And he will take the monarchy down. He already plans to do zoom meetings and not much public engagements when he’s king. Kate is not coming back as a working royal either and hes already made sure his children except George will be a working royal. The media and most insiders knows the true William and his plans to destroy the monarchy but they’re afraid to say anything about him not wanting to lose the pittance of access he grants them so they continue protecting him while attacking Harry and Meghan ( that’s their agreement with William). England will eventually see who the real William is and they’ll be shocked. He’s the one feeding the media things on Harry and Meghan (which I’ve heard them say on morning tv) Harry making sure William didn’t know he was going to attend his uncles funeral and no one was tipped off including the media who had not a clue. It’s all William and KP and Clarence House sacrificing Harry to the media so they can escape favorably but it’s all going to backfire soon. We’ll be here to see it.
@@pamathisivakumaran4607 he is willing his father's death so he can cosplay. He needs to fix himself or he will be the last UK monarch, leaving nothing for baby George.
I guess the invisible contract has paid off esp within Britain . People talk as if Harry and Meghan continually talk about the Royal family (false) but tend to forget vital things: 1-The campaign against Archie who was a day old but both Father (KCIII) and Son (William) kept quiet but were happy to put out statements when it was Kate (Botox) and William (bullying claims about Harry where they forged his signature). 2-Meghan made Kate cry which was false and this was when Meghan was pregnant. We all know how she was abused thoroughly by the media and the general public who believed this lie. Kate kept quiet 3-Do we need to remind ourselves about the constant negative stories about this couple by the press which would be filtered down to news stores, talk shows etc. amore than 1 million articles about Meghan before they decided to leave. Remember the courtiers mentioned all these negative stories were from the palace esp Kensington Palace. ALL THESE HAPPENED BEFORE OPRAH! Interview by Oprah, Netflix Documentary and Spare are all they've done. This does not justify what has been done to them by both the royal family and the British media. Harry and Meghan have moved on. What they've put out was to set the record straight. a) Oprah interview was to explain why they left b) Spare ensured there won't be multiple biographies and books about them. Charles wrote his book and said nasty things about his parents but he was not abused nor abandoned nor evicted. c) Netflix was to tell their own story about the media campaign against them. Meghan especially hs not said anything about these people after Netfil but she is the one most abused- wonder why?
You know what amazes me, how in the name the truth is everywhere but people don't see it, is it that they are so blinded by hate for Harry's wife that they see nothing at all? It has been evident from childhood that the older brother envy the younger one , their mother saw it and spoke of it. But they refuse to see it, so sad, they allow the gutter press to manipulate them right out of the EU the single market . Putting an economic sanction on themselves, now we are all up the creek the gutter press is getting them to hate foreigners for the state of the country. While Rupert Murdoch and his cronies laugh behind closed doors all the way to the bank 😮.
When was the last time Harry spoke about his family. He wrote his book to set the record straight about lies about him and his wife. Harry made the last comment about his family in Canada when he said he now have his own family. After the Oprah’s interview, Mergan has not said a word about anyone yet, a so call journalist Mctommey of the daily Telegraph has written 1430 articles in 4 years either comparing her to her English Rose, or denigrating her. William should be careful about his plans.
Meghan was the one who in the Oprah Winfrey interview suggested someone in the Royal family to be racist. She was also part of the Netflix documentary, and it is a well known fact palace staff felt mistreated by her.
I feel sad for the loss of life due to the sinking of the Bayesian. I am astounded by the blame shifting that is going on however it has become clear that we do not value all human life equally. The tragedy of those called migrants dying in the sea whilst fleeing war and persecution is awful. The attention given by the media to the privileged is disproportionate.
@@maggiewakefield1718 Class distinction is still alive and well in Gran Britannia. The Titanic was unsinkable. When it sank….pretty quickly…it was those in Steerage who suffered most…
Camilla already has a house a couple of miles down the road from Charles when she would sneak over to have Trysts with Charles while Diana slept inside. Charles has sacrificed everything for this affair and negatively impacted so many peoples lives. Selfish 😮
@@cathynuytten798😂😂😂😂😂Says somebody who listens to the gutter press for information and think what they hear are the truth, then tell people they are living under a rock. 😂😂😂 stop helping Rupert Murdoch stay rich and do some research if you think you are able to. The actual truth will probably give you a heart attack. Harry wrote his story, it was his story to write, he and his wife told their story it was theirs to tell , what have they done to their family!! Don't you think it's Time to learn sense and stop hating people you don't know?
Harry hasn’t spoken about his family since he finished the publicity for Spare. The RF’s first reaction to Harry starting to deal with his mental health issues was to try gaslighting him that his therapist was manipulating him into believing he ‘d been badly treated by his family and to pressure him into changing to a therapist of their choice who would be ever so much better for him. The false narrative that Harry’s always attacking his family whenever he mentions his mental health issues is just another tactic to belittle him and con the public into dismissing anything he says about the royals, especially Charles’ abominable behaviour.
Unfortunately Harry positioned himself on the world stage as someone who airs dirty family laundry for all to see for millions and millions of dollars. Full stop.
The reality is, that since the book and interview … Harry is not going out and about being critical about of the RF … I agree Harry is being appalling treated … very unregal …
Harry had to tèll his story there were so many constant leaks coming from inside the palace not only about Harry but Meghan too. It was unedifying to watch. She was a new member of the family pregnant very early in her marriage and there was no support not once did they issue a statement in support. They expected them to soak it up. Meghan was not from these shores and even though she was from the entertainment world and had success she was not part of the tabloid culture. You never heard about her dating various individuals or falling out of nightclubs drunk or addicted to any substances like some in the public eye that we revere. If the wedding is the standard we should judge the royals by, they seem to have accepted her so why did Charles not ride to her defence at the height of it and say enough, she is part of our family and I will not tolerate these unfounded stories being briefed in the media or we will take action. If that was done once it would have largely stopped. Everyone would know she has their support and they could have carried on and they would be reaping the rewards now. In the last year the royals have done nothing significant. William is going to be the next King, what is he doing to earn that place. Charles was streaks ahead of him by the time he was William's age. Diana was streaks ahead of Kate and she died age 37. Look at the projects she has left behind for her children to carry on. Harry seem to have adopted most of them and taken them forward and he is only now coming up to age 40. Land mine, her Aids charity look what he as done in Botswana and Lesotho he started age 19 doing that. He went into the military and served 10 years. I remember when he was leaving the army the media said what was he going to do. He started the invictus games before his discharge or immediately after and look where it is now 10 years o, 20 countries involved. His accomplishments is astonishing. I would say even just ahead of Charles's accomplishments at the same age. William knew he was going to one day be the prince of Wales but never even studied the language at a rudimentary level. It's embarrassing and smacks if entitlement. It shows his lack of interest in anything. He has used Kates illness in the last year to do even less. They have a staff of 60 people, nannies and nurses for Kate, he said so. Her parents have been helping out so exactly what is he doing. His children are in full time education. I can understand the school holidays he would want to be around as much as possible but the rest if the time. His earthshot project is doing nothing really it's just projection, similar to his homeless project. Dressing up in the charity's uniform looking like a dork is ridiculous and adds nothing. I would say if he wanted to help city buildings the crown estate owns in places like London could be converted into shelters for homless, like hostels where the homless could get a bed a shower hot meals and volunteer medial teams and career advisers alongvwith mental health support in other words a one stop shop to help the homeless on their way to long-term solutions. Work with local councils in large cities to quickly achieve a tangible success for all. It's not rocket science. Team up with his father's King's Trust for job opportunities and training that's what his charity do. Instead he bounces from one thing to another and achieves nothing. When Harry's 40th birthday comes in a few weeks he can look back with pride at his successes he has had bumps in the road but overall the boy has done brilliantly and his mother would be so proud of him. He is a husband, father a philanthropist and works for his own supper and own his own home. It's not a hand out, unlike William who has had everything handed to him from birth and has done nothing to earn it. Harry can hold his head high. William needs to stop attacking his brother using the media and concentrate on his own endeavours because if he continues this way he will be a failed king too. He won't have to bother about not inviting his brother to his coronation he won't want to come and witness his embarrassment. Meghan is good for Harry she has an excellent work ethic. Harry said when he met her she had about 7 jobs, so she has pushed him to be the best version of himself just by doing what she does best work hard. He is in a very good place in his life a happy one. He has the family he always wanted and is doing the things he loves.
