Bli kjent med Prins Sverre Magnus

  • Опубліковано 1 лют 2025


  • @gunda-mariebruce3692
    @gunda-mariebruce3692 5 місяців тому +10

    Så utrolig hyggelig, varmt og sjarmerende intervju. De virker begge som utrolig flotte mennesker❤️🌟

  • @mathias.hatlestad
    @mathias.hatlestad Рік тому +47

    Gratulerer så mye med dagen Prins Sverre Magnus 🥂

  • @sarcasm2k
    @sarcasm2k Рік тому +21

    Gratulerer med dagen Prins Sverre Magnus. Det er så rart å se din farfar i talemåten din. Artig intervju!

  • @oliveludicrous
    @oliveludicrous 4 місяці тому +4

    Jeg synes det er leit at han hele tiden beklager dabbingen. Det var så gøy og var en veldig uskyldig spøk. Det er lov å tulle og tøyse selv om man er kongelig på jobb. Så bare bli ved.

    • @-off-
      @-off- 4 місяці тому +3

      Møtte han for ikke så alt for lenge siden, jeg ville trodd det er mest for media, han virker ganske gøyal og tullete når ting ikke er for seriøst, altså, virker ikke så far-fetched at han hadde dabba for moro og ironi hvis det ikke ble filma og sånt, artig kar.

  • @annieryan7749
    @annieryan7749 Рік тому +33

    Happy Birthday to Prince Sverre Magnus, wish there were English subtitles!

    • @donnabaardsen5372
      @donnabaardsen5372 Рік тому +1

      I'm fluent in Norwegian. Yippee! Terrific interview 🇺🇲🇧🇻

    • @solveigelisabethhenne1739
      @solveigelisabethhenne1739 Рік тому +35

      *Magnus and Ingrid clap*
      Magnus: That was nicely timed.
      Ingrid:I had to answer these questions when I turned 18, so you have to do it as well. Magnus, you`re turning 18 now, happy birthday!
      Magnus: Thanks very much.
      Ingrid: How does it feel? Are you looking forward to it?
      Magnus: I`m really looking forward to it. It`s going to be really cool to legally be an adult and to be able to drive a car. And the celebration is going to be really fun.
      Ingrid: Okay, we used to attend the same school.
      Magnus: Yes.
      Ingrid: I`ve since quit school (graduated) But why did you choose Elvebakken? (The name of the high school)
      Magnus: Partly because you went there, and I wanted to start in a new environment.
      Ingrid: What do you like best about Elvebakken?
      Magnus: The people, for sure. And the revy is really cool. (Referring to a show put on by the graduating class as part of the celebration)
      Ingrid: Have you been a part of the show?
      Magnus: Yes, a low-key role. Mostly just to be social, just for the parties and cozy side of it. Did you think it was very fun?
      Ingrid: It`s PR`s rival. (Ingrid was head of PR when she was graduating)
      Magnus: I can say that I was in PR.
      Ingrid: Yes, you were in PR some as well. What is your favourite animal?
      Magnus: Dog.
      Ingrid: What about favourite film?
      Magnus: The Shawshank Redemption
      Ingrid: Okay, favourite TV series?
      Magnus: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
      Ingrid: What about your favourite video game?
      Magnus: I have to say Minecraft. It`s been my favourite since I was little.
      Ingrid: Mine too. Favourite sport?
      Magnus: That has to be skiing.
      Ingrid: Now that you`re turning 18, what do you think is on the top of your bucketlist?
      Magnus: To do a parachute jump is going to be awesome, I`m going to do it with a very good friend of mine. I`m going to make it happen, I just have to do it.
      Ingrid: What do you think sounds fun about doing a parachute jump?
      Magnus: Well, you have done it. It`s jumping out of an airplane and hoping that the parachute opens.
      Ingrid: Yeah, it is pretty cool. What are things you like to do in your spare time? Ski and tennis, and..?
      Magnus: I play some video games. I hang out with my friends a lot, and I watch a lot of movies. I`m currently watching the whole Harry Potter series.
      Ingrid: You`re also very fond of taking pictures.
      Magnus: Yes.
      Ingrid: I remember during a trip last summer you took lots of pictures. What do you enjoy photographing the most?
      Magnus: Nature. And architecture and things you find.
      Ingrid: You have a very nice photo that is my favourite. It`s the photo you took of that boat.
      Magnus: The boat. Yes, that is a very nice photo.
      Ingrid: It`s very nice, I want to frame it and hang it on the wall. What is the best thing about being my brother?
      Magnus: Wow, that is hard... Hmm..
      Ingrid: Come on, you can think of some things!
      Magnus: Well, you`re a really cool sister who is good at skiing and have taught me a lot about life and friends. Life lessons. A lot of arguing at the start, but we`ve become good friends in time.
      Ingrid: What did we usually fight about when we were little?
      Magnus: Lots of different things, everything from toys to you not being allowed to play with me and my friends, and me not being allowed to play with you and your friends.
      Ingrid: The dabbing on the palace balcony (referring to an incident in 2017 during the celebration of the King and Queen 80th birthdays. During the whole familys appearance on the palace balcony, the prince could be seen suddenly dabbing!) what were you doing?
      Magnus: That was really a big mistake, it`s a funny story. We had eaten right before we went out on the palace balcony, that was not very smart, we learned from that, we`ll never do that again. I had eaten lots of icecream, I think I had eaten five, and then I got the sugarrush just as we went outside. Then I thought everything was very funny.
      Ingrid: I remember the next 17. May (Norway`s national day) after that, for it wasn`t on the 17th of May that you dabbed?
      Magnus: No.
      Ingrid: So there was a 17th of May after that, and I`ve never seen so many children in the parade dabbing! It`s never been a thing.
      Magnus: No.
      Ingrid: Do you have any suggestions to questions I have not asked?
      Magnus: What kind of car I want?
      Ingrid: What kind of car do you want?
      Magnus: I don`t know.
      Ingrid: Thank you very much for the interview, good luck with your 18th birthday!
      Magnus: Thank you very much.
      Ingrid: I`ll be there.
      Magnus: Okay. I hope so.

