LeBron Fan Faces the Truth On Why MJ Will Always Be the GOAT

  • Опубліковано 1 лют 2025

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,4 тис.

  • @camorton2345
    @camorton2345 2 місяці тому +189

    The disrespect to MJ is unreal.

    • @jamesway
      @jamesway 2 місяці тому

      It's called mental illness

    • @michaelpinkston768
      @michaelpinkston768 26 днів тому +4

      These kids are just in denial! Internet you tubers that don’t know much, act like they do! They can see the facts right in front of them and still say LeBron the best ever. The denial is strong in this generation! Facts and visual facts be dammed haha Jordan is the goat and no one will ever surpass or get close to his skills and accomplishments! Jordan is dif! No weaknesses, the mental game he had is unmatched as well! No one has caused fear in opponents and sleepless nights when having to face him on court as Jordan! Facts! List goes on and on

  • @dayooperedtroll2208
    @dayooperedtroll2208 2 місяці тому +273

    Lebron can be the greatest of YOUR TIME. Michael Jordan is the greatest of ALL TIME

    • @Jahk-mode876
      @Jahk-mode876 2 місяці тому +11


    • @vernonharrison2488
      @vernonharrison2488 2 місяці тому +11


    • @Abbel1000
      @Abbel1000 2 місяці тому +30

      This is not even the Lebron era... this era is clearly the Curry era.. 😅

    • @TJMiton
      @TJMiton 2 місяці тому +9

      true, except curry is the best of lebron's time lol

    • @Scaley_Reptile
      @Scaley_Reptile 2 місяці тому +3

      Curry has always been better, if you lied as much on his behalf as Lebron, Curry would be tthe Caramel Jesus

  • @bludiablo
    @bludiablo 2 місяці тому +297

    This era isn't more skilled; there are just more guys shooting 3s, but to do that, they've sacrificed post-play, defense, mid-range offense, and fundamentals like footwork and movement without the ball.

    • @justasimplemanworkinghiswa1569
      @justasimplemanworkinghiswa1569 2 місяці тому +26

      curry the only one with good off-ball movement nowadays

    • @frank1431
      @frank1431 2 місяці тому +19

      NBA players dribble (carry) better too

    • @ZuNhog
      @ZuNhog 2 місяці тому +23

      Also they got away with traveling.

    • @jordanjames8864
      @jordanjames8864 2 місяці тому +15

      The rules allow them to have the freedom to dribble way the dribble dunk the way the dunk, players from the past had handles but they couldn’t carry like they do now

    • @niceguy2192
      @niceguy2192 2 місяці тому +7

      @@justasimplemanworkinghiswa1569 ironically, the guy who responsible changing how the game play and how players train is the one with fundamentals 😂

  • @sethbullock4193
    @sethbullock4193 2 місяці тому +118

    It's not a debate. There never was a debate for anyone who knows anything about the game. All media driven BS

    • @bryangibson2788
      @bryangibson2788 7 днів тому

      For sure. Looking at the overall body of work and the eye test, MJ is head and shoulders above the rest.

  • @leechrec
    @leechrec 2 місяці тому +102

    What I appreciate about MJ is that he didn't take shortcuts to greatness. He endured, faltered, and rose to the top with what he had and never made excuses.

    • @aaronneely6921
      @aaronneely6921 2 місяці тому +4

      Or try to manufacture his all star teams

  • @esrwally1820
    @esrwally1820 2 місяці тому +99

    He can still be ya goat 😂 but MJ is da goat 🐐

    • @ciarrajohnson3849
      @ciarrajohnson3849 2 місяці тому +5

      We, the adults, trade Lebron to the kids. Have fun👊🏿👊🏿

  • @ingobordewick6480
    @ingobordewick6480 2 місяці тому +78

    There is no such thing as "my GOAT" or "GOAT" of an era. It literally mean "of all time". Many people confuse GOAT with "my fav. player". There is only one GOAT and that is Michael Jordan and it's not even close.

  • @camorton2345
    @camorton2345 2 місяці тому +43

    MJ played in the Hardest ERA of the NBA, against more Hall of Famers, Without MJ kobe nor LB would be with Nike and MJ still makes more than them.

  • @reginaldweaks6913
    @reginaldweaks6913 2 місяці тому +165

    He’s pass first but leads his team in shot attempts every year

    • @reignmans
      @reignmans 2 місяці тому +34

      its insane, i;ve been saying this for YEARS.
      how can you use the "pass first" shtick when he always leads his teams in FG attempts?

    • @ahnguyen1
      @ahnguyen1 2 місяці тому +32

      and lead the lead in turnovers

    • @knutt81
      @knutt81 2 місяці тому +28

      Don't forget, All-time leader in missed shot attempts.

    • @sportstalkonly1442
      @sportstalkonly1442 2 місяці тому

      ​@@reignmanshe also leads all his teams in assists lmao

    • @samueloak5463
      @samueloak5463 2 місяці тому

      ​@@sportstalkonly1442 if you hold the ball all the time, you have the choice to go for assist or shoot you fcking moron 😂😂😂 the fact is LeBronze's teammates doesn't have that choice yet Lebronda gets a lot of turnovers that can be argued to cost their team a win because in truth he is not a good ball handler.

  • @jcaesar9683
    @jcaesar9683 2 місяці тому +44

    In the 1980s and 1990s, NBA players didn’t work offseason jobs like plumbers or janitors. By then, the league was highly profitable, and players earned enough to focus solely on basketball. Average salaries ranged from $200K-$800K in the 80s and soared to $1.7M-$2M in the 90s. The idea of players working offseason jobs comes from earlier decades (1940s-60s), when pro basketball salaries were much lower, and players often needed second jobs to make ends meet. By the 80s and 90s, those days were long gone.

    • @vernonharrison2488
      @vernonharrison2488 2 місяці тому +5


    • @josephmillsap682
      @josephmillsap682 2 місяці тому

      Higher then that, MJ was getting 35 million for 1 season

    • @fatboy7609
      @fatboy7609 2 місяці тому +2

      Yeah. Pretty sure LeBron would actually throw his hands up and quit if he played the 80's Pistons. They were brutal, had no problem punching you in the mouth, and if you complained to the ref, would start going for your knees.

  • @darnelljones9849
    @darnelljones9849 2 місяці тому +109

    The trash all star games says this era isn't more skilled.

