Halsey, Nico Collins - Walls Could Talk (Lyric Video)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,5 тис.

  • @chelseaAcollins
    @chelseaAcollins 4 роки тому +960


    • @smitagodase5315
      @smitagodase5315 3 роки тому +6

      Damn I legit love your voice!!!!❤️ Your fav song of mine - Water run dry 😭😘

    • @christieieie
      @christieieie 3 роки тому +6

      Awww I think it’s so sweet how both of you comment on each other’s music videos! I love both of you so much!!

    • @siennacollins4547
      @siennacollins4547 3 роки тому +2

      we have the same last name

    • @Ajwan-Al-Awadhi
      @Ajwan-Al-Awadhi 3 роки тому

      We do🙃🙂

  • @mccloud9915
    @mccloud9915 4 роки тому +6511

    "shit is crazy right"
    Is literally the world rn

  • @itsnoelleee
    @itsnoelleee 4 роки тому +2057

    Paused my Netflix for this, not even dissapointed

    • @twitchSYNXOW
      @twitchSYNXOW 4 роки тому +34

      paused my online game for this wasnt disappointed haha

    • @literallyonfire2993
      @literallyonfire2993 4 роки тому +24

      lmao paused your online game I- hah

    • @No_more_days-
      @No_more_days- 4 роки тому +12

      @@twitchSYNXOW You paused your online Game ? lmao
      Sorry for My Bad English (?)

    • @valleryrin680
      @valleryrin680 4 роки тому +20

      I paused studying for a test later just to watch this XD

    • @No_more_days-
      @No_more_days- 4 роки тому +5

      @@valleryrin680 same!

  • @menace6181
    @menace6181 4 роки тому +1411

    The crazy thing is that I can hear a song and automatically know if it's Nico Collins. His voice is so iconic and different.🥰

  • @heehaaww
    @heehaaww 4 роки тому +2500

    The way that i thought this was an official collab for weeks before the disappointment of realizing it wasnt 😭😭😭

    • @briaharris183
      @briaharris183 4 роки тому +57

      Same *sad sigh

    • @yeseniabravo7372
      @yeseniabravo7372 4 роки тому +25

      Same omg

    • @mhi.h6336
      @mhi.h6336 3 роки тому +113

      wait whaaaaaaaaat. I just got know it from u and got even more dissapointed.

    • @itsacookie8657
      @itsacookie8657 2 роки тому +29

      @Leo The Genius the original song is just the female... Sadge

    • @urbiggestfan567
      @urbiggestfan567 2 роки тому

      all of us 🥹😭😭🔫

  • @axescilias
    @axescilias 4 роки тому +4669

    when didn't realise the boy part was nico until this came out whoops :')

  • @sheco2896
    @sheco2896 4 роки тому +2000

    Love it

  • @WakeUpViolet
    @WakeUpViolet 4 роки тому +4549

    Depression : going to suck your life
    Nico Collins : hold my mic!

  • @aaronhartzell4648
    @aaronhartzell4648 4 роки тому +371

    This is such a cool pairing because Nico’s voice is so clear and Halsey’s is so muddy. It just sounds great together

  • @evagplayz3138
    @evagplayz3138 4 роки тому +3443

    To be honest I like this version better than the original you'rd so talented and I love your music!

    • @limebeanz_
      @limebeanz_ 4 роки тому +74

      ngl i havent heard the original but this duo is amazing 😍🔥

    • @ShadowsAnarchy
      @ShadowsAnarchy 4 роки тому +11

      Same tbh

    • @elite6985
      @elite6985 4 роки тому +9


    • @prettysaii
      @prettysaii 4 роки тому +9

      I..- actually just cut myself on purpose-

    • @e_jiuu
      @e_jiuu 4 роки тому +9

      Strxwberxy_ Sxda excuse me what?

  • @thatsly_jaymer
    @thatsly_jaymer 4 роки тому +666

    Is the lyric “You act like I’m the one who’s haunting you” supposed to be a reference to Ghost??? 🤯
    Also, I remember hearing this song before ft you, but I didn’t realize it was you! Omg 😱
    I’m an idiot 😂

  • @mismirya
    @mismirya 4 роки тому +257

    was currently listening to "Over and Over again" when this popped up lmao

    • @korbin3199
      @korbin3199 4 роки тому +9

      I was listening to “Timebomb”

    • @Alex-rp3ks
      @Alex-rp3ks 6 місяців тому +1

      Were you listening to it over and over again?