    • @annieryan7749
      @annieryan7749 Рік тому +15

      Thank you SO much for translating that for me! What a lot of work that must have been and so kind of you! Thanks again, I really appreciate it💗 @@solveigelisabethhenne1739

    • @lindymcbroom953
      @lindymcbroom953 Рік тому +6

      @@solveigelisabethhenne1739 They seem very relatable !

  • @AdamGNordin
    @AdamGNordin 8 днів тому

    ❤🎉21👑🪖 flinke Prinsessa vår!

  • @stefanw2500
    @stefanw2500 Рік тому +11

    Gratulerer med dagen! Det som umiddelbart slår meg, er at dere får gjøre mye mer enn gjennomsnittet for alderen deres, mer reising, bredere valg og prøving av hobbier, sport og ekstremsport.

    • @rebella2073
      @rebella2073 Рік тому

      Stemmer nok det.Har prøvd mye av det de nevner,men så er j.firebarnsmor på 40+..Og måtte spare i flere år,samt vente til barna ble litt eldre. Nå er de på alder m.disse to.Uansett virker de som flotte ungdommer.Her har foreldrene gjort en god jobb;)Begge barna er en god mix av sin mor & far.Flott ungdommen med flotte foreldrene.Husker det var mye dritt fra flere folk generelt & media spesielt,men de sto i det.Har veldig sansen for både Mette-Marit & Håkon Magnus.Når det er såpass fine folk som skal representere et land,ser j.ikke noe feil v.å ha et kongehus.Enn så lenge.Halve Europa er jo tre-& formenninger,mye rot har det vært,men synes det er fine representanter som nevnt.De får endel ansvar,samtidig som de får oppleve mye.Srlv måtte j.spare til billappen,fallskjermhopp,dykkekurs div.Mine barn må også spare mye av inntekt div.(Eldste er i jobb.)Men unner disse alt godt.Virker som ordentlig fine ungdommer 💙 💜

  • @Loff
    @Loff Рік тому +54

    Grattis med 18 år! Fett å se dere gjøre kule ting på UA-cam! Rop ut hvis dere vil være med på noe moro med oss

    • @VegardKlaus
      @VegardKlaus Рік тому +5

      Skinny E x Prins Sverre Magnus❤ make it happen!

