Review of JoyToy x Horus Heresy Thousand Sons Chaos Marines Legion Praetor in Terminator Armor

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @namorfreeman8999
    @namorfreeman8999 Місяць тому +8

    I'm hoping they release the Traitor Rubric Marines in blue one day. Definitely can see it as advertising for the SM2 game, they're already doing Titus and the two other marines with him (Gadriel and Chairon).

    • @SpruesNStuds
      @SpruesNStuds  Місяць тому +3

      I am also hoping for this same sentiment...fingers crossed

  • @josefstalin9678
    @josefstalin9678 Місяць тому +3

    Have you seen the figure for Sanguinius? He looks phenomenal. Just a shame he won't be out in time for christmas

    • @SpruesNStuds
      @SpruesNStuds  Місяць тому +2

      Yes I have and the figure is GLORIOUS!

  • @minty257
    @minty257 Місяць тому +2

    The thousand sons aren't my thing, mostly because of the shiny armor, but how the "fabric" is arranged on the figures looks really good.

  • @tauva33
    @tauva33 Місяць тому

    Damn this thing already out first, when the new blood angels terminator squad was announced early than this still not yet ready

  • @Жизахаосита
    @Жизахаосита Місяць тому +1

    Прощай, Прос Перо

  • @kalobhunt9001
    @kalobhunt9001 Місяць тому

    Only thing that would set these into the next level would be soft goods.

  • @SuperBatfreak
    @SuperBatfreak Місяць тому

    7:25, ah yes the Ikea weapons

  • @killjoy117007
    @killjoy117007 Місяць тому

    What display cabinet do you use?

    • @SpruesNStuds
      @SpruesNStuds  Місяць тому

      Ikea Detolfs as well as Coaster Home 3, 4, 5 tier, and a corner cabinet

  • @PrimarisBlackTemplaDraven
    @PrimarisBlackTemplaDraven Місяць тому

    I don't think all of them are Chaos some of them are in the warp not corrupted and some stay loyal and the one's I would buy would stay loyalist and will founded the Blood Ravens.

  • @Gamzix
    @Gamzix Місяць тому

    Как всегда, на самом видном месте косяк в покраске !!

  • @kalobhunt9001
    @kalobhunt9001 Місяць тому

    It takes every fiber on me to not buy these. I already collect DBZ and transformers but once I get my new house I mite just cave in.

    • @SpruesNStuds
      @SpruesNStuds  Місяць тому +1

      You know, I resisted for as long as I could...and I suppose to no one's surprise I caved like a house made of match sticks

    • @kalobhunt9001
      @kalobhunt9001 Місяць тому

      @@SpruesNStuds lol yeah I don’t blame you they are so beautiful.

  • @abukariba
    @abukariba Місяць тому

    Just got all the 40k Space Wolves and Half of the Black Legion and Crimson Slaughter Figs, I want to get 30k too, but i gotta hold my shopping addiciton back really bad

    • @SpruesNStuds
      @SpruesNStuds  Місяць тому

      It's tough holding back and obviously I did a terrible job of that lol