Interesting timing. As an officer in a tech company I watched 1/3 of the staff head out for a week and return in a useless state of mind that took weeks to recover from. As an elected official I am dealing with a small constituent of extreme counterculture individuals whose anarchistic conduct disrupts residents and whose past involves mass deaths making national news when safety and building codes were defiantly ignored. Recently, I met with some long-time artists who claimed that this event has collapsed into senseless debauchery, discomfort, and danger and no longer commands any appeal. Let's be honest: it's all about d* and d* fueled behavior. The artistic preparations are clever but they cannot flourish in such an uncivilized and narcissistic setting. The metaphor of burning it all down is probably not good for our collective psyche either. As always, I appreciate your thorough and insightful reporting.
Secular humanism/polytheism. Man burns man since Man is the highest order of being. There's "no God" but plenty of 'gods' and 'lords.' "My Creation" is (falsely) worshipped. Talk about "replacement theory"!
The metaphor of burning your belongings is bad? Thanks doc. Just buy buy buy and you’ll be happy. The Orthodox Christian Doukhobors who left Russia around 1910 to escape religious persecution had the same belief. Once in a while you burn your property to cleanse your psyche and regain strength of will over materialism. And the collective helps rebuild something clean and new. (They implement new building techniques learned through this process so their buildings become stronger and more efficient). They also burned in protest over government overreach. It’s a powerful symbol to an oppressor to say you can’t control me, I’m so strong I will burn my own home (and clothes too, they’d parade around nude when threatened). Don’t fuck with Russians.
Well, maybe the event is not the problem... Just taken by how agressive your comment seems, you may have other employees in a "useless state of mind" the weren't in BM.
I went in 2006, but my taste for big parties with scads of people drunk and worse has disappeared. My experience was that of a mystic on a solo quest seeking something that wasn't yet ready to be found, but for the present time observation of the strange structures and people. I didn't interact with very many. As for the darkness is it not just the stuff in the world? People who go to these things have a taste for risk that others can't fathom, it's normal. That said, in the present state of humanity the fact is that if any tradition you do becomes really big, or even a little bit big, there will be scads of big drinkers and all the rest showing up, plus predators that prey upon rubes in crowds. So in my present state I kind of think of this kind of art and party stuff as really trashy. I've been part of pagan things in the past, but my true calling is music and I do have a sort of nature mystic tendency, Virgo on the 12th is one sign of that, but the San Fran pagan is another thrall to the commie takeover of especially the blue anon places, but then neo con men are just as bad. Being a strong vibrant white man with a sense of humor intact doesn't fly with these west coast wastrels who want to tear down the so called patriarchy. Problem with the Marx influence on society is the rancid resentment at the heart of it. My debut astrology video is going to be a read of his birth chart cause the demonic idiot he was is shown clearly in it for those who are trained in that wisdom. Now I can see the burning of this man as part of the anti human, trans human, post human themes going on. These do anything you want art tribes are party snobs and drunks for the most part, and I don't like it when party people trash other people's places. Pack in, pack out is my wild training and I stick to it. My sense of beauty is in the divine proportions that are tossed aside by these idiot children who know not what they throw away in their vapid rebellions that never end, cause the cause is to rebel. I'm sick of it. Rebellion is just another name for stupid violent wars. I'm glad I only went once to this thing, and that it wasn't such a bad year. I don't think anyone died in 2006. Even so, every city has deaths and births in the regular and normal function of human beings. Lots of newbies don't have any concept of the kind of grit and sense of physical presence one needs to stay alive in such a dry environment where the Sun can kill you by being a drunk stumbling around and just pissing your life into the sand.
Thank you for sharing your experience, I really appreciated it. I followed and understood nearly everything you said. You confirmed many of the notions I had suspected. It seems the harder folks try to be edgy, artsy, and rebellious the less spiritual and unique they truly become. I mean how in touch with nature can one be by producing so much waste and using so much energy?
As a northern Nevadan, the amount is trash along connecting Hwys, Fernley & Reno private & public land is unacceptable. As a taxpayer, I object to the Burning Man Organization & the multitude of irresponsible, entitled attendees polluting my community.