It is about the right time to scrap the Royal family. We are paying for a soap opera... "Royal Enders". I would rather my taxes go to the NHS, or fund a functioning Home Office, who have enough staff to process those people seeking asylum in a timely manner.
I am so glad you expressed regret against the Med sinking of the billionaire's yacht and then also mentioned, in sympathy, the many migrants who had lost their lives in the same seas. Are all lives valued equally?
@@johnphelan8300. William is the laziest man in the world. The only thing he does is to consume millions of tax payers money lavishly. He is a very very lazy angry man
Actually, the money they earned from the Crown Purse was taken from them to pay for the Legally liable Crown Expenses........Harry and Meghan were not legally liable. The British Heritage Laws were against the Crown that the Heritage building be restored from offices and appartments to a living home, not against Harry and Meghan. The Crown was Legally Liable. But Meghan's hard earned wages she had put aside were USED to keep themselves. She paid for her own wedding gown. !!! And it is on display in England!!!!
Agree regarding William and Harry. To every action there’s a reaction. We need to always remember that first, Harry has borne the brunt of unkind actions thwarted towards him by his family, media and some citizenry for sometime before he reacted by trying to find a new way to survive . He explained why he needed to do this, how he hope to do this and the source of the venom spewed at him and for this, he’s being denigrated. The little we have been able to witness, speaks truth to what Harry has said in trying to be transparent and forthright. On the other situation, truly sad situation regarding the tragedy at sea.
Hi 👋🏾 Professor Tim Wilson, I Agree 💯 with you, I too , Praying for The World, It Seems People Are Getting Colder Against each other, The Past , People said they didn't know, What Are their Reasons now for their Hatred, And , Yes , William ( The Monarch) is treating Prince Harry horribly, But , as my mom told my Brothers, One Day , their going to look for her with a flashlight, in the Day time, And they did, William is going to need Prince Harry and his family,
Edward and Wallis left and the royal family continued without them. Harry is not the oxygen that William breathes. Harry has told the world that William is his arch nemesis. William has moved on for his own mental health.
I don’t like anyone using the entire 4th Estate as a weapon, much less the future king. Even further, against a sibling & his wife, every day, for 6 years! How is this legal?
6 years you say. Well Camilla was vilified by the press for DECADES. She kept her head down, did not complain and did not explain and now she is Queen. If Harry and Meghan had desisted from going on Oprah, doing the netflix docuseries and writing Spare I can assure you no one would be writing about them now. They did it because they wanted to remain relevant and wanted to be talked about. For them the worst thing about being talked about is NOT being talked about.
What they been doing about prince Harry and Meghan is unacceptable. First of all they did everything in their power to get rid of them. And now they wouldn't leave them alone to live their life.if me Harry i will back off them and i wouldn't even take nothing from the them. If you realised all these things are vanity upon vanity. You put your peace first. Even the queen herself left everything behind. First of all, They didnt accepted you and your wife. I found out Harry and Meghan becoming too famous than all of them. But they work hard.Meghan very intelligent, classsic woman they wasn't happy about that.Harry need to forget about them and move on.
It’s a pity that Prince Harry’s words are torn out of context without hearing them. He has been vindicated by an impartial court, but the tabloid press can never be called to account.
Extremely Jealous and Extremely Scared.........afraid that Harry will spill the beans on him. and he might end up in the dungeon as a result............that's why the rush to be Crowned King........
William said his mother was paronoid, so i guess he will say worst about harry. Imagine a boy of his age when his mother died, how would he k ow his mother was paro oid unless his father told him that
William was 15yrs when his mother died and I remember at that time people were concerned that Diana was turning William into her confidante at such an early age. It is William who remembers their mother. Harry was too young
I doubt it. Harry is a grown man living in another country with his own family. William also has his own family. These are not 12yr olds. It is not clear to me why they have to get on. Millions of siblings across the world do not get on and life continues!
@@anthonyferris8912. No one deserves to work in a cruel, hate filled environment. The RF and UK media made it impossible for the sussexes to work in peace. Am sure you will not work in an environment were you are smeared and harrarrsed daily non stop. I wish you everything you wish the sussexes. If your royal family didn't refund the sussexes their money life will remain unkind to the RF. That is why the RF is suffering presently. God still fights for the weak and he will continue to fight all the enemies and abusers of H and M
If a worker goes through what H and M went through in the RF in his work place. The work place would be sued for compensation for all the emotional damages. The RF is above the law but God will continue to punish them until the come clean , stop the lies, hate and smear campaigns against the sussexes. William knows he did so much evil behind palace walls against the sussexes but refuses to change because he has the establishment behind him as the heir but he will definitely reap every evil seed he sowed against the sussexes.
@@anthonyferris8912 Please don't rewrite history. They didn't opt out. They were forced out. Don't tell me you wouldn't do the same thing to protect your family.
William is vengeful. Harry is not well psychologically, and everyone refuses to admit it. Harry is running headlong from one disaster after the other, without recognizing he is acting out of rage and deep pain. It’s a tragedy.
Kings are rarely humble, nor do they pretend to be. British Kings in particular seem to have behaved much as William does. Difference is, in this age of social media and smart phone cameras, we know more about it.
Thanks for the video Professor Tim hope your health is better atm . Personally for me the Royal Family has been true to form for centuries now once you put these people on a pedestal you create these self entitled self serving monsters .Harry and Meghan and his family made the break away and they honestly deserve our admiration and respect daily not the intrussions and lies told about them mostly orignating from their own direct family members .
@@DropdudeJohnyou obviously did t see the coverage of Katherine when William first announced their engagement. I’m saying nothing much about it because I am American, and we had a former First Lady who had posed in some of the same ways - she just didn’t make the papers in her revealing outfits
If working on a yacht is classy so be it,the queen wanted her to have a presentable job,and the queen said she was lazy She has nothing no one needs to desire, the royal reporter says she is an old fashioned mute woman.nothing about her any woman should desire peace on earth and goodwill to wards all mankind.
@DropdudeJohn Hopefully in due course and by God's grace that negativity that allegedly lives inside you that you project unto others is removed by God and replaced with his love, so you begin to see others through the eyes of God. More importantly you go receive "Inner Healing and Deliverance " to deal with the deeper issues within because we know - "Hurt people, hurt others and heal people, heal others". God bless you in your spiritual journey.
King George VI didn't even act like William has against his own brother's wishes. William will end up destroying what's left of the monarchy with his misguided ways.
1:37 Yes, indeed. She wanted to be queen. 😮 The diff is, PH won’t lose any sleep of lock out of the coronation. Their Daughter, was as popular and loved as Princess Diana was, the crown Princess of Wales. I think the only difficulty is PHs possible distress about his brother making a donkey of himself for banning PH from the coronation, that PH might be glad to avoid and not bring his wife and children into a nest of vipers! Proximity to these toxic unhinged brother etc.
I agree with your comments about Prince William. He is worried about his iĺl wife. I feel sorry for Harry , too. He has got the second child syndrome and it is not his fault. It is the fault of the parents usually and very common. It shouldn't happen because good parents should be aware of it. I know it is difficult, but parents should treat all children equally, and they don't.
