I Tried Recreating an $80 FALL BOX with Stuff From Home Goods! SUCCSS or FAILURE?!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Alexandria-Ryan
    @Alexandria-Ryan  3 роки тому +321

    Hey guys! Today I thought we would try something a little different! I had a lot of requests to try and recreate some of the home decor boxes we have been unboxing lately so I thought we would give it a try! How do you think I did? Would you like to see more?! Let me know what you think! Love ya💖

    • @ohnoudidnt125
      @ohnoudidnt125 3 роки тому +9

      I like this more because you picked things you liked in your style that are useful instead of bead thing and sawed off ladder. If you did a curated decor box I'd totally subscribe! 🙂🙂
      Yes, more please! This was fun!

    • @lydiaberg745
      @lydiaberg745 3 роки тому

      No it's not just you I'm sorry girl but those periods were like put in a kindergarten classroom for the kids to play teach them how to count

    • @lydiaberg745
      @lydiaberg745 3 роки тому +1

      Oh I'm nuts for squirrels

    • @lydiaberg745
      @lydiaberg745 3 роки тому +4

      I like what you got at home goods better than the Deco created box because you got to pick it out yourself

    • @jennyl59840
      @jennyl59840 3 роки тому +1

      Yes, this was great! You're so silly. I need more! 😁 p.s. I love my hoodie!!

  • @Sarah-hc6kj
    @Sarah-hc6kj 3 роки тому +593

    It’s like recreating the Sephora Advent Calendar!!!!

    • @MascarasAndMixers
      @MascarasAndMixers 3 роки тому +41

      Hoping we can see this every year no matter what her content is lolololol

    • @mar4995
      @mar4995 3 роки тому +6

      But better

    • @c0unt1ng
      @c0unt1ng 3 роки тому +2

      Omg this would be amazing to see

    • @Sarah-hc6kj
      @Sarah-hc6kj 3 роки тому +3

      @@c0unt1ng I think she did like two years ago

    • @Ryanneey
      @Ryanneey 3 роки тому +3

      I'd love to see that again 😊

  • @amandacat3110
    @amandacat3110 3 роки тому +318

    You should make this a recurring series! It's fascinating how easy it is to replicate a "trendy" decor box.

  • @amystrader5139
    @amystrader5139 3 роки тому +259

    with the squirrel candle you could re use the jar after for like q tips or cookies and it’d be so cute or just use the lid on another candle the same size

  • @GlamourNNail
    @GlamourNNail 3 роки тому +261

    I feel like this illustrates two points perfectly. One, the box is over priced for the value they claim. Two, if you go shopping with that same money you are likely to find more things than you need or want to spend. 😉 I do like your choices much better than the box stuff though.

    • @ruminationstation4200
      @ruminationstation4200 3 роки тому +3

      It's such a great concept, a professional purchaser will be able to get things super cheap wholesale. But instead it's mostly just greedy companies trying to see how many months they can rip people off before they wise up and cancel the service.

  • @FordBabe89
    @FordBabe89 3 роки тому +331

    I think Decocrated is a great option for people who aren't great at decorating, or don't enjoy Home Goods type stores (like me - don't come for me). I don't understand the $200 valuation though.

    • @cherrybombrose3532
      @cherrybombrose3532 3 роки тому +17

      I feel like finding Pinterest boards are better for people who are tight on cash

    • @2paranoid2think
      @2paranoid2think 3 роки тому +16

      I've never known anyone that doesn't like home goods or tj Maxx 😂

    • @sioframay
      @sioframay 3 роки тому +15

      @@2paranoid2think I absolutely hate those stores when they're busy. If I can hit them at a time they won't be full of people then I love them.

    • @laurenc4138
      @laurenc4138 3 роки тому +10

      @@sioframay yeah they suck when they’re busy, the aisles are narrow and it has a high concentration (at least the one by me) of entitled people that just block up entire aisles or sections of the store, but when it’s a normal amount of busy or empty it’s my happy place lmao

    • @valentinegilson7468
      @valentinegilson7468 3 роки тому +6

      This! I want a decocrated box bc I can never figure out how to do the decorating thing. But it’s not worth what they say it is.

