A lot of people want to bring up some bullshit arguments saying "It's worse over there in that country" or "Porn does not have a causal relationship with sex trafficking. Therefore, my porn habits are ok right?" Firstly, many of these people here are obviously sensitive. They can't stand the idea that someone is actually saying something against porn; a person that is not calling for any substantial action. Most of these people don't have any real hard arguments for porn or why porn isn't connected to sex trafficking. At best they can just deny, deny, deny and hope that their opponents drop the issue. Even if by some miracle they actually say something interesting, it's still pathetic. All that they have proven is how important porn is to them. They're obvious addicts. Like feral dogs, when you approach the subject they bark, growl, and any other type of posturing to get you to back off. Regardless of the fact that porn is just a vice, a cheap vice at that. Name one person that was able to achieve greatness in his life because of porn. Don't worry I'll wait. Meanwhile, people are being abused daily and that abuse is being consumed, propagated, and encouraged by the millions. I don't expect porn advocates and defenders to understand because they are desensitized; abuse is normal to them. I could go on but I'll end it here.
She makes some excellent points. Good logic comparing porn to illegal activities. This is a great start to a dialog that needs to continue. I am involved in a ministry helping men gain freedom from sexual addiction. I see the painful consequences of porn weekly. Its sad and its an epidemic.
@@lt2145 If indeed you want help, there are lots of places to get it now. Google p*rn or s@x addiction treatment help in your area and you can get help. There are loads of online groups to help as well. The same media that provided the avenue of addiction can also help with healing. Best wishes to you and God bless
This is the price of hedonism. If the goal in life of people is the pursuit of pleasure they will become enslaved to their passions and forgo reason and moral decency to feed their cravings. This culture which elevates gratification above all else is at the core the real issue. Until we realize life is not about pleasure but has a higher purpose we will be doomed and trapped in bondage. Worldview needs to change and be brought back into alignment with truth. Only then will this truly change...
My friend, we can pursue pleasure, without disrespecting or dehumanizing people. When you give lectures about some higher purpose, most people get alienated because they have no purpose that makes them special or extraordinary. That renders your argument completely moot.
Lol every commenter who is getting defensive doesn't want to admit the damage that viewing mainstream porn may cause (mega - million used sites such a pornhub). Viewing porn is a personal choice and you should do what you enjoy but you can't pretend that the nature of the porn industry doesn't cater the majority of its content to be violent toward women, because it does. I invite you to do a quick search on pornhub and you will get the picture (treating women like meat, and saying things like "take it whore/bitch/slut"). To say this repetition of sexual aggression doesnt affect the way you experience sexual pleasure is human because we tend not to reflect upon the things that we like and come easy to us (pun intended). However, by not reflecting upon ourselves, it hinders our ability to grow because we aren't giving ourselves the choice to think about the consequences of our actions. What you decide is your choice but at least take an honest look at what you're involved in. Don't feel ashamed it's not your fault that mainstream porn encourages rape culture but it is your choice to keep perpetuating sexual violence and a notion of entitlement to abuse power.
Maybe it's because of the women I attract but almost every women I've been in a relationship with loves the hardcore being treated like meat in the bedroom stuff. Plenty that wanted to be slightly choked and such which is blatantly refuse every time as I don't feel comfortable with it. I watched an amateur porn a few days ago where it involved a lot of choking and slapping. It ended with the 2 of them kissing each other, asking the other if they enjoyed it and getting dressed. It's honestly the reason I can't really take feminists and such seriously. They tend to ignore women who don't agree with their view as well. It's more a political movement at this point than a movement for ALL women. I can guaranty you that when a porn star was raped in her own house she didn't get help from the feminists. She was after all just a porn star.
Londronable yes there are a lot of women who like hardcore sex (me being one of them), and that's fine. If it's consenting then I see no major problem with it. The problem comes when the people enjoying these hardcore sex-acts ONLY enjoy hardcore sex, or NEED hardcore sex to be satisfied. If they don't get it they become sexually frustrated and are more likely to pay for sex or manipulate their partners into doing what they want. This has happened to me a lot of times when partners have tried to emotionally manipulate me into doing anal, or having a threesome or letting him come on my face etc. Telling me he'll leave me, or this is "normal", or "I thought you understood me better". It can leave to emotional scars for both parts or a desire to rape and abuse women. The problem is not people having fetishes, the problem is when those fetishes become mandatory, and porn enforces these fetishes.
Londronable also I don't agree with your statement about the porn star getting raped. I'm sure there are a lot of feminists who would help her and seek justice. A real feminist doesn't look down on anyone (man, woman or otherwise), and doesn't distinguish between the rights of a porn star and the right of a virgin. Everyone should have the right to bodily autonomy.
This is really like saying that commercials encourage stealing therefore we should ban commercials, That action movies or games encourage violence, etc. What you described has nothing to do with porn and everything to do with shitheads. I don't really have a mandatory fetish myself but if I did I would do the unthinkable. Find a partner that enjoys it. There we go, no manipulation necessary. I'm of the opinion there really isn't anything that can't go in a relationship, just make sure you have a partner that agrees. No porn in your relationship? Sure, find one that agrees. Want to partner swap every weekend? Same deal.
Obviously I agree. Sadly for you the loudest feminists aren't exactly the rational ones. Which as we both understand is the case with most things.(religion, often times political positions, etc.)
We talk here in the comment section, anonymously on the internet, but not in real life. This already is part of the problem I guess. Any germans here btw?
Ja. Ich rede seit 2 Jahren ungefähr mit Menschen darüber. Vor meinem Kurs in meiner Ausbildung. Es ist weniger schlimm als man denkt, mit dieser Meinung wirst du nicht komisch angeguckt. Vielen Männern ist es unangenehm, weil sie wissen, dass es wahr ist. Einige Menschen denken Freiheit bedeutet, dass man so viel Pornos gucken darf, so oft wie man will sich einen runterholen kann. Kann man, aber vielleicht sollten wir darüber reden, was die Konsequenzen sind. Es ist relativ offensichtlich, dass Pornos einen Effekt auf unsere Psyche und unseren Körper hat.
And when they do connect the dots, it's often far too late for them to ever have the chance at knowing the pleasure one might experience from doing so.
@Rob Weckert Re. "Thank you for your courage in speaking out." - Are you kidding me? What courage? Is she at risk of losing her job, being beaten up, or being fined or imprisoned as a result of this speech? All she is doing is parroting mainstream pop-sociology normie propaganda for which she is given a free platform and lauded by her fellow holier than thou virtue signallers.
I notice that some of the comments below put forward a few logical fallacies especially in the form of straw man arguments (you might have to Google that one). Guys, we are all contributing to this problem discussed. We should not be in denial. Let us make a change for the better. I say THUMBS UP to the amazing speaker at this TEDx talk.
I'm not surprised at the number of downvotes. There is a massive culture of denial for personal gratification. It's just as she said, the impacts on the brain of porn is similar to the impacts of cocaine on the brain, a huge group of addicts rejecting they're addicted.
same with sex... oh wait thats not for personal gratification not possibly addicting, its only to make babies . Shame for porn watching is rediculous. But just as you should care about the ethical practices of food sources, you should be concerned with where your porn comes from. Its a fallacy to lump all porn together as problematic.
Thank you Megan, I believe this doesn't get spoken of enough and I also believe there are good people that are addicted that want to stop but don't know how, we need to bring this into the light more and more, your fighting a good fight keep it up. My only question is how can I help more.
