Hanny J. “Nothing. Is. Free.” Business 101 said that even if you are a non-profit, if you aren’t bringing money in then you are closing your doors. Therefore... if you’re not paying, You Are the product.
It looks like this guy was having a little bit of trouble with nerves at about the middle mark, but kudos to him for sticking to it and catching his breath!
McNally's Kids It isnt part of the monitoring. UA-cam’s recommended algorithm is actually an AI programmed to give results according to the tags of videos you watch
You have a point. Where it gets a bit iffy is that the majority of users of the platform don't understand the algorithm isn't just feeding you stuff you might like. It's suggesting stuff to keep your attention and keep you on the site. People also don't understand that platforms like these are perfect echo chambers unless you get out of the recommended lists and manually search. The other far more dangerous thing is who is in charge of the algorithm? While Google and YT would love us to believe it's machine learning and they just let it do it's thing, that just isn't true. They actively suppress content that doesn't line up with their thinking.
Stefan Shepherd o dear stuck on hiz ole dirty postcard calling the butlers red social governments as rules for keep safe,get a gun loves,hahaaaa! Swinging in the breeze with thou holy reads oh thy pigger!
The point of a ted talk is a good and interesting presentation. It's not about the information as you can find much better and more in-depth articles and videos on most of the subjects it handles. When the talker doesn't have a certain way of presenting himself, the ted talk is worthless.
UitermateTeleurstellend That...to me...is the complete opposite of why I listen to a speaker. I don't care that much for the person's appearance. Usually those of a great mind (and I know I'm stretching things by using that word) care little about that. I'm not saying it's not important at all but it's not first and foremost. When I watch a presentation, I definitely care more about the speech and the amount of information I'm being given. I can dig deeper into a certain topic later on by using the internet, certainly, but you definitely get a more unique experience by hearing it spoken by someone. If everyone felt the same way about presentations as you do, then I'd say there's really no point in having them at all. A speaker such as for these TED Talks bring their own ideas on a subject to the table but for me and so many others, it's often on a subject I had never considered or even knew about. Why would I ever want to just randomly research the deep web? I wouldn't. However, hearing this man speak, he's implanted a new suggestion I'd never considered and it's now food for thought (whether I act on it or not). I would not have just looked this up on my own; it was him coming forward to speak on it that now has me internally discussing the subject. His appearance or mannerisms had nothing to do with it :) I know everyone watches these for different reasons but maybe try not to be so critical on the person's appearance alone. If you happen to dislike the speech, that certainly is understandable but these things go beyond a simple outward appearance.
AcornFox yes, you are a product useing that alows you to buy things like drugs and other stuf hireing people to do shit for you...so yes they use that for free so you can buy stuf on the deep web
AcornFox yes, you are a product useing that alows you to buy things like drugs and other stuf hireing people to do shit for you...so yes they use that for free so you can buy stuf on the deep web
A large number of child porn, black market, hitman sites and etc. are actually hosted by FBI and NSA to catch people that would want to use these. Tor is mostly for people that value their privacy.
One is free but owned and used by a corporation. The other is free because it is a common good. Like a community garden open to anyone that belongs to everyone and cared for by the ones who care.
Deep Web = Something that cannot be indexed by search engines. (Private Profiles, Password Protected Profiles, etc.) Dark Web = Illegal or Gruesome Links (Death, Child Pornography, Drugs, etc) Pretty massive difference...
Aleksander - that's actually precisely what I know. You have the surface Web: Everything that can be indexed/found by search machines/sites like Google. Than you have the deep web: All that can not be indexed/found by search machines/sites like Google. This includes email, banks, unlisted youtube videos etc. And then you have the dark web: all that can not be indexed/found by search machines/sites like Google. And you need specific software/hardware and/or passwords to find/view the things on the dark web.
Quinten Cabo once there's was a punch card. Punch lines took horse gee gee Puzzled by its own use unknown rode back There's only a donkey with its carrot Un kill SAm...o no..
I realized this guy keep breathing almost at each word and sound like he is sick but he just attend the talk to share his story to audience. I hope that man is fine but if he is sick, I hope he is well.
You don't go to dominoes and order a big Mac.. if you're selling weight loss product your best clientele will be at fast food places so you go there to promote.. just saying. The movie was made because they knew it's the way to extend their message
Essam Mccain I wasn't correcting your English. I said you had reading comprehension issues because some how my statement led you to believe I, myself, watch my little pony - which couldn't be further from the truth.
Goooood. GOOOOOD! Feeeel the hatred. Now, give the government the power over the internet through net neutrality to solve problems created when the government created legal barriers of entry, preventing competition within the internet service provider industry. The government joined with the largest ISPs, creating many problems that would have been solved through competition.
