Kingdom Hearts 3 - A Disappointed Fan's Review and why Kingdom Hearts 2 was better.

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • 13 Years have passed and Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 fans have finally get their chance to close the final page of a story following Sora, the main protagonist of the Kingdom Hearts Dark Seeker Sage.
    The game reviewed rave game reviews but ultimately, in my opinion, the took some leaps backward of instead of forward.


  • @TheGeneReyva
    @TheGeneReyva 5 років тому +30

    It felt like a Disney Fan Game made by SE.

    • @mrirvgottea6315
      @mrirvgottea6315  5 років тому +10

      With Sora slapped into the cutscenes.

    • @roiitzkovich4545
      @roiitzkovich4545 5 років тому +4

      @@mrirvgottea6315 Is that a bad thing? The whole enjoyment in Kingdom Hearts comes from the Disney worlds. The main story isn't very interesting so I don't care about it.
      You know, most of your issues with the game are at it's core and not about what it did wrong. It's like "it doesn't have the cool stuff in KH2 so it is already a bad game". Honestly, your review was too KH2 biased.

  • @matthewguzman8599
    @matthewguzman8599 5 років тому +12

    I really wanted to like this game but I just couldn't.

  • @puterboy2
    @puterboy2 4 роки тому +1

    Big Boy Caprice said it better: “There is what is and then there is what we would like it to be.”

  • @Dripx-
    @Dripx- 5 років тому +12

    "It's too Disney"
    Complains about no Disney villains lol
    It's a legitimate complaint since there are no Disney villains, just thought it was funny

    • @mrirvgottea6315
      @mrirvgottea6315  5 років тому +8

      Yup, but if you are going to force me to play Disney games at least let me fight some actual villains.
      KH 1 and 2 balanced the Disney feeling by throwing in some Final Fantasy characters into the mix. .
      You got to fight some Org 13 members in those worlds and had those sexy reaction commands, got to interact and fight some Final Fantasy characters.
      This game was lacked all of that.

    • @Dripx-
      @Dripx- 5 років тому +5

      Forreal, KH 2 had A variety of different villains and it was amazing. My guess is that they thought the last battle with all the different Organization villains would satisfy the fact that there were no Disney villains?
      Sucks because KH 2 Final Remix, you can literally fight every Organization member, there are heartless bosses, Nobodies, AND Disney villains. The original KH 2 literally had all of that but reduced the amount of Organization members. Honestly, it was cool that there were open worlds in KH 3, but honestly, I'd rather have less boring spaces such as SAN Fran and Frozen where most places feel like they're the same and I would much rather have less condensed worlds with much better storytelling, bosses, or/and more worlds to travel to. I did like settings such as Toy Story, where even though I'm mad that they could've opened up areas such as the Video Game Arcade, Pizza place, or Sid's room, I was still impressed that the Toy Store had different kinds of environments such as the Vent, The Game room, the spiral, the baby room, the actual toy room, etc. Still would've liked to fight Emperor Zurg which surely could've been easy to code and much more interesting to fight. How about you see the back Zurg with Xehanort (cloaked so you can't see his face) in the background as the audience and he's stalking Sora and the gang in cutscenes until he's finally shown as the first boss of the world? (Or Final as Sid's room could've had many interesting bosses to fight that could have turned heartless). I seriously wonder what their thought process was when coming up with the different boss fights. Oh well, I'm hoping that they bring more variety into KH 3 DLC or maybe 15 years down the line when KH 4 comes out.

  • @KnucklestheEcidna
    @KnucklestheEcidna Рік тому

    1 very simple word for the story when it comes to KH3. NONEXISTENT! Absolutely NOTHING happens for the ENTIRE GAME until the VERY END. and the finale is just a 1 hour RUSHFEST. Remember how in pokemon Gen 8 how you were left out of pretty much the ENTIRE games story? KH3 suffers from the EXACT SAME THING.

