Txiv ntxawm aw Koj txhua txhua Zaj dab neeg ce kuv yeej mloog tsis dhuav Li os txawm kuv twb Muab download mu mloog lawm lo yeej mloog ta mloog dua Li o
I agree with your idea that why only something talked about happen to hmong. Like khawv koob, tso dab and yee siv. Yog heev npaum ntawd cas ho ua tsis tau rau lwm haiv neeg ces rau tebchaw nyob lawm. Feem ntawd yog siv tswv yim dag lwm tus xwb ho lwm haiv neeg ces yus dag tsis tau thiaj tsis tshwm sim.
Nyob zoo. Kuv vam tia thaum koj los pom lawm koj yuav teb kuv. Kuv ib txwm nyiam koj cov dab neeg puag thaum 2016 los lawm hnub no kuv xav nrog kuv tham tim ncauj tim lus . Vim kuv muaj qee yam xav thov koj. (Thov qhia koj tus F rau kuv o tij
Why did he even tell this this trick, when he can’t even take the bamboo stick back to the grave ? Costs the whole family spiritual damage. I think it for premeditated intentions. Don’t do unless they really know the costs/damage
Tij laug koj puas kam kuv ib zaj dab neeg os yog dab neeg nkauj nraug xwb yog koj kam hais no kuv sau xa rau koj pab hais os ze ze peb caug lawm kho siab heev li vim kuv tus hluas nkauj mus yuav txiv lawm
Hlob cas koj tsi tham dab neeg sib hlub lawm og, koj twb tau hais tias koj yuav tsi tham dab neseeg sib no tshe muaj ib tshia yuav tsi tshua caum koj lawm og hlob es xav kom thov koj tham ib cov dab neeg tsaug tshai log yuav tham ib co sib hlub thiab og .thov koj ntxib kev noj qab nyob zoo
Funny story... once upon a time, Grandpa told me this trick too. However, there's a lot more to it 😉. Anyway, long story short. I was in high-school senior year, always going over to this white girl's house to study "US History". I would be at her house 2 to 3 times a night. I would leave her home by 7 to 8 pm because they go to bed by 9pm. So my mom wanted to go visit her sister who have passed for a couple of years. When we got to the cemetery there was a fresh grave site a couple of roles down. I saw the nees and took it. That day was a Saturday so after the cemetery, I went ever to hang out with the white girl at her home. Before I went inside, I left the nees by the back gate going to the backyard. The time was about 6pm. And everyone went to bed about 830pm. Including me. We didn't wake up until 10am sunday.
sorry I did not explain full details, but he never mention about the past of him and his younger brother when they picked up the flute, bcuz he knew it's not a big deal.
Hlob aw kv xav muab kv zaj dab neeg rau kj piav o vim kv lub neej txaug kv tu siab heev li thov kj pab Qhia rau kv saib kv yuav ua cag mam muab tau rau kj piav o thov teb o hlob kv tug fb tôi quá mệt mỏi og
Kv mj ib zaj dab neeg ua tau nraug rau kv the kheej kv xav muab tham rau kj pab muab lo hai rau saum huab cua no Yg raug dab zaj Nw ho cuam chuam rau txoos yias
Tus yawg laus ntawd tsuas lam dag yawg tshuas nplooj xwb ???? Tsis muaj txoj hauv kev uas dab toj ntxas niag nees ntawd yuav pab tau leej twg li os ???? Tsuas muaj qhov los hem koj peb poob plig nkaus xwb ???
Zoo tiag2 nyiam koj cov dab neeg heev li os txiv ntxawm
Zoo mloog heev li brother thanks 4 sharing👍👍👍
Mloog txaus ntshai heev li
Koj cov dab neeg yog cov zoo mloog tshaj nyob hauv youtube tij laug love you story dab neeg hmonb number 1❤
Zoo mloog heev li os tij laus 👍👍👍👍💯
I just started following your channel, I don’t really understand , but most of it.