    • @JaxxOttis46r45r
      @JaxxOttis46r45r 6 днів тому

      I was listening to "incapable*

  • @Bella_Ackerman25
    @Bella_Ackerman25 4 роки тому +77

    I don’t understand why he is so underrated. He deserves way more recognition. His music is amazing!

  • @takarix2040
    @takarix2040 4 роки тому +4334


    • @Adi-wo2qj
      @Adi-wo2qj 4 роки тому +38

      ME TO =O

    • @FinchsQuietCorner
      @FinchsQuietCorner 4 роки тому +21

      Omg yeah

    • @korbin3199
      @korbin3199 4 роки тому +19


    • @duke9532
      @duke9532 4 роки тому +108

      Just saying, but if you see someone everywhere that means you are also everywhere, you mostly just dont comment as much as that other person.

    • @fact_got
      @fact_got 4 роки тому +36

      @@duke9532 This blew my mind

  • @0.00am
    @0.00am 4 роки тому +338

    So early there’s no dislikes 🖤 balanced as everything should be

  • @regladelosperros1850
    @regladelosperros1850 4 роки тому +214

    I can’t wait until you become famous. I mean seriously how are you not already.

    • @briaharris183
      @briaharris183 4 роки тому +13

      I like it tho with him being famous but not too famous. Cuz then he's a trend and that means fake love.
      No hate on what u said tho I do want more mainstream with too.

    • @LowkeyLonely
      @LowkeyLonely Рік тому

      I just wanna hear him on the radio

  • @drewwisemanmusic424
    @drewwisemanmusic424 9 місяців тому +11

    How did I just find this? This guy literally did the impossible. He made a Halsey song even more perfect. I am blown away.

  • @rosierrrv
    @rosierrrv 4 роки тому +155

    Amé demasiado esta versión. Y, dios, me encanta tu voz 🖤

  • @justantherperson
    @justantherperson 4 роки тому +110

    I'm literally blasting this jam at full volume at 11:25 PM while my whole family is sleeping, and honestly I have absolutely no regrets

    • @finneas_soss
      @finneas_soss 2 роки тому +1

      Your family probably isn't sleeping anymore

    • @Izzy_9225
      @Izzy_9225 Рік тому +4

      Fr same. It hits different

  • @samanthasavage5728
    @samanthasavage5728 4 роки тому +380

    this is way better than the original version for sure!

  • @m3lody25
    @m3lody25 2 роки тому +54

    People are talking about they're amazing voices and I can agree with that too but what made this way more amazing is the violin. I can hear some violin sounds in background and it just sounds amazingly beautiful it goes great with the singers voices and the beat amazing work 😃🤘

  • @resentuby538
    @resentuby538 3 роки тому +358

    Been about three days and I'm comin' back
    I'm about four minutes from a heart attack
    And I think you make me a maniac
    But you don't know
    Two years and we in between
    But we both been here since we seventeen
    Here we go, fist fight in a limousine
    But they don't know
    And we both hope there's something
    But we bo-both keep fronting
    And it's a closed discussion
    And I'm thinking: Damn, if these walls could talk
    Well, they'd be like
    Shit is crazy right?
    I ain't your baby no more
    Been about two weeks since you went away
    I'm about halfway through a Cabernet
    And I go, I'm wastin' a Saturday
    Sittin' at home
    Told my new roommate not to let you in
    But you're so damn good with a bobby pin
    Now you gon' play me like a violin
    Hittin' these notes
    And we both hope there's something
    But we bo-both keep fronting
    And it's a closed discussion
    And I'm thinking: Damn, if these walls could talk
    Well, they'd be like
    Shit is crazy right?
    I ain't your baby no more
    Been about two weeks since I went away
    Not my fault, you win every game we play
    There you go, making me always take the blame
    Why you so low?
    On your knees
    I come back 'cuz you want me too
    But you act like I’m the one who’s haunting you
    'Cuz you won’t ever look at my point of view
    With your eyes closed
    And we both hope there’s something
    But we bo-both keep fronting
    And it’s a closed discussion
    And I'm thinking: Damn, if these walls could talk
    Well, they'd be like
    Shit is crazy right?
    I ain't your baby no more
    Well, they'd be like
    Shit is crazy right?
    I ain't your baby no more
    Forgive me baby but it’s hard to read your mind
    When you love me in the bedroom but you're breaking dishes
    So stop your crying you’re the one who picks the fight
    When you pull me back and forth now girl you got me thinking
    Damn, if these walls could talk
    Well, they'd be like
    Shit is crazy right?
    I ain't your baby no more
    Well, they'd be like (they'd be like, they'd be like)
    Shit is crazy right? (shit is crazy right)
    I ain't your baby no more (I ain't your baby no more)
    No more
    I ain't your baby no more