  • @katialandry5141
    @katialandry5141 3 роки тому +173

    Wishing she had her own box 📦
    I’d order each season 🥲
    Definitely trust her taste ☺️

  • @booksnnails
    @booksnnails 3 роки тому +305

    Okay to answer the 99cent thing. It's done for marketing. Even though logically you know that $11.99 is really $12 because you see the base price first of the $11 you instantly think you are getting a deal since it's

    • @computer_juice
      @computer_juice 3 роки тому +18

      Literally, if I see something that's like $2.99 my brain thinks it's $2.

    • @FranNyan
      @FranNyan 3 роки тому +22

      Saved me from typing out the same thing. It's all a marketing mindgame. Your brain sees the dollar amount and ignores the cents, regardless of how many cents it is.

    • @drag0nk1tty
      @drag0nk1tty 3 роки тому +7

      You say or read two-ninety-nine so that's why your brain does that. It's already primed for the $2 not the $3.

    • @pinktastic6159
      @pinktastic6159 3 роки тому +29

      I know this is true, but my weird brain rounds up. And after a few things, I start tossing in tax...

    • @shawnabasallo7515
      @shawnabasallo7515 3 роки тому +4

      As someone who works in the tjx family of stores, it also helps us keep track of everything. We know how much everything is/should be. Our regular non marked down items are going to end in .99 (sometimes .49) and our marked down items are round (sometimes .50)

  • @KristineS73
    @KristineS73 3 роки тому +239

    What you bought showed perfectly that the box is way OVERPRICED. If it was like 40 ish that would be worth it. Also my homegoods is about the same or less than yours. Great job with this idea Alexandria!

    • @Ml25562
      @Ml25562 3 роки тому +8

      Even $50-60 I think would feel more reasonable.

  • @GothBoyUK
    @GothBoyUK 3 роки тому +71

    When you're finished with the squirrel candle it would make a cute nick-nack container, or even filled with hazelnuts (in the shell) as an everlasting autumnal decoration. 🖤

    • @Kaemea
      @Kaemea 3 роки тому

      When I taught Sunday school, I had a craft where we would make Creation Jars. We'd GE a nice size jar and mak a sort of terrium with shelled nuts, dried fall flowers, and dried grass seed pods. Stuff like that. The lids we'd make "cork" by taking masking tape, tearing it into different sizes and placing it on the lid. Then we'd take shoe polish and rub it on the tape and wipe it off to leave that cork look. We'd do a verse from the creation story on tea stained paper (makes a parchment look) with brown pen. Then, take a flame and lightly burn the edges. All together, it's a gorgeous piece of art. You can do whatever you want in the jar, I've done a sea version with small shells, sand, etc that turned out gorgeous. You can also put whatever you want on the "parchment". Very versatile craft.

    • @Rose-jz6sx
      @Rose-jz6sx 3 роки тому +1

      Yes! Nut holder!

  • @justinaclayburn2248
    @justinaclayburn2248 3 роки тому +35

    It would be cool to do this again for the winter season, but taking the $80 and using the boxes you have received as a way to guesstimate what might be in the box (similar number of items, some fabric-y things, something for the wall, something connected to candles, etc) and compare what you picked with what they picked. That way you could go at peak decorating season and maybe find a little more in-season. Just an idea.

  • @PracticingStitchcraft
    @PracticingStitchcraft 3 роки тому +60

    I would actually go through the effort of cleaning out that candle when it was used up because it would be adorable to use as storage too 🐿🥰

    • @vj4195
      @vj4195 3 роки тому +4

      I saw a great tip for that - pour boiling water in it and let it cool down. The wax floats and then solidifies and you can pull it right out.

