Mlle CHANEL sera toujours indémodable. Une créatrice hors pair. J'ai toujours adoré son tailleur et ses escarpins. Je porte le n° 5. Un génie ce parfum. Une combattante , intelligente qui savait clouer le bec a ses détracteurs. Intemporelle
Impressionnant que cette entrevue ait eu lieu en 1969, le sujet et les propos sont tellement d'actualité. Les même mots et les même enjeux aujourd'hui, Incroyable !
Les gens qui la critiquent sous l'occupation sont des cons. Elle a eu des liens avec des allemands , par amour et aussi par intérês pour sauver son nom et sa marque et continuer de travailler point barre...ça fait pas d'elle une criminelle. Et vous les rageux si vous aviez vécu cette période vous auriez fait quoi? Auriez voys été exemplaire. De grands héros de la résistance ? Je ne crois pas. Arrêtez de jugez les autres.
Elle est excellente. J'adore son caractère et son aplomb à dire les choses et les dire sèchement lol. Son autorité. Sa façon de penser meme si je partage pas toujours son passion, travailleuse comme jamais et qui a réussi à creer Son entreprise et devenir une femme independante! Une grande Dame.
Very smart woman, she saw the opportunity and did not hesitate a sec. She went way beyond her comfort zone. I admire her. She has the courage to live the life she wanted.
Empoderamento tem nome : Gabrielle Chanel. Uma mulher muito a frente do seu tempo, predestinada a ser maior que sua própria geração pois calou o mundo em todos os seus seguimentos e realmente soube fazer a diferença. Ultrapassou todos os limites possíveis de tempo e espaço,e ainda hoje é tão atual como nunca. Quanta honra vê-la fazer parte da melhor de todas as gerações... Imponente,chic e elegante... esbanjava sensualidade por onde passava.... assim foi Coco Chanel...❤
@@Chemtrail85it was funny how she was fixing her hair and pinning her hat to her head during the interview. She was turning her skirt waistband over and showing the journalist! So so funny. She was so fidgety. Sometimes I wonder if all her fidgeting and scaliness and jerkiness was because of prescription drugs? She’s very combative and shaky which is a sign of something going on in terms of substance-use perhaps…
Yes I loved that comment too. LOL she was literally saying she didn’t need lots of tailleurs. Only about 3 ! And that was her whole point with fashion. That you don’t need lots: you only need a few well-made items do clothing to be chic and you can wear and re-wear then and just change accessories. It was a very modern way of considering clothing.
This is an amateur translation. I have tried, as much as possible, to convey Chanel’s style of speech, which is very down-to-earth and colloquial in parts.
- I have a very, very beautiful customer base. It is the only thing of which I am really proud; I think that there isn’t one other fashion house in France that has a customer base like mine. From all over the world, you understand? All that is best in the world. I don’t blush to say it; it takes much nerve to say it with such assurance, but it is the truth. You can come and check, I believe that all those who dress kind of well in this world, dress here.
There are few houses, you see, where women come from America to have their dresses made. They don’t want a fuss, they want to rest, they’ve just come from a cure, they are not interested in going out at night, no: they’ve come to Paris to have a dress made. They know how to dress, extremely well, indeed. They all know what they want, we say to them it will be so many days to the fitting and they say: “Very well, I am going back to America, I’ll be back on such day for the fitting.”
I tend to agree. I have never seen such a strong fighter as a woman than Chanel. She may have done some unethical things but my goodness she was a force as a woman. Many more men have done worse than her and gotten away with it. But Coco was slammed by many other women mainly and is still being slammed today across the internet, by the same woman who then claim that women shouldn’t judge other women or slut-shame and so on. And yet here was Coco, defiant and triumphant until the end, combative, firing off her opinions and ideas, and yet she is mostly hated online by other women - especially the new “woke” feminazis of Gen Z who are all holier-than-thou apparently and who dress like sluts and hookers and yet they all want to pile on Coco for sleeping with a Nazi when they’re all on Only Fans selling their asses for $29.99 a month as subscriptions.
....Especially at old age, all she has left are her ideas and legacy (which is prestigious and relentless)....How can you ridicule a woman who has made a such a influence on the fashion industry?
Ma quanto cavolo era bella questa donna?!?!? Oltre ad un genio indiscusso dello stile, dell’eleganza, del vestiario, una grande rivoluzionaria del mondo della “moda” era una donna bellissima a mio avviso! Seppur non fosse la classica bambolina, aveva un viso, un modo di muoversi e di atteggiarsi che mi piacciono un sacco! Madonna che meraviglia!