Omg! I'm in tears. That was amazing. Thank you. You held nothing back. I don't have a teenage child but if I did I would sit down with them and watch this and "your brain on Porn". I don't date men who watch porn and I think every teenager and adult can also make sexually empowering choice. It has greatly increased the quality of my sex life!
Some interesting parallels, but I'm also hearing a lot of correlations presumed as causation. It feels like the old "violent movies/tv/games cause violence" argument all over again.
I was not aware of these statistics, and if I ever was before, I was in so much denial of the facts that I would have found any justification to continue being addicted and pretend that I'm not a part of the cycle. Now that I have taken responsibility for the earth like every human being should, I am disgusted by the truth and will do everything in my power to escape this all around slavery. I am vlogging daily my reboot process if anyone is interested, my insights might be of value to you if you're striving to quit addiction and become a free thinking, independent individual.
great talk. i'm ashamed to admit that i'm a porn addict for years, and this addiction destroys every aspect of my life, and even though i knew that my ''click'' somebody there counts i never realised how deep it goes..
Prostitution shouldn't be illegal, it's between two consenting adults, the only reason sex trafficking is and should be illegal is because there isn't consent, it's slavery essentially. Prostitution and porn is not, these are the differences and they shouldn't be equated because they're completely different things.
Drug overdose, depression, alcoholism and suicide are things that will exist with or without consent. A helthy society has good laws. Good laws are based on moral values, not on consentism.
+Carlos Eduardo Paduano Some people will say socialism is based on good morals, others will say it's stealing. So by whose standard is a morale value good or a society healthy? In Iran it's a moral value to jail gays. Morals are subjective and that's why I think the government should only be there to protect individuals their freedom and liberties and not to micro manage our lives.
A couple of points: 1. Your comment is central to the argument of this talk. Laws against prostitution are inconsistent with laws permitting pornography. I am not in favor of making pornography illegal. In fact I would lean more toward making prostitution legal. I did not have time to address that issue, as I was already over my time limit for this talk. 2. The difficulty presented is that it is impossible to determine whether much of the porn being watched is exploiting trafficked people or not. Again, this affirms the point that you make. Sex should always be with full and free consent. 3. This talk was not meant to make a comment on policy, nor moral value. Instead, it sought to encourage awareness of the fact that legal porn consumption and illegal trafficking inextricably feed and supply each other. It is impossible to consume porn without contributing to the growing demand for trafficked people. I am in full support of the individual freedom to view or not view pornography. I am sorry that some viewers hear a different kind of judgment from this talk. I simply sought to communicate a hidden truth, so that decisions made in freedom might be more fully informed.
Megan Johnson There is a massive contrast in tone with what you write here and what you present in the talk. The talk appears to vilify porn as being as bad as rape. The only hint you arent concluding porn = rape was the last statement you made, which is ambiguous at best. You have to realize that you are fueling unnecessary shame and propping up the prudes to vilify porn rather than change it. My intuition tells me that the porn industry is filled with many non-empathetic uncaring people... but what if it was filled with warm affectionate people that wanted to show off their deepest desires and become sex icons? Perhaps even being a fun side gig. Porn is a natural extension of art, just like television, which explores sexuality and sexiness. It is inherently addictive just like food and has room to be abused, but it has the potential to be a positive force in our lives.
Thank you for these thoughts. I am genuinely sad that you took that message away. Please know my reply above accurately represents my thoughts on the issue. Much of the evidence cited in my talk may have led viewers to believe that I was saying porn = rape, when in fact I was saying that more often than not, porn depicts violence and rape, which leads to a level of desensitization to those elements. The problem with your allegory is that when people are using the "food" of porn for any good or bad reason, actual people are engaging in actual sex, which unarguably has actual consequences - both physical and emotional. These consequences cause most every country to enforce legislation that limits how people can be paid or coerced into participating in sexual acts. In the 1950s our country found a loophole and decided that if the purpose of sex is to be filmed, and the filmmaker is the one paying, then we can call it artistic expression, not paid sex. Like I said, I have no desire to try and change policy. My sole purpose in presenting this talk was to promote awareness of the link between a behavior most people consider innocuous, and a practice that most of those same people claim to abhor. But you are right. I have yet to buy all Fair Trade products, even though I know that paying for cheaper products contributes to the proliferation of unjust labor practices and human trafficking. I offer all people the same freedom with regard to porn. I just believe we are all better off if we own what we are doing with integrity. We are only as free as we are informed.
She admits that all of the studies she quotes are flawed because of the difficulty of finding control groups. She admits that all of the statistics that she quotes are wrong because they are impossible to measure. She makes reference to other unrelated social issues that were being demonized at the time of filming. She uses a purely emotional argument that does not prove causality. I am going to have to pass on this one.
And it's not an emotional argument but one that's based on statistics...you can tell yourself that these numbers are all lies and keep living in a world of lie while these are the facts no one can be oblivious to
There's a lot of "this equals that" fallacies and no-proof numbers thrown around here. "Porn leads to human trafficking" is the same as saying "graphic video games leads to violence". I get that she's passionate about trafficking kids, but she's using her hate of porn to fill a gap in her understanding. At one point she says that 20% of online porn is performed by trafficked people and immediately follow it with "but it's almost impossible to prove"? derp
Fabulous! Thank you for putting all of these points in a logical presentation for all of us who have wanted to say these exact things! Great job... March forward and let’s bring awareness to this plight.
Wow, That is a challenging and convicting connection that was just made. I have never connected the dots as was just done in this short video. I am going to have to think on this and make my decisions accordingly. I have never understood the connection between violent porn and regular porn before, and why so many people are being caught in child pornography rings nowadays. The connection between porn and present day sex trafficking I have never tied together. Although I have heard that the same thing happens in US strip clubs every day, women forced to dance for someone else who gets all the money.
We could just legalize prostitution which would then make it easier to catch traffickers because it would free up a lot of the time cops are dealing with prostitution when they could be looking for traffickers. Also there should be more studies on this correlation because as all scientist know correlation doesn’t equal causation.
Most anti-porn crusaders miss the point: porn and all variations of sex-slavery are actually the “natural“ form of sex under capitalism. This may earn me accusations of brocialism, but if you're not anti-capitalist, then you're not actually anti-porn.
I'm not making the connection between Internet porn and sex trafficking. Porn if anything is an alternative to these things. Is not the biggest concern of porn the male isolation and anti social behavior that comes from becoming addicted? Nice try but what she is conveying here is simply not true.
Very interesting arguments. She makes lots of good points. There are some flaws with some of it though. There are lots of young women who seek out the high pay of being exotic dancers, and strippers, in bars all across the country. Are they part of the problem? Are they being exploited? There are always adult women that go west to seek to work for and get paid by the adult entertainment industry. Are they being exploited? I guess it depends on who you talk to.
@@leyland2725 see? My comment was deleted again, I Guess they are afraid of leting people decide for themselves what ideas are good or bad for society, and want to impose their narrative on the most people possible.
Yeah, let's censor online porn, I mean no one watches porn in South Korea or Iran now, and I'm sure they have no problems with sex trafficking or prostitution, & their view of sexuality in general is so much healthier than what you find here in the west...
There are old expressions: ""gott'a start somewhere", "lead by example" and "it's important to the people who get saved." So, there's that to consider.
@Dominick Medley Maybe women have a stronger need/desire to see explicit violence between men and women, in a way that doesn't actually result in their harm, because it allows them to release their own aggressions (womens' violence is much more taboo than men's).
this woman may have a point-to-point, but her Reliance on emotional manipulation over actual facts and cited studies make her impossible to take seriously.
