Step1 transformation is creating a PL by copyinf WKPRODLOC and adding LOCTO as root a creating a new PL WKPRODLOC1. in the transformation I used LOCTO@WKPRODLOC1= "LOCID" @WKPRODLOC (by adding the KF "Supply for Factory Forecast" as addtional input). Now step 2 transaformation is bit hard to explain in chat, but at a high level copying PL WKPRODLOC1and create WKPRODLOCLOCTOSRC PL and then adding source id as root and where attribute transform is at SOURCEID@WKPRODLOCLOCTOSRC="SOURCEID"@WKRPODLOCSRC (by adding the KF "Production" as addtional input). But step is not as straight forward as it sound as thier are few other tweaks to ensure dual level transformation automatically works.
It would be a great help if u could provide the Step 1 and Step 2 attribute transformation calculations.
Nice use of IBP.
Step1 transformation is creating a PL by copyinf WKPRODLOC and adding LOCTO as root a creating a new PL WKPRODLOC1. in the transformation I used LOCTO@WKPRODLOC1= "LOCID" @WKPRODLOC (by adding the KF "Supply for Factory Forecast" as addtional input).
Now step 2 transaformation is bit hard to explain in chat, but at a high level copying PL WKPRODLOC1and create WKPRODLOCLOCTOSRC PL and then adding source id as root and where attribute transform is at SOURCEID@WKPRODLOCLOCTOSRC="SOURCEID"@WKRPODLOCSRC (by adding the KF "Production" as addtional input). But step is not as straight forward as it sound as thier are few other tweaks to ensure dual level transformation automatically works.
Can you pls share the process of CI-DS integration for this requirement?
its in my plan. will take a month or so but thier is a series on CIDS coming