William is planning his father's funeral already 😮 OMG😢. I hope they gave Meghan back the 2.5 million pounds she spends turning the servants' quarter frogmore cottage into a pretty home fit for a prince. Surely Charles must have returned Megan's money.
Thank you for your wise insights Professor. I agree that the treatment of Prince Harry is appalling. What a relief it would be to witness gracious behavior from Prince William.
What is it that you want William to do? What is gracious behaviour? Harry attended his fathers coronation and sat there with an angry face sending daggers at William. He left immediately after the service. Why do you think Harry would want to attend Williams coronation when the time comes? By William not inviting him actually William would be doing Harry a big big favour and sparing him from making a long trip to an event he would not be interested in.
@@jujajula😂😂😂 At least he was there and it s logical if he left after the cinema coronation which is a waste time 😂 He didn't want to miss his son s birthday. William looks a lazy man who profite the taxpayers to feed his family 😂
Professor is correct if you are going to be King, then you have to get pass what Harry, said in his book. Did anyone say it was a lie? He told his truth and when you are going through therapy you get all the build up stuff out. He did not kill anyone he just spoke. And with Williams, behavior I believe what he said. It’s time to move on and try and be happy his wife and father both have cancer and you would think that would have humble Jimmy but I guest not. Prayers to all of them,🙏🙏
Meghan's father is very ill. Harry said illness brings families together. Why have Harry and Meghan not reached out to Thomas Markle and taken their children to see him? Surely Harry as a Prince should demonstrate this graciousness that Professor seems to expect from members of the royal family. Harry is in the line of succession and could be King. Where is his graciousness towards the American grandfather of his children
The question is what about what willaim and royal family say daily about Harry and Meghan in the abominable UK press? Harry wasn’t the one that spoke to the media first. It was Willaim, Charles, Camila, Kate, Kate’s uncle, the courtiers, the royal family, their friends and their mouth piece - royal corespondents aka rodents!
The entire contents of the Oprah interview proved to be a lie. It was said because they were angry they were not permitted to monetise the monarchy by creating a business titles “Sussex Royal” by Queen Elisabeth. They stated that Archie did not receive the title of Prince due to his skin colour proclaiming to the world they were being racist. Why tell lies like that on the world stage? Archie could not receive a title until Queen Elisabeth passed sway and Charles became king. That is how the hierarchy system works in the British Royal Family. How can one trust a family member with any private and personal conversations knowing they would never be kept confidential , but posted about in a future book. When trust has been completely broken like that not one member of the British Royal family can sadly and unfortunately ever trust Harry again. 🌹🙏
The royal family, as do most families across the world , possess the intelligence and are not prone to posting about their personal lives and other personal social interaction and outings on social media. You speak as if you have personal knowledge of their family interactions. How do you know that they are not already friends and made up years ago? Respectfully, so many people make assumptions without knowing either party.
A soldier/ military person never brags about the number of people they kill either in anger or during wartime. A person may write a book, however detailing private personal details regarding sexual exploits, naming the women, age, time and place, just one aspect that even the most tawdry of people do not post in a book describing the book being the story of “the man I have become”. I feel for the women concerned. That is simply one example of humiliation inflicted on others in order for monetary gain. Hard to respect that male. Can you never regain/ create a bond of trust again.
Strange how a death in a "small boat" has so little significance, but a billionaire's death in a "super yacht" steals the headlines for a week.Is this what we have become!.
Who exactly expects Harry to return with his children?. I go by what Charles said in his speech upon his ascension. He extended his love to Harry and Meghan "as they continue to build their lives overseas" That is the position of Charles which is clear so I ask again - who exactly expects Harry to retuen with his children? As far as where to stay is concerned Harry and Meghan told the world one of the reasons they left was to be financially independent. THey are multimillionaires. If I were you I would not worry about where they would stay. They have millions to stay whereever they want including any of the 4 Palaces in London
William est un monstre qui n'a jamais eu de respect pour personne il a trahi sa mère il n'a aucun respect pour son père c'est un monstre colérique méchant jaloux imbu de sa petite personne qui ne mérite pas d'être couronné un jour
The record of previous Princes of Wales is not great. Most if not all of them had a mistress or two on the side, like William’s father did of course. Apparently it’s just one of the many perks of the job.
Prince William is definitely being childish and foolish towards his only brother and sibling. He ought to be imitating the true King and his word on loving and forgiveness 🙏
Just wanted to touch on the subject of refugees and migrants. Last week I was talking to someone from Myanmar here in Bangkok, where he is living with his Australian wife and their two young children. He was telling me that while he has a visa to be here, his passport has a year-and-a-half remaining before it expires, and the current military junta in Myanmar has banned passport renewal outside the country, so he is hopeful the war will end before his passport expires. Meanwhile, he has a cousin who has fled to a refugee camp in the province of Kamphaeng Phet in Northern Thailand and he went to visit her. While there he was told that the week before some 300 refugees had crossed the border and arrived at the camp only to be told there wasn't any room and they had to go back. Returning back across the border they encountered The Burmese Army in the forest who shot and killed all of them, men, women, and children. These are the types of reality that refugees are fleeing from many places, not just Myanmar, and these are the horrors that these people are desperate to get away from when they make the crossing at The Channel. "Why England?" people ask. Well, that is often the only European language that they were taught in school while growing up, and it was a required class like Maths or Science was in England. I know that you are well aware of these conditions in the world, but I do see comments from those who are clearly unaware of this reality.
I agree!!!!! Gracious he isn't and not learned anything. This is the whole issue about what training does for the crown and people and your own family. The professor is totally right. Should behave better. If William reconciles then the King will too. It's all on William. Bring him home and Harry will shut it. Can he think about anyone else but himself??? What about his niece and nephew?
William has moved on like millions and millions of siblings across the world. Harry has called William his arch nemesis. Why would Harry want anything to do with his arch nemesis? Make that make sense
Avec son obsession a essayer de détruire les Sussex il en devient extrêmement dangereux ☢️ il a vraiment un problème de santé mentale lui se permet de faire des campagnes de haine de nuisances envers MH depuis huit ans sa été confirmé par certains journalistes et experts que les informations négatives sortais particulièrement tout de Kingston WK et le staff de Charles et Camilla et son frère Harry qui en a eux vraiment marre a fait cette interview sa biographie et ses documentaires pour dire leurs propres versions de ce qui s’était réellement passé que j’approuve totalement trop ses trop
Socially poor, jealous, lazy, vindictive, cruel, that is William the future and (with his dictatorial way of thinking/acting based on revenge and punishment) the last king of GB. As if this vengeful behavior of an heir apparent and brother towards his own brother and his family is the most normal thing in the world! Maybe that's what he copied from the Saoedi monarchie. Saudi monarchy!
Its depressing isnt it? Everything in this country seems such a mess..I no longer watch the news and prefer to look after my disabled lad the best way I can and live in my own little world with my dogs and my garden and my walks to the beach..even with chronic arthritis..We the public seem to be unheard on many issues..I admire those who try to fix things and have strong opinions on the government..royal family etc and I enjoy this regular post from Prof Tim but I dont intend to stress myself about any of it..Born in the late 50s I led a sheltered and decent life with my parents..was taught manners and decency..what happened to all of this in this country now I have no wishes to all and a thankyou to Prof Tim..
Harry had to defend himself.. Pay Meghan for frogmore cottage. she paid for it like her weding dress. amoung other things... Ann i am surprised about. Our gracious Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11 must be seathing... God bless her. . My Queen.