    • @SuperBasicName
      @SuperBasicName 2 роки тому +8

      Aren't there already lyrics on the video?

    • @Yuri_Nikiforov
      @Yuri_Nikiforov 2 роки тому +7

      Bro this is a lyric video

    • @kaneweft
      @kaneweft Рік тому +7

      There was no need for this but I appreciate it! 🙂🙂

    • @shaniyahr
      @shaniyahr Рік тому +6

      ^ To the replies above me 😭

    • @artie3372
      @artie3372 Рік тому +12

      It's hard for some people to read it on screen because it's too fast (plus it helps if your dyslexic too and can't read it in that format)

  • @anyarmv
    @anyarmv 4 роки тому +40

    This song is so amazing! It literally describes how everyone acts in a relationship ♡

    • @e_jiuu
      @e_jiuu 4 роки тому +6

      Everyone?? 👀

    • @davidpittman8762
      @davidpittman8762 5 місяців тому

      I think that’s just your relationships girl

  • @jaeisnotdownbad
    @jaeisnotdownbad 3 роки тому +15


  • @SolaceHCS
    @SolaceHCS 4 роки тому +38

    I forgot about this for months and I had this song on repeat for the longest time. Time to start that obsession again!

  • @WildcraftLover101
    @WildcraftLover101 4 роки тому +65

    Yay!! This is one of the greatest ones! Two amazing singers together, AMAZING!!! Your voice makes the original song 100 times better!!! Your voice is worth crying it’s so good!! I love you Nico, you inspire me so much!! Thank you for sharing your amazing voice with so many!! Your so underrated though!! Keep it up Nico!! Love you, stay safe with Covid-19 and all of that happening in the world!! ❤️

  • @crab1315
    @crab1315 4 роки тому +446

    I want Halsey to see this.

  • @lxsaaa_07
    @lxsaaa_07 5 місяців тому +6

    “damn, if this walls can talk. OMFG NICO ILYSM😭🖤

  • @ailxax4424
    @ailxax4424 4 роки тому +156

    MI MENTE: no entiendo ni merga

  • @fallingdownnnn
    @fallingdownnnn 4 роки тому +34

    when I first heard this song, I thought: "okay, this is perfect"
    but you made it so much better ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

  • @mandyfletcher7368
    @mandyfletcher7368 4 роки тому +14

    Is it just me in love with your voice?! Its so calming and incredible and I'm so glad you are finally getting recognised because you are truly awesome Nico!! Your talent needs to be recognised!! ❤❤🙌😊

  • @shi-ann7519
    @shi-ann7519 4 роки тому +16

    My friend showed me your songs last year though I knew some already, this year he asked me what my favourite was. ‘All of them’ is how I replied. I have literally never been able to say that about an artist, I love all of your songs the way they are, keep it up Nico. ^-^

  • @arabelapaz4139
    @arabelapaz4139 2 роки тому +20

    Everytime walls could talk comes on spotify I need to go here to listen because this version is just so 🤌🤌

  • @Nada-nh7hu
    @Nada-nh7hu 3 роки тому +24

    nico collins' voice is amazing, i've heard other songs from them, it's wonderful.