    • @PracticingStitchcraft
      @PracticingStitchcraft 3 роки тому

      @@vj4195 you can also pop the jar into the freezer and that makes the wax easier to pop out 🙂

    • @appppppplecrumble6601
      @appppppplecrumble6601 3 роки тому

      For her shop she makes candles with her mum doesn’t she?
      i’m sure i half remember that, maybe she could just make new candels in the jar over & over again.

  • @patriciacasey747
    @patriciacasey747 3 роки тому +110

    I LOVE This game! I like your items better ! Please keep doing this for each box 📦 ? Even if you don’t buy it.

  • @Amethyst_Alien
    @Amethyst_Alien 3 роки тому +30

    Okay, that squirrel topper on the candle is freaking adorb!

  • @joanne231
    @joanne231 3 роки тому +40

    This was a fun video to watch. I'd be afraid to spend $84 on a box of home decor and potentially getting things I didn't like. I think for home decor, I'd rather go to a Home Goods, TJ Maxx, Ross, etc and see what is there and purchase it myself.
    You did great in recreating the DecoCrated box! It would be fun to see this type of video again. 😃

  • @sarahmitchell332
    @sarahmitchell332 3 роки тому +34

    Omgosh, never realized homegoods is the same thing as Canadian Homesense. I knew TJ Maxx = Canadian Winners, and Marshalls is just Marshalls for us too.

    • @abear2874
      @abear2874 3 роки тому

      You never realised that an obvious TJX store with literally the same labels and often in the same building as Winners is the same exact thing as Homegoods?

    • @sarahmitchell332
      @sarahmitchell332 3 роки тому +3

      @@abear2874 I’m Canadian, we don’t have TJ Maxx or Homegoods. We have winners, Marshall’s and homesense. Im saying I never realized Homegoods was the same as homesense.

    • @Courtneyburns90
      @Courtneyburns90 3 роки тому

      We have homescense and TK Maxx in UK. I wonder why the name is different for each country lol. Is Marshall's a TK Maxx?

    • @khills
      @khills 2 роки тому

      @@sarahmitchell332 we have both HomeGoods and Homesense in the USA; they’re both owned by TJX. The big difference here is that Homesense carries a lot more large scale furniture pieces, like couches and sofas, and tends to be organized more like a furniture store than a Winners.

    • @khills
      @khills 2 роки тому

      @@Courtneyburns90 TK Maxx and TJ Maxx are technically the same style of store in US/UK. Marshall’s is Marshall’s. They’re all owned by the same parent company, TJX, who also own HomeGoods and Homesense. They own Sierra, too, which I think I saw in the UK?
      The difference is apparently because when TJ Maxx expanded to the UK, they ran into TJ Hughes. They didn’t want to be confused with them, sooooo… name change. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • @meddioram4065
    @meddioram4065 3 роки тому +21

    IMO the useful thing about decorate for me would be that it would give me some stuff that I wouldn't have otherwise thought to purchase especially cos I wouldn't know where to even begin when decorating a property. Maybe if there were some more customisable options ie you could tell them your colour scheme and your aesthetic.

  • @ltellis63
    @ltellis63 3 роки тому +9

    Love this video! Bonus points for now having beautiful candle holders that can double as free weights.

  • @jlb10494
    @jlb10494 3 роки тому +72

    I think that if you'd been able to go earlier in the season, you could've gotten more of a cohesive "vibe." I buy all of our home decor at home goods too so I wouldn't have felt like the original box was worth it, personally.

    • @ForeverObsessedR5
      @ForeverObsessedR5 3 роки тому +2

      I agree! I generally liked what Alexandria picked more (except I do love the teal pumpkin from the decocrated box), it just seemed a little more disjointed (for lack of better word!) The Decocrated box didn’t have as nice of things, but just seemed more cohesive overall.

    • @davidwong656
      @davidwong656 3 роки тому +5

      But what "vibe" can save a giant orange glass pumpkin? like theres a level of tack home goods just never rises above. i see that "mercury" finish on every single thing they have and its always so ugly.