  • @fruitxyikes260
    @fruitxyikes260 3 роки тому

    kingdom hearts one is the best

  • @crystalmclean5702
    @crystalmclean5702 5 років тому +37

    Honestly I feel the same way u do. Kh2 is still at the top for me as well. I felt like kh3 was more promoting the Disney worlds which isn't a problem but I felt like the end saga suffered b/c of it. I felt like he got stressed out during a point in writing of the end story b/c he had to figure out how he was going to close a lot of characters is story. I liked the game play and the character interactions with each other. I loved that so much. I just felt like the game play was easy b/c of all the attraction flow rides. I was like damn... They showed up so much That it killed some of the game play for me. And then when I wanted to do a magic attack I had to wait until the attraction flow ride bar thing was done before I could use the magic one I wanted. It was really annoying doing that. That's just my opinion. I also wanted namine more in the story since I felt like the cut her out. She has done a lot since chain of memories throughout all the kh games. And for her to only have the small part was surprising to me. I also wanted Roxas and xion to have more screen time since they was very top secret. I thought Roxas would have came back some how and he was doing his own revenge against the organization. And then he runs into xion during a battle with one of the members. But nope it didn't happen. He came at the very end and he didn't even do any fighting which sucked. I wanted to play as him for at least alittle bit but he didn't get that. As for Aqua I was hoping that her battle would have happened-in the middle of the game so she could have gotten more time to search for Terra along with ven. That would have been very cool. I wanted them to have more screen time. Then What they got but nope they didn't. Lea and kairi weren't even playable at all which I was really disappointed in since they was building them up especially kairi. They could have did a lot with her character moving away from that damsel in distress role. The new princesses did more then kairi. Then the organization took kairi and then killed her. I was shocked they they killed her. But mad that she had to be the one taken. Since I was tired of her being kidnapped. I wanted more with her and Lea like them on a Mission to defeat heartless and to play as one of them that would have been cool. But nope that didn't happen. I really wanted the back stories of demyx, luxord, larxene, and marluxia. And what there purpose was and how they became nobodies. I know that we already have the somebody names of 2 of the 4 in Khux. But I wanted little more on them we didn't get that which pissed me off since I was excited about learning more about them and there whole story to how they fell to darkness. What happened to demyx after he brought Lenzo the replica. They never showed after that. I know that the other 3 returned to their somebody selves but where did Xehanort find them in the first place to make the true organization. I wanted more on that since he picked them to join. I needed that back story. I felt like it was wasted. Pete and maleficent wasn't barely in the game at all. They was searching for the black box. But how did maleficent know about the black box?She was searching for the tome of prophecies. What made he change to searching for the black box? Didn't even answer that. Then on top of that the black box I wasnt even opened which annoyed the crap outta me. Was waiting for that part so bad. That didn't happened. I wanted more on Xehanort is past. How did he get the keyblade from luxu? How did they meet ?That whole conversation/ cutscenes? Nope that didn't happen. I hear that it's in the secret reports but why do I have to read those if they should be in the game as cutscenes since we on a ps4 system and it should have more memory then a ps2 to story a lot of cutscenes. And now this girl x never mentioned until now. And they kept talking about her but not naming her. I was like who? They talking about the. I thought about sklud and I believe it's her. B/c she was the only girl in the dandelions, plus the reports talk about how they traveled from the past. Like how ven did. I wanted to know more about Lea and isa and their conversation with this girl x. Like more like a cutscene on who she is but nope we didn't get that. I wanted to also know who the second star was that sora was talking too. She didn't say her name and didn't tell us about who she is waiting for. And that really bothered me since this is the end game of these stories but it just left more questions then answers. I wanted vanitas to have a happy ending by fusing back with ven but he just fated away. I was sad about that so much. Most of the story was saved for the end and I was annoyed since it felt like the game dragged b/c of it. It just wanted to show more attention to the Disney part of things. There was only one original world and it was very small compared to the Disney worlds. I was shocked by that a lot. We didn't even go into the mansion at all.. Felt like that was wasted opportunity. No final characters at all.. That really disappointed me since that's the whole reason kh was created. With both final fantasy and Disney characters together. But square just didn't care about they own property like that to be in the game. That's my opinion on that. I wanted to see them at least the ones that live at radiant garden. They weren't there at all. No mention or anything. Which pissed me off. Just felt weird without them. I wanted radiant garden as a playable world I wanted more original worlds in this game. But we didn't get that. Which confused me so much. They were showing so much in the trailers for this game that it spoiled the experience. They opening to the game didn't go with the song to me. I felt like the final battle trailer worked so much better with the song. That's a tiny nit pick. My over all experience I liked about the game Is how big the Disney worlds are but their wasn't that much action for a final battle to a dark seeker saga. Kh2 did it much better in my opinion. Too many things was not explained and rushed for mainly Disney and to promote the next saga. B/c girl x wasn't even mentioned at the end game. And the secret box wasn't even opened which annoyed me. I didn't mind xehanort is battle just wish it was the 7 guardians of light that went with sora then Donald and goofy. I felt like Terra aqua and ven should have been their with sora since they knew who xehanort was and what he did to them. Even Micky and Riku should have went as well since they been fighting in the shadows.against them. They had Lea Roxas and xion that could have held the gate open. But no the bring Donald and goofy ! that annoyed me. Since I felt that Terra should have fought him for taking his body, Aqua who she was trapped in darkness b/c of him for a long time. Ven who was used be him should have went with sora to fight him. That would have been a great battle. But nope Donald and goofy wanted to go. They really pushed those 2 in this game. Which was a bad idea but not for all the battles especially the end game. And I felt like Micky should have went over Donald and goofy in my opinion. I felt like that would have had a bigger impacted on the final battle for me. If Micky Riku Terra Aqua and ven would have came then those 2. I was like really y did he choose them to come. Also the ending I understood the ending he saved kairi but lost himself in the process. He disappeared b/c he was never there to begin with. He saved her but lost himself. He should have had Riku go with him. Since all 3 started together and should have ended together. Here goes Donald and goofy taking Riku spot light. If he would have just followed sora to find kairi he would have returned. All 3 but instead sora left to find her by himself. So he lost himself. The secret ending confused me the most b/c are they going to start using other non Disney worlds? B/c that would be a bad idea. And y was Riku is eyes 2 different colors ? That we will never know until the next kh game and that going to be a long time from now. And now we all going to have to relay on Khux for story updates. And that game is just really slow with everything and that's what bothers me. B/c they saved 4 of the organization members back stories just for that mobile game. And that what annoyed me. I wanted answered to certain things and I didn't get them. B/c everything was pushed to the ending of the game. And that was the rushed part. Which really disappointed me.