    • @TheErleend
      @TheErleend Рік тому +4

      Nammenam værsåsnill

    • @boic9706
      @boic9706 Рік тому +1

      Tenker både skinny E video og nammenam jeg. Hadde vært insanely morro

  • @Ramouch84
    @Ramouch84 Рік тому +19

    ❤ kjekk kar og nydelig prinsesse. Mette og Håkon har gjort en god jobb. Oppdratt to nydelige personligheten

  • @Ramouch84
    @Ramouch84 Рік тому +17

    Lenge leve vår flotte kongefamilie ❤ gratulerer🎉 med 18 års dagen Prins Sverre Magnus🎉🎉🎉🎉

  • @fatassiceland
    @fatassiceland Рік тому +18

    Grattis på 18 årsdagen prins Sverre Magnus 💕🤗

  • @CliffJumpingProd
    @CliffJumpingProd Рік тому +105

    Virker som helt normale, oppegående kids, det gjør meg stolt av landet

    • @blisark22
      @blisark22 Рік тому +1

      @@thomasjefferson6225 The only rude person here is you

    • @siiofra
      @siiofra 3 місяці тому

      ​@@blisark22how is it rude?

  • @mathiasegeland1941
    @mathiasegeland1941 Рік тому +11

    Flott Prins! Gratulerer!

  • @Diego-uo3gi
    @Diego-uo3gi Рік тому +7

    she is sooo beautiful omg the queen of norway is the best

  • @HungvuongKim
    @HungvuongKim Рік тому +1

    Love her so much! Oh my Queen.😊❤

  • @LeishaCamden
    @LeishaCamden Рік тому +15

    Han skarrer ... !! Så sjarmerende, han ligner på moren sin på mer enn én måte 🥰

    • @lindakristinekjrlibraten5759
      @lindakristinekjrlibraten5759 Рік тому +4

      Mer "Arendal- R". Synes han ligner mer og mer på Haakon av utseendet, men har hårfargen og skarre- r'en etter sin mor. Så han deler vel broderlig.

    • @Methalec1985
      @Methalec1985 Рік тому +3

      @@lindakristinekjrlibraten5759 - Sjer både Haakon og Harald i han ja. Skarringa han ha plukka opp fra Kronprinsessa gir han et enda mer unikt præg!

  • @CosmicWaffles
    @CosmicWaffles Рік тому +6

    Lenge leve kongefamilien ❤❤❤

  • @Neophema
    @Neophema Рік тому +4

    Veldig interessant at han skarrer når han har vokst opp på østlandet.

  • @Lindaelise
    @Lindaelise Рік тому +12

    Gratulerer med dagen!🇳🇴

  • @deborasan8529
    @deborasan8529 7 місяців тому

    So sweet both of you! Jeg liker det! 😍

  • @serafinapekala8849
    @serafinapekala8849 Рік тому +1

    Why not the subtitles in english... ?

  • @Olav3D
    @Olav3D 2 місяці тому

    Hvor er Høiby?

    • @AlizaLUCA
      @AlizaLUCA 2 місяці тому

      Han hører ikke til her

  • @whoizzdan
    @whoizzdan Рік тому +1

    Også i Ervika på surfing, samt hoddevika! Flott plass å bo her :D

  • @Valko67
    @Valko67 4 місяці тому

    nice Prins and Princess , i did'nt understand the conversation but it looks so nice to me , by the way , I am from Belgium

  • @DJPJ.
    @DJPJ. Рік тому +1

    Jeg egenhendig gjorde så likertallet gikk fra 1,5 til 1,6. Foresten virker prinsen også som en veldig kul person.