  • @ariannamarical7784
    @ariannamarical7784 3 роки тому +6

    Watch Alexandria create her own home decor subscription box company and absolutely killing it 🥰

  • @Missdidideath
    @Missdidideath 3 роки тому +9

    This was so much fun to watch. That being said, I really enjoyed the home decor boxes that you got. As someone that isn’t too great at decorating, the box offered things that I wouldn’t normally go for (or at all) but still have a semi cohesive feel to the seasonal decor to help spruce things up. This segment definitely replaces and tops the Ispy Showdown.

  • @liannangel2004
    @liannangel2004 3 роки тому +5

    I hope this becomes an ongoing "series"! It was a lot of fun to watch!💜

  • @alaskancat
    @alaskancat 3 роки тому +8

    The stuff you picked out is cuter, and in some cases seems better quality (especially the mirror). Well done - really shows how much value you don’t get out of the sub box.

  • @faithfan27
    @faithfan27 3 роки тому +5

    With all due respect to a little ladder that can hold towels, your "box" came with a candle with a squirrel on top. 🐿🐿🐿 Alexandria Ryan for the win! 😀❤

  • @alliew9513
    @alliew9513 3 роки тому +52

    I feel like the decor box is really good for someone who enjoys high end items and wants someone to tell them how to decorate. I'd rather go to homegoods and pick my own items , I don't care if something is designer I just want it to look cute.

    • @Ml25562
      @Ml25562 3 роки тому +7

      That could be why I liked the box more. The items (with the exception of the tea towels imo) felt just a little bit more expensive, especially the mirror and the pumpkin. I live in NYC in a teeeeeeny apartment so I can’t have that much stuff, so what I do bring in tends to be a little pricier. That being said, it also makes me pickier, so having someone pick it for me might not work for me either, so who the heck is this box for?!?!

    • @simplesimply3753
      @simplesimply3753 3 роки тому +2

      @@Ml25562 While I havent bought the box cause of finances. I love the idea. I’m terrible at decorating and I can’t go out because of covid (high risk) so getting a box would be fun for me.

    • @Ml25562
      @Ml25562 3 роки тому +1

      @@simplesimply3753 aww I’m sorry you can’t go out! I did hire a decorator for my apartment even though I love to decorate because I just didn’t have the time and needed someone to just do it for me, so I can see it being useful if you’re not sure what you like yet or don’t have the time!

  • @uniquebeauts6459
    @uniquebeauts6459 3 роки тому +1

    Love home decorating and home subscription stuff bring it!!!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉💖💖💖💖

  • @bgirlsquirrel
    @bgirlsquirrel 3 роки тому +7

    I love squirrels too, I would have bought that squirrel candle in a heartbeat too, that was a score 🐿️🐿️🐿️

  • @Ml25562
    @Ml25562 3 роки тому +5

    This was so much fun! I ended up liking the stuff in the box more though. I would love for this to become a series! I live in a tiny one bedroom apartment in NYC so I live vicariously through other people’s seasonal decor. I just swap out a single candle and a single decorative item in a shelf. I wish I were kidding lol

  • @irisl7817
    @irisl7817 3 роки тому +1

    Your videos mean the absolute world to me. I'm having the worst day. I'm so glad I got to watch this. Woman, you are sunshine. I think you sell yourself short.
    I love your choices.

  • @Lyurgait
    @Lyurgait 3 роки тому

    Honestly am loving the switch from makeup to home decor videos!!

  • @feliciabethea2211
    @feliciabethea2211 3 роки тому +1

    I think you nailed it! I think buying something, where you can get what you want, instead of something someone else picks it for you is the way to go, unless you don't have those kinds of stores available to you.

  • @rossanaperezbonfante7440
    @rossanaperezbonfante7440 3 роки тому +2

    Alex is just like Doug, the dog from the movie Up
    *squirrel* 🐿

  • @ambers.1454
    @ambers.1454 3 роки тому +2

    I would love, love, love to see a series on your channel about how you would style a table/room/anything especially if you’re mixing new with vintage. I love your aesthetic and this was a fun video to watch!

