The only thing useful in 00 Quantum set is the chest cause it gives both trans am and quantum burst which gives you a special trans am that heals you over time plus the burst heals you as well.
so activating trans am then using the sword bits make them circle around you and tapping the button again launches them at the not sure what it does when its circling around you but I'm guessing it functions like the shield bits?
Im new in gb4, I have issues on sword bits, i cant use my other abilities available in the back pack when the sword bit activates. i cant use trans arm even i use the ability on the body part.
I miss the music that used to play in gundam breaker 3. Wish they put the anime music back in
The only thing useful in 00 Quantum set is the chest cause it gives both trans am and quantum burst which gives you a special trans am that heals you over time plus the burst heals you as well.
Hopefully els quant is able to be built and use
I wish the sword bits were builder parts like the Age FX's C-Funnels.
no full saber parts for 00 Qan(T)
Sadly no
Not yet
00 Qan T . Why are its capabilities weaker than those of Breaker 2 and 3?😢😢😢
so activating trans am then using the sword bits make them circle around you and tapping the button again launches them at the not sure what it does when its circling around you but I'm guessing it functions like the shield bits?
Im new in gb4, I have issues on sword bits, i cant use my other abilities available in the back pack when the sword bit activates. i cant use trans arm even i use the ability on the body part.
What do the sword bits do when they surround you? (Press the button again) do they just deflect half damage?
How you get the burst skill