Razarino Kripperino i thought the dark web was like a self made platform that only authorised users can access. Like a little mini internet they only they can use and blocks out everyone else?
@@JakeTheHappyGuy Regular web = indexable by search engines Deep web = not indexable by search engines (like your private account settings, private chatrooms, and such) Dark web = .onion sites, where you don't know the ip of the website, and the website doesn't know your ip, because the connection uses the tor network
@@idamehrnoush8833 it was a hectic day - quick breakfast untucking shirt for lunch dark web talk escaping the fbi all while making time to take the blood pressure tablets...
"No terrorist worth their salt is going to give anything away in an email" yeah, used to think the same about high level political colluders as well, but that didn't turn out to be the case either.
@@StNick119 Well. You have surface web. That is what you can search on and find what you are looking for. Like Wikipedia. It's open and easy to access. The main thing about deep web is that it's not public. That can be things like what websites put behind a account wall of some kind, payed or not. That is deep web. Dark web is a part of the deep web. Usually people associate this with services like Tor. So to set this in an practical example. Let's say that you are in a street of shops. You walk along the street and look into windows. This street is your search engine like Google. You see something you're interested in in one of the shop windows and you walk in. The door is open for everyone. When you're in the shop you are now in the surface web. You could see what was in the shop before you entered, and people can see that you are in the shop. You did find the item you where looking for, but it was in the wrong color. So you ask the shop owner if they have a wider selection. He says that he has, but that is in the back room. To get there you have to pay him an entrance fee, and sign your name in a book. You go in the back and start looking around. There are other people around. There is some windows and cameras but nothing that leads out to the street that you came from. This is the deep web. You still don't find what you are looking for. But another customer tells you about a street of shops that has interesting items. Maybe they have what you're looking for. So you go outside of the shop and find the street. When you arrive they tell you that to access this hidden marked you are required to wear a standardized mask and outfit to not be recognized. When you're on the inside you can see others, but they are all disguised. You see some just selling innocent items, and some dealing drugs. You have no way of knowing who is dealing with who. This is the dark web.
nanec the way I've read it explained is that deep web is just stuff you can't find on google, and people access deep web all the time. Like your bank account is on the deep web, so people can't just google your bank statement. While dark web is the thing most people thin when they hear deep web, incorrectly. Does that sound about about right?
+Sparky Then again I think I'd rather be killed than go to prison for child pornography (especially because I very seriously doubt that the government could ever track hackers messing with your data)
str8oldskool187 holy crap! Why don't you know you just can't get it on, where is gonna list end too you blow fuse reading English from this crazy clout you can't recall you used yo quiz puzzle with things you know are meant hints for not,but you go them as things you know your NOT?
7:04 this already is a thing. I searched for some reviews about a car because I wanted to buy one. After some hours of research i get LOTS of ads (like on YT) showing me cars and shit. First time I thought about this and how much they know about my interests.
Philip Danzinger me and a friend were talking about a certain topic. I wanted to Google about said topic I typed in the "W" in what. Google filled in the exact question I wanted to ask. with one letter Google knew the topic I wanted (which was not common) and knew what question I wanted.
Philip Danzinger that's not surprising as that information is collected in your browser and not to mention amazon sells info about you to third parties. But I am talking about a conversation where our phones were not involved at all. And come to think of it I think this has happened more than once.
"You've got to say: I'm a human being goddammit; My life has value!" Let's make some things perfectly clear: * All of the computing power in the world is not enough to decrypt all of the encrypted communications in the world. In terms of protecting your own citizens, it would be pointless to gather all of this data without a specific target and limited degrees of relative searching in mind. * As a country, the only reason to monitor the majority of your own citizens is to prevent dissension and scrutiny of the government, which in the U.S.A., is one of the purest forms of "patriotism" (at least as far as history is concerned). There is no need to argue about this either; When people scrutinize their government and find nothing wrong, they accept their elected officials and generally abide by the laws that they have passed. When people scrutinize their government and find things VERY wrong, it is our duty as U.S. citizens to defend ourselves against U.S. enemies "foreign and DOMESTIC" i.e. anyone who would trample on the foundations of the U.S.A. The Constitution or endanger the very citizens they are sworn to protect. Over history this is false-flag attacks to invoke wars, officials being paid by corporations to lie to the general public about the safety of products and services at the citizens' expense, and causing general harm to the public and social freedoms in the name of "national security" I think if you things the right way and your citizens will support you without you having to lie to them. (Just what I think, 100% personal opinion) *The dark-web was created by Naval Intelligence and released to the public to cover up their own "dark (unknown to the general public)" agenda. With the ISPs cooperation with governments, routers and modems being limited in type and having to be branded by the FCC, various newer Executive orders stripping U.S. citizens of privacy rights, and most people's information being virtually transparent and easily accessible... *whew* any intelligence agency or (even more enlightening and kind of comical when you consider the lack of multi-billion dollar funding) hacktivist groups can easily obtain and trace any digital information about you they could ever want. As far as I am concerned my life should be as transparent as the groups that attempt to govern it. The weapons legally allowed at my disposal to defend myself should be, BY LAW, at least on-par with any local law enforcement i may happen to come into contact with, and civil liberties should be the single most important thing that any authoritarian body should concern themselves with. Hostile preventative measures almost always end badly, at least that's how Captain Steve Rogers feels... =D
Yep! There are people who have shows about killing people and who get off to SEEING people kill others. It is mainly covered with hungry for blood people...
