Pressure Point Yin Yoga | 20 Minute Yoga | Yoga for Deep Release | EveryBody Yoga with Megan

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • This yoga practice needs blocks or pillows and a ball of pressure point tool.
    A wandering, yogi, gypsy soul - who wants you to live your best life.
    Hi there, my name is Megan and I have been practicing yoga for almost 25 years and teaching for about seven. I am passionate about how the practice of yoga can help one live.
    I am currently 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training certified.
    I have taught NCAA Division I track & field, women’s basketball, and
    men’s basketball.
    I taught at the university level for over 5 years.
    I have taught at various resorts both stateside and internationally: Rawah Guest Ranch, Dreams Tulum, Club Med Turks & Caicos, and Sunscape Curacao.
    In addition, my corporate class resume includes: national supermarket chain, multiple national charity organizations, local banks, and physician offices.
    Due to my health issues a continuous heated practice is not ideal for me. I have begun a personal hybrid approach to external and internally heated practices. This allows me to keep my thyroid healthy. Any of my practices can be done heated or not heated, based on your preference and health needs. Heat helps the body open up faster which allows us to connect to “tapas” sooner but with integrated breathwork you can build internal heat and still receive an awesome practice.
    When we awaken our bodies and quiet our minds, we are able to clearly trust the higher plan and make decisions that are in integrity with ourselves. My hope in sharing my love of yoga is that I help you awaken your inner guru. So that you too can trust the plan for your life and show up, as joyfully as possible, to the life you have been gifted.
    Yoga practice with me is for every body. Literally, every body type. As you can tell from my images, I am not your standard American insta-yogi. I am petite and round and loud. My goal is to show up authentically me for you so that you have the space to do the same. By being our true selves we offer those around us the space to do the same. Most importantly, I love the idea that who I am today is not who I was yesterday and hopefully not who I will be tomorrow. My hope for you is change as well. To leave your mat changed from how you stepped on to it.
    I want each human to step into their power and lead their most profound life. This is it; your life is happening right now. And I want you to show up in a big way for yourself (and be default the world at large).
    Each week we will explore various types of yoga and meditation practice. We will do a fast-paced flow class or a slower yin practice. Maybe one week will only be meditation. Essentially, your practices will be as varied as our lives are.
    I can tell you first-hand how much I judge myself every time I record a practice for you. That is my work. I think “if I am not perfectly executing each posture than who am I to lead.” But the real question is, who am I not to? Who am I not to share my gifts with the universe? And likewise, who are you not to do the same?
    I am a Christian who leans a bit spiritual and I want to be clear all are welcome in my practice. Make space for whatever divinity calls to you and know that my heart is coming from a place of inclusion even if at times my language might be centered around my way of being.
    The above is what I offer you.
    What I hope you bring to the table is a commitment to practicing yoga and changing your life.
    When you are ready to jump into a new way of being CLICK HERE to access the Patreon class options.
    I love hearing from my yogis so please let me know what your needs are, and I can create a practice to help you find balance. Some weeks will be more physically rigorous than others, but my intention is that every week you leave better than you arrived.
    I ask that you help create a community with your fellow virtual yogis and that we communicate with compassion for ourselves and others.
    Lastly, but most importantly, I want to thank you for taking the time to stop in to see what I am about and I certainly hope I can join you on the mat in the near future. Thank you for showing up for you.
    Namaste and love every body!