  • @buddytheorangecat8083
    @buddytheorangecat8083 3 роки тому +1


  • @LittleMissStamper
    @LittleMissStamper 3 роки тому +2

    *The Beads are Curtain Ties* 😊

  • @amandabray5011
    @amandabray5011 3 роки тому +1

    I think you should absolutely make this a series on your channel! Where you open a home decor box, and then try and recreate it after!!

  • @valdez3245
    @valdez3245 3 роки тому

    I think your subscribers will watch you whatever you choose to unbox. It’s not so much what’s in the box, it’s your reactions we enjoy!

  • @ambra8957
    @ambra8957 3 роки тому

    The squirrel candle was too adorable! 🐿🐿🐿🐿

  • @writergurrl1
    @writergurrl1 3 роки тому +10

    I'm curious about how the retail values compare. Decocrated says their value is $200 for $80. What does the Home Goods haul value as up to for the same money?

  • @brookem4062
    @brookem4062 3 роки тому +10

    So you can bring your pup into Home Goods?? I’d love to bring my pup shopping with me…though I don’t think my 120lb pitty would fit in the cart very well!

  • @MegJ
    @MegJ 3 роки тому +3

    I would 100% prefer the A.Ry Fall Selection Box over the Decocrated Box. The items you picked were way more functional and looked a lot better!

  • @tiffanynicole5920
    @tiffanynicole5920 3 роки тому +37

    Ohh you should totally make your own home decor sub box, I would definitely subscribe. Lord knows it can't be any worse than most of them out there. I'm sure it would be quit a hit. You can name it "Lovely, wonderful, fantastic Day" lol

    • @katlord586
      @katlord586 3 роки тому +3

      I’m in total agreement! If she wanted to hunt at what it was about she could do “lovely, wonderful, fantastic decor” or day-cor for spelling puns.

  • @radlee974
    @radlee974 3 роки тому +1

    I absolutely *love* when you “recreate” subscription boxes (Or advent calendars!) like this! Obviously that means that I would *love* to see more like this! 😊

  • @niteotter
    @niteotter 3 роки тому

    The squirrel candle! It’s everything!

  • @DreaM82mp
    @DreaM82mp 3 роки тому +1

    LOVE the concept of this video. Reminds me of your Sephora advent re-do. I'd love to see this turn into a series!

  • @23carleenie
    @23carleenie 3 роки тому

    Yes! Way more worth it to take your $80 and get things you know you’ll love! I do like the surprise box aspect once in a while, but it’s just never guaranteed you’ll love the items. I loved this type of video! Thanks for taking us shopping with you! 🐿🍁

  • @amybryant6668
    @amybryant6668 3 роки тому +29

    More home decor boxes would be marvelous! 🥰🏡🕯️💖

  • @chelseaspicer4053
    @chelseaspicer4053 3 роки тому +6

    The fact that I just would not go to home goods and pick out items and would not know what would go good together would be the reason for me to get these boxes.

  • @elizabethw.6154
    @elizabethw.6154 3 роки тому +54

    I liked your items more. However the nearest HomeGoods is like 30min+ away from me. I sometimes like surprises, but mainly in usable items (like skincare/makeup), but decor is going to be around for a while, and I want more unique items. I'll stick with random knickknacks or pieces that I find that inspire me than a subscription box for it.

    • @drag0nk1tty
      @drag0nk1tty 3 роки тому

      Nearest HomeGoods to me is 4+ hours away 😭

    • @marilynng2877
      @marilynng2877 3 роки тому +2

      Well just go to your local consignment or thrift store instead! You’ll be able to find very unique pieces for a bargain! Or you can also go to your dollar store, and while I’m sure you’ll find very cute things, you can also DIY them to make them fit into your home decor or personal taste. There’s a lot of UA-cam channels that I watch were they show you how to do it on a dime, using only dollar store stuff.

