Courtier Will you stop clinging onto the past ? Poles tried nothing. Nationalism didnt exist back then, so Lithuanian nobility themselves switched over to Polish for diplomatic purposes, as Lithuanian was not known and fairly undeveloped in written formed for use.
@@courtier8708 "Yes, the same language and culture that poles once tried to destroy." - no, no. Not Poles tried to destroy, but prince Witold tried to get our culture to Lithuania, because he had seen how great it was. Culture and social structure in Poland like our nobility which has been taking care about country when Poland hadn't have a king in Jadwiga times.
I was once very nationalistic, but understood, that in 18th century nobody cared what your nationality was!!!!! So poles are our brothers, we just to lazy to learn their language or ther ours.!!!!!!!!
Tai daug žmonių emigravo.. dabar pasiraitoję rankoves valdininkai nori žaliuosius miškus išvis suniokioti.. kad nebūtų ko grįžti.:( stiangiamės , kad paliktų kas likę ir stabdyti plynus kirtimus.
Oj oj oj gal Jums vel Kubiliu grazinti, gal priminti ka konservai su komunistai ir liberastais "nuveike" Lietuvos labui per 27 metus? Lietuva pagaliau atsigavo per du paskutinius metus ir tai mato visi. Misku neiskirs ir prasau sia tema nepjuditi zmoniu Lietuvoje.
@@sarunasbareika4176 neteisinu aš jokios valdžios, man visos valdžios svetimos. O miškus visai baigia nustekenti, per du metus su naujausiomis technologijomis kerta daugiau nei popieriuose.. ir as nei vienų drakonų neteisinu. O mišką paskutiniais metais akivaizdžiai drąsko, kad net paprastiems žmonėms už akių kliūva kiekvieną dieną.
Lietuvą mylėti sapnuose miškuose valgant blynus svetimoje šalyje nėra griehas. Politikai visame kame parsidave šunes, ir visur. Lietuvs žemės čia ne prie ko. Stiprybės jums visiems.
Dear Friends and Brothers n Sisters We should not let that past cloud us... Poland 🇵🇱 and Lithuania 🇱🇹 friends Brothers Sisters Allies... Stop this madness we both are guilty... Now we must embrace friendship...
Seniausios kalbos buvo trys Jafeto palikuonių( po Babelės griuvimo) tai senovės baltų, germanų ir slavų. Visos kitos "evropinės' kalbos yra išdarkyti hibridai. Kuo senesnė kalba- tuo ji vaizdingesnė. Šekspyras buvo genijus parašęs daug didžių kūrinių anglo-sakso-franko-latino-kelto-judine kalba.
Kiekvienam miela sava kalba. Beje, neblogai įvaldei lietuvių kalbą, pagarba. Slavų kalbos nėra labai senos, tas matosi iš to, jog jos mažai nutolę viena nuo kitos ir visos eilės kalbinių naujybių. Lietuvių kalboje kartais tarp tarmių yra didesnis skirtumas, jau nekalbant apie skirtumus su latvių kalba. Tik dėl to nereikia įžeidinėti kitų. Kalbos ne hibridanasi - jos skyla į dialektus, kurie, jei nutolsta geografiškai tampa atskiromis kalbomis. Aišku, yra veikiamos kaimyninių kalbų, bet tai joks hibridinimasis.
Thanks!Ireland a great country,too!I spend in Dublin 7 years and back home Lithuania!My daughter was born in Ireland and has Irish passport😁If you want find ancient Pagans culture,look here Here Lithuanian Pagans songs festival in Vilnius city.Many songs more then 600 years old...
Oh my lovely one, Early morning raised. Not for the crimson wine, For the verdure. Oh my lovely one, White mouth washed. Not for the crimson wine, For the verdure. Oh my lovely one, Putting on the shirt. Not for the crimson wine, For the verdure. Oh my lovely one, Putting on the mil. Not for the crimson wine, For the verdure. Oh my lovely one, Sitting on the horse. Not for the crimson wine, For the verdure. Oh my lovely one, Riding to the war. Not for the crimson wine, For the verdure. Oh my lovely one, Chopping with the whip. Not for the crimson wine, For the verdure. Oh my lovely one, Put the head down. Not for the crimson wine, For the verdure.
