that kissing scene really reminded me of my ex. it hits on the feels, but this song healed me in a strange way since it release. thank you kang ming kyung eventhough it doesnt haeve a lot of views but know ur song resonate with some of the viewer here
She has one of the most beautiful voices that I think I've ever heard... her and Lee Haeri (Davichi), IU, BEN, Lee Min and Crystal (As One), and probably Wendy (of Red Velvet). I'm sure there are others... but those are the ones that come to me off the top of my head as people I could listen to them sing all day long.
Finally we have our Minkki’s album ;; Davichi has a lot to show to the world also as a solo. Kang MinKyung deserves a lot of love❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ Davichi fighting! Kang Min Kyung fighting!
잘 있니 잘 지내니 나는 요즘 부쩍 네가 보고 싶어 그래 알아 너는 다신 내가 보기 싫지 음 왜 그리 겁이 났었는지 영원한 사랑을 바라던 눈빛 그게 난 숨이 막혔어 그땐 어려서 나밖에 몰랐었어 미안해서 너무 미안해서 돌아가지 못하는 이런 날 이해해 나 다시 너를 만나면 또 같은 이유로 분명 멀어질 걸 알고 있어 참을 수밖에 잊지 못해 어떻게 널 잊어 보내지도 못하는 이런 날 알아줘 바뀌지 않을 나라서 또 같은 이유로 우리 아파할 걸 알고 있으니 괜한 투정에 웃어주던 미운 말들을 안아주던 너는 이젠 내 곁에 없는데 혼자 이렇게 널 놓칠 못하겠어 미안해서 너무 미안해서 돌아가지 못하는 이런 날 이해해 나 다시 너를 만나면 또 같은 이유로 분명 멀어질걸 알고 있어 참을 수밖에 잊지 못해 어떻게 널 잊어 보내지도 못하는 이런 날 알아줘 바뀌지 않을 나라서 또 같은 이유로 우리 아파할 걸 알고 있으니 붙잡아줘 먼저 날 잡아줘 많이 후회했었어 끝내 말 못해서 마지막 너의 표정이 그 슬픈 얼굴이 전부 나 때문인 걸 알기에 참을 수밖에 사랑해서 많이 사랑해서 가늠하지 못하는 시간 지나가도 그래도 변치 않는 건 또 같은 이유로 영원히 널 그리워할 것 같아
How are you? Are you doing good? I’m missing you a lot these days… I know you don’t ever want to see me again The look in your eyes wanting an eternal love… I don’t know why I got so scared I guess because I was young and immature, it suffocated me... I was selfish I’m sorry, please understand why I just can’t go back to you… because I feel so bad I know if we get back together, we will drift apart again because of the same reasons, so I have to hold myself back I can’t never forget you… How can I forget you when I can’t even let you go I know I can’t easily change, and I know we will be hurting again for that same reason You always accepted all my complaints and anger with a smile But now you’re not here next to me… and here I am still unable to let go… I’m sorry, Please understand why I just can’t go back to you… because I feel so bad I know if we get back together, we will drift apart again because of the same reasons, so I have to hold myself back I can’t never forget you… How can I forget you when I can’t even let you go I know I can’t easily change, and I know we will be hurting again for that same reason Hold me… hold on to me first… Ive regretted a lot The last look on your face, that sad face I know it was all because of me, that’s why I have no choice but to hold myself back from going back to you I love you so much even as the days go by But the things that doesn’t change is that I will forever miss you for the same reasons
When I watched this Mingki's MV, I imagined that Mingki was my crush, she will have a boyfriend (or she had already, i'm not sure), she will be kissed like that, and my heart liked broken, but I know i must admit she never mine, she will left me, everyone I love will left me... Thanks for Mingki's hard working, this is beautiful music video, beautiful lyrics, beautiful vocal.
remind me of someone who loved before. everyone said this song is for someone who don't love partner anymore. This song always hurt me. I did my best on relationship and could not do anymore and so sad. and this song always hurt my heart and express my feeling so well
I felt in love with her voice! I want my women to sing like this, it both makes me sad and happy at the same time. Sadness is that I’m too shy to find a girl that will like me :(, hopefully I can listen to this song and for a few minutes think that she is singing to me.
For me the meaning of this song is soooo sad and relateable. In the mature relationship the most important thing is not only Just loving each other. There are many things we have to deal with it. It's so sad when we love each other so deeply but we know we can't be together because of some important reason. This song describe That feeling in A better way.
