Random food for thought - do you think maybe ACE SPECs should be rated in a different manner to other cards? What with them all being a completely binary inclusion in your deck - either you run your one copy or you don't - coupled with the opportunity cost aspect of them, perhaps it would work better to simply rate them in a binary manner too. Maybe just say whether or not each ACE SPEC will see play in a top 10 deck of some sort. I absolutely respect the deeper analysis leading to the 1-5* rating, but they're such a weird case that it's quite easy to trip yourself up on them as shown here, 🤔
Two in one day?!?? We’re blessed.
Random food for thought - do you think maybe ACE SPECs should be rated in a different manner to other cards? What with them all being a completely binary inclusion in your deck - either you run your one copy or you don't - coupled with the opportunity cost aspect of them, perhaps it would work better to simply rate them in a binary manner too. Maybe just say whether or not each ACE SPEC will see play in a top 10 deck of some sort. I absolutely respect the deeper analysis leading to the 1-5* rating, but they're such a weird case that it's quite easy to trip yourself up on them as shown here, 🤔