    • @TheGreatness-gg1jx
      @TheGreatness-gg1jx 2 місяці тому

      No, actually teams in this era, the Curry Era, as they're built now after catching up to and emulating Curry for the past 9 years, would DESTROY every team from the Pre-Curry Era for the very simple reason that 3s are worth a lot more than 2s and the defense necessary to defend 3s is unlike anything the league, or the sport as a whole, has ever seen. ANY current NBA team would literally blow out every team from the past except maybe the MJ 's 2nd 3-peat team. Not because the previous generation was less skilled in a subjective sense but because they were objectively FORCED to improve, to level up, year after year after year or get their asses whooped by Golden State, year after year after year. Most of the players from previous eras would be able to match the skill-sets that are required in the Curry Era if they were faced with the same do or die situation. So this entire idea of "they didn't have skills" just shows how ignorant and youthful Anthony Edwards is. But the skill-sets required in the Pre-Curry Era were peanuts compared to what is required today. And you can thank or blame STEPHEN CURRY for all of it.
      It's taken the league about 8 years to be able to MATCH Golden State, with this current Boston team being the best of the Curry Era so far. But look at Golden State right now? Curry just needed a few no-names coming off the bench to jump back in to 2nd place and beat the 1st place team, after beating Boston. He revolutionized the entire sport and he's not done winning rings. I wouldn't bet against him versus any team playing right now. Ironically the only team from the past that might stand a chance against them is MJ's 2nd 3-peat team. They had the length and could if necessary shoot 3s. If you gave them one year to practice 3s they'd be ready, although Rodman would be interesting.

    • @darnelljones9849
      @darnelljones9849 2 місяці тому +4

      @TheGreatness-gg1jx this era is overrated. You can't touch or chuck the cutter anymore. Not being able to do that allows a guy KD to not have to lift weights to be good. No way KD gets to the spots he gets to with the contact they allowed in the 90's. Hakeem was KD without the 3 pt attempts.

    • @jabulanichinkwitaphiri4370
      @jabulanichinkwitaphiri4370 2 місяці тому +3

      ​@@TheGreatness-gg1jx all that plumbering you forgot u supposed to play defense and why u pretending they don't know how to shot threees

    • @StandUpGill
      @StandUpGill 2 місяці тому +1

      players today can't match the physical dominance of those times. these kids r happy and grinning at their opponents and giving hugs to each other BEFROE THE BATTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • @StandUpGill
      @StandUpGill 2 місяці тому +1

      FACTS Darnell!!

  • @mrskinszszs
    @mrskinszszs 2 місяці тому +28

    The players in Jordans era were incredibly skilled. Cmon man

  • @mikeal-lateef_5138
    @mikeal-lateef_5138 2 місяці тому +277

    Kobe is the closest to 96-98 MJ no one is near Air Jordan 87-93.

    • @ocfjavier8145
      @ocfjavier8145 2 місяці тому +29

      Underrated comment

    • @camorton2345
      @camorton2345 2 місяці тому +4

      Arenas comment good mention

    • @realcoachescorner3503
      @realcoachescorner3503 2 місяці тому +23

      This has been said but its MJ and everyone else...including Kobe and LBJ. Truth is Kobe washt even close to Jordans level, Kobe went to a Lakers team with Shaq, MJ built the Bulls from the ashes. Kobe didnt even start his rookie year, kobe has most missed shots in NBA history and LBJ is right behind him. Its MJ and everyone else.

    • @imsljr420
      @imsljr420 2 місяці тому +5

      Kobe got carried by Shaq.

    • @dero2430
      @dero2430 2 місяці тому +3

      100% True.

  • @chikushodiz91
    @chikushodiz91 2 місяці тому +36

    16:25 sorry dude but people from your generation don’t know shit about the game of basketball

    • @EbizzerHH
      @EbizzerHH 2 місяці тому

      100%, these delusional comments while having no clue that the prime NBA era was the 80s and 90s! Hard defense, tons of talent and today you are basically not allowed to play hard on defense anymore... it is so soft and easy! Jordan would average whatever he wants in this era of basketball!

  • @WinfordStraub
    @WinfordStraub 2 місяці тому +61

    The difference is us OG’s actually seen Jordan play. We’ve seen Kobe, AI, Duncan, We’ve even seen some of Magic and Bird. So we speak from a higher perspective. When we say LeBron isn’t on Jordan’s level, you can take that to the bank!

    • @sportstalkonly1442
      @sportstalkonly1442 2 місяці тому

      And plenty saw both and say lebron is better. So what would be your point exactly? That everyone has their own opinion?

    • @jcaesar9683
      @jcaesar9683 2 місяці тому +12

      ​@sportstalkonly1442 Man how you gonna be better than someone you wish to emulate? You wear his number for half your career. You can't shoot free throws. And all your supposed fans buy his shoes and not yours. To know all of this and ignore it is just 🤡 behavior.

    • @RobertWeigelt-df6lb
      @RobertWeigelt-df6lb 2 місяці тому

      Thx bro❤😊😊😊!

    • @Jahk-mode876
      @Jahk-mode876 2 місяці тому +4

      ​@@sportstalkonly1442they are the exceptions, majority of the ppl knows without the shadow of a doubt that mj is the greatest at this point in time, and hasn't been surpassed as of now, (u can check the polls)maybe in the future some guy will surpass mj and blow him out the water, but as of now my guy, it shouldn't even be a debate honestly.

    • @luciofilipe
      @luciofilipe 2 місяці тому +3

      @@sportstalkonly1442 well not everyone is gonna be correct. you're wrong. and the majority agrees.

  • @mikhailbinion7812
    @mikhailbinion7812 2 місяці тому +19

    Won the slam dunk contest and won the all star mvp in the same year with the defensive player of the year scoring title and the league MVP 1987-88 season

    • @NishalKay
      @NishalKay 2 місяці тому +2

      No other player has done this.

  • @tylerduffin7656
    @tylerduffin7656 2 місяці тому +103

    For anyone who says Jordan was playing plumbers and there was no competition is just wrong and extremely disrespectful. It is disrespectful to all of the HOF that paved the way for this era. Magic, Bird, Ewing, Barkely, Malone, Stockton, just to name a few. Just because you didnt grow up watching these guys play does not mean they were not the best at what they did or that the players of today would out ball them. Every era has their stars and super stars, it just so happened that Jordan was the best of that eras superstars and showed us why every single game. So stop saying that he did not play anyone that was talented.

    • @IcemanFabian
      @IcemanFabian 2 місяці тому +19

      I hate I despise this argument where people say he MJ just played against plumbers, bro do you know how dominant the players that MJ had to go through to get six rings these guys were legit superstars and MJ prevented them from getting rings.

    • @blaque5582
      @blaque5582 2 місяці тому +14

      84’ is arguably the greatest draft class of All Time. Think about who’s in that class. 96’ Is up there too. And calling dudes plumbers is disrespectful… you go to your full time job, get off and be good enough to be considered a professional in anything.

