Then, indeed, Robert has not failed in his pursuit of truth. For if you had become less wise, then he had failed and if you had increased in wisdom, then you would be, indeed, a fool.
that the medium is the message is not an exaggeration. it is a warning telling us how prone we are to being led astray merely by the staging from which we receive information.
Si ça pouvait nous éviter le mauvais goût de la catastrophe que de tenter de bien lire Spengler plutôt qu'en utiliser ce qui nous arrange pour le pire a commencer par le titre du "déclin de l'occident" ce que font très bien les fascistes des tous poils (bruns, verts ou rouges)
I'm as wise now at the end as when he started.
Then, indeed, Robert has not failed in his pursuit of truth. For if you had become less wise, then he had failed and if you had increased in wisdom, then you would be, indeed, a fool.
that the medium is the message is not an exaggeration. it is a warning telling us how prone we are to being led astray merely by the staging from which we receive information.
No mention of Spengler's profound wisdom , and an opaque wordsoup that conveys very little marrow.
Si ça pouvait nous éviter le mauvais goût de la catastrophe que de tenter de bien lire Spengler plutôt qu'en utiliser ce qui nous arrange pour le pire a commencer par le titre du "déclin de l'occident" ce que font très bien les fascistes des tous poils (bruns, verts ou rouges)
The Dreadful has already happened ~ Heidegger
just bla bla
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