Ive been watching alot porn since I was 10 years old. And little to nothing of what she is saying has anything to do with my porn habits. There is a sad truth in what she is saying, but this sounds more like pornography is the villain and if we take it a way the problems will go along with it. Its an important issue nonetheless. underage and non concent should be hunted down more vigorously.
People who watch violent porn and child porn are not into those things because of the porn, but they are seeking out that porn because they were already into those things.
@@John-bv5ui You prove his point though, if it's debatable, then this woman shouldn't do a lecture on how she perceives things as true when the data is inconclusive...
Is it because people are agreeing with her, or disagreeing with her? - If it's because they're agreeing with her, go to the top and click the "Sort by" icon, then click "New", you should find quite a few newer comments and one that disagree with her! - If it's because they're disagreeing with her, then click the "Sort by" icon, however this time click "Top".
@@cohlinegarnet8313 @Cohline Garnet Thanks for the expansive explanation. İt's been a while since İ've written this comment so İ don't remember the context too much. And also wouldn't like to remember İ guess 😅 But as of now the comment section doesn't seem disturbing
As someone who doesn't watch porn, but is part of alternative communities, I will say don't come to us with your sex shaming. There are issues with porn because we treat sex as something shameful. When we treat it as shameful, it can only be shown as objectifying, and it can't be talked about in context of real life and it can not show people as whole individuals because by nature of being in the industry means you are seen as something lesser by people in the rest of society. . The problem comes from how people view and treat people who enjoy sex and voluntarily participate in a sex industry. Porn stars can be exploited because we as a society look down on them and treat them like diseased immoral creatures which means they have no grounds on which to negotiate fair employment. Which means they can be shamed into being exploited. Create an alternative. Create porn that includes consent and still achieves the variety (with legal participants). A porn industry that allows it's actors to be public individuals with multiple facets. Create a alternative then ask people why they would choose the former when the alternative exists.
Many female adult porn stars are paid "significantly more" than the average American. Because of the amount of money that many of these females get paid, I find it difficult to view them as "victims." Adult pornography is an entirely different medium than child pornography. This speaker is convoluting adult and child pornography and sex trafficking to try to make all three of these concepts seem the same. I recently saw a ridiculous documentary where cops were busting "adult American" prostitutes and their johns because they said that "domestic prostitution" increases the demand for trafficking underage girls into the U.S. from foreign countries. As far as STDs among porn stars is concerned, it comes with the territory.
You are talking about less than 1% of women involved in the porn industry. The average career is 4-6 months and leaves the person broken, money-less, and alone.
That is only mainstream popular porn stars that can rake in up to $1500 per scene. The unpopular new pornstars with barely any experience get much less if any, sometimes they don't even get paid and they are abused by their boss.
Many misconceptions here. Average female performer with a decent scene workload will make 5-6k+ per month. Most studios will pay fairly decent if you haven't worked with them before. Many women do this on top of their job they already have. Now after you work with 15 or so different companies, it will start to be hard to find work, and this is where you need to carve out yourself a niche. There are tons of "porn stars" who have done so, people in the industry for a year or two, and people who work in it for decades. Some people enjoy filming or being filmed. If all porn studios got banned tomorrow and never made another movie, you would still have a plethora of it. Even in the most conservative countries, amateur porn is widely made. Porn is entertainment, and like any sort of it, its a difficult market and yes most will fail, they won't capture a unique audience and grow a fan base and build a brand. The ones who do aren't complaining. As for exploitation goes, I bet you 80 percent of women doing porn would tell you they do it because they love it, they like being filmed, they enjoy the money etc. It's only after that it didn't work out and you didn't grab your audience that you all at once the industry is the problem. I'm not saying some people don't take advantage of people, but for the most part, its just a brutal highly competitive entertainment business with low margins.
You sound exactly like a cocaine dealer justifying the drug trade by saying you are just supplying a demand and in any case most people don't become addicts and just use your product recreationally.. In order to make the argument you've made you have to completely ignore the link between pornography, sex trafficking and paedophilia, just as a cocaine dealer has to ignore the mass murders, extortion, coercion and exploitation of the peasant cocaine workers and their families by the drug cartels. You also have to ignore the link between porn addiction and sexual violence against women, which is well established. And you have to ignore the link between "teen" porn, child pornography and paedophilia, which are equally well established. It's almost as if you didn't watch the video at all. In short, you've used anecdotal evidence from the industry that you are/were clearly involved in and pays you (or paid you) a wage, to deny the mountains of data that links porn production and consumption to sex trafficking, prostitution and child sexual abuse. Never underestimate the power of denial. When I read your justifications and rationalisation the quote that comes to mind is Upton Sinclair's "It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."
I feel kind as if johnson is taking this porn made through sex slavery and saying that's all porn. But for the few years I've been watching porn I've never, ever come across anything remotely violent or ostensibly degrading. Perhaps that's because my particular niche is lesbian porn and most of that is made by proper studios (I don't know this to be true but I'm just speculating here) with standards and self-produced regulations about STI testing meaning the actresses have lower rates than the general population. When she's describing what she appears to be saying is all porn, I feel kind of sick. The idea of watching multiple guys penetrate a single girl while verbally abusing her turns me off! Basically, I want to point out that she's ignoring a huge porn industry that employs consenting actors and actresses and that has legitimate standards and is self-regulated. I don't know how big this industry is compared to that run on sex trafficking but it is far to significant to simply ignore like Johnson does here.
Your essentially saying there’s a toenail on this huge dragon didn’t hurt anyone ,we shouldn’t slay the dragon that is killing our society bc it has a toenail that hasn’t hurt anyone
Every time she quotes a study that's scientific evidence done by people most often with PhD's in a scientific field (approx. 7 years of university). Go on google scholar and read some of the papers.
Typical Tedx talk. A lot of sensationalism and implications that correlation equals causation which is incorrect. For instance at 4:53 when you say 80% of men who get arrested for child sex abuse possess child pornography; the implication being that the child pornography somehow caused them to molest children, however the root cause is obviously from the individual being fucked up in that he is attracted to underage girls. Additionally at 7:00 you say that people who view porn regularly are much more likely to pursue bought sex. Could this not be that the reason these people view porn regularly is because a lack of sex in their regular life, which means that they would have to pay for any real life sexual experience.
The need for approval, which another Ted talker explained in his presentation on pornography, is an important aspect of the porn club that people are expected to join in their teens. Like all clubs societies brotherhoods guilds and sects, once you're in, it's hard to leave. Not because you can't but because you feel protected. When most boys join the men's club they're paid up for the duration. Some grow a pair and leave to evolve a life and a unique personality. But somehow we are all needy of a club, not realising that the human race is the biggest and best for security and success. Since the majority of men and women in the audience, on our street, riding the bus, at work and running the country are paid members, unwittingly willing to sacrifice their and our children, who is this message really for? I'm glad the cards are on the table, but what we need is to get into the idea of and start imagining the world we want not the world we don't want.
The foundation of this speach, in my opinion is wrong, because slaves have no choice and pornstars/most “prostitutes” do have the choice. But overall the speaker had some good ideas which I did like
I agree with you. This speaker also fails to acknowledge that the women in porn get paid a lot, and they are actually "taking advantage of that fact" that men want sex more than women do, in order to make money off of men who struggle to attract "real" women. I don't have a lot of sympathy for porn stars, strippers, Hooter's waitresses, etc because they are all "exploiting" the fact that many men have simplistic, lusty minds.
as much as i agree with her.....you are right! she does need to cite her sources. i see to many people giving good talks about legit problems, but if you don't cite the sources then........i can't take it to heart. i will try to contact TED and see if they will post some sources for this video. ( highly doubtful they will respond ).