You don’t mind the mining, the atomic explosions, drilling or the corrupt gambling, prostitution or the theft of native land. But the extra bit of garbage has you worked up. Got it.
that's weird, given that one of the core principles of the org is "leave no trace". I haven't been to the "Big Burn" in BRC, but I've been to smaller regional ones, and I can tell one with absolute certainty that they take that principle VERY seriously, not only holding attendees accountable for taking away their own trash from their campsites, but also devoting enormous monetary and volunteer resources to maintaining that principle collectively throughout the site. I find it highly unlikely that anyone who has a ticket to attend that event would knowingly discard trash anywhere in that area, for fear of very stern judgement from their peers (and also out of, you know, not being a jerk).
Wait. 'irresponsible, entitled attendees??' Man. You're just not a people person, are you, Karen? Maybe they're not those things. Bring up your complaints to the organizers. Maybe you could ask them to clean up better. But it is just the nature of progress over time for there to be more trash. Maybe it is from people visiting your desert, but maybe it isn't. Maybe there's more people using the highways for other reasons too. But it sounds like the organizers are willing to address issues..
Mysterious implies they died in strange or unexplained ways. And we know what almost every cause was minus the one still under investigation from this year. I also would point out that almost any city with over 50,000 people will most likely have a death over the 9 day period people are at BM. Plenty of real issues though.
There are definitely pagan aspects of the event. Most of the bad things happen during the week leading up to the Burning of the Man. Most people that have died are doing risky things and some are trying to exit life for reasons only they know. The last two nights are actually the most mellow and spiritual part of the entire event. The energy peaks once they light up the man. Most of the shallow pretentious sparkle ponies leave soon after and the following day the vibe gets very introspective. You've survived and now you have to prepare to go back to your regular life It can be heavy, but it isn't evil. It's like saying goodbye to kindred spirits who have shared something magical. Some people get very affected by having to go home. I recommend not trying to explain it to anyone. Keep it to yourself. People don't want to hear it. They have no idea what it is like. Keep it that way. Let them think that they did the right thing by not going. There is danger everywhere in the world. If you want to feel safe... Don't go Black Rock City. It certainly is not for everyone and those who go should be responsible in every respect
@@GaryArmstrongmacgh believe me I know. When I went my first time, my ticket was $125 and then gas and food and other random stuff still seemed expensive. The whole trip cost about $350 in 2001. I'm a renegade camper. I've never joined a theme camp because I like doing my own thing. I live a very modest life and I'm a cook for living. So I ended up working as a cook for several different theme camps over the years. I get my ticket for free and I get paid for a certain amount of hours that I work. I usually go up early to feed the build crews and I fulfill my commitment asap and then by Thursday, I get paid around $1000 and I'm free. Sometimes I'll stay after with the tear down crews. I've done this about 10 times out of the 18 times I've gone. I had to figure this out over time. I didn't go between 2018-2022 because I couldn't get a cooking gig and I couldn't get a ticket even when I did have money. It sucked. I been gifted tickets twice. I snuck in once. And one year I bought a bunk ticket and spent the first three days at the gate in D lot until they finally let me in on Thursday. You find a way if you really want to go and if you belong there, the universe will help you make it happen. It's Tuesday night. I'm waiting on a tax return which is supposed to arrive yesterday. If I wake up tomorrow and it's in my bank account, I'm gonna drive up there from L.A. and I'm going to get into the Burn for free. Someone will be arriving with an extra ticket and I will find them and it will happen. If I don't get my check by Thursday.....then I wasn't meant to go this year. It's okay. I have plenty of other things to work on. I hope you make it out there sometime soon. Thanks for reading my comments.