Kang Min Kyung, whenever she proposes something, always exceeds everything, excellent voice, Magnificent lyrics, Beautiful video, Perfect Singer, here we are For you, you are simply talented, you always have my support, We love you💞
The song is so great and the lyrics is deep omg 😭 its about a person who refuse to hold on to a relationship that she knows would only hurt because of the same reasons, despite wanting to and despite having feelings on the guy still.. 😭
Seriously. First time i heard the not stuck into my head... 2nd time i heard Minkyung sing in live. I fell in love. It stuck into my head. Minkyung ah.....congratulation on your solo debut. Next waiting Davichi again. I want go to Davichi concert.
Kang’s beautiful voice, the very expressive lyrics, the amazing song and natural cinematography are blended together in her poignant masterpiece It’s so sad that both Kang Min Kyung and Lee Haeri have parted ways perhaps in a bittersweet manner.It must be very painful for both of them, especially for Kang who is left alone all by herself.And there are times when they miss each other while realizing it's over and things will never be the same.You love each other, you're best friends and partners in life, soulmates but now feel completely lost as if your purpose for living has suddenly vanished.Love is so joyful and yet it is so painful when it has been put asunder.This I believe is why she wrote her song,Because I Love You.
Omo! Her song is finally out! I just give a like before listening to it! Davichi’s voice has never make me disappointed before. Both of them are good! Am I right!?
this song is beautiful, how mingki sang it are also beautiful it has soul and emotion in it. in my opinion, mingki is the best female singer and has the most beautiful voice in korea music industry. eventhough i don't understand every single words she said, it still breaks my heart just by hearing it. Well done Mingki.. We Love You.. You deserved more spotlight..
Hey, I know it's hard to accept the fact that you already left me here with the deepest loneliness. I'm doing just fine. I know you do, too. It's just not me, right? I am not the right person to you. I know... It's so difficult for me to just stand in the crossroads without you. I still remember vividly how close we were. You touched my cheeks. You said you love me, the inner me. But you gave up. You left me at the moment that I needed you so much. I just needed a person like in talking to me every night and soothing me with your warmness. But it is over. Your love for me is over... How can I move on like you do :(
I fell like I'm missing some one nice Voce more song 2022 I'm waiting ah. thing, I lestining to this song everyday I really felt it same story with this song❤️❤️❤️Kang min kyung
들을때 마다 옛사랑이 생각납니다.... 지금이 외로워서 더 몰입되는거 같아요.. 그사람은 결혼하고 나같은거는 생각조차 안하겠지만.. 서로 정말 사랑하지만.. 이런저런.. 사정상 결혼까지못하고 헤어졌던.. 그녀가 생각나는 밤입니다...
비록 .. 슬프지만 민경님 목소리들으면서 힐링하는게 너무 좋습니다. 팬으로써 사랑합니다. 앞으로도 복많이 받는 민경님이 되길 바래봅니다
근데 진짜.. 와... 가사도 너무 현실적이고 멜로디도 너무 좋고.. 무엇보다 노래 부르는 감정이 너무 절절하게 느껴져서 좋다
가사진짜..너무 사랑하는데 또 반복되는 이별이 무서워 서로 그리워하다 무뎌지는게 너무맘이아픔...하아 2년동안 거의 매일보며 사랑하다 3일전 이별..정말 하루종일 생각남 돌아버릴지경
@@윤석진-u2s 그게 젤 두렵죠...힘내시길 바랍니다. 저도 이별한지 얼마안됐는데 후유증이 너무큰데 웃긴게 시간이 지나니 조금씩 괜찮아지네요.저도 다시 만나고 싶지만 똑같은 이유로 헤어질까봐 무서워서 재회도 못하고있네요 시간이 지나길 바랄뿐입니다
@@윤석진-u2s saasaaas,
@@파벨지단 안본지 2년 지났는데 아직도 생각하면 울컥하네요 ㅜㅜ
우리 강꼬 저음부도 너무 좋고 완전 "강민경"스러워서 자랑스러워요! 우리 강꼬 상처받지말고 행복하게 즐겁게 잘 활동했으면 해요 노래 너무 좋아요
너무 노래 좋다..
