The New [MASSIVE] $89 WPL Tractor & Trailer!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TomleyRC
    @TomleyRC  Рік тому +62

    I’ve let you all down. The B36 had no driver… I sincerely apologise and demand you all go back up there and hit the like button as a (peaceful )protest against driverless Scale RC Trucks 😂

    • @a.marvincausey5352
      @a.marvincausey5352 Рік тому +1


    • @WCPRCModelsCraft
      @WCPRCModelsCraft Рік тому +4

      I will send you a driver 😉

    • @Shadow_Wraith
      @Shadow_Wraith Рік тому +2

      It's the future, driverless vehicles 😁

    • @NutjobGTO
      @NutjobGTO Рік тому +1

      My faith is shattered

    • @winteronice
      @winteronice Рік тому +3

      I was going to make a Snowrunner comment, and I still might. But there's drivers in that game....

  • @eriksimca9409
    @eriksimca9409 Рік тому +18

    thats what i like about wpl, their stuff is good enough out of the box to have some fun, but cheap and easy enough to work on to modify how you want them.

  • @Bot_Brad
    @Bot_Brad Рік тому +17

    Video Production and Editing on this video was a massive improvement. This is your best video yet. Thanks for everything you do for this hobby.

  • @davidrainey968
    @davidrainey968 10 місяців тому +3

    I know this video is a bit old and I really doubt that Tomley will see this ... however, seeing this video convinced me to buy my first "big rig" and at 52 years old and very late to the RC game. soldering small wires is tricky. "flipping" the front axle - if you have to do that again in the future, please give us a few seconds of video on how that is done. thanks. Also, thank you for creating this channel and focusing on the more budget friendly end of the RC hobby.

  • @billlavine3429
    @billlavine3429 7 місяців тому +2

    Saw this truck on AlliExpress, immediately searched YT and was thrilled to see you had a video. Now I've gone and ordered the truck, 2 speed gearbox and upgraded motor, and, after watching, metal driveshafts hah. Hoping 2 1:24 crawlers will fit and look good on it. I'm also planning on painting it. Thanks!

    • @TomleyRC
      @TomleyRC  7 місяців тому +2

      Awesome, glad it helped you decide :)
      2 x 1/24 should be good

    • @billlavine3429
      @billlavine3429 6 місяців тому +1

      @TomleyRC arrived today. DOA. Lights come on and wheels turn but motor doesn't engage at all and ramps only move halfway. Rear bumper broken in two places. After troubleshooting the esc, turning doesn't respond anymore either. I got unlucky. Hoping the company will send a replacement. Until they do, I'm holding you accountable 🤣

  • @jrfishes
    @jrfishes Рік тому +2

    I love watching the suspension on so many axles!

  • @wadevallbona5314
    @wadevallbona5314 Рік тому +1

    Anybody else get the Snow tires vibe? Great video man😊

  • @Reddog08
    @Reddog08 Рік тому

    Phil going to town painting... and the Bob Ross clip... dude you made me smile like hell. Aweso.e

  • @rrrccc1571
    @rrrccc1571 Рік тому +2

    Love it!! Shame it didn't at least come with a powerful enough motor from stock

  • @ciaranburke3243
    @ciaranburke3243 Рік тому

    Lovely build the land rover coming to the rescue was priceless 😂

  • @juddvansickle
    @juddvansickle Рік тому +1

    Fantastic weathering! Would the trailer fit two 1/18 crawlers??

  • @Fortes_RC_Adv
    @Fortes_RC_Adv Рік тому +1

    I have the previous b36😉
    This one with trailer is awesome 👌
    Very nice paint and weathring 🤩

  • @disciplinerc
    @disciplinerc Рік тому

    Best painting montage ever!! And whoever filmed you spray painting did a bang up job and needs a raise for helping out! 😉👌

  • @kjscoop7025
    @kjscoop7025 Рік тому +2

    Great video as always Phil! I always look forward to your videos which usually results in me spending money lol.
    My transporter came last week and I didn't even run it before I swapped in the 2 speed transmission (with metal gears), and I was quite pleased to see the plug for the shiftier servo and the other unused ports on the esc. I'm going to test but I am hoping for more lights and sound. I have the metal axles, wheel weights, soft tires and a speaker on the way from WPL. One surprising thing to me was how light the tractor was, not much heavier than the empty trailer.

  • @scaleworksRC
    @scaleworksRC Рік тому +1

    Nice job on the paint and nice hauler by WPL! Love the old school looks.

  • @rcuintheshed6981
    @rcuintheshed6981 Рік тому +3

    Detail is amazing great shelf models definitely found it's home in the mud watching those back wheels articulate over those mini ditches was cool always great content Phil

  • @sutton4791
    @sutton4791 Рік тому +1

    I'd consider this on the fine line of "ready to run". Probably be way better to get a kit version of this. I would consider the electronics a "trial run". Maybe the box should say. "Trial run your kit with these free electronics!"