The only people who would see this beautiful expression of art and nature and human self expression, as 'negative' and 'bad for people's joojoo' are those who want to control other people. Spirituality is very personal, by its nature, and nobody can say theirs is right while another is wrong. I think a lot of people fear this because it's different. Too bad, we humans are often so uncomfortable with letting other humans search for who they are and what they believe. For example, Christians might see paganism as bad, but many people see it as just another form of spirituality. But it's hard to break how we are programmed. Other than that, I think most people support different kinds of spiritualism to exist. Freedom to take risks is inherent in the history of America. Exploration, new frontiers, taking risks, are the foundation of American life. As long as people are informed about what risks they are taking, the choice should be theirs to consent to. In fact, the increasing stifling of people's freedom to choose their risks and express their individuality, is probably what Burning Man has risen from the dust to break through. As for deaths, I wonder if statistically, are many more people dying at Burning Man than other ways like car wrecks, suicide etc during that time frame? Most years nobody dies! Occasionally 1 person dies. That seems like an incredible safety record, among all those people coming together. Tho it's tragic for anyone to die, and when that many people are together, that death will affect everyone... But if we look at everything else that happened at that event, was it a positive experience for those who participated? It looks like an amazing human experience! Giving things away! No money! Creating magical, incredible art! Human connections! Fun! Starlight! And a big bon fire at the end! Sounds amazing! It sounds like those in charge are doing a pretty good job of addressing issues that come up, and keeping things within boundaries, but with the freedom people are craving not being crushed. I give it a 2 thumbs up Thumbs 👍👍😂 What a memory!!
Went there the first time this year, a friend talked me into it. I had no idea what to expect. It was easily the best experience of my life. Almost every person I interacted with, from strangers in my camp to strangers passing by, was so warm and friendly it was honestly a shock. This is the way people should interact with one another. More than anywhere else I’ve seen, people there abandone the human instincts of hierarchy, cynicism and judgement and just accept people as they are so long as they’re not an asshole. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve seen and honestly made it quite sad to get back to the real world and experience the old interactions with strangers. But I feel I’ve brought the mindset back with me and have become much more understanding of people’s rude or cold behavior
Any time that many people are together, you will have accidents and other tragedies. Statistically, Burning Man gatherings are probably safer than many small towns are.
This piece comes across as a smear campaign based on prejudice and bigotry, over both religious demographics and practices that may relate but are misrepresented as to universality or standards of adoption or meaning across individuals and groups. Burning Man itself has lots of socioeconomic serious aspects worthy of discussion, while any large event with unprepared humans facing intentional and surprise stressors has some humans who react poorly, or others who react as they wish in ways viewers may not agree with or respect. The number and types of incidents presented as if some huge surprise is minor, for the number of years and people involved. We might instead question why most AA meetings are held at churches, and what issues binary cosmology Abrahamic religions have in promoting addiction or thinking prone to it, which they try to pretend has other less honestly discussed causes? How much of domestic violence and road kills stem from attitudes towards ETOH, that people who grow up with more balanced life inclusion and socialization, do not face as the USA does? Overall this is a cherry picking and misrepresentation hit piece, rather unexpected in a folk roots educational context.
It’s rooted in religious bigotry and ignorance. Burning Man is whatever you need it to be. I prefer solo adventures. The location is hardly a spectacularly hostile place. There’s no excuse for being ill-prepared but it happens and there are consequences. Those are good lessons.
Burning Man has become just another overpriced drug freakout for older men who want to look at nude younger cuties. With overpriced art, etc. And it's held in a place where most people have no idea how to survive. The desert types, Mojave, Colorado, Sonora, etc. are all deadly environments. And most people have lost all knowledge of any rural existence. Themes of self awareness and seld reliance should be emphsized to help reduce hazards at Burning Man. Otherwise, the festival will have to be shut down. That sheriffs department can't handle the security. He has a valid point.
I don't have a problem with BM but I've never been to it so I can't speak from experience. It's really just a bunch of crazies having fun. If you visit the festival and you see a petite woman usually completely nude, her name is Sarah (Wonderhussy Adventures) and she's super cool.
For you to include pagan-derived practices as a possible reason some bad things have happened over the years is beyond ridiculous. That's like questioning if including the Easter Bunny into celebrations of the Christian holiday might be why some people die on Easter Sunday. If you want to talk about the dangers of tens of thousands of inebriated people gathering in a somewhat desolate place that does not have a lot of medical/transport infrastructure, sure, but please, PLEASE spare us the superstitious nonsense. It's literally on the same level as 80s satanic panic over rock music and D&D.
You didn‘t mention the consumption of psychedelic drugs. It explains everything. And I may add… astrologically seen this is a generational thing and will pass. Sometime humanity as a collective needs some shaking up. And when people’s consciousness gets awaken by these drugs, it will eventually make rise to a new kind of people. Or a new kind of „men“. Maybe they should burn a Phenix, would have the same symbolism and is less dramatic.