I actually don't agree entirely with her analysis. I am no expert but thinking about the topic , sex slavery could be greatly diminished by legal and regulated prostitution. though upon further proof I could change my mind. This ted talk should have had many citations or reference to sources since it is a controversial topic.
proof follows conviction. we see and believe things before we prove them, so she is entirely justified in her conjectures. as a child, i didn't have to see someone fall from a tall building to feel that it was dangerous.
Robert Munga Comparing falling from a high building to the effects of viewing porn is "Apples & Oranges." The effects of falling objects are clear cut. All objects fall at 32 feet-per-second squared in a perfect vacuum, and slightly slower with wind resistance. Gravity is a "constant" whereas the human brain is far too complex for anyone to try to state that "Viewing pornography is always harmful, to each and every person who views it." Moreover, I have heard women employed in the sex trade say that their male clients are "gullible idiots" for paying to see them naked and/or to have sex with them. So, not ALL women employed in the sex industry are "victims" like many on the Religious Right would have society believe.
so in denial... your fantasy is reality for someone different but this part u r not able to see . better wonder what YOU don't understand that is truth, dear boy.
some feed back, as a professional debater, your presentation is full of conclusions that are backed by nothing, riddled with confirmation bias, and poorly justified arguments. That said, i dont necessarily disagree with you, im not for porn,and im not against it, however i see major challenges with it, and agree with the major issue or objectification and how its warping peoples concepts of sex, relationship, and to a certain extent what is normal. But, when you draw arrows, this not convincing to people. this is not an argument. this is not a fact either. this is a supposition. Find a really good psychologist, or even better a metapsychologist to talk to to find out what is actually the cause of this and the best solution is. and speak to the cost to men in real way, and what is the benefit for them. Shame will only get you so far, dont believe me, ask ministers and popes.. they have been trying to shame people in to being "good" for 1000s of years with little or no success..
@Charles Blair Yes, I support her cause but her presentation is a low-quality undergraduate one at best, equating correlation with causation, overgeneralizing, citing statistics out of context, etc.
Ultimately this is about return on investment (ROI). Porn makes economic sense in the male mind. The material girl has so many unmitigated risk that only a fool would be willing to take that anymore. I get a big chuckle how articulated this woman is in her tenants of argument. I also find her sanctimonious contempt at a level, that is down right scary. Your out of your depth on this one.
if there's no control group for people who don't watch porn, then you can't conclude that porn causes sex trafficking and slavery. the vast majority of the population watches porn and doesn't participate in prostitution or illegal activity. porn might be bad, but this talk makes way too many fallacious connections. thumbs down.
So what your saying is, if all people buy and use a product, this can not influence the company to produce more of that product? Since there is no control group of people who have not tried the product there is no way to know that people consuming the product will in any way influence the industry to produce more of it. I think that YOUR logic (or lack of it) may be a little bit biased.
Sadly she is right. That's why I quit it. I didn't wanted to see what kind of monster I could have become.
A sad world we live in.
You quite because of vague accusations?
For some it can lead to very bad things, others not. Like alcohol. Kudos to you, I need to stop too
Help me bro..
@@H_3mant Check out nofap subreddit
@@H_3mant or Pornfree on reddit
I was so confused why she cared so much about the rights of robots. Later I realized she was saying "bought sex" not "bot sex".
Thank you kind stranger!
Yeah, I had to go back and watch with closed captions on. "Purchased" would be more clear.
That would be an interesting lecture, perfect for SNL or College Humor.
A lot of people want to bring up some bullshit arguments saying "It's worse over there in that country" or "Porn does not have a causal relationship with sex trafficking. Therefore, my porn habits are ok right?" Firstly, many of these people here are obviously sensitive. They can't stand the idea that someone is actually saying something against porn; a person that is not calling for any substantial action. Most of these people don't have any real hard arguments for porn or why porn isn't connected to sex trafficking. At best they can just deny, deny, deny and hope that their opponents drop the issue. Even if by some miracle they actually say something interesting, it's still pathetic. All that they have proven is how important porn is to them. They're obvious addicts. Like feral dogs, when you approach the subject they bark, growl, and any other type of posturing to get you to back off. Regardless of the fact that porn is just a vice, a cheap vice at that. Name one person that was able to achieve greatness in his life because of porn. Don't worry I'll wait. Meanwhile, people are being abused daily and that abuse is being consumed, propagated, and encouraged by the millions. I don't expect porn advocates and defenders to understand because they are desensitized; abuse is normal to them. I could go on but I'll end it here.
Wow. You speak the truth and I agree with every point you've claimed
Это как сравнивать если не кому не мешает и без эксцессов .не забывайте все мы разные поэтому и люди
Nofap rules!! Stay strong.
Crazy how this movement is growing nowadays
A positive movement led by millenials. Great job!
So does Maria Rya. 😉
Those statistics are shocking. I'm happy I am not part of the problem.
She makes some excellent points. Good logic comparing porn to illegal activities. This is a great start to a dialog that needs to continue. I am involved in a ministry helping men gain freedom from sexual addiction. I see the painful consequences of porn weekly. Its sad and its an epidemic.
Can you help me please? I'm only 19 and feel like my life is over now. Please save my life. Please
@@lt2145 If indeed you want help, there are lots of places to get it now. Google p*rn or s@x addiction treatment help in your area and you can get help. There are loads of online groups to help as well. The same media that provided the avenue of addiction can also help with healing. Best wishes to you and God bless
How’s your life now
This is the price of hedonism. If the goal in life of people is the pursuit of pleasure they will become enslaved to their passions and forgo reason and moral decency to feed their cravings.
This culture which elevates gratification above all else is at the core the real issue. Until we realize life is not about pleasure but has a higher purpose we will be doomed and trapped in bondage. Worldview needs to change and be brought back into alignment with truth. Only then will this truly change...
Ted Talks like this and philosophy videos are an incredible asset on the path toward surpassing hedonism
My friend, we can pursue pleasure, without disrespecting or dehumanizing people. When you give lectures about some higher purpose, most people get alienated because they have no purpose that makes them special or extraordinary. That renders your argument completely moot.
There's wisdom in your words. Well put.
Totally agree with you
What higher purpose?
Lol every commenter who is getting defensive doesn't want to admit the damage that viewing mainstream porn may cause (mega - million used sites such a pornhub). Viewing porn is a personal choice and you should do what you enjoy but you can't pretend that the nature of the porn industry doesn't cater the majority of its content to be violent toward women, because it does. I invite you to do a quick search on pornhub and you will get the picture (treating women like meat, and saying things like "take it whore/bitch/slut"). To say this repetition of sexual aggression doesnt affect the way you experience sexual pleasure is human because we tend not to reflect upon the things that we like and come easy to us (pun intended). However, by not reflecting upon ourselves, it hinders our ability to grow because we aren't giving ourselves the choice to think about the consequences of our actions. What you decide is your choice but at least take an honest look at what you're involved in. Don't feel ashamed it's not your fault that mainstream porn encourages rape culture but it is your choice to keep perpetuating sexual violence and a notion of entitlement to abuse power.
