Veteran-Cycle Club video archive - London Bicycle Club bugle calls 1880

  • Опубліковано 1 бер 2019
  • It was the practice in most early cycling clubs for the club bugler to give directions to members when out on a run. His calls were made on a cyclist's bugle or buglet very often made by the noted London firm of Henry Keat & Sons. The difference between the two appears to be that bugles had one, two or three turns whilst the more expensive buglet had four.
    One such buglet belongs to the V-CC, a gift of the Wheelmen some
    years ago. With it came a tape recording of the calls and their meaning. These were extracted from The American Bicycler, (1880 Boston) a manual written by Charles Pratt, editor of The Bicycling World, and they were played on a buglet called Forterence which was used by the Wheelmen Club in 1880 having been manufactured by Keat in 1850.
    The nineteen calls are titled as follows: Morning; Care of wheels; Table; Attention; Attend wheels; Prepare to mount; Mount; Quicken pace; Slacken pace; Two abreast; Single file; Ride at ease; Dismount; Walk by wheels; Halt; Pile of machines; Disband; Ride in form; Evening.


  • @glynboyington3834
    @glynboyington3834 Рік тому

    The first call the "Grog". A discontinued call for the Royal Navy

  • @MrTimGJ
    @MrTimGJ 5 років тому

    Have you compared these against their military equivalents?
    Dinner Call is a take on the sergeants dinner call
    See -