Here is my reaction., Ms. Roots of Music. I think you are a little bit harsh on paganism. I am descended from Protestant and Roman Catholic parents, and I tend to view the Bible as a collection of stories. But even our own birth is a bit of a miracle, if you consider the numbers of eggs and sperm cells involved, and hopefully your parents met in good circumstances, etc. Prior to the introduction of Christianity to Vikings they had ideas of another world involving their ancestors, and Valhalla. In these ideas didn't stop them from eventually making peace, and here we go, another Pagan practice, building labyrinths and Stone Henge -- what does it all mean? I imagine all of the paganism is conflated with the sexual charge of perhaps meeting a mate, or growing a deeper relationship with your partners, whoever they are. Admiring a bonfire or a burning man is certainly more exciting than making a fire in a fireplace --- but really, the paganism is not the only thing going on.
What a nothing burger of a video. The "bad energy" has nothing to do with burning an effigy of a man. The bad energy came long with all the hipsters who started flocking to it. In the early days they used to shoot propane tanks with full auto rifles from the back of a speeding pick up truck. No one died then. There were also only a few hundred people attending, and they were all smart and cool people. As soon as word spread it became a giant debacle of swaths of people. Every fricken wookie who could afford to go started ahowing up, and it turned into more of a big party/rave than its original vibe.
Interesting timing. As an officer in a tech company I watched 1/3 of the staff head out for a week and return in a useless state of mind that took weeks to recover from. As an elected official I am dealing with a small constituent of extreme counterculture individuals whose anarchistic conduct disrupts residents and whose past involves mass deaths making national news when safety and building codes were defiantly ignored. Recently, I met with some long-time artists who claimed that this event has collapsed into senseless debauchery, discomfort, and danger and no longer commands any appeal. Let's be honest: it's all about d* and d* fueled behavior. The artistic preparations are clever but they cannot flourish in such an uncivilized and narcissistic setting. The metaphor of burning it all down is probably not good for our collective psyche either. As always, I appreciate your thorough and insightful reporting.
Secular humanism/polytheism. Man burns man since Man is the highest order of being. There's "no God" but plenty of 'gods' and 'lords.' "My Creation" is (falsely) worshipped. Talk about "replacement theory"!
The metaphor of burning your belongings is bad? Thanks doc. Just buy buy buy and you’ll be happy.
The Orthodox Christian Doukhobors who left Russia around 1910 to escape religious persecution had the same belief. Once in a while you burn your property to cleanse your psyche and regain strength of will over materialism. And the collective helps rebuild something clean and new. (They implement new building techniques learned through this process so their buildings become stronger and more efficient).
They also burned in protest over government overreach. It’s a powerful symbol to an oppressor to say you can’t control me, I’m so strong I will burn my own home (and clothes too, they’d parade around nude when threatened).
Don’t fuck with Russians.
Well, maybe the event is not the problem... Just taken by how agressive your comment seems, you may have other employees in a "useless state of mind" the weren't in BM.
I went in 2006, but my taste for big parties with scads of people drunk and worse has disappeared. My experience was that of a mystic on a solo quest seeking something that wasn't yet ready to be found, but for the present time observation of the strange structures and people. I didn't interact with very many. As for the darkness is it not just the stuff in the world? People who go to these things have a taste for risk that others can't fathom, it's normal. That said, in the present state of humanity the fact is that if any tradition you do becomes really big, or even a little bit big, there will be scads of big drinkers and all the rest showing up, plus predators that prey upon rubes in crowds.
So in my present state I kind of think of this kind of art and party stuff as really trashy. I've been part of pagan things in the past, but my true calling is music and I do have a sort of nature mystic tendency, Virgo on the 12th is one sign of that, but the San Fran pagan is another thrall to the commie takeover of especially the blue anon places, but then neo con men are just as bad. Being a strong vibrant white man with a sense of humor intact doesn't fly with these west coast wastrels who want to tear down the so called patriarchy. Problem with the Marx influence on society is the rancid resentment at the heart of it. My debut astrology video is going to be a read of his birth chart cause the demonic idiot he was is shown clearly in it for those who are trained in that wisdom.