  • @fabiociceri7711
    @fabiociceri7711 Рік тому +1

    Hi, great video...just a question . What do you mean with flipping the fron axle too when the 2 gear box is installed? Thks for your reply in advance

  • @muskokamike127
    @muskokamike127 Рік тому

    You could go hog wild on that thing with the customization. To be really "remote loading" you could come up with some grippers on the wheels of the cargo vehicle to hold it in place.
    Pretty cool foundation for the money though.....

  • @SharkysGarageRCandMore
    @SharkysGarageRCandMore Рік тому +4

    As always a fair honest review.
    Though i think you are slipping.... No driver in the cab.... 😜
    That 2 speed upgrade really makes this thing, i must admit i do think a jjrc q60 cab on the front would also make this killer.
    Nice function with the droppable ramps.
    Interesting that all new stuff coming out of china has the new 4plug jst lead and no balance plug, i believe there has been a law change, and unless its lipo it can't have 2 pin plus balance lead any more...

  • @michaeldorich4485
    @michaeldorich4485 Рік тому +1

    It's a great looking model. I like the changes you made and then paint job. I think if the trailer sat up just little higher it would make big difference with out sacrificing the scale a appearance. I have seen videos of r/c events where drivers bring their beautiful Tamiya semis and their other work vehicles. I think this would fit right in. You did a great review.

    • @muskokamike127
      @muskokamike127 Рік тому

      If you really want to go scale crazy you could mount a servo to the fifth wheel and make it like a real truck: have it raise and lower on a pivot arm.

  • @Wackness
    @Wackness Рік тому

    Snowrunner! 👍

  • @carlbModels
    @carlbModels Рік тому +1

    superb timing,was just looking for a new model to mess with. This might just be the one Thanks for the upload 👍🍺🇬🇧

  • @Vincentf30
    @Vincentf30 Рік тому

    Next project in sight :). Thanks mate!

  • @winteronice
    @winteronice Рік тому

    You did something amazing with that Model. 6x6 Trucks are very cool. I saw that a new model Chevy K15 came out. Paired with this truck it gives me Snowrunner vibes.

  • @davidpiper3652
    @davidpiper3652 Рік тому

    You should have put a driver in it, makes all the difference to the scale look. Awesome hop up, thanks.

  • @matthewcopeland4441
    @matthewcopeland4441 Рік тому

    Glad to see a thorough review of this!
    I saw the drop and intentionally waited to see your review Phil before buying one to do just what you did-haul other mini crawlers!

  • @northwestmountainbikeaddic6874

    Sweet yota truck!

  • @chrislang7460
    @chrislang7460 Рік тому

    Another great video.. No AP in the cab though. Missed a trick there but keep up the great work King Phil

  • @rosaofprague
    @rosaofprague Рік тому

    What an amazing product. This is the technology that I love.

  • @Crider-ih2ir
    @Crider-ih2ir Рік тому

    I love my wpl.. but wish they would just do the 2 speed and metal axles right off, in the rtr. I think most would be willing to go ahead and pay the extra.

  • @thqp
    @thqp Рік тому +1

    I hope they'll start selling the trailer and fifth wheel setup separately :P It is a nice addon, but having to buy a truck, with the RTR axles and all is just wasted money IF you already have a WPL 6x6 truck.

  • @lael1236
    @lael1236 Рік тому

    Just as im thinking about getting a C24-1, I wonder how much weight can little 180 handle, I wanna add some metal, but the lower the better I think

  • @TheKRU251
    @TheKRU251 Рік тому

    Drive shaft popping apart? Thin walled silicone tube sorts that issue.
    Shame they don't consult you first for 'the spec'. Yours is soooooo much more capable. Great job Phil !

  • @viniciusbrito7512
    @viniciusbrito7512 Рік тому

    Tracta! Luv it! Cheers mate!

  • @potatopower4026
    @potatopower4026 9 місяців тому

    Interesting MN88 variation.

  • @JeepinMaxx
    @JeepinMaxx Рік тому

    Awesome run footage! Good size for TRX4M size cargo

  • @AsurasWrath164
    @AsurasWrath164 Рік тому +1

    Absolutely cant remember that stage in Mud-Runner. Is that new DLC?

  • @fredyt8318
    @fredyt8318 Рік тому

    Love this I didn’t realise I missed this seeing you building and modifying Rc’s

  • @MitchellBolognaniRC
    @MitchellBolognaniRC Рік тому +1

    Definitely looks way better after the TomleyRc touch. Great Video Phil ❤😎

  • @Pablo668
    @Pablo668 Рік тому

    That's a cool looking truck. Shame it's a tad down on power, hopefully WPL will listen to you.