  • @annanapoletani2644
    @annanapoletani2644 Рік тому

    Ma che belli che sono..spontanei belli mi piacciano molti questi Principi Notvegesi❤❤

  • @adlskjdlasasdasdsa
    @adlskjdlasasdasdsa 10 місяців тому +1

    so amazing ( i am English and i have no idea what they are saying )

  • @klypbarfluffiness9527
    @klypbarfluffiness9527 Рік тому +3

    Gratulerer så mye emd dagen:)

  • @Letho27
    @Letho27 Рік тому +1

    Hvorfor høres det ut som at han er fra grimstad?

  • @solveigelisabethhenne1739
    @solveigelisabethhenne1739 Рік тому +14

    *Magnus and Ingrid clap*
    Magnus: That was nicely timed.
    Ingrid:I had to answer these questions when I turned 18, so you have to do it as well. Magnus, you`re turning 18 now, happy birthday!
    Magnus: Thanks very much.
    Ingrid: How does it feel? Are you looking forward to it?
    Magnus: I`m really looking forward to it. It`s going to be really cool to legally be an adult and to be able to drive a car. And the celebration is going to be really fun.
    Ingrid: Okay, we used to attend the same school.
    Magnus: Yes.
    Ingrid: I`ve since quit school (graduated) But why did you choose Elvebakken? (The name of the high school)
    Magnus: Partly because you went there, and I wanted to start in a new environment.
    Ingrid: What do you like best about Elvebakken?
    Magnus: The people, for sure. And the revy is really cool. (Referring to a show put on by the graduating class as part of the celebration)
    Ingrid: Have you been a part of the show?
    Magnus: Yes, a low-key role. Mostly just to be social, just for the parties and cozy side of it. Did you think it was very fun?
    Ingrid: It`s PR`s rival. (Ingrid was head of PR when she was graduating)
    Magnus: I can say that I was in PR.
    Ingrid: Yes, you were in PR some as well. What is your favourite animal?
    Magnus: Dog.
    Ingrid: What about favourite film?
    Magnus: The Shawshank Redemption
    Ingrid: Okay, favourite TV series?
    Magnus: Brooklyn Nine-Nine
    Ingrid: What about your favourite video game?
    Magnus: I have to say Minecraft. It`s been my favourite since I was little.
    Ingrid: Mine too. Favourite sport?
    Magnus: That has to be skiing.
    Ingrid: Now that you`re turning 18, what do you think is on the top of your bucketlist?
    Magnus: To do a parachute jump is going to be awesome, I`m going to do it with a very good friend of mine. I`m going to make it happen, I just have to do it.
    Ingrid: What do you think sounds fun about doing a parachute jump?
    Magnus: Well, you have done it. It`s jumping out of an airplane and hoping that the parachute opens.
    Ingrid: Yeah, it is pretty cool. What are things you like to do in your spare time? Ski and tennis, and..?
    Magnus: I play some video games. I hang out with my friends a lot, and I watch a lot of movies. I`m currently watching the whole Harry Potter series.
    Ingrid: You`re also very fond of taking pictures.
    Magnus: Yes.
    Ingrid: I remember during a trip last summer you took lots of pictures. What do you enjoy photographing the most?
    Magnus: Nature. And architecture and things you find.
    Ingrid: You have a very nice photo that is my favourite. It`s the photo you took of that boat.
    Magnus: The boat. Yes, that is a very nice photo.
    Ingrid: It`s very nice, I want to frame it and hang it on the wall. What is the best thing about being my brother?
    Magnus: Wow, that is hard... Hmm..
    Ingrid: Come on, you can think of some things!
    Magnus: Well, you`re a really cool sister who is good at skiing and have taught me a lot about life and friends. Life lessons. A lot of arguing at the start, but we`ve become good friends in time.
    Ingrid: What did we usually fight about when we were little?
    Magnus: Lots of different things, everything from toys to you not being allowed to play with me and my friends, and me not being allowed to play with you and your friends.
    Ingrid: The dabbing on the palace balcony (referring to an incident in 2017 during the celebration of the King and Queen 80th birthdays. During the whole familys appearance on the palace balcony, the prince could be seen suddenly dabbing!) what were you doing?
    Magnus: That was really a big mistake, it`s a funny story. We had eaten right before we went out on the palace balcony, that was not very smart, we learned from that, we`ll never do that again. I had eaten lots of icecream, I think I had eaten five, and then I got the sugarrush just as we went outside. Then I thought everything was very funny.
    Ingrid: I remember the next 17. May (Norway`s national day) after that, for it wasn`t on the 17th of May that you dabbed?
    Magnus: No.
    Ingrid: So there was a 17th of May after that, and I`ve never seen so many children in the parade dabbing! It`s never been a thing.
    Magnus: No.
    Ingrid: Do you have any suggestions to questions I have not asked?
    Magnus: What kind of car I want?
    Ingrid: What kind of car do you want?
    Magnus: I don`t know.
    Ingrid: Thank you very much for the interview, good luck with your 18th birthday!
    Magnus: Thank you very much.
    Ingrid: I`ll be there.
    Magnus: Okay. I hope so.