Wow!!! So different for me a romance language person LOL My dear Lithuanian friend, Jadvyga ...kaite (Chundak-Thiemann) aka Hedy Chundak, is a Holocaust survivor from the age of about 10. She bore a son, John Jurkauskas, in the Bergen-Belsen camp in February 1945. Then came to the U.S. Had a daughter, Helena Chundak. Her second, loving husband, Karl Thiemann, pre-deceased her along with her two children and a dear granddaughter, Jessica Titman. I've been her neighbor/friend for 24 years. I visit her at an assisted living facility about 10 min. from my home. God has blessed her to be in a good assisted living facility. She has a loving ex-son-in-law and 2 grandsons and great-grandchildren in Nebraska and a granddaughter and great-grandson in Florida. I hope they come to visit her before it's too late as she just turned 87! I love her! (862-812-3061)(New Jersey)
@@ellencamano4197 Thank you for your steadfast friendship to an elder. You honor your friend and give hope to many that there is goodness in the world. betty
Oi jau mano mielas Anksti rytą kėlė - Ne dėl žalio vyno - Dėl žalio žolyno. Oi jau mano mielas Baltai burną prausė - Ne dėl žalio vyno - Dėl žalio žolyno. Oi jau mano mielas Marškinėlius vilko - Ne dėl žalio vyno - Dėl žalio žolyno. Oi jau mano mielas Sermėgėlę segė - Ne dėl žalio vyno - Dėl žalio žolyno. Oi jau mano mielas Kepurėlę dėjo - Ne dėl žalio vyno - Dėl žalio žolyno. Oi jau mano mielas Žirgelį balnojo - Ne dėl žalio vyno - Dėl žalio žolyno. Oi jau mano mielas Į karužę jojo - Ne dėl žalio vyno - Dėl žalio žolyno. Oi jau mano mielą Vilytėlė kirto - Ne dėl žalio vyno - Dėl žalio žolyno. Oi jau mano mielas Galvelę padėjo - Ne dėl žalio vyno - Dėl žalio žolyno.
I really want to learn Lithuanian. Labas from Ukraine, Kyiv! P.S. if you know any resources where I can learn Lithuanian, I'd really appreciate if you mention them for me. Thank you.
Indeed beautiful. With Lithuanian heritage I fear I would not be smart enough to learn the written form of this language. If I could get my granddaughter to learn would she go about it? Just phonetically by listening? Where can I buy a copy maybe on cd, not streaming.
Lithuanian is a fairly "write as you hear" language, meaning that for the most part, with some very few exceptions, you write it as you hear it, unlike English.
Klausimas pamąstyti: Kodėl "vėjužis" verčiamas "Wind", "lovelė" - "Bed" ir t.t. Reikėtų pagalvoti, kaip išreikšti sumalonintą požiūrį į reiškinius (juk dabar jis neutralus).
Supratau pozicija. Bet tikriausiai tamsta suprantat kad bandant isversti tokius zodzius kaip jusu mineti "vėjužis", "lovelė" susidursit su mano minetu faktu kad tai tiesiog neimanoma. Anglu kalba yra daugelio kalbu darinys. Butent viena is donoriu kalbu per ilga laika buvo ir lietuviu kalba (budama viena seniausiu dar gyvu kalbu pasaulyje, statoma salia senojo sanskrito kalbos, kuriu kilme apie 1000m pr. Kr.) Daugybe lietuvisku veiksmazodziu, budvardziu yra neisverciama ne tik i anglu bet ir i daugeli kalbu.
Jūs gal lyginamąją kalbotyrą studijuojat? Taip, lietuvių k. seniausia gyva indoeuropiečių kalba. Bet daug kur hiperbolizuojat. "vėjužis", pavyzdžiui, žodžio "vėjas" mažybinė forma, tai ne koks nors neišverčiamas stebuklas. neperdėkit.