Hello professor Tim Wilson. Hope you are well. Thanks for your insights, viewpoints. It a lot easy when one forgive. We do have to see the person everyday. We can keep our distance. But if we want to be forgiving. We need to be forgiving. We all been hurt, disappointed, betrayed, don't make ot right to hurt them are get revenge. Once something been said you can't take it back. Apologize mean very little once it out there.
William and Harry lost their mother in atrocious circumstances! It shows life is far too short! Bury the animosity boys and learn to respect each other's strengths and forgive one another's weaknesses
Frogmore was given by the Queen.... The couple were given choices of e.g. Paint. colour and type, this tile or that tile , this material of curtaining or that, this light fitting or that.....this carpet or that etc..........then they furnished it with their own choice of removable items. The restoration of Frogmore was already agreed upon by the Queen since by British Laws Frogmore was a heritage building and thus was ordered to be restored to its original purpose from office buildings and apartments to its original dwelling place BY BRITISH HERITAGE BUILDING LAWS against THE CROWN...........but Charles made Harry and Meghan pay the bill which was paid by their remuneration from Crown Salary paid to them over the past year. In other words Charles took back a year's wages for that which the Crown itself was liable. And then kicked them out from what the Queen had set aside for them !!!!! Charles and William made sure that Meghan's hard earned monies were used up for the Crown matters.!!!!!!
I agree with you Prof.The way William is going on with his only brother, I don't think he'll make a good king. I don't like people who can't forgive others especially family members and get on with life which is so short.
Wm is not only Jealous but scared stiff his brother will spill the beans on him and thus cause him to be thrown in JAIL. A scared and jealous whimp is a dangerous "person".
1:10 PW is an insane “maniac.” They told PH to go and his wife, but stay salty he left! PH probably couldn’t be induced to accept the 👑, doesn’t want anything PW has: PW is like someone boxing 🥊 with his own shadow, or playing “tug of war” all alone. I don’t think PH “envies” his brother as an heir, at all, or PWs wealth either. PH doesn’t have an evil jealous spirit. PW is fighting something else, but using his brother as an adversary, but PH won’t show up to play… Probably distressing for PH to see his brother thrashing around and angry for no reason. PW is like a weird, obsessive stalker. His brother has moved on.
Absolutely, Prof Santa, he who will be king should uphold as high (if not the highest) standard as possible and be kind to his brother but not appallingly.
I would like to ask that person what has Harry done? He waited for them to stop annoying him and his wife for years, he wrote his story, so what? How is it that everybody can write books about Harry but he isn't supposed to!!! These racist people need to go find the truth and leave Harry ALONE. I don't know why you would say you are not excusing Harry what's there to exonerate? Why does everyone think the onassis should be on Harry. When his brother got married Harry supported him and was there for him and her not knowing how it would turn out, but he couldn't do that for his brother, i wonder why? Always briefing the press at every chance and signing off on the onslaught of his brother and his wife by the media, but somehow Harry and his wife are the villains. Harry chose his woman, just like his brother did his, we don't have to like her but it's none of our business, they are happy and out there doing meaningful things. If we can't support them then leave them alone. Just scroll on by, same goes for the others, scroll on we don't have to spew hate at people we don't even know. I can tell you that there's nothing worse than a person unhinged with immense power, we better be careful what we wish for, 😢😢😢.
I rather think the state authorities plan and prepare a constitutional king's funeral or coronation. I'd be surprised if William has much say in the matter.
There is a Committe in place that plans the funeral of a monarch. The late Queen had such a Committee. Everything is planned to the last detail. William as Heir to the throne is part of that Committee as Charles was when he was heir to the throne. As part of royal protocol the future coronation is also planned alongside the funeral. That is just the way that things are done. The Soveriegn never dies and that is why they say "the Queen has died, long live the King"
Just who are William's PR people? They're horrible! Imagine a rumor like that coming out about Princess Elizabeth as her father lay dying! I could do better serving William than any of his lackeys!
William is waiting to be a king. No respect for his father and brother. Not good example
And he will take the monarchy down. He already plans to do zoom meetings and not much public engagements when he’s king. Kate is not coming back as a working royal either and hes already made sure his children except George will be a working royal. The media and most insiders knows the true William and his plans to destroy the monarchy but they’re afraid to say anything about him not wanting to lose the pittance of access he grants them so they continue protecting him while attacking Harry and Meghan ( that’s their agreement with William). England will eventually see who the real William is and they’ll be shocked. He’s the one feeding the media things on Harry and Meghan (which I’ve heard them say on morning tv) Harry making sure William didn’t know he was going to attend his uncles funeral and no one was tipped off including the media who had not a clue. It’s all William and KP and Clarence House sacrificing Harry to the media so they can escape favorably but it’s all going to backfire soon. We’ll be here to see it.
@@pamathisivakumaran4607 he is willing his father's death so he can cosplay. He needs to fix himself or he will be the last UK monarch, leaving nothing for baby George.
I guess the invisible contract has paid off esp within Britain .
People talk as if Harry and Meghan continually talk about the Royal family (false) but tend to forget vital things:
1-The campaign against Archie who was a day old but both Father (KCIII) and Son (William) kept quiet but were happy to put out statements when it was Kate (Botox) and William (bullying claims about Harry where they forged his signature).
2-Meghan made Kate cry which was false and this was when Meghan was pregnant. We all know how she was abused thoroughly by the media and the general public who believed this lie. Kate kept quiet
3-Do we need to remind ourselves about the constant negative stories about this couple by the press which would be filtered down to news stores, talk shows etc. amore than 1 million articles about Meghan before they decided to leave. Remember the courtiers mentioned all these negative stories were from the palace esp Kensington Palace. ALL THESE HAPPENED BEFORE OPRAH!
Interview by Oprah, Netflix Documentary and Spare are all they've done. This does not justify what has been done to them by both the royal family and the British media.
Harry and Meghan have moved on. What they've put out was to set the record straight.
a) Oprah interview was to explain why they left
b) Spare ensured there won't be multiple biographies and books about them. Charles wrote his book and said nasty things about his parents but he was not abused nor abandoned nor evicted.
c) Netflix was to tell their own story about the media campaign against them.
Meghan especially hs not said anything about these people after Netfil but she is the one most abused- wonder why?
You know what amazes me, how in the name the truth is everywhere but people don't see it, is it that they are so blinded by hate for Harry's wife that they see nothing at all? It has been evident from childhood that the older brother envy the younger one , their mother saw it and spoke of it. But they refuse to see it, so sad, they allow the gutter press to manipulate them right out of the EU the single market . Putting an economic sanction on themselves, now we are all up the creek the gutter press is getting them to hate foreigners for the state of the country. While Rupert Murdoch and his cronies laugh behind closed doors all the way to the bank 😮.
No truer words have been spoken! This is exactly what happened in a nut shell!
@@Plena-np9nn thank you.
When was the last time Harry spoke about his family. He wrote his book to set the record straight about lies about him and his wife. Harry made the last comment about his family in Canada when he said he now have his own family. After the Oprah’s interview, Mergan has not said a word about anyone yet, a so call journalist Mctommey of the daily Telegraph has written 1430 articles in 4 years either comparing her to her English Rose, or denigrating her. William should be careful about his plans.
Meghan was the one who in the Oprah Winfrey interview suggested someone in the Royal family to be racist. She was also part of the Netflix documentary, and it is a well known fact palace staff felt mistreated by her.
Exactly …
On point
I feel sad for the loss of life due to the sinking of the Bayesian. I am astounded by the blame shifting that is going on however it has become clear that we do not value all human life equally. The tragedy of those called migrants dying in the sea whilst fleeing war and persecution is awful. The attention given by the media to the privileged is disproportionate.
@@maggiewakefield1718 Class distinction is still alive and well in Gran Britannia. The Titanic was unsinkable. When it sank….pretty quickly…it was those in Steerage who suffered most…
William is no good
The Royal Lodge for Camilla? She should keep in mind that the Windsors are not particularly concerned about honoring the terms of a lease.
