Malcolm Turnbull - BBC HARDtalk

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024


  • @jamesjames7286
    @jamesjames7286 8 років тому +1

    Good on you Malcolm Turnbull and the Liberal Party for making Australia the lucky country, but only if you are rich!Oh and Malcolm, buddy ,mate just a word of advice, don't get old Rupert offside with you, as there has been many an Australian PM who has failed to heed this warning, and sealed their own doom!

  • @narcotect
    @narcotect 9 років тому +8

    I know its not popular to actually give credibility to a politician but I for one have waited many years for Mr Turnbull to step up and believe he has the potential to move Australia away from this period of nasty politics and move Australia back toward a Howard like era..

    • @bct8881
      @bct8881 9 років тому +5

      +narcotect " move Australia back "
      This should be the Liberal party slogan at every election.
      Abbott took us back when he reintroduced knights and dames.
      He took us back with climate policy to the Howard era when polluters did whatever they liked without consequence.
      He took us back to our racist,paranoid past by demonizing refugees for votes,all the while pretending it was to save lives at sea.
      No Liberal voter I speak to gives a shit about them.They're just happy that our navy is blocking their arrival and that they're not "stealing our jobs,raping our women,breeding like rabbits,soaking up welfare,forcing sharia law on us"etc etc.
      They even took Labor's 21st century NBN back to the 90s.
      In fact,this government's taking us so far back we'll soon be back to the point where we didn't have an auto industry.

    • @bct8881
      @bct8881 9 років тому +2

      +oh god Did your mum help you type all of that?
      Impressive =D

    • @narcotect
      @narcotect 9 років тому

      BCT you had me at hello

    • @bct8881
      @bct8881 9 років тому +1

      +narcotect Truth hurts you right wing loons like a bitch xD

    • @bct8881
      @bct8881 9 років тому +1

      +oh god "Muslim refugees"
      Well at least you're publicly owning your bigotry.
      Unlike the moronic cowards you voted for.
      You must really miss that fool Abbott.
      Don't forget to check under your bed for Muslims before you go to sleep.
      You never know =/

  • @wayne17700
    @wayne17700 6 років тому +3

    we have some surprises for this man come election

  • @jbrasco5000
    @jbrasco5000 4 роки тому

    I think there should be more respect for this man, he held the office for 9 months or something.... all Australians should be proud of that

    • @jemshadow123
      @jemshadow123 Рік тому

      he was in office for three years...

  • @Aman1nFull
    @Aman1nFull 8 років тому +1

    It's amazing how much abuse the Liberal party gets for what is essentially a fully legitimate, clear and efficient immigration policy. When will the Left finally come to their senses and understand that democracy entails the right for a people to decide over the question who gets in their country and who stays out? There is no such thing as a right to immigrate, not for an economic migrant, and not for a refugee. To be sure, wealthy (Western) states are morally obliged to assist and aid poorer countries that are currently struggling. Nevertheless, the way they do so is entirely up to those wealthy states, i.e. it is on their terms, not on terms set by the poorer countries. Imagine walking toward a group of homeless people to deliver some food and utensils and instead of them accepting your aid, they reject it and demand to be taken in to your home permanently. Is that justice? Is that even hospitality? The same applies to refugees. Indeed, they have the right to shelter and protection from harm, but they do not have the choice where this shelter or aid will be given, that is up to the country that is lending its assistance.

  • @greisleymallard1300
    @greisleymallard1300 8 років тому +1

    Malcolm I come home on the Sydney Trains in the evening! and it makes me sick as an Australian to see all those poor homeless people!Your party is just truly evil! And you are just a real slick Tony Abbott. And I myself don't want to be in an Australia where the people who boast Australia to be the lucky country are the super rich!

  • @Grudlin74
    @Grudlin74 9 років тому

    very interesting this video was released on the same day as Malcolm's leadership challenge.

    • @Jason987262
      @Jason987262 9 років тому

      +Grudlin74 I think some people knew what was coming. Hardtalk introducing the new Aussie pm.

  • @abe6437
    @abe6437 8 років тому

    P.M's are voted in by the Australian people!!
    How were you elected Malcolm??

  • @sidheshpatil7120
    @sidheshpatil7120 4 роки тому

    What level of involvement did Australia have in supporting the efforts of US & British forces in Iraq during the Tony Blair regime, bearing in mind the findings of Chilcott Inquiry?

  • @wayne17700
    @wayne17700 6 років тому +1

    I got some news for mal the deficit has tripled since you got in

  • @davidgoat6730
    @davidgoat6730 5 років тому +1

    recent growth driven largely by population growth and yes that includes immigration.

  • @dontfeedthecode
    @dontfeedthecode 9 років тому

    We have a prime minister that believes the internet should remain free, am I fucking dreaming??

  • @DancingDi
    @DancingDi 8 років тому

    Can't believe he is blaming Rudd for the Manus Island problems. You have had two years to do something about Manus !! Rudd was wrong but you had the power to do something for two years. !!
    Generous humanitarian intake ??? You cut it . !!!!