Ne is tikruju as tik "know it all" tipelis ir bandau nevykusiai pasidemonstruoti:) bet diskusijos pabaigai butu idomu suzinoti jusu nuomone "vejuzis" arba "vejelis" angliska analoga. Nenoriu nuvertinti jusu pastangu bet nerasit.
+Sam Almaden It's kinda simple song, though after translation it loses all the weird endearments of half the words here. It's only one verse going on through the song and having one line changed through each verse. So it goes like this: Thus my darling *did something* Not because of green wine Because of green meadows The *did something* lines: Rose up early in the morning Washed his mouth white Put on his shirt Fastened on his coat Sat on his steed Rode to a war Was smote by a sword(?) Laid his head
Oh, wow... Thank you for this translation! I found another one on a polish website, it's kinda different, and the lyrics are a bit different, too. Two last stanzas are diffrent, more romantic and nobody dies :D and they go like this: he sat on his steed and then "my beloved one he rode to his girl neither to drink green (young) wine nor for the green meadows". I found this piece few hours ago and fell in love with it
Yeah, on this site the translation is a bit different, but the second part of the song is also different. Don't know Lithuanian very well, so I will be really happy, if someone translates it well.
Čia, kaip ir daugumoje senų dainų perdainuojamų nūnais, klaidingai tariamas ir taip klaidingai suprantamas „žalas vynas“ ((tamsiai) raudonas vynas), taigi ne „žalias“.
@@vvxxx4986 Na visi variantai labai įtikinami , įskaitant ir tą , kad nevisi - kas perdainavo žinojo žodį žalas ir be jokios minties pataisė jį savaip į žalias
Kaip kirčiuot pagal lietuvių kalbos gramatiką žodį jo-o-ojau. Pirma ištemta o kairinis tvirtapradis, antra o ilginis, trečia o dešininis tvirtagalis? O gal tien o tik viena?
@@astrusis_dantis3655 You are talking about the modern official Lithuanian language. But in some dialects, it can mean - snake. If you doubt the connection between these two words then research etymology and symbolism of snakes or serpents in a pagan context.
Kad tokia esme sios dainos ir yra. Kai esi zmona vyro, kuris i kara isvyksta ir tikriausiai niekad nebesugris, tai linksmai sito kurinio atlikti ir negali.
@Mežabrālis There isn't such a thing as a "Northern culture". North of Europe in itself is very culturally diverse. And yes, I would say the Baltic culture fits the Northern tag.
@Mežabrālis Perhaps I didn't word that correctly. What I meant to say is that there isn't a *singular* Northern culture. There are also the Finnic cultures that are considered as Northern, and they're quite different from the Nordics. Since the Baltic cultures share similarities with both Nordic and Finnic cultures, doesn't it make sense to consider ourselves as Northern too?
@Mežabrālis No, we don't share much with Poland apart from them illegally annexing our capital. Baltics share a lot of similarities with Nordic and Finnic cultures. From our celebrations like midsummer even when it comes to folk instruments. We've definitely been influenced by Central European cultures but they're not native to the old Baltic customs. Regardless, if we're not Northern, nor is Estonia.
@Mežabrālis Finnics aren't Nordic inherently. Nordics are culturally North Germanics, Finland being the exception due to the fact most of their history was under Sweden (their influence was great enough that nowadays Swedish is an official language in Finland that Finns have to learn). Scandinavia, however, has little to do with "North Germanic" and is precisely about the territory of Denmark, Sweden and Norway (excluding other North Germanic states like Iceland and the Faroese Islands). Of course Poland has had their share of influence on us, however, most of their influence went on to the Eastern Slavs - Belarusians and Ukrainians. Estonians aren't Nordic, the Nordic influence was relatively small on them compared to Finland. They, just like Latvia, had most of their influence come from Baltic Germans. If it makes you feel any better, Latvia both culturally and economically is closest to the East. You can vibe with them if you want to.