  • @MiqWay
    @MiqWay Рік тому +1

    Jeg har et spørsmål som ikke ble stilt. Den hilsen på slottsbalkongen hvor han veivde med hendene for å så stryke seg kjapt to ganger opp nesen, hva betydde det?🥶

  • @UlrichDieth
    @UlrichDieth 8 місяців тому

    What beautiful family !

  • @Gabrielsson1
    @Gabrielsson1 Рік тому +2

    Stort grattis Magnus

  • @kacemkassis1077
    @kacemkassis1077 7 місяців тому

    Vaisseau.. stellaire.. Royale spectre....🖤⚫♠️⚫🖤♠️🌑🌌

  • @Diego-uo3gi
    @Diego-uo3gi Рік тому +2

    when english subtitles ❤❤

  • @LilBogota
    @LilBogota 2 місяці тому

    Who is the dude?

  • @janhansen554
    @janhansen554 9 місяців тому +2

    Viser hvordan kongefamilien er. Teknisk sett kunne Sverre Magnus kjøre bil alene før han ble 18 år, kunne ikke blitt straffet for det. At vi har en kongefamilie som følger norsk lov, viser hvorfor vi skal være glad i vår familie.

  • @VegardKlaus
    @VegardKlaus Рік тому +2

    Gratulerer med dagen!

  • @prideh.easttown3730
    @prideh.easttown3730 Рік тому +2

    Happy birthday🎉

  • @otho7134
    @otho7134 Рік тому +4

    kan si hvilke bil jeg har lyst på hvis sverrebror punger ut

  • @VairoMusic
    @VairoMusic Рік тому


  • @jonathanrascol
    @jonathanrascol 9 місяців тому +1

    PAPPAS can push on skis 🧚🏻‍♂️
    MAMMAS can keep all happies 🧚🏻‍♂️
    non-stop [milk-]eggs, [WILD]CATS smilies 🧚🏻‍♂️🧚🏻‍♂️🧚🏻‍♂️ JAR[RA] [壺 tsubo]

  • @Prince_Yonte
    @Prince_Yonte 11 місяців тому

    Bruh Im American and just found out who this was. She is very fire yes.

  • @espenlia7657
    @espenlia7657 Рік тому +7

    Virker som en helt vanlig kar, noe han egentlig er. 👍

  • @charlesiphone5765
    @charlesiphone5765 Рік тому +8

    Nice! I hope you Norwegians can learn from the mistakes that we made in Sweden

  • @AaseGundersen
    @AaseGundersen 7 місяців тому +1

    Ønsker deg Guds rike velsignelse i troen på Jesus Kristus vår Frelser

  • @nrskbolle
    @nrskbolle Рік тому +1

    Gratulerer med dagen

  • @bozokres3816
    @bozokres3816 Рік тому +5

    Prins Sverre Magnus ist erst achtzehn Jahre alt, ist vernünftig und freundlich.
    Norge, norwegische Königsfamilie, norwegische Nation, glückliches Neues Jahr und schöne Grüße

  • @sneakerjuice1856
    @sneakerjuice1856 Рік тому +2

    Han tok skarre-r'en til Mette Marit eller? Anyways, digger disse to :)

  • @JaskaranSingh-mn8hw
    @JaskaranSingh-mn8hw 11 місяців тому

    Unseen beautiful world

  • @MarsLonsen
    @MarsLonsen Рік тому +1

    step queen?

