HISHE Dubs - Star Wars: The Last Jedi (Comedy Recap)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 6 тис.

  • @marvellousmaths4740
    @marvellousmaths4740 5 років тому +1958

    "Not just the men, but the women and children too"
    Like grandfather like grandson

    • @darthvader5514
      @darthvader5514 5 років тому +4


    • @srstriker6420
      @srstriker6420 5 років тому +5

      MarvellousMaths truly he is insane

    • @lazyboi1637
      @lazyboi1637 5 років тому


    • @liljdm5374
      @liljdm5374 5 років тому +14

      "Not just the men, but the women and children too" Smh an easy line to remember and still got it wrong.

    • @srstriker6420
      @srstriker6420 5 років тому +1

      Shockwave Anerkinsky23 / minecraft and gacha videos he mad, I tell ya, he bloody mad

  • @asafupps
    @asafupps 5 років тому +2032

    “Hello dark side? Are you in there?”

    • @KAlexanderTheGreat
      @KAlexanderTheGreat 5 років тому +20

      This was gold

    • @gunslingergirl2579
      @gunslingergirl2579 5 років тому +37

      "Hello, dark side, my old frieeeeeeeend.
      I've come to talk to you agaaaaaaain."

    • @MrGamelover23
      @MrGamelover23 5 років тому +6

      @@gunslingergirl2579 Haha

    • @SpectreCiNW
      @SpectreCiNW 5 років тому +10

      Hello dark side, are you in there? YEEEAEAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

    • @bingle_bongle_
      @bingle_bongle_ 4 роки тому +1

      Saar Amzaleg xD

  • @kevcan2372
    @kevcan2372 5 років тому +590

    “Is it the green one”
    “I wanted the green one”

  • @aray1812
    @aray1812 4 роки тому +903

    "Hello master Skywalker, I got u ur lightsaber"
    "Is it the green one"
    "No "
    "I wanted the green one. "
    Too good

  • @hiccuphufflepuff176
    @hiccuphufflepuff176 5 років тому +1232

    "The first lesson in being a Jedi is don't go to the dark side."
    "Like this? WHEEE!"
    "Man, I am really bad at this."
    I couldn't stop laughing. It's so true.

    • @jontu3863
      @jontu3863 5 років тому +3

      in the words of Archer: *sploosh*

    • @hiccuphufflepuff176
      @hiccuphufflepuff176 5 років тому +8

      @Rey the flying Jedi ?? That's the line HISHE gave Luke in this.

    • @Merilirem
      @Merilirem 5 років тому +7

      Movie would have been better if she committed to it.
      Committed to anything really.

    • @TheLukyJames
      @TheLukyJames 5 років тому +1

      Me too huahuahuahua, and so much... that's so dam wrong! 😅😆🤣😂

    • @gustavwlego
      @gustavwlego 4 роки тому +1


  • @elifbarak8061
    @elifbarak8061 5 років тому +2016

    "Is it the green one? "
    "I wAnTeD tHe gReEn OnE"

    • @darylsdesigns6679
      @darylsdesigns6679 5 років тому +35

      elif barak me too, Luke. Me too

    • @thanos5149
      @thanos5149 5 років тому +41

      I honestly like Lukes green lightsaber too

    • @Skulldude-yj9kg
      @Skulldude-yj9kg 5 років тому +8

      I think its cause its yoda

    • @mr_piparker
      @mr_piparker 5 років тому +18

      Well, this works better than the original version hahahahaha

    • @imbadwithnameslol736
      @imbadwithnameslol736 5 років тому +7

      It would’ve made more sense now that I’m thinking about it…

  • @anormalguy9320
    @anormalguy9320 5 років тому +2897

    Chewie saying "YEAAHH!" is still the best thing ever.

  • @enigma8543
    @enigma8543 4 роки тому +522

    3PO: Did you really kiss on the mouth
    Luke: *winks*
    3PO: Oh dear
    best thing ever

    • @QWRTkeyboard
      @QWRTkeyboard 4 роки тому +2

      Deleted Scene :,D

    • @SyKoGaming-fn3is
      @SyKoGaming-fn3is 4 роки тому +2

      It’s not deleted watch a new hope or a new empire I forgot which one but in the movie leia says you don’t know women and kissed Luke on the mouth

    • @enigma8543
      @enigma8543 4 роки тому +9

      @@SyKoGaming-fn3is it was Empire Strikes Back

    • @Joker-f7e5k
      @Joker-f7e5k 3 роки тому

      In my defense for Luke the didn’t not know Leia was her sister

    • @tsunamifoxy
      @tsunamifoxy 3 роки тому +2

      @@SyKoGaming-fn3is I think the meant that what C3PO said was TLJ deleted scene, as a joke

  • @babygiraffe3052
    @babygiraffe3052 5 років тому +2013

    In the words of our late emperor who I'm sure we'll never see again, "Do it."