I've seen several comments mentioning his hard breathing, needing of water or him possibly having a heart attack. And oh man... At 8:47 and thereafter... I'm also worried about him!! His skin is bright red, he's sweating and his voice even starts shaking! I know this is years old, but I hope he was ok after this speech!
Hey Ma! I just woke up. I have a headache that makes me want to *kill* myself. Yesterday's party wasn't anything like last *Thurday*'s. This one was a *bomb*! Selena got so drunk that she asked "What's *Obama*'s surname?" we joked about it for a long time! Anyway, how was your day yesterday? Hope to hear from you as soon as possible. Love, Your daughter xx
this is dangerous what he said 2 years ago from today writing this 2016, but dont use the tor firefox addon he mentions its no longer supported, you can use it but its probably not secure anymore because they and i quote from the tor site "...because we don't have enough developer resources to keep up with the accelerated Firefox release schedule, the toggle model of Torbutton is no longer supported. Users should be using Tor Browser, not installing Torbutton themselves." so use the actual browser itself not the addon for a browser you want to still use like firefox or chrome etc.
The only thing that I don't agree with is the advertising issue. That's not the government, those are advertising businesses tracking your cookies to see what sites you have visited. They then choose a client to put on their site for advertising revenue.
Dayman Dayman I agree with you on the solution part. How do we use his method of using the deep web when it's rumored to contain a lot of criminal activity and not to mention, dangerous to use.
I've always wanted to use TOR but I'm always nervous that I may stumble upon something that'll change me, that the browser itself has some nefarious, that I'll stumble upon someone dangerous
The creepy thing is, it's not just limited to emails/internet browsing... I was talking to a friend on the phone the other day how I really like colourful/funky/alternative shirts... now I'm getting ads for them plastered across my browser (despite never searching for them online) :/
"No criminal would give themselves away in phone or an email" dude, you don't know how common that is for criminals to give themselves away in a phone call or an e-mail
"Did you go to the party on Thursday? It was the bomb! The food was to kill for and the DJ looked like Obama."
Welcome to The List(TM).
Sodium Chloride I just bombed the test i took thursday. Now im going to kill time by watching Obama give speeches.
"I'm gonna kill Obama on Thursday with a bomb." Did I do this right?
Dillon Thunder Perfect.
I never realised Mike from Breaking Bad was so passionate about his privacy on the internet.
I was wondering why he looked familiar lmao
I was surprised too
Mike didn't sell meth though
Nice top comment plagiarism
"if you're not paying, you're the product." damn that hit me hard
Hanny J. “Nothing. Is. Free.” Business 101 said that even if you are a non-profit, if you aren’t bringing money in then you are closing your doors. Therefore... if you’re not paying, You Are the product.
So I'm the product when I'm using linux
I always say this to my friends...
@@analactica I mean they convinced you to use that clusterfuck of an os
He called it. End of Net Neutrality. 2017 in a nutshell.
John McSayer 5:37
Did your internet blow up like everyone thought it would?? No. I noticed not a single change in neither my price nor my service.
John McSayer try 5:43 he literally say “end of net neutrality”
Wow, 2020 and the end of net neutrality has had not a single effect on every day life like a bunch of people tried claiming.
@@kadeonines5178 welcome to a 2 year old comment. thanks for scrolling this far to find it. how accomplished to you feel?
It looks like this guy was having a little bit of trouble with nerves at about the middle mark, but kudos to him for sticking to it and catching his breath!
nah all the cool terrorists recruit people in Roblox
Build to Survive Donald Trump's Presidency
Just Moved In Donald Trump Tycoon
Club Penguin. RIP
The thing is, its actually true. Terrorists for god knows what stupid reasons, have gone to Roblox servers to recruit people.
The Cook wait wut. Never heard of that.
I lost my breath listening to him
don't just mock him. He's 'too old.
ayiti jones give him a break he's just 2 days younger than larry king
Aditya Wath hahaha
ayiti jones i think he was a tad bit nervous bc i run out of breathe speaking infront of judgmental pple too.
ayiti jones i'm in the ER room
kinda ironic because this video was in my recommended because of all the monitoring
Well said! XD
McNally's Kids It isnt part of the monitoring. UA-cam’s recommended algorithm is actually an AI programmed to give results according to the tags of videos you watch
Leonardo Torres which is monitoring right?