가사가 너무 현실적이어서 너무 가슴에 와닿는다 역시 강민경은 다르다
간만에 듣는데 왜 이렇게 가슴을 후려파냐
이노래뿐만아니라 1집앨범노래가 다좋음 거기다 강민경 음색이면 그냥 끝 다들 들어보세요 진짜 개좋음 개인적으로 스물끝에랑 너여서가 너무 좋아서 계속듣고있는데 진짜 강민경 가수해줘서 너무 고마움ㅠㅠ 강민경 대박기원❤
스물끝에 사랑해서그래 이 두노래 19년3월에 유럽여행할때 나랑 같이 여행한노래.. 노래 들을때마다 행복했던 여행 생각나서 너무 좋다
that kissing scene really reminded me of my ex. it hits on the feels, but this song healed me in a strange way since it release. thank you kang ming kyung eventhough it doesnt haeve a lot of views but know ur song resonate with some of the viewer here
노래 멜로디도 좋고 강민경님 감정선이랑 너무 잘맞네요.... 발매했을때부터 몇백번은 들은거 같은데 들을때마다 너무 좋아요
조금 시간이 걸리더라도 좋은 노래로 다시 돌아와주셨으면 좋겠네요 항상 응원합니다
She has one of the most beautiful voices that I think I've ever heard... her and Lee Haeri (Davichi), IU, BEN, Lee Min and Crystal (As One), and probably Wendy (of Red Velvet). I'm sure there are others... but those are the ones that come to me off the top of my head as people I could listen to them sing all day long.
davichi shouldnt go masker singer anymore lol ( esp haeri, cuz its so easy to guess haeri sound lol)
you forgot Taeyeon of Girls' Generation
지금까지도 계속해서 듣구있는 노래입니다 ~ ㅠㅠ
진짜 마음을 울린다는게 이런거군요 ㅠㅠ
어느덧 2년이 지난 지금도 듣게되는 나만의 애창곡
진짜 너무 좋다...
Finally we have our Minkki’s album ;;
Davichi has a lot to show to the world also as a solo.
Kang MinKyung deserves a lot of love❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Davichi fighting!
Kang Min Kyung fighting!
Mingki !
can i ask where they shoot those clips??
잘 있니 잘 지내니
나는 요즘 부쩍
네가 보고 싶어
그래 알아 너는 다신
내가 보기 싫지 음
왜 그리 겁이 났었는지
영원한 사랑을 바라던 눈빛
그게 난 숨이 막혔어
그땐 어려서
나밖에 몰랐었어
미안해서 너무 미안해서
돌아가지 못하는 이런 날 이해해
나 다시 너를 만나면 또 같은 이유로
분명 멀어질 걸 알고 있어 참을 수밖에
잊지 못해 어떻게 널 잊어
보내지도 못하는 이런 날 알아줘
바뀌지 않을 나라서
또 같은 이유로
우리 아파할 걸 알고 있으니
괜한 투정에 웃어주던
미운 말들을 안아주던
너는 이젠 내 곁에 없는데
혼자 이렇게
널 놓칠 못하겠어
미안해서 너무 미안해서
돌아가지 못하는 이런 날 이해해
나 다시 너를 만나면 또 같은 이유로
분명 멀어질걸 알고 있어 참을 수밖에
잊지 못해 어떻게 널 잊어
보내지도 못하는 이런 날 알아줘
바뀌지 않을 나라서
또 같은 이유로
우리 아파할 걸 알고 있으니
붙잡아줘 먼저 날 잡아줘
많이 후회했었어 끝내 말 못해서
마지막 너의 표정이 그 슬픈 얼굴이
전부 나 때문인 걸 알기에 참을 수밖에
사랑해서 많이 사랑해서
가늠하지 못하는 시간 지나가도
그래도 변치 않는 건
또 같은 이유로
영원히 널 그리워할 것 같아
한국인 반갑네여
Muchas gracias, pero no se coreano JAJAJAJAJAJA
How are you? Are you doing good? I’m missing you a lot these days…
I know you don’t ever want to see me again
The look in your eyes wanting an eternal love… I don’t know why I got so scared
I guess because I was young and immature, it suffocated me... I was selfish
I’m sorry, please understand why I just can’t go back to you… because I feel so bad
I know if we get back together, we will drift apart again because of the same reasons, so I have to hold myself back
I can’t never forget you… How can I forget you when I can’t even let you go
I know I can’t easily change, and I know we will be hurting again for that same reason
You always accepted all my complaints and anger with a smile
But now you’re not here next to me… and here I am still unable to let go…
I’m sorry, Please understand why I just can’t go back to you… because I feel so bad
I know if we get back together, we will drift apart again because of the same reasons, so I have to hold myself back
I can’t never forget you… How can I forget you when I can’t even let you go
I know I can’t easily change, and I know we will be hurting again for that same reason
Hold me… hold on to me first… Ive regretted a lot
The last look on your face, that sad face
I know it was all because of me, that’s why I have no choice but to hold myself back from going back to you
I love you so much even as the days go by
But the things that doesn’t change is that I will forever miss you for the same reasons
that was so hard feeling. the words touched me so deeply.. with all get a true love and live together with it.