  • @elephanthut6856
    @elephanthut6856 5 років тому +1140

    "We're gonna get marrrieeed and have lots of babbiiiiieeeesss..."
    I couldn't have agreed more 😂😂😂

    • @TheRealWungleBungle
      @TheRealWungleBungle 5 років тому +41

      High school relationships now a days

    • @msfmarceles7207
      @msfmarceles7207 5 років тому +15

      No it’s like this “Finn: Where is this coming from?”

    • @GNackers53
      @GNackers53 5 років тому +18

      Finn: "Where is this coming from!?"
      Me: "Disney's new Star Wars fan base. And it gets worse from here."

    • @bbnnmm9
      @bbnnmm9 4 роки тому +1


    • @halfeatansandwichman9595
      @halfeatansandwichman9595 4 роки тому +2

      Rey said it

  • @pyropunk1013
    @pyropunk1013 5 років тому +1525

    “Do you watch people while they sleep?”
    “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  • @superstarultra28
    @superstarultra28 3 роки тому +204

    "That would've been really powerful if that was a character we cared about."
    100% accurate

    • @truesoulghost2777
      @truesoulghost2777 2 роки тому +3

      We all miss Wade don’t we?

    • @yospidey0078
      @yospidey0078 2 роки тому +5

      Yeah if it was Jar Jar it would have been better

    • @guyver441
      @guyver441 Рік тому +6

      ​@@yospidey0078 At least Jar Jar was a little endearing. Heck even the goblin from Jabba's palace would have been more missed.

    • @The_coruscant_templeguard
      @The_coruscant_templeguard 8 місяців тому +2

      It should have been admiral ackbar

    • @cieloazul1205
      @cieloazul1205 8 місяців тому

      @user-jz7re4xs9e Should’ve been luke skywalker

  • @rosachiri7575
    @rosachiri7575 5 років тому +1357

    “Thanks for freeing us instead of the human children”

    • @Lana-nu1mh
      @Lana-nu1mh 5 років тому +1

      mr. moustache lmaooo

    • @thibautisserant
      @thibautisserant 5 років тому +12

      Chewie in the back : "YYYEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH !!!"

    • @emblemblade9245
      @emblemblade9245 4 роки тому +16

      It’s funny because this is the first time I’ve ever heard this brought up and it’s in a comedy dub, not a salty analysis video.
      Comedy really is the best lens for error

    • @macewindu3194
      @macewindu3194 4 роки тому


    • @holvingar4375
      @holvingar4375 4 роки тому +1

      Because I don't like when people make these types of comments without the time stamp here it is 4:09

  • @mrtonybeef3484
    @mrtonybeef3484 5 років тому +1811

    “Are you eating Doug?”
    “... YEAAAAAAAH”
    “Good none of us liked Doug anyway”

  • @Esterferreiradecastro
    @Esterferreiradecastro 5 років тому +369

    “First lesson of the jedi: don’t go to the darkside”
    “Like this? Weeeeeeeeee”

  • @aroundM21
    @aroundM21 4 роки тому +286

    Snoke: “Hey mate my names Snoke and I’m big”
    Rey: “Er good for you?”

  • @danieljackowitz2343
    @danieljackowitz2343 5 років тому +2820

    This was surprisingly accurate to the actual movie, but much funnier.

    • @2lazydogs681
      @2lazydogs681 5 років тому +4

      Daniel Jackowitz iKR

    • @TheRealWungleBungle
      @TheRealWungleBungle 5 років тому +23

      I just got done watching it just now and I gotta say 😂😂😂 your so right

    • @JasonJohnson-lq5jh
      @JasonJohnson-lq5jh 5 років тому +50

      This is at least ten thousand million billion times better than the movie

    • @DinosaursAreBetter
      @DinosaursAreBetter 5 років тому +2


    • @wenbluepirate3954
      @wenbluepirate3954 5 років тому +6

      It's like if that's the point of a redub. Weird, right?