You have a point. Where it gets a bit iffy is that the majority of users of the platform don't understand the algorithm isn't just feeding you stuff you might like. It's suggesting stuff to keep your attention and keep you on the site. People also don't understand that platforms like these are perfect echo chambers unless you get out of the recommended lists and manually search.
The other far more dangerous thing is who is in charge of the algorithm? While Google and YT would love us to believe it's machine learning and they just let it do it's thing, that just isn't true. They actively suppress content that doesn't line up with their thinking.
well thats true
Log onto a Minecraft server and talk in chat or for extra security place signs on the ground and talk
Nah, it'd still be stored and sent as text in signs or chat. Only way to be sure is to shoot letters into walls in an FPS.
yep(make sure noone is in vanish watching)
Damian Furrer LMAO
I want to thank my fbi agent for recommending this video for me ❤
maria Maria
*Yeah... I'm looking to buy a laptop since last two days... And I'm bombarded with freaking Amazon laptop ads everywhere!*
HiHACKER welcome to the Internet ads
If you delete your cookies they'll all be gone
HiHACKER hahaha bomb
You have the word "hacker" in your name and don't know how to circumvent this?
Did someone say bomb? I'm renting a hacker to remove the text. "And I'm arded with freaking Amazon laptop ads everywhere!"
Thought this is going to be more about dark web and less about my little pony
Stefan Shepherd o dear stuck on hiz ole dirty postcard calling the butlers red social governments as rules for keep safe,get a gun loves,hahaaaa!
Swinging in the breeze with thou holy reads oh thy pigger!
are you on crack or something, whatever it is could i have some XD
Everything in the end leads up to mlp
TLF * uujikkkkkklkkkkkk
Jesus Christ man... Give me some!
This guy really needs to catch a breath
No-Scope Gamer
i was breathing like a maniac watching this video
i have azma and i felt like i was being choked to death
No-Scope Gamer he needs to wash and iron his fucking clothes. looks like he's been living in his car
The point of a ted talk is a good and interesting presentation. It's not about the information as you can find much better and more in-depth articles and videos on most of the subjects it handles. When the talker doesn't have a certain way of presenting himself, the ted talk is worthless.
No-Scope Gamer His accent compensates for that.
UitermateTeleurstellend That...to me...is the complete opposite of why I listen to a speaker. I don't care that much for the person's appearance. Usually those of a great mind (and I know I'm stretching things by using that word) care little about that. I'm not saying it's not important at all but it's not first and foremost. When I watch a presentation, I definitely care more about the speech and the amount of information I'm being given. I can dig deeper into a certain topic later on by using the internet, certainly, but you definitely get a more unique experience by hearing it spoken by someone. If everyone felt the same way about presentations as you do, then I'd say there's really no point in having them at all.
A speaker such as for these TED Talks bring their own ideas on a subject to the table but for me and so many others, it's often on a subject I had never considered or even knew about. Why would I ever want to just randomly research the deep web? I wouldn't. However, hearing this man speak, he's implanted a new suggestion I'd never considered and it's now food for thought (whether I act on it or not). I would not have just looked this up on my own; it was him coming forward to speak on it that now has me internally discussing the subject.
His appearance or mannerisms had nothing to do with it :) I know everyone watches these for different reasons but maybe try not to be so critical on the person's appearance alone. If you happen to dislike the speech, that certainly is understandable but these things go beyond a simple outward appearance.
Very interesting talk, I was really concerned he'd have a heart attack before the end though.
@@gautamarora7896not funny.
Nobody can hack my grandma, she has the best security on her computer.
She calls it: 'What is internet?'
"If it's free, you're the product."
"Here's TOR, it's free."
Just an observation.
AcornFox yes, you are a product useing that alows you to buy things like drugs and other stuf hireing people to do shit for you...so yes they use that for free so you can buy stuf on the deep web
AcornFox yes, you are a product useing that alows you to buy things like drugs and other stuf hireing people to do shit for you...so yes they use that for free so you can buy stuf on the deep web
A large number of child porn, black market, hitman sites and etc. are actually hosted by FBI and NSA to catch people that would want to use these. Tor is mostly for people that value their privacy.
One is free but owned and used by a corporation. The other is free because it is a common good. Like a community garden open to anyone that belongs to everyone and cared for by the ones who care.
You're forgetting that tor is open sourced...
There is a big difference between the deep Web and the dark web
Deep Web = Something that cannot be indexed by search engines. (Private Profiles, Password Protected Profiles, etc.)