  • @bratzoc1785
    @bratzoc1785 3 місяці тому

    Germany? Or Swedes??

  • @สุวัฒน์สุขบัน-ศ7พ


  • @Somaye-ft7cn
    @Somaye-ft7cn 4 місяці тому


  • @AZtoz-l6h
    @AZtoz-l6h Рік тому

    I love you Ingrid

  • @nandelamere6882
    @nandelamere6882 Рік тому +2

    Gosh, awesome

  • @alexandergeetimothy
    @alexandergeetimothy Рік тому +1


  • @Aidhab2222
    @Aidhab2222 Рік тому


  • @Gullvivas
    @Gullvivas 5 місяців тому

    Flott ungdom! Magnus blir bare mer og mer lik gamle kongen Olav,og det er positivt ment ;) Født i skyttens tegn er også bra.

  • @jonathanrascol
    @jonathanrascol 10 місяців тому +1

    snø citrus’ glass rooms [柚子と楢 yuzu citrus to/& nara oak w/ 桜 sakura cherry pinks] 🧚🏻‍♂️
    colorful LIGHTBOWS’ arches 🧚🏻‍♂️
    Marriages’ GOLDEN DISKS 🧚🏻‍♂️🧚🏻‍♂️🧚🏻‍♂️ JAR[RA] [壺 tsubo]
    . . . vs.
    楢 nara oak’s garden forests 🧚🏻‍♂
    bamboo fountains to 柚子 yuzu snø [citrus] circles 🧚🏻‍♂
    桜 sakura paths grow 道 secrets 🧚🏻‍♂🧚🏻‍♂🧚🏻‍♂ JAR[RA] [壺 tsubo]

  • @АртурВасильков-г4я

    A real question out here:
    How can I date Ingrid Alexandra?

  • @silkemyk3178
    @silkemyk3178 4 місяці тому

    Ja til republikk, monarkiet er 300 millioner ut av vinduet hvert år. Disse skattepengene kan gå til bedre formål for vanlige folk!

  • @andy_14
    @andy_14 Рік тому +2

    Linda la princesa.

  • @Man0mania
    @Man0mania Рік тому

    *dabber på kjørelæreren, *dabber på krompen, *dabber på ølsalget. Grattis på etterskudd =)

  • @isakmloyeni920
    @isakmloyeni920 Рік тому


  • @Lita1
    @Lita1 Рік тому +30

    Nå det er talent, ikke bare en fremtidig dronning, men en ekspert nrktv-intervjuer. Prinsesse Ingrid full av overraskelser slik norske kvinner er fra tid til annen. Jeg likte denne videoen ja!!!!👍😅 #KlapLystIdea👏💡 #NorgeErLandetInnerforHjearterOgKropper❤️🇳🇴

  • @anonimofied
    @anonimofied 5 місяців тому +1

    Marius har mye aa laere AV Sverre

  • @AdamGNordin
    @AdamGNordin Рік тому

    Alt for Gud, Noreg får alt.

  • @princegunag7
    @princegunag7 9 місяців тому

    🗣️God's jesus>alla>buddha^blessings^powers🗿🪞my wife's love my life coming👤🥽my friend kim family🤳my friend teacher🌐

  • @TastySwift
    @TastySwift Рік тому +1

    elendig teksting.