Maybe it's because of the women I attract but almost every women I've been in a relationship with loves the hardcore being treated like meat in the bedroom stuff. Plenty that wanted to be slightly choked and such which is blatantly refuse every time as I don't feel comfortable with it.
I watched an amateur porn a few days ago where it involved a lot of choking and slapping.
It ended with the 2 of them kissing each other, asking the other if they enjoyed it and getting dressed.
It's honestly the reason I can't really take feminists and such seriously. They tend to ignore women who don't agree with their view as well. It's more a political movement at this point than a movement for ALL women.
I can guaranty you that when a porn star was raped in her own house she didn't get help from the feminists. She was after all just a porn star.
Londronable yes there are a lot of women who like hardcore sex (me being one of them), and that's fine. If it's consenting then I see no major problem with it. The problem comes when the people enjoying these hardcore sex-acts ONLY enjoy hardcore sex, or NEED hardcore sex to be satisfied. If they don't get it they become sexually frustrated and are more likely to pay for sex or manipulate their partners into doing what they want. This has happened to me a lot of times when partners have tried to emotionally manipulate me into doing anal, or having a threesome or letting him come on my face etc. Telling me he'll leave me, or this is "normal", or "I thought you understood me better". It can leave to emotional scars for both parts or a desire to rape and abuse women.
The problem is not people having fetishes, the problem is when those fetishes become mandatory, and porn enforces these fetishes.
Londronable also I don't agree with your statement about the porn star getting raped. I'm sure there are a lot of feminists who would help her and seek justice. A real feminist doesn't look down on anyone (man, woman or otherwise), and doesn't distinguish between the rights of a porn star and the right of a virgin. Everyone should have the right to bodily autonomy.
This is really like saying that commercials encourage stealing therefore we should ban commercials,
That action movies or games encourage violence,
What you described has nothing to do with porn and everything to do with shitheads.
I don't really have a mandatory fetish myself but if I did I would do the unthinkable. Find a partner that enjoys it.
There we go, no manipulation necessary.
I'm of the opinion there really isn't anything that can't go in a relationship, just make sure you have a partner that agrees.
No porn in your relationship? Sure, find one that agrees.
Want to partner swap every weekend? Same deal.
Obviously I agree.
Sadly for you the loudest feminists aren't exactly the rational ones. Which as we both understand is the case with most things.(religion, often times political positions, etc.)
It’s worth the fight against this men! good luck and stay strong
We talk here in the comment section, anonymously on the internet, but not in real life. This already is part of the problem I guess.
Any germans here btw?
Ja. Ich rede seit 2 Jahren ungefähr mit Menschen darüber. Vor meinem Kurs in meiner Ausbildung. Es ist weniger schlimm als man denkt, mit dieser Meinung wirst du nicht komisch angeguckt. Vielen Männern ist es unangenehm, weil sie wissen, dass es wahr ist.
Einige Menschen denken Freiheit bedeutet, dass man so viel Pornos gucken darf, so oft wie man will sich einen runterholen kann. Kann man, aber vielleicht sollten wir darüber reden, was die Konsequenzen sind. Es ist relativ offensichtlich, dass Pornos einen Effekt auf unsere Psyche und unseren Körper hat.
Thank you Megan. what a tragedy that people do not 'connect the dots,' or rather refuse to do so.
The childish comments below need to be ignored.
Rob Robertson Agreed!
And when they do connect the dots, it's often far too late for them to ever have the chance at knowing the pleasure one might experience from doing so.
Rob Robertson My sister sets standards for men that she does not come close to meeting
@@lorettaknoelk3475 Do you mean she's a Cardi B who has set the standard of a Jason Momoa?
Sick. Sickness, horrific. Thank God I don't have children in this horrible world. Thank you for such a wonderful presentation and research and truth.
This talk is amazing and is so true. We all need to take notice and do something about this problem. Thank you for your courage in speaking out.
Rob Weckert Really nobody knew that but you?
@Rob Weckert
Re. "Thank you for your courage in speaking out." - Are you kidding me? What courage? Is she at risk of losing her job, being beaten up, or being fined or imprisoned as a result of this speech? All she is doing is parroting mainstream pop-sociology normie propaganda for which she is given a free platform and lauded by her fellow holier than thou virtue signallers.
@Rob Weckert It's actually terribly amateurish, if you listen to it critically.
Rob Weckert agreed
No citations to back up anything-it’s all emotion that’s it
This information is absolutely stunning. Thank you for this.
I notice that some of the comments below put forward a few logical fallacies especially in the form of straw man arguments (you might have to Google that one). Guys, we are all contributing to this problem discussed. We should not be in denial. Let us make a change for the better. I say THUMBS UP to the amazing speaker at this TEDx talk.
Well put.
I'm not surprised at the number of downvotes. There is a massive culture of denial for personal gratification. It's just as she said, the impacts on the brain of porn is similar to the impacts of cocaine on the brain, a huge group of addicts rejecting they're addicted.
Same with sugar.
same with sex... oh wait thats not for personal gratification not possibly addicting, its only to make babies . Shame for porn watching is rediculous. But just as you should care about the ethical practices of food sources, you should be concerned with where your porn comes from. Its a fallacy to lump all porn together as problematic.
I think you just proved my point. And went for the strawman.
Thank you Megan, I believe this doesn't get spoken of enough and I also believe there are good people that are addicted that want to stop but don't know how, we need to bring this into the light more and more, your fighting a good fight keep it up. My only question is how can I help more.
mind blowing perspective Mrs. Megan Johnson. Good work
Omg! I'm in tears. That was amazing. Thank you. You held nothing back. I don't have a teenage child but if I did I would sit down with them and watch this and "your brain on Porn". I don't date men who watch porn and I think every teenager and adult can also make sexually empowering choice. It has greatly increased the quality of my sex life!
Thank you for this, it explains this awful situation so eloquently.
Thank you very much for this valued talk , it touched a sensitive subject with proven cases and sudies with statistics : thank you again
Umm..... So we're not mentioning 50 Shades of Grey.....Ok
When you can show a correlation with damage to people with erotica then make a video discussing that.
@@lv4153 lots of families demolished, because. Of unrealistic expectations, sound familiar?
lots to cover...
We can only fix one problem at a time.
Excellent presentation. Thank you.
Like I said this world is screwed up! I would rather breakdance
Some interesting parallels, but I'm also hearing a lot of correlations presumed as causation. It feels like the old "violent movies/tv/games cause violence" argument all over again.
@Gioia Grazia no it does not. Prove it!
This needs to be heard everywhere .
I was not aware of these statistics, and if I ever was before, I was in so much denial of the facts that I would have found any justification to continue being addicted and pretend that I'm not a part of the cycle. Now that I have taken responsibility for the earth like every human being should, I am disgusted by the truth and will do everything in my power to escape this all around slavery. I am vlogging daily my reboot process if anyone is interested, my insights might be of value to you if you're striving to quit addiction and become a free thinking, independent individual.
you are a good man, everyone makes mistakes, but it takes a real person to own it and take responsibility ❤
Nothing has ever opened my eyes quite like this.
Which part? Which companies are guilty of the crimes that have been alleged?
Brandon Moore someone’s an addict...
Sam Right? 😂
great talk. i'm ashamed to admit that i'm a porn addict for years, and this addiction destroys every aspect of my life, and even though i knew that my ''click'' somebody there counts i never realised how deep it goes..
I feel you.