Dark Web = Illegal or Gruesome Links (Death, Child Pornography, Drugs, etc)
Pretty massive difference...
Aleksander - that's actually precisely what I know. You have the surface Web: Everything that can be indexed/found by search machines/sites like Google. Than you have the deep web: All that can not be indexed/found by search machines/sites like Google. This includes email, banks, unlisted youtube videos etc. And then you have the dark web: all that can not be indexed/found by search machines/sites like Google. And you need specific software/hardware and/or passwords to find/view the things on the dark web.
Quinten Cabo once there's was a punch card.
Punch lines took horse gee gee
Puzzled by its own use unknown rode back
There's only a donkey with its carrot
Un kill SAm...o no..
The guy in the talk certainly doesn't know this as he throws the terms around randomly.
Quinten Cabo Yea but you can really only find deep websites that they want you to find, right?
of course mike from breaking bad knows all about the deep web
LOVEhateHUMANS some confuse standing in the corner with words across the rye,shredded wheats,Yunno?
LOVEhateHUMANS exactly what i m thinking. thank god mike is still alive.
LOVEhateHUMANS so true 😂😂
I realized this guy keep breathing almost at each word and sound like he is sick but he just attend the talk to share his story to audience. I hope that man is fine but if he is sick, I hope he is well.
Dhruv Saxena wrote: He looks like he's been on the run for a week just so he could deliver this presentation. Just watching him is uncomfortable
isn't it ironic that theres a film for television about how television rots the brain
James Bloch if you can't beat them, join them, I guess...
Shantorey Wilkins thank you for translating to emoji, I can't read words. You're doing god's work.
Kowalski, Analysis.
You don't go to dominoes and order a big Mac.. if you're selling weight loss product your best clientele will be at fast food places so you go there to promote.. just saying. The movie was made because they knew it's the way to extend their message
I was prepared to be creeped out, but this was a different presentation of the deep web
This episode of breaking bad: Mike discovers the internet.
Is it just me or is he having a heart attack? He's having a really hard time breathing.
We all are now😶
I think he's just staggering under the weight of all the shocking things he has to tell us.
That’s what happens when you share the secrets of the dark web
This happenes to me when i am nervous for my presentations. So he might be nervous
Fantastic TED talk! Raises the bar. Different from the other semi-informative stuff.
interesting but did this guy run a marathon before this speech?
+1ranjeeves21 lal
+1ranjeeves21 not everyone is a natural speaker, he might be nervous and thats how he speaks when he is
+1ranjeeves21 Maybe it's his ptsd or something from covering the Afghanistan war for the bbc and getting wounded.
+1ranjeeves21 It really added an extra something when he was talking about surveillance, as if he was being hunted at that exact moment.
I think he was a bit nervous.
I scared that he might faint anytime.
he's that security guy from Breaking Bad
water foker ohh my gosh just what I thought
water foker ahhahahaha water forkkk
was expecting this comment to be at top tho. he looks same
Mike from BB is played by Jonathan Banks... google him, how are they NOT twins...
guys when is better call saul season 2 coming
This video was way ahead of its time. Super insightful.
He makes the dark web sound like a safe place
It depends on your conscientiousness
The sound of his breathing makes me nervous
phew.. i wasnt alone.
Same . glad someone else noticed it. I thought it was a nervous gasp.
Triggered by breathing?
Cigarettes are addictive people.
You know hes clueless when he suggests the audience of My Little Pony is actually 7 year old girls.
+Johnny Deathe weo weo Brony alert, Brony alert! Weo weo!
Essam Mccain You have reading comprehension issues I see.
Johnny Deathe you know someone lost an argument when they start correcting your english
Essam Mccain I wasn't correcting your English. I said you had reading comprehension issues because some how my statement led you to believe I, myself, watch my little pony - which couldn't be further from the truth.
Johnny Deathe somehow*.. Just saying.
I'm developing a steady pattern with TED talks: 1) find an interesting topic from a TED talk in my video suggestions 2) search elsewhere immediately.
So true!
Mine is more
1 see a semi interesting title and click
2 keep watching till the end
Nolan Milnes I listen to them while I draw, it can get kind of boring listening to the whole Hamilton soundtrack over and over...
Little Miss Gecko Talk less. TED more
The shadow Lista aka Lucas hahaha hey that makes sense! 😂✌🏼
He predicted it years before. We would have to pay for the internet...wtf
Catsundere • he’s not “predicting it”. People have been threatening to repeal net neutrality since 2008
Maggie Collins woah someone actually responded to me, thank youu. I was just joking by the way
@@casandramarquez2171 😂 😂
@@azzyazeez hi
Yeah... we SHOULD actually do something about this. The creeps and sickos part frightens me.