She should also remember that her well-being will be left in the "capable" hands of William.
Camilla already has a house a couple of miles down the road from Charles when she would sneak over to have Trysts with Charles while Diana slept inside. Charles has sacrificed everything for this affair and negatively impacted so many peoples lives. Selfish 😮
Royal Lodge for her children and grandchildren for their personal use.
@@iamthatiam1950well said and so true.
William is behaving like an entitled spoilt brat.
WHAT DID HARRY DO, but take his family and FLEE THE UK 🇬🇧!!!
The worst thing you can do in the eyes of a cult is escape.
Evidently you’ve been living under a rock to not know what Harry has done against his family.
@@cathynuytten798😂😂😂😂😂Says somebody who listens to the gutter press for information and think what they hear are the truth, then tell people they are living under a rock. 😂😂😂 stop helping Rupert Murdoch stay rich and do some research if you think you are able to. The actual truth will probably give you a heart attack. Harry wrote his story, it was his story to write, he and his wife told their story it was theirs to tell , what have they done to their family!! Don't you think it's Time to learn sense and stop hating people you don't know?
Harry hasn’t spoken about his family since he finished the publicity for Spare.
The RF’s first reaction to Harry starting to deal with his mental health issues was to try gaslighting him that his therapist was manipulating him into believing he ‘d been badly treated by his family and to
pressure him into changing to a therapist of their choice who would be ever so much better for him. The false narrative that Harry’s always attacking his family whenever he mentions his mental health issues is just another tactic to belittle him and con the public into dismissing anything he says about the royals, especially Charles’ abominable behaviour.
Unfortunately Harry positioned himself on the world stage as someone who airs dirty family laundry for all to see for millions and millions of dollars. Full stop.
William is a brat and probably always has been. I think this gives us a little peek into what Harry put up with for all those years.
William is acting like a jealous, spoiled brat. An adult wouldn’t be so petty.
The reality is, that since the book and interview … Harry is not going out and about being critical about of the RF … I agree Harry is being appalling treated … very unregal …
Harry said what he said in his own words, from his own mouth. He has moved on ... history will attest!👍🏼💯👍🏼
Harry had to tèll his story there were so many constant leaks coming from inside the palace not only about Harry but Meghan too. It was unedifying to watch. She was a new member of the family pregnant very early in her marriage and there was no support not once did they issue a statement in support. They expected them to soak it up. Meghan was not from these shores and even though she was from the entertainment world and had success she was not part of the tabloid culture. You never heard about her dating various individuals or falling out of nightclubs drunk or addicted to any substances like some in the public eye that we revere. If the wedding is the standard we should judge the royals by, they seem to have accepted her so why did Charles not ride to her defence at the height of it and say enough, she is part of our family and I will not tolerate these unfounded stories being briefed in the media or we will take action. If that was done once it would have largely stopped. Everyone would know she has their support and they could have carried on and they would be reaping the rewards now. In the last year the royals have done nothing significant. William is going to be the next King, what is he doing to earn that place. Charles was streaks ahead of him by the time he was William's age. Diana was streaks ahead of Kate and she died age 37. Look at the projects she has left behind for her children to carry on. Harry seem to have adopted most of them and taken them forward and he is only now coming up to age 40. Land mine, her Aids charity look what he as done in Botswana and Lesotho he started age 19 doing that. He went into the military and served 10 years. I remember when he was leaving the army the media said what was he going to do. He started the invictus games before his discharge or immediately after and look where it is now 10 years o, 20 countries involved. His accomplishments is astonishing. I would say even just ahead of Charles's accomplishments at the same age. William knew he was going to one day be the prince of Wales but never even studied the language at a rudimentary level. It's embarrassing and smacks if entitlement. It shows his lack of interest in anything. He has used Kates illness in the last year to do even less. They have a staff of 60 people, nannies and nurses for Kate, he said so. Her parents have been helping out so exactly what is he doing. His children are in full time education. I can understand the school holidays he would want to be around as much as possible but the rest if the time. His earthshot project is doing nothing really it's just projection, similar to his homeless project. Dressing up in the charity's uniform looking like a dork is ridiculous and adds nothing. I would say if he wanted to help city buildings the crown estate owns in places like London could be converted into shelters for homless, like hostels where the homless could get a bed a shower hot meals and volunteer medial teams and career advisers alongvwith mental health support in other words a one stop shop to help the homeless on their way to long-term solutions. Work with local councils in large cities to quickly achieve a tangible success for all. It's not rocket science. Team up with his father's King's Trust for job opportunities and training that's what his charity do. Instead he bounces from one thing to another and achieves nothing. When Harry's 40th birthday comes in a few weeks he can look back with pride at his successes he has had bumps in the road but overall the boy has done brilliantly and his mother would be so proud of him. He is a husband, father a philanthropist and works for his own supper and own his own home. It's not a hand out, unlike William who has had everything handed to him from birth and has done nothing to earn it. Harry can hold his head high. William needs to stop attacking his brother using the media and concentrate on his own endeavours because if he continues this way he will be a failed king too. He won't have to bother about not inviting his brother to his coronation he won't want to come and witness his embarrassment. Meghan is good for Harry she has an excellent work ethic. Harry said when he met her she had about 7 jobs, so she has pushed him to be the best version of himself just by doing what she does best work hard. He is in a very good place in his life a happy one. He has the family he always wanted and is doing the things he loves.
well said🙂🙂🙂
It is about the right time to scrap the Royal family. We are paying for a soap opera... "Royal Enders". I would rather my taxes go to the NHS, or fund a functioning Home Office, who have enough staff to process those people seeking asylum in a timely manner.
😂Royal grifters.
I am so glad you expressed regret against the Med sinking of the billionaire's yacht and then also mentioned, in sympathy, the many migrants who had lost their lives in the same seas.
Are all lives valued equally?
William has a serious problem!!!!
Yes, and his name os Henry.
@@johnphelan8300 William doesn't work.
Neither do Harry and Meghan.
William is an angry beast. Always incandescent with rage. That anger and lack of common sense and control will destroy him and the RF
@@johnphelan8300. William is the laziest man in the world. The only thing he does is to consume millions of tax payers money lavishly. He is a very very lazy angry man
Meghan paid for the renovation of Frogmore. Wonder if she was reimbursed!
No, no, no, not a penny.
You are deluded.
Actually, the money they earned from the Crown Purse was taken from them to pay for the Legally liable Crown Expenses........Harry and Meghan were not legally liable. The British Heritage Laws were against the Crown that the Heritage building be restored from offices and appartments to a living home, not against Harry and Meghan. The Crown was Legally Liable. But Meghan's hard earned wages she had put aside were USED to keep themselves. She paid for her own wedding gown. !!! And it is on display in England!!!!
@@virginiahall8822prove it
The taxpayer paid and the couple were made to reimburse the taxpayer when they quit to live in the U.S.. Perfectly reasonable.
Harry is a great guy, those who criticise him, would be the first to acknowledge him should the King favour him.
Agree regarding William and Harry. To every action there’s a reaction. We need to always remember that first, Harry has borne the brunt of unkind actions thwarted towards him by his family, media and some citizenry for sometime before he reacted by trying to find a new way to survive . He explained why he needed to do this, how he hope to do this and the source of the venom spewed at him and for this, he’s being denigrated. The little we have been able to witness, speaks truth to what Harry has said in trying to be transparent and forthright. On the other situation, truly sad situation regarding the tragedy at sea.
