@in10forever his father is not icelandic if he was he would not have to apply for citizenship he would have had it already if he was half icelandic. And he came here when he was 18 years old, he was offered to play in Iceland and he didn't know icelandic an he still doesn't speak it though he can understand it.
Bestu vanartilþrif sem ég hef á ævinni séð ! Ómennskt!
Lélegasta 'Og hann skoraaaaar!' í heiminum, þarna í endann.
Þetta var rosalegt. Þvílíkur nagli. Fáir sem fórna sér eins mikið á eftir boltanum og Alex.
@in10forever his father is not icelandic if he was he would not have to apply for citizenship he would have had it already if he was half icelandic.
And he came here when he was 18 years old, he was offered to play in Iceland and he didn't know icelandic an he still doesn't speak it though he can understand it.
Þetta er bara flottasta sem ég hef séð!!
@alfkona that's what she said!
@amazingtrevor íslendingur núna allt GRÓTTU að þakka
Eitt af þeim bestu leikjum íslenska landsliðsins.
@Zedix13372339 i agree that no one should mess with icelanders but Alex is from Latvia :P maybe Latvians have some viking blood in them too ;)
alveg sammála besta vörn ever
Fórnalambið dislikaði þetta
@in10forever yes he speaks perfect english but not icelandic which I said in my previous comment
@amazingtrevor goður punktur :P
...en hann er Letti ;-)