  • @kurumayu4843
    @kurumayu4843 4 роки тому +30

    Hey man, just wanted to say your music has helped me a lot, always excited to get a notification! Love ya~

  • @therealsussybaka6010
    @therealsussybaka6010 4 роки тому +105

    372 likes, 0 dislikes....
    perfectly balanced

  • @dekulover-yu6hz
    @dekulover-yu6hz 9 місяців тому +4

    The lyrics nico sang is COMPLETELY relatable to my parents communication

  • @IvanPetersen-wx8pi
    @IvanPetersen-wx8pi Місяць тому +5

    Literally heard this version on the radio and started hunting for it for years.. masterpiece

  • @DeathStrath101
    @DeathStrath101 4 роки тому +99

    *noticing most people didn't know the second verse was Nico*
    Are you serious?

    • @atlas3231
      @atlas3231 4 роки тому +4

      Right! Of course I didn't hear the song until I'd already heard all his other songs but I can obviously tell it's his voice just the tone and sound of it (😧 I don't have a crush on Nico you have a crush on Nico ☺) I also listen to him and Chelsea everyday though

  • @teffychan2501
    @teffychan2501 3 роки тому +10

    "I ain't your baby no more"
    I really like that part of the song, no way not to stop singing the chorus

  • @phanthomgamers1588
    @phanthomgamers1588 4 роки тому +10

    Nico, you have mad talent brother and u just need the right exposure! 💯🙌. I'm proud that one day when u get big I'll be proudly saying ive been with u since day 1

  • @user-fp8td7hf9v
    @user-fp8td7hf9v 4 роки тому +76

    Esta gran canción hasta los hispanohablantes ha llegado, confirmado IwI

  • @StarShine-y2t
    @StarShine-y2t 4 місяці тому +8

    4 years later this song is still a banger! 🗣💃🕺

  • @here5y
    @here5y 4 роки тому +36

    i never actually knew what this song was called or that you were featured in it

    • @elite6985
      @elite6985 4 роки тому +4

      It’s a second version of the song so it’s not in the original version, and it’s not in Alexa. :(

  • @CindyWan-f2e
    @CindyWan-f2e 4 роки тому +6

    Nico, you and Halsey’s voice is a legend. I believe you two can become a duo

    • @rjbain0793
      @rjbain0793 4 роки тому +1

      Cindy Wan they didn’t sadly this a remix by nico

    • @CindyWan-f2e
      @CindyWan-f2e 4 роки тому

      The Gaming Boi it’s ok

  • @mistysugayt7745
    @mistysugayt7745 4 роки тому +83

    Lord I’ve seen like 3 people say “first”
    Thanks for the likes. 😂 ❤️

  • @auxistrart
    @auxistrart Рік тому +4

    is people like Nico Collins

  • @asharimes13
    @asharimes13 Рік тому +5

    I was today years old when I learned this is not an official collab, it's been 3 damn years 😭😭

  • @jejedhawi518
    @jejedhawi518 3 роки тому +8

    1:33 is the best part

  • @sarahhill1395
    @sarahhill1395 2 роки тому +3

    I really wish that this version was on Apple Music. I honestly prefer it to the original.

  • @Scarlet8375
    @Scarlet8375 4 роки тому +5

    This song keeps getting stuck in my head and is such a bop. I'm very happy I learned about your music.

  • @YelloBixel
    @YelloBixel Рік тому +2

    Is no one going to talk about the wallpaper? It's from a book long ago but a purely GENIUS idea

  • @azleejohndaga2376
    @azleejohndaga2376 Рік тому +4

    do ppl hate halsey? i like both of them. my fav from halsey is "gasoline" and for nico collins its "nothing ever changes"

  • @jackh4898
    @jackh4898 2 роки тому +3

    Stop wait this isn't an official collab? Like? I thought it was for like 2 years are u kidding.