Hi 👋🏾 Professor Tim Wilson, I Agree 💯 with you, I too , Praying for The World, It Seems People Are Getting Colder Against each other, The Past , People said they didn't know, What Are their Reasons now for their Hatred, And , Yes , William ( The Monarch) is treating Prince Harry horribly, But , as my mom told my Brothers, One Day , their going to look for her with a flashlight, in the Day time, And they did, William is going to need Prince Harry and his family,
Edward and Wallis left and the royal family continued without them. Harry is not the oxygen that William breathes. Harry has told the world that William is his arch nemesis. William has moved on for his own mental health.
I don’t like anyone using the entire 4th Estate as a weapon, much less the future king. Even further, against a sibling & his wife, every day, for 6 years!
How is this legal?
It’s Britain. Royalty, Aristocracy, and commoner, no matter how hard you’ve worked or how much money you have.
Its the only way that Charles can seemingly justify himself.
6 years you say. Well Camilla was vilified by the press for DECADES. She kept her head down, did not complain and did not explain and now she is Queen. If Harry and Meghan had desisted from going on Oprah, doing the netflix docuseries and writing Spare I can assure you no one would be writing about them now. They did it because they wanted to remain relevant and wanted to be talked about. For them the worst thing about being talked about is NOT being talked about.
@@euniceaustin6527 well, yes.
William is up set because he want to live the life his brother is live but he donot want harry to be happy and that a shamed
What they been doing about prince Harry and Meghan is unacceptable. First of all they did everything in their power to get rid of them. And now they wouldn't leave them alone to live their life.if me Harry i will back off them and i wouldn't even take nothing from the them. If you realised all these things are vanity upon vanity. You put your peace first. Even the queen herself left everything behind. First of all, They didnt accepted you and your wife. I found out Harry and Meghan becoming too famous than all of them. But they work hard.Meghan very intelligent, classsic woman they wasn't happy about that.Harry need to forget about them and move on.
Harry has not spoken about William since the writing of Spare.
It’s a pity that Prince Harry’s words are torn out of context without hearing them. He has been vindicated by an impartial court, but the tabloid press can never be called to account.
Because Charles controls the courts !!!!!! not totally thank God.
William is behaving erratic. Seriously
Extremely Jealous and Extremely Scared.........afraid that Harry will spill the beans on him. and he might end up in the dungeon as a result............that's why the rush to be Crowned King........
William said his mother was paronoid, so i guess he will say worst about harry. Imagine a boy of his age when his mother died, how would he k ow his mother was paro oid unless his father told him that
I will never forgive PW for lying on Princess Diana!
I’m not British, but I loved Princess Diana! PW is a liar! 🤥
True not only that William got a payout from the British Tabloids for the same paranoia I'm sure Dianna would have liked a payout for said Paranoia
William was 15yrs when his mother died and I remember at that time people were concerned that Diana was turning William into her confidante at such an early age. It is William who remembers their mother. Harry was too young
Farage is unable to get the hang of being an MP to think of him as PM is preposterous.
Jealousy and fear that Harry will spill the beans. At the moment Kate is in a similar position............she knows too much too.
I doubt it. Harry is a grown man living in another country with his own family. William also has his own family. These are not 12yr olds. It is not clear to me why they have to get on. Millions of siblings across the world do not get on and life continues!
@misskatzlife5892 No need to SHOUT!
@@euniceaustin6527I think eventually Kate will be useless to them and become Diana .
@@euniceaustin6527 I though Harry had already spilt the beans
I agree with you. William is a bad man to me. I did love him once not anymore. He is treating. Harry very badly 😢
William and Charles will continue to be as they are while listening to their courtiers.
They took away his home but refused to refund him the money he paid to refurbish it. But harry is going to emerge as the bigger man.
They opted out of royal duties to live in the U.S. so were told to refund the U.K. tax payer. Sounds good to me.
No it is the other way around. Tax payer money was used to refurbish the house and Harry allegedly reimbursed the public.
@@anthonyferris8912. No one deserves to work in a cruel, hate filled environment. The RF and UK media made it impossible for the sussexes to work in peace. Am sure you will not work in an environment were you are smeared and harrarrsed daily non stop. I wish you everything you wish the sussexes. If your royal family didn't refund the sussexes their money life will remain unkind to the RF. That is why the RF is suffering presently. God still fights for the weak and he will continue to fight all the enemies and abusers of H and M
If a worker goes through what H and M went through in the RF in his work place. The work place would be sued for compensation for all the emotional damages. The RF is above the law but God will continue to punish them until the come clean , stop the lies, hate and smear campaigns against the sussexes. William knows he did so much evil behind palace walls against the sussexes but refuses to change because he has the establishment behind him as the heir but he will definitely reap every evil seed he sowed against the sussexes.
Please don't rewrite history. They didn't opt out. They were forced out. Don't tell me you wouldn't do the same thing to protect your family.
William might need some anger management. From what I
Am hearing he is always Angry.
William sure does not look angry. The person with a constant angry face is Harry.
@@jujajula please look again or go to specsavers
@@jujajula😂😂😂wear your glasses 😂😂😂 Even Steeve wonder can see Harry s smiling face 😂
Don't let darkness cover your heart let love prevail and you will find peace in your soul.
God told us to not judge others and keep our mouths closed your argument may upset our Lord.
William is vengeful. Harry is not well psychologically, and everyone refuses to admit it. Harry is running headlong from one disaster after the other, without recognizing he is acting out of rage and deep pain. It’s a tragedy.
A future king has to be humble, if you cannot forgive your own brother, you shouldn't be in the job.
For what should Harry be forgiven?
@@valeriemahabir7997absolutely nothing
@@valeriemahabir7997that’s the question…
I believe it’s William who needs forgiveness.
William is carrying like a spoiled brat, and Andrew has a lot worse Charles is still standing by his brother.
Kings are rarely humble, nor do they pretend to be. British Kings in particular seem to have behaved much as William does. Difference is, in this age of social media and smart phone cameras, we know more about it.
Also, how can William expect to be crowned in the Church of England Cathedral whilst planning on dis-associating himself from The Church of England.
William is behaving just like Harry described him - petty
💯And petulant.
William is not the smartest chicken in the room. UK, this is your future king.
Thank you , am asking the same question 🤔🤔
No he is not
You are tragically misinformed.
Thanks for the video Professor Tim hope your health is better atm . Personally for me the Royal Family has been true to form for centuries now once you put these people on a pedestal you create these self entitled self serving monsters .Harry and Meghan and his family made the break away and they honestly deserve our admiration and respect daily not the intrussions and lies told about them mostly orignating from their own direct family members .
William's behaviour has been appalling.
Prince William just cannot overcome his jealousy of Harry
@DropdudeJohn ,, If lazy and absent is classy, then William's wife has won..
@@DropdudeJohnyou obviously did t see the coverage of Katherine when William first announced their engagement. I’m saying nothing much about it because I am American, and we had a former First Lady who had posed in some of the same ways - she just didn’t make the papers in her revealing outfits
If working on a yacht is classy so be it,the queen wanted her to have a presentable job,and the queen said she was lazy
She has nothing no one needs to desire, the royal reporter says she is an old fashioned mute woman.nothing about her any woman should desire peace on earth and goodwill to wards all mankind.
@@DropdudeJohnshe is more educated than you are ahole
@DropdudeJohn Hopefully in due course and by God's grace that negativity that allegedly lives inside you that you project unto others is removed by God and replaced with his love, so you begin to see others through the eyes of God. More importantly you go receive "Inner Healing and Deliverance " to deal with the deeper issues within because we know - "Hurt people, hurt others and heal people, heal others". God bless you in your spiritual journey.
The madness of monarchy ❤
King George VI didn't even act like William has against his own brother's wishes. William will end up destroying what's left of the monarchy with his misguided ways.
There were SOOOO many WICKED Kings in the BIBLE, and what does that say about KC3 and his son William???