Now I can see the burning of this man as part of the anti human, trans human, post human themes going on. These do anything you want art tribes are party snobs and drunks for the most part, and I don't like it when party people trash other people's places. Pack in, pack out is my wild training and I stick to it. My sense of beauty is in the divine proportions that are tossed aside by these idiot children who know not what they throw away in their vapid rebellions that never end, cause the cause is to rebel.
I'm sick of it. Rebellion is just another name for stupid violent wars. I'm glad I only went once to this thing, and that it wasn't such a bad year. I don't think anyone died in 2006. Even so, every city has deaths and births in the regular and normal function of human beings. Lots of newbies don't have any concept of the kind of grit and sense of physical presence one needs to stay alive in such a dry environment where the Sun can kill you by being a drunk stumbling around and just pissing your life into the sand.
Thank you for sharing your experience, I really appreciated it. I followed and understood nearly everything you said. You confirmed many of the notions I had suspected. It seems the harder folks try to be edgy, artsy, and rebellious the less spiritual and unique they truly become. I mean how in touch with nature can one be by producing so much waste and using so much energy?
You do the most interesting subjects, love your channel and content.
As a northern Nevadan, the amount is trash along connecting Hwys, Fernley & Reno private & public land is unacceptable. As a taxpayer, I object to the Burning Man Organization & the multitude of irresponsible, entitled attendees polluting my community.
yeah man ! i'm bringin muh ...muh....wha? but i'm there man!
Ya such a a shame all that business it brings into the local businesses... But YOU are the only one that matters we can see
You don’t mind the mining, the atomic explosions, drilling or the corrupt gambling, prostitution or the theft of native land. But the extra bit of garbage has you worked up.
Got it.
that's weird, given that one of the core principles of the org is "leave no trace". I haven't been to the "Big Burn" in BRC, but I've been to smaller regional ones, and I can tell one with absolute certainty that they take that principle VERY seriously, not only holding attendees accountable for taking away their own trash from their campsites, but also devoting enormous monetary and volunteer resources to maintaining that principle collectively throughout the site. I find it highly unlikely that anyone who has a ticket to attend that event would knowingly discard trash anywhere in that area, for fear of very stern judgement from their peers (and also out of, you know, not being a jerk).
Wait. 'irresponsible, entitled attendees??' Man. You're just not a people person, are you, Karen? Maybe they're not those things.
Bring up your complaints to the organizers. Maybe you could ask them to clean up better.
But it is just the nature of progress over time for there to be more trash. Maybe it is from people visiting your desert, but maybe it isn't. Maybe there's more people using the highways for other reasons too.
But it sounds like the organizers are willing to address issues..
Get the international Blackrock Corporation to sponsor it, insure it.
OMG the conspiracy theories that could spawn!
Mysterious implies they died in strange or unexplained ways. And we know what almost every cause was minus the one still under investigation from this year. I also would point out that almost any city with over 50,000 people will most likely have a death over the 9 day period people are at BM. Plenty of real issues though.
There are definitely pagan aspects of the event. Most of the bad things happen during the week leading up to the Burning of the Man. Most people that have died are doing risky things and some are trying to exit life for reasons only they know. The last two nights are actually the most mellow and spiritual part of the entire event. The energy peaks once they light up the man. Most of the shallow pretentious sparkle ponies leave soon after and the following day the vibe gets very introspective. You've survived and now you have to prepare to go back to your regular life It can be heavy, but it isn't evil. It's like saying goodbye to kindred spirits who have shared something magical. Some people get very affected by having to go home. I recommend not trying to explain it to anyone. Keep it to yourself. People don't want to hear it. They have no idea what it is like. Keep it that way. Let them think that they did the right thing by not going. There is danger everywhere in the world. If you want to feel safe... Don't go Black Rock City.
It certainly is not for everyone and those who go should be responsible in every respect
For most of us... it's out of reach financially.
