Can the "DON" make a special appearance and comment .... on the KOTC 2024? The Several Ejections? Timbo and Gio controversy? Los being ejected and what happened? Do the Refs have too much power? Whos policing the Refs? Why can't players challenge or appeal ejections? Tavos dominance? I subscribe to watch the one and only... DON. Hope he is not "retired" ??
Can the "DON" make a special appearance and comment .... on the KOTC 2024? The Several Ejections? Timbo and Gio controversy? Los being ejected and what happened? Do the Refs have too much power? Whos policing the Refs? Why can't players challenge or appeal ejections? Tavos dominance? I subscribe to watch the one and only... DON. Hope he is not "retired" ??