I understand a little bit Hmong ❤❤.😊😊😊😊
Zoo mloog thiab lom zem kawg ❤❤
Zoo kawg🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
Nyob zoo os tij laug koj tham tau zoo kawg li kuv tuaj txhawb nqa koj os
kuv nyiam koj dab neeg heev
Love your background 😮😮😮😮 creepy indeed 😮
Zoo mloog heev o
Txiv ntxawm aw Koj txhua txhua Zaj dab neeg ce kuv yeej mloog tsis dhuav Li os txawm kuv twb Muab download mu mloog lawm lo yeej mloog ta mloog dua Li o
Kuv sim lawm nawj tij laug😂😂😂
Aw sim seb zoo li cas no qhia kuv ov
Tsis YOG PLHOM moi hos YOG xav ham lais daib kas nplais NTAU zaus DHAU TSHAJ QHOV DHAU ces TSIS NCO TXOG VIM tsis muaj kev kawm Kom txhij Txhij thiab ntxaws nxxaws!
Tham txog tsis ua thiab siv RAU LWM haiv neeg thiab SIJ HAWM sib TUA vim NCAUJ tim NCAUJ heev TSHAJ Xob laim thiab Xob nthe... NCAUJ puam suav khawd, tes-taw TUAG zawd XWB LAS.
zoo mloog kawg
Puas muaj dab neeg phis nyum vais lawm os tham kom txaus ntxhai rau peb mloog os
Kuv nyiam mloog koj Cov heev Li nawj
Brother aw koj hais tau zoo heev kawg rau koj cov dab neeg, thiab koj lub suab hais tau very interested sounds 👍😁🤔
Yes! More scary stories, love it brother! ☺️
Zoo zoo 😮😮
1st English comment 😂 great story.
tij zag tuam los hwm tog ntsev ntsev lawm os...❤😢
Love ❤
Chú biết kể chuyện quá
Always good stories
Zoo mloog heev
tij thov koj pab qhia lub npe zaj dab neeg tus poj niam tuag e tus txiv muab lub xov tooj rau hauv lub hleb vim kuv nrhia tsi tau lm zoo mloog heev li
Pua muaj tuam lo hw ntxoov yia lm o tij xav mloog heeg
Koj pheej tham cov dab neeg sib hlub xwb peb tsis xav moog ne
Kuv yuav tau tham 2-3 hom dab neeg es kom lwm tus ho tau mloog xwb os
Scary story..🥹🥹..good Halloween story..♥️♥️🌹🌹👁️👀☠️💀
I agree with your idea that why only something talked about happen to hmong. Like khawv koob, tso dab and yee siv. Yog heev npaum ntawd cas ho ua tsis tau rau lwm haiv neeg ces rau tebchaw nyob lawm. Feem ntawd yog siv tswv yim dag lwm tus xwb ho lwm haiv neeg ces yus dag tsis tau thiaj tsis tshwm sim.
niaj hnub niam no lo yeej tseem siv tau zoo li qub nawj
Tshai yuav tau kawm mug tham hluag nkauj pob
Xav tau koj tus baw xov tooj vim kuv muaj ib zaj dab neeg kauj nraug ua yog kv xav mua pia
Last year when you said you going to decorate your house during Halloween and make it scary when you on your Facebook live
Txiv hlob kuv muaj ib zaj dab neeg kuv xav muab tuaj rau koj tham rau peb moog koj puas kam os
Koj sau tuaj rau kuv tus FB Fuji C Vang os
Kj tham lus qeeb zog thiaj zoo os
Ua tsaug nawb
Nyob zoo. Kuv vam tia thaum koj los pom lawm koj yuav teb kuv. Kuv ib txwm nyiam koj cov dab neeg puag thaum 2016 los lawm hnub no kuv xav nrog kuv tham tim ncauj tim lus . Vim kuv muaj qee yam xav thov koj. (Thov qhia koj tus F rau kuv o tij
Nws lub fa sau fuJi C vang
@@HmongTheLegendChannel584 ua koj tsaug nawb
Niaj hnub no puas tseem muaj tseeb nev😂
Hmoob ces yeej txawj ua phem rov rau hmoob xwb ma
Ngủ đến 12 giờ 😂😂😂😂😂
Why did he even tell this this trick, when he can’t even take the bamboo stick back to the grave ? Costs the whole family spiritual damage. I think it for premeditated intentions. Don’t do unless they really know the costs/damage
Yuav tau mus sim ho txiv ntxawm
Tij laug koj puas kam kuv ib zaj dab neeg os yog dab neeg nkauj nraug xwb yog koj kam hais no kuv sau xa rau koj pab hais os ze ze peb caug lawm kho siab heev li vim kuv tus hluas nkauj mus yuav txiv lawm
Tshuas nplooj ruam yuav tsum mloog kev siv ..siv li cas muab wuav rau tshua nplooj noj
Hlob cas koj tsi tham dab neeg sib hlub lawm og, koj twb tau hais tias koj yuav tsi tham dab neseeg sib no tshe muaj ib tshia yuav tsi tshua caum koj lawm og hlob es xav kom thov koj tham ib cov dab neeg tsaug tshai log yuav tham ib co sib hlub thiab og .thov koj ntxib kev noj qab nyob zoo
Tham dab neeg ces cia li tham kiag xwb txhob tham pem ntau ntau meem txom heev
Funny story... once upon a time, Grandpa told me this trick too. However, there's a lot more to it 😉. Anyway, long story short. I was in high-school senior year, always going over to this white girl's house to study "US History". I would be at her house 2 to 3 times a night. I would leave her home by 7 to 8 pm because they go to bed by 9pm. So my mom wanted to go visit her sister who have passed for a couple of years. When we got to the cemetery there was a fresh grave site a couple of roles down. I saw the nees and took it. That day was a Saturday so after the cemetery, I went ever to hang out with the white girl at her home. Before I went inside, I left the nees by the back gate going to the backyard. The time was about 6pm. And everyone went to bed about 830pm. Including me. We didn't wake up until 10am sunday.