    • @blaque5582
      @blaque5582 2 місяці тому +12

      Stop saying he’s a pass first player… he averages the most shots on every teams he plays on. STOP LYING. Stop the lies dog. Look it up if you don’t know. He’s not pass first, he’s ball dominant so say what it really is.

    • @blaque5582
      @blaque5582 2 місяці тому +8

      Post play is a skill, defense is a skill, iq is a skill, scoring with 3 dribbles or less is a skill, scoring with limited spacing is a skill, moving without the ball is a skill, running a trapping defense is a skill, pacing is a skill, running different types of offense is a skill. All areas in which the current generation is deficient or lacking.

    • @marvinlynch4375
      @marvinlynch4375 2 місяці тому +4

      @tylerduffin7656 FACTS! I hate when people say Jordan didn’t play against good players. These youngsters today have no idea how tough it was for Jordan to get to the finals coming out the eastern conference. Celtics, Pistons, Knicks, Cavs, Hawks, Sixers, Pacers, Heat, Magic. Each of those teams had multiple all stars and players who are in the hall of fame now. Jordan is the Goat and this is coming from a 90’s Knicks fan who always saw Jordan beat my Knicks every time they face in the playoffs

  • @athens_1psvr31
    @athens_1psvr31 2 місяці тому +12

    Anyone remember James saying when he went to Miami that no one should wear MJ’s number because the Heat had retired it out of respect? He went with 6. As soon as he went back to Cleveland it was 23 again. Never addressed it.😂

  • @mikeal-lateef_5138
    @mikeal-lateef_5138 2 місяці тому +77

    Define skilled? 7'5 big men shooting 3s but can't bang in the post is outrageous

    • @leonardjackson6210
      @leonardjackson6210 2 місяці тому +12

      Exactly if your 7'5 you should use your size. Get close to the basket and dunk post up. Being that tall and shooting from a distance is good and all but doesn't maximize your height

    • @NishalKay
      @NishalKay 2 місяці тому +5

      Yep, total waste of court space.

  • @timmyharrison9930
    @timmyharrison9930 2 місяці тому +8

    Anyone can look skilled when there’s no defence being played

  • @Soulplaya007
    @Soulplaya007 2 місяці тому +76

    More of Jordans competition: Latrell sprewell, mamoud abdul rauf, Reggie miller, grant hill penny hardaway, rod strickland, tim hardaway, mark price, dominique wilkins, barkley, clyde drexler, ect. All skilled players

    • @eazyduzzit2533
      @eazyduzzit2533 2 місяці тому +1

      I'm saying

    • @bonecold4387
      @bonecold4387 2 місяці тому +17

      Karl Malone and John Stockton. Jazz probably would have won a couple of rings in that era if there was no Jordan. Jordan played against Hall of Famers.

    • @22savagetv
      @22savagetv 2 місяці тому +17

      You forgot Olajuwon who was taken number one over Jordan as well. All time leader in blocks, 2x NBA champ Hakeem The Dream. Saying Jordan played with bums during his era is ridiculous

    • @niceguy2192
      @niceguy2192 2 місяці тому +11

      The only reason why they are lower in all time list is because Jordan keep denying them ring.

    • @Bammy1108
      @Bammy1108 2 місяці тому +11

      Dude you forgot to put Orlando Shaq

  • @thebenc1537
    @thebenc1537 2 місяці тому +22

    Who did Lebron beat in the Eastern Conference playoffs? Jordan had to go through Bird, the Bad Boy Pistons, Alonzo Mourning, Reggie Miller, Ewing's Nicks, young Shaq and Penny Hardaway, a Cavs team that could win 50-60 games every year, Dominique Wilkins, Allen Iverson and more!

    • @bonecold4387
      @bonecold4387 2 місяці тому +3

      Karl Malone and John Stocktons Jazz team that he knocked out year after year from going to the finals.

    • @thebenc1537
      @thebenc1537 2 місяці тому +4

      @@bonecold4387 The Jazz are in the west, so the only time he could knock them out would have been in the finals.

    • @bonecold4387
      @bonecold4387 2 місяці тому

      @thebenc1537 you are correct. I wasn't paying much attention to what I was saying or doing homework but I knew he knocked them out multiple times. Which was the 97 and 98 championship. So he did stop them from two rings but not year after year from getting to the finals as I said before. Thanks for correcting that.

    • @wangvue5557
      @wangvue5557 Місяць тому +1

      ​@@bonecold4387people shtting ard but that jazz team was an all time great team man...that pick and roll jazz was sick!! Nobody, and i mean nobody ate when jordan got on the hill!!!

  • @screwdriverman5-kf2ui
    @screwdriverman5-kf2ui 2 місяці тому +60

    Didn't you just watch Hakeem? He wasn't skilled? Smh. It's the NBA. There are skilled players all over in any era.

    • @HeathOverledger
      @HeathOverledger 2 місяці тому +4

      Hope the next generation come to this conclusion much sooner than later...or else history will be obscured forever

    • @JoseRodriguez-wx5md
      @JoseRodriguez-wx5md 13 днів тому

      EXACTLY how ignorant do you have to be to say that the best athletes in the world in any era are plumbers and janitors??? Straight stupid!

  • @realcoachescorner3503
    @realcoachescorner3503 2 місяці тому +12

    Jordan actually wanted to play baseball after his 3rd championship (since no other team in nba history had every repeated 3 times) and once his father was killed he retired because his love for basketball went away and he was focused on the last conversations him and his father James had about him playing pro baseball. He went on a process of healing and soul searching after his father passed and it helped him find his passion for the game of basketball again when he had to put in that work for baseball it made him remember all work he put in to basketball. His minor league coaches said that if baseball didnt go on strike than Jordans baseball skill would have had him in the major leagues eventually. And after the 3rd repeat, the GM of the Bulls said that Phil Jackson would be fired at end of 98 season even if Bulls won 82 games and got a championship. Needless to say Jordan didnt want to try and play with any other coach except Phil and said he would retire if they dont bring Phil back so that why he retired twice. Third and final retirement happend when Jordan was Director of Operations for the Wizards and saw the lack of efforts players were giving so he came out of retirement to show young kids how to hoop. After his Wizards teammate ran into him Jordan retired due to that injury. To step away from the for multiple years and come back still top player in league is more impressive to me than someone mediocre who plays for a long time (LBJ).

    • @ritchierich6133
      @ritchierich6133 2 місяці тому

      you are partialy incorrect in your post. when he won his 3rd, it was something Larry, Magic and Isiah never did. the bulls were the 3rd team in history to win 3 straight and the first (if i remember correctly) in 27 years. Bill Russell won 11 in 13 years.