    • @mrirvgottea6315
      @mrirvgottea6315  5 років тому +4

      Holy Shit this is better than my review. Great summary of what feels underwhelming in the entire Kingdom Hearts game.

    • @jwn5
      @jwn5 5 років тому +1

      @@mrirvgottea6315 O-o daaaaaaammmmmnnnn

  • @yer9105
    @yer9105 5 років тому +23

    Kh3 ruined the flow of the series forever. It’s such a disappointment to true kh fans that relied so much on the series

    • @maskedhero6425
      @maskedhero6425 4 роки тому +4

      well then i guess i'm not a true KH fan. You know what, actually that doesnt bother me at all anymore to say that...because i'm used to KH fans saying i'm not a true fan for saying i enjoyed the third game.
      This game didn't ruin the series for everyone, you hardcore overzealous fans did...and you ruined the fandom as well.

    • @vintheguy
      @vintheguy 4 роки тому +3

      @@maskedhero6425 no
      The assholes on both sides ruined it
      But why would you want to be a true fan? You have to play a gacha mobile game

  • @FaithfulFumoFan23
    @FaithfulFumoFan23 5 років тому +46

    One of the most overhyped, overblown games in recent memory. The way fans were hyping it up you would think this was definitely going to be a GOTY candidate. But nah. It's a C+ game at best, just like the rest of the games in the series outside of the original PS2 games.

    • @secondbestjojo1300
      @secondbestjojo1300 2 роки тому

      Hey birth by sleep is God yes the secret bosses suck ass but I feel the combat and the story(wich is the best in the series fight me) are really great

  • @MrSuperAJ
    @MrSuperAJ 5 років тому +9

    Great Video. You're not the only one feeling that way. I have no idea who is giving these ratings

  • @LazyPirate8
    @LazyPirate8 5 років тому +22

    It took me almost fourteen years, to realize that we've already gotten kingdom hearts 3, it's kingdom hearts 2. BTW, blame Disney as well for being too hostile to work with. Namura has said in a recent interview for the production of Kingdom Hearts 3. So, it's not just modern square,
    Disney had the cold shoulders to no give square the green light to do whatever they want with a few restrictions that weren't so restrictive.
    The point of Kingdom Hearts was to create a Disney game, that fooled you into buying something that didn't feel soo soft. No lie, Tetsuya Nomura, has gone on record saying to a Disney representative "I won't make such games" straight to a Disney executive and the rest was history! This is why, kh1 and kh2 had the essence of final fantasy, with Disney characters.
    Edit: He wanted to make a Disney game that felt attractive to a young and old audience. And spoilers, after finishing kingdom hearts 3, TBH the gameplay felt very overpowered and unbalanced!
    I get it, but...what was the point of visiting those Disney worlds for, it just felt so rush and unsatisfying. Sucks, that we never saw any Final Fantasy Characters and idk something about the Disney worlds felt not as memorable as the first and second game. Birth by sleep was floaty, but I admit that kh3 was better than BBS, but I was expecting it to dethrone KH3, especially in combat and it being a NUMBERED TITLE! Also, I thought the minigames where meh, also the combat had minigames! Why?
    Man, I should invent a time machine and tell myself, don't expect to wait for KH3, it did not live up to our hype.

    • @neogamest123logic2
      @neogamest123logic2 4 роки тому

      Tropic Sciurus That also explain why they used a posted mothern woke feminist Disney movie World's to traverse through. That Disney is absolute trash.

