ARB Intensity Solis Review - LED Driving Lights - 1.4km & under $830

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @rubenhenning7989
    @rubenhenning7989 2 роки тому +3

    I use the Hardkorr BZR-X 9" spotlights and they work fantastic in South Africa's harsh bush. 1lux at 1460m.

  • @curtisg7924
    @curtisg7924 Рік тому

    Awesome review, been looking at these over the last few days. Thank you for helping me decide on these over so many options. Cheers fr 🇨🇦

  • @TrailerYacht
    @TrailerYacht 2 роки тому +4

    Its a timely review for us, as we've got a set of the 9" Solis on order (since April 2022), scheduled to be fitted in August. Going to be a big step up from the old halogen rectangular IPF's ! None of the "wrist action" with the trusty IPFs - they're either on or off - no dimming or other bs to go wrong. We've chosen a combination flood & spot set up for our Solis, but might have to look at adding a lightbar for when we're coming into town.

    • @TrailerYacht
      @TrailerYacht 2 роки тому

      Well, it's 24th August 2022 and we now have our 9" Solis fitted to our Ranger. We are simply blown away with how bright they are - as you'd expect. We will let you know how they go over time - the first real test will be our upcoming 4 week Tassie trip.

  • @EdRivis
    @EdRivis Місяць тому

    Excellent review thank you

  • @carl.colleen.rover.adventures
    @carl.colleen.rover.adventures 2 роки тому +1

    Good informative video, when my old light bar I have on the front gives up I will give them a go 👍

    • @great_offroad_adventures
      @great_offroad_adventures  2 роки тому +1

      Add them to the list and do a comparison table like I did….it was immensely helpful in understanding how they all stacked up against each other.

  • @MiniLuv-1984
    @MiniLuv-1984 2 роки тому +4

    As per normal, your reviews are bang on the money. Thanks Graham.
    I have a few problems with these driving lights and with ARB specifically. First the price - how do they justify these ridiculous prices - they all do it, so its a kind of collusion. I can't see the value at 5 to 10 times the price of good Chinese equivalents. Most of these are Chinese anyway, so its just profiteering IMHO.
    That wiring issue too is just poor design and to add salt to the wound by charging you for the special loom that reduces their utility to overcome a problem they have is criminal.
    Finally on a completely different note. Spotties and/or floodies are great for seeing where they illuminate, the problem is you can't see anything else like through the side windows to the side.
    The other problem is the more powerful they are, the longer it takes for your eyes to adjust to see non illuminated or not so well illuminated areas. The reality is you are not likely to see the roo coming from the side and even if you did, can't do much about it at speed. Tunnel vision is not a good thing. As you pointed out 300m vision is overkill - it takes you and your car 100m to stop, why then do you need 1 lux at 1.3km?
    I personally use high beams now and reduced speed which, I think is a better option for all the reasons above. Granted i grew up driving with candles for lights, but i don't think the human eye or the road conditions have changed and car lights are infinitely better than when I was a young bloke. Personally i think marketing departments have stepped over the line and we, the general public are just suckers for their spin.

    • @great_offroad_adventures
      @great_offroad_adventures  2 роки тому +3

      I guess everyone is prepared to spent or part with different amounts of money for different things right.
      $829 ready to do isn’t a bad price in my experience….plenty of lights made in Aus or US cost double that to only get similar levels of performance….so in that experience $829 isn’t bad. But I still remember my first set of lights, I think they were halogen Narvas for $200…..yeah in that comparison $829 is expensive….but they are a chalk & cheese to drive behind.
      Yes I could of got some cheaper Chinese $200-$300 lights, but where does that leave me when they fail and I’m 1/2 way to Broome in the dark or 1/2 way across the Nullarbor? Leave me in the shit…..guaranteed to have poor after sales support probably only available direct where I purchased them from in Perth……hence why I don’t think $829 for a high performing pair of lights that come with great after sales support Australia wide is all that bad a price…..the extra $20 loom was a piss off, no 2 ways about that and it affects stock cars too, a lot of issues with the dimmers and Amarok for some reason 🤷🏻‍♂️….again, remove dimmer fit the dumb switch and fixed.

    • @MiniLuv-1984
      @MiniLuv-1984 2 роки тому

      @@great_offroad_adventures Hey thanks for taking the time to read that war and peace comment :) Thanks for replying with so much detail too.
      I hear you re falling off on the Nullabor. My view is that either cheapie or expensie can do that, less likely perhaps but nothing is infallible. I guess, my POV is you don't need them really. Nice to have, sure, but in terms of driving at night on a dirt track, WTF are you doing driving at 100km/h? if you are on the highway, what you see beyond 300m is completely academic, like you said, you need 100m to stop, so 300m of illumination is more than sufficient. The 300m of illumination is provided easily by factory high beams, so you don't need either the cheapies or the expensies. Can't fall off if you don't have them, and thats another $830 in your pocket rather than someone elses.