How easy to toss out ridicule for a woman in her 80's who carved out of a man's world a visionary revolution transforming millions at a time when the options open to a woman without money was basically two choices beyond marriage, prostitution or menial labor. Who do you think you are?
Christian TERRAES Dans le passe on avait coutume de dire que la France était le seul pays où dieu était heureux. Je pense que ca résume bien les choses
Coco n'est pas odieuse. Elle a simplement osé mettre des mots justes et percutants sur ce que les gens n'osent pas dire. La vulgarité et la mode aujourd'hui est presque synonyme. À son époque, la femme était l'élégance même. Aujourd'hui....
Amy Lee La femme doit elle forcément être élégante? Contrairement à l'époque, aujourd'hui nous avons la possibilité de CHOISIR notre style et notre manière de s'habiller. On peux s'habiller selon ses goûts ! Je trouve que certes ce n'est clairement plus comme avant mais l'avantage et que nous avons beaucoup plus de choix et de possibilité !
- But you know, I am only joking around a bit. I am only joking around, like this, because I don’t want to talk about myself. I am not important enough. [cut]
The day they said they were coming back, they arrive - sometimes we’ve forgotten that they were coming - but they all arrive, all. The ladies come to fit their dresses because they want to be fitted twice, then they take the dress and leave, it is all over with no fuss. Americans are good customers, for us, very good customers. [cut] [black and white images of a fashion show are shown]
She speaks with great intensity, in a very atypical way and with a directness that can only be described as masculine, inasmuch French women are concerned. I am not particularly interested in fashion but came across this interview after having seen the film by Anne Fontaine and I was struck by the profound intelligence of her discourse. Any comments in view of improvement are welcome.
Ce qu'elle dit est probablement trés valable aujourd'hui, mais il faut se remettre dans le contexte de l'époque avant d'acquiesser ... Mai 68 venait de liberer une jeunesse trop souvent museler, la tv l'ORTF était encore particulièrement culturelle et intéressante... Coco Chanel etait surtout quelqu'un de bien réac. qui se sentait perdre de l'attrait face aux changements du monde et qui aurait probablement bien voulu que tout reste impassiblement figé dans les principes du XIXe avec lesquels ...
- What do you think of this cult of youth? We are under the impression that we’ve only just discovered, nowadays, that there was a time in life when one was young. - They are people who are 18 years old who think that. We need their opinion, because they are not the only people who talk about that.
There will come the time of the assassins as a great poet once said. It is approaching. What are we to base our lives on? There is no moral anymore. There is no shame. There is nothing! All that is left is money, which we have to talk about, and filling one’s face with food, good or bad. That’s all we have left to think about and then we dream of going to the moon. To do what? [cut] [black and white images of a fashion show are shown]
Mademoiselle comes across to me as someone who was deeply anxious, and also someone who was traumatised at a young age. She mumbles like a drug addict and has all the mannerisms of one. The frenetic and hyperbolic speech, the hyperkinetic mannerisms, and the jittery nerves. It's strange but in the past we ascribed such behaviour to "nervousness" but in hindsight we can see that she was suffering some sort of drug addiction and that she was a deeply pained and bitter woman. She had experienced too many affairs, too much betrayal and familial abandonment at a young age. In that sense, I feel great empathy for her and compassion. However, she lacked self-awareness which is evident - and she covered it up through a projection of this larger than life character of fantasy she invented called "Coco Chanel." What people admire is this apparently witty and elegant character, but the reality as you can see was quite sad. She seems sad and pathetic to me always being interviewed on that beige camel suede divan. She died alone as a morphine addict in the Ritz Hotel. So many people who are obsessed with appearances and looks (as she was) and their "brilliant careers" end up this way. The world chews its idolaters up and spits them out. The morality tale of Chanel is not to live your life through your ego but to be of service to others. Learn this lesson well.
Elle parle de l'argent...mais elle n'a fréquenté que des hommes riches et habillé les femmes les plus fortunées de la planète. ..elle a adoré l'argent et les bijoux somptueux...
guillaume boonenn you are truly limited in your thinking. She never said money was BAD; her complaint was that people ONLY talk of money...did she talk about money here? No, she spoke about everything! And in the most informed and reflective way. You should try it sometime, if you can.. you need to change that reactionary, plain, basic and uninspired way of thinking .