    • @tammiemartinez6485
      @tammiemartinez6485 3 роки тому +3

      @@marilynng2877 Agree. Especially about the Dollar store. I went in one last week (it had been at least 2 yrs since my last trip). I couldn't believe the type of stock they had. I went there looking for 1 thing but left with at least 12 items, lol. I actually found that 1 item that I couldn't find at 3 different grocery stores to boot, lol. I watch some of those videos too. People get really creative. It's amazing what a few items and a glue gun can do... 👍🏻

    • @marilynng2877
      @marilynng2877 3 роки тому +3

      @@tammiemartinez6485 Right?! I love these unboxing videos, but nobody will ever convince me of spending my money on them! I think Alexandria did a great job, if not better! The things in the box just look too cheap to be that much!

    • @tammiemartinez6485
      @tammiemartinez6485 3 роки тому +1

      @@marilynng2877 Yeah, it's amazing what a creative mind can come up with. Agree again. I like watching these too but I'll never be convinced to buy one. I'd rather take my money and buy what I want/know I'll use. She did do a great job. It just shows that these companies overvalue their boxes. Like she said. Just imagine how much more she could have bought with that $200. I'd really love to see her go into some of these dollar stores. Can just imagine what she'll come away with... 🤗

  • @angelinaniccole8611
    @angelinaniccole8611 3 роки тому +4

    Oh honey, I'm over 30 and I get excited by tea towels. Of course I want to see more content like this!! 😜

  • @mbf7543
    @mbf7543 3 роки тому +4

    This was so fun! I love Decocrated because of their curation, but I agree it’s not a huge value. I bought more of those pumpkins and they were $40 for 2, but I love them so much it’s worth it. Please keep doing home decor boxes.

  • @VorticoseRain
    @VorticoseRain 3 роки тому +2

    Please make this a new series on the channel. I LOVE when you recreate these boxes. It makes me want to go shopping at Home Goods and TJ Maxx!!

  • @thebookreader6934
    @thebookreader6934 3 роки тому

    I love seeing home décor boxes. I would never get them because I feel like I don't have the space to store everything when I'm not using them until I get a house, and I don't always like all of the same stuff thats in style in the décor world. So you are living it for me!

  • @RKusmie64
    @RKusmie64 3 роки тому +5

    You did an amazing job with that haul. It made so much more sense to go and pick out your own items, if you're in the market for home decor. But like for a one-off just for some fun to see what items you'd get, the box would fit that bill. It would be both fun to give and get. And if you didn't like the items in it, then you've got several gifts for other people ;-) Your videos are always fun, Alexandria, and I'm liking the change to other things than makeup and skincare. xx

  • @LollipopsNFists
    @LollipopsNFists 3 роки тому +24

    I am super picky about decor and would totally rather go to Homegoods or wherever and pick out exactly what I want with my money. But it might be good if you’re just starting out and want generic holiday vibes. I like this recreation vid tho! I totally dug your choices, except I would have gone for the cork board lol

  • @Althesuperfish
    @Althesuperfish 3 роки тому

    I’d love for this to be a series! I always think about “what if I just bought this myself” when I get curated/subscription boxes. Love it.

  • @friendlyneighborhoodcrypti9294
    @friendlyneighborhoodcrypti9294 3 роки тому +5


  • @macaronmaker0720
    @macaronmaker0720 3 роки тому +2

    I love those marble candle holders! I think personally I like the pumpkin from Decocrated better. Love the candle!

  • @debbiebush3624
    @debbiebush3624 3 роки тому +3

    The squirrel 🐿️ candle is too cute! My daughter also loves squirrels. Really loved this video. I liked the stuff you shopped for better!

  • @emilyward4388
    @emilyward4388 3 роки тому

    I see a lot of people use those beads like that in between things like candlesticks and stuff! Or whenever people make those 3 tiered decor displays they’ll like casually lay the string of beads in between certain decor pieces on the 3 tier thingy. Super cute when it’s done right!

  • @sandramarie
    @sandramarie 3 роки тому +1

    Love this video concept and love Home Goods / TJMaxx!! I price things watching all the home decor videos just like you do in your own and we’re always in sync or just a couple dollars off on the products!