I hope you are fighting for you life to be better
Your talk is so true....Huge respect for you Ma'am
More people need to watch this
I appreciate the last comment that she made. Thank you 💛
Prostitution shouldn't be illegal, it's between two consenting adults, the only reason sex trafficking is and should be illegal is because there isn't consent, it's slavery essentially. Prostitution and porn is not, these are the differences and they shouldn't be equated because they're completely different things.
Drug overdose, depression, alcoholism and suicide are things that will exist with or without consent. A helthy society has good laws. Good laws are based on moral values, not on consentism.
+Carlos Eduardo Paduano Some people will say socialism is based on good morals, others will say it's stealing. So by whose standard is a morale value good or a society healthy? In Iran it's a moral value to jail gays. Morals are subjective and that's why I think the government should only be there to protect individuals their freedom and liberties and not to micro manage our lives.
A couple of points:
1. Your comment is central to the argument of this talk. Laws against prostitution are inconsistent with laws permitting pornography. I am not in favor of making pornography illegal. In fact I would lean more toward making prostitution legal. I did not have time to address that issue, as I was already over my time limit for this talk.
2. The difficulty presented is that it is impossible to determine whether much of the porn being watched is exploiting trafficked people or not. Again, this affirms the point that you make. Sex should always be with full and free consent.
3. This talk was not meant to make a comment on policy, nor moral value. Instead, it sought to encourage awareness of the fact that legal porn consumption and illegal trafficking inextricably feed and supply each other. It is impossible to consume porn without contributing to the growing demand for trafficked people.
I am in full support of the individual freedom to view or not view pornography. I am sorry that some viewers hear a different kind of judgment from this talk. I simply sought to communicate a hidden truth, so that decisions made in freedom might be more fully informed.
Megan Johnson There is a massive contrast in tone with what you write here and what you present in the talk. The talk appears to vilify porn as being as bad as rape. The only hint you arent concluding porn = rape was the last statement you made, which is ambiguous at best. You have to realize that you are fueling unnecessary shame and propping up the prudes to vilify porn rather than change it. My intuition tells me that the porn industry is filled with many non-empathetic uncaring people... but what if it was filled with warm affectionate people that wanted to show off their deepest desires and become sex icons? Perhaps even being a fun side gig. Porn is a natural extension of art, just like television, which explores sexuality and sexiness. It is inherently addictive just like food and has room to be abused, but it has the potential to be a positive force in our lives.
Thank you for these thoughts. I am genuinely sad that you took that message away. Please know my reply above accurately represents my thoughts on the issue. Much of the evidence cited in my talk may have led viewers to believe that I was saying porn = rape, when in fact I was saying that more often than not, porn depicts violence and rape, which leads to a level of desensitization to those elements. The problem with your allegory is that when people are using the "food" of porn for any good or bad reason, actual people are engaging in actual sex, which unarguably has actual consequences - both physical and emotional. These consequences cause most every country to enforce legislation that limits how people can be paid or coerced into participating in sexual acts. In the 1950s our country found a loophole and decided that if the purpose of sex is to be filmed, and the filmmaker is the one paying, then we can call it artistic expression, not paid sex. Like I said, I have no desire to try and change policy. My sole purpose in presenting this talk was to promote awareness of the link between a behavior most people consider innocuous, and a practice that most of those same people claim to abhor. But you are right. I have yet to buy all Fair Trade products, even though I know that paying for cheaper products contributes to the proliferation of unjust labor practices and human trafficking. I offer all people the same freedom with regard to porn. I just believe we are all better off if we own what we are doing with integrity. We are only as free as we are informed.
This post-truth presentation was well ahead of it's time.
She admits that all of the studies she quotes are flawed because of the difficulty of finding control groups. She admits that all of the statistics that she quotes are wrong because they are impossible to measure. She makes reference to other unrelated social issues that were being demonized at the time of filming. She uses a purely emotional argument that does not prove causality. I am going to have to pass on this one.
And it's not an emotional argument but one that's based on statistics...you can tell yourself that these numbers are all lies and keep living in a world of lie while these are the facts no one can be oblivious to
This is great talk.
There's a lot of "this equals that" fallacies and no-proof numbers thrown around here. "Porn leads to human trafficking" is the same as saying "graphic video games leads to violence". I get that she's passionate about trafficking kids, but she's using her hate of porn to fill a gap in her understanding. At one point she says that 20% of online porn is performed by trafficked people and immediately follow it with "but it's almost impossible to prove"? derp
Fabulous! Thank you for putting all of these points in a logical presentation for all of us who have wanted to say these exact things! Great job... March forward and let’s bring awareness to this plight.
Fire that sound guy
Liking this gave me a place to put my anger mid binging info about trafficking. Sorry sound guy.
I didn’t know TED was a yoga lesson. I have learned more about stretching from this Ted talk, than I have anywhere else.
@jamesdickson8956 stretching the truth.
Thanks for your enlightening, sobering talk, Megan. People should not be treated as things because we are made in the image of God. May God bless you.
Wow, That is a challenging and convicting connection that was just made. I have never connected the dots as was just done in this short video. I am going to have to think on this and make my decisions accordingly. I have never understood the connection between violent porn and regular porn before, and why so many people are being caught in child pornography rings nowadays. The connection between porn and present day sex trafficking I have never tied together. Although I have heard that the same thing happens in US strip clubs every day, women forced to dance for someone else who gets all the money.
We could just legalize prostitution which would then make it easier to catch traffickers because it would free up a lot of the time cops are dealing with prostitution when they could be looking for traffickers. Also there should be more studies on this correlation because as all scientist know correlation doesn’t equal causation.
Look at how it works in other countries which have done so as well.
Great talk
Most anti-porn crusaders miss the point: porn and all variations of sex-slavery are actually the “natural“ form of sex under capitalism. This may earn me accusations of brocialism, but if you're not anti-capitalist, then you're not actually anti-porn.
Curios question. What about animated porn? Same deal or artistic expression?
Great comment!
BEST. Hentai all the way!!
I think the degradation of women still works the same, and so does the desire-perverting process
@@猪憨憨 degradation of people is bad, ALL people
its called hentai, and its art
Megan, you are amazing for giving us the truth about porn. You are my hero! Porn is the worst! Porn destroys lives.
Powerful message
I'm not making the connection between Internet porn and sex trafficking. Porn if anything is an alternative to these things. Is not the biggest concern of porn the male isolation and anti social behavior that comes from becoming addicted? Nice try but what she is conveying here is simply not true.
I know this is anecdotal, but there seems to be a correlation between the rise of the internet and the rise of dysfunction in society.
This whole Ted talk was anecdotal.
Я полностью согласен если видишь в этом плохое то не надо смотреть а если рассуждаете знать посматривали у меня сложилось мнение что девушки все там
Wow! Really causes us to take inventory as to what we call being entertained! Really saddens me!
Oh I absolutely want to know and love the person I want to respect what they want. I'd love to respect it many times.
Very interesting arguments. She makes lots of good points. There are some flaws with some of it though. There are lots of young women who seek out the high pay of being exotic dancers, and strippers, in bars all across the country. Are they part of the problem? Are they being exploited? There are always adult women that go west to seek to work for and get paid by the adult entertainment industry. Are they being exploited? I guess it depends on who you talk to.
Well yeah that can be the case for some people, but can you really know who's trafficked and who's not? I'd say better safe than sorry.
@Jennifer Boehm I stand for this cause and all, but mentally ill? That's a bit harsh.
@@internetperson3228 Let's forbid transportation so that nobody can be victim of trafficing. I'd say better safe than sorry.