Là encore qui y a-t-il de choquant ? Si nous devons rentrer dans la moralité c'est d'un autre domaine et pas seulement pour elle ne mélangeons pas tout.Evidemment que sa clientèle était riche et qu'elle fréquentait les mêmes gens riches et rien n'a changé.
Une grande femme, tout une époque, elle à travailler dur pour en arriver elle à réussi dans la mode et l intelligente,une personne humble et tellement vrai, je l adore elle à tout donner coco chanel merci encore de vos souvenirs
Elle y fait justement référence: "c'était un soir où j'avais bien sommeil et je suis enchantée de ne pas m'être réveillée: j'en ai tellement entendu parler le lendemain, j'en ai entendu parler toute la journée!". Premiers pas sur la lune: 1969. Révise ton histoire.
merde,, elle est juste trop intelligente, tout ce qu'elle dit... Il n y a rien de plus vieillissant qu'une femme qui cherche a se rajeunir... et la television embetisse.. wow
On voit que c'est une femme de la campagne pleine de bon sens et bien les pieds sur terre. Très drôle aussi 😂
Mlle CHANEL sera toujours indémodable. Une créatrice hors pair. J'ai toujours adoré son tailleur et ses escarpins. Je porte le n° 5. Un génie ce parfum. Une combattante , intelligente qui savait clouer le bec a ses détracteurs. Intemporelle
Elle est rigolote, et franche, et intelligente, on ne s'ennuie pas avec elle.
Moie, je ne m'ennuie jamais avec Coco.
Impressionnant que cette entrevue ait eu lieu en 1969, le sujet et les propos sont tellement d'actualité. Les même mots et les même enjeux aujourd'hui, Incroyable !
Les gens qui la critiquent sous l'occupation sont des cons.
Elle a eu des liens avec des allemands , par amour et aussi par intérês pour sauver son nom et sa marque et continuer de travailler point barre...ça fait pas d'elle une criminelle. Et vous les rageux si vous aviez vécu cette période vous auriez fait quoi? Auriez voys été exemplaire. De grands héros de la résistance ? Je ne crois pas. Arrêtez de jugez les autres.
معك حق لاسف في اي مرحلة بيصير حرب هيدا بيعطل عملنا في بيع الملابس الله يحمي العالم كلو
Il en est de même pour Madame Arletty "pas très résistante", quel humour et quelle classe.
Tienes la razón
Sauver son entreprise c'était sauver des emplois, des êtres humains ❤
Elle est excellente. J'adore son caractère et son aplomb à dire les choses et les dire sèchement lol. Son autorité. Sa façon de penser meme si je partage pas toujours son passion, travailleuse comme jamais et qui a réussi à creer
Son entreprise et devenir une femme independante! Une grande Dame.
Une femme bien reveillé, et super inteligente, je l'admire, quest-ce que j'aurais aimé la connaître! incroyeable!❤️❤️❤️❤️
نحن في لبنان نفتخر فيها اصلا
الفرنسيين الإيطاليين أسياد الموضة
Very smart woman, she saw the opportunity and did not hesitate a sec. She went way beyond her comfort zone. I admire her. She has the courage to live the life she wanted.
She was a piece of shit nazi sympathizer, are you kidding me? Lmao
Empoderamento tem nome : Gabrielle Chanel.
Uma mulher muito a frente do seu tempo, predestinada a ser maior que sua própria geração pois calou o mundo em todos os seus seguimentos e realmente soube fazer a diferença.
Ultrapassou todos os limites possíveis de tempo e espaço,e ainda hoje é tão atual como nunca.
Quanta honra vê-la fazer parte da melhor de todas as gerações...
Imponente,chic e elegante... esbanjava sensualidade por onde passava.... assim foi Coco Chanel...❤
Femme très jalousée et salie, le monde des affaires
Irrésistible, je ne me lasse pas de cette interview... 😂💋
Love u Gabrielle CHANEL 🧡
Quelle femme clairvoyante !
Elle disait la vérité, enfin sa vérité, sans filtres, une chose impensable dans notre époque complètement aseptisée.
Vale Coco! A passionate and dedicated person. Thank you for sharing this wonderful film.
Ce qu’elle dit à du bon sens et toujours vrai de nos jours ont a beaucoup à apprendre d’une telle personne 👌👌👌
Toujours d'actualité. La lucidité de cette femme impressionne.
Lucidité ou criminalité?
when she smile she looks so young!
Oh yes!amazing....