  • @threepiecewithasidebiscuit3527
    @threepiecewithasidebiscuit3527 2 місяці тому +112

    Didn’t know Shaq was a plumber. 🧐🤔

    • @tonyusmc1
      @tonyusmc1 2 місяці тому +7

      Shaq played with Bill Russell?😲 Really? I am older than Shaq and I never saw him play on my black and white tv🤔... actually Bill retired in 1969 and the Magic was developed 20 years later in 1989.🤨 This is what we mean about statistics and listening skills🙄!!!!

    • @engleberthumperdink3522
      @engleberthumperdink3522 2 місяці тому

      ​​@@tonyusmc1How about YOU listen. Plumbers were brought up twice in the video. The comment he made was in reference to Jordan playing against plumbers. Why don't you listen? Omg stfu if you didn't listen. You just made yourself look very very foolish. USMC and you are this ignorant? Whew our country is in trouble then. Watch the video again. He brought up plumbers when talking about Bill Russell AND also when talking about MJ. Duh 🙄🙄🙄🙄

    • @JIX9ISLER1986
      @JIX9ISLER1986 2 місяці тому +4

      you mean wilt

    • @ardenaudreyarji
      @ardenaudreyarji 2 місяці тому


    • @DeeboX-vv8ji
      @DeeboX-vv8ji 2 місяці тому +5

      I guess he's never heard of Reggie Miller, Karl Malone, Shawn Kemp, Gary Peyton, Penny Hardaway, Tracey McGrady, Vince Carter, Dominique Wilkins, Larry Johnson, Clyde Drexler, Magic, Bird, Zeke, Allen Iverson, Etc. The list of skilled players goes on and on. This list of Hall of Famers that MJ played against is endless, because he didn't join up with the players he needed to beat to become the 🐐.

  • @MarcisBold
    @MarcisBold 2 місяці тому +13

    Jordans Competition: Malone, Miller, Hakeem, Drexler, Dr. J, Bird, Ewing, Robinson, Iverson, Drexler, Stockton, Magic, Kareem, Kemp, Payton, P. Hardaway, T. Hardaway, Mourning, Barkley, Mutumbo, Bryant, Wilkins, Shaq ect...
    Just check the Top 75 NBA players list to find his competitors

  • @badbrukbrian2401
    @badbrukbrian2401 2 місяці тому +72

    Lebron is not a pass first player,just a pass up the shot player

    • @sportstalkonly1442
      @sportstalkonly1442 2 місяці тому +1

      I guess that's why he has the most playoff buzzer beaters and most clutch shots in the playoffs.

    • @judahmourneth3211
      @judahmourneth3211 2 місяці тому +12

      @@sportstalkonly1442where’s those shots in the finals. Lol we go through this all the time brother.

    • @chikushodiz91
      @chikushodiz91 2 місяці тому +9

      @@sportstalkonly1442that’s a lie but keep believing the propaganda

    • @realcoachescorner3503
      @realcoachescorner3503 2 місяці тому +7

      LBJ has the most turnovers in NBA history

    • @zipo1039
      @zipo1039 2 місяці тому

      Pass the pressure guy esp that passing will come out when the game is on the line.passer with the worst turnovers 😂

  • @willclark3596
    @willclark3596 2 місяці тому +7

    Disrespects Bill Russell, while saying respectfully, is diabolical.

  • @darnelljones9849
    @darnelljones9849 2 місяці тому +33

    The biggest problem with people who are fans in the LeBron Era is that y'all didn't try to watch MJ era. Us In the MJ era knew a lot about the previous Era's. And also what y'all fail to take in account is the fact we seen both Live. So y'all don't wanna accept we have a advantage in that regard. Y'all also don't take into account they took the physicality out the game which gives LeBron a longevity advantage. LeBron probably only really played 2-3 halfway Physical season from probably 2003-2006. After 07 the game softened up a lot

    • @fcarter3863
      @fcarter3863 2 місяці тому +2

      I blame this on the media. Before 2010 the media paid homage to past great players and eras.
      Now it's just gawking Lebron

    • @darnelljones9849
      @darnelljones9849 2 місяці тому +4

      @fcarter3863 yea this ball rider era is getting out of hand

    • @leechrec
      @leechrec 2 місяці тому +3

      I gotta agree about the level of knowledge back then. We generally knew the history of the game better.

    • @Boogie_161
      @Boogie_161 2 місяці тому

      @@darnelljones9849 media also glazing LeBron hard like ESPN. They act like Mike is just gone in the pages of history.

    • @darnelljones9849
      @darnelljones9849 2 місяці тому +2

      @Boogie_161 yep that's why the ratings keep going down. No one is trying to endure all that Sack Swinging.

  • @Blakek.
    @Blakek. 2 місяці тому +8

    15:38 STOP the CAP!

  • @blackcrowvol2281
    @blackcrowvol2281 2 місяці тому +29

    Yes Kobe is the closes player to Jordan. He studied Jordan tapes.

    • @RonStewee
      @RonStewee 2 місяці тому +2

      And had MJ's trainer Tim Grover.

    • @hufinnpuff3068
      @hufinnpuff3068 2 місяці тому +8

      Not just studied Jordan tapes, he got lessons straight from Jordan's mouth during games!

    • @blackcrowvol2281
      @blackcrowvol2281 2 місяці тому +1

      @@hufinnpuff3068 Facts

    • @NishalKay
      @NishalKay 2 місяці тому +2

      Not just that, he also put in the time, blood, sweat and tears

    • @jasonjackson1708
      @jasonjackson1708 16 днів тому

      He's the closest to 96-98 MJ. Kobe wasn't a single thing like young MJ. Young MJ had a 49 inch vertical and caught more bodies than the U.S. military. But he's EXACTLY like MJ during the second three-peat when he was using far more of his intellect and skill than his raw athleticism.
      There's a reason guys like Arenas said Kobe was an average car with a Bugatti engine.
      The ONLY guy that has come close to early-NBA Jordan is Anthony Edwards. He's got the same level of athleticism and I can see early Michael in his game... but MJ brought that shit EVERY night.

  • @Drustr
    @Drustr 2 місяці тому +11

    MJs accolades in the same season: Scoring Title, MVP, DPOY, Championship, Finals MVP.

    • @NishalKay
      @NishalKay 2 місяці тому +3

      You forgot all star mvp as well as slam dunk comp...

    • @shane984
      @shane984 2 місяці тому +2

      You forgot he did it 4 times.

