Tela Model Y RWD vs Long Range Supercharger battle ( summer 35c )

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @gamotogamoto6573
    @gamotogamoto6573 Місяць тому +1

    Thank you. Finally a real world test I was looking for weeks but UA-cam was not able to show me!! So range / charging about the same but more power in the LR

  • @stigb.jensen8427
    @stigb.jensen8427 4 місяці тому +2

    Really interesting 👍🏻 great videos 👍🏻 Keep it coming 💪🏻

  • @julianorossi2450
    @julianorossi2450 5 місяців тому +4

    Thank you for the testing. You guys are really my reference for when it comes to comparing RWD vs AWD battery performance!

  • @voldar70
    @voldar70 5 місяців тому +7

    I would say that you should tell your brother not to be upset about his Tesla LR. He's the winner in reality.
    For the following reason :
    > starting the journey at 100% each of you, the LR will drive farther than the SR. By about 70 km farther (if I remember correct, in winter the difference was 50 km when you did the test). Driving this distance at 130 km/h takes about 32 minutes. So, the 16 minutes between the two charging from 0 to 100% aren't a problem. The LR will always be ahead of the SR by at least 15 minutes.
    Now, lets say the two will always stop after about 2 hours of driving (about 250 km). The SR at 130 km/h is doing about 190 Wh/km. The LR would be around 200 Wh/km. So, the SR would need 47,5 kWh while the LR would need 50 kWh to charge for the next leg. In % this means the SR would need to charge to 80% while the LR would need to charge to 64%. In real life, the SR would need to charge up to 90% while the LR would need to charge to 74% (buffer 10%). The SR charging to 90% means more time than the LR charging to 74%.
    So, in the end, the SR is always slower than the LR, in real life. In the video above, yes, we can always say what we want.
    A great video nonetheless. 👏

  • @abr00ky
    @abr00ky 4 місяці тому

    Thanks guys this is very interesting.

  • @OlavAlexanderMjelde
    @OlavAlexanderMjelde 5 місяців тому +1

    1) Regular batteries you dont charge to 100% (but you can do so on LFP)
    3) If you want to compare the RWD vs the AWD (since they have LFP vs NMC) - you should charge the LFP to 100% and stop charging the NMC at same km charged (is it 80%?), in this way you do a fair comparison.
    4) When doing long travels, most likely you charge 10% to 80% on NMC and 10% to 100% on LFP, so maybe this is the way you should compare it. It makes the most sence, since charging 80% to 100% on NMC takes the same time as 10% to 80%. (more or less). And you have enough range to reach next supercharger.

  • @AllThatJazOfficial
    @AllThatJazOfficial 5 місяців тому

    What's the purple led strip you have on the dash?

  • @capkkk
    @capkkk 5 місяців тому +1

    The only interesting number is: How many km can a car charge per time.
    I assume the LR model is upfront.

    • @Twin.motors
      @Twin.motors  5 місяців тому +2

      Yes the LR did charge 110km more of "range" but it took 16 minutes longer.
      Which model is best really depends on what you need and how you use it.
      For long multi supercharger trips the RWD would have an advantage but for areas lacking superchargers the LR might be better

    • @ViTK0_
      @ViTK0_ 5 місяців тому

      Thats true but you never charge to 100% and so if you want to just charge a bit then lr is also better choice. Best is to look at kwh charged rather than percentage as 60% of 76kwh is the same as 80% of 58kwh. Btw I am an owner of rwd with byd battery which charges insanely fast, which i guess would be even faster in this test

    • @Twin.motors
      @Twin.motors  5 місяців тому

      @@ViTK0_ well yes and no, mostly because the LR uses about 20% more energy so it needs to have more kw charged just to match the RWD. It's an interesting equation, from our little tests I would recommend the "long range" for more power only since the range benefit is fairly small

    • @ViTK0_
      @ViTK0_ 5 місяців тому

      @@Twin.motors thats a fair point, btw love your videos, keep up the good work :)

    • @micha8765
      @micha8765 5 місяців тому

      @@Twin.motors 20 % more? that would be 19.2 instead oder 16 kWh/100 km
      doubt it
      best choice in my eyes would be the LR RWD ;) according to WLTP less consumption than the SR RWD and the delta in € is not that much

  • @Azsmodaen
    @Azsmodaen 5 місяців тому

    It looks that supercharger is splitting its power between your two cars. So 250 / 2 = 125Kw and thats almost what you both get. Because at that low state of charge LR is able to get almost 250Kw and that is not happening here.

    • @Twin.motors
      @Twin.motors  5 місяців тому +1

      @@Azsmodaen the supercharger is V4, I've charged at that charger many times with it 100% occupied and pulled the max 175kw so it shouldn't be the case.
      I think we will try the test again soon with them fully conditioned to see if anything changes. Btw, the LR very very rarely hits 250kw and when it does it's for a minute or two.

  • @michaelsamaan895
    @michaelsamaan895 5 місяців тому

    Hi guys. Really like your videos but shouldn’t the test have been how long it takes the Tesla Model Y Long Range to reach 80% as it’s a larger battery… can’t remember if it’s 75kWh for the LR… versus reaching 100% on the Tesla Model Y RWD LFP battery… can’t remember if that’s a 60kWh battery. If the LR reaches 80% before the RWD reaches 100% and has more range then it’s the winner 🤪despite the RWD maxing out at 150kWh compared to 250kWh on the LR. Having other Tesla’s charging in the bays next to you meant the challenge took twice as long you’d be sharing power compared to not having to share power if you had empty stalls on both sides but nice video none the less.

    • @Twin.motors
      @Twin.motors  5 місяців тому +1

      @@michaelsamaan895 these are V4 chargers so no sharing involved. The LR briefly went up to 190kw during the test too.
      The LRs 80% is not the same as the RWD 100% according to multiple tests we've done, at best it's 10% more range.
      We're actually doing another video to settle this once and for all lol
      Tomorrow we will charge them preconditioned to 100% again and post the results

  • @pqvid
    @pqvid 4 місяці тому

    The LG battery in the LR is really not that impressive. I had a 2019 Model 3 with the Panasonic battery - that was the charging king! Still not beaten, now 5 years later.
    I hear from every corner: Oh, don't buy an EV, the progress is so fast, a 3 years old car is a relict... Well, not from my experience :)

    • @Twin.motors
      @Twin.motors  24 дні тому +1

      We actually just bought a Model 3 Performance from 2019 with the Panasonic pack and drove it side by side with the Model Y LR and you're 100% correct. The Old M3P was 20% faster at all times.
      We'll do a video with the M3P vs the Y Rwd supercharging to see the real world number soon