@@Chemtrail85it was funny how she was fixing her hair and pinning her hat to her head during the interview. She was turning her skirt waistband over and showing the journalist! So so funny. She was so fidgety. Sometimes I wonder if all her fidgeting and scaliness and jerkiness was because of prescription drugs? She’s very combative and shaky which is a sign of something going on in terms of substance-use perhaps…
elle est trop adorable j adore et aussi intelligente . la grande classe francaise !!!
French class or Systemic French corruption? Which is it? She was a criminal!!! A Nazi sympathiser. Is that class? Or filth?
@@stmichl9433 he is talking about french class and you are off topic lol you triggered about the past
صح انا بعشق عاصمة الموضة والازياء الراقية باريس وابيع التياب الاوربية المستعملة بس للاسف الشغل بلبنان ضعيف
- One more question. This suit you are wearing, this Chanel, what else do you have in your wardrobe?
- Two suits, both 3 years old.
Yes I loved that comment too. LOL she was literally saying she didn’t need lots of tailleurs. Only about 3 ! And that was her whole point with fashion. That you don’t need lots: you only need a few well-made items do clothing to be chic and you can wear and re-wear then and just change accessories. It was a very modern way of considering clothing.
This is an amateur translation. I have tried, as much as possible, to convey Chanel’s style of speech, which is very down-to-earth and colloquial in parts.
Très forte très vrai...💗
- I have a very, very beautiful customer base. It is the only thing of which I am really proud; I think that there isn’t one other fashion house in France that has a customer base like mine. From all over the world, you understand? All that is best in the world. I don’t blush to say it; it takes much nerve to say it with such assurance, but it is the truth. You can come and check, I believe that all those who dress kind of well in this world, dress here.
Thank you for your interpretation! I love this spirited woman.
There are few houses, you see, where women come from America to have their dresses made. They don’t want a fuss, they want to rest, they’ve just come from a cure, they are not interested in going out at night, no: they’ve come to Paris to have a dress made. They know how to dress, extremely well, indeed. They all know what they want, we say to them it will be so many days to the fitting and they say: “Very well, I am going back to America, I’ll be back on such day for the fitting.”
Dios bendiga a Coco channel olodumare El UNIVERSO Descanzar en Paz , siempre amen ashe
Love coco chanel 💗
chanel is the most courageous and strong woman i've ever seen ! really incredible
I tend to agree. I have never seen such a strong fighter as a woman than Chanel. She may have done some unethical things but my goodness she was a force as a woman. Many more men have done worse than her and gotten away with it. But Coco was slammed by many other women mainly and is still being slammed today across the internet, by the same woman who then claim that women shouldn’t judge other women or slut-shame and so on. And yet here was Coco, defiant and triumphant until the end, combative, firing off her opinions and ideas, and yet she is mostly hated online by other women - especially the new “woke” feminazis of Gen Z who are all holier-than-thou apparently and who dress like sluts and hookers and yet they all want to pile on Coco for sleeping with a Nazi when they’re all on Only Fans selling their asses for $29.99 a month as subscriptions.
She slept with Nazis during and after the war. She shared a bed with the people responsible for the holocaust.
....Especially at old age, all she has left are her ideas and legacy (which is prestigious and relentless)....How can you ridicule a woman who has made a such a influence on the fashion industry?
On l'adore !
Wish I could’ve enjoyed this video, however there are no subtitles and I do not speak French
j'adore coco
Coco Chanel 1883 1971 👏💥♥️
Ma quanto cavolo era bella questa donna?!?!?
Oltre ad un genio indiscusso dello stile, dell’eleganza, del vestiario, una grande rivoluzionaria del mondo della “moda” era una donna bellissima a mio avviso!
Seppur non fosse la classica bambolina, aveva un viso, un modo di muoversi e di atteggiarsi che mi piacciono un sacco!
Madonna che meraviglia!
She wants beautiful but somehow her face and her way of speaking lit up. She also made herself attractive by her way of dressing.
J'admire Coco merci
is there anybody who can tranlate this interview ?? please !!!!
How easy to toss out ridicule for a woman in her 80's who carved out of a man's world a visionary revolution transforming millions at a time when the options open to a woman without money was basically two choices beyond marriage, prostitution or menial labor. Who do you think you are?
Donna meravigliosa... Stile intramontabile... Stupenda.
elle est plein de bon sens,et c'est vrais maintenant il y as plus d'élégance en FRANCE.
Christian TERRAES Dans le passe on avait coutume de dire que la France était le seul pays où dieu était heureux.