    • @michaelmarshall4779
      @michaelmarshall4779 2 місяці тому

      MJ is the GOAT, but he had those accolades in 1988. He didn’t make the NBA Finals that year. 1988 - scoring champ, defensive player of year, dunk champ, MVP of the league. Not bad, huh?

    @DROLETRON 2 місяці тому +23

    MJ 23, the 🐐

    • @RonStewee
      @RonStewee 2 місяці тому +1

      Lebron picked number 23 because of MJ his Idol could not have the number in high school because it was taken, but he chose 32.

  • @jasonwilliams6330
    @jasonwilliams6330 2 місяці тому +7

    Michael Jordan retired at 30 because his father was murdered and he wanted it to go back and play the game. They both loved when he was growing up

  • @whenisdinner2137
    @whenisdinner2137 2 місяці тому +12

    It got to the point that people were honestly starting to call the scoring titles, the michael jordan award.😂

  • @whenisdinner2137
    @whenisdinner2137 2 місяці тому +10

    My brother in Christ. You were not watching michael jordan's opponents if you think they aren't skilled. How are you supposed to see the skill if you do not watch????
    I see videos of people watching old player highlights and being impressed all the time.

  • @Boogie_161
    @Boogie_161 2 місяці тому +16

    MJ 1
    Kobe 2
    And I got to say Lebron ain’t in my top 10. That’s not out of hate, that’s just because he never shows up at crunch time, he always has an excuse, he need to have players adjust to his to his offensive scheme. So now he made everybody except maybe a guard a role player just so he can shine. I give him credit he got skill…but he ain’t got heart, and he ain’t no killa.

    • @NishalKay
      @NishalKay 2 місяці тому +1


    • @jasonjackson1708
      @jasonjackson1708 16 днів тому

      @@NishalKay The hate for Tim Duncan is astronomical.

  • @Fitzgera1d
    @Fitzgera1d 2 місяці тому +8

    You don't see anyone murdering someone over for a pair for Lebrons.

  • @mikeal-lateef_5138
    @mikeal-lateef_5138 2 місяці тому +24

    LeBron being a pass first guy is a myth and I'm tired of hearing that when he get compared to MJ, he's quick to pass the blame when he fails that's about it

    • @rockgod1661
      @rockgod1661 Місяць тому +2

      I think this is the most honest comment on this topic ever. Pass the blame, pass the buck, pass the heat, and only pass the rock when he can’t do what he wanted to.

    • @patricksmith7062
      @patricksmith7062 Місяць тому

      My issue with lebron fans bc I like LeBron but not a fan. Why do they act like you cannot go to that Dallas finals or other playoffs series and see times LeBron quit on his team. You can't be in a goat convo with Jordan and you have film of you quitting on your team. That's wild and I seen these games happen and so did million of other people

    • @jasonjackson1708
      @jasonjackson1708 16 днів тому

      Even with everyone saying he's "pass-first" he still only averages 2.1 assists per game more for his career. (7.4 to 5.3 per game.)
      The only difference is that MJ might have been getting two less APG but was winning the scoring title ten straight seasons while he did it. With ONE fellow All-Star, and even then, there was only six seasons where MJ even played with ONE other All-Star.
      The worst part is that people have been trying to tell me for 15 years now that a guy who can't even shoot 38% once he gets three feet away from the rim and hasn't played D in a fucking decade is the greatest ever?
      He's unquestionably great, and he still couldn't carry Michael's jockstrap in a suitcase.

  • @darastarscream
    @darastarscream 2 місяці тому +11

    Wanna know another reason Jordan is in a class by himself? When he was active in the league, Jordan had a media machine making him notorious far beyond the sport. He was everywhere. You knew him even if you knew nothing about basketball. The marketing apparatus that's currently promoting James was *built* for Jordan.
    But here's the thing-- fast-forward a couple decades, Jordan's celebrity status has faded . . . and people are still talking about him. He's the status against which all else is measured, way after he quit being the face of the league.
    That will not happen with James. Once he retires his star will shrink, his accomplishments will take their proper place in historical context, and his relevance will fade. The circus grotesquerade with the Lakers is James fighting his oncoming irrelevance.

  • @haroldpinkston2620
    @haroldpinkston2620 2 місяці тому +12

    His father was murdered which I think had something to do with the first retirement. He retired the second time because management broke up the Bills and he didn't wanna play for another coach. He only came back because the Wizards, who he was past owner of, were so horrible. It was like watching a blooper reel sometimes with them.

  • @nathandettmers1799
    @nathandettmers1799 2 місяці тому +5

    Here’s all you need to know about Jordan being the GOAT, on any night he’s both the best Offensive player on the court and the best defensive player on the court, you can’t be the GOAT if you aren’t the best at both when we already have someone who was!

  • @RonStewee
    @RonStewee 2 місяці тому +20

    I like this channel he keeps watching these videos and gets defeated every time😅😅😅.

    • @NishalKay
      @NishalKay 2 місяці тому +1

      Tbf he admits when he's wrong or misinformed.

  • @josephcasarotto2782
    @josephcasarotto2782 Місяць тому +3

    MJ don't pass up shots. He wins the game!!!

  • @johnkendall2227
    @johnkendall2227 2 місяці тому +7

    9:40 maybe LeBron shouldn’t be a pass first player, because he has the most turnovers in NBA History and not even in the Top 5 of assists.

    • @a-6610
      @a-6610 2 місяці тому

      lebron passes because even he knows he can't be counted on at clutch moments. So he can't score well and can't pass well either. But still thinks he's a contender for 🐐

    • @whatsmyname111
      @whatsmyname111 2 місяці тому

      Well he is bad at clutch time so maybe he does need to pass

    • @borisdodgingbullets
      @borisdodgingbullets 25 днів тому


  • @evagelosdrinis7656
    @evagelosdrinis7656 2 місяці тому +10

    Todays players are actors pretending to be players.

  • @Coreoreo
    @Coreoreo 2 місяці тому +6

    Call me an old head if you want, I did grow up watching Jordan, and I couldn't stand watching the Bulls win all the time, as I was and always will be a Detroit every sport fan. I digress.... much respect to Bron, he's an unnaturally big & built sized amazing athelete. And the utmost respect to the closest #2 GOAT, Kobe - RIP. My heart goes out to him and his family.
    However.... regarding The Man, era means nothing, 3-point percentage means nothing.... skill, freakish ability, agility, attack mode, styfulling defense, must win regardless will, insane shooting ability, Cram on anyone's head no matter how tall, Pop some Yang to him and will destroy your whole team, takeover any game he wanted to, in the most clutch if situations..... there's only one guy that did it, the Coldest!!!
    Stop comparing and crunching numbers, Everyone! That man would put, and Has put everyone to shame that ever attempted to step to him. Think about it yourself.... who would you personally rather try to guard?? All 3 of those guys are unstoppable, but Jordan's manifestation of wining no matter what, has & proly will never ever be seen again.
    Bron, he's gonna J you up, or fake and then take you to the rack! Kobe, such a close match, but post up, back down, still catch a fade away at any given moment, the defensive headache would throw KB way off, and then MJ would just win, like he always did. And yes, they could both get up, but in their prime's, MJ would give KB & anyone else close-up views of his privates!!!!
    Respect to all, but I'm sorry...... 23.