@@GaryArmstrongmacgh believe me I know. When I went my first time, my ticket was $125 and then gas and food and other random stuff still seemed expensive. The whole trip cost about $350 in 2001. I'm a renegade camper. I've never joined a theme camp because I like doing my own thing. I live a very modest life and I'm a cook for living. So I ended up working as a cook for several different theme camps over the years. I get my ticket for free and I get paid for a certain amount of hours that I work. I usually go up early to feed the build crews and I fulfill my commitment asap and then by Thursday, I get paid around $1000 and I'm free. Sometimes I'll stay after with the tear down crews. I've done this about 10 times out of the 18 times I've gone. I had to figure this out over time. I didn't go between 2018-2022 because I couldn't get a cooking gig and I couldn't get a ticket even when I did have money. It sucked. I been gifted tickets twice. I snuck in once. And one year I bought a bunk ticket and spent the first three days at the gate in D lot until they finally let me in on Thursday. You find a way if you really want to go and if you belong there, the universe will help you make it happen.
It's Tuesday night. I'm waiting on a tax return which is supposed to arrive yesterday. If I wake up tomorrow and it's in my bank account, I'm gonna drive up there from L.A. and I'm going to get into the Burn for free. Someone will be arriving with an extra ticket and I will find them and it will happen. If I don't get my check by Thursday.....then I wasn't meant to go this year. It's okay. I have plenty of other things to work on.
I hope you make it out there sometime soon. Thanks for reading my comments.
The only people who would see this beautiful expression of art and nature and human self expression, as 'negative' and 'bad for people's joojoo' are those who want to control other people. Spirituality is very personal, by its nature, and nobody can say theirs is right while another is wrong. I think a lot of people fear this because it's different. Too bad, we humans are often so uncomfortable with letting other humans search for who they are and what they believe.
For example, Christians might see paganism as bad, but many people see it as just another form of spirituality. But it's hard to break how we are programmed.
Other than that, I think most people support different kinds of spiritualism to exist.
Freedom to take risks is inherent in the history of America. Exploration, new frontiers, taking risks, are the foundation of American life. As long as people are informed about what risks they are taking, the choice should be theirs to consent to. In fact, the increasing stifling of people's freedom to choose their risks and express their individuality, is probably what Burning Man has risen from the dust to break through.
As for deaths, I wonder if statistically, are many more people dying at Burning Man than other ways like car wrecks, suicide etc during that time frame? Most years nobody dies! Occasionally 1 person dies. That seems like an incredible safety record, among all those people coming together.
Tho it's tragic for anyone to die, and when that many people are together, that death will affect everyone... But if we look at everything else that happened at that event, was it a positive experience for those who participated?
It looks like an amazing human experience! Giving things away! No money! Creating magical, incredible art! Human connections! Fun! Starlight! And a big bon fire at the end! Sounds amazing!
It sounds like those in charge are doing a pretty good job of addressing issues that come up, and keeping things within boundaries, but with the freedom people are craving not being crushed.
I give it a 2 thumbs up
Thumbs 👍👍😂
What a memory!!
Totally agree
Went there the first time this year, a friend talked me into it. I had no idea what to expect. It was easily the best experience of my life. Almost every person I interacted with, from strangers in my camp to strangers passing by, was so warm and friendly it was honestly a shock. This is the way people should interact with one another. More than anywhere else I’ve seen, people there abandone the human instincts of hierarchy, cynicism and judgement and just accept people as they are so long as they’re not an asshole. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve seen and honestly made it quite sad to get back to the real world and experience the old interactions with strangers. But I feel I’ve brought the mindset back with me and have become much more understanding of people’s rude or cold behavior
Interesting as always
At the end of the day, the location is probably too remote and inhospitable.
Take away the booze and drugs, and no one would show up.
Great content, great subject matter.
Any time that many people are together, you will have accidents and other tragedies. Statistically, Burning Man gatherings are probably safer than many small towns are.
Cool content and fresh
This piece comes across as a smear campaign based on prejudice and bigotry, over both religious demographics and practices that may relate but are misrepresented as to universality or standards of adoption or meaning across individuals and groups.
Burning Man itself has lots of socioeconomic serious aspects worthy of discussion, while any large event with unprepared humans facing intentional and surprise stressors has some humans who react poorly, or others who react as they wish in ways viewers may not agree with or respect. The number and types of incidents presented as if some huge surprise is minor, for the number of years and people involved.
We might instead question why most AA meetings are held at churches, and what issues binary cosmology Abrahamic religions have in promoting addiction or thinking prone to it, which they try to pretend has other less honestly discussed causes? How much of domestic violence and road kills stem from attitudes towards ETOH, that people who grow up with more balanced life inclusion and socialization, do not face as the USA does?