O Dievai…kaip aš didžiuojuosi savo Lietuva❤️
Respect from Ukraine!
Wow. Lithuanian language, folk music and culture are incredibly beautiful. Greetings from Poland!
Yes, the same language and culture that poles once tried to destroy.
Courtier Will you stop clinging onto the past ? Poles tried nothing. Nationalism didnt exist back then, so Lithuanian nobility themselves switched over to Polish for diplomatic purposes, as Lithuanian was not known and fairly undeveloped in written formed for use.
Rytis liaucys keitesi nes pavardes lenkai laike lietuvius uz duxa :)) todel ponai kurie norejo islaikyti auksta galva keitesi pavardes
@@courtier8708 "Yes, the same language and culture that poles once tried to destroy." - no, no. Not Poles tried to destroy, but prince Witold tried to get our culture to Lithuania, because he had seen how great it was. Culture and social structure in Poland like our nobility which has been taking care about country when Poland hadn't have a king in Jadwiga times.
I was once very nationalistic, but understood, that in 18th century nobody cared what your nationality was!!!!! So poles are our brothers, we just to lazy to learn their language or ther ours.!!!!!!!!
If u combine beauty and awesomeness, you get the lithuanian language. It sounds lovely. Warm regards from Switzerland.
Vielen Dank!!!! ❤️ 💯 😍 🇱🇹♥️ Switzerland 🇨🇭 We are grateful for Children support at schools n Hospitals that you provide us!!!
Perkunas the god of thunder rain, mountains, oak trees and the sky.Bless all who still believe in the ancients!
100th like!
Hail Perkunas from India!🙏🙏🙏
@@adityanawani8134 Woooh!
Hey guys! Do I understand correctly the word "mielas" can be applied for both "beloved" and "way"? Greetings from Ukraine.
@@ihtac it just means beloved
@@DemonRazor88 ok, thanks :)
Such a beautiful language a songs. Lithuania has one of best songs worldwide. Big love to you💞 I want to learn your language someday.
From Slovakia
Jestli se dostanete do Brna, dojeďte na brněnský Ústav jazykovědy a baltistiky FF MU, tam se litevština učí :-)
@@martaevabetakova483 buvau Brno, gražus miestas :)
@@sauliusorvidas4048 O, ačiū, džiaugiuosi, kad patiko :-)
@@martaevabetakova483 :)
As gryztu i Lietuva del sitos muzikos mes susitiksim ❤🙏🏻💚🌲🐉
This is just amazingly good , greetings from France i love Lithuanian folk music so awesome !
Je suis d’origine lituanienne ! And yes, it’s just magnificent
Gratias dear friend n ally!
Просто прелестная культура, музыка и чудесный язык. Вводит в состояние транса, очень успокаивает и расслабляет. Здравие, Литва 🇱🇹 from Russia
Спасибо !
Солидарен. Да будут здравы народы Балтии! Да хранятся древнии традиции и культура балтийских народов! Вовеки!
Whole world appreciate Russian culture too, but not Russian politics. We love Russians, but not their government
И у меня в душе откликается. Может потому что у меня балтийские корни?
Litewski to ciekawy język bardzo mi się podoba :) 🇱🇹🇵🇱
You find 600 years old Pagans songs about Pagans Gods,about Dear Motherland...
Podoba mi się również, bardzo bym chciał się nauczyć. Polski już znam mniej-więcej. Pozdrawiam z Ukrainy.
to jest język bydło
как же это прекрасно
Tik isvykes is Lietuvos supratau, kaip myliu ja. Jos miskus ir zmoniu kalba. Neduok Dieve prieso koja ten, manes niekas nesustabdys.
Tai daug žmonių emigravo.. dabar pasiraitoję rankoves valdininkai nori žaliuosius miškus išvis suniokioti.. kad nebūtų ko grįžti.:( stiangiamės , kad paliktų kas likę ir stabdyti plynus kirtimus.