  • @taniaelizabeth7983
    @taniaelizabeth7983 3 роки тому

    The squirrel on the candle lid is adorable. My fave candle holders were the silver pair, put the others were nice too. You did a fantastic job on creating your own box.

  • @ernaerin
    @ernaerin 3 роки тому

    LOVE the idea of home interior boxes that are repriced! You rule.

  • @hollypierce3076
    @hollypierce3076 3 роки тому

    I love those napkins! Especially the bat and spider ones! And the pumpkin is my favorite! I love the orange mercury look !

  • @tiffanybatt4311
    @tiffanybatt4311 3 роки тому +1

    Absolutely love your videos and bubbly personality! My four year old daughter always knows when I’m watching “the pretty and funny girl on UA-cam” as she likes to call you lol and does her own makeup “videos” now. We enjoy watching you so much!! 🙂

  • @kristiodom5279
    @kristiodom5279 3 роки тому +1

    I loved this video. Please keep doing this type of recreation.

  • @rachellemay2423
    @rachellemay2423 3 роки тому +1

    Im pregnant and cranky but you make me happy so thank you and I love you ❤️

  • @marybethsmith6965
    @marybethsmith6965 3 роки тому +1

    I’m so here for this 😌 it’s satisfying my itch to go to TJ Maxx or Marshall’s with out actually having to go and spend money 💰

  • @kimberlymason7080
    @kimberlymason7080 3 роки тому

    you were right and you proved it! i agree with your original assessment! nobody is going to give away their stuff so they inflate the price so you feel like you got a deal when you really didnt.

  • @Alex.Rivers
    @Alex.Rivers 3 роки тому +7


  • @brittanymosley8514
    @brittanymosley8514 3 роки тому +1

    You should do this with the boxy charm and ipsy boxes ect.. that would be very interesting since alot of people say they over price stuff

  • @the_black_square
    @the_black_square 3 роки тому +1

    Alexandria, I just wanted to say thank you. I'm always happy any time I see your videos, I've been going through a bit of a rough patch mentally recently and your videos are always an absolute joy to watch, even the ones about Oui Please (I've definitely rewatched other old videos too). Thank you so much for bringing me joy, keep being the amazing person you are. I hope you have a lovely, wonderful, fantastic day. ♥️♥️♥️

  • @kathiebrown3524
    @kathiebrown3524 2 роки тому

    I love At home. My go to place. Especially for holiday decor. Love your haul. Looking forward to the holidays coming.

  • @tammyweber8632
    @tammyweber8632 3 роки тому +10

    I was driving past your Home Goods Saturday on my way home from my Grandma's. The first time I went to the one close to me was after your Decorated video. I am in love with this store. I have gotten so much wonderful stuff in my two visits total. Lol!

    • @LynneGirl26
      @LynneGirl26 3 роки тому +2

      It's dangerous for your budget. I rarely find precisely what I'm looking for but stumble across so many things I love but didn't know I needed. Budget at least $80 per trip cause leaving empty handed doesn't happen too often.

  • @gentlegirl88
    @gentlegirl88 3 роки тому +3

    I think I like your re-created box better than the original box you paid for!!! Great job!!!

  • @mas69teredward
    @mas69teredward 3 роки тому

    Yes! Toilet closets are the best! My last house had one and it was amazing! It was also big enough to have a towel closet and even a door for a crawl space area which my old roommate swore was haunted.

  • @toryberch
    @toryberch 3 роки тому

    Squisher Squirrels 🐿🐿🐿
    Are one of my favorite critters 😁😊

  • @julietrudgeon3433
    @julietrudgeon3433 3 роки тому +1

    You are Genius!!!!!!! I love ❤ this type of video!!!!!! Such cute stuff, way better than my Decocrated box 📦.

  • @z0zRAMC
    @z0zRAMC 3 роки тому +1

    Ooh love a good home ware haul 😍

  • @cfelton1207
    @cfelton1207 3 роки тому

    I love this idea for your channel. I definitely liked the deco crated mirror more and the ladder, but I like watching you match and compare.