Well I think the NSA should start by monitoring the UA-cam comments
+Isaac Norris Kill president obama bomb thursday
+Matt b
Lol, did they get there yet?
+Jeroen hazz They're making him go to them. Six pm Tuesday.
+Matt b Did they knock on your door?
Rickard Boberg Matt b hasn't responded yet so I think it's safe to assume that he's been taken away.
Im mad as hell and I'm not gonna take this anymore!
Go home love,be care fool,the tight ropes marked PP...
Jesse Ink You told mum
Literally your avatar is a Russian hacker
AcerMC did you even watch the video?
Goooood. GOOOOOD! Feeeel the hatred.
Now, give the government the power over the internet through net neutrality to solve problems created when the government created legal barriers of entry, preventing competition within the internet service provider industry. The government joined with the largest ISPs, creating many problems that would have been solved through competition.
He:"You got Websites and bulletin boards.
Me: and porn
He: and clones of Twitter and facebook
Me: and allot of porn
Naftaliten question is. What type of porn. Isn't most of it just incredibly fucked up satanic shit
***** God. Damn. ill see you all there
Naftaliten Lucio coming at you!
+Epic PHail
Who is it Lucio ?
Naftaliten Huh?
He has a good point. He should of included that sometimes we have to sacrifice Internet speed for privacy in the ted talk.
R.I.P Net neutrality
Just casually constantly interchanges 'deep' and 'dark'
Razarino Kripperino i thought the dark web was like a self made platform that only authorised users can access. Like a little mini internet they only they can use and blocks out everyone else?
J. H. No.
Regular web = indexable by search engines
Deep web = not indexable by search engines (like your private account settings, private chatrooms, and such)
Dark web = .onion sites, where you don't know the ip of the website, and the website doesn't know your ip, because the connection uses the tor network
Ughh I hate it when speakers constantly smack their lips, it's so annoying!
+x Broskee *smack* *smack* *smack* muwah muwah muwah
+x Broskee you sir just ruined my viewing experience
+x Broskee concurred
+dont wantto (aruje) exaactly what I was about to say
Mike Ehrmantraut is looking for jobs in the dark net
It is ironical when the same video is suggested by UA-cam algorithm that tracks your video search history, 😱
This is the most uncomfortable I've ever seen a person be.
Dude take a breather like holy shit
The breathing was my favorite part
I liked the shirt that was tucked in for a half hour and then pulled out after breakfast to make room for the rest of the day.
@@idamehrnoush8833 it was a hectic day - quick breakfast untucking shirt for lunch dark web talk escaping the fbi all while making time to take the blood pressure tablets...
Hmmm... lol Well TOR is on TED lol. I do this for a living! lol Awesome!
+Takedownman YEAH and Long may you Reign TDM
Takedownman aye it's that guy
Takedownman Yoooo I'm subscribed to this guy!
Takedownman Ayeeee TDM! :D
It's a little bizarre watching this in 2017 with net neutrality already out the window.
"No terrorist worth their salt is going to give anything away in an email" yeah, used to think the same about high level political colluders as well, but that didn't turn out to be the case either.
Aaaaaand burn.
I'm mad as hell, I'm not gonna take this anymore.
I'm pretty sure I'm on a watch list after liking this vid
Brent Messina 😂😂😂
Brent Messina most people are today, targeted individuals
how can you trust somone who dosent trust you
This dude looks like Mike in Breaking Bad
This man called net neutrality in 2014, what a legend
Title: Dark web
Content: Deep web
They are the same..
@@Asmaa_311 They are not, or else I would not have commented what I did.
What's the difference?
@@StNick119 Well. You have surface web. That is what you can search on and find what you are looking for. Like Wikipedia. It's open and easy to access.
The main thing about deep web is that it's not public. That can be things like what websites put behind a account wall of some kind, payed or not.
That is deep web.
Dark web is a part of the deep web. Usually people associate this with services like Tor.
So to set this in an practical example.
Let's say that you are in a street of shops. You walk along the street and look into windows. This street is your search engine like Google.
You see something you're interested in in one of the shop windows and you walk in. The door is open for everyone.
When you're in the shop you are now in the surface web. You could see what was in the shop before you entered, and people can see that you are in the shop.
You did find the item you where looking for, but it was in the wrong color. So you ask the shop owner if they have a wider selection.
He says that he has, but that is in the back room. To get there you have to pay him an entrance fee, and sign your name in a book.
You go in the back and start looking around. There are other people around. There is some windows and cameras but nothing that leads out to the street that you came from.
This is the deep web.
You still don't find what you are looking for. But another customer tells you about a street of shops that has interesting items.
Maybe they have what you're looking for. So you go outside of the shop and find the street.
When you arrive they tell you that to access this hidden marked you are required to wear a standardized mask and outfit to not be recognized.