    • @great_offroad_adventures
      @great_offroad_adventures  2 роки тому

      Going to have to disagree with a lot of your last comment and refer you back to the video Benny - Jess is standing at 300m & it’s pitch black out there with factory high beam….hence it’s not safe to do 100kph with factory high beam…..and hence why spotlights are needed…you’ll see some shots in a future video of the light bar and even with it on you can’t see Jess clearly at 300m and that light bar does 1 lux at 700m.
      The thing to remember is 1 lux is not the measure of how far you can see…or even how well you can see. 1 Lux is the amount of light required to read writing on paper…that’s it….is 1 lux enough light to distinguish objects in the distance safely when your traveling down the road….I’d say definitely not, so yeah whilst these lights “do” 1.4km on paper, what I care about is at 300m with factory high beam I can’t see objects safely….even with my light bar I can’t see objects at 300m, but with these lights now I can see them and so the further I see, the safer I can travel.

    • @MiniLuv-1984
      @MiniLuv-1984 2 роки тому

      @@great_offroad_adventures Graham, you have convinced me! I see your point (pun intended :) ) re 300m and accept that absolutely. Mate, there are things that we just don't know hands on and having a chat with someone that isn't trying to sell you something and does know helps so much, so thanks for both taking the time and the straight talk.

    • @great_offroad_adventures
      @great_offroad_adventures  2 роки тому +2

      Hahaha - we’re all allowed our own opinions and we all have our own experiences which guide our opinions….if you aren’t going to drive at night, then I agree….you probably don’t need lights or don’t need expensive lights for the odd time you find yourself driving at night unplanned…..but in my experience, we often leave after work on a Thursday or Friday to maximise our time away and drive large chunks of time and distance in the dark and so for me good lights are important.

  • @jamesray3920
    @jamesray3920 21 день тому

    I own 2 pairs, one set on my yota Fj Cruiser and a Set on. My h3t alpha hummer truck both has arb bull bars so far. I have had no issues or complaints . and with wire loom, I like that I can dim them and that the button has a back light that come on when I turn on park lights, and I like that I can buy different lens covers they offer red,amber,black and the come in clear out the box, and you can swap out the red corners to black and I run on front-runner roof rack Hella rallye 4000i compact . The off-road light you buy can really change the look of you vehicle

  • @RehanSamarakone
    @RehanSamarakone 2 роки тому

    Thank you for the well detailed review

  • @dominicevans7430
    @dominicevans7430 2 роки тому +2

    I've owned a few different brand LED spot lights , i found the 1lux at a far distance too bright creating a blinding haze in front of the vehicle (stedi type x)
    I've been looking around and leaning towards fyrlyt's

  • @travishutt450
    @travishutt450 2 роки тому +1

    Is it just me or are they pointed way far down? 19:00

  • @AshleyPearceImages
    @AshleyPearceImages 2 роки тому +2

    Good stuff Graham. I’ve had mine for about 18 months and just had to replace one light (under warranty) as 4 of the LED’s were causing a few issues. At the same time ARB replaced the switch also under warranty just to safe in case that was an issue. I have found them to be far superior to my old HID lights. I dont do a lot of night driving so I have resisted the urge to buy a lightbar for the rack!!!

    • @great_offroad_adventures
      @great_offroad_adventures  2 роки тому

      Good to hear ARB stand by their product - fingers crossed I don’t have any issues…guess time will tell for me.
      Light bar and spotties work well on the highway together, once on the tracks I can turn the LED’s off. Pros and cons to having the lightbar.

    • @AshleyPearceImages
      @AshleyPearceImages 2 роки тому +1

      @@great_offroad_adventures ok….not sure I’d get another purchase approved haha. I think they may know the switch is an issue and why they replaced it as a matter of course.

    • @great_offroad_adventures
      @great_offroad_adventures  2 роки тому

      Yeah okay - did they replace with another one of the dimmer pads or with just the plain Jane on off switch

    • @AshleyPearceImages
      @AshleyPearceImages 2 роки тому +1

      @@great_offroad_adventures giving another dimmer pad a go. My LC is 2020 with facelift lights etc. Not sure if that made a difference. I actually wondered if dropping 4 of the LED’s whether that interrupted power etc for them to fault.

  • @outlaw4shrt
    @outlaw4shrt 2 роки тому +1

    Graham, thank you for this review. I am seriously considering these for my 200 (LX570). I am in Europe at the moment but will be going back to the states soon, and both here and there we do have fog to deal with. I'm curious if you can speak to how these worked while they were on 5% and 25% power? I know you said that the dimmer crapped out on you, but do you have any experience with those settings before you switched over to just on and off? With yellow or amber covers, would they still be too bright to run as low beam type fogs at 5% or 25%? I've watched and or/read every review that I can find on these and haven't seen that addressed at all. Thanks - Adrian

  • @benhobbs9449
    @benhobbs9449 2 роки тому +2

    Great review. I run fyrlyt 9000 with an arb ar40 light bar on my 200 arb bar. Together brilliant light initially but i find long duration night driving I have to turn the arb bar off. Nothing comes close to the easy on the eye halogen light.
    Would love a review on your rear blue orange lights and how it' all operates.