  • @narcodium
    @narcodium Місяць тому +1

    The reason why the Jordan era was locking down playing defence was because of JORDAN!
    You have to understand that everyone playing against him was terrified of him getting the ball and it was an absolute sure fact whenever he got the ball he was gonna have an incredible highlight reel and one of those shots was gonna be on the cover of sports illustrated or featured in it.

  • @je6047
    @je6047 2 місяці тому +6

    Even if he was playing plumbers. No flops. No technical fouls. Jordan would average 50 now. Know that.

    • @NishalKay
      @NishalKay 2 місяці тому +1

      He'd average anything he wanted if he played today's league.
      Hell, he could probably come out of retirement again next year and get the scoring title with the non-existent ring defence!

  • @Bigpapa622
    @Bigpapa622 2 місяці тому +3

    I totally respect your response everybody has their own goat you like me it was the player that inspire me and made me watch the NBA my goat is Kareem Abdul-Jabbar but I'm man enough to say Michael Jordan is the best NBA basketball player ever that I had the privilege to watch play I would never force my opinion on anybody because choosing who your goat is its a personal decision and that's the way it should be and any NBA basketball player should never call themselves the goat it's insulting and disrespectful to all the players that came before them

  • @sarge7string232
    @sarge7string232 2 місяці тому +6

    This shit about plumbers & janitors is RIDICULOUS.... bullshit argument....this is the NBA ,& Jordan played in the TOUGHEST era !!!! No debate ....Jordan the GOAT

  • @evagelosdrinis7656
    @evagelosdrinis7656 2 місяці тому +6

    The NCAA Title also

  • @notoriousc-ny3206
    @notoriousc-ny3206 2 місяці тому +6

    Todays era is a bunch of soft bums. Lebron would be crying every single game if he played in the 90s. Your goat is the biggest flopper of all time

  • @wpriddy
    @wpriddy 2 місяці тому +2

    Its not even close. Anyone who tells you different is trying to sell you something.

  • @jphugo15
    @jphugo15 2 місяці тому +4

    Respect to posting this bc skap isn't the most unbiased take (he's a clear Bron hater lol) he still supports his takes with numbers so it's good to see you learning 👍

  • @newshoesab22
    @newshoesab22 Місяць тому +1

    *Jordan was "Committed", while LeBron ISN'T*

  • @kingjruck6507
    @kingjruck6507 2 місяці тому +5

    LeBron is not a pass first player.Why y'all keep lying to y'all selves.

  • @nakanashun5009
    @nakanashun5009 2 місяці тому +2

    These days players aren’t more skilled, they just changes the rules since Jordan’s era. If you have 90s players the freedom that todays players have they gon tear it up. However if todays players have to play in with 90s rules they wont have the fundamentals to compete.

  • @mannyneva1760
    @mannyneva1760 2 місяці тому +6

    Only reason MJ came back from baseball was because MLB was on strike

  • @tomt5482
    @tomt5482 2 місяці тому +2

    Tbf Chris Paul, John Stockton, Magic Johnson, Steve Nash were pass first players. You can't average 25+ for your career and be considered a pass first guy.

  • @jeffrichards1537
    @jeffrichards1537 2 місяці тому +5

    I wouldn't say Bill Russell was playing janitors and teachers. There were way less teams and playoffs only lasted like 2 or 3 rounds.

  • @nonenone6884
    @nonenone6884 2 місяці тому +1

    women, children and the men of this generating believe if they feel it, it"s true.

  • @charliethegiant6821
    @charliethegiant6821 2 місяці тому +5

    Jordan's era had way better players and competition
    Shooting 3 pointers, wow!

  • @danreed5171
    @danreed5171 Місяць тому +1

    All fun and games here..................................Wilt Chamberlin is the supreme GOAT

  • @realcoachescorner3503
    @realcoachescorner3503 2 місяці тому +4

    Bron being a pass first player is accurate but out of context, LeBron isn't number in assists its John Stockton. Unlike Stockton, LBJ has the most turnovers in NBA history...he most definitely is pass first guy but he's not good at it.

  • @newshoesab22
    @newshoesab22 Місяць тому +1

    *😮shi hits Different*

  • @thebenc1537
    @thebenc1537 2 місяці тому +4

    Jordan got the most out of his teammates. That's the reason John Paxson was able to have game winning shots in the playoffs.

  • @jeremydenney9537
    @jeremydenney9537 2 місяці тому +2

    100% facts!! People seem to forget how great Kobe was. If Kobe had MJs hands it would be a lot closer but the way they could just take over a game u just don’t see it anymore. I really believe Jordan and Kobe are on a whole different list. Then u have everyone else. Just my opinion but I’ve seen all 3 play I trust what my eyes are seeing.

  • @zakkg5497
    @zakkg5497 2 місяці тому +3

    Let's not forget MJ was also 1 and 0 college titles. 2 and 0 olympics gold first in 1984 before even stepping on an NBA basketball court with a team of college students only as back then professional players were not allowed take part in the olympics.

  • @nonenone6884
    @nonenone6884 2 місяці тому +1

    if mr.james is so great after 20 years. why dose"t he have a mix tape?

  • @metemano88
    @metemano88 2 місяці тому +3

    the thing about young kids is that they think that bill russell and others played against no compt/janitors!
    If you ever played for a team or any pro league, you know that there is always talent on another team, never judge anybody is what i learned! im 6'3, played overseas and tried out for the G league....im 34 now, a bit chunky, but still ball, and all these young kids try to iso me lmfao, they cant match my speed!
    and when i dunk on em they all surprised!....Thats why you should never judge anybody!

  • @josephcasarotto2782
    @josephcasarotto2782 Місяць тому +1

    Think bout that!

  • @Heretowatchstuff
    @Heretowatchstuff 2 місяці тому +3

    3:45 he was playing against Wilt. He ain’t no plumber.