  • @SilverfangX777
    @SilverfangX777 5 років тому +7

    Fun fact: The reason the Master Xehanort final boss music themes(The Scala Ad Caelum ones) are underwhelming is because Yoko Shimomura wasn't the one who composed them. They got Takeharu Ishimoto to do it, it isn't 100% confirmed, but you can tell if you studied Yoko's music. In my opinion, this is one of the most infuriating decisions they could ever make! Takeharu is not that great with KH compositions, and Shimomura is lightyears ahead of him in terms of compositional skill. I feel Shimomura more than deserved the final boss spot for the finale of the saga as she's the one who made most of the series music from the beginning. All the Keyblade graveyard battles, except for Vanitas, was all done by her as well as Scala's field theme and pre-boss theme. The only reason I wouldn't be upset by this decision would be if it was because of overworking or health reasons.
    (Takeharu is amazing when it comes to crisis core type music, that's one of my favorite OST's to this day. He's just not good at orchestral kingdom hearts stuff, so I don't hate him. Vanitas's new battle theme was legit as well as some of the other boss themes.)

    • @pedroxruz6032
      @pedroxruz6032 4 роки тому +5

      That was one of the worst decisions ever conceived by the higher ups. It's baffeling. Yoko Shimimora would've made a grand finale but instead she was taken away from it.

  • @apathy2454
    @apathy2454 4 роки тому +6

    Idgaf I love KH3. KH2 is still my favorite mostly because of nostalgia but imo I love KH3 as a really close second !

  • @Yay248
    @Yay248 5 років тому +10

    I can’t agree more with what you’ve said. Subscribed! So happy to hear so great criticism of this game.

  • @doranmitchell1700
    @doranmitchell1700 5 років тому +6

    To be honest, I liked Re:Chain of Memories, BBS, KH1 & KH2 more. I'm currently playing DDD for the first time on my PS4 & I think it's more fun & interesting imo. I want to play Re: Chain, BBS & KH2 Final Mix again on my PS4 as I've technically haven't beat those fully.

  • @Daniel-xk7de
    @Daniel-xk7de 5 років тому +6

    I agree with your overall opinion. I wasnt pulled into the story. I didn't even finish it before that detached feeling made me lose enthusiasm. The voices had such weird mannerisms. Character replies sounded so robotic and that's what made me cringe the most.

  • @StillND
    @StillND 2 роки тому +1

    I may not agree with most of what you said, but I would still love to hear your review on the Re:Mind DLC.

  • @knightofanguish7399
    @knightofanguish7399 5 років тому +5

    I now like Riku only. Sora felt uh downgraded and Kairi has been locked away by plot and maybe final mixes due to the outcome of this. (Hell Sora too when I think about it.)
    Terra Aqua and Ven are my favorite 3 failures. Although Vanitas is awesome and my guilty pleasure.
    Axel, Roxas, and Xion are my personally my favorite trio. Yeah they fail just as the other 3. But they made the most sense. Xion a tragic figure. Roxas, a weird and angst version of Sora. And Axel, guy filled with intimation, mystery, and later likeable throughout the progression of the story. And they still keep those attributes about him in KH3 when you think about it although he's way less intimidating other than in battle. Can't say their game is great though. But I just loved their bits.
    Still Riku wins as my new personal favorite hero, but my new favorite friendship is definitely the Roxas group.

    • @Inplusity
      @Inplusity 3 роки тому +1

      For me riku had a huge downgrade in kh3. So weak and Sora safed and did everything

  • @JwalkZer0
    @JwalkZer0 5 років тому +3

    I learned a big lesson having waited for this game for 13 years. I played the first KH when I was 15 in '02, then CoM in '04, KH2 in '06, 358/2 Days in '09, BBS in '10, and 3D in '12. KH3 was a painfully average game to me and I wish it was of better quality to me. I'm not expecting much in the future of this series but I'll always look at KH2FM as the best in the series and I'll never let go at how much enjoyment I got from this series across half of my life. Despite some little disagreements I have with this video, overall you're on point and I'm sorry about your father. Also what is the source of the Sanctuary remix you had playing? It's very beautiful and the way you ended the video with the song from 22:19 to the end was very memorable, especially on top of Sora's lines and your tribute to your late father.

  • @BlazeGamerZX
    @BlazeGamerZX 5 років тому +4

    I like because I agreed

  • @lightingdragon4143
    @lightingdragon4143 3 роки тому +2

    I really like Roxas though. He's actually my favorite character.

  • @omerozel4716
    @omerozel4716 5 років тому +4

    You deserve more subs

    • @mrirvgottea6315
      @mrirvgottea6315  5 років тому +3

      You deserve the world with your kind words homie

  • @tsuritsa3105
    @tsuritsa3105 Рік тому

    I couldn't finish it. The combat was SO BAD to me, I couldn't handle it. It made me so sad.