When you're on the inside you can see others, but they are all disguised. You see some just selling innocent items, and some dealing drugs. You have no way of knowing who is dealing with who. This is the dark web.
nanec the way I've read it explained is that deep web is just stuff you can't find on google, and people access deep web all the time. Like your bank account is on the deep web, so people can't just google your bank statement. While dark web is the thing most people thin when they hear deep web, incorrectly. Does that sound about about right?
that rent a hacker shit, fuck that being on the wrong end of that shit
You think that is bad, there is rent a hitman for like 100k scary stuff.
+Sparky Then again I think I'd rather be killed than go to prison for child pornography (especially because I very seriously doubt that the government could ever track hackers messing with your data)
Sparky rent a hitman isnt as bad as rent a hacker. and i dont think its 100k im pretty sure 20-30k will get you a hitman
it's not scary you should expect It...
str8oldskool187 holy crap! Why don't you know you just can't get it on, where is gonna list end too you blow fuse reading English from this crazy clout you can't recall you used yo quiz puzzle with things you know are meant hints for not,but you go them as things you know your NOT?
7:04 this already is a thing. I searched for some reviews about a car because I wanted to buy one. After some hours of research i get LOTS of ads (like on YT) showing me cars and shit. First time I thought about this and how much they know about my interests.
yh no shit it's already a thing..
Philip Danzinger me and a friend were talking about a certain topic. I wanted to Google about said topic I typed in the "W" in what. Google filled in the exact question I wanted to ask. with one letter Google knew the topic I wanted (which was not common) and knew what question I wanted.
Dimes On His Eyes Yeah, I bought a new monitor on Amazon and now I get lots of ads from LG, like wtf.
Philip Danzinger that's not surprising as that information is collected in your browser and not to mention amazon sells info about you to third parties. But I am talking about a conversation where our phones were not involved at all. And come to think of it I think this has happened more than once.
Just noticing now, eh? This has been happening already for ~years.~
this guy is so funny, please post more of his talks!
the end of net neutrality threat is super relevant right now, goddamn
I'm too much of a shitebag to go on it, but I am fascinated by stories about the dark web.
"You've got to say: I'm a human being goddammit; My life has value!"
Let's make some things perfectly clear:
* All of the computing power in the world is not enough to decrypt all of the encrypted communications in the world. In terms of protecting your own citizens, it would be pointless to gather all of this data without a specific target and limited degrees of relative searching in mind.
* As a country, the only reason to monitor the majority of your own citizens is to prevent dissension and scrutiny of the government, which in the U.S.A., is one of the purest forms of "patriotism" (at least as far as history is concerned). There is no need to argue about this either; When people scrutinize their government and find nothing wrong, they accept their elected officials and generally abide by the laws that they have passed. When people scrutinize their government and find things VERY wrong, it is our duty as U.S. citizens to defend ourselves against U.S. enemies "foreign and DOMESTIC" i.e. anyone who would trample on the foundations of the U.S.A. The Constitution or endanger the very citizens they are sworn to protect.
Over history this is false-flag attacks to invoke wars, officials being paid by corporations to lie to the general public about the safety of products and services at the citizens' expense, and causing general harm to the public and social freedoms in the name of "national security" I think if you things the right way and your citizens will support you without you having to lie to them. (Just what I think, 100% personal opinion)
*The dark-web was created by Naval Intelligence and released to the public to cover up their own "dark (unknown to the general public)" agenda. With the ISPs cooperation with governments, routers and modems being limited in type and having to be branded by the FCC, various newer Executive orders stripping U.S. citizens of privacy rights, and most people's information being virtually transparent and easily accessible... *whew* any intelligence agency or (even more enlightening and kind of comical when you consider the lack of multi-billion dollar funding) hacktivist groups can easily obtain and trace any digital information about you they could ever want.
As far as I am concerned my life should be as transparent as the groups that attempt to govern it. The weapons legally allowed at my disposal to defend myself should be, BY LAW, at least on-par with any local law enforcement i may happen to come into contact with, and civil liberties should be the single most important thing that any authoritarian body should concern themselves with. Hostile preventative measures almost always end badly, at least that's how Captain Steve Rogers feels... =D
Adam Powell Amazing comment I agree completely, nice to see another brother in Arms
Lets date.
Literally predicts the end of Net Neutrality
alan pearce talking about the deep web? you mean.. Aiden Pearce???
I'm close to unplugging. Left a 👍
When people who have a platform confuse the deep web with the dark web, it drives me figuratively insane.
I'd firstly be concerned with the sicko's on it. Then, the rest.
Yep! There are people who have shows about killing people and who get off to SEEING people kill others.
It is mainly covered with hungry for blood people...