  • @santyjoseph3158
    @santyjoseph3158 4 роки тому


  • @stranger777
    @stranger777 8 років тому

    He wants to give CBA and ANZ a tax cut but nothing to those who need it?
    What a con man. And you all thought he'd sway a little left.

    • @terrythekittie
      @terrythekittie 8 років тому +1

      A lot of people put their trust in him and he has failed them. He will be punished severely at the ballot box, the two faced bastard.

  • @nihilist4184
    @nihilist4184 6 років тому

    I have Asian friends who tell me the reason why Chinese have so much money is because back in 2004 the communist govt gave a wife and husband one unit each and thus one could be rented out as a property investment and since then housing prices in china have risen around 40 times whereas in Australia it’s only been 4 times thus through no intelligence of their own just because they were lucky to have a communist govt that gave to the poor and even the rich all Chinese these days after 2004 have too much money which is why they have bought the local councils and own them now and can carry out laws under what the Chinese seem fit it’s all unfair. I mean I could live under a communist regime too and say the govt was great if they were giving me and my gf a unit who wouldn’t? Only the rich like Turnbull may not be happy because they can’t enjoy seeing others economic poor misery anymore. I would say Turnbull was doing great too if he gave us a home each too and it rose 40 times in over 10 years instead of 4 times too. Its just unfair unequal distribution of wealth and they are buying things like karaoke where Australians cant enter without buying a 100 $ bottle of wine, they keep Australians out of our own country now by buying it and fencing it off. You bet I’m pissed off any Australian should be unless they are progressive feminists with heads in the sand just supporting any minorities like Muslims and chanting “allah akbar” in feminist meetings whilst ignoring their rape culture they are blaming white men for in giving them compliments saying they are sex harassment because they know they would ever get away with it from Lebanese or Asians. Anyway local councils only seem to cater for Asians now with all their dancing and leisure activities for social groups and to hell with Caucasians now.

  • @stevenmonash624
    @stevenmonash624 9 років тому

    The rightist Abbott govt has now a new PM in Malcolm Turnbull; however, a leader does not change if the team is largely divided from center right to the extreme right. We in this so-called lucky country have developed a working poor like never before. The gap between the one percent and the rest is a cavernous one that will take decades to recover and traverse once more. Wages are frozen... employment largely casual, relief or part time, and employers empowered like never before. It is an elitist driven society.. led by a media who have been instrumental in the dispatching of five PM's in as many years. The Murdoch ran press and its bias towards the neo-conservatives, the mining magnates and big business have used the courts and royal commissions, hence tax payers money to exact revenge on their political opponents and dismantle unions. Essentially, they have acted like a totalitarian govt to stymie free speech, and regulate power from the center, from Canberra. Australia is a wealthy country which is well on the way to destroying the social fabric of society, that is creating a class warfare, and a working poor, under the guise of small l liberalism, a euphemism for doing nothing. There is no vision .. from a govt that came into power by default, or courtesy of a biased media with wafer thin policies and now make policy on the run. A new PM whose personal wealth is two hundred million - whose own house is fifty million, has won his coveted prize of PM, and is so out of touch with ordinary folk, that at 60, does not inspire a great deal of hope.

  • @DancingDi
    @DancingDi 8 років тому +1

    So this wasbefore he knifed Abbott . ?? This is painful. Hahaha!! Lost count of the cliches 4 mins in . Hahaha!!

  • @Jonius
    @Jonius 4 роки тому

    11:25 Ah, our current PM gets a mention

  • @81forever50
    @81forever50 7 років тому

    Robert hill aid to civil power. 2005 police act special constable two seconds.

  • @81forever50
    @81forever50 7 років тому

    You coming for me with those fairys.

  • @brettbrett9973
    @brettbrett9973 Рік тому

    Didn't Turnball topple Abbot ? lol

    • @jemshadow123
      @jemshadow123 Рік тому

      well yes...and then Turnbull was himself toppled..again

  • @tuber00009
    @tuber00009 9 років тому

    Turnbull fronted an unashamedly, exclusively left organisation. Just because Australia isn't steeped in UK-esque political correctness...

    • @tuber00009
      @tuber00009 9 років тому +1


  • @dougcarter454
    @dougcarter454 5 років тому

    The X Aussie pm is GONE.. why waste time on the most useless one since McMahon ?

  • @trifftone3646
    @trifftone3646 9 років тому +2

    So teflon turnbull is giving 60 million to the homeless...Almost as much as he's house is worth. Yes you have worked hard malcolm, lawyer for packer, goldman saks moneybag man, Cayman Islands tax rorter...You are one generous piece of work. Maybe you can give up one of your 50 bedrooms to someone in need...Nahhh, only joking.

  • @heraportiataite8625
    @heraportiataite8625 8 років тому +1

    Tony Abbot is a Strong leader. Turnbull is a Weakling along with the Ayatollah Bishop.

  • @ddtking7630
    @ddtking7630 3 роки тому

    Turnbull is a businessman after money, no dispute on this point is there? So the point where he started talking about morality I started laughing but at the same time feeling sorry for this devious clown who spent so much money to replace his prime minister so he can call his own shots .... typical politician at work

  • @DancingDi
    @DancingDi 8 років тому +1

    I think I have to stop watching this crap, I can't afford a new computer.