  • @LibbyNewlands-Coombes
    @LibbyNewlands-Coombes 7 місяців тому +4

    This is what you call pure amazment.
    I like the fact that when halsey just says 'Shit is crazy right' it sounds like she is trying to kill someone (No hate)

  • @ShifhaG
    @ShifhaG 3 місяці тому +2

    "♥damn if these wall should talk♥ "just amazing❤

  • @ScaredShreckless
    @ScaredShreckless 2 місяці тому +3

    This song turns 10 years old this year which saddens me greatly every year that these movies were in cinema, myself and my parents went to see them on New Year’s Eve these were my special treat ending the year I was way too young 😅 being 20 now but I can’t begin to express the happiness and sadness watching these movies bring me ❤❤❤❤❤

    • @_Y0z0ra_
      @_Y0z0ra_ 2 місяці тому +1

      The song was released in 2017, though?

  • @ItzCircusBaby
    @ItzCircusBaby 8 місяців тому +1

    I LOVE this song, it honestly helps me through my day. ❤😊

  • @zeleniatdq
    @zeleniatdq 4 роки тому +32

    *“I’m wasting a Saturday sitting at home”*
    Don’t we all?

  • @AribellaAfton-ov9gr
    @AribellaAfton-ov9gr 5 місяців тому +3

    I litterally love urs and Halsey's songs tbh- No joke

  • @NaviahSamuel
    @NaviahSamuel 5 місяців тому +72

    Anyone here in 2024?

  • @peterjohansonanniebell8445
    @peterjohansonanniebell8445 3 роки тому +7

    2021 anyone?
    am i the only one who loves it at: 2:32 how he says "damn it these walls could talk

  • @berkenkarakas
    @berkenkarakas 3 роки тому +8

    1%:Walls Clouds Talk
    99%:You make me maniac ohh ohh ohh

  • @CoatApple
    @CoatApple 2 роки тому +1

    I’m shocked it never occurred to me you sang this song, I was JUST listening to a different song by you

  • @pamela89476
    @pamela89476 3 роки тому +16

    Spotify needs too add this songʕ•ᴥ•ʔ

  • @noyonikaanddebasmita
    @noyonikaanddebasmita 7 місяців тому +10

    I'm going to be that guy but at 2:22, it's "your" not "you're"... Great song though

  • @zuhalsediqui2115
    @zuhalsediqui2115 2 роки тому +9

    LYRICS -
    Been about three days and I'm coming back
    I'm about four minutes from a heart attack
    And I think you make me a maniac but you don't know
    Two years and we in between
    But we both been real since we seventeen
    Here we go fist fight in a limousine
    But they don't know
    And we both hope there's something
    But we both, both keep fronting
    And it's a close discussion
    And I'm thinking
    'damn if these walls could talk'
    Well they'd be like
    'Shit is crazy right?'
    I aint your baby no more
    Been about two weeks since you went away
    Im about halfway through a cabernet
    There i go
    I'm wasting a Saturday sitting at home
    Told my new room-mate not to let you in
    But your so damn good with a bobby pin
    Now you gon' play me like a violin
    Hitting these notes
    And we both hope there's something
    But we both, both keep fronting
    And its a closed discussion
    And im thinking
    'Damn if these walls could talk'
    Well they'd be like
    'Shit is crazy right?'
    I ain't your baby no more
    Been about two weeks since I went away
    Not my fault
    You win every game we play
    There you go making me always take the blame
    Why you so low?
    On your knees
    I come back cause you want me to
    But you act like im the one who's was haunting you
    Cuz you wont ever look at my point of view
    With your eyes closed
    And we both hope there's something
    But we both, both keep fronting
    And its a closed discussion
    And I'm thinking
    'Damn if these walls could talk'
    Well they'd be like
    'Shit is crazy right?
    I ain't your baby no more
    Well they'd be like
    'Shit is crazy right?'
    I ain't your baby no more
    Forgive me baby but its hard to read your mind
    When you love me in the bedroom but your breaking dishes
    So stop your crying
    You're the one that picks the fight
    When you pull me back and forth now girl you got me thinking
    'Damn, if these walls could talk'
    Well they'd be like
    'Shit is crazy right?'
    I ain't your baby no more
    Well they'd be like
    (They'd be like, they'd be like)
    'Shit is crazy right?'
    (Shit is crazy right)
    I ain't your baby no more
    (I ain't your baby no more)
    NO MORE!
    I ain't your baby no more

  • @beeeettll
    @beeeettll 4 роки тому +1

    Thanks for reminding me about this. I used to listen to this all the time--loved Nico's part, still do! ♥️
    This comment is proof for future me that I knew Nico. :)