  • @thesealofcamelot-darksouls2265
    @thesealofcamelot-darksouls2265 3 роки тому +2

    KH 4 needs
    Final fantasy npcs and secret bosses
    At least 20 worlds
    A final fantasy world would be Interesting
    Some sort of customization like clothing
    Bring back disney bosses
    Side stories where you play as Roxas and Riku
    More magic customization like on final fantasy
    Return of a BIGGER traverse town
    Final fantasy keyblades included
    Way more story depth
    More tournaments
    Some dragon quest npcs
    Fighting organisation 13 members
    Bigger worlds
    I also think it should take some ideas from the ni no Kuni game
    Scrap the gummi ship and use final fantasy air ships
    Final fantasy monsters to fight not only just heartless and nobodies
    I feel the series should also get darker
    A disneyland world
    Customize ur own keyblade master for online mode
    Allow sora to have final fantasy characters in his party I would love vivi to be a consistent ally like Donald and goofy
    At least 20 hours of side quests
    There should be 40 plus bosses on the game that are heartless Disney and finam fantasy based

  • @KingdomHearts4KHML
    @KingdomHearts4KHML 3 роки тому +1

    And honestly people don't understand the story because they haven't pay attention to the story or just a casual

  • @sterbecomeone9681
    @sterbecomeone9681 5 років тому +1

    Man you have great videos. Please continue. As for this video I fully respect your opinion.

  • @armaniesingletary8979
    @armaniesingletary8979 2 роки тому

    yeah kh3 was so buns i didnt even finish it

  • @AnthonyAPerez
    @AnthonyAPerez 5 років тому +5

    Such a great game! My soul feels so complete having this game in my life. I just posted a review of the overall game on my channel. I’ve had countless hours of fun with this game. There’s a handful of things I would’ve added or changed, but for the most part it’s made me incredibly happy. The narrative definitely isn’t for anyone who hasn’t played all the games that released prior though. Such a fun combat system with great new additions.

  • @goromajima504
    @goromajima504 5 років тому +1

    So, what score would you give the game? 6, 7, 8, or 9 of 10, because you probably expected a 10/10 game but instead got something else. Maybe KH3 suffered from its 6 years announcement and development since 2013.

    • @mrirvgottea6315
      @mrirvgottea6315  5 років тому

      Its a good game visually and the gameplay is alright but I was extremely underwhelmed and not impressed. Kingdom Hearts has great lore but I feel that this focused way to much on the Disney aspect and it hindered the overall story and feeling. I rate it a 6/10

  • @KingdomHearts4KHML
    @KingdomHearts4KHML 3 роки тому +1

    Honestly the japanese vers of KH3 is better than the english one

  • @chimeprince7366
    @chimeprince7366 5 років тому +2

    Lmaooo hilarious bro

  • @jtanimeandnerd101
    @jtanimeandnerd101 2 роки тому

    I know I'm way late for this, but I'm posting my own rewrite on review videos. The game was great, but I believe that the game could've been better and improved. This rewrite is meant to make it as long or longer then Kingdom Hearts 2 and puts many earlier developments in the main story to rest, but also creates new ones for the next saga. This rewrite also combines scenes from Re:Mind so just pretend that there is no DLC expansion, as those should have been in the vanilla game. This rewrite is not meant to disrespect the original writers, this is just meant for fun. This story will be split into three stories, Sora, Riku, and Kairi's story, it runs on a certain order so changing the story order is not optional. Since this will be a long rewrite I may have to post the rewrite into multiple parts in the comment section since there is a limit on how long the comment can be, so forgive me if it seems like I'm commenting too much. I'm not a UA-camr so this is the best I can do to get my rewrite out there. I hope you enjoy the rewrite.
    (Prologue)-The scene with young Eraqus and Xehanort is the same and then after that, we get the scene with Aqua and Ansem the Wise, however instead of Ansem, it's Terranort who arrives to question Ansem the Wise and fight Aqua, who still has her Master Defender keyblade. This is the first boss fight and serves as the first tutorial for basic controls. After the tutorial, a cutscene plays that shows Ansem and Xemnas intervening in the fight to help Terranort. Aqua is confused on how these three people share Terra's face, but continues to fight. The boss fight continues with Aqua facing Terranort, Ansem, and Xemnas at the same time, except they share a health bar. After the fight, the scene where Aqua is blasted into the Dark Margin water is the same, except her keyblade falls in with her, explaining how it ended up on Destiny Islands. The scene of Sora, Donald, and Goofy leaving Yen Sid's tower from 0.2 is the same.
    (Mount Olympus)-Everything is the same until the meeting with Hercules, Sora lets Ventus's name slip and Hercules hears this, catching his attention. Sora then tells Hercules that they are looking for Terra, Aqua, and Ventus and Hercules tells Sora that he knew them in his youth and also says that once Hades is dealt with, he will do what he can to help find them. Everything is the same until the meeting with Xigbar, which turns into a boss fight as a way to test Sora's current strength. Everything is the same until the fight with the Titan, as Sora will question his attraction flow power in a brief extension of the cutscene after defeating the Rock Titan. the story continues as normal until after the fight with the Titans, as Zeus talks with Sora and claims that he has had his eye on keyblade wielders for a long time and admirers their courage and so gives Sora his new red and black clothes using his godly magic. The conversation is then interrupted by a hooded figure with a familiar voice (Vanitas). Vanitas goes on to taunt and insult Sora on how weak he is because he is so kind hearted and shows nothing but hatred toward Sora, so he challenges him to a duel. Vanitas reveals his keyblade, which surprises Sora, and so they begin their battle. We then get a scripted boss fight between Sora and Hooded Vanitas, after either bringing down Vanitas's health or losing the boss fight, a cutscene plays with Sora awakening his Guardian Form and pushes back Vanitas, but Sora still loses the fight due to Vanitas's power. Vanitas then says to Sora that he isn't even worth a keyblade master's death and so leaves while telling Sora to come find him when he becomes stronger, leaving Sora baffled. The ending scene continues as normal, but I would add a new scene with Vanitas meeting up with Master Xehanort on Olympus, who scolds Vanitas for acting when he was ordered not to engage, Vanitas protests, but to no avail. Master Xehanort then claims that he has a mission for Vanitas. Finally we get the Remind cutscene showing the conversation between Xigbar and Luxord as an extension of Maleficent and Pete's Pandora's Box cutscene. (I would add Olympus Coliseum where Hades is the final boss of it)
    And that's my rewrite of the prologue, I will post the next part as soon as possible, probably in a few minutes because I already wrote all of this down LOL. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the first part of this rewrite and I hope your excited for what's to come next.

