象」 (MUZU describes throat problems as "a feeling of the throat sticking to the back of the throat.") 3:55:01 ~ 4:05:02 MUZUのトークが止まらない食べまくる某ファミレス店 (A certain family restaurant where MUZU goes to eat) 4:11:58 エンディングパート (Ending Talk) 4:14:58 スパチャ感謝お礼読み上げタイム (Super Chat Thank You Time) 4:15:23 終わりの挨拶 (End of stream greeting is Otsumuzu) ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー
【セットリスト Setlist】1/3
1:08:32 ~ 1:13:04
(Romance no Kamisama/Kohmi Hirose)
1:17:12 ~ 1:21:39
1:25:15 ~ 1:29:15
(03🤧)RPG/School Food Punishment
1:31:31 ~ 1:35:32
(Jyunketsu paradox/Nana Mizuki)
1:56:13 ~ 2:00:19
(05🤧)unravel/TK from 凛として時雨
(unravel/TK from Rintoshiteshigure)
2:02:26 ~ 2:06:41
(Arashi no Nakade Kagayaite/Chihiro Yonekura)
2:07:53 ~ 2:11:53
(07🤧)Butterfly Kiss/米倉千尋
(Butterfly kiss/Chihiro Yonekura)
2:17:35 ~ 2:21:54
(08🤧)Give a reason/林原めぐみ
(Give a reason/Megumi Hayashibara)
2:25:19 ~ 2:29:48
(Silly/Leo Ieiri)
2:32:54 ~ 2:35:50
(Friday Night/Natori)
3:35:09 ~ 3:40:38
(11🤧)rain stops.good‐bye/No title
3:42:09 ~ 3:45:56
(Soiree/Hoshimachi Suisei)
3:47:17 ~ 3:50:02
(Vivideva/Hoshimachi Suisei)
4:05:57 ~ 4:11:20
(14🤧)THE OVER/UVERworld
【タイムスタンプ Timestamp】
0:02 配信START
2:07 声入り&OPとーく(With voice&Opening Talk)
5:34 ~ 15:21
(Squid Game Story)
16:47 ~ 19:00
(The archive for January 2nd was AI blocked)
20:54 ~ 30:09
(MUZU is a story about buying clothes for the first time in a while)
33:18 指スケボー
(Finger board)
34:41 ~ 52:04
(MUZU Sports Experience)
58:28 ~ 1:04:26
(MUZU once held a business meeting at a coin laundry)
1:04:35 連続配信記録更新中
(C Continuous stream record is being updated)
1:40:09 ~ 1:54:19
(MUZU considers multi-purpose water servers)
2:11:58 歌終わりの唐突な報告
(Spilling coffee during streamLIVE)
2:39:50 ~ 2:47:25
(In Japan, there are club activities during school life, but some areas are abolished)
2:47:32 部活動の部費と指定ユニフォーム
(In Japan, there is a club fee system for club activities. There are also designated uniforms for each club.)
2:57:32 「あえてのみんなにツッコませる高等テクニックだから」
→ 2:55:55 道着
(Misreading the kanji for MUZU)
2:59:13 ~ 3:04:20
(In Japan, some schools offer judo classes and require students to purchase judo uniforms.)
3:08:27 ポップガードとは?
(MUZU explains the effectiveness of pop filters)
3:15:43 宝くじの話
(MUZU bought a lottery ticket and thought he won, but it was last year's lottery ticket.)
3:18:07 MUZUの計算
(MUZU is a calculator)
3:20:47 ↑「あえてのね。テクニック」
(MUZU is not good at decimal calculations)
3:22:35 「MUZUの主観:距離を定規で測る女」
(MUZU's calculation method seems to be like a line and a width.)
3:25:28 「MUZUが建築士になったら,,,あえてね」
(A joke about what would happen if MUZU became an architect)
3:28:30 むずあーと絵のプレゼント(絵師さん依頼)
(A little explanation on how to request MuzuArt from an artist)
3:41:40 MUZUの立ち絵Xより
(For MUZU's character portrait, check out the September post on X (old Twitter))
3:50:41 「喉と喉の奥が張り付く現象」
(MUZU describes throat problems as "a feeling of the throat sticking to the back of the throat.")
3:55:01 ~ 4:05:02
(A certain family restaurant where MUZU goes to eat)
4:11:58 エンディングパート
(Ending Talk)
4:14:58 スパチャ感謝お礼読み上げタイム
(Super Chat Thank You Time)
4:15:23 終わりの挨拶
(End of stream greeting is Otsumuzu)
Thank you for the stream
Please take care of your throat
Have a good night