  • @magdalenamartinkovicova
    @magdalenamartinkovicova Рік тому

    Happy birthday 🎂🎁

  • @linnsoltwedel
    @linnsoltwedel Рік тому

    De er jo bare vanlige ungdommer :) Artig! :D

  • @jonathanrascol
    @jonathanrascol 10 місяців тому +1

    victorious syntheses ❄
    glorious glamour faces icy theses ❄
    SNOWLIGHTS drink prestige ❄❄❄ JAR[RA] [壺 tsubo]
    1. 3 [畳 tatami] bows (x2) with [俳句 HAIKU & Co.] poetry 🧚🏻‍♂
    2. Joyful Gratitude with Bravos, [SINGING] Beauties & [HOLYTAKK] Homages 🧚🏻‍♂
    3. Humorous [冗談 jōdan] Release of Responsibilities: e.g. Sauna rooftops with BBQs gatherings, 畳 tatamis trainings & skies views is a Secret Scandinavian Dream of ours. Let’s 抹茶 matcha dreams with green vortices & write+workings, VIKING PRINCESSES. 🧚🏻‍♂🧚🏻‍♂🧚🏻‍♂ JAR[RA] [壺 tsubo]

  • @international1125
    @international1125 Рік тому

    Long life old man 🙌😂👍

  • @From_tehatta
    @From_tehatta Рік тому

    I guess school is pretty universal

  • @jms752
    @jms752 Рік тому

    Jippii grattis

  • @mr.tobjohn9877
    @mr.tobjohn9877 Рік тому +1


  • @ANGELAGriffin-o7l
    @ANGELAGriffin-o7l 4 місяці тому

    How come it's my right eye

  • @05Cars05
    @05Cars05 Місяць тому


  • @princegunag7
    @princegunag7 7 місяців тому

    God's Way NO 🗺️

  • @tomhorn6156
    @tomhorn6156 Рік тому


  • @ANGELAGriffin-o7l
    @ANGELAGriffin-o7l 4 місяці тому

    Left eye my right

  • @Dangels2000
    @Dangels2000 Рік тому +2

    Har ni så många dialekter att ni måste texta? Eller gör ni det för att folket inte ska missa vad som sägs?

    • @lindakristinekjlibraten777
      @lindakristinekjlibraten777 Рік тому +2

      Kanskje mest for dem som hører dårlig?

    • @Dangels2000
      @Dangels2000 Рік тому +2

      @@lindakristinekjlibraten777 Det är sant! Kom på det efter jag hade skrivit min kommentar. :D

  • @princegunag7
    @princegunag7 9 місяців тому

    Nor💢👸your power's🗣️norway country all people's👤

  • @princegunag7
    @princegunag7 8 місяців тому

    🗣️Norway Princess white dog🪞Un human rights blue dog👤Malaysia Princess black dog🌐🗿

  • @Levitate420
    @Levitate420 Рік тому +1

    Yo tell Prince Sverre Magnus that if he needs a friend who is american who moved to norway recently that im that guy

  • @ANGELAGriffin-o7l
    @ANGELAGriffin-o7l 4 місяці тому


  • @annekurkinen7132
    @annekurkinen7132 9 місяців тому

    Suomeksi näin . Reipas nuori mies.

  • @pHyCho_soisob
    @pHyCho_soisob 6 місяців тому

    I like you like you Alexandra.. Will you marry me ❤❤❤👩‍❤️‍👨

  • @iimellem
    @iimellem Рік тому +1

    Så dette er Anomaly når han tar av seg balaclavan

  • @princegunag7
    @princegunag7 9 місяців тому

    👸my wife🗿

  • @princegunag7
    @princegunag7 9 місяців тому


  • @kacemkassis1077
    @kacemkassis1077 6 місяців тому

    I'am. Giant...🍎🍎two..Apples

  • @olof1382
    @olof1382 Рік тому


  • @Moussaba-v8d
    @Moussaba-v8d 10 місяців тому


    @YONIGUNI 10 місяців тому


  • @saint999ish
    @saint999ish 8 днів тому

    Myndig som Magne etter Ragnarok og Harry Potter briller

  • @familyguy522
    @familyguy522 Рік тому

    Avskaff vær så snill :)

  • @kacemkassis1077
    @kacemkassis1077 2 місяці тому

    ..................THE. END............

  • @DocHolliday-l4v
    @DocHolliday-l4v 21 день тому

    Smith Communication