  • @realcoachescorner3503
    @realcoachescorner3503 2 місяці тому +2

    Know the statements going around "they were janitors and plumbers" 🙄 why isnt the NBA more competitive now then??? For awhile we knew who was going to be in the finals and playoffs...its not like everyone in this era plays like Jordan because none of them do! When it comes to Bill Russell he is definitely Top 10 all time strictly for the numerous amounts of rings, but for me he cant be in the top 5 simply because there were a total of only 11 teams in the NBA when he played and most importantly they didnt have the 82 game season like the modern NBA has. The plumbers and janitors statement is a simple statement to dismiss anything that happend before this era which is ridiculous. Theres no NBA without legends like Bill Russell, Walt Frazier, Earl The Pearl Monroe, Oscar Roberson, Wilt Chamberlain, George Michan, Pistol Pete, Jerry West and so many countless others who played basketball at the highest level and all of the previously mentioned players would give these young kids in the league nigtmares how old their game is but how effective it is. These new school guys claim to be the most athletic ever then tell me why dont they play defense like how Jordan played defense...with same energy and effort that he had on offense...the only one who is close to that level in modern NBA is Kawhi Leonard. Dont let JJ Redicks podcast statement fool you...when you hear statements like this consider the source! What did JJ Redick to in his NBA career that vastly stands out to you as a defining player in all NBA history? Will JJ Redick even be a Hall of Famer??? He was a role player and was a bus rider not a bus driver so him talking about others champions is like when Charles Barkley tries to talk about what it takes for winning a championship then Shaq and Kenny interupt him because they actually are champions! Barkley was a legit superstar and hall of famer and you wont ever hear him talk about prior NBA players game negatively, no need to do it because they already put their stamp on it. Despite Barkley not winning he was a bus driver and took the Suns to the finals which is more than JJ Redick has ever done on any of the teams he played for combined. Oscar Roberson and Earl Monroe would D up guys like Dame and yes even Steph with defense and fundamental offense. You should really learn more about the history of the game and the structure and rules of the league and rules through the eras to see how the game has evolved. But yes Russell did have lots of rings but he also lost alot as well, his competition was his competition and at the end of the day their can only be one...he did it 13 times, he still had to go out there and hoop! Some guys today dont even have a complete toolbox of fundamentals because now everyone iust specializes in their 'skill set' which basically means that that player can only do a limited amount of things real well but in other areas may have major faults. Give me the old school "plumbers" over these soft kids any day and plumbers will have you cracking up..pun intended lol. But yes do your basketball history homework and research!

  • @tomnone2695
    @tomnone2695 2 місяці тому +3

    There is no such thing as "my goat" or a " goat of an era" goat means greatest of all time and there is only 1 goat MJ lebron can be your favorite but not the goat

  • @Bear78420
    @Bear78420 2 місяці тому +2

    MJ played magic, bird, dr J, Kareem, Drexler, Ewing, Malone/stockton, Barkley, olajawan, shaq/penny, David Robinson/tim Duncan, Kobe, Gary Payton/shawn kemp, and on and on the list goes. Plumbers my ass.

  • @darrylj9965
    @darrylj9965 2 місяці тому +4

    Jordan did not play against plummers. lol The 1984 draft was cinsiderd one of the best draft in nba hisory the 80's and 90's had many of hall of famers. it was mans man game back then. these players today are not skilled and they are soft as peanut butter sanwiches.

  • @danielduncan9618
    @danielduncan9618 Місяць тому

    Listen bro.....I got mad love that you stand by the dude who is the best you've seen. And more than that, I got mad love for the honesty. It's tough to be real in internet land. I subscribed

  • @sethbullock4193
    @sethbullock4193 2 місяці тому +5

    There is no my goat or your goat or his goat. There is only one GOAT.
    Lechoke fan boys have ruined the term GOAT.

  • @klasicktha1
    @klasicktha1 2 місяці тому +2

    🤣🤣Bron has NEVER been a pass first player at any point of his career bro!! That's one of the biggest lies they keep pushing....an example of pass first is Magic Johnson, Jason Kidd, Steve Nash and that's just to name a few what Bron is...a willing passer which is still good

  • @electric8668
    @electric8668 2 місяці тому +10

    Jordan retired due to the murder of his father. You also have to check out.....16 straight mins of Michael Jordan facts that will convince you he's the GOAT.

    • @RonStewee
      @RonStewee 2 місяці тому +1

      He retired the 2nd time because Phil Jackson was fired, and he didn't want to play for another coach. Phil went to the Lakers and won 5 more championships, which could've been MJ

    • @thebenc1537
      @thebenc1537 2 місяці тому

      Or he was forced to retire because of drug/gambling debts, the same debts that took his father's life.

    • @electric8668
      @electric8668 2 місяці тому

      @@RonStewee I'm referring to his first retirement when he went on to play baseball.

    • @RonStewee
      @RonStewee 2 місяці тому

      @thebenc1537 wow you're going there nasty work.

    • @RonStewee
      @RonStewee 2 місяці тому

      @electric8668 Correct I changed my comment 2nd time he retired

  • @rexracer7192
    @rexracer7192 4 години тому

    When people say that plumber line, I just remind them that plumbers are much tougher than ballerinas.😂

  • @34rdiaz
    @34rdiaz 2 місяці тому +5

    Yeah LeBron is a pass first but that's his choice just like scoring was MJs..but you also seen that MJ can pass..rebound ..block... play defense...and has a great post up and fade away shot..and is 83 % free throw shooter..but can LeBron do most of what MJ did with less help?..that's the difference...and to say that he played against less skilled players?..wait till you do more research on more 80's and 90's players then see if you still think the same.

  • @FakeGoatDebateReferee
    @FakeGoatDebateReferee 2 місяці тому +2

    MJ makes everyone today look like plumbers. He was so good, it's unreal he even existed

  • @34rdiaz
    @34rdiaz 2 місяці тому +16

    Brother there's nothing wrong with lebron being your goat .like you said your 25 it's understandable..but now that you've seen MJ and realize why we call him the GOAT..its cuz we've seen both and its not even close..but the majority of lebron fans when told lebron needed all those allstars and MJ only needed pippen...they'll say MJ had a superteam or he played easier competition...the worse one is when they say is that he played and old pistons team and beat them ..but the fact is the spurs who LeBron played were older..so there's that....so most of that myth that his era was easier is nowhere near the truth..but they try to convince themselves that MJ is not the GOAT just to pump up lebron..denial is a real thing..😂....(Not you )...just in general.......but again nothing wrong with lebron being your GOAT..MJ is just ours.