Oj oj oj gal Jums vel Kubiliu grazinti, gal priminti ka konservai su komunistai ir liberastais "nuveike" Lietuvos labui per 27 metus? Lietuva pagaliau atsigavo per du paskutinius metus ir tai mato visi. Misku neiskirs ir prasau sia tema nepjuditi zmoniu Lietuvoje.
@@sarunasbareika4176 neteisinu aš jokios valdžios, man visos valdžios svetimos. O miškus visai baigia nustekenti, per du metus su naujausiomis technologijomis kerta daugiau nei popieriuose.. ir as nei vienų drakonų neteisinu. O mišką paskutiniais metais akivaizdžiai drąsko, kad net paprastiems žmonėms už akių kliūva kiekvieną dieną.
Svarbu su pajuodusiais vaikais negryzk ir viskas bus ok, visada laukiamas atgal :)
Lietuvą mylėti sapnuose miškuose valgant blynus svetimoje šalyje nėra griehas.
Politikai visame kame parsidave šunes, ir visur. Lietuvs žemės čia ne prie ko.
Stiprybės jums visiems.
Dear Friends and Brothers n Sisters We should not let that past cloud us... Poland 🇵🇱 and Lithuania 🇱🇹 friends Brothers Sisters Allies... Stop this madness we both are guilty... Now we must embrace friendship...
Man sunku,nors noriu.
Amazing! Greetings from Germany!
Chwała Wielkiej Litwie
Greetings from Kurdistan! It is so beautiful language. 💛❤️💚
"Tu" in Lithuanian means "YOU". in Kurdish " tu" also means YOU? :)
And also in Spanish. Old English used "thou", German has "du".
Nes tai taip pat indoeuropiečių kalba. :) // Because Kurdish belongs to Indo-European family (as Lithuanian). :)
Seniausios kalbos buvo trys Jafeto palikuonių( po Babelės griuvimo) tai senovės baltų, germanų ir slavų. Visos kitos "evropinės' kalbos yra išdarkyti hibridai. Kuo senesnė kalba- tuo ji vaizdingesnė. Šekspyras buvo genijus parašęs daug didžių kūrinių anglo-sakso-franko-latino-kelto-judine kalba.
Kiekvienam miela sava kalba. Beje, neblogai įvaldei lietuvių kalbą, pagarba. Slavų kalbos nėra labai senos, tas matosi iš to, jog jos mažai nutolę viena nuo kitos ir visos eilės kalbinių naujybių. Lietuvių kalboje kartais tarp tarmių yra didesnis skirtumas, jau nekalbant apie skirtumus su latvių kalba. Tik dėl to nereikia įžeidinėti kitų. Kalbos ne hibridanasi - jos skyla į dialektus, kurie, jei nutolsta geografiškai tampa atskiromis kalbomis. Aišku, yra veikiamos kaimyninių kalbų, bet tai joks hibridinimasis.
Makes me happy to know I descended from Lithuania
As long as You Respect your Roots everyone will Respect it n embrace it. You have enormous heritage.
Very tranquil and beautiful Lithuanian folk music. Greetings from Ireland! :)
Thanks!Ireland a great country,too!I spend in Dublin 7 years and back home Lithuania!My daughter was born in Ireland and has Irish passport😁If you want find ancient Pagans culture,look here
Here Lithuanian Pagans songs festival in Vilnius city.Many songs more then 600 years old...
Oh my lovely one,
Early morning raised.
Not for the crimson wine,
For the verdure.
Oh my lovely one,
White mouth washed.
Not for the crimson wine,
For the verdure.
Oh my lovely one,
Putting on the shirt.
Not for the crimson wine,
For the verdure.
Oh my lovely one,
Putting on the mil.
Not for the crimson wine,
For the verdure.
Oh my lovely one,
Sitting on the horse.
Not for the crimson wine,
For the verdure.
Oh my lovely one,
Riding to the war.