1:37 Yes, indeed. She wanted to be queen. 😮 The diff is, PH won’t lose any sleep of lock out of the coronation.
Their Daughter, was as popular and loved as Princess Diana was, the crown Princess of Wales.
I think the only difficulty is PHs possible distress about his brother making a donkey of himself for banning PH from the coronation, that PH might be glad to avoid and not bring his wife and children into a nest of vipers! Proximity to these toxic unhinged brother etc.
Edward and Wallis were not invited to the coronation of King George and the institution of monarchy did not come crumbling down. This is a non issue
@@jujajula That is why PW looks insane!
He does not know how to take the high road as the senior.
I agree with your comments about Prince William. He is worried about his iĺl wife. I feel sorry for Harry , too. He has got the second child syndrome and it is not his fault. It is the fault of the parents usually and very common. It shouldn't happen because good parents should be aware of it. I know it is difficult, but parents should treat all children equally, and they don't.
I TOTALTLY AGREE WITH YOU. What a shame and lack of empathy to treat PRINCE HARRY 🤴 SO DISRESPECTFULLY 😢.
@madonnaadell7465 Talking of respect and empathy, do we know if Harry and Meghan have yet taken their children to visit their grandfather in Mexico?
@@anthonyferris8912 Why would they he's a sellout
@@panashemoyo2537 To use the profs own words, that hardly being ‘gracious’, to the children’s grandad..
@@anthonyferris8912 I get
He doesn't deserve to be a grandfather . He sold out his daughter to the UK Media. And tried to stop the wedding for his own daughter
William is planning his father's funeral already 😮 OMG😢. I hope they gave Meghan back the 2.5 million pounds she spends turning the servants' quarter frogmore cottage into a pretty home fit for a prince. Surely Charles must have returned Megan's money.
Not with Camilla as Queen, united with William in their hate for H & M
Thank you for your wise insights Professor. I agree that the treatment of Prince Harry is appalling. What a relief it would be to witness gracious behavior from Prince William.
What is it that you want William to do? What is gracious behaviour? Harry attended his fathers coronation and sat there with an angry face sending daggers at William. He left immediately after the service. Why do you think Harry would want to attend Williams coronation when the time comes? By William not inviting him actually William would be doing Harry a big big favour and sparing him from making a long trip to an event he would not be interested in.
@@jujajula my advice to you again is go to specsavers
@@jujajula😂😂😂 At least he was there and it s logical if he left after the cinema coronation which is a waste time 😂 He didn't want to miss his son s birthday. William looks a lazy man who profite the taxpayers to feed his family 😂
Don't let darkness cover your heart let love prevail and you will find peace in your soul.
Don't let darkness cover your heart let love prevail and you will find peace in your soul.
Professor is correct if you are going to be King, then you have to get pass what Harry, said in his book. Did anyone say it was a lie? He told his truth and when you are going through therapy you get all the build up stuff out. He did not kill anyone he just spoke. And with Williams, behavior I believe what he said. It’s time to move on and try and be happy his wife and father both have cancer and you would think that would have humble Jimmy but I guest not. Prayers to all of them,🙏🙏
Meghan's father is very ill. Harry said illness brings families together. Why have Harry and Meghan not reached out to Thomas Markle and taken their children to see him? Surely Harry as a Prince should demonstrate this graciousness that Professor seems to expect from members of the royal family. Harry is in the line of succession and could be King. Where is his graciousness towards the American grandfather of his children
The question is what about what willaim and royal family say daily about Harry and Meghan in the abominable UK press? Harry wasn’t the one that spoke to the media first. It was Willaim, Charles, Camila, Kate, Kate’s uncle, the courtiers, the royal family, their friends and their mouth piece - royal corespondents aka rodents!
The entire contents of the Oprah interview proved to be a lie. It was said because they were angry they were not permitted to monetise the monarchy by creating a business titles “Sussex Royal” by Queen Elisabeth. They stated that Archie did not receive the title of Prince due to his skin colour proclaiming to the world they were being racist.
Why tell lies like that on the world stage?
Archie could not receive a title until Queen Elisabeth passed sway and Charles became king. That is how the hierarchy system works in the British Royal Family.
How can one trust a family member with any private and personal conversations knowing they would never be kept confidential , but posted about in a future book. When trust has been completely broken like that not one member of the British Royal family can sadly and unfortunately ever trust Harry again. 🌹🙏
The royal family, as do most families across the world , possess the intelligence and are not prone to posting about their personal lives and other personal social interaction and outings on social media. You speak as if you have personal knowledge of their family interactions. How do you know that they are not already friends and made up years ago? Respectfully, so many people make assumptions without knowing either party.
A soldier/ military person never brags about the number of people they kill either in anger or during wartime. A person may write a book, however detailing private personal details regarding sexual exploits, naming the women, age, time and place, just one aspect that even the most tawdry of people do not post in a book describing the book being the story of “the man I have become”. I feel for the women concerned. That is simply one example of humiliation inflicted on others in order for monetary gain. Hard to respect that male. Can you never regain/ create a bond of trust again.
As Starmer has a 5 year mandate the idea that Farage will be PM "WITHIN" 5 years is fanciful in the extreme
Very good podcast Prof❤
Strange how a death in a "small boat" has so little significance, but a billionaire's death in a "super yacht" steals the headlines for a week.Is this what we have become!.
And they really expexct Prince Harry to return with his children..where are they going to stay Hotel?
Who exactly expects Harry to return with his children?. I go by what Charles said in his speech upon his ascension. He extended his love to Harry and Meghan "as they continue to build their lives overseas" That is the position of Charles which is clear so I ask again - who exactly expects Harry to retuen with his children?
As far as where to stay is concerned Harry and Meghan told the world one of the reasons they left was to be financially independent. THey are multimillionaires. If I were you I would not worry about where they would stay. They have millions to stay whereever they want including any of the 4 Palaces in London
William est un monstre qui n'a jamais eu de respect pour personne il a trahi sa mère il n'a aucun respect pour son père c'est un monstre colérique méchant jaloux imbu de sa petite personne qui ne mérite pas d'être couronné un jour
The record of previous Princes of Wales is not great. Most if not all of them had a mistress or two on the side, like William’s father did of course. Apparently it’s just one of the many perks of the job.
Prince William is definitely being childish and foolish towards his only brother and sibling. He ought to be imitating the true King and his word on loving and forgiveness 🙏
Sorry, but he’s not capable of doing that.
Forgiveness for what?
@@Venetia48 do you want me to begin the long long long long list?? Or are you joking.
What is it that William needs to forgive exactly?
sorry... William SHOULD see forgiveness, not Harry. But he won't!,
Just wanted to touch on the subject of refugees and migrants. Last week I was talking to someone from Myanmar here in Bangkok, where he is living with his Australian wife and their two young children. He was telling me that while he has a visa to be here, his passport has a year-and-a-half remaining before it expires, and the current military junta in Myanmar has banned passport renewal outside the country, so he is hopeful the war will end before his passport expires. Meanwhile, he has a cousin who has fled to a refugee camp in the province of Kamphaeng Phet in Northern Thailand and he went to visit her. While there he was told that the week before some 300 refugees had crossed the border and arrived at the camp only to be told there wasn't any room and they had to go back. Returning back across the border they encountered The Burmese Army in the forest who shot and killed all of them, men, women, and children. These are the types of reality that refugees are fleeing from many places, not just Myanmar, and these are the horrors that these people are desperate to get away from when they make the crossing at The Channel. "Why England?" people ask. Well, that is often the only European language that they were taught in school while growing up, and it was a required class like Maths or Science was in England.
I know that you are well aware of these conditions in the world, but I do see comments from those who are clearly unaware of this reality.