    • @55cleon
      @55cleon 2 місяці тому

      LeBron Has The Benefit Of A Dumbed Down Audience. The Media Purposely Inundates The Masses With "THE LEBRON PROPAGANDA". LeBron Is "GIVEN" The Moniker Of Greatest Sheerly As The NBA Protecting Its Investment.
      LeBron Is Not, Has Not Ever Been The Best Of His Era...LET ALONE OF ALL TIME 🤷🏿‍♂️.

    • @loopseeker
      @loopseeker 2 місяці тому +4

      i hate the term "my goat". there's your favorite player, and then there's THE goat. the goat is mj period, but he doesnt have to be your personal favorite. i be feeling like people 25 and under dont even know what goat means

  • @jameswynter1339
    @jameswynter1339 2 місяці тому

    When i go to footlocker i go straight to the jordan rack just like every youngster debating who the goat.

  • @andrewwhitfield1710
    @andrewwhitfield1710 2 місяці тому +3

    Never been taken to a game 7 in the finals also he played against these elite players Dominique Wilkins, magic Johnson, Clyde Drexler, Charles Barkley, Karl Malone, Hakeem Olajuwon, Larry Bird, Gary Payton, David Robinson, Patrick Ewing, Penny Hardaway, Shaquille O'neal, Allen Iverson, Kobe Bryant, Kevin Garnett, Tim Duncan, Chris Webber, Grant Hill, Reggie Miller, Shawn Kemp, Mitch Richmond, Alonzo Morning, Tim Hardaway,, Stephon Marbury, Jason Kidd, Glenn Robinson, Chris Mullins, John Stockton, to name a few and none of those guys were plumbers

    • @andrewwhitfield1710
      @andrewwhitfield1710 2 місяці тому

      I left out a lot of guys like Amare stodamire, Allan Houston, Latrell Sprewell (that was the guy with the braids in your one video) Antonio Mcdyess, Theo Ratliff Dennis Rodman Rip Hamilton Rasheed Wallace Vince Carter there was a lot of good players back then so the no competition comment is not Right at all Paul Pierce Antwan Jamison, Dan Marjle massive talent

  • @josephcasarotto2782
    @josephcasarotto2782 Місяць тому +1

    Love ur show. Jordan was That guy. People called TIGER WOODS THE MJ OF GOLF!!!!

  • @thewholefnjt
    @thewholefnjt 2 місяці тому +4

    whats up with jordan retiring and coming back? retiring and coming back?! he retired twice and came back twice. not like lebron quit the cavs to go to miami. quit miami to go back to the cavs. quit the cavs to go to LA. not like lebron flop twice, four times, eight times, ten, twenty times. lebron flopped more than enough to forever be known as LeFlop. Lebron complained. complained he dont have enough allstars around him. complained he got coaches fired. he dont take no accountability. when he wins, LeMedia always praise LeQueen. Lebron loses, LeMedia says he dont have enough help around him. Lebron good. MJ is the Unicorn Goat

  • @PowderedToastMan420
    @PowderedToastMan420 2 місяці тому +1

    Check out Jason "WHITE CHOCOLATE" Williams! He took street ball to the next level! 🤞✌️

  • @evagelosdrinis7656
    @evagelosdrinis7656 2 місяці тому +4

    Bronny Sr fans are in denial of the truth.

  • @Steve-kr4td
    @Steve-kr4td 2 місяці тому +2

    Everybody can look more skilled when the defence can't touch them. The 90s defence would kill Steph Curry before he gets started.

  • @YoungNephtheism
    @YoungNephtheism 2 місяці тому +1

    Now, imagine if Jordan played as many games as LeBron. Or better yet, imagine if LeBron only played 13 seasons. It's really obvious especially if you was alive to watch both men play. LeBron is phenomenal but Jordan is the GOAT. End of story.

  • @jlw7787
    @jlw7787 Місяць тому +1

    Lol, 0 game 7s
    Don't forget, PER GAME stats is how you measure young bruv....

  • @dimitrispapanikolaou9819
    @dimitrispapanikolaou9819 2 місяці тому +2

    Lebron isn t a pass first player, he averages the same amount of shots per game as Kobe... plus if he were a pass first player, after all these years he d be the assist leader, not the scoring leader. Anyway, MJ did way more, in way less time. Even superstars today aren t good at the fundamentals of the game, that s lacking skill, not being more skilled, because of shooting a three, but can t do a simple lay up without traveling. You can even see MJ is better, just as Kobe is better, you don t even need stats. You just know by seeing them play. Wizards MJ had moves, the Lebron can t even dream. 20 years from now, they ll say Lebron had no competition, he didn t even win the most championships in his own era.

  • @elmerfulton400
    @elmerfulton400 Місяць тому +1

    It's not in your ERA its great of ALL TIME

  • @nonenone6884
    @nonenone6884 2 місяці тому +1

    how people settle debates? they stop feeling and start thinking. what teams where there when mike played?. magic and the lakers, bird and Boston,. ewing and the new york. shaq and the magic . reggie miller and the pacers. the Bad boy"s just to name a few. stckon and malone jazz.

  • @joshuamorgan5233
    @joshuamorgan5233 27 днів тому +1

    If you haven't seen both of these player's play. You can't compare them. If you haven't watched black and white NBA film . Don't diss these dead and gone legends. Just because they aren't jumping out of the gym doesn't mean they weren't very skilled. And remember, the 70s, 80s, and 90s era would smoke weed. Some would do blow and drink like sailors. Just think if they had sports science, heath driven regiments, and weight training. And that '7"5 center you are talking about, they would have broken his big skilled ass down like a double barrel shotgun. Men played in that era. And to me the NBA is soft as fuck now. I checked the scores some nights and saw high 60s to mid 70 at halftime, and I was like, Wow. It's like watching offensive cry babies crying about every call. NBA open gym. I watched the Golden Era of basketball, and it was amazing. You seen the best defensive players ever and some of the most skilled all-around players in NBA history. If you scored over 25 points, you earned it. Everybody in the league took pride in playing defensive. Stop dissing and take a history on the NBA. You didn't even know MJ retired in his prime. But call yourself a die-hard NBA fan. It's about the same with Hip Hop. Study the game, young brother. I'm 45, we had VCR, and yall have the internet. Tight up.

  • @rage30341
    @rage30341 2 місяці тому +2

    I know I’ll be getting heat from this, but Kobe is a great player, he is only as good as MJ is because he copied a lot of his moves. Throughout the years Kobe came into his own eventually and hats off to him, but MJ was in his own league.

  • @davidyoungsr753
    @davidyoungsr753 2 місяці тому +2

    How you don't know there was no 1 and done back then? You gotta learn the history of the damn game before you comment like you know something. I never hear a cogent argument for why Lebalco passed the players with 5 rings? Yet alone how he passed MJ. Stop listening to idiots on TV.