  • @AshleyAnimationsUK
    @AshleyAnimationsUK Рік тому

    I know it's smaller scale, but with the upgrades inc the metal drive parts, and some weathering - tweaking of the looks and some general tinkering, for little over £100 you'll get something pretty darn good performance & looks, at fraction of the price of the RTR Redcat Chevrolet Hauler and the Traxxas one.

    • @maszkalman3676
      @maszkalman3676 Рік тому

      Yeah it needs more than 100 pounds to make it anywhere close to good it's 89 stock and good motor and gearbox for 11pounds is near impossible to get

  • @tobyduncan210
    @tobyduncan210 Рік тому

    Damn man that weatherd paint job looks amazing 🤩🤩

  • @JJ-uy2sg
    @JJ-uy2sg Рік тому

    Man this channel gets better and better. WPL will always hold a soft spot in my heart. Nice review. Cool music and lay overs. Fun recovery at the end. Just ned the driver haha! Awesome stuff.

    • @TomleyRC
      @TomleyRC  Рік тому

      Thank you. Appreciate the support… oh, and I’m sorry I let you down with lack of driver lol 😝

  • @RCRoads
    @RCRoads Рік тому

    Great job. The trailer looks awesome after you weathered it.

  • @CrawlerTrax
    @CrawlerTrax Рік тому

    Where do you get the upgraded motor and transmission for the WPL B36-3?

  • @jameswickenheiser6731
    @jameswickenheiser6731 Рік тому +4

    Awesome always love what you do for the wpl rc's they look cool and they do have potential. I wished they made the same styles just with better guts. We would pay more not Traxxas more.

    • @steelcityrc133
      @steelcityrc133 Рік тому

      I agree. I sold all of my wpls...I got tired of fixing them. I can just hand my kid a axial rig and not worry about them breaking it.

  • @taskforce3833
    @taskforce3833 Рік тому

    question: would metal driveshafts not make the torque on the motor much worse, i know my own b36 is pretty heavy (it has several "spy upgrades" including a working gps system and a door that opens electrically, plus benches and operators) and mine has a tendency to "eat gears" plastic, brass or China-steel, any flavor last only a few weeks i use the wpl 2 speed gearbox and the "china steel" driveshafts.
    i will buy a B36-3 of aliexpress next year, and get it ready for shows and displays.

  • @simonhayes3749
    @simonhayes3749 10 місяців тому

    Hi mate , can you tell me where you got the twin 370 motor gearbox from for this B36?

  • @rustytoolman4912
    @rustytoolman4912 Рік тому

    Great Review and very entertaining run! As always very much appreciate you, thank you.

  • @MCsCreations
    @MCsCreations Рік тому

    Fantastic review and paint job, Phil! 😃
    I absolutely agree, it definitely needs a bigger motor and some metal parts!
    Anyway, stay safe there with your family! 🖖😊

  • @ahmedibrahim2512
    @ahmedibrahim2512 Рік тому

    Make it a double cab
    And street truck would look cool
    And scale 40 foot container trailer

  • @Vok250
    @Vok250 Рік тому +1

    What is that Defender model?

  • @EdwardChew
    @EdwardChew Рік тому

    Great video! Very comprehensive information. Great music too hahaa

  • @Midnight8686
    @Midnight8686 Рік тому

    Hello, if you use the selectable switch on the side of the RES-V3 remote to control the ramps on the trailer, what controls a winch? Doesn't the selectable switch on the RES-V3 on the side of the remote, control the winch function? Is there a work around to fix this?

  • @oaky136
    @oaky136 Рік тому

    Can you do a durability video on the wpl c24-1 cause I'm getting it on the 31st of October and I wanna know it's limits

  • @gabrielpichardo1492
    @gabrielpichardo1492 Рік тому

    I’m wondering if some reviewers are running it without fully charging the battery. I haven’t had any power issues with mine and ive been using it to haul my heavy huina excavator with no issues at all

  • @clean1566
    @clean1566 Рік тому

    Will a Henglong tank fit on there. Maybe not the king tiger, but the Panzer?

  • @WildCaptures
    @WildCaptures Рік тому

    Does the stock ESC have a drag brake?

    @93FORDMUSTANG Рік тому

    Update with metal driveshafts?

  • @josephlawrence6873
    @josephlawrence6873 Рік тому

    How much was the two speed transmission with all metal gears?

  • @wordreet
    @wordreet Рік тому

    I’ve never heard of a shelf having a driver anyway !!! 🧐

  • @IowaBudgetRCBashers
    @IowaBudgetRCBashers Рік тому

    I wish they’d do something different than a URAL body. Maybe the studebaker/reo deuce and a half or the more modern American general deuce and a half vs the Russian deuce and a half. But they’re still cool!