  • @WolfRazor
    @WolfRazor 2 роки тому

    It's honestly a real shame that this game lacked. The thing that gets me the most out of everything though is the combat. They could've just pulled another kh2 with some new features but man they screwed up. The attractions were a waste of the command action, no drive forms to uniquely use in combat, floaty as all hell and unresponsive. It's not a bad game but man it sure is a terrible sequel to such a great franchise. I hope kingdom hearts 4 makes it worth the wait cause kingdom hearts 3 wasnt, it just made me want to go back to kingdom hearts 1 and 2.

  • @camillakern7470
    @camillakern7470 4 роки тому +1

    Okay, I respect your opinion, but I just don't feel the same about the game, I haven't played most of the games, and I have seen all the cutscences and I understand Everything that is happening.
    And I love all the characters in kh in fact my four favorites are 1. Roxas 2. Sora 3. Ventus 4. Axel. Yes I'll ambit sometimes in kh3 it felt that were in the Disney worlds far longer then forever.
    But it still had the light hearted feeling to me that it has always had.
    I remember when seeing all the trio's get together my heart was warmed up with happiness cause really cared what happened to everyone.
    I have never actually hated any character in kh, and yes I know there are flaws but to me it makes the good parts so much better.
    And to be honest I really love the dialog, I feel like I can connect with these characters and we have been friends for the longest times.
    And rewatch a lot of the scenes from kingdom hearts including kh3, it actually had so many favorite parts for me personally.
    And honestly I can't wait for the next game I'll have a feeling I'll love it cause believe it or not I even love kh recoded even though most people think it's pointless.
    I love fantasy and all through I don't usually like the chosen one plot, I really love it here.
    Kh has touched me in more ways then one and makes me happy when I'm sad usaully.

    • @camillakern7470
      @camillakern7470 4 роки тому

      I honestly don't regret seeing every games cutscences.

    • @vintheguy
      @vintheguy 4 роки тому

      Okay but I ask you
      What is soras personality

  • @corriescrivener1937
    @corriescrivener1937 5 років тому +2

    a human generation is 20 years not 10. 10 is a decade but carry on

    • @mrirvgottea6315
      @mrirvgottea6315  5 років тому

      In population biology and demography, the generation time is the average time between two consecutive generations in the lineages of a population. In human populations, the generation time typically ranges from 22 to 33 years. - Okay so your right and I messed up....... but you know it felt like a couple of generations waiting for this game to come out.

    • @corriescrivener1937
      @corriescrivener1937 5 років тому

      @@mrirvgottea6315 true over all good video i love this game to death but kh4 needs to fix some things

  • @finnewar
    @finnewar 5 років тому +5

    good video.
    i will not buy kingdom hearts 3.

  • @iggyp4390
    @iggyp4390 4 роки тому +2

    Great review! I hope Square and the dev team have been watching these vids because fans’ criticisms have been unanimous. They have a chance to set things right with ReMIND, but that doesn’t erase the fact that it was launched in the state it was. We can’t experience this game for the first time again.
    Square took all the money fans invested in the series over the year, and rather than put the funds toward a brilliant, visually stunning final battle sequence, they gave us labyrinths and hallways and dedicated all the budget and assets to recreating entire Disney movie scenes and overloading the game with worlds that are way bigger than their playable sections.
    Just an absolute betrayal of trust from Nomura, Square and unfortunately-though to a much lesser extent-Shimomura....

  • @RaidikV
    @RaidikV 5 років тому +3

    I personally prefer KH 3 a bit over KH 2

    • @Vgking0
      @Vgking0 5 років тому +1

      RaidikTheHedgehog uh why?

