unless otherwise you are absolutely dame, Fano they asking peacefully by marching in a record number with out breaking and burning any house or killing people like the Oromia protest the respond they got from the government is so ridicules' , instead of trying to listen their concern the government said " I will disarm you in three days" and keep running his big mouth. However, they disarm him and weeping his ass and showed him what war mean
ደርግ ግን ከውጪ እርዳታ አንድም አልጠየቀም።
ድል ለፋኖ 💚💛❤️👑👑👑👑👑👌👌👌👌👌💪💪💪💪💪💪
ብልፅግና ከመፍራቱ. የተነሳ ጎረቤት ሀገር ሱማሌ. ጎረቤት. ሀገር. ኤርትራ እንዲዘርፉና ሕዝብ. እንዲያጠፉ ዶላር. ከፍሎ ትግራይ እንዳወጉ አድርጓል ይህ. ፈረ ያለ ሰው. ለመምሰል ይጥራል
Kemalam gala
unless otherwise you are absolutely dame, Fano they asking peacefully by marching in a record number with out breaking and burning any house or killing people like the Oromia protest the respond they got from the government is so ridicules' , instead of trying to listen their concern the government said " I will disarm you in three days" and keep running his big mouth. However, they disarm him and weeping his ass and showed him what war mean
በሀሳብ ብልጫ ሲባል ሰልጣን የያዘውአካል በሀሳብ ሲበለጥ አምኖ አይቀበልም ስለዚህ በጥይትይለቃል አንቺኮ በጭገርሽ ቅማል እየፈሰሰሰነው የቅማላምልጅ አየቀረልሽም ስት ተከፍሎሽነው የገባሽ ብልፅግናውስጥ ስትነው የሚከፈልሽ
ህዝቡ አብራቹህ ለምን ጨፈጨፈው