Overall this is a cherry picking and misrepresentation hit piece, rather unexpected in a folk roots educational context.
It’s rooted in religious bigotry and ignorance. Burning Man is whatever you need it to be. I prefer solo adventures. The location is hardly a spectacularly hostile place. There’s no excuse for being ill-prepared but it happens and there are consequences. Those are good lessons.
What a fantastic video have a wonderful day also Wednesday is my younger brother birthday ❤😊
Burning Man has become just another overpriced drug freakout for older men who want to look at nude younger cuties.
With overpriced art, etc. And it's held in a place where most people have no idea how to survive. The desert types,
Mojave, Colorado, Sonora, etc. are all deadly environments. And most people have lost all knowledge of any
rural existence. Themes of self awareness and seld reliance should be emphsized to help reduce hazards
at Burning Man. Otherwise, the festival will have to be shut down. That sheriffs department can't
handle the security. He has a valid point.
Why do you think those young hotties keep showing up then?
oh really? i'll bet yo'u've never been there - but you're going to tell us how it is....pathetic.
Someone died in 2003 falling off a art car. I was there
A sign of the degenerate times in which we live.
we know who's cool
Is Burning Man a bad thing?
We must consult Jobu.
I don't have a problem with BM but I've never been to it so I can't speak from experience. It's really just a bunch of crazies having fun. If you visit the festival and you see a petite woman usually completely nude, her name is Sarah (Wonderhussy Adventures) and she's super cool.
For you to include pagan-derived practices as a possible reason some bad things have happened over the years is beyond ridiculous. That's like questioning if including the Easter Bunny into celebrations of the Christian holiday might be why some people die on Easter Sunday. If you want to talk about the dangers of tens of thousands of inebriated people gathering in a somewhat desolate place that does not have a lot of medical/transport infrastructure, sure, but please, PLEASE spare us the superstitious nonsense. It's literally on the same level as 80s satanic panic over rock music and D&D.
Good juju, bad juju, ju just betta go see for juself and have some fun
You didn‘t mention the consumption of psychedelic drugs.
It explains everything.
And I may add… astrologically seen this is a generational thing and will pass.
Sometime humanity as a collective needs some shaking up.
And when people’s consciousness gets awaken by these drugs, it will eventually make rise to a new kind of people.
Or a new kind of „men“.
Maybe they should burn a Phenix, would have the same symbolism and is less dramatic.
Here is my reaction., Ms. Roots of Music. I think you are a little bit harsh on paganism. I am descended from Protestant and Roman Catholic parents, and I tend to view the Bible as a collection of stories. But even our own birth is a bit of a miracle, if you consider the numbers of eggs and sperm cells involved, and hopefully your parents met in good circumstances, etc.
Prior to the introduction of Christianity to Vikings they had ideas of another world involving their ancestors, and Valhalla. In these ideas didn't stop them from eventually making peace, and here we go, another Pagan practice, building labyrinths and Stone Henge -- what does it all mean?
I imagine all of the paganism is conflated with the sexual charge of perhaps meeting a mate, or growing a deeper relationship with your partners, whoever they are. Admiring a bonfire or a burning man is certainly more exciting than making a fire in a fireplace --- but really, the paganism is not the only thing going on.
so....have you been? I have , 13 times. not in the last ten, early burner
I've never been. What did you get out of it that made you want to return again and again?
Roughly when did you stop, and why? Thanks!
Your channel is exc.
I've often thought that there is some tenuous connection between the UK movie " Wicker Man " ( 1973 ) ----- and "The Burning Man " .
Well I b dogged.
What a nothing burger of a video.
The "bad energy" has nothing to do with burning an effigy of a man. The bad energy came long with all the hipsters who started flocking to it. In the early days they used to shoot propane tanks with full auto rifles from the back of a speeding pick up truck. No one died then. There were also only a few hundred people attending, and they were all smart and cool people. As soon as word spread it became a giant debacle of swaths of people. Every fricken wookie who could afford to go started ahowing up, and it turned into more of a big party/rave than its original vibe.
Worshiping the creation of the Creator brings in demonic forces and the evil of Satan
You're just jealous.