  • @stephluvsdave
    @stephluvsdave 3 роки тому

    You could use that shelf to hold extra toilet paper rolls.
    You should totally do something like this as a special giveaway...of course, maybe not as expensive but put together a cool little box. It would also make a super fun Christmas gift. ❤❤

  • @sally1111100
    @sally1111100 3 роки тому

    I really really like those marble candle holders! Also the items you bought to me are way more appealing.

  • @laurahall4275
    @laurahall4275 3 роки тому +1

    I work at Ross. I just stocked lots of marble things including those candle holders.

  • @YVRCasting
    @YVRCasting 2 роки тому

    The chunky beads are to / can go along a mantle or shelf etc, they can look nice 🤩

  • @brendatravis7041
    @brendatravis7041 3 роки тому

    I loved what you picked out. I think too you should do more videos like this, it was a lot of fun to watch. That glass pumpkin you got is so pretty.

  • @dorcasgilbert1575
    @dorcasgilbert1575 2 роки тому

    I’m going to go some candle holders. I know I always wanted to have candles & I love the ones you picked out. I don’t know why I never thought about that. It will make my house more updated. Ty❤️

  • @Dawn_______
    @Dawn_______ 3 роки тому

    Absolutely brilliant idea! Love this. I hope you are able to continue doing these type of videos. You are wonderful. I would not be surprised if this goes viral.

  • @barbarafetherolf4007
    @barbarafetherolf4007 3 роки тому +8

    While i like to be surprised by boxes, I would honestly rather watch a video of an unboxing and then pick and choose pieces at Home Goods that are similar to the ones that I like. I always end up with a few things in a box that I am just NEVER going to use. I would rather save the money and pick out a few cute pieces that I know that I will appreciate.

  • @m.service5584
    @m.service5584 3 роки тому

    Alexandria, I loved this video! Yes, I think you should do more of them! What fun! You did a great job estimating the prices, AND recreating what came in the box!! I definitely like being able to pick items that I like, as you did!! 🧡🕷️💛🎃💛🕸️🧡

  • @teddybearfriend1974
    @teddybearfriend1974 3 роки тому

    Love your choice of the marble candlesticks and pumpkin. Those are close to my taste too.

  • @robinkregelscott
    @robinkregelscott 3 роки тому +2

    You did wonderful! My personal feeling would be making my own choices.

  • @alirodina
    @alirodina 3 роки тому

    The TJ Maxx candle holders are so cute! We don't have any home goodsy type of stores in my country so I get a bit jealous whenever autumn/Hallowe'en rolls around and I see vids with all the spooky goodies

  • @jeannag3637
    @jeannag3637 3 роки тому

    I definitely prefer the items you picked out I love the silver candle holders and the matching glass pumpkin 🎃 super cute !!!!!

  • @ohnoudidnt125
    @ohnoudidnt125 3 роки тому +5

    Oh this is the coolest video idea ever! Can't wait to watch! 💛💛💛

  • @ashleighfaith2489
    @ashleighfaith2489 3 роки тому +1

    Yes! More home stuff please! I love how you compare to Homegoods ♥️

  • @amandaasante9318
    @amandaasante9318 3 роки тому

    I absolutely adore those marble candle holders!! Great video ❤️

  • @TheLionsInLuv
    @TheLionsInLuv 3 роки тому +6

    I loved this video and would so enjoy you doing more comparative ones like this, it feels like you're taking the boxes to your own level and it's very satisfying to watch!
    Hope you're doing well!

  • @vml1197
    @vml1197 3 роки тому +1

    Your little boston is so cute! :) They are such great pups.

  • @paisley_flamingo2
    @paisley_flamingo2 3 роки тому

    The wood candle holders are a very good match as far as the feel of the originals. You could paint the bowl portion black if you prefer that look.
    I really enjoyed this. I would love to see you recreate some other boxes (not necessarily just home decor).

  • @cosmicslice7267
    @cosmicslice7267 3 роки тому +33

    Things ending in .99 is all marketing because $7.99 sounds less expensive than $8