Je pense que ca résume bien les choses
@@badfireman13 une sacrée collabo
طبعا لان فرنسا ام الاناقة والموضة والجمال
Coco n'est pas odieuse. Elle a simplement osé mettre des mots justes et percutants sur ce que les gens n'osent pas dire. La vulgarité et la mode aujourd'hui est presque synonyme. À son époque, la femme était l'élégance même. Aujourd'hui....
Amy Lee La femme doit elle forcément être élégante? Contrairement à l'époque, aujourd'hui nous avons la possibilité de CHOISIR notre style et notre manière de s'habiller. On peux s'habiller selon ses goûts ! Je trouve que certes ce n'est clairement plus comme avant mais l'avantage et que nous avons beaucoup plus de choix et de possibilité !
@@muse2685 Tout le monde se doit d'être élégant.
@@psycho-feline2628 on se caaalme !
@@muse2685 une collabo exemplaire
I’m in awe of this woman but since I don’t know French and there are no subtitles I can’t understand a thing.🥺😭
I love you Coco!
60’s were the most beautiful years in terms of womens fashion j’adore🌹
J'ai l'impression que Karl Lagerfeld imite la façon de parler de Mme.Chanel Gabriel.
Peut être parce qu'il en etait l'extension ?
Il la critiquait mais le mimétisme est évident
ha j'avais pas fait gaffe. c vrai maintenant que vous le dites.
Yes c'est exacte
C’est vrai…j’ai l’impression de l’entendre…hahaha …comme c’est drôle
- But you know, I am only joking around a bit. I am only joking around, like this, because I don’t want to talk about myself. I am not important enough.
J'adore quand elle parle de Apollo !
Fabuleux !
merci pour la vidéo
The day they said they were coming back, they arrive - sometimes we’ve forgotten that they were coming - but they all arrive, all. The ladies come to fit their dresses because they want to be fitted twice, then they take the dress and leave, it is all over with no fuss. Americans are good customers, for us, very good customers.
[cut] [black and white images of a fashion show are shown]
I saw her speak two minutes and i love her already.
Merci a Mme.Chanel Gabrielle, pour le message sur la pudeur et sur les moers religieuses.
tank coco 👍⚘
Merci. CHANEL liked her gold rings
Любой шедевр Коко это противоречие и недовольство..это талант и изысканный вкус ведущий к искусству ..
Wish this was in English.
She speaks with great intensity, in a very atypical way and with a directness that can only be described as masculine, inasmuch French women are concerned.
I am not particularly interested in fashion but came across this interview after having seen the film by Anne Fontaine and I was struck by the profound intelligence of her discourse.
Any comments in view of improvement are welcome.
Tout respect pour des principes bonton bonsense,bongoût..❤❤❤😎Coco
Femme détestable, une artiste génial très atypique. Incroyable cette interview.
Oui on sent qu'elle devait être sévère travailler avec elle ne devait pas être chose facile,mais j'avoue beaucoup de talent
Ce qu'elle dit est probablement trés valable aujourd'hui, mais il faut se remettre dans le contexte de l'époque avant d'acquiesser ... Mai 68 venait de liberer une jeunesse trop souvent museler, la tv l'ORTF était encore particulièrement culturelle et intéressante...
Coco Chanel etait surtout quelqu'un de bien réac. qui se sentait perdre de l'attrait face aux changements du monde et qui aurait probablement bien voulu que tout reste impassiblement figé dans les principes du XIXe avec lesquels ...
Bravo Madame Chanel!
@@Nicolas-mw4mx une sacrée collabo
magnifiquissime grande dame ! j ' adore
Coco the queen 👑
Je l Adore
Elle est. ou partie 1...
"Vous vous imaginez-vous de vivre sur la lune?" Hhahahha trop forte la Coco Chanel, il y des gens qui devraient vivre éternellement !
- What do you think of this cult of youth? We are under the impression that we’ve only just discovered, nowadays, that there was a time in life when one was young.
- They are people who are 18 years old who think that. We need their opinion, because they are not the only people who talk about that.
amazing woman!!!
Très touchante
Muito bem.🖐️💢
Muhteşem kadın 🎉🎉🎉
Elle est très attendrissante quand elle sourit.
Elle a raison sur beaucoup de choses.....notamment sur l'ARGENT!!!Vive notre COCO Chanel...Et son humour!!!!!))