Music Teacher Guy Hell Fee Com Meant
MemeHackz I watch people get killed to feed my sexual fetishes.
"If you're not paying, you're the product"
"Here's some free ways to stay anonymous"
Alan Pearce??? hmmm wasn't that guys name in watch_dogs
nah that was aiden pierce i think but close i thought the same :)
nah that was aiden pierce i think but close i thought the same :)
Paul Banks Alan Pearce might be the father hehe xD
Exactly what I thought when I saw the title
Now I'm imagining cults being held in Legends of Equestria
bruhhhh, underrated comment
I've seen several comments mentioning his hard breathing, needing of water or him possibly having a heart attack. And oh man... At 8:47 and thereafter... I'm also worried about him!! His skin is bright red, he's sweating and his voice even starts shaking! I know this is years old, but I hope he was ok after this speech!
This guy was correct about the end of net neutrality back in 2014...
Hey Ma!
I just woke up. I have a headache that makes me want to *kill* myself. Yesterday's party wasn't anything like last *Thurday*'s. This one was a *bomb*! Selena got so drunk that she asked "What's *Obama*'s surname?" we joked about it for a long time! Anyway, how was your day yesterday?
Hope to hear from you as soon as possible.
Your daughter xx
Damla Kayacan r u ded
Can you contact us from your designated FBI blacksite, or is it too late?
Salty Dog probably too late
Damla Kayacan r u STILL ded?
Does anyone else has the feeling that the speaker is constantly out of breath???? It's really disturbing.
Vitor Costa Neto it was way before you think it is
4 years later and he’s right on the money.
I wanted him to dim the lights and ask the audience if they want to play a game
this is dangerous what he said 2 years ago from today writing this 2016, but dont use the tor firefox addon he mentions its no longer supported, you can use it but its probably not secure anymore because they and i quote from the tor site "...because we don't have enough developer resources to keep up with the accelerated Firefox release schedule, the toggle model of Torbutton is no longer supported. Users should be using Tor Browser, not installing Torbutton themselves." so use the actual browser itself not the addon for a browser you want to still use like firefox or chrome etc.
Came to rewatch this After the Net Neutrality thing
"The end of net neutrality." That reminds me of something...
The only thing that I don't agree with is the advertising issue. That's not the government, those are advertising businesses tracking your cookies to see what sites you have visited. They then choose a client to put on their site for advertising revenue.
Boy, did this age like fine wine.
9:30 scared me the most
Well the speaker didn't realize that the rent-a-hacker service was most likely a scam.
He's suffocating... And its affecting me xD
This guy predicted the future and we lost net neutrality 🤦🏻♂️
Which country are you in? Cos they tried in India and failed.
Best TEDx I've ever seen
When you feel sad that they are spying on your mails.
But then you realize nobody sends you any mail.
he should have spent more time driving home his point / solution.
Dayman Dayman I agree with you on the solution part. How do we use his method of using the deep web when it's rumored to contain a lot of criminal activity and not to mention, dangerous to use.
just use tor browser, you don't have to go in the deep web. You can use tor to just chill and watch youtube:D
Tomasz Omasta unless you're in a country that blocks YT please do not watch videos through TOR
But why?
You must be an undercover agent trying to convince people not to use tor so you can continue your surveillance...
He predicted future with net neutrality
He saw Pai coming three years ago.
I've always wanted to use TOR but I'm always nervous that I may stumble upon something that'll change me, that the browser itself has some nefarious, that I'll stumble upon someone dangerous
Phew... That was an exhausting speech.
Pro tip: watch at 2x speed
That's how i watch all things informational on youtube. I wish it had a 3X speed function.
makes him sound even more paniced about the whole thing
He kinda looks like mike from breaking bad
Danny Altamira exactly what I thought 😂👌🏼
It was exactly what i was thinking!
TED talks really went downhill
this was 2 years ago lmao
PrettyFly4Wifi TED talks really went downhill 2 years ago
Newport31311 really ru sure
Simply using an alternative browser doesn't make you anonymous, as much as you'd like to believe it would.
Tor does.
y'all should watch "THE SOCIAL DILENMA" after this
damn boy you need some cardio you're out of breath!
hawaiianpunch808 LO;
He predicted it.
Damn, this guy called net neutrality
The creepy thing is, it's not just limited to emails/internet browsing... I was talking to a friend on the phone the other day how I really like colourful/funky/alternative shirts... now I'm getting ads for them plastered across my browser (despite never searching for them online) :/
"No criminal would give themselves away in phone or an email" dude, you don't know how common that is for criminals to give themselves away in a phone call or an e-mail
He looks like he's been on the run for a week just so he could deliver this presentation. Just watching him is uncomfortable
that's a great way to put it :) he also doesn't have much time to deliver it 0:10 lol