  • @error-1D-10T
    @error-1D-10T Рік тому +6

    "I'm about four minutes from a heart attack," after the song in the studio

  • @xariixii
    @xariixii 2 роки тому +3

    yo i love your music ive been here since.. 2019?? im not too sure... but your my all time favorite artist!! your music has helped me through a lot tbh! love ur music and u:))

  • @Cloudy4Days
    @Cloudy4Days 4 роки тому +4

    Holy shit, I've owned this album for years, and I always wanted this song to be longer, this version is way better

  • @rea8366
    @rea8366 4 роки тому +3

    Already seen this from a previous upload of yours but it sure never gets old

  • @kk-bn7sg
    @kk-bn7sg 4 роки тому +16

    I feel bad for not recognizing my king

  • @nadeleineairy8799
    @nadeleineairy8799 4 роки тому +2

    He's so underrated. I hope many people would discover this masterpiece!

  • @tommie1352
    @tommie1352 9 місяців тому +7

    My wall if it could talk

    • @KwamiClub
      @KwamiClub Місяць тому +1

      Lol, so true...

  • @The_N0ise_inur-Kitch3n
    @The_N0ise_inur-Kitch3n 28 днів тому +1


  • @Kat09308
    @Kat09308 Рік тому +8

    Been about three days and I'm comin' back
    I'm about four minutes from a heart attack
    And I think you make me a maniac
    But you don't know
    Two years and we in between
    But we both been here since we seventeen
    Here we go, fist fight in a limousine
    But they don't know
    And we both hope there's something
    But we bo-both keep fronting
    And it's a closed discussion
    And I'm thinking: Damn, if these walls could talk
    (Oh, oh, oh) well, they'd be like
    (Oh, oh, oh) shit is crazy right?
    (Oh, oh, oh) I ain't your baby no more
    Been about two weeks since you went away
    I'm about halfway through a Cabernet
    And I go, I'm wastin' a Saturday
    Sittin' at home
    Told my new roommate not to let you in
    But you're so damn good with a bobby pin
    Now you gon' play me like a violin
    Hittin' these notes
    And we both hope there's something
    But we bo-both keep fronting
    And it's a closed discussion
    And I'm thinking: Damn, if these walls could talk
    (Oh, oh, oh) well, they'd be like
    (Oh, oh, oh) shit is crazy right?
    (Oh, oh, oh) I ain't your baby no more
    Been about two weeks since I went away
    Not my fault, you win every game we play
    There you go, making me always take the blame
    Why you so low?
    On your knees
    I come back 'cause you want me too
    But you act like I'm the one who’s haunting you
    'Cause you won’t ever look at my point of view
    With your eyes closed
    And we both hope there’s something
    But we bo-both keep fronting
    And it’s a closed discussion
    And I'm thinking: Damn, if these walls could talk
    (Oh, oh, oh) well, they'd be like
    (Oh, oh, oh) shit is crazy right?
    (Oh, oh, oh) I ain't your baby no more
    (Oh, oh, oh) well, they'd be like
    (Oh, oh, oh) shit is crazy right?
    (Oh, oh, oh) I ain't your baby no more
    Forgive me baby, but it’s hard to read your mind
    When you love me in the bedroom, but you're breaking dishes
    So stop your crying you’re the one who picks the fight
    When you pull me back and forth now girl you got me thinking
    Damn, if these walls could talk
    (Oh, oh, oh) well, they'd be like
    (Oh, oh, oh) shit is crazy right?
    (Oh, oh, oh) I ain't your baby no more
    (Oh, oh, oh) well, they'd be like (they'd be like, they'd be like)
    (Oh, oh, oh) shit is crazy right? (Shit is crazy right)
    (Oh, oh, oh) I ain't your baby no more (I ain't your baby no more)
    (Oh, oh, oh) hey
    (Oh, oh, oh) no more
    (Oh, oh, oh) I ain't your baby no more

  • @magicbushbaby1023
    @magicbushbaby1023 4 роки тому +1

    I always knew it was you in this version meaning I actually preferred your part 😂. I freaking love this song!