  • @t.rae.storyteller
    @t.rae.storyteller 4 роки тому +553

    Luke: "I'm so confused"
    Literally sums up the whole movie

  • @BraddicusTheMan
    @BraddicusTheMan 4 роки тому +618

    “Luke where were you”, “Tosche station, finally got me those power converters”, that killed me

    • @KBKriechbaum
      @KBKriechbaum 4 роки тому +15

      That was the best one!

    • @sachindagur7725
      @sachindagur7725 4 роки тому +4

      I don't get the reference

    • @prashanthraghavendran2628
      @prashanthraghavendran2628 4 роки тому +24

      @@sachindagur7725 It's a reference to the original movie Ep.4 - A New Hope. Luke's uncle Owen tells him to clean the new droids before dinner, to which Luke responds saying "But I was going to Tosche station to pick up some power converters." (for his pod).

    • @sachindagur7725
      @sachindagur7725 4 роки тому +3

      @@prashanthraghavendran2628 thanks

    • @franklinmccrankensteen4199
      @franklinmccrankensteen4199 4 роки тому +5

      “You can waste time with your friends when your chores are done.”

  • @lizzie8742
    @lizzie8742 4 роки тому +117

    ”In the words of the late emperor, who I’m sure we will never say again, *dew it*”

  • @asafupps
    @asafupps 5 років тому +713

    “I’m a hacker! I wouldn’t lie to you, I’m in jail!”

    • @pyroshell5652
      @pyroshell5652 5 років тому +23

      Chewie: Yeeeaaahhhh!!!

    • @mysterysguac5506
      @mysterysguac5506 5 років тому +6

      Ace Q then how did you get a phone to tell us in yt?

    • @JRBrittain
      @JRBrittain 5 років тому

      @@mysterysguac5506 Its a quote from the video silly lol but thought the same at first

    • @nextmusic921
      @nextmusic921 5 років тому +2

      How convinient ha!

    • @lukeskywalker978
      @lukeskywalker978 4 роки тому

      Ace Q excuse me your a hacker oh I would watch it

  • @estevangarcia1089
    @estevangarcia1089 5 років тому +485

    “They got meeee....”
    “Just kiddin!”
    “I’m Carrie Poppins, y’all!!”

  • @positive_steves6992
    @positive_steves6992 5 років тому +839

    “I wanted the green one,” lol. Honestly I wish this was what was in the movie!! Would’ve been so much better

    • @technogamer1686
      @technogamer1686 5 років тому +14

      Except it doesn’t make sense as to why he would’ve lost his green one

    • @7PlayingWithFire7
      @7PlayingWithFire7 5 років тому +60

      @@technogamer1686 the movie didn't make sense regardless

    • @albertthepeacock8020
      @albertthepeacock8020 5 років тому +6

      @@7PlayingWithFire7 respectfully disagree the movie makes so much sense that in the words of George Lucas "it rhymes"

    • @QA-ut7dd
      @QA-ut7dd 5 років тому +22

      @@albertthepeacock8020 I don't know. When you can get video content that totals three times the length of the actual movie about all the problems said movie causes the universe, I would say that's a good hint that the movie makes very little sense.

    • @koopaking6148
      @koopaking6148 5 років тому +3

      Green and red... The best Christmas saber combo ever...

  • @trucetruce335
    @trucetruce335 5 років тому +4271

    I love how everyone is making fun of Luke for kissing his sister when he’s never done the kissing. SHE’S the one who kissed him. At least twice.

    • @MatthewNeathery
      @MatthewNeathery 5 років тому +333

      She kissed him twice. Once for luck and the other time for jealousy.

    • @trucetruce335
      @trucetruce335 5 років тому +86

      Matt Neath that make my point even better

    • @trucetruce335
      @trucetruce335 5 років тому +36

      Aaron aQQN OOF

    • @Michael_ORourke
      @Michael_ORourke 5 років тому +107

      @@MatthewNeathery Actually three times: one for luck, one for jealousy, and one for getting his hand cut off.

    • @MatthewNeathery
      @MatthewNeathery 5 років тому +38

      @@Michael_ORourke i knew i was forgetting one time

  • @calebchristmas9147
    @calebchristmas9147 5 років тому +177

    "I'm back!"
    "Luke where have you been?"
    "Tashi Station, finally picked up those power converters."