Sous ses airs superficiels, une grande sagesse
I'm really glad I learned French. She spoke truthfully this woman is amazing. She didn't just build a legacy but an empire
Where is the Part 1?
pls titles in english
There will come the time of the assassins as a great poet once said. It is approaching. What are we to base our lives on? There is no moral anymore. There is no shame. There is nothing! All that is left is money, which we have to talk about, and filling one’s face with food, good or bad. That’s all we have left to think about and then we dream of going to the moon. To do what?
[cut] [black and white images of a fashion show are shown]
Moi elle m'attendrit et me fait bien rigoler avec ses réflexions de vieille dame, j'adore.
I love you 😘💕💖👑👗👒👙👚
Would be nice if this was translated in English.
i don't understand a single thing she is saying but i agree😔💕
quelle clairvoyance; en 1969 bravo !
Dommage qu'elle est été moins clairvoyante sous l'occupation...
Mademoiselle comes across to me as someone who was deeply anxious, and also someone who was traumatised at a young age. She mumbles like a drug addict and has all the mannerisms of one. The frenetic and hyperbolic speech, the hyperkinetic mannerisms, and the jittery nerves. It's strange but in the past we ascribed such behaviour to "nervousness" but in hindsight we can see that she was suffering some sort of drug addiction and that she was a deeply pained and bitter woman. She had experienced too many affairs, too much betrayal and familial abandonment at a young age. In that sense, I feel great empathy for her and compassion. However, she lacked self-awareness which is evident - and she covered it up through a projection of this larger than life character of fantasy she invented called "Coco Chanel." What people admire is this apparently witty and elegant character, but the reality as you can see was quite sad. She seems sad and pathetic to me always being interviewed on that beige camel suede divan. She died alone as a morphine addict in the Ritz Hotel. So many people who are obsessed with appearances and looks (as she was) and their "brilliant careers" end up this way. The world chews its idolaters up and spits them out. The morality tale of Chanel is not to live your life through your ego but to be of service to others. Learn this lesson well.
Elle parle de l'argent...mais elle n'a fréquenté que des hommes riches et habillé les femmes les plus fortunées de la planète. ..elle a adoré l'argent et les bijoux somptueux...
C'est pour selon qu'elle sait de quoi elle parle
guillaume boonenn you are truly limited in your thinking. She never said money was BAD; her complaint was that people ONLY talk of money...did she talk about money here? No, she spoke about everything! And in the most informed and reflective way. You should try it sometime, if you can.. you need to change that reactionary, plain, basic and uninspired way of thinking .
Coco mychto puis coco collabo. Coco franc- maçon aussi qui parle de l’élite. C’est drôle. Les vestes en tweed sont donc reversibles.
Là encore qui y a-t-il de choquant ? Si nous devons rentrer dans la moralité c'est d'un autre domaine et pas seulement pour elle ne mélangeons pas tout.Evidemment que sa clientèle était riche et qu'elle fréquentait les mêmes gens riches et rien n'a changé.
번역이 필요합니다.
Iconic elegance, modesty…
اححببهههااا 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
I need to make a projekt about her but my french is a pity 😭😭😭
Very pretty in her younger day- a true example of class.
Croyez vous pas que la télévision embête un peu aussi..?
what a classy stylish and WISE woman. love you coco
Une grande femme, tout une époque, elle à travailler dur pour en arriver elle à réussi dans la mode et l intelligente,une personne humble et tellement vrai, je l adore elle à tout donner coco chanel merci encore de vos souvenirs
Elle est Chef-d'Oeuvre, Elle-meme...
امرأة كل العصور نحن في لبنان كتير منقدرة لانها زكية قوية مكافحة وانا اتبع خطواتها
Elle y fait justement référence: "c'était un soir où j'avais bien sommeil et je suis enchantée de ne pas m'être réveillée: j'en ai tellement entendu parler le lendemain, j'en ai entendu parler toute la journée!".
Premiers pas sur la lune: 1969. Révise ton histoire.
merde,, elle est juste trop intelligente, tout ce qu'elle dit... Il n y a rien de plus vieillissant qu'une femme qui cherche a se rajeunir... et la television embetisse.. wow
@SlikkTim je consulte trés peu wikipedia . mais vous pouvez vous-meme editer ce texte.
she already knew what television does
Femme détestable, artiste géniale.
Exactement mon opinion.
elle au moins avait les pieds sur terre !!
Elle dit bien des vérités cette Mademoiselle; vérités que l'on ose plus dire aujourd'hui.
Quelle femme!