Was my comment deleted? no wonder why nearly everyone in the comment section agrees with everything she says.
Lol what did you say?
@@leyland2725 see? My comment was deleted again, I Guess they are afraid of leting people decide for themselves what ideas are good or bad for society, and want to impose their narrative on the most people possible.
Victor Blanco SJW BS
We should discuss the danger of hysterical and misleading exaggeration, the boy who cried wolf effect.
Yeah, let's censor online porn, I mean no one watches porn in South Korea or Iran now, and I'm sure they have no problems with sex trafficking or prostitution, & their view of sexuality in general is so much healthier than what you find here in the west...
I really hope this was meant to be satirical
There are old expressions: ""gott'a start somewhere", "lead by example" and "it's important to the people who get saved." So, there's that to consider.
One thing I'd like to point out is that women seek out "violent" pornography more than men do. Which is kind of weird when I saw the research on it.
Dominick Medley where is the research?
you can easily find it yourself, it's treu.
@Dominick Medley Maybe women have a stronger need/desire to see explicit violence between men and women, in a way that doesn't actually result in their harm, because it allows them to release their own aggressions (womens' violence is much more taboo than men's).
Thank~You!!! 💞☀
Thank you Megan, for saying this.
this woman may have a point-to-point, but her Reliance on emotional manipulation over actual facts and cited studies make her impossible to take seriously.
women, amirite.
you're hard to take seriously
@F Powell Not everything she claims is backed by facts, unfortunately.
Ive been watching alot porn since I was 10 years old. And little to nothing of what she is saying has anything to do with my porn habits. There is a sad truth in what she is saying, but this sounds more like pornography is the villain and if we take it a way the problems will go along with it. Its an important issue nonetheless. underage and non concent should be hunted down more vigorously.
Join NoFap my doggy
Excellent speech
People who watch violent porn and child porn are not into those things because of the porn, but they are seeking out that porn because they were already into those things.
Ehhhh debatable
@@John-bv5ui You prove his point though, if it's debatable, then this woman shouldn't do a lecture on how she perceives things as true when the data is inconclusive...
Such an important subject though you missed the opportunity to mention what happens sexually between consenting adults should be legal.
İ always liked reading comments under UA-cam videos. But this comment section makes me kinda depressed.
Is it because people are agreeing with her, or disagreeing with her?
- If it's because they're agreeing with her, go to the top and click the "Sort by" icon, then click "New", you should find quite a few newer comments and one that disagree with her!
- If it's because they're disagreeing with her, then click the "Sort by" icon, however this time click "Top".
@@cohlinegarnet8313 @Cohline Garnet Thanks for the expansive explanation.
İt's been a while since İ've written this comment so İ don't remember the context too much.
And also wouldn't like to remember İ guess 😅
But as of now the comment section doesn't seem disturbing
@@SaylEFoSho Ohh, alright.
As someone who doesn't watch porn, but is part of alternative communities, I will say don't come to us with your sex shaming. There are issues with porn because we treat sex as something shameful. When we treat it as shameful, it can only be shown as objectifying, and it can't be talked about in context of real life and it can not show people as whole individuals because by nature of being in the industry means you are seen as something lesser by people in the rest of society. .
The problem comes from how people view and treat people who enjoy sex and voluntarily participate in a sex industry.
Porn stars can be exploited because we as a society look down on them and treat them like diseased immoral creatures which means they have no grounds on which to negotiate fair employment. Which means they can be shamed into being exploited.
Create an alternative. Create porn that includes consent and still achieves the variety (with legal participants). A porn industry that allows it's actors to be public individuals with multiple facets.
Create a alternative then ask people why they would choose the former when the alternative exists.
This can never be stopped, Try as hard, The key is hormones with money....
Thanks ma'am well explained
So, what about erotic prose and manga? Are those still okay?
Makes sense. I hear Japanese companies like to branch out.
Anyway, I'm gonna go catch up on some reading.
drawn images and words don't require the exploitation of real life people so I imagine it would be far less likely to be damaging.
3DX Horizon ? 🤔
At that point you’re only damaging your mind
Many female adult porn stars are paid "significantly more" than the average American. Because of the amount of money that many of these females get paid, I find it difficult to view them as "victims." Adult pornography is an entirely different medium than child pornography. This speaker is convoluting adult and child pornography and sex trafficking to try to make all three of these concepts seem the same. I recently saw a ridiculous documentary where cops were busting "adult American" prostitutes and their johns because they said that "domestic prostitution" increases the demand for trafficking underage girls into the U.S. from foreign countries. As far as STDs among porn stars is concerned, it comes with the territory.
You are talking about less than 1% of women involved in the porn industry. The average career is 4-6 months and leaves the person broken, money-less, and alone.
That is only mainstream popular porn stars that can rake in up to $1500 per scene. The unpopular new pornstars with barely any experience get much less if any, sometimes they don't even get paid and they are abused by their boss.
Levi Mckell is right.
Many misconceptions here. Average female performer with a decent scene workload will make 5-6k+ per month. Most studios will pay fairly decent if you haven't worked with them before. Many women do this on top of their job they already have. Now after you work with 15 or so different companies, it will start to be hard to find work, and this is where you need to carve out yourself a niche. There are tons of "porn stars" who have done so, people in the industry for a year or two, and people who work in it for decades. Some people enjoy filming or being filmed. If all porn studios got banned tomorrow and never made another movie, you would still have a plethora of it. Even in the most conservative countries, amateur porn is widely made. Porn is entertainment, and like any sort of it, its a difficult market and yes most will fail, they won't capture a unique audience and grow a fan base and build a brand. The ones who do aren't complaining. As for exploitation goes, I bet you 80 percent of women doing porn would tell you they do it because they love it, they like being filmed, they enjoy the money etc. It's only after that it didn't work out and you didn't grab your audience that you all at once the industry is the problem. I'm not saying some people don't take advantage of people, but for the most part, its just a brutal highly competitive entertainment business with low margins.
You sound exactly like a cocaine dealer justifying the drug trade by saying you are just supplying a demand and in any case most people don't become addicts and just use your product recreationally..
In order to make the argument you've made you have to completely ignore the link between pornography, sex trafficking and paedophilia, just as a cocaine dealer has to ignore the mass murders, extortion, coercion and exploitation of the peasant cocaine workers and their families by the drug cartels.
You also have to ignore the link between porn addiction and sexual violence against women, which is well established. And you have to ignore the link between "teen" porn, child pornography and paedophilia, which are equally well established.
It's almost as if you didn't watch the video at all.
In short, you've used anecdotal evidence from the industry that you are/were clearly involved in and pays you (or paid you) a wage, to deny the mountains of data that links porn production and consumption to sex trafficking, prostitution and child sexual abuse.
Never underestimate the power of denial.
When I read your justifications and rationalisation the quote that comes to mind is Upton Sinclair's
"It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it."
Much respect for what this woman stands for. She is 100% right in everything that she daid.
I feel kind as if johnson is taking this porn made through sex slavery and saying that's all porn. But for the few years I've been watching porn I've never, ever come across anything remotely violent or ostensibly degrading. Perhaps that's because my particular niche is lesbian porn and most of that is made by proper studios (I don't know this to be true but I'm just speculating here) with standards and self-produced regulations about STI testing meaning the actresses have lower rates than the general population. When she's describing what she appears to be saying is all porn, I feel kind of sick. The idea of watching multiple guys penetrate a single girl while verbally abusing her turns me off!