    • @avnu1552
      @avnu1552 5 років тому +4

      Funniest part 😂

    • @ArcherWillows
      @ArcherWillows 5 років тому +7

      but i was going to the toshe, toshe station. "uncle owen?" toshe toshe station

    • @mandypuls336
      @mandypuls336 5 років тому +2

      Only OG Star Wars fans will understand that

  • @WitherLord888
    @WitherLord888 4 роки тому +1108

    “You don’t like my face, I don’t like your ELEVATOR”
    -Helmetless Kylo Ren

  • @piercelindenberg6842
    @piercelindenberg6842 4 роки тому +297

    “I’d rather be in Jurassic World 3”
    “Clever girl”
    Great line, I hope it comes true.

  • @JRexTheKing
    @JRexTheKing 5 років тому +304

    “Yeah.. But I’d rather go be in Jurassic World III”
    “Clever Girl”

  • @hoverbug2728
    @hoverbug2728 5 років тому +413

    “That would have been really powerful if that was a character we cared about”

    • @pyroshell5652
      @pyroshell5652 5 років тому +20

      Chewie: Yeeeaaahhhh!!!

    • @ahappyjackolantern
      @ahappyjackolantern 5 років тому +22

      That’s probably my favorite line from the video. Pure gold.

    • @ralphremo2406
      @ralphremo2406 5 років тому +7

      I actually said that when I first saw the movie

    • @gigabrebre160
      @gigabrebre160 5 років тому +2

      I liked the movie but this line is gold

    • @zippy1981dotnet
      @zippy1981dotnet 5 років тому

      Well I mean unless they took the kids with them, the kids would have probably died.

  • @vinsthatguy7701
    @vinsthatguy7701 4 роки тому +229

    “Dark Side are you in there?”

  • @kingbando417
    @kingbando417 4 роки тому +324

    “We are gonna get married have a lot of babies” *months later*
    Rey:we are gonna get married have a lots of babies”

  • @ronizhu2943
    @ronizhu2943 5 років тому +314

    "are you eating Doug"
    " Good"
    "we didn't like Doug"

  • @Blub_525
    @Blub_525 5 років тому +154

    Rey: Hello dark side are you in there
    Hole in the ground: yes

  • @simonunger2599
    @simonunger2599 5 років тому +951

    “Where should we park?”
    “It doesn’t matter.”
    “pArkINg viOlAtIOn!”

  • @stephenkicinski6776
    @stephenkicinski6776 3 роки тому +81

    Rose's voice fits her character so perfectly.

  • @scoopadifuego
    @scoopadifuego 5 років тому +803

    "Luke, where have you been?"
    "Tosche Station"

    • @Mundwasser
      @Mundwasser 5 років тому +59

      Finally picked up those power converters...

    • @FourtyParsecs
      @FourtyParsecs 5 років тому +12

      ^-- Most underrated phrase of the YT comments section.

    • @majykmarker9411
      @majykmarker9411 5 років тому +7

      🎶 The Tosche, Tosche station 🎶

    • @diegopansini3152
      @diegopansini3152 5 років тому +4

      @@majykmarker9411 Just isn't fair

    • @dad251
      @dad251 5 років тому +1

      Jonathan Marker yoda got hit in the neck with a ________

  • @KittyCornLeia
    @KittyCornLeia 4 роки тому +294

    “Hola Señorita”
    “Hey Hot Stuff”
    “Yea about that”
    “Your under arrest”
    “Oh poop”
    *I Died laughing*

  • @yunamoonlight1313
    @yunamoonlight1313 5 років тому +117

    „Annnnd slide to the left"
    „are you dancing?"
    That got me 😂

  • @TheSithEternal
    @TheSithEternal 4 роки тому +144

    Kylo Ren: Slide to the left...
    *Proceeds to slide to the right*

  • @paranormalgaming1495
    @paranormalgaming1495 5 років тому +248

    "Ugh I'm so mad! You don't like my helmet?"
    "I don't like your elevator!"

    • @Society-Guy21
      @Society-Guy21 4 роки тому +3

      Come back and save the resistance!!

    • @calebstone6583
      @calebstone6583 4 роки тому +2

      "It just occurred to me that I don't like your helmet."

  • @mandypuls336
    @mandypuls336 5 років тому +218

    Luke “ I wonder if my metal hand will come with me”
    Luke “oop guess not”

    • @gdig_darvz
      @gdig_darvz 2 роки тому +1

      Ha I love that scene

  • @TheNN
    @TheNN 5 років тому +233

    "I wanted the green one"
    Honestly makes more sense than Luke's ACTUAL reason in the film.

