How To Get A Strong Account Without Spending Money: Diablo Immortal

  • Опубліковано 1 лют 2025


  • @xSmoothxSmooth
    @xSmoothxSmooth 15 днів тому

    Don't forget to mention that Helliqary stats works only in Helliqary raids and challenge rifts ! overall a very nice video :) I have watched some of your videos and i have learned some new things to progress in the game. :) (as for the legendary gems i think people need more info and as the game is now even pve will become pay to win if they won't lower the requirements for i5 soon.....)

    • @IndezYT
      @IndezYT  15 днів тому +1

      The main stats works everywhere. Only the substats works in Raids, C. dungeons - you can read it on the item. That’s why you can ignore the substats
      The game is no P2W in PvE. Just wait for 700

  • @soumyakantibose717
    @soumyakantibose717 5 днів тому

    @IndezYT it is really good to see that you personally reply to various comments/questions asked by new players. A great deal one must learn from you. I am playing this game for more than 2 years but haven't seen anyone doing it. Lot of love for you buddy. Keep uploading good videos.

  • @Nascarsoccer
    @Nascarsoccer 17 днів тому +1

    Great video, thanks!

  • @spidermonkey3333
    @spidermonkey3333 17 днів тому

    Keep'em coming!

    • @IndezYT
      @IndezYT  17 днів тому +1

      Will do 🫡

  • @noirdefiant
    @noirdefiant 16 днів тому

    best free to play streamer up up up up!!!!!

  • @lau02277
    @lau02277 15 днів тому +1

    I'm 43.6k combat. Should I focus on getting green item set bonus or just best CR for set items?

    • @IndezYT
      @IndezYT  15 днів тому

      At your stage, you can keep both.
      Best gear and Highest CR gear for different game mode

  • @sotirisp1955
    @sotirisp1955 16 днів тому +1

    Ive benn playing 10 days and i am a barbarian 660 paragon inferno 3 , amd im trying to grind hard ... But i wonder , is it the level of the legendary gems or the proper stats , affixes , curses , attribute that will make you deal more damage ?

    • @IndezYT
      @IndezYT  16 днів тому

      Everything in combination, damage scales exponentially

    • @sotirisp1955
      @sotirisp1955 16 днів тому

      @IndezYT thank you for your help , and also 2 more questions (sorry to bother) should I focus on items with 3 or 2 stats and is it the best option to go for CD , CHC , CHD , WotB attribute and BED as main attributes of my equipments ?

    • @IndezYT
      @IndezYT  16 днів тому +2

      At the stage you are in the game Fort, Will, Str with 3/4 substats are the best for damage.
      Head, Shoulders, Weapons always need to have at least Fort + Crit Chance - the rest is a plus.
      Crit is the most important stat in the game for DPS you should aim for +20% at any time without Mother's Lament or Roiling Consequence

    • @sotirisp1955
      @sotirisp1955 16 днів тому +1

      @@IndezYT Thank you , you are very helpful , entertaining and friendly ( I subscribed and joined your discord 🙂)

    • @IndezYT
      @IndezYT  16 днів тому

      @ Welcome bud

  • @bniitoo
    @bniitoo 17 днів тому

    can you suggest the best 2 star gem like power and command for tempest for upgrade tnx man

    • @IndezYT
      @IndezYT  17 днів тому

      Watch this

  • @brendonnguyen8394
    @brendonnguyen8394 17 днів тому

    Always fortitude and will power for green set items for end game? Same with main gear?

    • @todaysneed7251
      @todaysneed7251 17 днів тому +1

      Yes pretty much but in primary gear u might hav to focus on things like terror affixes, ereban affixes, crit chance crit dmg attack speed and so on. Sometimes u might hav to use a peice of primary even if it doesn't hav fortitude bcoz I has a terror affix u need or even crit chance

    • @IndezYT
      @IndezYT  17 днів тому +1

      Yes, and good substats like Crti, Terror Affixes or Endure for Evasion (at end game in PvP).
      Also save pieces with the Highest CR set because you might need it for Difficulty push - Challenge Rifts, Raids, etc

  • @MrAstroDude
    @MrAstroDude 17 днів тому

    Man you're so helpful, but i have a question, when i see build videos, they deal around 2 million dps to the dummy, but i can only do 500k

    • @IndezYT
      @IndezYT  17 днів тому

      It’s normal. That’s because they have more time in the game so everything is better built - better gems, stats, secondaries, setup etc etc - and the damage just scales up

  • @zeldriscomand
    @zeldriscomand 17 днів тому

    you can upgrade your lv6 saphire to lv7 if the one in you bag

    • @IndezYT
      @IndezYT  17 днів тому

      I will check it out, ty xD

  • @corbin-hj3uv
    @corbin-hj3uv 17 днів тому

    I am behind 150 levels and am a barb do you have any recommended builds for PvP and pve

    • @IndezYT
      @IndezYT  17 днів тому

      Yes, I have Barbarian builds for pretty much every game mode - check this playlist

  • @mattgreen2559
    @mattgreen2559 16 днів тому

    I have all my alots awakened and i dont get all those strafe bonuses. Only one piece of gear gives me 10%. Is there a way to change that?