thanks for the lovely words #Jjashik ^^
Nouri Yacine glad it did :) Just wanted to translate and share the lyrics for everyone because the lyrics were so real
왜 본인 맘대로 가사 서순을 바꿈??
Thank you for good translate.
@@정일호-b1s 불만만 말하지 마시고 본인이 작성해보세요 그럼.
색감이랑 분위기 너무 좋고 목소리 너무 좋다.. 민경언니 느낌이 가득💙
When I watched this Mingki's MV, I imagined that Mingki was my crush, she will have a boyfriend (or she had already, i'm not sure), she will be kissed like that, and my heart liked broken, but I know i must admit she never mine, she will left me, everyone I love will left me... Thanks for Mingki's hard working, this is beautiful music video, beautiful lyrics, beautiful vocal.
노래도 목소리도 뮤비도 분위기도 너무 좋다...진짜 그냥 딱 강민경1집... ㅜ 언니 노래 너무 좋아요...캬
민경언니 이런노래 하나만 더 내줘요 ㅠㅠ 신곡 존버타고있ㅅ습니다ㅡㅜ
the number of comments in english is very encouraging. it's nice to see mingki has so many international fans
Yes, I am from Latin America and we love her, she always has a beautiful voice, her talent is beyond and we will be here for her forever😊
Greetings, I'm from Peru and we will always be there when she needs us💖
Australian fan! 🇦🇺
UK 💜
And im middle eastern!! I'm from Lebanon
강민경이 최고❤❤❤❤
She is like an angel
Im here to cry Davichi duo always do this to me
Nobody does that better than Davichi, either as a duo or by themselves.
Me too, always touch my heart and soul
ikr T.T
Same feeling! All their songs are beautiful and somehow sad! Love it!
화자의 감정도 감정이지만 상대방이었던 누군가의 감정도 공감되네요..
솔로앨범 정말 많이 기다렸어요 목소리 너무 애절하고 좋아요 사랑해요♡
I've always loved Haeri more, but Minky's solo here is exceptional and unbelievable.
remind me of someone who loved before. everyone said this song is for someone who don't love partner anymore. This song always hurt me. I did my best on relationship and could not do anymore and so sad. and this song always hurt my heart and express my feeling so well
Never disappointed about Davichi ! So softly
노래도 느므 좋구요 뮤비에서 느껴지는 분위기랑 노래가 궁합이 좋네요. 특히 민경언니 분위기랑 미모가 뮤비를 다만들었어요.👍
전형적인 발라드 공식을 따르지만서도, 좋네요. 멜로디도 좋고 강민경씨 목소리에 점점 연륜이 붙는 건지 감정이 깊어진거같아요..
으아아아ㅠㅠ전곡 다 좋아요ㅠㅠ너무 이쁘시고 노래도 잘부르시고ㅠㅠ뭔가. . .마음을 울린달까. . . .ㅠ
강민경 너무 좋아요ㅠㅠ♥♥
와!~ 대박역시 강민경씨 목소리가 더 애절하게 들리네요...저음도 훌륭하고... 앞으로 솔로 곡도 많이 발표해 주세요. ^^
강민경 재평가행
노래 개좋다
예전에 병원에 가다 라는 ost 때부터
솔로가능하다 보여줬었음
노래자체가 강민경 위해서 나온듯
대박 가즈아^^
진짜 강민경 목소리 좋다
노래 ㅈㄴ 좋다 싶음 좋아요
davichi deserves more! i can't understand how people don't fall in love with songs like this & appreciate it... they as solo or duet are the bests
생각날때마다 들으러오는데 뮤비 자세히 안봤는데 강민경 진짜 예쁘네
I felt in love with her voice! I want my women to sing like this, it both makes me sad and happy at the same time.