Not for the crimson wine,
For the verdure.
Oh my lovely one,
Chopping with the whip.
Not for the crimson wine,
For the verdure.
Oh my lovely one,
Put the head down.
Not for the crimson wine,
For the verdure.
As someone else mentioned, it's supposed to be "žalo vyno" and not "žalio vyno"
So translation for that line is "Not for the dark red wine"
Žalas - dark red , Žalias - Green 1 letter in the word and different pronunciation
Wow!!! So different for me a romance language person LOL My dear Lithuanian friend, Jadvyga ...kaite (Chundak-Thiemann) aka Hedy Chundak, is a Holocaust survivor from the age of about 10. She bore a son, John Jurkauskas, in the Bergen-Belsen camp in February 1945. Then came to the U.S. Had a daughter, Helena Chundak. Her second, loving husband, Karl Thiemann, pre-deceased her along with her two children and a dear granddaughter, Jessica Titman. I've been her neighbor/friend for 24 years. I visit her at an assisted living facility about 10 min. from my home. God has blessed her to be in a good assisted living facility. She has a loving ex-son-in-law and 2 grandsons and great-grandchildren in Nebraska and a granddaughter and great-grandson in Florida. I hope they come to visit her before it's too late as she just turned 87! I love her! (862-812-3061)(New Jersey)
zalias vynas tai ne green, o dark red (crimson). nuo zodzio zala (zala karve etc.)
@@ellencamano4197 Thank you for your steadfast friendship to an elder. You honor your friend and give hope to many that there is goodness in the world. betty
Laba mellodija,aciu,braliukas.
this song is so amazing! I can't stop listening to it. Greetings from Poland
Watch this
Here lots lithuanians Pagans songs 1000 years old!
Beautiful atmosphere and a gift for all senses.
Hauntingly beautiful- it touches my heart though I do not understand the words but can only feel the Spirit in the Song..
Greetings from Turkey
Как прекрасно
Tokia raminanti ir.. llietuviška. Ačiū, nuostabu! :)
Beautiful. The best violin I ever heard.
Oi jau mano mielas
Anksti rytą kėlė -
Ne dėl žalio vyno -
Dėl žalio žolyno.
Oi jau mano mielas
Baltai burną prausė -
Ne dėl žalio vyno -
Dėl žalio žolyno.
Oi jau mano mielas
Marškinėlius vilko -
Ne dėl žalio vyno -
Dėl žalio žolyno.
Oi jau mano mielas
Sermėgėlę segė -
Ne dėl žalio vyno -
Dėl žalio žolyno.
Oi jau mano mielas
Kepurėlę dėjo -
Ne dėl žalio vyno -
Dėl žalio žolyno.
Oi jau mano mielas
Žirgelį balnojo -
Ne dėl žalio vyno -
Dėl žalio žolyno.
Oi jau mano mielas
Į karužę jojo -
Ne dėl žalio vyno -
Dėl žalio žolyno.
Oi jau mano mielą
Vilytėlė kirto -
Ne dėl žalio vyno -
Dėl žalio žolyno.
Oi jau mano mielas
Galvelę padėjo -
Ne dėl žalio vyno -
Dėl žalio žolyno.
Congratulations and Greetings from Moldavia !
La Revedere !
Beautiful.... We need to save our european roots
its double beauty vvhen you understand vvords, vve need save Ukraina too
fuck facist ukraine, and fuck USA and Israel too! these goverments destroying europe!
Dont forget to fuck facist putin.
Sarunas Bareika agree
Daniel EDDA agree
I can't see the lyrics any more & even though I don't know the language, it was nice seeing them!
Ačiū🙏. Nuostabi interpretacija 😇. Klausau ir širdi glosto.
Dėkoju. Nuostabu.
I really want to learn Lithuanian. Labas from Ukraine, Kyiv!
P.S. if you know any resources where I can learn Lithuanian, I'd really appreciate if you mention them for me. Thank you.