    • @IndezYT
      @IndezYT  16 днів тому

      You need the slot awaken plus a gem rank 4 or higher on it to activate

  • @PrathamKansotiya
    @PrathamKansotiya 17 днів тому

    One question.
    My combat rating is 41000 right now. Ive unlocked inferno 4 with some help. Now the question is that should i keep upgrading my CR while ignoring fortitude and other stats.
    Because now ive already crafted new green sets for inferno 4 and today i got new ones with better CR and other attributes.
    So im asking should i equip it and gain more combat rating ignoring fortitude and everything. (The new green sets i crafted are working good btw)
    What should i do? Its confusing

    • @santiagogarcia9118
      @santiagogarcia9118 17 днів тому

      When you need to reach a CR point, u wont focus on stats as you will be doing way less dmg just by being 500CR or below the needed. Just equip every Combat Rating big upgrade

    • @IndezYT
      @IndezYT  17 днів тому

      CR first until you are at the highest difficulty then once you reach to end game (lastest difficulty) then you start min maxing your gear

    • @PrathamKansotiya
      @PrathamKansotiya 16 днів тому

      @@santiagogarcia9118 thankx

    • @PrathamKansotiya
      @PrathamKansotiya 16 днів тому

      @@IndezYT ok thanks

  • @hanzo2238
    @hanzo2238 16 днів тому

    Dude i feel so weak, i am paragon level 603 with a combat rating of only 30k wtf! I know upgrade equipment but how the fuck im gonna get so much gold faster, that's my number 1 problem, any suggestions? I always farming through elder rift rather than on the field cuz i barely get any progress on gold on, pls help 😂

    • @IndezYT
      @IndezYT  16 днів тому +1

      Elder Rifts are probably one of the worst spots to farm anything xD Weekly Vault, Events Rewards and Open World farming are always the best ways to farm gold.
      Watch this if you are struggling with Combat Rating gains, its all the ways to get it

    • @hanzo2238
      @hanzo2238 16 днів тому

      @ omg thanks for the info 😂

    • @IndezYT
      @IndezYT  9 днів тому

      Check this gold farming guide: I hope it helps!

  • @yippy4707
    @yippy4707 17 днів тому

    W vid

  • @Jophiel-f5r
    @Jophiel-f5r 14 днів тому

    To blizzard they don`t have to mix Chinese Servers to SEA servers. Chinese don`t play well.

  • @kevinfisher8739
    @kevinfisher8739 17 днів тому

    Just create 20 toons like I did so you can feed your main 😆

    • @IndezYT
      @IndezYT  17 днів тому

      I can’t bother with that xD

  • @yig123
    @yig123 17 днів тому

    Need account bound rank 7 normal gems from blizz for new players. getting 1 shot in inferno 4

    • @IndezYT
      @IndezYT  17 днів тому

      That has to do with Combat Rating, normal gems is mainly for Secondaries. But if they send you, let me know xD

    • @yig123
      @yig123 17 днів тому

      @IndezYT i got 43k cr, but my armor and armor penetration is 1000 lower than monster in inferno 4

    • @IndezYT
      @IndezYT  16 днів тому

      Be patient, do your daily 12 normal gems as party and weekly in Erebban and you will get there also.
      Fortitude every piece will help you also, it's a requirement.

  • @franciscoserra5538
    @franciscoserra5538 17 днів тому

    To boost your secondaries apart of farm the gear etc are you spending your platinum on secondary gems? Just with the weekly content, I think it is not enough

    • @IndezYT
      @IndezYT  17 днів тому +1

      No, I save it for the Legendary Gems because those are harder to attain

  • @martinsvilums7542
    @martinsvilums7542 6 днів тому

    pvp>hight pvp sets wtf?🤣why to not just use 1 optimal set?

    • @IndezYT
      @IndezYT  6 днів тому

      I didn’t get it