  • @kimberlymejia8965
    @kimberlymejia8965 4 роки тому +47

    When you pause your anime for Nico, you know he's hella good

    • @atlas3231
      @atlas3231 4 роки тому +5

      When you pause anything for Nico you know he's super good 😂

    • @e_jiuu
      @e_jiuu 4 роки тому

      Leese THIS 😂

  • @_x_darkshadow_x4967
    @_x_darkshadow_x4967 4 роки тому +2

    I love the description of this video.
    I listened to this song cover all the time. I love it!

  • @LowResFrog
    @LowResFrog Місяць тому +6

    This is the typa song me n the girlies would play while doin our makeup idk why

  • @John-qv5ux
    @John-qv5ux Рік тому +2

    Insane that this wasn't the official song!

  • @hastiamiri20
    @hastiamiri20 2 роки тому +5

    I knew your other songs but THIS ONE IS NEW TO ME AND LIKE IT VERY MUCH

  • @prvshm
    @prvshm 4 роки тому +3

    Nico deserves so much moreeee 😭😭😭😭😭😭❤❤❤💜💜

  • @mileidyazuaje8761
    @mileidyazuaje8761 4 роки тому +16

    Apenitas lo escuché y me encantó, omg.

    • @liam9881
      @liam9881 4 роки тому +1

      El hace muchas canciones sin autotune, el es buena calidad.

  • @galaxylice8238
    @galaxylice8238 4 роки тому +6

    Damn! If you and Aviva do a music together this is gonna be the BEST song ! By the way I love this song with you ❤💖💝💗

  • @RoRo-ns7sx
    @RoRo-ns7sx 4 роки тому +3

    This guy is so underrated he definitely deserves more attention!

  • @d.tsukuyomi1869
    @d.tsukuyomi1869 Місяць тому

    This song always felt like an unfinished masterpiece. And you finished it.

  • @bhavayayadav2640
    @bhavayayadav2640 3 роки тому +3

    i searched this on spotify but it was just halsey's version 😭

    • @lu2420
      @lu2420 2 роки тому

      yeah ! I had the song in my playlist for a long time and I realised a few months ago that it got cut to only Halsey's lines for some reason. I don't know why so I'm searching for some kind of answer but I can't find any..

  • @christieieie
    @christieieie 3 роки тому +1

    Eeeeeeek! I’ve been such a big fan of you for such a long time!!! I love every single one of your songs so much; especially this one! I play your songs so much that it drives my sister crazy 😅

  • @careless6359
    @careless6359 9 місяців тому +4

    Still here. Even if it has been 3 years.

  • @Bonnie-rb4ww
    @Bonnie-rb4ww 4 роки тому +1

    Omg FRICKING 2 of my fav artists doing a song together and I didn’t know about this ugh I FRICKING love it

    • @rjbain0793
      @rjbain0793 4 роки тому

      It’s a remix dude

    • @Bonnie-rb4ww
      @Bonnie-rb4ww 4 роки тому

      @@rjbain0793 well what would you expect i am an idiot

  • @shiva-mx4gg
    @shiva-mx4gg 3 роки тому +5

    bruh pls i need this on spotify

  • @joejoevt
    @joejoevt Рік тому +1

    Most people came from TikTok. But UA-cam recommended this video for me when I was listening to another artist

  • @kriskros4900
    @kriskros4900 4 роки тому +8

    I love how the description just says to spam Halsey

  • @pastelguts6182
    @pastelguts6182 11 місяців тому +3

    I didn't realize this wasn't a official remix till I looked it up on spotify and it wasn't there

  • @saraxalel
    @saraxalel Рік тому +5

    I thought it was cringe before but now i love it cause i can vibe to it

  • @melinaxx9893
    @melinaxx9893 4 роки тому

    you were literally the missing piece of the song!!! I’m OBSESSED

  • @yamilexmarquez1386
    @yamilexmarquez1386 3 роки тому +4

    Nico's voice is just too swag to be noticed

  • @Box-Of-Rox
    @Box-Of-Rox 2 роки тому +3

    Oh God wait I've never heard this song. This is you added to it? I don't think I can confront the original with the same energy. I'm in love with this version