Sadness is that I’m too shy to find a girl that will like me :(, hopefully I can listen to this song and for a few minutes think that she is singing to me.
우리 헤어진지 반년이 지난 지금까지도 슬픈 노래는 피하며 지냈는데 우연히 듣게된 슬픈 발라드가 하필 이노래네..
차라리 좀 더 일찍 슬퍼하고 후회해서
늦기전에 한번이라도 잡아볼걸 그랬나봐...
시간 지나면 괜찮아질줄 알았는데
이제는 그 반복되던 다툼 마저 그립다
I don't generally like the Korean language but her beautiful singing makes me want to learn the language. I suppose it's the way one speaks.
진짜 목소리가 꾀꼬리급이다..
너무 청량한 목소리다
소울... 리듬.. 음색... 다 강민경... 고대로... 나타나네.... 최고의 가수... 훠우!
Kang Minkyung noona hwaiting....
From Vietnam with love ❤❤❤
이소라 시시콜콜한 이야기랑 기억해줘 느낌난다... 겁나좋아ㅠㅠ
For me the meaning of this song is soooo sad and relateable. In the mature relationship the most important thing is not only Just loving each other. There are many things we have to deal with it. It's so sad when we love each other so deeply but we know we can't be together because of some important reason. This song describe That feeling in A better way.
Damn thats deep.
와 내가 처음으로 좋아했던 좋아하는 가수를 기다림끝에 목소리와 얼굴을 보네.
누나 고마워요.
노래 진짜 너무너무좋아요... 막 어렵지도않고 서정적인 노래로 진짜..ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ너무너무 좋아요!!!!!
강민경씨가 이렇게 노래잘하는줄 진짜 몰랐네요. 다비치 노래가 다 좋은데는 다 이유가 있었네요.
스물 끝에... 컬투쇼에서 듣고 좋다생각했는데 나왔네요ㅜㅠ 항상 버스만 타면 다비치 노래만 듣고 매달 공식카페에 스케줄보고 이번에는 우리집근처에 오려나? 한번씩 항상 체크도 해요ㅜ
다비치, 다비치코드 이대로 쭉 이어가요ㅎ 언제나 응원할께요~!
강민경 좋아 ㅎㅎ
Vibesnya Davichi banget😍😍😍 i love this so so so much😍😍 CHORDS please alw support our DAVICHI ❤❤❤
뮤비 감성이 너무 마음에 든다 대나무숲에 혼자있는 느낌 가끔은 혼자 숲속에서 나뭇가지 흔들리는 소리만 듣고 있고 싶다
I love Kang Min Kyung since 2010 ❤️❤️❤️
It's one of the best soft kpop songs I've ever heard
this is not kpop, this is k-ballad
Kang Min Kyung, whenever she proposes something, always exceeds everything, excellent voice, Magnificent lyrics, Beautiful video, Perfect Singer, here we are For you, you are simply talented, you always have my support, We love you💞
We are here forever and ever 💖
I love her, she always surprises us with her talent ✨
강민경님 사랑합니다. 넘 이뻐요.
my first listen of this song
It's so beautiful and it makes my heart flutters
The song is so great and the lyrics is deep omg 😭 its about a person who refuse to hold on to a relationship that she knows would only hurt because of the same reasons, despite wanting to and despite having feelings on the guy still.. 😭
Her voice breaks my heart and makes me feel like I'm falling in love at the same time.
강민경 화이팅❤❤❤❤늘 응원합니다❤❤❤❤
이해리가 너무 넘사벽으로 잘불러서 그렇지 강민경도 노래 진짜 잘하는데.
뻔한 말 안해도 다들 알아요 ㅎㅎ
먼 넘사벽 나는 강민경 목소리가 도 와닿는데
요즘 밍키 노래 진짜 늘음 핼신은 이미 노래실력 맥스라 감정이 더더더ㅓ더더 는거같아 ㅠㅠ
잘부르는 기준? 내가 듣기에 정말 듣기 좋은 노래가 좋은거 같은데. 뭐 기교있고 고음올라가면 더 잘부르는건가. 감성을 이론으로 따지는 아마추어 ㅉㅉㅉ
음알못새끼가 댓글끄적이네;;
역시 나 사랑하는 민경 누나 최고예요. 몸 조심하세요. 사랑해요
Minkyung!!! This is wonderful. I'm crying. Congratulations!!!
