Hey Turbo. Dude I setup the gun just like you did. But I find it hard to ADS, it takes too long to kill and you have to sneak up on people to get a kill. How can it be that different for me?
Hey turboman I enjoy all your classes setup. I have used some of your setups. I can't wait to see your classes setup in vanguard. Keep up the good work.
Meh. Turbo is better than ears by a long shot. Ears clearly just reads off the attachments (gives us info we already know n see) while turbo goes deep into stats. Also turbo shows us he is human. Ears only shows nuke gameplay n while he may get em..often, I guarantee you he isn't so monstrous every game. Also as a side note: I'd rather watch these same tubers do the same shit if even able* to, on hardcore. Now that would show more skill.
REPENT Jesus is coming soon accept Jesus as your lord and savior and believe in your heart that God rose him from the dead. God loves you so much that he sent his only begotten son to die for you and your sin
finally but what a bout a collab with ears
That collab would be legendary
Dude first channel I’ve seen who plays in their actual SBMM lobbies. Respect my man.
That intro was so satisfying to watch
Bro was cooking in the intro
Powered by GFUEL 💪
You should do some live feeds, good content love your vids
Imma get some of these gamer advantage glasses...
Unstoppable aim montage
cold war gets way to much hate such a well made game
5:50 get "Swiss Cheesed", son!
Hey bro what you think about the mp5
74u still my favourite smg buy far bro . Awesome gameplay bro
Movement meta equals negative movement attachments?
Love ya turbski! Really enjoy the daily uploads❤
I've played against Alucard a few times and he's pretty decent.
1 word for the vid: SHEEESH 😩👌
Damn I wish I could move like you do . Your movement is cracked!!!! Love your videos!!!!
Let's go!!!
yoo thats so weird i was using that class setup a week ago :O
Can you do a mp5 video if you think its good
What does muzzle flash concealment mean?
Means enemies won’t see your bullets flying
Hey Turbo. Dude I setup the gun just like you did. But I find it hard to ADS, it takes too long to kill and you have to sneak up on people to get a kill. How can it be that different for me?
Hey turboman I enjoy all your classes setup. I have used some of your setups. I can't wait to see your classes setup in vanguard. Keep up the good work.
Bruh the gun is a sponge now
What map is this
Think the majority of people aren't good enough to control the task force barrel.. 20% vertical recoil con is way too much
Fucks witchu 💪 keep grinding bro
sound like a typing machine
Pfff I dropped a nuke after 2 weeks not dropping one. With em2. Have a nice day
You wanna cookie or something?
@@mando7323 yes please
Meh. Turbo is better than ears by a long shot. Ears clearly just reads off the attachments (gives us info we already know n see) while turbo goes deep into stats. Also turbo shows us he is human. Ears only shows nuke gameplay n while he may get em..often, I guarantee you he isn't so monstrous every game. Also as a side note: I'd rather watch these same tubers do the same shit if even able* to, on hardcore. Now that would show more skill.
Ears is cold af
hardcore doesn't really prove anything about skill like it used to. anyone that's decent in core can dominate in hardcore.
Every video is new best class smh... Bring back helping ppl get better videos... To much with these kinda videos
Bruh why this man look like Bad Bunny🐰 🤣😂😂
Over kill on the explanations. Your videos are good just way over explaining
Had to leave the game this class was so bad
REPENT Jesus is coming soon accept Jesus as your lord and savior and believe in your heart that God rose him from the dead. God loves you so much that he sent his only begotten son to die for you and your sin