    • @great_offroad_adventures
      @great_offroad_adventures  2 роки тому

      Yeah the 5000K of the Lazerlamp bar is very easy in the eye, luckily doesn’t clash with the 5700K of the spotties…..the spotties with 5700K only annoy my eyes with reflection from signs, rest of the time they are okay.

    • @scotta5809
      @scotta5809 2 роки тому

      Have a look at ultravision 4000k raptor 120w or 4500k 140 or 180 maxx for the non reflective light.

  • @Millsy67
    @Millsy67 2 роки тому +1

    Looking forward to the seeing your review on the Lazerlamps lightbar.
    Just about to remove the HTX’s and fit up a set of Ultra Vision Nitro Max 180’s. Will be interesting to see how they perform against my Lazerlamps Triple R28 lightbar

    • @N.Matthews.
      @N.Matthews. 2 роки тому

      How do you rate the 180s compared to the HTX's?

    • @Millsy67
      @Millsy67 2 роки тому +1

      @@N.Matthews. haven’t got them on yet ☹️

  • @robertwilson1827
    @robertwilson1827 13 днів тому

    Any updates! Still using the same???

  • @motorheadgaragetweedheads8896
    @motorheadgaragetweedheads8896 7 місяців тому

    Hi mate, did you use 2 spot lights or a spot and flood combination? Thanks

  • @pauldisher1
    @pauldisher1 4 місяці тому

    Woffffffel on mate

  • @bindyandlukedavis4185
    @bindyandlukedavis4185 2 роки тому +1

    TJM Narva LED. when they were a decent price.

  • @dominicevans7430
    @dominicevans7430 2 роки тому

    Why not fyrlyt?

  • @drmarkintexas-400
    @drmarkintexas-400 2 роки тому

    Thank you for sharing

    • @great_offroad_adventures
      @great_offroad_adventures  2 роки тому +1

      👍🏻 - Our pleasure

    • @drmarkintexas-400
      @drmarkintexas-400 2 роки тому

      @@great_offroad_adventures After watching.... Extremely HONEST and thorough presentation and very helpful explanations. Very, very helpful. Thank you for the time and effort. ⭐⭐⭐⭐

  • @gilbert7794
    @gilbert7794 Рік тому

    Would these lights suit being roof rack mounted ?

    • @great_offroad_adventures
      @great_offroad_adventures  Рік тому +1

      Depends on your states rules for roof mounted lights….but I couldn’t see why not.

  • @skudaaron1986
    @skudaaron1986 Рік тому

    I have Ultravision 180 Nitro Maxx on my car. 1 Lux @ 1.8km.

  • @robbiereddog4202
    @robbiereddog4202 2 роки тому

    Thanks mate. Stedi type X for me....ARB Fail

  • @denisvincent3249
    @denisvincent3249 2 роки тому


  • @christurner68
    @christurner68 2 роки тому

    You didn’t want to take the risk of buying cheap chinese light so you bought expensive lights 🤔

    • @great_offroad_adventures
      @great_offroad_adventures  2 роки тому

      $829 is hardly expensive when you compare with lights twice the price are give you similar performance.

    • @christurner68
      @christurner68 2 роки тому

      @@great_offroad_adventures just pointing out they are still chinese ………..

    • @great_offroad_adventures
      @great_offroad_adventures  2 роки тому +2

      Yeah - but backed by an Australian company, arguably the biggest in the industry? Can’t really compare it to the same situation as Kings or the like can you?

    • @christurner68
      @christurner68 2 роки тому +1

      @@great_offroad_adventures ARB are fantastic with their warranty etc, no denying that, just you stated cheap chines products at the beginning of your review, the fact of the matter it is still made in China very cheaply but buying from arb at an inflated price.

    • @great_offroad_adventures
      @great_offroad_adventures  2 роки тому +1

      No denying ARB are making good money on them either by getting them made overseas….but part of that good money is what covers good customer service & after sales service/ support as well.
      And just because they have them made overseas doesn’t make them a bad light, look at the Intensity V1 & V2, made in USA by rigid industries I believe, they had issues and couldn’t touch the performance of the SOLIS & if I’m not mistaken, cost a fair wack more than the SOLIS too? It says to me that ARB did their homework, find someone else to make a better light, cheaper…price it cheaper, be more competitive in the market & ultimately sell more of them right?

  • @rtcivic
    @rtcivic Місяць тому

    Can it be mounted on a stock plastic bumper