а я украинский. можем махнуть ;)
Honor for both nations 🇱🇹🇺🇦🇮🇷🇦🇲
Kodel as verkiu kai klausau sitos dainos ❤
Translations pleaaase!! this is so beautiful!!!
i don't understand anything...
but its really nice!
greetings from Belarus
LIL 可愛い Artist There may be some word you might understand. Let's say "Mielas", doesn't that sound like "mila" in most slavic languages? 🙂
@@NikolaCebic it's baltic language :)
@@sauliusorvidas4048 That's not what the person was asking. We do have some shared vocabulary with Slavic languages.
@@rds7516 be komentarų...
@@orwisors7027 Ką? Juk ką pasakiau yra teisybė. Ko tamsta įsižeidėte?
Indeed beautiful. With Lithuanian heritage I fear I would not be smart enough to learn the written form of this language. If I could get my granddaughter to learn would she go about it? Just phonetically
by listening? Where can I buy a copy maybe on cd, not streaming.
Lithuanian is a fairly "write as you hear" language, meaning that for the most part, with some very few exceptions, you write it as you hear it, unlike English.
@@rytisliaucys3444 Write as you hear for you, as a lithuanian :). People might have a different conception of that.
Just try and one day you will learn this language.
sublime très doux
labai gražu! ačiū! :)
Kaip gražu❤❤❤
Labai ačiu!!!)))
Man taip gera, kada aš tai klausau. Ačiū labai! ❤🇱🇹🔥
Klausimas pamąstyti: Kodėl "vėjužis" verčiamas "Wind", "lovelė" - "Bed" ir t.t. Reikėtų pagalvoti, kaip išreikšti sumalonintą požiūrį į reiškinius (juk dabar jis neutralus).
Todel kad anglu kalba ne is tolo negali prilygti lietuviu kalbai ir tokiu zodziu paprasciausiai nera.
Kiekviena kalba yra yra turtinga ir graži savaip. O tai, ko klausiu aš, yra vertimo problemos... :)
Supratau pozicija. Bet tikriausiai tamsta suprantat kad bandant isversti tokius zodzius kaip jusu mineti "vėjužis", "lovelė" susidursit su mano minetu faktu kad tai tiesiog neimanoma. Anglu kalba yra daugelio kalbu darinys. Butent viena is donoriu kalbu per ilga laika buvo ir lietuviu kalba (budama viena seniausiu dar gyvu kalbu pasaulyje, statoma salia senojo sanskrito kalbos, kuriu kilme apie 1000m pr. Kr.) Daugybe lietuvisku veiksmazodziu, budvardziu yra neisverciama ne tik i anglu bet ir i daugeli kalbu.
Jūs gal lyginamąją kalbotyrą studijuojat? Taip, lietuvių k. seniausia gyva indoeuropiečių kalba. Bet daug kur hiperbolizuojat. "vėjužis", pavyzdžiui, žodžio "vėjas" mažybinė forma, tai ne koks nors neišverčiamas stebuklas. neperdėkit.
Ne is tikruju as tik "know it all" tipelis ir bandau nevykusiai pasidemonstruoti:) bet diskusijos pabaigai butu idomu suzinoti jusu nuomone "vejuzis" arba "vejelis" angliska analoga. Nenoriu nuvertinti jusu pastangu bet nerasit.
Ir manes ❤
Tikras pavadinimas yra "Dėl žalio žolyno".
It's a beautiful song, but on music sites it's way different. Where can I find this version of the song.
UA-cam converter
Kokia proga UA-cam sako, kad cia rusiskai dainuoja? 😤 Nepazista seniausios Indoeuropieciu kalbos.
Daina super!!! 💞
Kaip mums padėti mūsų jaunąją kartą suprasti...
Daina sielai❤
is there any english translation for the lyrics?
+Sam Almaden It's kinda simple song, though after translation it loses all the weird endearments of half the words here. It's only one verse going on through the song and having one line changed through each verse. So it goes like this:
Thus my darling
*did something*
Not because of green wine
Because of green meadows
The *did something* lines:
Rose up early in the morning
Washed his mouth white
Put on his shirt
Fastened on his coat
Sat on his steed
Rode to a war
Was smote by a sword(?)