Seriously. First time i heard the not stuck into my head... 2nd time i heard Minkyung sing in live. I fell in love. It stuck into my head. Minkyung ah.....congratulation on your solo debut. Next waiting Davichi again. I want go to Davichi concert.
She is so beautiful and her voice is really beautiful too.
I just first time listen this song...but i feel good song..and the singer very beautiful and i like i will always listen this music from now...
Best Voice, Davichi Do all for make our sad & happy at same time
Kang Min Kyung💓💓Davichi💓💓Lee Hae Ri
넘 좋다 i like it very much ... 민경아 사랑해
Terbaik Kang min kyung bening bgt ya
I'm here for mingki & the song 😍 its really nice soft ballad...
Davichi is always melt my heart, their song and vocal so amazing . 언니 서렁해
Kang’s beautiful voice, the very expressive lyrics, the amazing song and natural cinematography are blended together in her poignant masterpiece It’s so sad that both Kang Min Kyung and Lee Haeri have parted ways perhaps in a bittersweet manner.It must be very painful for both of them, especially for Kang who is left alone all by herself.And there are times when they miss each other while realizing it's over and things will never be the same.You love each other, you're best friends and partners in life, soulmates but now feel completely lost as if your purpose for living has suddenly vanished.Love is so joyful and yet it is so painful when it has been put asunder.This I believe is why she wrote her song,Because I Love You.
Come here after hear Jin #lovelyz cover this song
뮤비도 달달하고 강민경 목소리도 달달하네...
Omo! Her song is finally out! I just give a like before listening to it! Davichi’s voice has never make me disappointed before. Both of them are good! Am I right!?
I hope she will release more songs in the future 💕 I love how her voice belts, it's so smooth and doesn't sounds like a scream
I’m love kang min kyong
How many people support her since she was in MBk entertainment ??
Core contents media
this song is beautiful, how mingki sang it are also beautiful it has soul and emotion in it. in my opinion, mingki is the best female singer and has the most beautiful voice in korea music industry. eventhough i don't understand every single words she said, it still breaks my heart just by hearing it. Well done Mingki.. We Love You.. You deserved more spotlight..
강민경언니 사랑해요♥♥♥
Hey, I know it's hard to accept the fact that you already left me here with the deepest loneliness. I'm doing just fine. I know you do, too. It's just not me, right? I am not the right person to you. I know... It's so difficult for me to just stand in the crossroads without you. I still remember vividly how close we were. You touched my cheeks. You said you love me, the inner me. But you gave up. You left me at the moment that I needed you so much. I just needed a person like in talking to me every night and soothing me with your warmness. But it is over. Your love for me is over... How can I move on like you do :(
She is the best singer in Korea.
Not the best at all nob..HAHAHA
Sorry but honestly not the best one hahaha 😅
She is a good singer,but sorry not the best one
She's a really good singer indeed...but not the best. She's not even the best singer in Davichi.
All these comments saying she isn't the best singer. Let the person who made the comment have her opinion wtf
I fell like I'm missing some one nice Voce more song 2022 I'm waiting ah. thing, I lestining to this song everyday I really felt it same story with this song❤️❤️❤️Kang min kyung
가사가 너무 현실적이라서 공감이 많이 된다ㅜㅜ 목소리도 짱이고ㅜ
노래 너무 좋다ㅠㅠ 빨리 떠라 이노래
강민경 사기캐 아님?
얼굴도 이쁜데 노래도 잘불러 몸매도 좋아... 이건 사기야.
Minkyung eonni, I always love your smooth voice 😭💙
She is very beautiful , i love this song so much
Yessss . She is very bery very beautiful❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Kang Min Kyung why you always do this to me Ahhh, my heart just became mushy after hearing this beautiful song
Cuántos fans de habla hispana y de America Latina??? Amo a estas chicas y sus canciones 💖😍
Saludos desde Panamá!
여신이면서 노래까지 잘해..ㅠ,ㅜ 불공평하다.
Oh my god
She kills me in every words
I love hẻr voice
I love the melody
I love the color music video
I love the content
나는 왜 자꾸만 잘못한 일들만 떠오를까? 내가 많이 미안해서...그런데, 우린 매번 되돌아오네. 곧 만나면 못 해 줬던 것 보다 더 많이 잘해 줄게. ♡
I love the instrumental of this song so much and Minkyung unnie's voic is so sweet i love 💗💗💗
there is nothing that I love more than this song
and minkyung wrote this??? it's so beautiful I'm crying