  • @mixck
    @mixck 4 роки тому +60

    "Did you actually kiss on the mouth?"
    *Luke winks* 😂😂😂

  • @TheTendermen
    @TheTendermen 5 років тому +132

    "What we literally just met!"
    "We are going to get married, have lots of babies!"
    "What where is this coming from"

  • @hammarkids542
    @hammarkids542 5 років тому +99

    "Ben, you blow us up and you are so grounded!"
    "Aww, fine. I won't"

  • @pelicanking9596
    @pelicanking9596 5 років тому +85

    "now let's wrap this up with a classic Star Wars group shot"
    "Nope it's going to be with me. Me and my broom"

  • @noellefelipe1
    @noellefelipe1 4 роки тому +35

    "are you eating Doug?"
    "good none of us like Doug anyway"

  • @MrFenric
    @MrFenric 5 років тому +317

    Luke: “first lesson of being of a Jedi don’t go to the dark side”
    Ray: “like this weeee!”
    Luke: “wow! I am really bad at this”
    That got me laughing so hard

  • @tdjkhazard4522
    @tdjkhazard4522 5 років тому +164

    3:07 whoever voiced Poe deserves a medal for that line delivery 😂😂😂

  • @jazz_creations
    @jazz_creations 5 років тому +553

    “I’m Carrie poppies, Y’all!” I would have personally done anything to hear Carrie fisher say that

    • @pixey1271
      @pixey1271 5 років тому +4

      Reagan Reynolds it was im mary poppins

    • @jazz_creations
      @jazz_creations 5 років тому +1

      Joshy Woshy she said y’all at the end turn on subtitles :)

    • @pixey1271
      @pixey1271 5 років тому +1

      ik i just couldnt be bovered to put yall

    • @user-dr2yz8um3d
      @user-dr2yz8um3d 5 років тому +1

      Reagan Reynolds
      Combing Mary Poppins and Yondu

    • @JRexTheKing
      @JRexTheKing 5 років тому

      Reagan Reynolds Odin sleep... Was that a marvel reference?

  • @summer_winds064
    @summer_winds064 3 роки тому +43

    I fell on the floor crying, this literally brightened my entire day 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @vigneshs9587
    @vigneshs9587 5 років тому +455

    _"Just kidding! Its gonna end with me. Me and my broom"_
    So what will it be called, *The dusty menace* or *The rise of broomsweeper*

  • @frog_ra1122
    @frog_ra1122 4 роки тому +305

    "Just kidding, I'm Carrey Poppins y'all!"

  • @sierrabane432
    @sierrabane432 5 років тому +440

    When I see Yoda: That man’s stick is better than bacon

    • @DinosaursAreBetter
      @DinosaursAreBetter 5 років тому +26

      Am I the only one here who knows the reference

    • @dkl0322
      @dkl0322 5 років тому +8

      No! That’s impossible!

    • @wizewunz
      @wizewunz 5 років тому +12

      Mesa understood that reference

    • @samuelvista
      @samuelvista 5 років тому +9

      My *stick* is better than *bacon.*

    • @rashuv4324
      @rashuv4324 5 років тому +15

      Me when I see Yoda: That boi does not like seagulls

  • @Viper631
    @Viper631 4 роки тому +72

    3P0- "wait did you guys actually kiss on the mouth?"
    Wasnt he standing right there?

  • @sm00thi_b0i
    @sm00thi_b0i 5 років тому +241

    Kylo being great:AnD sLiDe To ThE lEfT

    • @GabiBrooks
      @GabiBrooks 5 років тому


    • @whippedsprinklesag9187
      @whippedsprinklesag9187 4 роки тому +7


    • @memowl3663
      @memowl3663 4 роки тому +2

      Spacefan17 ‘anything you can do I can do better’

    • @GabiBrooks
      @GabiBrooks 4 роки тому +3

      @@memowl3663 Stop it! Talk to the hand!

    • @sm00thi_b0i
      @sm00thi_b0i 4 роки тому +5

      “Did you get the green one?” “Uh no?” “ I WANTED THE GREEN ONE!”

  • @DJtheBlack-RibbonedRose
    @DJtheBlack-RibbonedRose 5 років тому +489

    "Thanks for freeing us instead of the human children." Wow this the first time I'm realizing that's something Finn and Rose could've at least ATTEMPTED to do while they were there XD

    • @amcconnell6730
      @amcconnell6730 5 років тому +53

      They weren't freed. They are four legged animals in a world with scanners, stun guns, tractor beams and floating vehicles. They'd be rounded up again before the following sunset. It's not like they took any off planet with them.

