Every single time one of these people gets caught they always have excessive amounts of these materials. You could probably locate a ton of them by looking at household internet connections that download multiple terabytes of data every month. There was an article not too long ago that detailed one South African user who downloaded 168.7TB of data in a single month. What could you possibly be downloading. That same person downloaded more than 400TB in 3 months
Every single time one of these people gets caught they always have excessive amounts of these materials. You could probably locate a ton of them by looking at household internet connections that download multiple terabytes of data every month. There was an article not too long ago that detailed one South African user who downloaded 168.7TB of data in a single month. What could you possibly be downloading. That same person downloaded more than 400TB in 3 months
Thank you Luke for all your dedication to child protection. Without you, SA children would have certainly be worse off.
Not quite true. Apparently saps have R80 million cybersecurity systems never used