Laid his head
Oh, wow... Thank you for this translation! I found another one on a polish website, it's kinda different, and the lyrics are a bit different, too. Two last stanzas are diffrent, more romantic and nobody dies :D and they go like this: he sat on his steed and then
"my beloved one
he rode to his girl
neither to drink green (young) wine
nor for the green meadows".
I found this piece few hours ago and fell in love with it
Yeah, on this site the translation is a bit different, but the second part of the song is also different. Don't know Lithuanian very well, so I will be really happy, if someone translates it well.
Actually, the green meadows symbolizes the virginity of a girl
@@attila9939 find in comments above
Čia, kaip ir daugumoje senų dainų perdainuojamų nūnais, klaidingai tariamas ir taip klaidingai suprantamas „žalas vynas“ ((tamsiai) raudonas vynas), taigi ne „žalias“.
teko skaityt kad žaliu vynu vadino degtinę
@@lesauskasgintaras380 Arba jauna vyna ir ne skaityti teko o tiesiogia girdeti( cia man)
@@vvxxx4986 Na visi variantai labai įtikinami , įskaitant ir tą , kad nevisi - kas perdainavo žinojo žodį žalas ir be jokios minties pataisė jį savaip į žalias
Kaip kirčiuot pagal lietuvių kalbos gramatiką žodį jo-o-ojau. Pirma ištemta o kairinis tvirtapradis, antra o ilginis, trečia o dešininis tvirtagalis? O gal tien o tik viena?
What does gyvata mean?
it meen livileness
or essence of life
Snake as well.
@@Blurberrybrown snake is gyvatė, not gyvata.
@@astrusis_dantis3655 You are talking about the modern official Lithuanian language. But in some dialects, it can mean - snake. If you doubt the connection between these two words then research etymology and symbolism of snakes or serpents in a pagan context.
Per liūdnai gal kiek atlieka, manau.
Kad tokia esme sios dainos ir yra. Kai esi zmona vyro, kuris i kara isvyksta ir tikriausiai niekad nebesugris, tai linksmai sito kurinio atlikti ir negali.
Our last hope is in the East.
Baltics are Northern.
@Mežabrālis There isn't such a thing as a "Northern culture". North of Europe in itself is very culturally diverse. And yes, I would say the Baltic culture fits the Northern tag.
@Mežabrālis Perhaps I didn't word that correctly. What I meant to say is that there isn't a *singular* Northern culture. There are also the Finnic cultures that are considered as Northern, and they're quite different from the Nordics.
Since the Baltic cultures share similarities with both Nordic and Finnic cultures, doesn't it make sense to consider ourselves as Northern too?
@Mežabrālis No, we don't share much with Poland apart from them illegally annexing our capital.
Baltics share a lot of similarities with Nordic and Finnic cultures. From our celebrations like midsummer even when it comes to folk instruments. We've definitely been influenced by Central European cultures but they're not native to the old Baltic customs.
Regardless, if we're not Northern, nor is Estonia.
@Mežabrālis Finnics aren't Nordic inherently. Nordics are culturally North Germanics, Finland being the exception due to the fact most of their history was under Sweden (their influence was great enough that nowadays Swedish is an official language in Finland that Finns have to learn). Scandinavia, however, has little to do with "North Germanic" and is precisely about the territory of Denmark, Sweden and Norway (excluding other North Germanic states like Iceland and the Faroese Islands).
Of course Poland has had their share of influence on us, however, most of their influence went on to the Eastern Slavs - Belarusians and Ukrainians. Estonians aren't Nordic, the Nordic influence was relatively small on them compared to Finland. They, just like Latvia, had most of their influence come from Baltic Germans.
If it makes you feel any better, Latvia both culturally and economically is closest to the East. You can vibe with them if you want to.