    • @wolfrevenant1489
      @wolfrevenant1489 5 років тому +27

      Watch Mauler’s TLJ critique. (It’s on UA-cam) The children thing is just one tiny thing wrong with this movie among hundreds...go watch it and you’ll see.

    • @cinqueqwerty
      @cinqueqwerty 5 років тому +4

      Another russian troll here 😂😂😂

    • @wolfrevenant1489
      @wolfrevenant1489 5 років тому +1

      Dennis Smith 😁👋

    • @davidtucker9498
      @davidtucker9498 5 років тому +10

      Definitely thought of that as it was happening... They were weirdly cold and uncaring about those kids...

  • @javierruizolmeda1302
    @javierruizolmeda1302 5 років тому +123

    Luke: u missed me.
    Kylo Ren: NOOoOoOOooOoO

  • @thatguynomad_
    @thatguynomad_ 3 роки тому +14

    "Odin Sleep" is probably my favorite running gag from these

  • @STH151NicoleFan
    @STH151NicoleFan 5 років тому +367

    “Are you eating Doug?”

  • @fishyguy1082
    @fishyguy1082 4 роки тому +275

    Literally nobody:
    Snoke: I'm not likin' the news I'm hearin'

    • @petagriffan
      @petagriffan 4 роки тому +1

      Mr snoke they got away

    • @bobbyishim11
      @bobbyishim11 3 роки тому +1

      Mr Snoke we actually know where they are

  • @myerkodsy5784
    @myerkodsy5784 5 років тому +546

    “You’re expelled”
    “Ok Boomer”

  • @cashthecurator666
    @cashthecurator666 4 роки тому +129

    Not even Zuko:
    Not even Jason Voorhees:
    Kylo Ren: “gasp” Mommy!

  • @fTripleSharp
    @fTripleSharp 5 років тому +339

    The porg getting lightsabered actually made me laugh out loud

    • @r1pbuck
      @r1pbuck 5 років тому +7

      You mean that _didn't_ happen in the movie? So memorable...

    • @marius4iasi
      @marius4iasi 5 років тому +6

      That really was the joke in the movie, that's why they showed that sequence. They couldn't actually kill the porg, but having one jumping one the handle while the other peeking in the whole was obviously a joke.

    • @TheSixthDoctor
      @TheSixthDoctor 5 років тому +5

      @@marius4iasi They were to actually have that happen and cut it out at the last moment. The artbook shows the scene as storyboards/concept art.

    • @ViralGoviral
      @ViralGoviral 5 років тому +6

      That's a real deleted scene

    • @zep9848
      @zep9848 5 років тому +5

      I laughed at the part were the porgs said "Is that Paul" and Chewbacca said "YEAH!!!!!!!"

  • @dogking44
    @dogking44 5 років тому +813

    Luke: "First lesson in being a jedi is don't go to the dark side."
    Rey: "you mean like this? Wwweeeeee!"
    Luke: "Man I'm really bad at this"

  • @redright49
    @redright49 5 років тому +350

    "Time for a montage~"

    • @iamskyfall
      @iamskyfall 4 роки тому +13

      My favorite part during that is Daniel breaking character and laughing

    • @fishyguy1082
      @fishyguy1082 4 роки тому +2

      So funny I laff

    • @carlobayani
      @carlobayani 4 роки тому +4

      that was funny

    • @Angel_Love6680
      @Angel_Love6680 4 роки тому

      I just died when that played

    • @Jack-mx6wg
      @Jack-mx6wg 4 роки тому


  • @Peaman42
    @Peaman42 4 роки тому +19

    "Hello, Luke! I brought you your lightsaber!"
    "Is it the green one?"
    "Uuuuuuummmmm... no?"
    "I WaNteD tHE greEn OnE!"

  • @n8dawgxx828
    @n8dawgxx828 5 років тому +384

    “I wonder if my metal hand will come with me”
    “Oop guess not”

    • @artphone610
      @artphone610 5 років тому +10

      I was wondering about the stones in his kidneys. Also the fillings in his teeth.

    • @berkeliumk
      @berkeliumk 5 років тому

      My gawd. His JO hand.