  • @ssFaxes
    @ssFaxes Рік тому

    Take it to the skate park!

  • @suvsteve
    @suvsteve Рік тому

    Yeah totally agree with everything you sed about the b36-3 but they are great fun 😊
    And being 2 speed ready is awesome and totally transform's them
    I'm just waiting on the metal drive shafts then i can give it a beating but several weeks of popping the plastic one is getting old now 🤣

    • @71dazgee
      @71dazgee Рік тому

      Where do you get the metal drives from? WPL?

  • @dexterbeattie7884
    @dexterbeattie7884 Рік тому

    Great video Phil.., love what you have done to it.

  • @thejeepinrealtor5742
    @thejeepinrealtor5742 Рік тому

    Great video. May have to grab one of these!

  • @stephanredelinghuys5061
    @stephanredelinghuys5061 Рік тому

    Are you going to do the MN111 at all???

  • @Benjamin_Reese
    @Benjamin_Reese Рік тому

    HOORAY!! Mostly for the trailer. 😆

  • @80spyder1
    @80spyder1 5 місяців тому

    Best video yet

  • @dwadventures3531
    @dwadventures3531 7 місяців тому

    Great video…Cool bmx 👌

  • @stephanieg2920
    @stephanieg2920 Рік тому

    Please please please, Review the new WPL CX002-C Unimog 2WD... It is Beyond words... Beautiful! Pinecone has the same Unimog out with different colors as SG 1613.

  • @FentoZ
    @FentoZ Рік тому

    Wooowww what a combo :)

  • @DankePlace
    @DankePlace Рік тому

    Now the 1/6 version with 20Sssssss

  • @ThatDude7788
    @ThatDude7788 Рік тому

    Oooh a new wpl! Not too sure how i feel about em

  • @guidelineuk
    @guidelineuk Рік тому

    Great excuse to get the the dremel out😂

  • @robhotson1882
    @robhotson1882 Рік тому +1

    Ghost Driver Phil?

  • @wtfmimshag
    @wtfmimshag Рік тому

    Paint along with tomley

  • @mrguy7837
    @mrguy7837 Рік тому

    Do a review of the MN128 im sure it wont disappoint you

  • @TidyRC
    @TidyRC Рік тому

    Really enjoyed the vid mate. 👌🏻👍🏻

  • @christomjohnbalanon2155
    @christomjohnbalanon2155 7 місяців тому

    Does it fit for excavator?

  • @GSG-lc5zm
    @GSG-lc5zm Рік тому

    Pretty cool 😎

  • @phildavis4878
    @phildavis4878 Рік тому

    Kmart excellent go to work my friend

  • @dez1969
    @dez1969 Рік тому

    Disappointing out of the box but massive improvement both visually and in performance with your mods.. noice!

  • @phillipgatelein8591
    @phillipgatelein8591 Рік тому

    Enjoyed this 🤠 👍

  • @Stu88Turner
    @Stu88Turner Рік тому

    Oh for goodness sakes , Phil I’ve just watched this video and now I’ve ordered one and the uprated gearbox

  • @Deadpool85El
    @Deadpool85El Рік тому

    Needs an adjustable height for trailer, that said I want 1

  • @DeliberateNRandom
    @DeliberateNRandom Рік тому

    What about some electrical tape on the driveshaft?

  • @ThatDude7788
    @ThatDude7788 Рік тому

    Nice army style thing i dont know what there called

  • @JkDSnake
    @JkDSnake Рік тому

    There are no mistakes, just happy accidents. "Bob Ross"

  • @rcplaytime
    @rcplaytime Рік тому

    pretty cool 😎 👌 👍

  • @dave8016
    @dave8016 Рік тому


  • @johnwayne666
    @johnwayne666 Рік тому

    Its Christmas everyday....😁🤙🏼

  • @Storyracing387
    @Storyracing387 Рік тому

    I dig it!

  • @turborock7464
    @turborock7464 Рік тому

    I'm having some issues with the driveshafts can you please help

  • @dustinvandewater7022
    @dustinvandewater7022 Рік тому

    Convery the trailer to be one of those giant generators and put a 5000mah (or bigger) battery in it. Run the truck for the whole day.

  • @bluev2srt
    @bluev2srt Рік тому

    I could get into these small scale wpl toys cars and trucks but the fact the break or parts pop off strait out of the box on first use kills it for me. It would be a model to throw on a shelf which greatly reduces the coolness factor for me!

  • @northwestmountainbikeaddic6874

    And bike!

  • @546268
    @546268 9 місяців тому

    Million dollar question, will my heng long tank fit on this?

    • @evoxgamerz5877
      @evoxgamerz5877 9 місяців тому

      It will be to heavy for this truck 😅

  • @ThatDude7788
    @ThatDude7788 Рік тому

    I heard kev is going to do a durability test for a hilux he got