4K60p世界自然遺產,(中國江西龍虎山 NHK紀錄片 ) 赤壁丹崖的地貌,秀美瀘溪河從山中流過,令人流連忘返。 Longhu Mountain, Jiangxi, China

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • 龍虎山江西省鷹潭市郊, 龍虎山的丹霞地貌成因多樣,有從幼年期、壯年期到老年期丹霞地貌的完整序列,擁有包括峰牆、石林、峰叢等23種丹霞地貌景觀。2001年被列為中國首批國家地質公園。2007年龍虎山和40多公里外的龜峰聯合申報成為世界地質公園,於2010年以「中國丹霞」景觀,列入世界自然遺產。
    來到龍虎山的古越懸棺群,超過202座千年懸棺,是2600餘年的歷史印記,這些崖墓群鑲嵌在陡峭的石壁上,猶如陳列在巨大的歷史長廊中的文化珍品。岩洞棋布,高低錯落,不可勝數,遙望絕壁之上歷經千年的淡黃色的棺木崖穴,令人讚嘆古越先人巧奪天工Longhu Mountain is located on the outskirts of Yingtan City, Jiangxi Province. The Danxia landforms of Longhu Mountain have various origins. There is a complete sequence of Danxia landforms from infancy, prime age to old age. There are 23 kinds of Danxia landforms including peak walls, stone forests, and peak clusters. In 2001, it was listed as one of the first national geological parks in China. In 2007, Longhu Mountain and Guifeng, which is more than 40 kilometers away, were jointly declared as a World Geopark.
    There are 99 peaks, 24 rocks, and 108 scenic spots in the Longhu Mountain Scenic Area, with a landscape area of ​​about 200 square kilometers. The long-standing Taoist culture, the unique Bishui Dan Mountain and the large-scale cliff tombs constitute the natural scenery of the Longhu Mountain Scenic Tourist Area. The "three musts" of landscape and human landscape.
    Longhu Mountain is composed of red glutenite, and has the "Danxia landform" of red cliffs in Chibi. The bright, clean and beautiful Luxi River flows through the mountain, like a jade belt from south to north, which connects Shangqing Palace, Longhu Mountain and Xianshuiyan from the top. The 20-mile landscape in the ancient town of Qing Dynasty down the Luxi River on a bamboo raft is like a fairyland, making people linger.
    There are more than 202 thousand-year-old hanging coffins in the Longhu Mountain, which is a historical imprint of more than 2,600 years. These cliff tombs are embedded in the steep stone walls, like cultural treasures displayed in a huge historical corridor. The rock caves are dotted with scattered heights and innumerable. Looking at the pale yellow coffins and cliffs on the cliffs for thousands of years, it is admirable for the ingenious craftsmanship of the ancient Yue ancestors.