    • @SamuelSouza-di6nq
      @SamuelSouza-di6nq 5 років тому

      Now I want an Anakin force ghost without limbs lol

    • @UnwaveringBackBone
      @UnwaveringBackBone 5 років тому

      How mind bottling would it be to see a force ghost w/a metal hand?? Like "it's hard to hear what you're saying when you're wearing that"

    • @Chiscringle
      @Chiscringle 5 років тому

      Good on them for including Mark Hamill's reason why his character ain't dead!

  • @Apollo-hw1mh
    @Apollo-hw1mh 4 роки тому +337

    "You know we have autopilot, right? You don't have to sacrifice yourself."
    "Ya, but i wanna go be in Jurassic World Three."
    "Clever girl..."

  • @dylancavasos5259
    @dylancavasos5259 5 років тому +185

    “Is it the green one?”
    “I wanted the green one .”
    It’s okay, Luke. I wanted the green one too.

    • @davidtompkins5000
      @davidtompkins5000 5 років тому +1

      Check that drawer on the island for the green one

    • @daxbradley4079
      @daxbradley4079 4 роки тому +1

      Suddenly that scene makes more sense

  • @idek.8252
    @idek.8252 4 роки тому +28

    “HOLA SENORETA ❤️” “HEY HOT STUFF 🥴😍” “Yah.. about that...🤢”. 😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣

  • @petermarais4168
    @petermarais4168 5 років тому +299

    "And thanks for freeing us instead of the human children" 😁

    • @TheTendermen
      @TheTendermen 5 років тому +13

      “Or we could drop them off on a nearby planet that doesn’t do slavery or something”

    • @artphone610
      @artphone610 5 років тому +7

      I don't know. I didn't actually come here to free slaves.

  • @jayneperry5578
    @jayneperry5578 4 роки тому +1103

    “Rey you better not be talking to a boy in there”
    “It’s not what it looks like!”
    “You know the rules, your expelled!”
    “Okay BOOMER”

  • @prismatic6199
    @prismatic6199 5 років тому +61

    Luke: hey is it the green one
    Rey: uhhh no
    Luke: I wanted the GREEN one

    • @goldiestern5180
      @goldiestern5180 4 роки тому +1

      are you eating dug yaaaaaaaaaa good nobody likes dug

  • @IsSarcasmIronic
    @IsSarcasmIronic 4 роки тому +58

    Omg when Rey says “OK BOOMER” I died! My family was like what the heck? And I don’t even care anymore. Hahahahaha HISHE is the best thing on the internet

  • @abispanner3957
    @abispanner3957 5 років тому +291

    "I wonder if my metal hand will come with me?"
    "Oh, I guess not" 😂😂😂

    • @CleverFrenchName
      @CleverFrenchName 5 років тому +6

      Hope it wasn’t his wanking hand

    • @Ghost_-_
      @Ghost_-_ 5 років тому +2


    • @annnnnnnn394
      @annnnnnnn394 5 років тому +2

      Hello Natsu and Natsu 👋🏼

    • @abispanner3957
      @abispanner3957 5 років тому +1

      @@annnnnnnn394 Hellooooo 😁🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @errornoname23
    @errornoname23 5 років тому +216

    “Did you bring Chewie?”

    • @UnwaveringBackBone
      @UnwaveringBackBone 5 років тому +1

      Best ready to pregame voice

    • @toasterlad5577
      @toasterlad5577 5 років тому +5

      "Are you eating Doug?"
      "Yeah, we hated Doug anyway!"

    • @errornoname23
      @errornoname23 5 років тому

      King Of The snowmen
      “Didn’t forget to hug you this time!”

  • @lukeharman7054
    @lukeharman7054 5 років тому +99

    "In the words of the late Emperor, who I am sure we will never see again"

    • @animelytical8354
      @animelytical8354 5 років тому +2

      This video will actually make it look like they had an actual plan to bring him back instead of thinking of it a year and change ago

  • @applehead4906
    @applehead4906 2 роки тому +21

    You guys made this be like the best Star Wars movie ever

  • @syepye4606
    @syepye4606 4 роки тому +109

    3:17 In the words of the late emperor who I’m sure we will never see again.
    DEW IT

  • @paytonronan5921
    @paytonronan5921 5 років тому +84

    "Luke Skywalker, I brought you your lightsaber. "
    "Is it the green one?"
    "I wanted the green one!"