What such a sad story. One thing about people in the west they know nothing about what's happening in the rest of the world.
Nicely put that William should be gracious.
What kind of king will William be?my god....
I agree!!!!! Gracious he isn't and not learned anything. This is the whole issue about what training does for the crown and people and your own family. The professor is totally right. Should behave better. If William reconciles then the King will too. It's all on William. Bring him home and Harry will shut it. Can he think about anyone else but himself??? What about his niece and nephew?
William has moved on like millions and millions of siblings across the world. Harry has called William his arch nemesis. Why would Harry want anything to do with his arch nemesis? Make that make sense
So well put and compassionate
William will be nice when Harry is nice to his family
Will might be mentally ill.
Willy boy se laisse dévorer par la jalousie 😢😢😢😢 comme c'est triste!! 😭
Avec son obsession a essayer de détruire les Sussex il en devient extrêmement dangereux ☢️ il a vraiment un problème de santé mentale lui se permet de faire des campagnes de haine de nuisances envers MH depuis huit ans sa été confirmé par certains journalistes et experts que les informations négatives sortais particulièrement tout de Kingston WK et le staff de Charles et Camilla et son frère Harry qui en a eux vraiment marre a fait cette interview sa biographie et ses documentaires pour dire leurs propres versions de ce qui s’était réellement passé que j’approuve totalement trop ses trop
A "strange age" of wealth disparity historically leading to downfalls of orders and even civilisations 🤔
Socially poor, jealous, lazy, vindictive, cruel, that is William the future and (with his dictatorial way of thinking/acting based on revenge and punishment) the last king of GB.
As if this vengeful behavior of an heir apparent and brother towards his own brother and his family is the most normal thing in the world!
Maybe that's what he copied from the Saoedi monarchie.
Saudi monarchy!
Keep right on Tim love your take on life as we know it!
Its depressing isnt it? Everything in this country seems such a mess..I no longer watch the news and prefer to look after my disabled lad the best way I can and live in my own little world with my dogs and my garden and my walks to the beach..even with chronic arthritis..We the public seem to be unheard on many issues..I admire those who try to fix things and have strong opinions on the government..royal family etc and I enjoy this regular post from Prof Tim but I dont intend to stress myself about any of it..Born in the late 50s I led a sheltered and decent life with my parents..was taught manners and decency..what happened to all of this in this country now I have no wishes to all and a thankyou to Prof Tim..
Harry had to defend himself..
Pay Meghan for frogmore cottage. she paid for it like her weding dress. amoung other things... Ann i am surprised about. Our gracious Majesty Queen Elizabeth 11 must be seathing... God bless her. . My Queen.
Hello professor Tim Wilson. Hope you are well. Thanks for your insights, viewpoints. It a lot easy when one forgive. We do have to see the person everyday. We can keep our distance. But if we want to be forgiving. We need to be forgiving. We all been hurt, disappointed, betrayed, don't make ot right to hurt them are get revenge. Once something been said you can't take it back. Apologize mean very little once it out there.
William and Harry lost their mother in atrocious circumstances! It shows life is far too short! Bury the animosity boys and learn to respect each other's strengths and forgive one another's weaknesses
Justice for Thomas Kingston and Kate.
Agreed.................and that has nothing to do with Harry or Meghan. No wonder Wm is running scared.
You are such a wise a man Professor.
Frogmore was given by the Queen.... The couple were given choices of e.g. Paint. colour and type, this tile or that tile , this material of curtaining or that, this light fitting or that.....this carpet or that etc..........then they furnished it with their own choice of removable items. The restoration of Frogmore was already agreed upon by the Queen since by British Laws Frogmore was a heritage building and thus was ordered to be restored to its original purpose from office buildings and apartments to its original dwelling place BY BRITISH HERITAGE BUILDING LAWS against THE CROWN...........but Charles made Harry and Meghan pay the bill which was paid by their remuneration from Crown Salary paid to them over the past year. In other words Charles took back a year's wages for that which the Crown itself was liable. And then kicked them out from what the Queen had set aside for them !!!!! Charles and William made sure that Meghan's hard earned monies were used up for the Crown matters.!!!!!!
William is reincarnated from the old days of the 1700 he is certainly his ancestors child😂😂
I agree with you Prof.The way William is going on with his only brother, I don't think he'll make a good king. I don't like people who can't forgive others especially family members and get on with life which is so short.
Well Said 👍👍👍
Sad tragedy
Wm is not only Jealous but scared stiff his brother will spill the beans on him and thus cause him to be thrown in JAIL. A scared and jealous whimp is a dangerous "person".
To ig7… and all these William lovers,
Read Spare. If you can’t see the truth in it, then go back to your nursery rhymes
Do you think the Daily express is telling the truth or just more of the same lies
Which king locked his wife out and left left her knocking on Westminster Hall Door??
Agree with you on all counts, as usual. 😊 Thanks for all your thoughtful commentaries. 🙏
Exonerate, Harry for what, Professor?
exactly my question
True, also, about the deaths of so many innocent people trying to get a better life for themselves and their families.
1:10 PW is an insane “maniac.” They told PH to go and his wife, but stay salty he left!
PH probably couldn’t be induced to accept the 👑, doesn’t want anything PW has: PW is like someone boxing 🥊 with his own shadow, or playing “tug of war” all alone.
I don’t think PH “envies” his brother as an heir, at all, or PWs wealth either. PH doesn’t have an evil jealous spirit.
PW is fighting something else, but using his brother as an adversary, but PH won’t show up to play…
Probably distressing for PH to see his brother thrashing around and angry for no reason. PW is like a weird, obsessive stalker. His brother has moved on.
You said it much better.
Absolutely!!! True talk.
I agree with you.😀
Its so sad 😢😢😢😢
Absolutely, Prof Santa, he who will be king should uphold as high (if not the highest) standard as possible and be kind to his brother but not appallingly.
I would like to ask that person what has Harry done? He waited for them to stop annoying him and his wife for years, he wrote his story, so what? How is it that everybody can write books about Harry but he isn't supposed to!!! These racist people need to go find the truth and leave Harry ALONE. I don't know why you would say you are not excusing Harry what's there to exonerate? Why does everyone think the onassis should be on Harry. When his brother got married Harry supported him and was there for him and her not knowing how it would turn out, but he couldn't do that for his brother, i wonder why? Always briefing the press at every chance and signing off on the onslaught of his brother and his wife by the media, but somehow Harry and his wife are the villains. Harry chose his woman, just like his brother did his, we don't have to like her but it's none of our business, they are happy and out there doing meaningful things. If we can't support them then leave them alone. Just scroll on by, same goes for the others, scroll on we don't have to spew hate at people we don't even know. I can tell you that there's nothing worse than a person unhinged with immense power, we better be careful what we wish for, 😢😢😢.
Thankyou again professor for your usual common sense understanding of the royal situation and your calm delivery.
And they all lived happily ever after
Totally agree with you. William has a lot of growing up to do.
The yacht was a corporate hit. Selective negligence.
The big mistake was the retracted keel but it was within the vessel instrution book. Rectract the keel while at anchor.
I rather think the state authorities plan and prepare a constitutional king's funeral or coronation. I'd be surprised if William has much say in the matter.
There is a Committe in place that plans the funeral of a monarch. The late Queen had such a Committee. Everything is planned to the last detail. William as Heir to the throne is part of that Committee as Charles was when he was heir to the throne. As part of royal protocol the future coronation is also planned alongside the funeral. That is just the way that things are done. The Soveriegn never dies and that is why they say "the Queen has died, long live the King"
Just who are William's PR people? They're horrible! Imagine a rumor like that coming out about Princess Elizabeth as her father lay dying! I could do better serving William than any of his lackeys!
No one is going vote for a trump supporter
King Harry the peoples prince