    • @RaidikV
      @RaidikV 5 років тому +1

      @@Vgking0 I replayed KH 2 sometime ago, and I exaggerated a bit, KH 2 is still my favorite KH (at the side of Birth by Sleep), but I still think that 3 wasn't bad.

    • @Vgking0
      @Vgking0 5 років тому

      RaidikTheHedgehog I got you bro I liked 3 a lot is missing but between 2 and birth by sleep are my faves

    • @apathy2454
      @apathy2454 4 роки тому +1

      Thank you for not being ashamed of this opinion more people should shout out like this instead of being scared to share a opinion hot headed ppl would disagree w/

  • @flygonkerel781
    @flygonkerel781 5 років тому +6

    stop calling them spinoffs.they're not. this is intellectually lazy lol

    • @mrirvgottea6315
      @mrirvgottea6315  5 років тому +8

      "A spin-off is a new series which contains either a different character or theme elements from a previous series. " This is the exact description of a spin off, do your research before you talk crap.

    • @flygonkerel781
      @flygonkerel781 5 років тому +3

      @@mrirvgottea6315 literally the only game/entry that can be remotely close is fucking chi. by that logic KH2 is a fucking spinoff because it introduces nobodies,xehanort,and depending on if you didn't play chain of memories it introduces roxas and organization 13.EVERY title is part of he SAME series.

    • @mrirvgottea6315
      @mrirvgottea6315  5 років тому +2

      @@flygonkerel781 K

    • @astramornstar
      @astramornstar 5 років тому +2

      MrIrvGotTea OoOOoOoO another one of these people that didnt play the other games and thought he could just waltz right into kh3

    • @astramornstar
      @astramornstar 5 років тому +3

      MrIrvGotTea if you don’t understand what’s going on just play the other games. Or at least watch one of those ‘kh in a nutshell’ I do agree that this game is a major letdown but this is a game review, not comparing kh2 to kh3

  • @roiitzkovich4545
    @roiitzkovich4545 5 років тому +4

    I watched your entire review and I must say that not only I disagree but also angry at you for not reviewing this game properly. Here's a list of everything I found wrong in your review:
    1. Reaction commands: I have never got excited from reaction commands. I felt left over. It was like "this looks cool but come on I want to actually play it, not to watch it". I didn't miss the reaction commands in KH3, they were too automated for me. KH3 replaces them with situation commands you need to build by performing actions (attacks and spells). You are always playing KH3 not watching it.
    2. The massive relying on Disney in the game: What's the issue with Kingdom Hearts 3 being very Disney-ish? Me and many others are playing Kingdom Hearts for the Disney interactions. I don't care about the Kingdom Hearts original story because it's too ridiculous for it's own good (ever since 2 I became uninterested in the story).
    3. Attractions: What's lame about the attractions? Unlike your precious reaction commands these actually require player input (you need to do stuff while using them and not just to press tringle at times to see a small cutscene). I think that grabbing the spiky ball in KH2 and slamming it into the ground is lame.
    4. Keyblade transformations: You said that hitting an enemy with a flag isn't cool. How? You just say things and don't explain why they were better in previous games. Why are the drive forms "cooler"? I think that hitting an enemy with a hammer or a shield or a drill or even a frying pan is really neat. All the transformations are basically drive forms with different weapons and different combo attacks (dual wielding is neat but it doesn't matter gameplaywise). The transformations also have AoE finishers (drive forms don't have that do they?).
    5. Final Fantasy characters presentation: I agree that the FF characters should've been in this game. Nomura said the FF characters were added to attract FF fans to this franchise (back in 2002) but now that the series has grown popular by it's own KH doesn't need FF characters. I however, say: Excuse me Mr. Nomura but we are not your puppets! You won't cheat on us after so many years! You can't say they aren't needed now, it's too late. They have already established themselves as a part of the franchise and not adding them to KH3 is basically a betrail in your long-time fans. The difference between you and me is that I didn't let it to ruin the game for me! I am not judging KH3 for what it lacks but for what it did wrong and honestly it didn't do too many things wrong.
    6. Mini-games: KH2 had forced mini-games in the story as well, like the spinner throw-out mini-game in Olympus Colisseum, the light cycle in Space Paranoids, surfing on the flying rug in Agrabah and the candies mini-game in Christmas Town.
    7. The over complicated story: Your criticizm with the story is an issue you could've applied to every game post KH2. KH3 just sums up everything and barely convolutes it more, mostly just relies on past events. Though I don't care about the story many people care about the 358/2 days trio and the BBS trio just as much (if not more) than Sora, Riku and Kairi. It's a personal issue for you and I'm fine with that but if so don't say "we care just for Sora, Riku and Kairi". It seems like you applies this opinion for everyone. What if some people disagree?
    8. Disney worlds in KH3: Your issue with 3 of the worlds recreating cutscenes is not a good point. Have you forgotten that in the previous games the movies you played through were butchered in terms of story because each world took only 1 hour to finish? KH3 has more into the story-telling in each world. You said that in KH2 there were more interactions with ORG13 in the worlds, however only 3 worlds actually did that, while in KH3 every world has something with an ORG13 member so they appear 7 times (and they do more in every world than what Luxord, Xaldin and Xigbar did in KH2).
    9. Disney bosses: You can't critic the game for not having a lot of Disney villain bosses, that's bias! If so than I can call every boss in KH2 that isn't a Disney villain generic. All the bosses in KH2, which aren't ORG13 members, aren't very good. Their movesets aren't creative and sometimes they go on the cheap side by making the arena attack you so you can't learn their movesets, you just hit X and hope for good (that's not a good design). In KH3 the bosses aren't cheap and their attacks are telegraphed (you don't have to run in circles repeatedly to avoid blue fire like the Hydra in KH2).
    I hate when a youtuber doesn't explain what's better in other games and just say stuff. I hate when a youtuber say personal preferences and act as if everyone thinks the same. And I absolutely hate youtubers who say "I know you are lying to yourself, just say your real thoughts before something even worse will happen". If it was bad I wouldn't have had any problem to say that (I don't like 358/2 days and DDD). This entire video is so irritating when other youtubers managed to explain why they weren't satisfied with the game, while saying valid and exceptable reasons. People like you who think they know things better than everyone are shallow people who do not deserve to have a youtube channel. GOOD DAY SIR!