  • @evieramosi
    @evieramosi 4 роки тому +168

    2019 Rey: Ok boomer
    2020 Randy the intern: Ok boomer

  • @aboldone231
    @aboldone231 4 роки тому +22

    1:14 *Exactly What Happens To This Saga.*

  • @Brunicon
    @Brunicon 4 роки тому +49

    “Just kidding it’s gonna end with me, me and my broom”
    And then we forget all about you going into episode 9

  • @SwesomegamerX
    @SwesomegamerX 5 років тому +175

    “i’m carrie poppins y’all”
    rest easy carrie

    • @arath8893
      @arath8893 5 років тому

      You have a like in this comment , just because I don't want to upvote it because you have 69likes

    • @vashusan1984
      @vashusan1984 5 років тому +1

      That was the line going through my head when I saw it in theaters for the first time.

    • @jerwwilliams
      @jerwwilliams 5 років тому

      "Odin sleep"

  • @SnootDog
    @SnootDog 4 роки тому +21

    “Finally picked up those power converters.”

  • @MrFForger
    @MrFForger 5 років тому +274

    "That would have been really powerful if that was a character we cared about."
    Sums up the entire sequel trilogy really.

  • @chrissamuel4528
    @chrissamuel4528 5 років тому +53

    "That's tough, wanna hold hands?"
    "I thought you'd never ask."
    "Rey, you better not be talking to a boy in there." *Enters hut* "Oh my goshhh."

  • @nightmonkey9748
    @nightmonkey9748 5 років тому +401

    "Don't ask me, ask the Dark Side."
    "Hello, Dark Side, are you in there?"

  • @jonahc8673
    @jonahc8673 4 роки тому +12

    2:30 “YoU cANt gRoUNd uS” best line hands down of the video

  • @mralfey
    @mralfey 5 років тому +109

    Every Kylo Ren appearance is basically his character in a nutshell.

  • @Signal215
    @Signal215 5 років тому +58

    "I really think you have anger issues"
    -Luke 2019

  • @jacksonfleming475
    @jacksonfleming475 4 роки тому +248

    Best parts that made me belly laugh: Hreat vid guys
    “I’m Cary Poppins yall”
    “Are you eating Doug🥺?”
    “I’d rather be in Jurassic world 3”
    “Clever girl”

    • @CorrupToast
      @CorrupToast 3 роки тому +1

      i am thinking "Carrie Poppins" is a reference to Carrie Fisher, the actor for leia in episodes 4, 5, and 6

    • @alexwisecup4167
      @alexwisecup4167 3 роки тому

      @@CorrupToast Yeah that, and also from Guardians Vol. 2 when Yondu says, "I'm Mary Poppins y'all

  • @lukeskywalker1166
    @lukeskywalker1166 4 роки тому +14

    No one:

  • @emperorxkiing1241
    @emperorxkiing1241 5 років тому +98

    Snoke: No one can out smart me!
    *One Second Later*
    Snoke: Just kidding! I'm dead.

    • @sloop8131
      @sloop8131 5 років тому +1

      *Kilo Ren kills him for not liking his helmet*

  • @TheDeathmail
    @TheDeathmail 5 років тому +285

    I love how the Porg killed the other Porg with a lightsaber... should have been in the movie..

    • @brav0wing
      @brav0wing 5 років тому +13

      Just kidding, Ruin Johnson just subverted your expectation. The whole movie is GOTCHA!

    • @jasonwalker9471
      @jasonwalker9471 5 років тому +6

      It was, they cut it.

    • @MegaBradster1
      @MegaBradster1 5 років тому

      So wanted that to happen

    • @shit_ass2876
      @shit_ass2876 5 років тому

      It was an early concept

    • @qambarsadiq3064
      @qambarsadiq3064 5 років тому

      Yeah that was in the movie

  • @YaBoiDoc
    @YaBoiDoc 4 роки тому +58

    “Come back and save the Resistance!”

  • @DynamiteKing_
    @DynamiteKing_ 4 роки тому +11

    I LOVE the part when Luke is like “I WANTED THE GREEN ONE”

  • @rasmuslange6247
    @rasmuslange6247 5 років тому +384

    “Hello dark side , are you in there?”

    • @srstriker6420
      @srstriker6420 5 років тому +1

      Rasmus Lange
      Ben Solo: hello dark side my old friend
      Really I think he is written as bipolar

    • @kybervc901
      @kybervc901 5 років тому +1

      now i'll never be able to see that scene the same way ever again😂