Basically, I want to point out that she's ignoring a huge porn industry that employs consenting actors and actresses and that has legitimate standards and is self-regulated. I don't know how big this industry is compared to that run on sex trafficking but it is far to significant to simply ignore like Johnson does here.
Your essentially saying there’s a toenail on this huge dragon didn’t hurt anyone ,we shouldn’t slay the dragon that is killing our society bc it has a toenail that hasn’t hurt anyone
Is there scientific evidence for this? If o could someone show me a site or paper
It´s a ted, basically everyone can get up there. They don´t need evidence.
Every time she quotes a study that's scientific evidence done by people most often with PhD's in a scientific field (approx. 7 years of university). Go on google scholar and read some of the papers.
@Ben Carlson And this is bad because...?
@@racheljordan5450 alrigt ill check her out
i got a simple solution ban all porn done!
2:36 Professional sports also commodifies human beings. Where's the outrage?
The players get fame and money...so slavery, well....
Oh dear........
Excellent point.
Sounds so much like religion. Seems like indeed we were wrong to not be religious
You also choose your Partner
Who is " matchable "
Typical Tedx talk. A lot of sensationalism and implications that correlation equals causation which is incorrect. For instance at 4:53 when you say 80% of men who get arrested for child sex abuse possess child pornography; the implication being that the child pornography somehow caused them to molest children, however the root cause is obviously from the individual being fucked up in that he is attracted to underage girls.
Additionally at 7:00 you say that people who view porn regularly are much more likely to pursue bought sex. Could this not be that the reason these people view porn regularly is because a lack of sex in their regular life, which means that they would have to pay for any real life sexual experience.
Implications that YOU read into but weren't actually claimed. Typical.
The need for approval, which another Ted talker explained in his presentation on pornography, is an important aspect of the porn club that people are expected to join in their teens. Like all clubs societies brotherhoods guilds and sects, once you're in, it's hard to leave. Not because you can't but because you feel protected.
When most boys join the men's club they're paid up for the duration. Some grow a pair and leave to evolve a life and a unique personality.
But somehow we are all needy of a club, not realising that the human race is the biggest and best for security and success.
Since the majority of men and women in the audience, on our street, riding the bus, at work and running the country are paid members, unwittingly willing to sacrifice their and our children, who is this message really for?
I'm glad the cards are on the table, but what we need is to get into the idea of and start imagining the world we want not the world we don't want.
Her speech is visibly biased, artificial correlation is used... too weak of a TED talk.
The foundation of this speach, in my opinion is wrong, because slaves have no choice and pornstars/most “prostitutes” do have the choice. But overall the speaker had some good ideas which I did like
Correlation does not equal causation.
Is there science and data behind this?
Every time she quotes a 'study' that is most likely data gathered by scientists. Usually people with PhD's/certified doctors in their fields.
There is COMMON SENSE and bioLOGICal big picture ...ay.
@@racheljordan5450 emphasis on "most likely"!
Of course not.
Charles Ritter Are you kidding, there’s a ton that’s a mere google search away
wtf? Prostitution is actually illegal in the US? Looks like the US needs some freedom.
freedom for men to enslave women and children? Wtf dude?
Comrade Avene how is a woman asking for sex to get money enslavement? Last time I checked, slaves don't get paid.
@@beccaj8094 You are doing a disservice to people who are enslaved by contributing to conflating the term.
If you dont enjoy it !
Than dont do it !!!!!!!!!!!
317 people need a psychologist.
Make it over 400
I was hoping that someone would do a Ted talk demonstrating all the different ways someone could employ spurious logic.
Money over people is capitalism. What are you going to do?
. . . and Bitcoin is even WORSE! Crpyto = CRIME!
this whole entire talk was not substantiated with ANY proof or citation. where is your proof?
I agree with you. This speaker also fails to acknowledge that the women in porn get paid a lot, and they are actually "taking advantage of that fact" that men want sex more than women do, in order to make money off of men who struggle to attract "real" women. I don't have a lot of sympathy for porn stars, strippers, Hooter's waitresses, etc because they are all "exploiting" the fact that many men have simplistic, lusty minds.
as much as i agree with her.....you are right! she does need to cite her sources. i see to many people giving good talks about legit problems, but if you don't cite the sources then........i can't take it to heart. i will try to contact TED and see if they will post some sources for this video. ( highly doubtful they will respond ).
I actually don't agree entirely with her analysis. I am no expert but thinking about the topic , sex slavery could be greatly diminished by legal and regulated prostitution. though upon further proof I could change my mind. This ted talk should have had many citations or reference to sources since it is a controversial topic.
proof follows conviction. we see and believe things before we prove them, so she is entirely justified in her conjectures. as a child, i didn't have to see someone fall from a tall building to feel that it was dangerous.
Robert Munga
Comparing falling from a high building to the effects of viewing porn is "Apples & Oranges." The effects of falling objects are clear cut. All objects fall at 32 feet-per-second squared in a perfect vacuum, and slightly slower with wind resistance. Gravity is a "constant" whereas the human brain is far too complex for anyone to try to state that "Viewing pornography is always harmful, to each and every person who views it." Moreover, I have heard women employed in the sex trade say that their male clients are "gullible idiots" for paying to see them naked and/or to have sex with them. So, not ALL women employed in the sex industry are "victims" like many on the Religious Right would have society believe.
This woman doesn't understand consent nor the difference between fantasy and reality.
so in denial... your fantasy is reality for someone different but this part u r not able to see . better wonder what YOU don't understand that is truth, dear boy.
Am glad I watched this
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some feed back, as a professional debater, your presentation is full of conclusions that are backed by nothing, riddled with confirmation bias, and poorly justified arguments. That said, i dont necessarily disagree with you, im not for porn,and im not against it, however i see major challenges with it, and agree with the major issue or objectification and how its warping peoples concepts of sex, relationship, and to a certain extent what is normal. But, when you draw arrows, this not convincing to people. this is not an argument. this is not a fact either. this is a supposition. Find a really good psychologist, or even better a metapsychologist to talk to to find out what is actually the cause of this and the best solution is. and speak to the cost to men in real way, and what is the benefit for them. Shame will only get you so far, dont believe me, ask ministers and popes.. they have been trying to shame people in to being "good" for 1000s of years with little or no success..
@Charles Blair Yes, I support her cause but her presentation is a low-quality undergraduate one at best, equating correlation with causation, overgeneralizing, citing statistics out of context, etc.
If it's against God then let him handle it he's God I'm sure he's got it covered
Ultimately this is about return on investment (ROI). Porn makes economic sense in the male mind. The material girl has so many unmitigated risk that only a fool would be willing to take that anymore. I get a big chuckle how articulated this woman is in her tenants of argument. I also find her sanctimonious contempt at a level, that is down right scary. Your out of your depth on this one.
How powerful.
Binance's CEO bares all about future developments in an exclusive interview
Awesome talk. So brave.
if there's no control group for people who don't watch porn, then you can't conclude that porn causes sex trafficking and slavery. the vast majority of the population watches porn and doesn't participate in prostitution or illegal activity. porn might be bad, but this talk makes way too many fallacious connections. thumbs down.
So what your saying is, if all people buy and use a product, this can not influence the company to produce more of that product? Since there is no control group of people who have not tried the product there is no way to know that people consuming the product will in any way influence the industry to produce more of it. I think that YOUR logic (or lack of it) may be a little bit biased.
You can look at historical data, and study young people, as well as compare people in the US to those of more civilized cultures.