    • @AlbertoDSalas
      @AlbertoDSalas 5 років тому +6

      Damn, imagine being so blinded by hype you actually think kh3 is good.

    • @roiitzkovich4545
      @roiitzkovich4545 5 років тому +1

      @@AlbertoDSalas That's bullshit! If I was so hyped than the disappointment would've been even more heartcrushing!
      The biggest issue with KH3 is that it's too easy and therefore the combat is kinda hollow. Critical will hopefully patch it.
      However, every issue this guy presented is purely personal opinion and isn't valid for a profesional review! When you make a review you should make valid points that are wrong with the game itself and not with what you like or don't. He said "with just a tap on the tringle button you see Sora do cool stuff". One of the biggest issues with KH3 is that people say the game plays itself, yet this guy praises KH2 for the same aspect! It feel almost as if he just hates the number 3 (making KH3 into a bad game from the very beginning).
      People shouldn't be criticized for raising expectations very high. Mario games always deliver on high expectations so Square should be ashamed of themsleves. The problem with the community is that they expected KH3 to be something it was never meant to be. It's not a finale, it's a cliffhanger. Every Kingdom Hearts game is a part of a bigger puzzle. KH3 in partcular is a game that can be appreciated with a knowledge of the previous games. It wants to raise more questions and people are angry because they equal (ending of saga=finale). Yet, KH3 is not KH2. Most people hate it just because it's not the same game. IF I WANTED TO PLAY KH2 THAN I'LL JUST FUCKING PLAY KH2!

    • @damonfontenot7957
      @damonfontenot7957 5 років тому +6

      @@roiitzkovich4545 yeh because Nomura TOTALLY didnt state that ALL questions would be answered in kh3 (excluding union x of course)
      I'm really tired of these people blaming being "overhyped" for the reason the game wasnt good
      And if you want to make that dumb ass argument go ahead but dont forget that square pushed for this game to be announced early and then spent the next 5 to 6 years hyping it up themselves
      So if you want to blame the overhype go ahead but it wasnt the fans that overhyped it, it was squares need to make up for ffxv's colossal fuck ups that were the issue

    • @vintheguy
      @vintheguy 5 років тому +3

      @@damonfontenot7957 thank you for having common sense.

    • @roiitzkovich4545
      @roiitzkovich4545 5 років тому +1

      @@damonfontenot7957 And what about the reasons I showed regarding gameplay? KH3 has more combat options than KH2, yet people say KH2's combat is better because "All you needed to do is to press 1 button and let Sora do awsome cool tricks and cut skyscrapers, remember this awsome feeling you had when you saw Sora cutting skyscrapers". No I don't remember this feeling because it had never existed because it's just a cutscene where the game plays itself.
      Besides, what questions related to this saga were left unanswered? Show me any example you have and I'll counter it!
      I don't think it's fair to say the game got this reception because it was overhyped because I think game developers should meet expectations otherwise they'll lose reputation and money. The thing is that this game is amazing and you don't see it because I've seen all the rant videos on youtube and I can counter EVERY SIGNLE ISSUE!

  • @sammilynnreyes8260
    @sammilynnreyes8260 5 місяців тому

    You are not alone I hit kingdom hearts 3 it was really boring as hell and Kingdom hearts 1 and Kingdom hearts 2 we're why batter