Cov niag laus thaum ub coj tau lub niag tswv yim phem kawg nkaus li thiab qhia cov hluas coj tsis zoo kiag li
Twb tau nploog koos loos piav lawwm 😁
Kuv yog 😊tus 1
Rov qab piav ntxoov yias vs tuam los hws lawv ma
Creepy stuff and every year is faster and faster 😮😮😮😢😢😢 it's telling us that we are older each year 😔😭😭
Kuv thov kojj haig ib zaj txom ntawm LGBT os 😢😢🙏🙏🙏
Koj puas paub zags daughnej thauoghet hioo ?
Tij laug zaj Tuam Los Hwv puas muaj lawm os
I don’t get it , you said he didn’t pick up the raj ncas , but you said he took it home😂😂😂
sorry I did not explain full details, but he never mention about the past of him and his younger brother when they picked up the flute, bcuz he knew it's not a big deal.
Ua cas koj tsis tham ntxoov yias rau peb moog os txiv hlob
Cov neeg nyiag kuv cov tswv yim mus tham ua dog ua dig tag lawm ces kuv tsis xav tham lawm xwb os. Tabsis kuv tseem npaj tham ntxiv nawb mog
@@HmongBedtimeStoriesthov koj txhob muab tso pov tseg os lawm nyiag lawm lawm tham lawm peb tseem xa xa nov koj tham na 🙏🙏
Hlob aw kv xav muab kv zaj dab neeg rau kj piav o vim kv lub neej txaug kv tu siab heev li thov kj pab Qhia rau kv saib kv yuav ua cag mam muab tau rau kj piav o thov teb o hlob kv tug fb tôi quá mệt mỏi og
Kv mj ib zaj dab neeg ua tau nraug rau kv the kheej kv xav muab tham rau kj pab muab lo hai rau saum huab cua no
Yg raug dab zaj
Nw ho cuam chuam rau txoos yias
I still have to get my dad to contact you and have you tell the dragon story my grandpa witnessed, apparently the trails are still there in laos..
Send your story to my Facebook msg Fuji C Vang
@HmongBedtimeStories will do, they're done farming already, maybe ill have him call u directly idk cov laus tsis paub sib Facebook thiab lol
Cas tsi npom koj tham tuam log hwm lawm og txiv hlob...???
Koj tsid paub
Mloog thib ib lawm os
Mloog thaum twg ces tsaug zog thaum ntawv li os❤
People can’t harm any other human being except for their own kind
Tus yawg laus ntawd tsuas lam dag yawg tshuas nplooj xwb ???? Tsis muaj txoj hauv kev uas dab toj ntxas niag nees ntawd yuav pab tau leej twg li os ???? Tsuas muaj qhov los hem koj peb poob plig nkaus xwb ???
If you ever run out of stories, you should do native american stories as well as translate irish and scottish lore.
Thank you 🙏
Kuv xa mus sim ib zaug thiab tiag seb tiam 21 no nws puas leej lawm
Tso cov suab txaus2 ntshai no rau 3 tau mloog og
Tso tuam los hws 7